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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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day, June tb, 1912. Sesto ctaate so aSe aft ete ese efe fo dfoeter fe CRESCENT an Buy lots in have seen val- 3 there will be alue by being VIEW be run Let Medicine le Pittsburg MENT, BUT ake personal FRR I TTT *o eeeeateege oetosteeteh eash for all, pmed shacks, ker, lots. rner Toronto and eal and Second LE. Co. erial Bank Bldg very Unless - Required. YOUR HUSBAND uke to be a new having us clean of his laid aside Not a third Save money t a new hat for 1 his clothes ta de E CLEAN- SSING CO. e on Fourth Ave, es. Saturday, June Sth, 1912 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. CH-EC Cal st Pere Hardwood OPEN CVERINGS Ve 9 OcLocK Let Us Loan You the j F ooring Money at in your house will give you fa floor that will last a Iife- time, We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch PER CENT. flooring at very little more TO BUY cost to you than the common BUILD kind. 4 or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD Ask for 'The Gas Gi aber Co Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 238, ay ai Ae off eS Sailings from Montreal Every Saturday for Liverpool, calling ai Quebec. Laurentic, June 8, July 6, Aug. 3. Canada, June 15, July 13, Aug. 10. Megantic, June 22, July 20, Aug. 17. 1 Teutonic, June 29, July 27, Aug. 24. ) SS. LAURENTIC, 8.8. MECANTIC Largest and Finest steamers in Canadian trade. Staunch and steady. Excellent accommodaticns for all classes. MODERATE RATE SERVICE .S. Teutonic and S.S. Canada carry one class (2nd) cabin on'y. The best these steamers affor at moderate rates, also comfortable third-class two, four and six-berth rooms. 2 For reservations, rates, plans, il- lustrated booklets, etc, apply to railway or steamship agents, or to W. M. McLEOD, C.W.PAs 322 Main St, Winnipeg. House and Garden Plants Now Ready for Spring. Pansies in bloom and hardy enough for plant- ing in garden. * Vegetable plants will be ready shortly. The Roseries ee PE EEEEEEEEE REE EEE R. B. Taylor s Transfer Brome A eaTy Pear IN Earn, f PORES SS SHOE HETIISS: ae rane Yen 2 BE. M. CAWKER, Parcels Delirerea. Phm. B. D HONE NO. 349. * roasted ai hheear ruggist ee Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drag Sun dries, Proprietary Medi- 3 LOOM SoSH Frank H. Stock ) lt;5 Seeeporrrrcatn fs the time to enroll in the SOUTHERN ALBERTA- Glin (ge) Stenographers and Bookkeepers 7 Always In Demand. Accountant and Auditor. Balance Sheets, etc. Prepared. Phone. 699, - 0, Box 92. Private Residence 310 Braemar Plants for Sale Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Pansies, Stocks, ete. All kinds of plants for the garden. THOS. E. MILLS, 211 Yuill St Celery, Asters, WILLIAMSON PATERSON Gontractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. See Seren Daors a0 ie es Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle BOX 353. Horses - 183-1mo, PHONE 712 For Sale d Heavy Draying Hay tor Sele Fred McClain Phone 85. Prop. Light CARPENTER AND BUILDER Residence and Office 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626. Box 831 Job Work Attended to. See me about that home you are going to build this season. I will gladiy give you expert pointers, estimates and figures, or show you over some houses I have put up in town. HOUSES FOR SALE. . House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTHEAL STREET ATKINSON FISHER TRANSFER AND DRAYING. W. A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Bstabished 1882) Orders Promptly Attended to. Day Address: Royal Bowling Alley. Phone 199, Night Address: S14 Montreal Street. Phone 30 . Winntveg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat Russell addressed a lurce found wanting. He said: meat in due season hold of Faith and every wa important treat without giving offens: being misunderstood. without se hareh. expressing what 1 belie in support of my presenta harsh, almost to cruelty. b tion bei Brooklyn, N.Y. Jun in in the Academ: ithstanding the season Tekel, Un n the balances (Daniel v. 2) tony 1X Honee. for to the While our. mess to understood. it is nevertheless 4 subject with Bear with ms. then, whit Divine The jessagy riptures which Tn you, my hearers. that 1 am not r Sponsible for the language sel. M responsibility is to speak the word the Lord. In doing this 1 shall deavor to present the Lor Jas kindly a manner as nossille. and so far as possible explain. some Of the harsher expressions 1 must not shun to declare th ale counsel of God and ss fully as believe He would now hav? His peo- ple understand it. There was no Mystic Babvion the days of Jesus and the Anostl-s The expressions therefore in Rew la- i Byte Pelton were prophetic of the S: conditionsswhich have sine in the Church. The word Rabyton has a double significance. Tt comes from Babel. Tt calls