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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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RALLY IN LAST. FQUR ROUNDS BEATS BIG ARGENTINE BOXER Englishman was on Verge First Round of Battle Triumph in New York Fight J. GOULD By ALAN Associated Press Sports Editor 4 After being on the verge of a EW YORK, Sept. knockout in the very firs the pale, blue-eyed British heavywel remarkable comeback last night to over Victorio Mario Campolo, the galloping gaucho of the Argentine in the battle of the Scott carried off a close decision after ten. Seviaing brace of the tallest and bulkies' counds of battling between a heavyweights in the business. ained the verdict of the two judges, feree Donovan, cast for Campolo. A crowd of 15,000 witnessed the bout. BRR tice ich cacane favor of the Briton, who to offset the ballot of GRIDDERS ARE BACK TRAINING AFTER DEFEAT Eskimos Confident They Can Offset Beating of Saturday Far from being broken in spirit after their defeat at the hands of the Calgary Tigers in the opening game of the Alberta Rugby Union here on Saturday, Coach Arnold Wark's Esk- tmos were back at the grind last night when the nightly practice was held at Renfrew Park. Although the turnout at the field was not up to. standard, most of the players were on. hand early at the training quarters in the Leland Hotel, where Trainer Pat O'Hunter was kept busy fixing up the bruises, strains, cuts, and other injuries always develop in the course of, a gridiron batite : While none of the players suffered severe injuries it, Saturday's game, a umber of them Were Kept out of last night's. practice by various hurts, but most of them will be ready to get back into uniforms by tonight. J Goach Wark get the boss aown to hard work this evening and will probably separate, the backfield from-the linemen in order to make the beat possible use of the: daylight. Greenwich Village Heavyweigh: Wins Bout Last Night BROOKLYN. N. .. Sept, 24. Lov) Barba, Greenwich Village Beavywelght, Pounded ,out a decision over Paul Swiderski here last night, MJack Livingstone, Porto Rico heavy weight, outpointed Johnny etwry. af the Argentine, in the opening four rounder Eddie Sterle of England, gave Abe Lipschitz, New York, a. boxing. lesson in the s*cond four round preliminary. Tloorzin,:on Catcher Is Honored by Fans BLOOMINGTON, Sept. 24. Catcher Ernie Lorbeer has been adjudged the most. valuable player on the Blooming ton roster by vote of the fans. His: re- ward was a 50 wrist watch. Lorbeer did ron man work for the Bloomers all geazon, and will join the Indianepoiis team in the spring. Quincey Manager To Be Advanced INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 24: Word from Quincy has it that Walter Hotke will-not, be back 5 manager in 1930. It 1s said that he will either manag: the parent Indianspolia club in tae American Association or hold the reins of a team in the Southern League. Holke s first year as s skipper has been a distinct success. BIRMINGHAM, Sept. 24 Birming- ham has purchased Outfielder Tommy Leonard from the, Soringtield League. ea Sid and bas been hitiing around -350 most of the season. lestera: sghraga gga WHY WEAR LaFLecue Bibs. Passengers Express SHOOTING A Hunter s Paradise A few hours from your home by air. Ducks, geese; big game, fish- ing. Accommodations, boats, ete: provided. Reasonable rates. Special Rates for Parties. Western Canada RICHARDSON BLDG. Held hub: of to of Being Knocked Out in but Came Through to t round, Shufflin Phil Scott, ht champion, staged a x his way to victory leaning towers. The verdict