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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICENE HAT DAILY NEWS. Recognition of Brave SOCIAL AND PERSONAL D The Great French Tonic **** Smyth was in Irv Master Shunk and he ts sure that if for ifo other reason than this, the people of Medicine Hat will flock tol. the park on Sunday evening, to show their approval of the undertaking, Benefit Concert, in Aid of Titanic ? Bandsmen to ; be Held Sunday, dren. Your Chance of a Life- time to Own a Home Makes Men Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bell of this city left for Toronto this morning. Pingle, Your Druggist, is the First to Import this Into Medt- erp eeelog . On Sunday next the local hand If other inducements were neces- have arranged to give a benefit con- sary, then they are right at hand, he A. P, Day today left for Maple cine Hat Get a Bottle and be New 6 roomed, storey and half house on 50 cert. in rivene says, for be s arranging an excellent Creek on a business trip: 5 7 pecld S fe ae ean eerenenee seins isjerraneig nny exeatlent ns Healthy, . oe a ee South Yuill. Price and board the White Star Steamer Tiianle ministers of all denominations are F. Cameron of the Chicago North gince the introduction of VIGOROL rms for one day at 3000.00. Cash 400.00, . . a short time ago. showing their sympathy by thelr co-/Western Railway was in Medicine into Canadu the sale has been phen- . balance monthly, it s not necessary 10 dwell on the operation. Arrangements have also/Hat last night. jomenal. VIGOROL is purely a tonic x In gallantry displayed by. the bandsmen been made to have the various church a 5: it builds up the run-down system; SEE THIS on the occasion of that sad catas- cuoirs in attendance to render adapt- The following party left this mor lereates a new leave ut wee The only st gt; trophy, for it is well known that they,/able numbers and the bandmaster is ing for a three day trip over the /question is what to take. You can ee Southern Alberta Land Coy s irri- rely uj o Sreatest if not the greatest, that msn ever prescribed, Every drop of this wonderful French Tonic con- tains life. Your nerves are toned up to their proper tention. The stom- ach and bowels are mad healthy and Strong, while the kidneys an liver egor 8 MAIN ST. while staring death in the face were confident that the concert will be panic by playing selections, while the oving public. ill-fated steamer was going down. A silver collection is to be taken Bravery like this deserves recognit- up, boxes to be placed at each of fon from every nationality, says Bund the three park gates, jchell, W. A. Buchanan, M.P., C. . Pingle, James Fleming, H. C, Yuill, Lorne Laidlaw and A. J. N. Terrill, of Medicine Hat; John Fleming and This Week Tee eeetenteeteadeateeeceeatoatoetiteatesteiegeeteateaee James Douglas, of Maple-Cresk. /i cleansed put in good work- n der, Dili Mr. Chas. Duval and wife, Bassa- 05 01s ss are at once HONOR MEMORY OF ROSSEAU Rosseau, the famous writer and phil no, are in the city. ; oxoph The anniversary is to be observed also in Geneva, where Ros- Seau was born, and in other places associated with his memory. SEES SOLO OOC HESS EWELLERY clear VIGOROL in short will change your whole system making it bure und healthy. Mr, Pingle, your di jit tails Price 1.00 a bottle. COMMENCEMENT AT MT. HOLYOKE Paris; June 12 Paris today began celebration of the 200th anniver sary of the birth of Jean Jacqu s J.B. Daly of Bassano registered at the Cosmopolitan this morning. ws Bae Sera : staying at the Royal. Baker . Patten BALTIMORE'S HOSTELRIES Preparing for Their Big Convention to Select Their Presidential Candidate on June 25. Miss Lillian Bario, N. C. Barrie and Chas. Marqant, all of Carlstad, were in towh yesterday. (Special to the News) South Hadley, Mass., June 12 The Baltimore, June 12 Only part of er have a suite at the Belvedere a: the work accomplished by the D mo- joining the rooms of tiie National Mrs. R. H. Hardy, 305 Montreal 5 ZS cratic National Convention, which Committee, and the Nebraska delega- street will not receive tomorrow nor ter, oat We STOCK opens here on June 25th, will be per- tion also has quarters in the same again this season. ee a ans at ah a nae BY--- ; formed in the convention hall. The hotel. Judge Parker witi stay at the te ous t Teeea ik cans a J S 1 results will appear thefe, but before Emerson, where the New York State Mrs. MeDovsall, 900. Montreal ,022 Cal delivered oe aca ere ane aie these results are attained lights will delegation will make its headquarters /street, will not receive tomorrow re tae Staduating class, after wl 5 the 170 inembers bf the class receiy- ed their diplomas from President Woolley. : burn far into the night at various atlhough not all the 90 delegates from hotels and office- buildings through- that State have been able