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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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lay, June 8th, 1912 gs Street. hool Annex. Street. and Improved iggan S. Phone 527. ) R LIBERTY - Accept. Proof uilty of Criminal erted that the records le - would show that t was over twenty-ond id that, therefore, she ss in the Criminal he conviction and sen- ; was sent to Dublin records of the birth of The result of the in- lischarge of Hodgins, ight years of age, and. yee of a civic depart- s.was a former resi- th of Ireland, where also formerly resided. ther of the complain- sfied with the outcome, on, and has appealed stof George Kennedy * e reopened. The Staff ted last night that en discharged on the the Dublin Castle re- ed to discuss the in- rown in regard to the Present Dally Average 1606 Copies. Advertisers in Datly get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisers. he VOL. 2, NO 282 E gt; .:; Senator Cummings'' 3 gon delivere? month, deli, cara VOD TEST HIKE FOR REGULARS june 10. In order test new equipment recently purchased by the War Department, a provision- al regiment of-regular soldiers. start- ed from Dubuque today ona march to Sparta, Wis. The regiment is made up of 1,000 soldiers from Fort Sher- idan.and other army posts in the cen- trai States and is under the command of Colone Get tory of Western Canada. CUBAN INSURGENTS. ATTACK U.S. TROOPS Company Guarding Mines Repulse Attackers After Much Firing. v ay Uppose ta afld New Feature Added to the Republican Presidential Fight Iowan s are Tired of the Personal Political Scrap Says Senator Keyon, Who. Suggests His Col- league. 4 * (W. AL P. Dispatch.) PREDICT GREATEST dard of Senator Aart B. Cummings is not fcr ae jes at injuring anyong or pi at Tors for soos roast fegeng oF wii sven, WUBUD) FAD WERT nominee was raised today by bisl, co C) the people's side in ery golleague Senator W. S. Kenyon confidence, a magnetic personality ance Co. Pays a Visit to Headquarters in where Taft and and a character without a spot ot Western Canada Roosevelt are located were engaged blemish. Where can the party turn . by Senator Kenyon, and the Haw- for a better leader that he would be, CW, A: PB Dibpatott) . key club of Chicago assumed charge if, out of all this turmoil such a k, D J 10. J of the campaign; Before thevend. of candidate would te aomiuated'at-the Nem Yor N- .s Jone nudge ve Assurance Company who has, just re- 1000 cethestgean Loon ire: vs turned from a trip which covered all yond the Mississippi will be in parts-of the United States and part charge. They will demonstrate their et Cannan, fealty to the senator from Towa, OR the fukdamental prosperity fore leaving for Washington, Senat- eon e G of the Hquitable, is responsible for Friends of Senator Cumintese te: ithe investment of some 400,000,000 lieve the rank and file of the Repub- and the purpose of his trip. was to lican party are tired of the present study business and investment con- controversy and tired of personal po- ditions. ST Yet merchants, bankers, lities. We present in him a man and the. representatives of various : important branches of business, he z said, and I can sum up the result of my observations and study as to f the business outlook in two words, * Provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba in Canada, and was lamazed at: the changes which had ie : been wrought there in the last eight lyears. For hundreds of miles I pas- ENTRG OF Ml far as the eye could reach, appeared to be of uniform excellence and con- dition. T talked in Calgary and Win- So Says T. McBride Tor- jot having natural power and light at nipeg with grain raisers, grain buy- : hand, and locate in Medicine Hat. ers and millers, and they predict the onto Realt; keeping your town back is want of advertising, Hasterners do not know With her natural resoundes, and jor iinderstand the enormous possitiil- excelleit Toeation for shipping, I see ities of-your. natural Power: i no reason why Medicine Hat should Continuing Mr..MacBride pointed Seay ane to advertise. The crop prospect was tiie middle west, So sald Mc; Litt vee better ii. Canada and it the rence P. MacBride, representative