was 2 to 1 in WITHSTOOD SEVERE BODY PUNISHMENT Scott swayed the official verdict in his favor by a rally which be sustained through the last four rounds, outbox ing and outsmarting the heavier, hard er hitting Itallan after withstanding severe body punishment through the first half ofthe bout. This rally by the crouching, shuffling Englishman enabled him, we show a margin of five rounds to four for Campolo with one even. The big Italian, weighing 223 3-4 to Scott's 215 1-2 and packing the more dangerous wallop in, his right hand, came close to scoring a knockout in the first round. but he found the Briton s defense difficult to penetrate after that and apneared tired at the Shutting Phil Held On This opening rush of the Argentine almost swept Soott off his feet. With both fists pumping furiously, Campolo had the Englishman's knees sagging. The crowd roared for a quick knoe out but Shuffling Phil hung on des- perately. Weak and grogey, until the bell saved him and sent him to his cor- ner for the smelling xalts and good sd- vice from his handlers. For the next five rounds, Scott boxed ily, employing a left jab and a choppy: right to. the head. as he bounced in and out of Canmipolo s reach, As if emboldened. by bis. success, in standing off Campolo's vicious tushe: Seott took the aggressive in the se fenth round for the first time, This, a it developed, was the turning point of the fight. The Briton went so far as to slug. it out with the Argentine at several stages in the last few rounds, stabbing Victorio off balance with Stinging teft jabs and battering hinn-, with a short right: Campolo's nose and left eye were cut in the ninth and hi Jattack, while always dangerous, hac * slowed up appreciably. Tt Was, Clove It was 60 close, however, that Scout needed to outpoint his man in the tenth and final round to gain the de- lato Ernie Schatt, heavyweight from Bos- ton, Won the decision from Jack Re- hhault, veteran, Canadian, in a ten found miatch fought after the main pout, Renault was on the floor from'a left hook to the chin and had taken a count of six when the bell rang in the seventh - round. Bleac erites Force Add ione' Wiring NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 24. Jules inemann has had a thirty-foot wire retched across the right tield bleach GES a hls New Orleans park to keup the fans. where they belong, and also to restrain them from hurling missiles, Tt got so rough in that section that the matter was called to'the attention of Commissioner Landis, it is said. New Orleans Will Lose Star Player NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 24. New Or- Jeans. will lose three of its main coms Purough the recall privilege tthe Cleveland Indians, who have filed Hotloe for the return of Pitchers Clint Brown and Mel Harder snd Infielder Johnny Burnett Cardinal; to Give -Torporcer Chance. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24 George Top- otoer, bespectacied second baseman, Who for the second successive season has helped the Rochester, N. .. club the pennant in the international Teague wll eet another chance with Touin Cardinals, It. was a nounced. today, EADY ACCS 7 EDMONTON.ALTA. Air Mail Ete., Etc, Airways P. Cover 117, SPOKE FOR 477 HOURS. RALPR GRANARRA 4 Benton, RAN 3 DISTANCE RACES ANS DIFFERENT CiTies IONE DAY CONTINUOUSLY vthout pause British Glumbia legislature, 1660 CONTRADICTING PRovERsS. THE MORE Tit: MERRIER Two 1s COMPANY THREE ACROWD F A SINGLE PAGE OF THIS NEWSPAPER, BE TORN IN TWO 21 TIMES JT WILL MAKE A PILE HIGH SS eR THAN THE WOOLWORTH BUILDING Zay 7, Aug Peta Hatin ee. Goat Brats rn mere 2p Whotesale League aults O. Goodman 209, 185, 9: 159, 83; D. Gibbs 160. 