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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Ths Glasgow House y BURLAP Colored B now in pia) p-to-date house furnishings. We are showing a Special Quality (54 inch), in natural, tan, greens, browns. blue at 60 cents. All wool qualit den curtains, only id just the thing for NEW SCRIM CURTAINS NEW CURTAIN NETS NEW MADRAS MUSLINS MEDICINE HA Medicine Hat Dews Ty In Medicine Hat News Co. Ltd, every lawful evening at Its office, Main Stone. Wedleine Hat, Alta. A. J. N, TERRILL, Eetor, Pry HONE: Editorial, Advertising Reportonhad, and se Clreulation and News an dob Depts. 13. RING 3. RING 4Q DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 yim, lelivered... 4.90 1 year by mall ) moiiths, dlvered, L090 6 months, by mafl 3 months, delivered.. 1.00 3 months, by mail. 1 month, delivered....850 3,00 1.50 iw ano be given, WEEKLY NEWS. UY Publishe overy Thursday In *ixteen or more pages, and coutains a eumma-y-of the aews of the week local and district, 6 months, In advance 75, 3 months, in advance. .f0e 1 year in advance.... 1.50 Saturday, June 8tn, 1912. THE BLACK STRIPE ON THE CHINESE FLAG. WHEN the revolution first broke out the flag used as its emblem in many places was just a white star on a blue ground. The star had many points. one for each province joining the United Republics of China. After a while the sta gave place to a sun. Now, however ther jhas appeared another flag, of five colored stripes red, blue, yellow, white and, black. Red represents the eighteen provinces of e 3 3 bank behind him. 2 Fourth Avenue : CAPITAL AND RESERVES...... Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right This Bank offets its clients the services of a fully equipped Banging organization. j MEDICINE HAT BRANCR : C. H. McDunnough, Manager - Reetongoetectecgeateatentectesteetens efeetects China of Turkestan, where Mahometans are so numerous; yellow is for Mongolia and Man- ehuria, the lands whence the Tartars have. appeared many times to conquer and rule the whole Empire; white is for Thibet, the land of perpetual snow; and, last of all, black is for the many tribes dwelling prin. cipally in the west of China and forming the predecessors of the sons of Ham. This black stripe is the most remarkable thing about the new flag. It is a sign that 4 ; the new era is to be influenced by high and Se: Darersosotoctoateatectecteteet gt; PO erecienieretearee Imperial Bank of Canada Capital and Rest . Total Assets A GENERAL BANKING-BUSINE: SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. 11,993,800 - - 72,000,000 TRANSACTED. RB. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. 4 bo DPOrrereeonoatectoonedtente Coecesioatecteeioeloctoaioate niente ete generous ideals. Into the great brotherhoid of the united nation the despised aborigin- als are to be admitted. Under Manchu rule 3, they were treated with contempt. In off ial proclamations they were referred to as if they were akin to dogs. Each ideogra representing the various tribes had as-p: of the formation the radical for* dog and this was openly displayed in busy miar- (ket places. Fortunately not many of these aborigines could: read Chinese characte so they did not see how grossly they were being insulted in these government doei- 63,494,580, W. 0. JOY, Manager We give special attention to delay in withdrawals. Twoor more persons may open a Joint aceount and-elther pars ean withdraw money. Our deposits have increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to THE MERCHANTS BANK, SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No + Medicine Hat Branch jments. - When the Chinese first entered China from the north-west they found the coun- try already fairly well populated. Grad- ually they made their way along the north until they reached the ocean in the east. Then they turned south in the direction of the present cities of Shanghai and Canton, ing back the aboriginal races right to the Slopes of the mountains that stretch down from Tibet to the Gulf of Tonkin. It was a movement similar to that which d . SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride - lt;.Paten requirement. P, 0. Box 1010. Always Pleases Bi Seeoetorersteeeestocosto egos ecause Its the Best That Can Be Had. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS sible poliey with regard to them. This is a breed of Poultry which meets every The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged and umexcelled in laying qualities.. ting. Cockerels for LS A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE 3 WoRreirReRoctortoctodierdodtodiotte sociesiesiesiontvelesioeioetesiesette rr ees gs 2.00 and 5,00 per set- Phone 759. THE WESTERN PLUMBING CO., LIMITED HEATING, VENTILATING AND SANITARY ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS For Steam, Hot Water, Vapor, Vacuum and Fan Systems of Heating Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished Architects, Contractors and Builders on application. 