of climatic conditions were favorable, a well known Toronto real estate the chances were that in the fall. the firm, who spent a few hours in town farmers demands for implements, on Saturday evening. Chicago, Ils:, June 10. The stan- to an old time victory. His vistoty who arrived from Iowa. contest, a record that will apie ee ot Big. York Insur- the week they expect that more than convention? Day, president of the, Hquitable Life or Kenyon said: of the dountry. Judge Day, as head railroad . officials, agriculturalists, who can unite the party and lead it Most Exeellent . I: crossed the sed through wheat fields which as 9 ; Tomy mind, he added, what is greatest yield of wheat in the his- Looking Over Ground, not be the big manufacturing. city of (Ut that the present was the time ete., would be so great that the Manufacturers, he said, OW, A. P. Cable.) ufactur 1d look around for eats waren heaenaeion Santiago, Cuba, June 10. A com- sites to build factories in the west, in a MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, MONDAY. JUNE. 10, NSIONS FOR BOOKBINDEL (Special-to the News) Detroit, Mich. Jue 1). 1f recom- mendation: convaies. tm the report submitted by President Clockling to the annual convention of the Book- binders International Union in ses- sion here are carried out, the organ- ation will establish un old age pen- sion system and home for sick and disdbied members of .the unto, The organization embraces three-fourths, of the , bookbinders of the United States and Canada. BERRY TO FACE CHARGES ee to the Hale Springs, Tenn. 10. What promises to De the most mo- mentous convention im the history of the International Printing Pressman s Union is to be held Bere this week at the national home gnd headquarters of the organization, The recent strike af the pressmen mployed by the newspapers in bi ago and several tee, wits ig said to have. caus d considerable dissatisfaction among the membership with the present heads of the union, Crit is aimed par- Ju spoke in glowing terms iariy-ut-Prestfemt George L. Ber- h-aadit is reported in some quar- ters that an attempt ewill be made. inj the convention to oust him from of- fice. Friend: of )President Berry, however, deciare that the reports .of Aissatistaction are Breatly exaggera- ted and that there fs little probability of any attempt to d pose him from his position at the head of the union, MISS CANADA The result of the first day's voting in the Miss Canada contest shows that the citizens are going to take a great interest in the event. Nearly 150 yotes have already been received and they are fairly well distributed amongst the canuidates. A large back, but it will add greatly to the in- terest of the contest if they are polled each day or two. : The: vote: jMiss Vera Fleming Miss Jeart Nicholson Miss Ethel Lalonde . Miss Marjorie Rae Miss Margaret Mitchell Miss Gertie Evans. . .- gt; Miss Louise Kason Miss Adeline Legh Miss Mildred Lussier Miss Phyliis Becker u 19 u 18 16 11 20 a uv it 1912 peeeaeteeeres CONTRACT FOR ODD- FELLOWS BLOCK GOES TO A. E, FORESTER Mr. ACE. Forester hait been awarded the conprsct for the building of the Oddfellows store on, Toronto St., webt of Fourth Ave, + The buliting which is to hk cost in the neighborhood of ir 30,000, is to be two: stories high, There are to be two stores on the ground floor and the upper story is to be a lodge room, fitted up in the latest antl most commodious style. FEL Ree ERE EE EE FIRED SALUTE OVER THE TITANICS GRAVE U.S. Scout Cruiser Did Not Sight Iceberg in Three Weeks. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Halifax, June 10. U. S. Scout Crujser Birmingham put into Hali- fax today for coal after three weeks gruising for icebergs along the path df tho trans-Atlantic steamships. Captain C. F. Hughes reports that he did not -sight-one iecberg since he left Philadelphia, three weeks ago. The ship cruised over an area + i iy i Weise * bod + h ie ba Ce a ie She ebe sks of hobs ob ote he be cheoh hoot Hhound by latitude-39N, to 42N., and). longitude 50W. to 43W. On Memorial Day, May 40th, when at the scene of the wreck of the Titanic, the Birm- ingham fired a salute:: The cruiser will be inthis port for a week. 1A