164, 190; J. Cuthbertson 130, 181, 184 E. Bowen 154, 119, 280; Totals 770, b E, McKitrick 83, 9: 96. 80, 127; 5, Harrow iW. MeLean 135, 11 n 400, 97, 15; Total Northern K. McDonald 95, 163, 83; E, Kennedy 82, 123, 163; E. Ouroft 343, 169, 161; N, Bootsman 102, 97, 124 N, Cstrofi 124, 258, 111; Totals 545, 800, 642. Zenith Leizell 95, 93, 148; McGre. gor 145, 101. 141; Guy 164, 164, 12 jprice 106, 273, 182; Crowe 1639 130. 428; Totals 672, 761, 923. Coopers Mis. Cooper 208, 142, 211 Mrs. Campbell 116, 134, 180; Miss Me- Millan 84, 127, 127; N. Ewart 158, 98. 156; M. Howatson 188, 174, 142; To- tals 724, 675, 816. Peacock D. Goode, 73, 79, 255; P. McKinley 99, 109, 168; J. Stewart 93, 138: H McKinley. it7, 89, 121: W, Short 151, 201, 81; Totals 539, 623. Commerciat League La Fleche J. La Fleche 201; , Woods 118, 00k 144, 3 We Bot 143: P. Gewinha 185, 190, 170; A. Hartson 158, 154, 203; A. Molyneux 224, 150; 468: Totats 835. 767. 882. Jack Haye N. Seager 134, 152, 136 B) Doyl 165, 156, 168; B. Hays 194, 186,149; Watson 156, 150, 126: 3, Hays i105 138, 198) Tota 026, 76) Esch Co Joneas 110, 193, Holden 180, 17 , 172; Dolighan 173, 165; Melntosh 134, 146, Thurston 111, 126, 167;. Totals Til, 13. 5 Massey Harris- Fitegeraid 149, 157, 198; Megrath 189, 167, 102; Winkelaat 68, 187, 161; Kitchener 164, 138, 149. Cook 185, 179, 189; Totals 858, 608, 889. Underwood Type Bewley, Williams 196, 131.. 194; 144, 133; Harttill 125, 198, 153; Faw- ett 177, 203, 190; Steffen 82, , 109; 169, 180, 4. il 157; MeNicoll 95, 138,151; Peters 116, 116, 106; Short 143, 350,'125; Pippie 143; 166. 148; Totals 619,'786, 604.7 Som Mor Producers Wilson 213; 178, 164; Hawkins 121, 180, 179; Kor. eriko71, 101, 130; Brownbridge 168. 150, 160; Millar 190, 184, 227; Totals 763, 744, 860. Derma 3, 195; Sandilands 120, 169, 218; E. divom 159, 186, 160; Pollard 116, 1 , 130: Houses 146, 13, 160; Totals. 672 Ring 160, 200, 1717 Bunyan 140, 198. 85: annith 194, 208, 181; Sellars 1 14, 185: 803, 956, 263. joes Ciray 227, 353, 386; 162s Colby, 98,194. nar 1, 188, 137; Totals 849. 895, 2nd Fioor Miss Martyn 1 131; Miss Conley 125, 105, 127; Mus Jackson 76, 92, 63; Miss Horwood 50, 107, 128; Baise Hughes-153, 116, 163; Totals 517, 631, 632. 100, 101, 118; Mise 93, 125;' Miss Vint 114, 96, 104, 119, Totals 968, Miss. Hughes 128, 85, 102; Miss Grahsm, Miss Massey 132, 127, 81 S71, 545. Traffie I. Wilson 164, 143, 162; M. Mall 113, 1i4, 190: M:' Morcison. 90, 142, 110; M, Turner 136, 123, 121. . Thoms 92, 138, 147; Totals 600. 860, 750. Advi M. Howe 156, 134, 126; D. Ferguson 161. 183, 125: P. Kerr 160, 183, 98; E. Broke 117, 167, 102: Mt Hankin aS4, 181 i27: Totals 75 , 904- 181, 1 80, 142; M. Reld'109, 136, 11 nell 147, 99, 97: Totals '756, 410, 623. Cashlere R. Cummings 156, ' 159. 179; G. Mercier 148, 150. 171; 7. Me- Gillis 127, 116, 107; 'D. Ciyne 126, 113, 127; G. Graham 131, 139, 108; Totals 600; 672, 692. Chargers F. Hanna 113: 97; T. Kis- PHONE 1629 sick 110, 168; J. Nitzer 194, Bailey 107, 139; Griftin 158, 114: Titais 682, 637, Songhurst F. Brown 111, 125; K. Songhurst 149, 121; R. Jamelson' 121 118: E. MeCeig 96, 133: D. Winters : 730. M: Martin 140, 186, 200; Totals 682. M. 157, 108,139; Handicap 105, 144, 105; 135, tal 704, 125; Fr lan 114, 103, 127; 547. Graham 149, Harris 7 i Diivers shurman 186; Andy 143,166 110. Brown 164, 89, 1 Waller 58. i25, 178 Haws 99, 118, 131; Totals 086, 829, 776 Bid. Elooreterlny 153;-T0S 117, rive 96, 170 138 tugs 128, 194 tf ior spencer 188, iar aa 190, 2 aida ids, Campos ter, neipa T Maas 106 als 840, 925, 884.7 4 Galpin date 131 iat, st dat: itor 81 208: 138 135. Brennant 176, 1 Totals Tor. 608, O80 Old Timers League TTollesy Patemay 88, 191, 810; Bar- ton 16. 