602 MAIN 8ST. MEDICINE HAT ALTA. Poor ioeseageionie tote back the ancient Britons to the hills of Wales and Cornwall. The result is that to- day there exists on the hills of West China one of the. most picturesque groups. of tribes to be found in the whole world. The tribes .themselves can be numbered by 2 but they can be classified under the heading of three principal races the Nosu, the Miao, and the Shan. They are found in the provinces of Szechuan, Kwiechow, Yun- nan, and Kwang: Tn many districts they largely outnumber the Chinese, who are confined principally to the towns and large market villages. Te While the Chinese have treated these people with indifference er contempt, they have pursued in some respects a very The: have allowed the tribes to retain their dias tinet dress, their separate languages, many of their ancient customs, and even their lo- cal methods of government, The chiefs have been permitted to exercise much of their old authority, with a certain respon- sibility to the nearest mandarins, who, as long as the regular lana taxes and the ir- regular squeezes and levier were paid, did not trouble much about what happened am- ong the despised aborigines. The pigtail was never forced upon them, and member- ship of one of the tribes liberated a man from many rigorous Chinese rules. Abor- iginal students of the teachings of the orth- odox schools were allowed to compete in to win the eoveted-buttons. in a few cases they pursued their studies further and be- came officials. When they dispensed jus- tice, or injustice, in Chinese yamens, these mandarins gave no one any reason to sus- Taxi Taxi Taxi ALBERTA TAX COMPANY AM Orders Promptly Attended to. Phone 666 Day. 211 Nighi. New Cars, Careful Drivers. - pect their early history, art The tribes have several times broken out into rebellion and caused their Chinese rul: ers a great deal oif trouble. In the early days of the Manchu dynasty the Miao of Kweichow kept up a struggle for a long time, and were only suppressed after much fighting and heavy slaughter. They still own, and hold sway over, most of the land A. Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. of that province. North of the Yangtse, in the province of Szechuan, is a large district roper; blue is for the dependency and began a great western movement roll- T DAILY NEWS. t Tabeled Tid pendent Lolo- Here several branches of the great race live almost independent of Chin- A nominal yearly tribute is paid, cor ing of several ponies and a quantity of gold dust, but into the interior of thi land no Chinaman penetrates except after purchasing permission from the various headmen, udel system can be observed in full ig among these: Nosu tribes. You iy ste the big ie Tord, surround cd by the houses of the serfs, and further afield the dwellings of the retain rs who own fealty to their ruler and fight for him at his call. In most of these houses wea- pons and a bag of oatmeal hang on the wall in readiness for instant use. When the n s horn is sounded from the castle each man seizes his arms and rations, and in ah incredibly short time a large band of dar- ing fighters is mobolized, ready for any n- terprise in which their lord may lead them The black stripe in the new flag means that these tribes are to enter the brother- hood of the great Chinese nation, It means for them a wider outlook and a brighter future. It means education for millions who up to now have never entered a Government school... And it must mean the death of the feudel system, which, while it has ensured, protection to everybody from somebody, has brought cruelty and torture and oppression to those who hap- pened to be serfs. If the new rulers o: China carry out their policy with wisdom nd clemency they will gain the friendship and allegiance of these tribesmen. And these tribesmen, in spite of their want of education, will bring a valuable contribu- tion of their own to the united nation. Born and bred on the hiNsides, in close touch with nature at its best, hardy and fearless, loving their land with a passionate devotion there is a place for such men to fill in the new China. It is to be hoped that no false steps or harsh measures will mar the carrying out of the new policy toward the hitherto despised tribes of West China Long live the black stripe in the new flag 0- . THIS DATE IN HISTORY. ind.? June 8. 