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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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THM CALGARY DAILY JERALD, FRIDAY, MAXCH 21, 1979 or ciliactepatgienee DIRECTORY OF CALGARY’S BUSINESS HOUSES AND PROFESSIONAL oe s_-k CIRCULATION OF THE| BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES : ; ; HERALD ees in? --By Briggs |[_Hosis Wanted Houses Wanted [Houses to Rent _| to Rent +, nie : Ger ta touch wi eck Tee M ee Many, sp | seis ee 4 JANTRD TO Bus IX OR SEVEN. es, RENT—THREE ROOMS AND xine Monday 27,501|———==—crRANING ~ : Saveacnte wren You Have A. AND. TH! stout “Pook “aasalt "aon paguoest baiaee ‘Tuesday 27/299|._ CARPET CLEANING _| | Parity or Spaz i] Ganozsenb Tas. domst.s, Te NERY" ee = Sees (ier er =3 ie ALGARY ‘| RR MORG LIVING \ feral ? yj ooimed suite eachange for pare hme Wednesday ...... 27,287 | cast Shieieh, Sis cvat| | Bade on Yow, auto One DAY AFORSUSAR PAS Con marae TDAY Cte Fo MUR EE SVT Or | fans oetgges"hoke to A Maezs. © jah? Ub. ve Ne z ten ne, tox rt Thureday ....:... 27,521)4 Ee MNgce AND CSE THOUGHT Hien tps, Sbleet, iis Hii | Bact Ceneets = Mele rae ne NOvE 3 Friday .. 27,583|" cARPENTERS AND Bion woes : RONDO NER Win| “REAR PART RLROW FARE, Saturday . . 28,517 CABINET MAKERS __ BY MoTHEe \ Ler me TAKS, ett ee ES itaecanieat ercer eG WAH rITN = RSTA eoUR: LEN WWANtHb, TO CE YOUR OR FE atk i : Total ... 5 : : KNOW CAN SHE > 2 Wirgees ste ptetaat aati bat? | Sv ad afte asm BoRRow A CUP, 3 me, aely FOR a alreet ensts Col | SAO Daily Average ant Pomarao2e-1m 4 Bs; f BUNGALSWo—e,TO Egos ts wae raced: lean: The Alberta Farmer and Cal- tse ls Daler 21h 7 f rae Sox tina HERALD. si | Glean Avis whe ned yao, 5s Weekly Herald 9,454 | risa iaot rein Phese j Su |pyasmp 10 HUx—row ME OWN | OHENOOM, MOF oat ine Sve to neven, rooms, SEES aoa 4000) tO saree ikam bixk, 2i0| 44) teenth avenue weet, GINCULATION S eee 55. aro sera Bi per mun Sout and Hartrent werd Yona: prereerea: KOOMED HOUSE TO RENT FONSI H. J. PLAYDO i \ Se AE amt ree ORE | Sek” soey El ATH Se ss 1D ed HE tH 8 sippy Sih Third avenge ort Grace mee ue en a eave ie lla, | 5 “| poe HERALD CLASSIFIED é arta oe ADVERTISING RATES * F FAREED, OT Ty. peaneret re RSs ee eure ay {) MOTE, Look Keot $35 per month, Rowley, a Si oat en but Oa, aot Potican Nareed woe OW OR COPTIGE, 2 | Sea Ye Bor wet, eI North HE r pcr cat Betis, 0p te wWrO TRUCK s shes meat ata ima (ED ota i ch We oa SOs; phis inclades insertion ta Dahy. asd M2557 = : AND. THEN one DAY “ yah 22 | Son ror Tet ot we ae acess ae