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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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e Mth, 1912 School, ; Street. in be shown that an not made in that procurable in Hun- te-quality and at a re - Sedtoateatestee to procure to continue t this fall) f Jewellery, uction Sale Latestest ree Ye so-afoate-otoatecg everything octet ne Seatoateatee, oh Pasta te te tectest stostestoatestocke ste 1e otherwise. hh, milk mat- e foot cham- est. TOR fore the best to 685,11, icine Hat seven years begs to state carried on as a or the company assurance of a s always been lt;INNON Present Dally Average 1666 Coples. of the Weekly No extra charg vertisers. gountry circulation, VOL. 2, NO 287 lt;i .s, Advertisers in Daily get the benefit Books qpen to ad- ae MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA the freight smash at Napoleon, Winnipeg, Man., June 15. Owing to Ont ithound trains of the Canadian Pac- . SATURDAY. JUNE. 15, FIGHT TO THE END? Gravity of the Situation Sends Roosevelt Hurrying Across the Country to Chicago Number 1, Imperial tied due last with the second section twenty minu- evening arived at 14 Kfhis afternoon . cago only a few hours away, has maintained since leaving stated-his determination his opponents to the end. (CW, A P Dispatch.) here at 8 o'clock this morning, Roosevelt hour behind his schedule. (W. ALP. Beatrice, Neb. June 15 Late news from the scene of last night's tornado in Cago and Lancaster coun- ties show that at least one-life and probably two were lost. Mrs. John Ideus was instantly killed near Adams when her house was blown down, Her daughter was fatally injured, The Toledo, Ohio, June 15. With Chi- Col. Roosevelt broke the silence which he New York and just before he reached To- Cleveland, Ohio, June 15 Arriving Col. departed for Chicago an He will Nebraska Tornado Blows Down Houses One Killed One Injured are Causalties so Far Repor- ted Many Buildings are Ruined. 2 Scenes of Disorder Follow the Meeting of jravinciii uit When Roosevelt s Texas Delegation Was Questioned by th (W. A. P. Dispatch.) hardly reach that city at four o'clock this afternoon as anticipated. The train was unable to make up the time lost last night when the engine struck a boulder on the track near Tarry- (W. A. P. Dispaten.) Chicago, June 15. The imminent arrival in Chicago of Col. Roosevelt today overshadowed all other prelim- inariss to next week's Republican Ni tional Convention, Throughout the . Dispatch.) dwelling house of Emil Keller near Hallman was destroyed but the family escaped uninjured. The storm tray- elled southeast from that point, blow- ing down barns and outbuildings. Southeast to Courtland many barns and outbuildings were levelled, and telegraph and: telephone wires were blown down. ENCELUENT PROGRAM FOR TITANIC BENEFIT CONCERT Band Master Shunk Has C .for To-morrow Night s Church Choirs and Ministers to Take Part. The arrangements for the Titanic Musicians Benefit Band Concert, to be held tomorrow . evening in the Park, are complete. Bandmaster Shunk has prepared an excellent pro- gramme and hag a large number of copies printed. The united chorus of the city churches and the different ministers have entered into the ar- rangements heartily and besides the musical programme, addresses will be given by the different clerics. Sealed boxes will be placed at each gate and after the concert these will be taken to the city hall and on Mon- day the City Clerk and City Treasurer will open them and count the money, and a statement of the amount will ompleted all Arrangements Concert in City Park Opening Music by 21st Alberta Hus- sars, band under leadership of Band- master Shunk, Doxology Band and United Chorus. Address Rev. Mp,'Morrow. Music Th Band, Address Rey. Mr. Davis. Address R y. Mr, Hench. Nearer My God to Thee Band nour; for the arrival of the Roosevelt Ee day discussion of the former Presi dent s sudden trip from Oyster Bay to Chicago held the foreground to the practical exclusion of nearly every other pre-convention activity. As the citement in many quarters became in- was scheduled to enter LaSalle Sta- ition, hundreds of people had gathered Yantage ground until they had seen Col. Roosevelt. In the waiting crowd there Were many delegates to the con: vention. The entire Republican. convention velt from the moment he alights from strategy and the powers of the Taft forces. To win the nomination Col. Roose- velt either must break heavily into the Taft ranks as they appear near