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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. la te SHOES are now in stock. gone. New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and patents, in lace and button styles. These shoes are the production of the RE- GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes. Come early before the nobby ones are all Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Listen Our shoes wear well and make the foot look nest and trim. They are comfort shoes SHOES Toronto Street. Pek cb bh ob Monday, June 10th, 1912, Jack Grim, the old Brooklyn eat- cher, has his Newark team well up jim the Ohio State League race. Houston, Taro, and Dallas are struggling at the top and furn- ishing the genuine fireworks in the Glen Leibhardt, the former Cleve- Pleases . All. lanb piteher, has heen shifted from Golasabus to Minneapolis in the Am SATURDAY NIGHT ITS WAS WEL PATRONS cre jooks xo be able to give tho best in dis Wedarereagay rage for the pennant. in ist s work Introduced i The Kitty Learuc has been strong: the Decorations. hened by the addition of Evansville, That the efforts of F. McKinnon / Kitty fans look forward to a Co. to provide Medicine Hat with a 0st successful season. most up-to-date and commodious ice New Haven and Bridgeport have cream parlor and candy store, are ap- been running neck and neck so far Breciated by Hatters, was evidenced this season, and leading the way in by the crowds which packed thelr he Connecticut League. store on Main Street Saturday even- ie a ee The new quitters have deen oceu- Reis Leagud this season, and re- pied for the past few days but. the **Med strong cuongh to cop first complete fitting of them up was just Place in the league standing. completed Saturday, From the way Cleburne is burning Since the opening good crowds have up the South Central league . there made it their refreshment headquar- must be several members of the ters, but Saturday night eclipsed all. team ripe enovch tor faster com- The service 1s excellent. The refresh pany. ments, all kinds; and of any favor qy4j9q a nd Troy have been: showing that the Neart could desire ate of Hirst iat ihey hiad's little something ou order, while the comforts of the store are equal to that of any store in the) Other members by setting the Pace in the New York State Teague. West. Something of a: novelty, introduced The Allentown team, managed by at high cost by the company, has been Bill Coughlin, formerly of Detroit, added to the decoration of the new has been doing some fancy climbing store, the color scheme show great/of late in the Tri-State league, taste, and are most restful to the eye. The reorganized Ohio and Pennsyl- The outer part is finished in a tan. vania Jeague is running along while the Interior effect centres on alsmoothly with MoKeesport and Sa- OF THE CROWDS: New Ice Cream and Re- freshment Eporium - ight, Opportunities June Sale Our corner window shows a splendid range of Light Colored two- piece Suits. : : 10.00 and LEAL tte Reduced to - 6.50 1.50 to 3.00 Fancy Vests reduced to 1.00 2.00 light Lustre coats Reduced to . 1.00 ai Slaughtered without si consideration of cost. H.S.IRELAND C.P.R. MENS STORE SMITHEN RETURNS (W. A, P. Dispatch) Montreal, June 10; E. W. Smitb- en, Grapd Trunk chairman, left this morning for Boston, from whenee he sails-on-the Franconia for London. TODAY'S MARKETS ened 107 3-4, closed 107 1-8; Oct. '9 5-8, 98, July, closed 44 1-2. July flax, 206, 206. Cash Prices Wheat No. 1 Nor. 106 1-2; 103 3-4; 3 Nor. 99 1-2 American Markets Mitineapolis, June 10. July Dec. 105 8-4, 1051-2 . 