salute was exchanged with the cita- del as the Birmingham entered the harbor. BERLIN TO VIENNA pier Humber of ToLes of GHUFEe WINE TE AS yoRIang Race Won Won by German Carrying Passen- gers. (W. A. P2-Cable.) Vienna, June i0 The aeroplane: race from Berlin to this city under the auspices of the Imperial Aviation So- ciety and the Austrian Aero Club which started yesterday morning, was won by Holmuth Hirth, a German, carrying a passenger. Lieut. Schoel- ler of the German army, Hirth, with his companion, covered the distance, 330 miles, ina direct line instead in WA PL AND CAL PL - TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Indian Says breed When Arrested Where Davies by Him. The fact that Jim Ham, ans fain now charged with the murder Po- liceman F, Davies, had the officer's gun, chaps and horse, and was wear- ing the officer's coat with the bullet hole in the left breast, In his posses- sion when arrested, was considered strong circumstantia? evidence against him. He is, now having his preliminary hearing at Bassano, and according to, what he told the officers in charge of the case, he had nothing to do with the shooting, in fact he says that the breed, Loroque, also being eld, gave him the officer's articles . The Indian says he had nothing to do with the shooting. He met the breed and the latter Gave him the several articles. CS Jim Ham Says That Articles Found in His: Possession not Taken from Constable The breed, who is charged with supplying the Indians * with liquor, which started them on their alleged murder bent, denies Ham's statement and evidence has been introduced to show that the breed was in Brooks on the night of the shooting. Wmil Peterson eays he is sure the Indian, Ham, is the one who shot at him twice at Southesk. Nick Klyine, the Itaitan, who complained of the In- dian s act, to Constable Devies, which Started the officer on his last case, told a sensational story of his nar- row escape from death. The case is progressing and some startling. evidence is expected, The squaw with the Ham brothers when arrested will be placed on the stand. (W. AP. Chicago, Ill, June 16 The post- ponement of the hearing in the fourth California district this morning brought to a high intensity the heated conflict between the Taft and Roose- velt factions in the Republican Na- tional Committee, The vote of 38 to 18 by which the postponement was ef- fected on the motion of Senator Crane of Massachusettes were those of Khight of Colifornia, Borah of Idaho, Burnam of Keiitucky, Wight of Louis- jana, Kellogge of Minnesota, Littauerr (fe Flanigan Nevada,) Ward of New York, Capers; of South Carolina, Thorsen of South Dakota, Loose of Utah, Rogers of Wisconsin, and Mc- Coy of the Phillipines. The coftest against-the four dele- gates at large from indiana was then called, Under the committee rules a half hour would be allowed to each side for arguments In the case of dele; gates at large. Bainbridge Cotby of New York ap- peared as attoney for Roosevelt s dele- gates. He charges the first attempt made to organize the credentials com- mittee of Indiana State convention on the night before the convention had Fight Growing Wanner Postponement of the Hearing of the California Caused the Present Temperatu re to Rise. Dispatch) committee from the third and sixth Gistricts and had been unseated by the Taft forces, which, he said, then took up the contests and made up the temporary roll of the next day's con- vention. In the Marion county con- test, he said, the committee bad not even let the Roosevelt men present thelr cases, He charged that 124 contested delegates were tius - seat: vy the Credential committees. The next day when the convention assembled, he continued, these 124 contested delegates were allowed to. Vote on their own: right to sit in the convention, With these votes the Tait forces. had 667 delegates and the Roosevelt side 648. The Taft forces thus secured control of the cati- vention through a medium of contested delegates while the night before they had secured control of the credential committee by shutting out committee members whom they claimed to be contested. Mr. Colby said the Roosevelt for- ces actually had seven of thirteeen members