14s, div: Latacheur 9, 130 28) Malice. 7d. 81, 8b Relehel 14 , Ted, Yee; row 2008 inebsy wildman 397, 210,. 133 Magee 19, VOL To, Lee Ue4. 105, 128 Gook ia snk 90; Heavens? 131, Sion tos 2066, Tolls ieosley -Praser 145, 193,16 paker 180,197, 134: Pearce 14, 80; Lampshire 139, 105. 338; ; Dobbin. 15, 168 Ugo, nota Ie, cmblers Glasgow 124, 99, 80.3 center iii, 108,199; Phinney 10 , G8, 66, 60. 1 132,143, McNeil 125, 161, 113; Good- 1 Tota atis, stall i 1M, 1 Campbells 139, 176; 4133, 137, 142 630, 692. 14, 1A1; . Beott 17) vedt 11s, 128, 13: 1178, 161 Totals 703, Diale H, 87, 120; W. r N, Rymer 199, 137, 1907 Gy Roberts hergento fon 109, 228, 93; M1. Tryin 301, 149, 204; A. Ritchie 172. 111, 145. Car Faghir 146, 198, 191; Totals 687, 223, Pixles J. Purvis 254, 166, OWell. 148, 172, 1612 b. Plilllips, 94 91; N. McAra. 230, 198, 143; (x Eirlok 09, 138, 142; Totals 820, 738) 137, 95; B. Higgins 17, a7, 3 i93; 1. Witehes Pergic Brown 127, 123: 149 McIntosh 141, 102, 197: 3. MeClure . 98, 118: F. Naldorets 183, 167, 112; 189, 141 nist 656, 727. e Peter Pans M: Crowther 151, 124 114; K, White 113, 143, 181; P. Ward 113, 113, 139; H. Blalr 136, 191, 208; Low Score 78, 98, 112; Totals s9i, 659 Goblins P, Boylan 173, 195, 193: I, Nairn 136, 183, 206: M. Goard 231, 92, 183; S. DeRousie 149, 213, 149: Low Beore 90. 84, 110; Totals 779, 167, 811 Brownies C. Jackson 117, 98, 156: D. Brunslie 90, 185, 162: Gu Haseaxt 121, 84, 144: D. Booths 109. 122, 1247 A. Cooley 160, 154, 110; Totals 597, 594. 696. C.N.R. League * Boiler Busters Mainhood -135, 167 Je7; Neumeyer 125. 192, 168: Con; solle 174, 120, 195: Price 122, 191. 11 Bild 149 71, 158; Handicap 67, 67 0. 823, 808, 890. 164,169, 129, 63; MoGreg Transmit; Collins. 130, 869, 788, 81 154, 119: Ri 46: L. Sharks MeMahon 150. 133, 174; Watson 181, 131, 100; Armstrong 152, 121, - ; W. Gordon 94, . 132; B, Gordon 122. 124, 125: Pirote , 18 174; 102. 02, Ai; Totals. 801, 198. Quens CGoyer 144, 160, 180; Miller 122, 161, 163; Risely 114, , ; Bos- Worn 140, 14 McCall 143, 1 159: 140; 92, 143, 113; Morgan Teal TO a cis Dickey Ne Se ar ee ieee te a ae erat, Bi eat a rman 235; oe 22, 29, 20; Totals 867, 901, 7. Tinkers Biatchford 160, 165, 134: 6 104, 162, 138; Laberge 19 , 143, 431; MePhee 132,138, 175: Wayne Totals 750, 823, 7165. ford 5, 105 1020 feaen 180; 183, ., 153, 192; D187; 153, ; Muirhead 209, 144, 198; Somers 161, , 183; . 133, 190: Handicap 60, 59, 33; Totais 34, 742, Totals 806, 843, 801. Wanderere Hall ,- , 14 son 162, 131, ; Jones R Woods 172, 165, 150; Patterson , 134, 156; 135, Jones C. 163, 140, Handicap 51, 52, 62; Totals 826, 796, Liseam - THs) ka King Pins Heron , 147, 169; Den aaa gan 136, 119, 189; Nesbitt 196, 92, 148, Braid 110, , ;, Jamiegon 100. 277, gt; Latta 165, 12; Hapdica 189, 93, 09: Tothls 788, 004, OOF Vuraiture League Eatons Pallergon 118. 321, 133; by the Gor 100, 62; Totals 57 , 879 Hersom 116, 149, 160; Ashbrook 154,1 of Alberta. 130, Scott: 169, 201, 214; Total: 576, 607. 134. 119; Redwood 15: 123 Campbell 95, 106; Totals 568, 18a, 146,16: Sheddon 147, 1 7. Mason 10: 8 182, 167; W. K. Evans i70, 100, 143; A. Bergenroth 186, 200, 256 54, 54, 547 Totais 783. 783. 619. 0 DM. Reld io: McKeever 94, 131 Receivers Parker Kenealey 120. 110, 103 other 181, 157, 131 : Totals 765. 818. 