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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ay, June 8th, 1912 you build, consider first. Don't be per- buy CHEAP LUM- it s cheap use the We have it, and ev- he Bullder require: stock of LUMBER, ASH, FIR FINISH, AK, MAPLE, BIRCH FLOORINGS. the agency for the Morgan Doors, OOR BEAUTIFUL WOOD FIBRE, LATH DAR POSTS, WIL- ow PosTS te, AVE: YARD AY CO. DUMBER PEOPLE 20, PHONE 57 iON + LEADER IGURE WITH YOU PLACING YOUR FOR A BUILDING ATES FREE. xt to City Hall. wielnininininininieinint 58 i 3 hisiinleivielnieleleinlelor LEY BROS. SSS SPD ind Contractors. ve., Phone 434 . Box 304. ates Free. Be E STABLE PHONE 402 728 S. FOLLIS icting Co. ORONTO ST. , Sand, Coal Gravel Ing a Specialty. vy Horses fer sale at 1 Times. LYON RACTS FOR TEAMING AND EXCAVATING 4 Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415, sh. . Box immonds asp CONTRACTOR mptly attended to. one No. 335. . es gal the Saturday, June 8th, 1912 Of all the paints you can buy, elther prepared of spe- SOLD BY HEWITT Bhd 8,000,000 BLOCK 18 SOLD FOR S160 But Clark Jackson, For- mer Owner of Chicago Structure, Has Vanished. Chicago George Travern, who reg- isters from Cleveland, walked into a restaurant on Clark street between Jackson boulevard and Adams street manager to the door. at big building over there? Gd, pointing to the copper dom 000,000 federai building. It's asked the manager. said Mr. Travern, Just Got a dargain too. Feller t said he was broke.-S ems his tenants wouldn't pay him any rent and he was in a hole, so he was will- ing to sell it to me. I ald I'd make y up or get out. Get the police east: 2 The manager made Mr. Travern angry by telling him he was the vic- tim of a bunco steerer. Mr, Travern indignantly: explained that he wasn t buncoed at all. : He showed a complete bill of sale from Clark Jackson for the property. Phen to convince him, Mr. Travern took the suspicious cafe manager to the southeast corner of the- building and showed him that Clark Jackson's name Was displayed in letters a foot or so high. manager, j but don't you se that Clark is on one. side and Jackson on the other? The Clark is for Clark street where you're standing now, apd come around here and you-see Jackson for Jackson bou- levard. That's a sign post. The police are still looking for Clark Jackson. Dr.Martells Female Pills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women's ailments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from thelr use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drag e.0.4.-10mo. Everybody says Bartlett must make my PROTOS. Studio Fourth Ave. (Over Binning s Store.) TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC . EDWARD FISHER, Mus. Doc. Musical Director. EXAMINATIONS JUNE AND JULY Applications must be in not later than May Ist. CONSERVATORY RESIDENCE for young Iady students is being greatly enlarged and will be ready for open- Hebe beeeieeieieietelelo OR WOMEN: MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Barnabas church a sale of of Mrs. N. Tuesday The ladies of St, will serve tea and have home cookery at the hor McNeal, 282 Balmoral St. afternoon. The Woman's Mission Circle of the Baptist church will meet on Tues- day afternoon at 3.30 In the church. of St, John's Church will meet in the Ladies' Parlor on Monday, June 10th at 8 pm, There will be a parlor meeting of the ladies of the W. C. T. U. at the on Thursday evening, June 13th at 8 pm, As this is the closing meet- ing of the year a full attendance is requested. ee eeeaeh SUFFRAGE BANNERS CARRIED In the big suffrage parade recently carried out in New York City, count- less banners were carried bearing in- scriptions intended to put teasons in sentence before the spectators. following are some of them: City housekeeping has failed part- ly because women have not been con- sulted as to its multiform activities Jane Addams. We prepare the children for the world, we want to help prepare the world for the children. I Would like to see the ballot in the hands of every woman. Mark Twain. What this, country needs is voters who know something about house- keeping. Mr. Dooley: Woman suffrage 1s undoubtedly coming, and I for one expect