the settlement of the last of the dele- gation contested by the National Committee or else win the support of the La Follette and Cummings dele- gates, or both, His followers are en- tuusiastic in their belfef that he and they, together can sweep the conven- tion. Everything appertaining to the con- vention on the Roosevelt side from the election of temporary chairman to the final struggle for control will be Roosevelt himself from this time on. Roosevelt leaders said that it was come today, inally as; Taft supporters, but who are gj regarded as possible supporters for the Roosevelt side, A majority of these, came from the south, Chicago, Ill, June 15. Bight dele- gates at large from Texas were trans- ferred from the Contested to the Taft column by the Republican National Committee. today, following a hearing of contest filed by Taft forces against the Roosevelt delegates at large was defeated, demands fo ra roll call. be- ing refused. The decision on this contest was followed by a scene of tes late. the Vancouver express at 16.30. track has been repaired: ading through the city this morning, five-hundred members-of the tinited saennsnann s train came near, the interest and ex-/Commercial Travellers eft here by MARRIAGE CASE special train for Last Mountairi Lake. tense. They will board the A number of hours before the train Appelle at Regina beach and take a trip up the lake, remained in town to omplete busi- at that point, determined to hold their ness and elect new officers. struggle will centre about Col. Roose- has been dismissed from the and three others deprived of his train here late this afternoon. It vacation for breaking into the wine will be his power of political manip- cellar and consuming UgWoF during ulation matched against the wits, the the recent conflagration eau Frontenac. LIVE OP 10 Unionist Candidates in Bad directly under the supervision of Col- torm newspapers that the tendency recently shown by several unionists candidates to place prinelpally to have his personal advicel tari? reform in the bagkground or j t first hand that they urged him to fe Also it is planned to ence altogether, is have him get in personal touch with notea and it is tay-dete the delegates who have counted nom- confederates that if-this even to repudiate Imperidi prefer - being Garefully ed by is per- their own who will live up:to-the full policy. wa B Diwwtcn) 4 GUARDS WITH RIFLES Death List in New Jersey The western xpress due at 1.30 today will arrive at 15.15 and The TRAVELLERS MEETING. W, A. P, Dispatch.) Regina, Sask,, June 18 Atter par- mer Qu- The Grand Officers FIREMEN GOT BOOZE. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Quebec, Que., June 15. One fireman force their 3 the Chat- ee FULL PIC Re Tariff Reform, (W. A. P. Dispatch.) London, June 15. Certain tariff re- today) announced jsted in they will run candidates of GUARDING FACTOR'ES Strike Started at Three Gattling Guns Used. (W..A. P. Dispatch.) Perthambay, N. J,, June 15- Guards 1912 DINNE (W. A. P. Dispatch.) London, June 15. Lord Strathcona and Hon. Geo. E. Foster attended the colonial secretary's official dinner in honor of the King George's birthday last night. EARL GREY TO SOUTH AFRICA (W, A. P. Dispatch.) London, June 15. Earl Grey and daughters sail for South Africa today to dedicate the Rhodes memorial at Capt Town. JUDGEMENT IN GIVEN MONDAY Supreme Court Hands Out a Number of Decisions in Cases. (W. A, P. Dispatch.) Ottawa, Ont.,. June 15. Judgment was not given in the supreme court yesterday in the government test ma: riage case as expected. When the court met at eleven: o'clock to give judgment ona number of appeals, heard at the spring session, Sir Char- les- Fitzpatrick stated that the judg: ment in reference to the marriage case would be given Monday. The judgment was delivered as follows: Anglo-American Fire Insurance Company vs, Morton,.on equal divis- fon of opinion, appeal stands dismiss- ed without costs. : Odell vs. Gregory on settlement be gt; tween both parties out of court, an order was made according to terms, of settlement, 4 Morgan vs. Avenue Realty Co. ap- peal allowed, with costs-in supreme court and court of appeals at the judgment of the superior court, was restored. vs, David, appeal dismissed. with Kaiserhoft Hotel Company vs. Seu- der, appeal dismissed with costs, Thtee Rivers Hlection Bureau vs. Norton, appeal dismissed with costs, ormand vs. Bureau, dismissed with costs, Maskinonge Election case, Belle- ed with costs, S olette Election case, Lemarche vs. Trudel, appeal