696. Deane 65, 184, 172; T. Forslund 165, 120; Williams 131, 148, 156; To- 547, 972, 595. . Home Furhishers Easton 138, Reid Stoke: 136, 111, 127; Libke 120, 143; Tun- 13, Totals 687, 675, 17; Furniture Turnel jaziel 110, 100, 1: Featherston 118, National Exthange G. Murray 146, Maunder 173, 120, 134; 1,197,179; A. Steumiyes 13: E, Soott 197, 184, 179; 100, 118 Catris 141, White Totats 742, 703, 766. Blowey-Honryy Harrison .132; Newson 134, 153, 14 192, 192: 2 S11, 751. ALG. 7. Learue Mackie 11D, 178. 134; D. Mallen 137, 111, 89; 8. L. Clark 1: 193, 204, 230;' Handicap , 63, 63; Totals 843, 766, 858. Short Circulis F, Shaw 95, 141, 124 . Kern 151, 118, 81 R. Clarke rst, Armstrong 148, 108, 124. Handicap 173, 147; 5 106: E, McCue 60, Dougias 98, 117,148; B. . 133, 179; Handicap 37, Totals (2, 728, 710. Silent. Pariners worbes. 103, 86, 188; Reid 173, 6,-12: 167; Turnbull 136, 206, 104:. Harris 143, Handicap 28, 23, 23; Totals 13, 750. Wrong Numbers Whan 96, 71. 141; Chalmers 95,129, 136: Burrett 84, 155, Hamilton 141, 123, jor 134, 115, 138; Tuesnet 87, 129, 138; Handicap 29, 29, 29 Totals 25, 638, 645, jer -Robble 202, 148, 150: 126, 149: Soley 132, 133, 159; Roberts 143, 185. 143; Bruce 211, 175, 182; Handicap 52, ri 51, 51; Totals i 17s, 182, 192: Bucki y 128, ichiards 139,169, 130; An Handicap 46, 46. WINE 837. i hs vernment of the Province 91; Frazer Easton 92, 677 123; 143, 167,118. 118, 99; P. ANDRE ROUTIS LOSES CROWN TO BATTALINO Dark - Visaged Youngster Wins Featherweight Titl: by Decision HARTFORD. Conn. Sept. 24 Christopher Bat Battalino. dark vis aged young man, last night won the World's featherweight championship by defeating Andre Routis, of France, in a 15 round decision contest before 20,000 fans. Battalino weighed 124 125 3-4. Defending the crown he a ycar ago, Routls often beat hover was able to display the form tat won him ths crown, Battalino, a fast two-tisted boy of 21, easily evaded Andre's charges, out-generalied im at close quarters, and did almost all of The effective punching, The ditt ence in the batters abilities was. 50 marked that Referee Bill Conway, the sole arbitrator gave every round to the challenger. The crowd of 20,000 set A now record for gale receipts in Con- Reetlout with revenue estimsied at 63,000. Bear ely half a.dozen times during the long combat was outs able to catch up with the fleet, cagey Battal ino who fought with the gencraiship of twice. his years, Routls chased a Teather flinging phantom all the way only to find Almself tied up Ughtly and even, fought at his own style of milling when Tinally engaged at close quarters. There were ro kuockdowns Despite the reteras's optimistic score count, eritics at the ringside gave the Frenchman eredit for mu The aggresivences of the de- parting champion, forcing Battaline Jo hold determinedly ut times, gave Routls ai edge in the second, seventh, elghth and fourteenth sessions. Battalino, with less than three years as w professional behind him. probably Set some kind of a record last night for high Jumping from, obscurity to boxing fame, . 12, 121, 116; G. Kennedy 129,.142, 101; NN. Neil 165, 67, 129; B. Davidson 182, 217, 131; Handicaps 50, 50, 50; Totals 756, 731, 699, 'G. Warneck 90, 162, 94: r. Fortner i) M. Goddard 126, 140, 171: ton 122, 6 73; V. Cone 100, 81, 173; Handicaps 188, 138, 138; To- tals 647, 665, 732. J. W. Lid. League jattelites E. Labissoniere 129, 70, Ross 60, 75, 109; A. D. Hopkins 140, 139, 129; . Taylor 78, 114, 130 P. Kerr 210, 128, 122; Totals 617, 521, Shooting Star G. Lucas 118. 152, 'D. McKeever 128, 81, 88; E. Box Carmichael 153, 180, 138; 2, Maloy 98, 192, 157; Totals 607, 683, 608, This advertisement 15 Hob Inserted by the Alberta Liquor Control Board or Greseents A. Hatder 160, 208, 209: E, Hay 137, 166, 192; S. McIntyre 89, 138, 16: . Larson 148, 160. 