a great deal of good to result from it Hen- ry Wadsworth Longfellow. Politics govern even the purity of the milk supply. It is not outside the home, but inside the baby. By keeping women outside of poli- tics the soul of our country is dimin- ished one half. The only means that men have de- vised for getting what they want is the. ballot. Not favor but justice. Do you believe in government of the people, by the people, for the pedple? Women are people. Justice, simple justice, is what the world needs Lucy Stone. Woman suffrage has passed the stage of argument; you could not stop it if you would, and in a few years you will be ashamed that you ever op- posed it. OUR MOTHERS The strength of a nation/lies in its mothers. The Spartans recognized this, and trained their girls to be brave, to endure hardships, to be self-sacrificing and pure, and their: song were sent out into life strong, vigorous, chivalrous and fearless. Behind every invention, heroic deed, poem or story, stands a great soul, and back of the greatness the mother who formed the character and was the inspiration and power. The greatest place in the world is not in kings palacesyor in. beautiful temples, or where the laws of the nation are made, but in the homes of the people, where, by night and day women tend little children and train them. Uncot young; she may be poor; she may be inexperienced; but she has power to -work mysteries -and perform mirac- les. : In sickness and in health, in toil and in ease, at home and abroad, she lives for the life that is grafted upo her own, scornful of pity, conceiving of no higher honor than by and by to lean upon: the arm which she has made strong by her strength, and to trust to the heart which has been made pure and true by her own pur- ity and fidelity, Bhe lives her life. Drudgery,' Ally people call it, but unto het who is wile it is a holy mystery. So she Jives her life. In 4 prison honse unknowing ones may say; but unto her whose eyes have been op- ened to see mysteries, and far into the future, it is a queen s domain. And then, one day, when the world may have forgotten her work, te) cause t was so commonplace, she stands up and puts judges-and states- men, and inventors and poets, to shame, for she has done what they cannot do. She has given man unto the world, to rule it or a -wo- man unto the world. Her ministry 15) above ordination. Only Christ's can compare with 1 Great Thoughts. Unselfishness, s the Christian law of life, God Is love, a giver of s00d gifts to all. Christ came, stoopeing, surrendering in order that, Lord of all life though he was, he might show the deadliness of sin, and be among men as the minister to all The nne supreme command which he gaye was that men should love one another, not as they loved themsel- ves, but better than they-loved them- selves, even with such a love xs that wherewith he had loved them, This fs all as fundamental and. certain as thefact of God, We are all of us Ing September 2nd. Year Book, 170 pages, mafled on ap- plication. Bat- here in the world to serve one an- BY ONE OF THEM + SRO hotne of Mrs. R. H. Kent, Balmoral aenwe St. from 3 to 5 p.m, on Wednesday, And there is healing for earth's June 12th Mrs. Kent will give a re- direst woes; port of the convention which was Goq hath unsealed the springs of light held at Lethbridge recently. and love, eel eae A Mothers meeting will be held in To make the desert blossom the basement of St. John's church Rosa nse treatment by Dr. lousy Pills. After taking a few boxes I our heads wi Tmeet a mothel much better and in the course of with her little chfld. She may bela co ths was quite well, mein Whatever good any oue of us had) he bas (o share, Whether there Is any one in sorrow or discourage - ment or need, there what we have to give ts to be shared oh, bring me them all sweet and gracious things To teach the lives that lie so chilt That they may dream of some .div- tner. sphere Whence ach soft ray of love and beauty springs Each good and perfect gift is from And even if we heve only kind words of friendly smiles to give, they are as rich a treasure as any one can x richer than money with- And the unselfishness of kindly speech is within the reach of every one of