of. credentials committee but the rule laid down by the Tatt torcee ailowed the latter to secure control. f a very short time must build factories pany- of United States Marine, com- minutes (6 hours and 35 minutes) ust seven years d begs to state arried on as a or the company assurance of always been LINNON 235-d-tf - eae heiriey a-eondition-without Precodent-in the: ofthis ministers from the Bast left /,, in the west, to cope with western/and what better inducement could wants, and the probability was they they get than those offered by Medi- would recognize the enormous value cine Hat? HU UN SOLUTION VESTGRN QUESTION The Opinion Expressed. By Many Visiting Presbyterian Ministers Who Occupied Edmonton Pulpits Yester- day manded by Captain Edward B, Han- wring, engaged in guarding El Cuero mines, was attacked at one o'clock thig morning by a force of insurgents who were repulsed after considerable firing. There were no casualties among the troops. The loss of the insurgents is unknown. PRIN FIELD HORSE SHOW (Specal to the News) Springfield, 0., June 10. The direc- tors of the Springfield Horse Show As- sociation have completed ail prepara- tions for the opening tomorrow of the associations s annual exhibition. The show will last three days. A liberal prize offering has attracted many high class entries and keen competition is promised in nearly all classes. FRENCH SEAMEN STRIKE Refused to Sail on Liner Unless Demands are Met. (W. AP. Dispaten.) Havre, France, June 10. The crew of tho. Frouch-liner -France consist ing of '550 firemen, trimmers and seamen, together with 500 other sea- men of other classes, this morning voted the declaration of a general strike in Havre and appointed a strike committee. The committee has urged tho crew of France who Teft the yessel as she was about to ii for NewYork riot to return un- jl commplete satisfaction of. their demands had been accorded. They de- mand an increase of 6 a month for the firemen and 4 a month for oth- (Special W. A. P. Dispateh) Edmonton, Alta,, June 9. Lead- by the moderator, Rev. Dr) MeQueen, delegates to the Presbyterian Gener- after which the elements were dis- al Assembly preached in many pul- tributed to the communicants. Many pits of this city today, almost all of of the most prominent elders in the which wore thrown open to the visi fortenizatdon) took part in this im- e e-services, about a score being oF, engaged in the distribution. The annual assembly sermon was ths? aac many of the chnvebes being crowded. The theme at a number of the services was the pro- delivered in the First Church at the blem which confronts the chur: morning service which was attended the new provinces jof the West, wher by most of the delegates. A number history of the Dominion exists. the city last night for points near Church union was referfed to as the Edmonton where they took solution of the diffienlty, and was'of special services. the theme of one or two uddresses. Saturday afternoon was spent. in At four o'clock in the afternoon all sight-seeing by the visitors, the re- the delegates, clerical and lay, gath- gular session of the body being sus- ered inthe First Church for the ele- pended. A number of the committees bration of the Holy Communion. were at work in the consideration of There was no sermon at the service. the various problems which are A devotional prelude was conducted fore the delegates. charge es : Phone 54. Miss Margaret Mitchell. Miss Phyllis Becker. ference. Comtmittee and ministeria xHOTO ENGRAVERS oy MEET Bee BOSTON 1 flying time. The three Austr- ian Heutenants, BlasKe, Miller (Alias Caskey) and Bermann were forced to land on the way from Breslau. (Specal to the News) Boston, Mass.; June 10. Delegates to the sixteenth annual convention of SAE taaee the International Association of Pho- IN MEMORY OF HANS : to Engravers assembied In Bostou to- NIELSON HAUGE day and were welcomed-by Governor Foss and Mayor Fitzgerald. President Moorhead, Minn., Tune 10. A monu- E, W. Houser of Chicago presided. The ment in honor of Hans Nielson Hauge, annual reports and the discussion of the celebrated Norwegian religious trade- methods will occupy the conven- Teformer, Was unveiled with impres- tion several days, after which the vis- sive ceremonies today on the Con- ftors will devote the remainder of the Cordia Colfege campus. The unveiling Week, to sight-seeing. was made the occasion for a great : gathering of the membership of the United Norwegian. Lutheran: Church of America, The State church of Nor- way was officially represented at the (Special to th News.) ceremonies by the bishop of Trond- Portland, Ore,, June 10.