to obtain out the city, where convention head- accommodations there, quarters haye been established by Tammany Hall has taken 25 rooms the national organization and the or- nor again this season. IRVINE DRILLING - FOR NATURAL GAS A. M. Wright, jeweller, being unable to procure another store in the city in which to continue Opportunities Our cerner window Se renoodtetedte orto teed - i tthe Emerson, hay donea SOR I me business (until the new store is built this 4 : Shows a splendid range / Tr ctoas supporting tie candidate ihe ase Bg to, Baltimore O81) ving ig already preparing Zoe tel; DOM HE and Mrs. W. J. De store is built this fall) of Light Colored two- /tor piaces on the national ticket. e Dig steamer and using the craft as avout ot gate neh Chores y tow, LORS 231 Mill street, on June 11, a 4 has been obliged to offer his stock of J ewellery, jiece Suits. : - 3 A political convention is a law unto hotel. during the convention. Other os See Sod: 3, Di political convent i by having several new subdivisi ae i 3: 5 - celebreties from the Empire State ing. al new subdivisions Clocks, Watches and Silverware at Auction Sale 10.00 and 12.00 suits ttself. without leaders and comimit. P Placed on the market. Among them . --*+ 6.50 fees to plan their, work the great/who have suites at this hotel are Gov. f) one to be known as the Hil ad a i i verythi Reduced to 6 body: of delegates could make little Dix, U.S. Senator O'Gorman and Chas. dition. We understand aa een a eee ete ae pridhy, ssingotibs when every thing 1.50 to. 3.00 Fancy Vests reduced to 1.00 2.00 light Lustre coats headway, but even the most astute leader cannot always know when the delegates wil upset carefully prepar- A. Murphy, the Tammany Hall leader. Col. George Harvey also has an- nounced his intention of staying there. The rooms of the New York the gas is struck Mr. Price will have it piped to his property and the whole addition will be brilliantly lumin- will be sold at your own price. ; Q Soasoateetoets ed routine. Nevertheless, until: the ated. It is his intention, we are in- : 2 Reduced to 1.00 delegates ballot and one of the.candl-jleaders are expected to become one treat ios ign) Ancor pitnticee RHE 2 e a 3 Gates receives the two-thirds vote of the important skirmish grounds of laying out of beautiful wide streets, rtock 52; Lot 4, 2000.00. : r 7 : , 4 Slaughtered without necessary for nomination, those who convention week, since this state noulevarding the same and the put Block 80, Lot 22, 1150.00. e e eonisilavation (of coat tre trying to learn tn advance what Tepresentatives come uninstructed tin gown of uilcrcivs, There will Block. 87, Lot 24, 1500.00. Joronto Street 2 the result will be will watch these Until dev lopments in the conven- airy to paths cut through the groves Hot 10; 2000.00. bS headquarters. tion hall are conclusive the deliber- , Lot 1-2, 4000.00. leading down to the river banks, NORTH YUILL H.S.IRELAND -P.R. MENS S TORE A nationai convention bas been Ifk- ened to a great engine in which the fly wheel fs the national committee, the governors the committees on cre- SFeatest attention. large pavillion will be erected for the oy.g. 4 RIVERSIDE. entials, an-resolutions and the fuel The most uniaue and if the weath: serving otter creaey Geel tami Block-1, Lot 6-7, 750 a pair. ations of the New York leaders and conferences at the headquarters of Mr. Bryan are expected to attract the where one may enjoy the pleasures of an up-to-date summer resort, such as bathing, fishing, boating, ete. A 6, Lot 16, 875.00. Lot 4, 800.00. . Lot 18, 1600.00. rareenlotneeedodtestoatriteety siectecteateetecfeateatedtesteateatedts is the voay of delegates which supply the motive power, controlled and regulated by these three committees. The actual work of the convention ris very warm the most comfortable 4uarters in Balttmore have been en- gaged by William R. Hearst. For the use of himself and his friends the. and just at this junction Hill awoke TODAYS MARKETS Block I, Lot 11-14, 700 a pair. Block C, Lot 5-6, 2100.00. HILL. 5 ots 21-20, 525 pair. Refrigerators TAROWARE' New: York editor has taken the big COUSINS SISSONS. started here when members of the Winnipes, June -Wheat opened Block 21, Lot 27-30, 700 pair. Fisherman Catches a twelve) National Committee began to arrive f 87den on the Hotel Emerson. lang closed win 10,02 he 1-2; Oct Block 2, Lote 6-1, 828 pale Gaia i er This committee consists of 52 mem- cia 98 3-8, 98 1-1 Block 19, Lots 7-10, 700 pair. sae pice : Pounder Last Night after a icus HOGS Eee ee Taly oats Cloced 46845 extea We HERALD. There ure mariy kinds, some good, some otherwise. Lively Tussle. Alaska, District of Columbia, Hawaii 1 feed, July. closea 44 ae Bie Sz eeet alk Sst A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- and Porto Rico. Its quarters are at July flax 212, 212, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- Patience and perseverance are vir- t e Hotel Belvedere situated in the a ash Prices Tare Bist State o 6-4 Fis00-0- ber without taint or odor is one of the best. serene Mt.. Royal district within Walking eat, No. 1- Nor. 3 2 Nor, 4 U0. 