us. Why not exercise itt Then hide it not, the music of the soul, . Dear sympathy expressed with kindly yolce, But let it like a shining river roll To reserts dry to hearts that Would rejolee. Oh, let the sympathy of kindly words Sound for the poor, the friendless, and the weak, And- God wiit-bless you. struck the chords Will strike another when in turn you seek. NDIGESTION RIGHTLY CURED By Toning up the Stomach to do the Work Nature Intends it Should. He who Indigestion should not be neglect- ed for a moment, for by depriving the body of its proper nourishment through the food the trouble grows steadily worse. Neither should stim- ulating medicines, which ruin the al- ready weak stomach by making it work beyond its strength, be used. nor pre-digested foods, which do not exeite a flow of the digestive fluids, and by disuse cause the stomach to grow weaker. where is the tonic : Williams Pink Pills more clearly useful. The prin- cipte of this treatment is to enable the stomach to do its own work by building up the blood and giving tone to the nerves. When these are once restored to their normal health indigestion disappears and the cure is permanent. Here is an experience with this treatment. Mr. John Bre- inenstal, Calgary, Alta., says: For years I was an almost constant suf- ferer from indigestion and naturally Decause there was much nutritious food which I could not eat owing to the pain and discomfort which fol- lowed, I. was becoming much run down. , I tried many medicines but none of them helped me until I be- gan the use of Dr. Williams Pink and could eat any food set before me. If you are a sufferer from indiges- tion, or any trouble due to bad plood or weak nerves, you can begin to cure yourself today by taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. +vTLAND S ROSE FESTIVAL (Bpecial to the News) Portland, Ore., June 8. Hotels and boarding houses are filling with vis- itors in anticipation of the opening of Portland s annual Rose Festival. The event this year will be the alxth an- nual affair of its kind glven In Port- jand and the committees in charge de- clare that it Will rival the Mardi Cras jcarnival at New Orleans in the num peP-atid brilliance of its attractions. The rations have been going forward for almost a year. Special serthons in the churches to- niorrow will serve as a preliminary to the week of festivities. Rex. Oregon- bus, king of the festival, wil make his entry-at Monday noon and. will re- ceive the keys tO the city fromthe mayor. His arrival will be the signal for the beginning. of a bewildering succession of entertainment features that will continue until the end of the wek. Floral pageants and battles fot fiowers; electrical parades, free band concerts, elaborate displays of fireworks, outdoor spectacles, auto- mobile parades and a wide variety of Jaquatic sports and pageants on the; Willamette River will be among the attractions. Scie men get rich on farms and others fail, The reason? Some firm sfetematically and some do not. For all kinds of job printing, try other. in Jove. s the News Job Dgpartment. ORDER BY MAIL Your are just as safe in buying from us by mail as if you were buying in person, all orders being promptly and accurately attended to. ' Our Mail Order Department is thoroughly equipped and our facilities for the executing of out-of-town orders cannot be surpassed. We invite patronage through this Department. AND WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Prices and illustrations will be sent promptly for the agking, ATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED cloak of U NDEK the simplicity, a great deal of -ealled simple furniture hides its erude barcness, its tremes- of taste, wherein - charaeter finds no expres- sion. We urge simplicity but im measure that im- parts individuality and charaeter toa degree. In the dining room suite of- fered here these, princip- les find beautiful devel- China Cabinet In quarter cut oak con- struction, genuine fumed finish, fitted with four shelyes.. Over the top ones are British Plate Mirrors. Spec- jal Value .:.