3-4, 109 Sept., 105 Dec, 106, 105 3-4, ENGLISH CATTLE QW. A. P, Cable.) Liverpool, June 10. John Rogers Co., Liverpool, cable today that quo- tations as last cabled for Birkenhead market, remain unchanged, ranchers from 14 3-4 to 15 1-4 cents per pound and distiliers 16 cents per pougd. Trade very slow but firm. There was no announcement ,regard- ing Grand Trunk manager's Policy. Subscribe now for The Daily News. Sostecteateets Soetorieeteefectoetoetets ieeseede ob 4 fs e 2 Seofeet 2 a 2 os cS STOCK BY--- another s will be sold at your own pore A refrigerator that will kee buy. See it at our Store. JEWELLERY? AUGTION A. M. Wright, jeweller, being unable to procure tore in-the city in which A.M. Wright: There, are many kinds, some good, some ais erwise. THe MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. Screen. Doors and Windows, ete, Pos ae: Toront St. Medicine Hat parerrrerer rae stfe-g ts st o soto ee e So-0So-9) ee Sates Soa am see . to continue business (until the new store is built this fall) has been obliged to offer his stock of Jewellery, - *f Clocks, Watches and Silverware at Auction Sale x commencing Friday, June 14th, when everything 2 price. Toronto Street Speedos eter tetee o reetn te teateatoatectoctetecde lt; i ep onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best. THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR is the only. one which will do this, and therefore the best to Wheat etoln shrdiu etaoin shrdulupup s finished in a dark green with a Winnipeg, June 10. July Wheat op- 4arker stripe. July oats, 46, 46; extra No. 1 feed, 2 Nor, 88 1-4; 5 Norn s: 6 63 1-2; fecd 58 1-4. Oats No2 . 5; No. 3 C.W. 42 : 1-2; extra feed, 44 34; No, 1 many flavors, sodas also, wili be dis- wheat was in town yesterday. 112 7-8, 112 8; Sept. 105 1-4, 105; Chicago, June 10. July wheat 109 jin town. The Gas City . jens and . other, points inthe tug Women s Aunifiaty. of St, Bar nabas chureh will hold a sale of home Stiles king at the home of Mrs, McNel Mr, Phil. Chevalier, of Maple Creek ? is im the city today on a real estate 7* Palmoral, on Tuesday afternoon, green . The front store where the dif- tem sharing the lt;potlicht at the ferent wares, confectionary, chole present time. chocolates of all kinds, are dispensed, Winning eighteen of the twenty-five games played, shows that the Law- 3; The ice cream parlors are fitted up fenee team is out to make a clean- with numeroug chairs, so arranged as P in the New Encland league. to do away with crowding: The wails The Jacksonville team lt;has been are finished in a/blue, with a marble /doine some real ball vlayine in the 1 effect, cnd are most unique. In fact the whole, of the decorations intro- duces something novel here. Besides carrying a full line of all kinds of confectionary, candies and sWeets, all kinds of soft drinks, ice cream in its Sonth Aflanti. and looks to be lt; the distanee. The Three-I leacue teams are pret- ty evenly matehed this season, and Aecording- to the evpsies mode of Sealing the does close race for the Pennant is in fe cards. Unable to lift the Lynchburg Shoe- one, this season ong enonzh to go i t pearsed. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, McLaren Ewart of Moose Jaw lat, Manager O1 lt; Stockdale resigned jand Jack Morrison was placed. in charge of the team. Three inemibers of the tennis club, The poor shoving of the Zanesville Mrs, Burton, Mrs, Soanes and Mrs, team in the Central league, was i Grimmer, gave a very pleasant tea on cause of Manayer William Kelley the courts Saturday tast; The retresh-ling put.on tie skids, Jack Pea ments were served in the pavillion. lis the new manager of the Potters, Three guests, Mr. C. A Brooks, o i Chicago, Mr, Perey Schutte of Roua- Ftland, Oregon, fans are able to lane, and Mr, Pat Laughila of. this j witness the two extremes in baseball city gave a very fine exhibition be-/ Ome team is leading the Northwest- fore the refr shments. em league, the other is earry- ing the tare: in the Pacitio Coast Dr. McKee has retrrned from a /easue. trip to Coronation and states that The Ottaws Canadian league club Mr. Alex Keith was elected at, the has a classy pitcher in Fred Her head of the poll in the recent muni- Herbert, tho former University of I- cipal election Yor the first council of itois