7 tase presenti iq the most ofr autanes of the convention har ran Two Irvine. Families are 1: 3 Noga 4 No 8 Fe eters pre oe, THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR rather small quantities, and even two top floors of the Belvedere have Under Qua: tine. Nor. Sear. 639 5 Block 3, Lot 11, 1450.00. is the only one -which will do this, and therefore the best to though we may consider ourselves been engaged by thecommtttee. in- Tantine. Oats, No. PE . 5 Block 1, Lot 4-8, 1050 each. buy. See it at our Store. - 43; extra 44; No. 2 feed 41, Flax No. 1 N,W. 213; toba, 208; rejected 195. American Markets Minneapoiis, June 11 July wheat 12/1-4, 112 1-8; Sept. 105 5-8, 105 8-8; Dec. 105 1-2, 105 5-8. cluding 65 bedrooms, many with sitt- ing rooms attached. In addition the committee have taken the hotel baa- quet hall for the sessions. In this room the committee goes over the Papers filed by the contesting dele- gates and prepares the temporary roll of the convention. This roll will be wsed when the convention is first called to order. After the committee on credentials 1s appointed those who are dissatistied with rulings of the National Committee will take their claims before the new committee. Block 24, Lots 37-40, 1600.00. Block 27, Lots 31-32, 3630. GAS CITY Chicago, June 11. July wheat, 109 REALTY Co. PHONE 695. 410 MAIN ST. 1-8, 109 1-8; Sept, 105 3-8, 105 5-8; Dec, 106 1-2, 106 3- t Se Selected Snaps OLD TOWNSITE. 1950; jot 6, bIk 52, Main St: Sereen Doors and Windows, ete. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID, Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat amply, blessed in that respect few of us would have a sufficient stock to last throuh five years unsuecess+ fol fishing, with ne'r-a fish all that time. That, however, ig what H. B, Lloyd says he has done, not hay- ing caught a single one of the finay tribe in this country until last night. ast night, aowever, ne made a haul which will im some measure make up for his lack in the past, and will furnish him with a bounti- fal stock of fish stories to tell his descendants in after years. His prize The Committee on Credentials and catch and crowning masterpiece was the Resolutions Committee, which nothing less than a big twelve pound Tafts the platferm, as yet have no Scarlet fever has been quite prev alent in Irvine lately. The families of Fred Crew, Geo. W. Dinkbl and W. J. Lioyd being Th quarantine at the present time. COMPARTMENT SYSTEM SAVES U.S. WARSRIP Arkansas Survives a Blow Similiar to That Causing Titanic Disaster. No. 1 Mani- FIRST THINGS New York City was firat granted a charter and incorporated by Gover- nor Nicholls 247 years ago today. F. B, Mekianon desires to thank, his numerous friends and atrons for thelr generons patronage during the past seven yea In whieh he hias conducted his bakery business, ae bese nance that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as ike, measurio; i regula c Some of a The magnetic needle telegraph, the 1950; lot 36, bik. 80, Ottawa St. Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company pike, 5 ity seven ieee ee Heccaret a ae artis Se ca 5- The vale eMah -ayete m, WaS patented by 2800, 100x130 ft corner, lots a continuauce of thale estos Patronage, with an assurance of According to Mr. Lloyd's story he - fe nal ystem of eubdivision of continuation of that service associated with this store. quality which has always F. B. McKINNON . Watch for further Announcements z 235-d-tf 16 and 17, block 54. 3000ots 9 and 10, block 93, 100x100 ft. corner. 1200, lot 14. block 96, 4th Ave, OLD TOWNSITE NORTH SIDE 3000, lot 10, bik. 38, Ottawa St. 10,000, 67 ft. and house, block in rooms alloted them by: the Nation- a s al Committee. and some in the rooms from the island at Police Point. He assigned to them at the convention had tried a troll for pike but with- jo1 out success and,sas fishing with a ' Next to the rooms engaged by the single hook from the apex of the xational Committee, the largest reser- William F. Cooke and Charles Wheat- the hull into.a eae ei of small stone, whose joint davention It was, aad dec eered to: Bate ES iS tiee years ago today . Bec ie eth Teo MOL cena tinet yanegneawieripan ota cident to the battleship Arkansas, js opened to travel forty years ago to- Teports of which have been confirm- toaay The empire of the Mikado was last night fishing for gold-eyes ed by official advices, Te ionth. island, where the water from the ation at the Bel. . now has 4, 444 miles of road in oper- N., Toronto St., Howth. : edi has bee: 3 creck joins the river. A number of ya rae a aes F The blow to the Arkansas is be- ation, with other lines under con- 1000, eotaer: Princess and Bal. : People across the river guyed him Commnitteeman from Indian For litved to have been just such a elip struction and projected. The aver SOUTH YUILL 1400, 10t 8, block 14. 