lisse PHONE US, WE HURRY. “AND ANOTHER DAY AND ANOTHER DAY You SE A VAN BAcHeD! Wi TORENT ON OR BE: | FP omianler yoou matin ese oer cure nix words to each: veces CARTAGE Comes THe Youns THe ELDER D eR UP To THeiR DOOR AND. ry A ¥ 3 NICE HOUSE: | MOUNT |Souttiwest: Apply” 20:5 20-4 street southwest: ee attalS GUAGE? antes cow SON. PORASOMETHING. Comes To USE Tus. Twey ARE MOVING? oh Shromulenes; Pre. > on WITH GARAGE: BEST FRE deveriseuet earrd at tow tn tv | coat a yo RUSE , Ons-t- 1 Bov! RerenEncks GIVEN: , BOX, 1108 fit Dotan roo inte te Aire o ST. A Wee neoneD—ROURE. EY | M7737 es aero a cen ee ABRIL ise STATE LOCATION ANG las adrertieements will Bee 7 a Block Paeaitare a : ARIUE, Box 119s HERALD. 20-8 opted up to 41,00 mime Koo inte to clasts | waved, i. General ee cet S aR oe “eM WANTED 0] Gy rea ‘ROOMED HOS, UNe) 3 % rigs crvice ae 6 BUNGAIOW, Want ume (ee ons angear ea6S TILL Tete tenth, Benaltay, ee amar Sit Bence ee “i 32| pacific CARTAGE CO., LTD. “TMORRA? g mt? sees RG sgt 20 ayn AGRO nonuen tree ice | ORSITORE, MOVING ANI, ‘STORAGE aero [Doe greats, Path, Mitereide, Apartments Re i peee—packers, Distributing cars FS West | Wiverside. Apply 90 EigbtH a - are eat iy tialtway Co. VANTED TORENT A 12 01 TE ROOMED % will lenge from one to thy years: one 3) Seve ERT, On ame se ne des coins var || M3230" IO, Lemme ates Seer ant bstations, ||" DAGGAGE TRANSFERRED. DAY AND . aris, the pe, areas. courteous Atte WIGHT SERVICE, Vv athe surme. DRO. arse Ottice || ——____crts.30.8m . a 1 pananton OF ae Taren Seo Tenia sites te, mace use Dae cereale ana oe abe bak diet." uate am || COMMERCIAL CARTAGE CO. a. WANTEO—TO, RENT, MAY. ST ND TEAM WORK OF EVERY 3 MORNISHED fo W. Overton's Feed and Floor Store, 153 tion. Spectat. ‘covered vans for quien. Goupten UNeo RNISHED | @=_TWo - ROOMED SHACK, BANKVIEW. Racca are ortiwest. Phooe Ee Min blatos areralg HOUSE OR UREDS ‘BOS 1193 HER. Prog, Story, Carscatien Block, Paper re ‘325 Seventh a1 era Phar acy | (0. 1. Price) REN; er BE GEEAN. foerke sem oe ee ao [OSTEOPATHIC = |SECONDHAND CLOTHES : Se —F STEWART [SL0~sursoo saan om @3 Mog hi gen . SpaYSICiaN CONE aeE : Hs i ta SES oe Se Aaa [ee ee ee TANS gee eile, ih, Ses Sells Houses in All Parts of | SLO“EIE « S00 tems oer ea rrsat ee es eee hn Buen . Seteat 5 Gear DIANE Sfowk, 200 the City. See Him First $1572 paisteaeenee ti 225 Ninth avenue et of flour, ) tice, | Gaiaeeh s TANTED=TO “WENT, FURNISHED. 