- 30.50 - A Set of Five Small Chairs and One Arm 29.00 il For the Set Suite complete in Fumed Oak - Comprising Ten Pieces. Delivered in Medicine Hat for BUFFET In fumed oak finish, solid quarter cut oak construction. Size of top 48x21 inches, The base. is fitted with full length linen drawer, two small cutlery drawers and two con- venient cupboards. In the back is a full length British Bevelled Plate Mirror. Special value 47.50 Dinner Wagon Built of solid quarter cut oak, in the genuine fumed oak finish, the con- struction throughout is of the be aM The top is 41 inches long and 17 inches deep, fitted with full length convenient drawer 17.25 and shelf, eoppered trimmings. Special Built. of solid oak in the fumed finish, up- holstered in genuine Spanish Leather, re - inforeed block corn- ers. Set of five small chairs and one arm cee: 29.00 Extension Table Solid quarter cut oak in fumed finish, extends to 8 Spool Value 31.40 and Napkins 5.00 OR OVER. Hemstitehed. with -2 2x214, yards. S Special Value. Pillowcases English Cotton, with double row of 1 tra fine finish. Special Value 50 Table Napkins 20x20. Special Value gt; abiecloths Of pure Irish Line Special Value Napkins 25 x 25.inches. Special Value Select Your Sheets, Pillowcases, Tablecloths , Size 2x yards, hemmed ready for use from this list of special values: EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID ON ORDERS AMOUNTING TO English Cotton Sheets 7 hem, size 2.50 A PAIR. hemstitched, pleats, ex- A PAIR Linen Tablecloths Hemstitehed, size 2x2 yards, Fleur de Lis Design. Special Value 3.50. To mateh above Tablecloth, size 4.50 1 DOZEN. 4.75. TTo-:match above Tablecloths, size 3.95 A DOZEN THE NEILSON FURNITURE CO., LIMITED Close Quotations on Reliable Wilton Squares As a leading line of exception- al value, you cannot afford to ov. , There is not a our entire home which cannot. be Order one of these today at these unusual prices. Colors Self Green, Green with Rosebud and Browns. Patterns suitable for all purposes. Actual Value. Present Price Bee 6-9x 9-0 13.50 ize 9-9x 9-0. 17.1 ie a 7 Size, 9021085) an properly furnished from this de- , Size 9-0x12-0 22.50 sirable quatity. NOTE This is not a line where we Ihave only one of each. But each size and pattern is complete. The patterns have been. selected by us and made for us and we are able to offer Sizes and prices as follows: Size 6-9x7-6, Special Value 20, this Hine at prices quoted, only because of Size 6-9x9-0 7? a purchase far in excess of our usual quan- 22.50 Mty. ou 2 not aw milstake-tr-bugtnEs e 9-0x9-0, 28.50. taking advantage of an unusual Price for Sas 7 Quantity offer. z Size 9-0x10-6 33.50 Is not this a,reason why you should R order one today? Size 9-0x12 ss 239 50 We do not pre-pay freight on this special line, 65 will cover the freight rate for one or two of these squares. Tn case our customers are mable to make personal selection from these lines, we shall be glad to follow out all mstructions in re- gard to harmonizing with their present furnishings, wallpapers, * ete.) which customers may send us by mail. : Make use of our experience and ict us do your selecting. DINNERWARE BY MAIL Clarendon. Decoration, amber border, surmounted with with inside decoration of deep amber shade. In our Stock Dinnerware. black key design, stock patterns of English semi-porcelain dinnerware, our Clarendon tanks first, It is second to none, being a perfect copy from Haviland China,This is a 87 piece set and spectal value laid down in Medicine 5 Hat at ...-... 5 See etest wae Pere Austrian AM China Dinnerware, Stock Pattern Victory This Is a stock pattern par excellence in a beautiful gold band design, the handles on covered dishes, cups, cream jug, sugar basin and gravy boat being elab- orately treated with gold. The set comprises 98 pieces, enovgh for 12 persons, Special value, laid down In Medielne Hat .. Austrian China Dinnerset, Stock Pattern Marion This design is one of the Very latest creations in dinnerware and 1s a combinaon of border and spray design, encircled with a green leaf and spray in amber. Phe-set comprises 98 pleres. Special value Ind dowin Medicine Hat .-..:...- 29.25 118, Sth Avenue East, Caigary f
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Image 971 (1912-06-08), from microfilm reel 971, (CU1295911). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.