boy. Cincinnati scouts have piace town been watching the star finger and trying to land him for the Red Birds. Mrs. Kraphel is home from a six weeks trip to Kansas City and St. Louis. CALENDAR oF SPORTS FOR THE WEEK Mr. A. M. Grace left this morning to cover the entire system of the Southern Alberta Land Co. MONDAY Championshi tournament of M Sourl State Coif Association opens at Kansas City Gulr States tennis entpiccinss tournament ojcns at New Orleans. Women s national tennis champion ship tournament opens at Philad phia. Old: Dominiox tennis championship tournament oeng at Richmond, Va. Mike Gibbons. vs, Tom Connors, 10 rounds, at Brooklyn, gt; Knockout trennan ys. Honey Mellody, 15 rounds, at Baltimore. Mrs. J. C. Beveridge is leaving to- day to spend the summer in the east, Mr. Perey Schutte, who has just ompleted the laying out of the townsite of Romnalane spent Satur- day and Sunday in the city; T. B. Jenkinson of Seven Persons spent Sunday in town. D. D. Doyle and Fred Smith of Suffield registered at the American this morning. London, June 10: Premier: Borden WH be the guest of honor at the Royal os Cojonial Institute on July ist, N. Masadam of Seven Persons is Realty Co. now occu- py the store on Main Street south of the Clty Hall, recently occupied by the Medicine Tiat Blectrie Co., where aed they have large and commodious of- G. Conley, Carlstadt, Fred F. Ro- fices: The offices Have been refitted watt, and C, Anderson, Suffield, arg nd furnished and the firm are now staying at the Royal. jready for business , They have some extra fine listings, and Intend to keep the public advised throngh the col- umns of the News of thelr good buys. W. Spearman, Carlstadt sj west end-tn-the Gty. J.C. Johnson, merchant of Toron to, stayed over here yesterday. and today en route on a trip through the MCKINNON NEW g** taser PARLORS MECCA Reeetee beeeed (makers from the Vircinia league cel-1.; this morning. Warning To the Public Here is a chance to double money within 30 days.. Buy now in Altawana. A Sure money maker. your . This property is only 3 minutes walk from the post office. Donald Currie Room 4, Becker Block We Want Lis Listings and have good buys in any part of the city. Real Estate Bargains SS Modern Brick House on Fowingn Street. 600 DOWN Choice Building Lots in High School Annex. 750 THE PAIR Terms. A SNAP See us about this. Farms. 50 ft. Business Site, Toronto Street. Money to Loan on City Residences and Improved Duggan Duggan FINANCIAL BROKERS. h Avenue. : fi : Phone 527. UP-TO-DATE LAWN MAKING. Reasonable Prices. EDWARD BROWN 114 Dominion Street. P. 0. Box 162, AUTO ACCIDENT NEAR BOWELL On Sunday morning the ten year old daughter of Mr. Myers, a farmer residing south of Boweli, was knock- ed down by an automobile driven by Mr. Hodges of this city. A doctor was called who on examining the child found that, with the exception of a few bruises, she was uninjured. EXHIBIT WINNIPECY WESTERN CANADA'S CENTENARY THE, GREATEST YEAR OF THE WEST'S GREAT FAIR July 1I0 -20 EXCURSIONS FROM EVERYWHERE POLICE COURT A charge of being drunk and. in- capable against William Hearsee was the only business at the Police Court Accused had to pay je ustial fine. GOOD BUYS Look for the Label. MAKES A HIT? Every Time, MOTHER S- BREAD Phowe 256, Tassie Bros. TOWNSITE. Block 52, Lot 4, 2000.00. Block 80, Lot 22, 115 Block 87, Lot 24, 151 Block 92, Lot fo, 20 Block 59, Lot,1-2, 40 RTH YUILL Block 6, Lot 16, 875.00. Block. 7, Lot 4, 800.00. Block C, Lot 18, 1600.00, RIVERSIDE. Block 1, Lots 28-28, 735 pair. Block 1, Lot 6-7, 760 a pair. t 11-14, 700 a pair. Block C, Lot 5-6, 2100.00. HILL, Block 29, Lots 21-80, 525 pair. cousr SISSONS, Block 2, Lots 6-7, 825: pair. Bloek 19, Lots 7-10, 700 palr. HERALD, Bik. 23, Lots 27-28, 3900 pair. Bik. 5, Lot 28-29, 1800.00. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Block 21, Lots 9-10, 1260.00. Block 27, Lots 23-24, 900.00, Block 28, Lot 22-26, 840, pair. CENTRAL PARK, Block 3, Lot 11, 1450.00. Block 1, Lot 4-9, 1050. each. Block 24, Lots 37-40, 100.00. Block 27, Lota 31-32, 3630. *PHON 66 Piano Moving A Speciatty . McKINNON?S. ; . B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and apid easonable liable patrons for-thelr generous patronage during the past seven. years hal. hich he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state that on and after April 15th the business. will be carried on asa Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company a continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurance of continuation of that service and quality which has always been associated with this store. Fr. INNON- Watch for-further- Announcer 235- -tf Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY - DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. GAS CITY REALTY Co. PHONE 695, 410 MAIN ST. Money Makers folio belefelntote SOUTH YUILL. 1000 50 tt, on Columbia Ave. 1000 Lot 5, Block 11. purchasing expedition, renee jary has returned to the Subscribe Mr, Dan Drinnan was up from Many/ Island Lake yesterday. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Rev. H. W. Sykes, box 189, Bassano, Alberta, will be received for the erec- tion and completion of the new Angli-; can church, Bassano, on or before 6/ P. m. on the 17th day of June, 1912. Plans, details and specifications can be seen at the Rectory House, or at the office of A. Dyer, Barrister, Bassano, or at the office of Messrs. iy Holman Gotch, Architects, Domin- fon Bank Building, Caigary, Alberta. 28146 NOS. 1 AND 2'TO CARRY NO DAY COACH PASSENGERS ralis Nos. 1 and 2, running be- ry and Winnipeg, will in nly carry sleepers, no . day sengers being allowed to SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daly News. 31100 Lot 18, Block T. . 1050 Lot 6, Block 5. 1500- Lot 20, Block 'T, corner. 1200 Lot 16, Block Q. 1600 for lot 4, bik 7, with house 31260 Lot 4, Block 14 8700 for 106 it. corner on Col- umbla Ave. lots 11 and 15, Block 8, with ho: 600 Lot D, Block COUSINS AND SISSON 500 pair, Lots 1-20, Block 24. 50 pair, S, half block 22, pair, all or part block 14. 840 palr, lots 24-35, Block 2. 3650 pair in Block 4, z 700 pair, Lots 7-10, Block 19. B. F.Souch,pnm.s. DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. ledeboedforfortorfos +, corner: boborkorforforforiertertoeloforloon fondo Main Street. Pb bticlivieieleielninleieiniefelaiel- HUNTLEY PALMER DIGESTIVE DINNER PHILIPPL v BRAZIL BISCUIMS We fave just placed i in stock a large assort- ment of these famous ee including the following: ACORN FOLKESTONE SAVOY SHORTBREAD MACAROONS ARROWROOT SHREWSBURG SAL H.W. Ireiand Go. - Phone 54, f Present Datly Advertisers in I of the Weekly No, extra charge vertisers, VOL. 2, NO Firs Gen. Sup Plan to Te Mare The first city was turn the company grinding grai News this m tendent of th York and Mo Mr. Tam here would bi was to be inst means that tl one. The pla according to ' barrell mill. The mill other change The eleva and 16 inters; grain and rec 170 feet with The engir also be firepr The girde heavy wood a: used, Some ide: shown by the yards. of concer he-has teams ing ready for rushed. The City the work of di for the plant i eral manager ( details of the We will long before th that-time, also and in a shor ed, : The whole 000.00. DON W. H, Tur procession, rep success in can panies have ali presented in th Ansley Co: Finlay and Medicine Medicine Linseed Oi The Medic Alberta Fx Internation Alberta Ro The Roseri The Albert The A.-P. The Prest The Gas C The Weste The Revels The Medici The Domin The Assini C. 8. Pingl E. E. Tride W. McKen: The time:is vass everyone ir citizen desirous float will notify MISS GO Miss Vera Flemi afiss Jean Nicho iss Ethel Lalor Miss Marjorie R Miss Margaret Cut this coup wish to vote and
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Image 984 (1912-06-10), from microfilm reel 984, (CU1295915). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.