our min. back to the period when the son. 0 Noah lost faith in the Divine ? vidential care, and the promis of the rainbow, and endeavored to er-ct a structure for their own preservittion the Tower of Babel. This attempt led to the confusion of ton: Similarly, following th gt; days of th Apostles and the persecution of the early Church, an attempt was to erect a great religious S the Church's nrotectio for and relying upon the Divine promise that Messiah in, due tim: would come and establish Mis Kirg dom for the world s blessing The religious Tower of Babel + primarily. Papacy. It wes a wonder- fu) structure so far as it went. but it never accomplished the designs of ffs founders. It never mastered the situation and established th Church far above the power and influence of the civil governments and esrthly monarchs. Tt was when the Tower -of Babel rose to a considerable height in dig. nity and grandeur tht the Lord manife i monget the workmen, and confounded their speeches. Disconcerted. the further building of the Tower ceased. and the people of the different languages set un each far himself according to the different ideals. This corresponds well with the Protestant Reformation movement, and the various denomin. ations into which those once Catholics became divided. Another thought connect d with our subject is that the literal city of Babylon was a prototype, a prophetic figure of Mystic Babylon. The name Babylon signifies, The get of God the gateway by which access to God is to be attained. This in effect w the claim made by Papacy, and t claim she. still makes, that she great City, a great Kingdom, that she has a great wall of Divine salvation and protection about her a great wall built of ignorance and supers tion, say her enemies. In the Book ,of Revelation Jesus prophetically pictured the. greatness of this City, this. spiritual Empire. It is essentially religious, although it includes the great kingdoms of earth, which unitedly ar styled Christen- dom. This great City, Babylon, is represented as being divided into ten different wards, each of which repre- sents one of the kingdoms of Christen- dom, and which correspond to the ten horns of the symbolic Beast. Com- pare Revelation xi, 13; xii, 18; L And as this great City, or spiritual kingdom, thus includes the chief monarchies of Europe, so, under an- other figure, Babylon, Papacy, is represented as a woman, in whose forehead was found the name, Baby- Jon the Great, the Mother of Harlots. * Thus is shown in some manner tl as Protestant systems. of Chris- dom which separated from the Mother Church of Rome, still her daughters, still related to hi - takers of her character, traits disposition. Thus Babylon with her mn wards i ieutly ail-of- E and Mother and Daughters of this same family name include nearly all of the Protestant denomin- ations, 2s well as the Catholic Mother Church. Th should be remembered in dis- cussing this subject that the language is figurative that it do 5 not signify th.t either the Church of Rome or her Protestant Daughters are immoral. The thought is that the Church of Christ was primarily a virgin com- pany of persons, called out, separated from the world and its aims and am- bitions called to be saints and joint heirs with Christ in His Kingdom. To whatever extent. systems arose amongst the followers of Jesus and became affliated with any of the kingdoms of this world to thet ex- tent, Sasi ptisay, figuratively, they committed. harlotry because. they were espoused to the King of ki and she Lord of lords, and were wait for Him, that st His second coming they right become His Bride and become associated with Him in His Throne. Is will not rat waitin be questioned that NEWS PORECAST FOR THE COMING WEEK , (Special to the News) Washington, June 8 Committee meetings, ' political confevences and other activities preliminary to the as- sembling of the Republican coffvention will get into fal end of the week the great convention delegates and visitors will A. E. Gibson, C. Ay Manager. Phone No, 198 Burns Block. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News. begin thefr march on Chicago. Until the: battle for the presidential nomi- Paps Roman Empire apd +0 of England. as one of her Government, nd tatively. in. the, would not be au Greek Church experiencs betrothal and-marrine Government, the 1 st the German Empire. on this account and i afew the Church af ters mother and. dauc tions of Protestants, ar called by the: family nan ea in purtle and. ace Syste age, with her wing, she hi velation xvii. 1-6.) Th apprecents joused when th wine of claimed an erroneous teachings of the Dark Ages, Th intoxicatine win: tie nations drunk, MYSTIC BABYLON AND DAUGHTERS Weighed in the Balances and Found Wanting ey bee of M throne of Rome, mor thi Hix tonic Rome of Babylon. Under the figure of woman cloth: t the other enturies drupk which of Bahylon. made. all, the + thie rine in her gol: the Bil jandard, or authorit doctrine was put into it when the Bib authority tf varion which made which led them to support the woman and to call themselves Christian nations. Paracy still holds in her hand, still offers to all Who will receive it. But the nations are cradually sober ing un. and heeamin: and less inclined to take myare of the Tr is not to the seine alr She gallant eup dof God ard. its stup-fying potion may the dactrines for that Gdd s Kingdom hal hoon eet tip. nnd that th three. inthe world is th instarioe, peonle with tor. Fine this claim: Christ ions were xicating eatened the eriil forties, or eternal if they fated to keen i he Papal muthority rent authorit: Protestant. denon: rn under these neve anil false theories. did separate from the Mother 1. and id denounce her. n y field doctrinally ty many intoxieating errors of hor cnn. lt;auently thay, too. claim that ow, they knew not how is setup. s. too, join in i me-of the same lone: gt; Mother gave them, telling them that they ars Christian nations h they: have anything but t.and are building to blow + face of th earth. of ine of by fow the: inear sare not discerne ones. Only the who: are gradually getting free from the stupefying potion sre able, by i ance, to s8e some of the kes along this line. These see that neither the Church of Rome nor any of hat Daughter systems are the true Church of Christ. These see from tl. Divine standpoint that the systems are harlot syster: ch of them: prafess-s-to-be-the Brideof Christ, yet. each Knows. th e triage of the Laml at the second oming of Chr erefore very generally fact that the true tia little flock, who will be accounted worthy to marriage and become the I of Christ, must. wait for the Lord from Heaven separate rom. the world, tted from the into the joy Queen and joint-heir in His Ki It is not to be expected. that UB Mother: or are now clai who ars now dom claiming that the Daugi to reign with ming that H y set, Upy-who are now heir unions with the have It is the: Bridegroom s ap- not to be expected that cir own condition disloyal to the true and King, synibolical n affiliativn with the doms of this world at this present orting the same and ye Bridegroom s these that Bri they al jegroom al Tanguage of the lation, gs already. indi: name lon is applied, to the. fypical woman, Papacy, and her mystical Daughters, th: Protestant denominations, but also applied to thengremt-City, Mystic Babylon. . The woman more par- ticularly represent the ecclesiastical stems, and the city more par- ticularly represents the governmental features the sa or religious authority to govern and control the kingdoms, the nations of the earth. We all remember the story of his. tory respecting the literal city of Babylon, with its most wonderful walls and hanging gardens. We all remember how it was built across the river Euphrates, which flowed through not Poantartes arn h heavenly and an earthly, yet the ir trowetll be one in the Sense that they will be-w supervision and masterly organizations Its walls are built of ignorance and supersti whose. great foundations wero laid istest a great gates of brass, which came down fo the river's level, represented in Mystic Babylon worldly wisdom, human amen ny, and sera of organization, to maintain the control of the Waters, and to protect the City from a possible approach trom that direction. But what is signified by the waters, the river? We answer that in symbolic language generally, water has two distinct interpretations: (1) Water symbolizes Trath (2) Water bol from out- And so e woman with the golden cup sitteth upon many waters; and the waters which thou sawest are peoples and maltitudes, nd nations, and tongues. (Revela- tiation or people alone. Her rule is a catholic or gen- eral one, for all nations were made more or less drunk with her false doctrines. The water of the River Eup sales flowing through thls City of Babylon might therefore be under- stood to signify the peoples and ni tions supporting Babylon by con tributions, tithes and offerings In Revelation not merely the name Babylon is used, long after the literal city was so blotted out that for Jong time its site was unknown, but the symbolical description includes also the River Euphrates, and we read (xvi, 12) of the great River Eupbr: that' The water thereat was dried up, of the East that-the way of the Kini might be-prenared. If we sre cor. 4 in interpreting these waters to signify revenues. from, all nation: what would be signified by the dryi up of the River? We answer that it would imply a cessation of the reve- Buee of Babylon, a decline in. the contributions which heretofore have made her wealthy amillions coniing every. year from rich and poor of all nations for her supjort, Tt ss in full accord with this Divine prediction of what is yet to come that we hear cry- Ings and distress arisitig from all