3700, 100x130 and house, 12, block 8, 1000, lot 5, block 11. 1050, 50 ft and shack on Mill Street. 1100, lot 18, block T. 1200, lot 16 block Q. 150 lot 4, block 7, with a 4 roomed house. 1500, lot 20, blk. ., corner, 1000, 50 ft on Columbia Ave. COUSINS SISSONS. lots 1-20, block 24. block 22, as the heel of the iceberg inflicted age cost per mile of the railways of upon the bottom of the Titanic, Japan was 42,300, as compared with At the point where the Titanie was 59,259 in the United States and struck there wi the members of his committee and his fflends Mr. Taggart has taken 50 and rooms in the main building, with ac- on hail commodations for 6: 3 im the annex and the Blue Parlo and go for home when suddenly h on the second floor as State delees felt a tug at his line. Cartying out tion headquarters, Other National his firstimpulse he gave a inighty Committeemen in whose name latae upward swing to his pole snapping iti F servation have been made at the clean in two. pieces, but had pres- (Belvedere are: Roger C. Sullivan, III, guce of mind to jump into the water inols: Homer . Cummings, Connect and grab the line. On puljing in he out: J. B. Kremer, Montana; A. 3. tr first thought it was a bic he Daly, Alaska; Alvah Adams, Colo. had hooked but landed the object on 40: Edwin 0. Wood, Michisan imo te lee ce ce ww (Clark Howell, Georgia: J. M. Gutte that re Pennsylvania; Williard sa Soe i tapped tax, Deleware. Urey Wilson of Kentucky. 1 secretary of the National Committers the water on the other side, and q Hormon Ridder, of New York back and forth im this wise several He himself. was be- ginning to think the same thing, dusk was quickly comi ntelole on in of the ship. Naval constructors aid today that had the Arkansas not bea sUbdivi it less she would have gone to the bottom. trahull at 10 o'clock, June 8th, and Captain Fechteler, President of the Was due to arrive at Liverpool at 4 ial board, reported to the navy de- 0'elock June 9th. tztment that the ship struck rocks , S. S. Montrose arrived at Liver- bout one-quarter of the way back Pool at 8 o'clock June 9th. from the bow on the left hand side, S. 8. Mount Temple arrived Just under the turn of the bilge and Quebec 19.15 June St again close t. keel. Se Se in tin a rl la Sal ae 30 along on this reef for Department has every facility for sup- . P. R. STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS The C.P.R. steamer Empress of ireland was 105 miles west of Innis- Glass Table Dainties Monk at + B. F.Souch,Pnm.s. DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. Crystal Jellies in assorted flavors. Shbbrbhebseebehhbhrb bret rea orty four feet, mo Custard Powder, 1 pt. packets, assorted. its t also have thelr quarters fe + Most of the damage , 1 pt. pac times from river to sandbank, then it, TeUrer also have thelr quartern Jui 7 (out feet, the forward bole PLYing the most satisfactory. 7 to reek, then to sandbank, and tek no, -cscntatives ts didates ome At that point the ship's Custard Powder, 3 pt. Packets, assorted. SAS ee ae Fated TOR tae presidential nation will, cur? is divided into a great to where the island widened out a , earty- cx theground bit. Here be had his work ent. Out-linem engaged their quarters months for him getting the hook out of the number of and all of of small compartments whi Get the Best xtend only half way across the bot- It Costs No More 2 B Custard Powder, 1 s, Vanilla Flavor. 2 - ago. ones the shin and which are sup- fish's mouth, and ent his fingers se - Tio of the notable Figures in. ed to be filled with oil in some Sral times in the attempt. Finally more during. the convention will he SS and n others with spare fres r the hoiters Nite of the aecident the Arkan- able MOTHER'S BREAD however, this was accomplished, the Big pike swung on a stick, and with the stick over his William J. Bryan agd Alton B. Park- ie the former thrice and the latter shoulded Mr. 01 H.W. icoimad Co. 1 to meet all reqnire- Hoya walked back to:town, though idential convention Col grr aR epeadl tain FEO tae . STASSIE BROS. is tee aetit his shouers are sore us a delegate from Nebraska and 31 or ne eye from ten to nine- aisek eri the tees ocelot pEcne this morni that fich. ing from the weight Jadge Parker as a delegate from New 7 York. The Nebraskan and his broth- ; fiff rebelde tet a and her engines developed ind horsepower. SV tetetntotetabdetetet
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Image 1002 (1912-06-12), from microfilm reel 1002, (CU1295918). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.