08 | TaaiSRAprON ARERGE TERT at aion or ne owes 'araL SATATEOREMTLER ote SRSURACE Siviwns aveNvs 24st 7 — THREE-ROOMED SHACK. CLOSH in. ean | $7 Ros ROoMED cOrrac, carrot, Aiberta ‘block. i phone MTOR Will CEMENT WORK AND x 3 STOHPSHAY, a rt rice, foe rats is, STORE AND WAREHGUSE|; sank of coMMERCE BUILDING. | $7 5—TREEr Stan PARTLY FUR Bat Bleveath azenae OF COMM ECE ET Road: eeotrel Me, 3 ae ee ae AUTO LIVERIES S EXCAVATION Gand PAPE Ig} OR OFT SPACE PHONE Mae is.¢ [gon =.suEn0m DENOATOW, SARS Staind hoes eee i Si” SIDEWATE®_A : ‘CHAS, CURSON ABOUT 2.800, SQUARE FT, GROUND Tare 70 wae BEAM Sone aes ; = SST Bi aL e Ae HAT WORKS ake NaS OIKo, SED Wes AND WE. WILL, CAT AT UND | TATANTED HOUSE TO KENT: BY A} = = saxeD GETY-AUTO LIVERY. |W. tinea re anes, Ena - SRee Rear Aue. "Bs HOE, ATE evechoou ree SQUARE Weesiiee ots | BE Lig te ea he TAXI SERVICE. 132) 7% ONCRI EN FORK, Pease 92 EA LATE WINNIPE Lt os x one OR | OO Sido. M2830 Bathe wean | Phase, min STR one Sees: | REDO ae Moda tages gaan, eHoME wale -pRoweT | M™S.c'Yy Vater See a Gysytan ro mest BY Aa 7 FORE ok CAMS AT ALL HOURS COUNZEY TRIPS Residence. W14 Conrisinin| MORE OR erase Lyrae $1 PEN APERHANOING, PAINTING Pesan ighrclany cathiog, eentieme ‘4 months or perm t REASONABLE BATES. E E VETO | AS Ls oma ee che ation: eld, al elght-roomed. howe OF bun 7% BANC in38-30-30 WR or cai at aie hied atreet, in’ Kibew Park or Misa! ——— ‘CHIMNEY SWEEPS 5 Se oH Commer, 21 | ners ie : eaters ARCs Agouy ox 1108, Mera of = BARBERS ee ec east | sewer | Oph OnnicEs OOK! LOOK! [sit sii sani SRE -HPER Eg |Siearmerccrenaer |, “WORKERS __|_—sea' stones avenve wae. THE MOUNT PLEASANT colkdren' a ATS oe tssers | OSRNREE MIVa. Tale cues onda — re [or PERS Sea i : oRea Sons ENTS MODERATE ee APARTMENTS sere of inte: Pe re ie ate ABRLY SVAN GPEETE, SP] sweato stouem ave, xonmnas, 2 _ ae ase or bangalow. EEON, WIGHCLASS LADIES’ TATION, OLDFIELD, KIRBY. & GARDNER | Rosedale instead eat aan “payment. "Balance = aa ss EADS Hanan | parwrree es y Bieter AE SE RE Sn] OLOTIEL EUR GANG |Buy isn wast ea ie tna ooh ERNIE UT, BARRISTERS AND CHIROPRACTIC | mi . aeet Sa er eee ws Peper hin abe ee : a eae es ete om noow TREN n SOLICITORS PALMER SCHOOL CHIROPRACTIC =—= aa : i eee ariERE cee. la TEentre atret, Cs SBOE ence yan ranges gas for coo! J. L. CHAPELLE, D.C. LAUNDRIES : : A ae te j a |e ewe a |e aut Bs cae wae Secon! Yoel tig lent aoe Bs emtegcageed tee oS, | LADIES" TAILORS | SE Ener cxseneas| ————AIVERSIBE LAUNDRY : . i eemnny pee aly ets AEELE 9 PIT AVEVUR WEEE eee man geee a Mae CoMtet ear | MOS41 Ha, Ga? aly Uae eee | Is hae eae = Gi ot . te aber ca eis HI | STE T0 ESTES ™ oie fe ee Collections Everywhere : __ PHOTO ENGRAVING = Rooms to Rent Wake fo