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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Saturday, June 8th, 1912 1 A G 80ctat anv prsowa Listen SPECIALS er atan Peon woul Our Very Best rrom Owen Sound, Ont. I Es t te B: oe - resent. Dail Ave and make the foot Additional Prizes Donated Fajen bone say came) Cl Buys Rea Sta e argains ot the Weekly co look neat and trim. for the Medicine Hat jon thls moran No extra charge. They ore comfort Fall Fair. vertisors. shoes . The Medicine Hat Agricultural Feo Eee eesti exe HU ECDs Tees es Modern Brick House on Fewings Street, Block 28, Lots 22-26, 865 pair. Block 2, Lots 23-24, 525 pair. 600 DOWN VOL. 2, NO 2 clety acknowledge with thanks the following special prizes for the Fall gy g. Gray wis in town yesterday a tom a Somnrston. - aa a jarshall, for some number to Block 7, Lot 4, 800. T ildi: Cae ae a5 Sin one Fives otal CRE Ghoive Building Lots in High School Annex. Senat ee eae ae 750 THE PAIR Alberta Realty and Brokerage Co., aw vals SOUTH YUILL 4 for some number to be determined ta- F: J: Grant is (u town from Walsh. ate / a . Allan B. Cooper returned to the Block T, Lots 18-19, 1160.00. Arthur McDonald, for best Hackney a city y er spendl fe a Bk * , shown in harness, 10.00 See. Beye tere OOK: 5, Late, 12;18, 1850.00. . 50 ft. Business Site, Toronto Street. : : CENTRAL PARK, New Feature BRAZIL-THOMAS Block 9, Lots:37-38, 790 pair. A s N A P the Pe f e lt; 1 Block 20, Lots 47-50, 950 pair. ii We a e g Auto Upset A pretty wedi one of the nicest Block 25, Lota 9-10, 850 pair, See us about this. ; league, of the local June 1912 events, was f Block 18, Lots 27-28, 785 cash. 4 that of C, Brazil. the City Electrician, gt; 5 3 Es Car Coming in from Red- B on Wednesiay was united in BENDING.- Money to Loan on City Residences and Improved Chicago, Ills., Jt SHOES SHO. So: a marriage to Miss Mildred Thomas. Block 24, south half, 200 each, FR; dard of Senator AL mersault. The ceremony took place at the resi- Fine level lots in Powell in arms, ae Loma tae ean xfords have just arrived and New Spring Oxfo: ej Sir, W. J, Lockwood met with a baa eBee of the brile' parents, 218 Bast block oF half blocks near the dentines wan ates ar in stock. Mr, W. J. Loc Rev, JW. if See accident last evening when autoing in salmorat St, Re. J. W. Morrow of) Ogiivie Mills. See us about these colleague Senator All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and from Redelift to the city, It seems lating. : E : : patents, in lace and button styles. thar tne brake sotunea terwork ce'ne A W- Thomas, trother of the gride, e Dugga n Dugga n who arrived from 1 Headquarters in Bave the bride away. She was as- These shoes are the production of the URE. ff ss on the non Bi aud that coming sisted by tins Adu Thomas, waile HAMILTON FINANCIAL BROKERS. Roosevelt are loca GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes: f/ 0 7, St MEH rate of speed control Me. Duffield avistet the soon The HEMEON Fourth Avenue. : : : :- Phone 527. Rrra arene R ride was beautityiy gow ho lub of hi ome early Before the nobby ones are alt Brest cat tue basta ure very tec, MO a8 carll ite roma The of the campalet e : ae The car swung from the left to the U2s sooaeen were: th : rettutenea Oe the week they expec Sera tusnts conte thied ae Oe iis week Daye right hand side and plunged down in- . dish fi th eI s compl toma. ockwont eebonn open. The room ci steaten Ie alta to de DUBLIN CASTLE RECORD : Barker Patten c2 . lt;crs after the ceremony the young cov- BtWeen Calgary and Winnlpes. are GIVES PRISONER LIBERTY jot whom was quite seriously injured.) 1h toe a trip to the coast. made up entirely of sleeper coaches beautiful cut yond the Mississi charge. They will fealty to the senate fore leaving for W. or Kenyon said: : A having his collar bone and several ribs and no passengers will be carried, High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. fractured, He was taken to the Gen- eens Clason Ore The Women s Auxiliary of St. Bar- Minister of Justice and Judge Denton Accept. Proof Friends of Sena eral Hospital. The others sesnvet nabas church will hold a sale of home That Charles Hodgins Was Not Guilty of C; al lieve the rank and with a few bruises, Outside of amash- mee cooking at the home of Mrs. McNeil, rimin: li are tire Se ge Comite i tase Mauumorat: oe (Tuenday. atteraooe, Charge. satLoveay and ing