dismissed with costs. Champlain Election case, appeal dismissed with costs, Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co. vs. Purcell, appeal dismissed with costs. Nicolette Blection case, motion to transmit record dismissed without MEDICINE HAT NEWS Preparing DAILY EDITION W. A. P. AND C. A. P, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICR PRICE, FIVE CENTS ire - Works Display Prof. Hands Assistant, Mr. Bowden here from Hamil. me, said Dr, J, H. Rivers, warden of the provincial News last evening. ware vs. Hawthorne, appeat dtsmiss- rns onty expert intheinsanits- line that has visited the penitentiary since there, asylum, and that Weeks ago, while I was in the east on. a trip. at that time, and through the ness of some friends in the city was taken to the pen. for the purpose of making a general inspection of that other prison to allow casual ton Will Give us Something Good Big Adver - tising Campaign Being Carried On. When scen this morning A: F. Bin- ning, chairman of the Sports. Com- mittee, said that Professor Hands, expert, has arrived in the clty and is now busy preparing the big fireworks display for the First of July celebra- tion. Mr. Bowden, the expert in charge of the display, and whom has been with Professor Hand for the last 22 years, assures the committee that we will have a most beautiful display, one that should bring visitors from miles to see, Mr. Binning said our celebration should certainly be a big success. Ey- ery citizen is-most heartily co-operat- ing with the committee to make this a big day. We are advertising in all local papers to, Swift Current in the east, Taber on the south and Barons on the west. We are also billing all these towns. with large posters and reports are now coming in from nelgh- boring. towns advising us of large crowds visiting our big celebration. The citizens of this city will see the greatest crowd of Visitors in Medi- cine Hat that we have ever witnessed before, and the committee are putting forth every effort to make our big - - celebration as such that all our vi itors of this year will come next year to see a still greater celebratioit. Mr. Binning has received adv from Robert Herrick, secretary of the Electrical Union of the city, stating that the electriclans had passed a res- olution at a recent meeting granting their services gratis to the celebra- tlon committee to carry out the dec- oration of the city streets and city hall, ete., for the First of July cele- bration. The celebration committee certain- ly appreciate this kind act of the boys and the citizens will be justly prowd- of the decorations which the Electric- jans will carry out. The fire works display on July 1st will be an excellent one, the News was shown a rough draft of a few ot the scenes, Two of them are ex- cellent ones, and most appropriate for the day, One is of King George, and the other is the coat of arms of Medicine Hat, with the Beaver in the centre of the Maple Leaf, SHERIFF IS AT SEA ABOUT THE HANGING Carlson is Supposed to be Shuffled off Next Wednesday But so Far Ottawa Has Loca Authorities, Issued. ng TnaieyeHon-+9 the- Re Rispin, Canada Trust Company, 7 sf a ment that Fred Carlson, condemned to costs, b be hanged on next Wednesday morn- ing, June 19, has been examined al to his sanity. by a number of experts and pronounced sane, which was. publish- ed yesterday evening, is all news to penitentiary to the Carlson has been confined continued Warden Rivers, was the head of the Ponoka insane was a-couple of He was a visitor to the city kind- lace, and I am sire that he did not even see Carlson at that time, as it is not the rule of this prison or any isitors to inspect any of the prisoners and Chorus, disorder outside the committee room, . conta) Address Rev. Mr. McDonald. where the ot eovaeat in, SPeatas (Hees havea complain Migetiddcomse Haden in tively guarded the factories here by zs Music Bana. pundred Tart mien miingted with mbat F iaborars, tha conch transmit record;- lamissed without Address Rev. Mr. Holman. ag and groans by: the: Rooaevelt Kap tively aulet thittmnere se (costs: Abide With Me. Band and Chor-j porters. The rae ist aca cna us, Although clashes between the WEDDING ON - SOCIALIST LINES Taq not mnow National Anthem. The public are requested to join in guards and strikers wer frequent son endeavoring to'secure a reprieve, thing about Carl- the singing except for a few verses. The fourth of Nearer My God to Thee, and the fourth of Abide With Me, which the chorus will sing in union only, be