1760 Henri Du Briel Briand, the last bishop of Canada under the French Dominion, died in Mentreal. -Born in France in 1709. 1829 Sir John Millais, .famous English painter, born. Died Aug. 13, 1896. 1882+-Hailstones weighing one pound fell at Laredo, Texas. 1905 Norwegian parliament proclaimed the dissolution of the -union with Sweden. ee Oe et THIS DATE IN HISTORY - June 9. 1756 Gen. Francisco Miranda, famous South American patriot, born ii Ven- ezuela, Died in Spain, July 14, 1816. 1768 Samuel Slater, the father of the cot- ton manufacturing industry in Am- erica, born in England. Died in Webster, Mass., April 20, 1835. 1862 Gen. Stonewall Jackson defeated the Federals at Port Republie, Va. 1870 Charles Dickens, famous English novelist, died. Born Feb. 7, 1812. eS THIS IS MY 74th BIRTHDAY. Gen, George M. Sternberg. Brig. Gen. George M. Sternberg, who was at the head of the hospital and medical servige of the United States Army for many years, was born in Otsego County, New ork, June 8, 1836, and received his med- ical education at the New York College of. Physicians and Surgeons. He began his army career at the bottom of the ladder as assistant surgeon in 1861. In 1866 he was promoted to be a captain, and in 1893 he was elevated to the position of surgeon gen- eral. During the civil war Gen. Sternberg served in Gen. Banks expedition and was in charge of the general hospital at Cleve- land when peace was declared. He was a member of the Havana yellow. fever com- mission in 1879 and directed the medical service during the war with Spain in 1898, He was retired for age in 1902. Feenstra ot FL CONGRATULATIONS TO: the triennial government examinations and J. 2. A. Bracketf, former governor 0: chusetts, 70 years old today. Vivian M. Lewis, Republican candidate for governor of New Jersey in the last elec- tion, 43 years old today. Sie ge Robbie met a neighbor who was smoking some fine, fragrant tobacco sent by his son in America. He took out his own pipe os- tentatiously. Pe Ha you a match, Sandy? he queried. The match was forthcoming, but nothing more. T do believe, said Robbie, I ha left ma tobaceo at hame. one s own business (1 Thexx iv. RB. V., margin, and Weymouth and sv mouth speaketh. 84 The mouth of fools poureth out where the allegiance of the tribes to the China ie anes nS es UND AY SCHOOL, his district is Lesson X. Second Quarter, For June 9, 1912. S THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Memory Verses, 47-49 Goldeh Text, Jae. , 22 Cemmentary Prepared by Rey. D. M. Stearns. sg the present from the sermons on the mount and on the plein and reminds Us of one of our tord's sayings on the night of His betrayal, If ye know these things, bappy are ye if ye do them ohn xi, 17, See also His words in Luke vill, 21, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God and doit In verse 46 of our lesson His wordsg Why call ye we Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? are very similar to Matt. vil, 21, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom: of beaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is im heaven. There is no confilct be- tween all similar sayings and such words as these: Being justified freely by His grace. To him that worketh not, but.belleveth on, Hini that justi- Beth the ungodly, his faith ts counted for righteousness. By grace are ye saved through faith, * * * not of works. Not by works of righteous- ness which we bave done (Hom. ii, 24; ty, 5; Eph u. 9; Tit ill, 6). The former texts refer to the life and works of saved peuple as an evidence vation by th finished work of Christ. with an awful Warning thal no were es x0 on our part will gnifice bere will te mmay who profess to be (be Lord's, but whe are not alncere, not born frum xboy to whom He will say in ( bever Knew you; depart f that work tdiquity (Matt: bers of eburciex, Ww be such and rest oo the f baptism 1 infaney or contirmation or standing 1p the-chureh or the cow- unity, but do oot know Ihe forgite hess of sins. having never teen Fe deemed by the previour toud of C and while in their place. in, church once u Week wre wholly in the world und live only for this present world bbw fearfot their future in the outer dirkuess. where there sbull Ne weep te aod goasblug vt teeth (Matt. vill, 12; iit, axl 13; xxiv. 61: xxv. 30.41. While thi will be the doom of many, It ts not for us to Judge any une. but To see to it Chat We ourselves are rruly the Lord's and ilye to help. others to be truly His und to let Him work 10 us to will and to do of His govd press: ure (verses 37, 