d nominations, Catholic and P to. the effect that the waters, revenues, are being dried un, and this fat the time when the world is larcer in population and wealth than cver before. History tells s that the great city of Babylon was captured by Cerus and his atmy after a considerable sic which was wnsucces..ul until soldiers digged afresh channel the river and turned its course asid: Thus was the River Buphrates dr'e up. and the army of Cyrus entered literal Babylon, suddenly, in t ight.. While these things wer? tran piring, the princes of Babylon, co fesponding to the notables of Chris. tendom, were holding high carnivel. rejoicing in. their security. boasting of the strength of their wails, and the fmpregnability of their gates, and the sureness of their wate n they were using the golden ve 's Temple +from which to drink their wine, so now, in the hour of Babylon s fall, we. m: expect something to correspond to this a spirit of boastfulness. of prid drawn from the Divine Word. Tt was at this moment of exuber: ance that in the banquet chall of Rel. shazzar a hand appeared and with of intoxieation with error, apparently Stomach Blood an poor, impoverished blood. food, rich, red blood, Liver Laziness by taking Stomach Restorativ. yd Blood CI. the gre. Invigorator substitute for cours Golden Medical Discovery t allard to accept any medicine Golden -Medi d Much sickness starts with weak stomach, and consequent Nervous and pale-people lack Their stomachs need invigorating for-alter all, man can be no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active, makes rich red blood und overcomes and drives producing bacteria and cures a whole multi- ft Liver nknown Discov rosrtion, having its bot Aiscussion will be commerciai rela- tions between the mother country and the colonies, the Panama canal, em - gration, remedies for labor disputes, and reciprocity between Canada and the West Indies. The athletes who will represent the United States in the Olympic games at Stockholm will sail from New York on the steamship Finland on Friday. The Canadian Olympic team is sched- wied to sail the following day from Montreal, One of the Important weddings of Ihe Week will be that of Miss Marjorie Ide, daughter of Henry C. Ide, United. States minister to Madrid, and sister of Mrs, W, Bourke Cockrai Leslie, which will take place Tu day, at the summer residence of Mr. and Mrs. W, Bourke Cochean at Port Washington, L..T. The annual celebration of Flag Day throughout the United States, the meeting of the National Conference of Charities and Correction in Cleve- land, the annual Rose Festival in TO LAY Portiand, Ore., the celebration abroad fof the second centenary of the birth ot Jean Jacques Rousseau, the vention of the National Electric Light Association in Seattle, and the gress of the revolutionary movements in Mexico and Cuba are also exp cted to contribuite to the news of the week. con- pro- CATHEDRAL CORNER- STONE. (Specal to the News) Buffalo, N. Y., June 8 The corner- stone for the new Catholic cathedral to be erected in Buffalo will b ald tomorrow and the plans for the cere- mony give promise of one of the most notable events of its kind in the his- tory of this city. A monster -parade of Catholic societies will be one of the features of the day. Farley of New York will lay-the-cor- ner-stone and Archbishop Keane of Dubuque will deliver the: sermon. Cardinal ow for The Daily News. Leeroy Geter eteadeateceeseeteateateate * You Can Be Assured ? ee we of the best of everything in building materials by * dealing with us. Clear Fir, Cedar and Pine Finish, + z also Fir in 1 in., 114 in., and 11 in. Moulding in 3, both Fir and Cedar. 3; Pickets in stock. Square 2 The New Lumber Co., Limited R. J.-Russell; Mgr: and sawn Fence 2 Ry Sotgegetg ing pencil wrote th words of our Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uphar- Mene the days of your rule umbered by God and are finished. thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. Peres thy Kingdom is divided and given to the The strong symbolisms in the lan. guage used in respect to M ie Baby- Jon corresponds so well with the rophetic language used respecting literal Babylon that we are warranted jin understanding literal Babylon to have been a prototype of Mystic Baby- lon, and her fall 2 prefigure of the fall cf Christendom. Cyrus was prophetically mentioned in the Scriptures as the deliverer, of God s people from the Babylonian captivity, before his birth, long there- fore before he He was also a t r doubtless represented Mes of whose work will be the overthrow- ing of Babylon, the giving of her over to destruction, and the deliverance of God s. people out of her, As the Medes and Persians unitedly joined in the overthrow of Babylon and in the Kingdom which followed it, so Mes- siah s Kingdom will hawg two parts. control, and co-operating in the same interests. In. the Old Testament, when fore- telling the disaster upon Babylon, the message was given to God's people, Mplee out of Babylon, deliver every man his soul, his life; and. terrible descriptions were given which seem grossly exaggerated unless we view the matter from the standpoigt al ready suggested, thet the things which happened to the Hiteral cit; were figurative and prophetic of the much more serious experience of Mys- tie Babylon, then long future, Read Htsaiah xiii, 1-19. Compare, Jeremiah 1. 