142; A. Reid 184, 124, 149; Totals 688, 796, 806. on 140, 154, 136 R, Jarroy 91 123; B. Ellis 90 Fields will meet Gorilla Jones here Oetomer 21 -1r mms been detin mr Doping Out Signs SIGNS OF OPPOSING CLUB'S CATCHER ARE SEEN THROUGH TELESCOPE FROM WINQOW OF BUILDING BLOCK AWAY CURTAIN DOWN window cURTAItE Minter, ROULO UP SIGNALS SIONAL NITTES FAST BALL CURVE uy BEING WonpeR IF ANY ROCemS lwikt. Be RYNTED ACCROSS. FROM BY AL DEMAREE (Form r Piteher New York Giants) The old Athletics and Phillies were the groatent aggregation of eign stoal- ers in the business. They made grabbing the otter fel- fows signs an art, They had smart ball clubs. It takess a smart, quick-think ing; keen ball club to steal elgos. Getting teams sign ts compar- atively easy. Using them after you get themis the 8ifticult part. They used various ingenious meth ods of tipping off their hitters as to Whether the opposing catcher was.ste fhaling fora fast, curve, or a waste bail. Renting a room in an: wpartment across from. th: center field fence, nd signaling the batter with win dow shade, after getting the catcher's signs with fieldglass, was one of them. An electric buzer under the coa box connected with the club house, where a player with binoculars, sat 1n the: wirdow, was another. Thelt coaches relayed the informat fon to she batters with word signs, when they felt the buzzer under their feet. (Copyright) Fields Will Fight Jones October 21 SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 24. Jackie nounced. The bout was postponed from September 23 because of Pleld s infected left arm. If the welter cham- pion s condition is not improved with- in twe weeks, his fight with Dundee n Chicago, scheduled October 2 will also be postponed. BUY PLAY WASHINGTON, Sept. iS H. L. Heldelbach and W. L, Land trom 97, 124: 1 Syme 86, G5, 109; M. Shultz 69, 67, 76; Totals 485, 577, 568 sent promptly. Gadsden of the League. 242 The Washington Senators have purchased Georgia-Alatama nities Beste TENNIS UPSET SPRUNG WHEN AUSTIN LOSES British Davis Cup Star nm Beaten by California at Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, Sept 24. One of the biggest upsets ct the Pacific Southe west tennis championships, being play ed at the Los Angeles tennis, cour me Monday in the defeat of H. W. Bunny Austin, Brilish Davis Cup player, by Bydney Wood, of Gallf,, ana New York. Wood dis of the Britisher, 9-7, 6-8. The tide of defeat swung against Austin in the fourth game of the farst set atier when he took but few wames, Anotlier surprise waa the defeat of Mrs. May Sutton Bundy, yetaran wo- man favorite and Johnny Doeg. Santa Monica, Calif, stat, by Welssel,'of Sacramento and Gledhill of Santa Barbara. The scores were 6-4, 6-3. Pavorties generally advanced in, the opening matches Monday. Miss Nuthal, English girl, and ber country Woman Mrs, Phosbe Watson, bad an eaay time disposing of Loulse Macy and Helen Winnett of Los Angel The British pair won in straight without dropping a aingle game, 6-0, . John Van Ryn, former Princes ton star, and Wilmer Allison, beat Everett Smith and Hal Braley of Los Angeles, to advance ty the men's doubies; The scores wele 6-1, 6-B RECALL OUTFIELDER BROOKLYN, Sept. 24 Brooklyn has recalled outfielder Max West rom the Newark club of the Internatlotial League. Bowl in that extra half-hour at noon-time --for your health s Parke, Make ft dally habit to eat your lunch at the Recreation Luneh Counter and assist your digestion with a game of five or ten-pins. RECREATION . Bowling Academy a service for permit-holders We indintais a fleet of trucks to assure prompt deliveries of your orders. - Whether your order is for a case or a barrel, it will be ALE--BEER TOUT ALBERTA BREWERY PRODUCTS Our drivers will collect and pay cash at your door for undamaged empties. 