one wheel the car is not damag- Sata acca habeas Owarraket IMPORTANT ADDITION TO WORK 119 2 great extent sittin piace of caver oil and now J0M 1th, 158 reeti sss 1 and essa Tousen cdencl ay a Ssny x OF THE ALBERTA UNIVERSITY): sient occurred is just as dan- 18 no more oll 1 could not do Dublin Castle, said to be the most of Dublin Castle - would show that fi for au- ices se sistant ened r be derful. Whenever baby is feverish 1 somplete in the world, as regards vi1 the complaidant was over twenty- ond. tal statistics, have just been drawn YCa' Of age and that, therefore, she pee a A z 3 widened. Mr. L: Y. Birnie recently give him the Tablets and the fever rnin : Department of Extension Will Supply Information of upset over the same bank with five Soon disappears. I always keep them a g upon by friends of Charles Hodgins Goat Aree anes ee controversy and tir litics. We presen who can unite the MEDICINE THE i i a in the house and recommend them to : 5 u ee ee eae ei, oe eae Se ine ot Ga ean smi a Te ee not gripe. They sre easy to take and To the Pi ublic tral Prison, where he was sent by Castle for the records of the birth of Judge Wenton-on sentence day of the March Sessions to serve a term of fifteen months. Hodgins di was ordered by the Ministet of Justice after satisfactory proof the Willis girl. The result of the in- quiry was the discharge of Hodgins, who is twenty-eight years of age, a a former employee of a civic depart- ment. Hodgins was a former resi are sold by LITTLE DOROTHY WH joss ty un ae NOT GO TO SCHOOL sctsse'es, oan Ome Mr. A. E. Ottewell, B.A., seore-ing elubs and mutual improvement tary vi extension in comnection with societies of various sorts that owing the University of Alberta, spent yes- to the difficulty of obtaining accur-) * Here is a chance-to- terday inthe city. He reports very ate and authentic information on vac NEW HARDWARE STORE double your money lin the shape of the Irish record was dent of the south of Ireland, where satisfactory progress in the work ofjavestion: .... interest, their/Told Magistrate so When fd your money within 30 /presented to Judge Denton and Mr. the Willis girl also feraisig estded. the principal institution of higher elforts were perforce confined to a) DParents- Appear in the ne Central Alrta Realty Com- days. Buy now in Al- B H- Greer, County Crown Attor- Mrs. Willis, mother of the complain. wo good deals re- ney, who prosecuted at tho sittings. ant, is not satisfied with the outeome, learning. From an attendance of very limited range of timeworn and Qoyrt, Dap put EGA thirty-three four years ago the en- hackneyed subjects. The university eee One wil another new A sure money Hodgins was charged with-the sedue of the prosecution, and has appealed rolment this year exceeded one hun- through its library connections has Ww. Fielding and H. Ballyk were hardware store on the corner of Co- maker. tion of Martha Willis. lto Staft InspectofiGeorge Kennedy gt; dred and eighty with an increase of exceptional opportunities for gath-fenen timed 3 Tor being drunk and in- Tumbia Ave. The conviction of Hodgins was to hate-the case reopened. The Staff stafl from seven to fifteen. For the ering and tabulating such informa- capable, but it required a witness for Metzer of Moos: Jaw, was the pur- Block 6 .... 500 each. fepade upon the statement of Martha Inspector admitted last night. that L session of 1912-13 it is confidently tion, and the intention of the Ex-jto prove the charge against Ballyk, chaser. The other deal was the Block 3 600 each. . /wiltis in Court that she was not of Hodgins had been discharged on the ite he ae excellent Toeation fc no Teason why Med not be the big man the middle west. rence P. MacBride, a well known To firm, who spent a1 on Saturday evenin, Manufacturers, very short time mu in the west, to c wants, and the pro would recognize th CHURCH expected that well over three hun- tension Department staff is to com-jand the extra cost of 75 cents was Smeltzer 210 acres for a price near dred students will be in attendance, Pile from its wide magazine ex- levied. 