--The arri- lJem.and Hans Nielson val of Rex Oregonus, king of the car- Tandson of the reformer. ROSE CARNIVAL OPENS IN PORTLAND nival, with his triumphal march through the streets of Rex's capital Wait for Wright's Auction Sale of city, today marked the popular begin- Jewellery, etc, commencing Friday, ning of Portland's sixth annual: Rose June 14th, Festival, The festivities will continue Hauge, a been illegal and unauthorized by the State committee's official call. Mr. Colby declared that ure had been adopted by the creden- tunity to choose members from the so as to give them control of the futi rules of proced-/ tials committee which gave five Taft members on the committee the oppor- third, sixth and thirteenth districts (C. A. P, Cable.) London, June 10. Coldelapoer Ber esford will command the representa tive contingent of the United King- dom cadets, who will visit Toronto ex- hibition time and Sir Brunton, the medical officer, London, is sending an extra detachment of cadets, Company Has Enough Or- ders to Keep ore Till Fall. New. kilns, more men, and double shifts are the order of the day at the Alberta: Clay Products yard: Clay Products Co. Hands Full Ouf representative was informed that never were they so busy as at the present time, and that-they had enough orders in to keep them busy until the fall, If the rush continues they wil pro- bably have: to obtain many more cars and almost doubl their working staff. through the entire week. An unus- ually; large number of visitors is inj Portland, and the city presents a gaa appearance with its magnificent dec- orations of flowers ani flags and streets thronged with pleasure seck- ers. Se EAGLES FLOCK TO COLUMBUS Colambus; O., June 19- Hundreds of delegates, together with the State of- ficers, were in Columbus today for the opening of the annual State convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. The convention will conclude Thurs- day with: an elaborate street parade and band competition. i Tuesday, June 4th. tsessions wilt be hett tomorrow and Wednesday, The; regular conference sessions will begin Thursday and continue until next Monday, Cut this coupon out, fill in the candidates name for whom you News Office, city. er categories:. The strikers are all See eee Oe MISS CANADA: COUPON. naval reservists and it is believed-ale z they will endeavor today to-tie up COUPON NO, 23. a * vessels in other ports. + : : GOOD FOR ONE VOTE FOR + . Monday, June 10, S * FREDERICTON GREETS This coupon with five other. -+ nee MESES ise tara ae a oe Neg es PD Rei REI os * METHODISTS J consecutive coupons from the + : +h Dally News, and ten cents, en- + : Special to News. + titles the holder toa photor - a THE, CANDIDATES. ssdeclotee. 3 Sse . gramme reproduetion- of the + Mise- era: Fleming. Miss Gertie Evans, ericton. welcomed tie many. delegates ++ famons painting, The Prairie - Miss Jean Nicholson. Miss Louise Nason. who ; arrived today for the annual * Fire. Coupons and money - - Miss Ethel Lalonde. Miss Adeline Legh. meeting of. the New Brunswick andj should be presented at the Miss Marjorie Rae. Miss Mildred: Lussier, Prince Edward Island Methodist ccn-j- News office any time after wish to. vote and forward to Miss Canada Contest, t This picture cannot be sent Mr, she a by mall, of America, He Is In the elty today the Fall Fair with his standard C heb eee eet most successful, Stark, of Vancouver, is the Curtiss 79 Bp. biplang. mi second Canadian who has been awarded a Pilot's License in tie Ato Olub ing arrangements with the Agricultural, Society to sive sa exhibition at Mr. Stark's ascensions' at Victoria on May 24th and
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Image 977 (1912-06-10), from microfilm reel 977, (CU1295886). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.