1376 -JUST PHONE-6488 DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 13 WV GOOD SCORES B ARE RECORDED. ON FIRST DAY Medal Winner Two Under Par in Qualifying Round Monday ANCASTER, Ont., Sept., 24. As ex- pected, the scores of 32 qualifiers tn the 24th annual Canadian Indies open olf championship in 18 holes qual- fying round Monday had to be lose 90, Seven, players, with 01 playing aft went only. one hole, Miss wath Ellis of Ancaster and Airs. Hi. Btov- sna, Waterloo. failing to equal. the cores of the other five and dropped Shee tothe flrs tight. the f Miss Glenaa Collett Gf Pebble Bench from caiifertwice champion won the medal The for the qualifying vound with 77, two tinder par and the was followed two strokes, behind, wits a. par equal 19, by Mins Marjorie Kirkham of the Marlborough club of Montreal. Miss Ada Mackenale of Toronto. Ladies Club, who won the Capadian closed fille last Priday and Miss Helen Hicks of Hewlett, Long Toland, winner of the fecent Oleago derby Usd for the third piace with aos. Canndian players held fete own fairly well in the matter of ualltying as of the 32 players, 15, are from Oanadian clubs and 17 from clubs tn the United states, Miss Nonor Bright, tis medalist in tn closed tourney. last week, ts, play ing for the Niagara. Palle, N.Y. club tits week, She qualitied Muss Oallett won the medal for the qualifying round. cepaoriany. Al though she was only two atrokes Ieee than hiss Kirkham, (ie holder of the United Brates tie tight have won the honor by an even eceater margin. Going oul she took a 40, which 96 beaten by tree players, but on the Romeward nine, she wos easily the beat and rattled off a 37, two under par, to seoure. the honor. The qualifying round prodyce the usual number Of RirprIses, Most, of them through the failure of fancied players to come Up to the test, The frost notable uses ware those of Mis. ee Bide, perhaps the beat medallist none Chicago district, and Mrs. 8, Gi. Bennett, Who on Priday was runner fib. to Miss Adu. Mackensle, for. the Canadian closed chempionship, Mrs. Sida took a 99 and Mrs. Bennett 96 Provincial champions also fared bed Iv, only one of the five who compelsa 1 Mating the championship fight. his wag Mrs. R. Pollen, Manitoba, whe niy aeraped thcougn after the pay Chick Cine Bt 1 Wilso On JIMMY FOXX : Jimmy Poxx cameto the-Mackmen Rig at the nge of 16. There was prob- ager bly, never a. fougher diamond per- MO t former than Jimny * ws He was a Big Overgtown boy, tat Sod awkward Brew managers ouiey than Connie Mack would have seen promis in hum - Was. originally. a catcher and s00n developed into a on one, about the time Cochrane Gordon came into stardom at that position for the Athletics... Mick wanted to se Foxx 2s a regular because of his bat- ting and experimented with him first, third and the outfield... . Te Plays, his best game. au iret powerful arms and takes a terrific cut at the ball... . Looks bad on certain styles of pitching, only to.come and on the next pitch hit the je kind of a ball a mile... . Has led'the American League in batting practically from the start of the sen- LON DC DRY Renowned Ser, al and reputation of Goopeartian Wonrs Laarree Tononto Canada's Oldest Distillery, Z Ai bie advertisement ts not inserted by the Alh the Government of the Prov
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Image 1481 (1929-09-24), from microfilm reel 1481, (CU1347473). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.