150 an acre which went to a Cal- and twenty-five professors and in- change and other sources a circulat- J, Zimmerman of Seven Persons, gary syndicate of which Mr. Bell is structors will be employed. Several ing pamphfet library by means of Was represented by Mr. Davidson in connected. new lines of work are being taken up Which its facilities for acquiring in- MSWer to the charge of holding back - notably mining, engineering and edu- formation. will be placed at the set- Wases due to H. Hockett, who was SUCC 5 , ai, i i engaged by immerman to work for cation. A progressive building pro- Vice of the general public. nt a t sful stu- ramme is under way and 4 In addition press bulletins will be tm at. 35 a month. en pay day Among the names of successful st perieed o rueed bie sin ee came the accused refused to pay the dents of Medicine Hat are those of dormitory building will be ready. for issued Periodically to the newspap- s05 but was willing to pay 30, the Miss:Arlatta icNeely and Miss Mable ae eee term.: A aoe eras ee atte upon) amount he said the verbal contract Cory. Miss cNeely passed her 3rd ning gymmasium are ing topics live terest. neWSsPap- called for. year exam in the University of To- built and first class playing fields/er men who have been approached Hockett produced evidence that def- ronto. Miss Corey received first hon- being put in ae There will. be have ponies their cordial sympathy initely proved to the Magistrate thejors in the Toronto schoo? of expres- next year residential accommodation with the work and have promised facts of the plaintiff's contention. An sion, for one hundred and fifty students. hearty co-operation. A special bul-lorder was given for accused to. -pay The new science building is also /letin will be issued shortly explain- 35. and costs, . (SUNDAY s BAND CONCERT being got under way and it will e ing the details of the organization. Mr, and Mrs. Reidlinger were 3 Possible for applied science men in Mr. Ottewoll left last. night for brought into court:today because their The following programme has teen Practically every department to com- Lethbridge and other points south, auehter Dorothy refused to attend prepared by the band for the regular plete their entire courses with all after visiting whith he will return-to School. Magistrate Kealy asked Dor- weekly concert in the Park tomor- the most up-to-date Inboratory and Edmonton to peep lete the organiza- thy why. ehe was not at school on /row evening: the full age of twenty-one years. Her presentation of the Dublin Castle re- evider rroborated by theleord, but declined to discuss the in- mother, who also appeared in court tention of the Crown in regard to the tor the Crown. All through the tri- case. Block 7 .... 500 eacl Block 8 .... 500 each. Block 4. : 450 each, This Bronte is only 3 minutes walk from the post office. Donald Currie Eoom 1, Becker Block. FUL HAT STUDENTS MAKES A HIT. Every Time. MOTHER S BREAD. Look for the Label. Phone 256. Tassie Bros. We Want Listings and have good buys in any part of the: city. strop equipment without leaving Al- tiom work. Friday. She boldly replied, Twill now March, United Empire, Hughes. / . x berta to do it as they have b en - 80 to school in this town. The Mag- Waltz, Waves of the Danube, Iv- . ae St Bariabaa-Ates, Jone sles lst he nas pe e ee MCKINNON S.. The-Department of Extension of First Sunday after Trinity celebration Rindge to Sti) daugntar dad east Aeh. Spanish serenade, Amita, Allen. The Opinion E Which Mr. Ottewell is secretary is of Holy Communion, 30 a. m.:, er he or his wife were to personally Moreau, A Summer Dream, Ministers being organized to meet a felt need, morming prayer, 11 a, m.; evensons. nyt sce Doral ta nent ey Hans Flath F. B, MeKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and Brees It has heen the experience of debat- 7-20 p. m. Sunday school 3 p. m. she remains there during scoot Valse D'Amour, Beanty's Dream, patrons for thelr generous patronage during the past seven, years day in whieh he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurance of continuation of that service and quality which has ulways been hours, or bear the penalty which is a Keith. 23 Reasonable Prices. terete fine for each day that the girl March, De Molay, Hall. HORSE AUCTION : eter ec EDWARD BROWN HORSE AUCTION National anth; associated with this store. 