published in Monday evening s News. : The money will then be turned ov- er to Mayor Spencer and he will for- 19 YEARS ADDED that the authorities have abandoned the idea of calling the State Militia yesterday and last night, rifles and gattling guns have proven so potent unless there is a marked change for * . (Special to the News) and if any such action was being tak- of Carlson, notwithstanding that awaiting instructions from Ottawa, and until these have been received by him nothing will be done, as. far as I smow. These, however, may reach Lethbridge today or tomorrow, and if So-we will still have plenty of time to.carry out the mandate of the law. The only two men. who have had any- and who should know everything that is going on, are: Sheriff Young and myself, apd both of us deny emphat- ically that any insanity expert or ex- perts have visited Carlson at any time since he has been under my charge as warden, or under the charge of the death watch, which Ys employ- ed by the sheriff and Who are: ac- countable to him. - Carlson was convicted of murder- at his trial at Red Deer in April he was sentenced .to pay the extreme penalty for his crime on the scaffold at the Lethbridge penitentiary by Mr. Justice Scott, The execution of Carlson. will be ward it on to England for distribu- tion. The programme: Chorus are reserved in the circle around the grand stand. TUL DOA WORLD OF Such is the Remark Heard ing Farmers are Shouting with Joy at the Heavy Precipitation. A young farmer was heard to re- mark that he was going to pray for rain. It you ever prayed for anything and got ft, you'd drown yourself, re- marked a companion. His words were only too true, in a sense, that is, if the fellow kept his word about praying. For the rain came, and the young farmer drowned himself, that is, figurately speaking. It wasn't the fright from his pray- er being answered, as his companton s pe ee ee COUPON NO. 28. jaturday, June 15, This coupon with five other consecutive coupons from the Dally News, and ten cents, en- titles the holder to a photo gramme reproduction of the famous painting, The Prairie Fire Coupons and money should he presented at the News office any time after Tuesday, June 4th. This pleture eannot be sent by mail. OB be be oe he fe fe ole oe he he ode PEELE Phe PEELE EEE LES bbe Conn on Every Side This Morn- remarks would imply, however, that drove him to it. The fact that the rain came brought joy unto himself, and he celebrated the occasion. However, he is not the only one who is experiencing great joy. All the farmers are wearing the happy smile and when the farmers do, the peopie of the city should. What's good for the farmer is sure good for the city. If the farmer's crop ig successful, it is all the better for the city. For this reason the joy of- seeing the rain fall s universal throughout the country. One farmer stat d today that the rains this season could not come at a more opportune time. The firet heavy rain fell just as the crops were nicely in, it was a good heavy, live-giving rain. Then came the heat and the grain grew very fast, and the predictors began predicting bumper crops. Then the farmers began talk- ing of more rain. Gee, if we only got another good rain, wouldn't she grow. Today the farmers are all busy with pencil and paper, figuring out what they will do with their money. Good crops are now aseur- ed, providing they get no hail, and they have been 80 lucky so far that the farmers just can t see how they Kelly and Jones now Facing 36 Years Jail Life Kingston, Ont. June 15 Nineteen years were added bi to each of the sentences of Frank Jones, Harry Kelly and Geo. Brown, tu: the western desperado who on April 29, escaped from the provncial pent- tentiary at Portsmouth after assault- ing and wounding the guard and keep ers. The additional 19 years means that prison life before them while Brown, the abductor of Gladys Price, will serve twenty-seven years before he co, will be a free man, Jones, Kelly and Brown are the men who assaulted their guards at the Toronto Union station while en route to Kingston from Manitoba. Their escape was only prevented by prompt assistance from the Toronto police officers. They afterwards escaped from the Penitentiary after beating up the guards, but were recaptured. * REBEL LEADER KILLED pre Havanah, June 15. General ,Monte- ori agude, obmmander in chief of the Sovernment troops, communicated to the president at the palace today that General Estenoz, the rebel leader, waa of counter with a column of troops un- ch