83; Phil. 131 if we da not see clearly ourselves we cannot wad others, and in Matt. vil, we are told of false prophets who out wardly seem to be sbeep. but inwardly are ravening wolves, not tiving to heip the sheep, but to devour then These are more fully described in er, xxiii 14-26, as speaking a vision of their own beart, prophesying deceit. umikiuy people vain, escouraging evildoers and telling them that no evil would come upon them, perverting the words of me ge the ving God. Such people wanted to kill Jeremiah because he spoke only. what the Lord told him Wer xvi, TAD. The word of the Lord is not acceptable to the world and especiuily to the worldly part of the church. which cannot endure sound doctrine Our Lord so taught his disciptes and talked with His Father about it (Juin xv, 18, 19; xvil, 14). The afirgin ot lesson, verse 40, says that every dix: ciple shall be perfected as bis Maxter. and Heb. if, 10, says that the captuin of our salvation was made perfect through sufferings He was always. absolutely. perfect, but as our fizh Priest, able to sympathize. He bud to be tried (Heb, fi, 17, 18) and to leary obedience by the things which He suf fered (Heb. , 8, 9). According to our Lord s beart seateb ing teaching when w think that we see failings in others we, must re member that, while there may b x trife wrong with the other purty, the probability is that the greatest trouble is at our own end. We are not there- fore to judge one another any more, but endeavor not to be a stumbling block in another's way (Rom. xiv. 13) Admbitions to be quiet and to wind nh, to abide as branches that the vine muy bear the desired fruit unbindered be last clause of lesson, verve 45, says. Ot the abundance of the heart the Compare Matt xii, foolishness; a wholesome tongue is a tree of life (Prov. xv, 2, 4). 1 bave Just received a letter concerning one who was filled with pity for two oth- ers behind whom she walked whose conversation. was wholly concerning SEMINARY S GIFT FROM MISS GOULD. (Special to News.) East Northfield, (Maas., June 8 Gould Memorial Hall, a gift to North- field Seminary froth Miss Helen M. Gould, was formally dedicated this afternoon with interesting exercises, eter Then, said Sandy, after a pause, ve micht gi me back ma match. * TO CURE A COLD im ONE DAY TIVE BROMO 6 Tablets. Druggists refund money if it i: signa- Text of the Lesson, Luke vi, 39-49.. Saturday, June 8th, 1912, When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- Suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s cheap use the very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Bullder requires, * A. select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We hiave the ageney for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- LOW PosTSs 2 BEAVER BOARD YD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0, BOX 29, PHONE 57 FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25c... Pint 4 DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : : H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH yOu BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO, 368, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Speclalty. Light and Heavy Horses fer sale at All Times. F.S. LYON GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. yi itreet. Phone No, 415, an? P, 0. Box 81. W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER awo CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attetded to. *Phone No. 335. Saturday, J Of all th you can bt prepared a 2 will apread cover go m fac , and good satiat walle aad ceiling an But Clark J mer Owner Structure, - Chicago George isters from Clevel restaurant on Cla Jackson boulevard his tenants would: and he was ina t ing to sell it to n vem pay up or get after em. One hundred a east? The) manager 1 angry by telling tim of a bunco s indignantly. expla buncoed at all. He showed a c from Clark Jacks Then to convince took the suspicio the southeast cor and showed him name was displaj or 80 high. es gald th don't you see tb side and Jackson Clark is for Clark standing now, ap and you'-see Jack: levard. That's a The police. a Clark Jackson. Dr. Martell Nineteen Yea Prescribed and women's ailmen prepared remedy The result from and permanent. stores, --- Everybody say: my PROTOS. Studio Fourth Store.) TORON CONSE OF MU: EDWARD F Musics EXAMI JUNE Application x than May Ist. CONSERVATO young lady stud enlarged and wi Ing. September fear Book, 17 plication.
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Image 970 (1912-06-08), from microfilm reel 970, (CU1295884). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.