500 Thirty- Fi COMMITTEE F FOR a pasa B. McKINNON je y-Five Hundred Head Horses 3,500 g Died, on June 7th, 1912, Jean Pres- lt;2 gt; gt; J Watch for further. Annouigemnts wee At Miles City, Montana, June 24, 25, 26 and 57,1912 LABOR DAY. SPORTS Bee acu cee cee PIANO- TUNING SYR RE The Biggest Range Horse Sales on the Earth. jand 11 months, Funeral, Sunday, VOICING and REGULATING being crowded. Th Edmonton, Alta. delegates to the Pr al Assembly preach pits of this city to which were thrown 3 2.20 If you need horses of any kind don't fall to be here on these Getting Busy Arra Arranging for LOE NT eo ya Miiion Seeetmeaniten cone AUCaiGk: ce seateenetasen al Peintolntn anunibex: OF His: ser dates, All classes to select from. We will have more than we ad- A Gala Day in The Hat)... the lowest charge consistent with blem: whieh confront Yertise. There will he more fat horses here than you ever saw In on the Holiday, Sl Saah best workmanship. the new provinees 0 one bunch before. We will have plenty of twelve to fifteen hundred The Woman's Missionary Society of. ate aes: H U N T L E Y - -eondition-without Pound horses. We will have more than 500 Broke Horses, We will The Labor Day Sports committ st. John s Presbyterian church will be rina ee A eres Main 6 history of the hare Saddles, Drivers, Drafters, and Pontes. We will also have met last night and have got down tolct home in tern tegen or ihe eee Chureh union was : pemmIins and, Two-Xear-Qlds.. We absolutely guarantee our buyers work on the Labor Day spotts pre- chureh Monday eventne te welcome solution of the diffi the theme of one or At four o clock in the delegates, cleric ered in the First Cl bration of the F There was no sermc A devotional prelu as many. We will expect you. Write or wire us. celebration will eclipse all previou8 nnq -refreshments, A welcome. A cB. es than 3,000 head. Can you go anywhere else on earth and see parations. It is expected this years pr. Jesse MacBeon a progtamnic Money Makers GRAM, Manager, celebrations. Mr. James Thompson sijyor collection will be taken, was selected as chairman and W. F. ememmmmnns (Greaves will act in the capacity of An English Chemist Has tary. *, eines Discovered How to BISCUITS PALMER : t PRS) Grow Hair. SOUTH YUILL. We have just placed in stock a large assort- is z : 50 t, oh Columbia Ave. CARPENTERS STRONG Im Hagland the iadlies have atirety 1006-- 0 ft os Columbia Av i ets ae famous buscuits, including Which is di 1100 Lot 18, Block T. in : x WARDWAREY ON FEDERATION 2ziresrc tis new cscmery. 0s0 tot omc m ae Tt has been proven that Henna 1500 tot 20 eee DIGESTIVE. DINNER Bae oe i Yy wal Gens Representative ites conn tee erode dail F git00 Let 16, Boke ee Il PHILIPPINE BRAZIL Za 0 Convention at Leth- will positively grow hair. 500 for lot 1, Sea ahaa There ate many kinds, some good, sorfie otherwise. bridge Next Week. conte ee eer pe areal eae tiae os Peeaeeon Cow IIe ACORN FOLKESTONE A tefrigerator that will Keep Doig, fish; milk mat- Pore Americans are now placing on wimbla Ave, lots 11 and 12, SAVOY SHORTBREAD ny yehes and butter for 48 hours in the sgyne foot cham. Jpentora rant s nesting of the Carling market a preparation containng sg00 lt;Tot D, Block 15, corner. t MACAROONS ARROWROOT + enters mr was ri i ALA ber without taint or odor is one of th best. pointed delegate ie the Ore ee te extract trom Henne see eae COUSINS AND SISSONS, + SHREWSBURG Li Miss-Vera Fler THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR meeting of the Alberta Federation The preparation s called SALVIA; L0U: pair, Holy 1-80; Block: x Miss Jean Niel jot Tahor to be held in Lethbridge and is being sold with a guarantee to Miss Ethel Lal is the only ohe which will do this, and therefore the best to - bal 8. half block 22. , Kk 14 buy. See it at our Store. next F Delegates will also cure Dandruff and to grow. balr ii eat Pee tea ee pik s. ee Screen Doors and Windows, etc, attend from the local Trades an La- abundance. Being daintly parfumed, 660 pair in is Miss Marjorie z ee land the. Typo azsobical SALVIA kes -s maa sieassak nite 200 pair, Lote-7-10,-Hisek 4 . Mey WS iecier Ireia nd Co. Miss Margaret ion, and probably other loeal bo- dressing. ingle, your druggist, 1s a /dies, the first to Import this preparation FB. ouch, Phm.B. Main Street. Phone 54. Cut this cor into Medicine Hat, and a large gener- se wish to. vote an Subscribe now for The Dafly News.'ous bottle can be purchased for 50c. prt BIORE, SOROR TO pee feslnforbeloloinlnlebilelelatelatetet rfeloleieteinleke eae sa ete
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Image 976 (1912-06-08), from microfilm reel 976, (CU1295907). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.