der General Menuel Peldraner Son- gou, could get hall, Port to be true, JAIL BREAKERS) ** Brown 27. Years, messages Were flashed across Lake Superior from the C.P.R. steamer Al- berta to Fort William officials Canadian vessel to have the appara- first Hindu child born in Jones and Kelly have 36 years of made its appearance yesterday in the person of Miss mother was to have been deported re- nouncement of the king's birthday honors are: McBride, premler of British Columbla, (W. A. P. Cable.) are made knight commanders of the while John McDougall, of the depart- ment of customs, Melville McConn, of the department Feported to have been killed in an en- the same order, Joseph Dubuc, late knight bachelor, and William Henry The general says that he has Walker, of the external department, no confirmation but believes the re- has-been admitted to service order. WIRELESS ON LAKES OW. A. P. Dispatch) Fort William, June 15 Wireless this is installed. FIRST HINDU CHILD, (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Vancouver, B. C., June 15, The Canada Hari Singh. The ntly. BIRTHDAY HONORS remiers Roblin and Mc- Bride Honored with a Knighthood. London, June AK Offjctal mn- Redmond Palen Roblin, emier of Manitoba, and Richard der of St. Michael and St. George, and Prof. James mines, are created companions of ef justice of Manitoba, is: created Cambridge, Mass., June 15. A simi- ple ceremony befitting the Socialist views of the contracting parties to- day united Edmund . Dana, a grandson of the poet Longfellow, and Miss Jessie Holiday, a well known English portrait painter. A justice of the peace officiated at the wedding which took place at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Henry Dana. NO WRECK AT ALL. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Yukon, Sask. June 15, There is absolutely no truth in the report of a fatal wreck at Bredenbury. How it arose is at present a mystery. FAIR GROUNDS MUST BE KEPT CLEAN A meeting of the grounds and wa- ter committee of the Medicine Hat Agricultural Society was held in their office yesterday when the fol- lowing resolutions were unanimous- ly passed: Resolved, first, that fire break around-the-fair-ground be seeded to grass in order to remove the cost of plowing every year. Resolved, that manure around the stables be removed at expense of the present occupants and if they refuse that they be ejected from butldings. Resolved, that no horse be allow- ed to run loose on grounds as there are evidences of young trees being in- Jured by horses rolling on them. Resolved, that parties using the stables In future other than or ex- hibition purposes, must keep the pre- mises clean or vacate them and that the secretary be and is hereby auth- orized to see that all the above re- solutions are rigidly carried out. Seven rdomed house on lot 12, block the imperial 5, Balmoral 8t., East, for 3,000. H. C. Pettet Co, 2s3att en I would know something. about it, as well ag other matters connected with the prisoner, which have been published and which are without a particle of truth, the first to take place at the peni- tentiary here. r Carlson is bearing up well under the ordeal, and spends the greater part of his time reading and conversing No preparation has been made by With nis spiritual adviser. Miss Lalonde Again Ju HOLDING BACK mps into the Lead. z Another change in the Tead over-afisy Evans who i however, thitf all candidates are hold hard as ever but the number of vote ped. The voting: Miss Ethel Lalonde . Miss Gertie Evans ... Miss Vera Fleming Miss Adelain Legh Miss Marjorie Rae Miss Margaret Mitchell Miss Louise Mason .. Miss Phillis Becker s Canada Contest, Miss Latonde sgain takes it-tor-a-day, It is clearly evident now ing back. AN are working Just as s that they were seniing In has drop. 8261 2910 i 121 108 100 100 18 MISS CANADA COUPON GOOD FOR ONE VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATES. Miss Vera Fleming. Miss Jean Nicholson. Miss Ethel Lalonde, Miss Marjorle Rae. Miss Margaret Mitchell. Cut this coupon out, fill in the candidates -name for whom you Miss Gertie Evans. Miss Louise Nason. Miss Adeline Legh. Miss Mildred Lussier. Miss Phyllis Becker. wish to vote and forward to Miss Canada Contest, News Office, city. thing to do with the case effietelty ing a settler in the Hamilton Lake country, near Stettler, Inst fall, and
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Image 1018 (1912-06-15), from microfilm reel 1018, (CU1295897). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.