15,29. with Revelation xviii; 6; and Jeremiah 1, 38, with Revelation xvi, 12; and verse 46 with Revelation 9; and Jeremiah li, 6.9, xith Revelation xvili, 4; and verse 13 of Jeremiah li with Revelation xvii, hid; and verses 37, 63, 64, with Revelation xviii, 2,4, 21 These tribulations uzon Babylon will constitute a part of the great tribulation with which this Age will terminate and the New Dispensstion of Messiah's Kingdom will be inaug- urated a time of trouble such as never was since there was nation until that same time nor ever be, said our Lord. Let God s peo- Is awake Let them act promptly them help all others who have the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of the Truth, to see clearly the true its centre, and was supposed to, pro- tect it fully from the hazard of an invasion. Besides its vast storehouses of food it had the whole river: for its water supply. Babylon was therefore reckoned impregnable. So Mystic Babylon, Christendom of our day, is most nation is ended the western metropoils will.continue the centre towarde which the eyes of the natfon will be direct- ed. With the end of the Republican contest, public attention will make a quick shift to Baltimore, where there wilt be a.simflar gathering of the clans to name the head of the Demo- cratic national ticket. The week will matk the beginning of the college commencement season. At several of the well known institu- tions of learning special celebrations are to be held in connection with the situation and to show their courage and dvercoming qualities by standing for righteousness. Gas Industry G Despite the competition of electwi- city, the coat gas business of England is rapidly expanding. usual commencement exercises. Ham- liton College will celebrate its cen- tennial and hopes to have President Taft among the visitors. Pratt In- stitute, Brooklyn, will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary. At the Un- Iversity of Chicago the week will be made notable by the dedication of the William Rainey Harper Memorial Li- brary. re The eighth triennial congress of the Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire s to assemble in London dur- and Jeremiah shdlu ath daf hmt ment of Canada. to all classes. June 8, 29 The Financial Post of Canadw gives a complete summary, every week, of conditions in Canada. look, Security Review, Bond Situation, and articles on real and other forms of investment, are of value not only to investors, but The Financial Post is not a technical paper, but is written popular and interesting style so that anyone can understand. The Financial Post is an authority on Canadian Affairs in Canada, United States, and Great Britain. The Investors Information Bureau is free to subscribers. Write for sample copy and further information. THE FINANCIAL POST OF CANADA Phe Canadian Newspaper for Investors. F, G, HASSARD, Western Manager. Keep in Touch with Canadian Development Every citizen of Canada owes ft to himself to keep thoroughly in- formed: concerning the industrial, commercial and financial develop- and accurate Uts Business Out- estate in 301 Dominion Trust Building. REGINA, SASK. RD Paroid Roofing, SPeseetengeys further finish. LARGE STOCK OF Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar be Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, Maple, and Oak Flooring, * SOLE AGENTS FOR Neponset Water- proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and S. Wall Board requires no SEE US BEFORE BUYING. YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. Seeoctentetoctectententonienotonte, Seeioee Peer eee PHONE 467 *PHON 666 Piano Moving A Speciaity apid easonable liable Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 264 Toronto Street. SF POOP O-PO ry OL OOP ObOLOL OLEH Ing the week. Among the topics for OO FOFOF OTS FOFOLOLOTO LOLOL OTT OLS LOLS: CONTRACTORS AND Don't close for your Fir Finish without first inspecting our stock. Its thoroughly ary and all sanded, and will save you hours of work-usually spent on, cleaning. We have a ful stock of heavy coast Fir. Joists, good straight dimension, and everything else required by the builder. HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER. RTO Yard, North Railway Street. : : Phone 59
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Image 975 (1912-06-08), from microfilm reel 975, (CU1295876). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.