MEST, ON OR DhTOUe 2O-18-12 PROMPT AND VIGOROUS PERSONAL AT- Ke 19 EIOHTE & UENO ronal sT. FROME, eel — fenz1e lee 7 CS aoe ECIALIBTS. CLASS: 18 71 ic TENTION GIVEN ‘YOUR ACCOUNTS. “ iO 0) STORES, PoBLIC Mt ee yinghs, Winer, « cuawronn, nan] RG"eocUectioN, No, SHARGE, DEGRTTNG FOR STORER EET” | punt noon, evusisuen, vom wise | NPODEEN O87 TOO MLN ~ SUITE FOR RENT Mites, “and Kors “iets, alter] gis! MACLEAN BLK: PHONE, eat GSAveLO tas eet rant t Me eee ser | Nf ODEN 7 OF Tacs ater tar it] IN ONE OF MOST DESIRABLE CLOSE onan ‘Cretan acu A crvANE VARIES |e? Gac Ogeeral aun ctor! gm:| IN APARTMENTS, IN GEG, FUCLY ATION, re Sa Paes Merch cjeljaabet uirioouah avenue west Pictu um] MODERN: NO CAR FARE: FIVE j YS Ge SS Boren — s Se eecnerguenr re | ReSMacihrs, AMBLOMERE te 2 ONSTR ‘TION EED— HA! eee DENTSHED r ANTED UI CANT APRIL 7. APPLY BOX 1141 = CRSTSHED ROOME TO KENT | VV aad EIGHTH AVENUE, EAST, PHOTOGRAPHS C ei ge igneous SUS Your shed toumen by Afr In Lo En at leant aeven. rooms. Suathywest B. te. eae i =: | MacPHAIL ~ CONSTRUCTION | ———_$__—- = [PORRRArTiNe, “ENLARGING. “DEV RLOE Secontatret went ar pM GoM aa | May ba AE mite. PCR Moone aor ARIEL Pe ng. priating: PI a ee ICL, BUY "OK See eet oe x sining sete _ ighth Svénoe sad Cente ae COMPANY - EPpar ier sceeawer ces aare| Wate ese Z iy wes fee to Ry Hoy /t. ser STIMATES AND PLANS FURNISHED FOR Site AND OSADE Cuarl6-151m STENOGRAPHING AND. 2) FIeTH_AVESTE-WEST—O0SFUIE se: FRONT SUITE TO RENT IN TENNET ARATE. WAIHIGTENS oRSARD, 1a ——— 2 ere ea \ one eee ye TORS ASP feteactons We soce |B, Feapene Behe iat eu rouge" MULTIGRAPHING Ay amebod pm for genta, | Vy FANTED,7_WENT=HOT SUNGARD Cee.” tiie: ; Bere chet cones is ‘n atin fori fm. forge So RTT MGs Widnes iS ACBERTA CORNER. prt, gane | orate, Bis, ee Me, | PICTURE FRAMING ssiaie areN a Payee ele a IN ASDA aaet as 8 ia CFs, dams s 001 | nN (NISHED TWO KOOMED SUITE— ee aa neat | TRE ARE POE, aca fea ita | SUSE NOR Seats ese ane | cd | Us uaa eta a ce Ate ‘ aired. 712 Second street east. M66) a 5 1 - pI OK 21-4) os h; Edge Bloc! text sireet weet ee dicen CUSTOM BROKERS | [!" cient EE gy [De gee win ty nop cere ey | MIP aa oo : ie ee veitineere ig i ie end a | mn ne EEE |e lee sre SE Dated Saar a oS ORCHERGE | ue ROOMED _UNYCHATRGRD UR Saas ae om. 0., GUSTOMS BROKERS. SaaLIo—STENGGRAPHE Se tak, THEA saghte ayentorweee| Taye OE ‘Rally moet, with bath, Summers block, Osa, BESCOD cho ttiofe aa Bzb0 MANUFACTURERS ° DBLIG —STENOGRAPHERS,, Sta] OTR oe at Forth Wi at od Busty soeatnae: Jor ate ieee PLUMBING eaten Ned Pe SI FURSISUEE— 10H | Hee, ESR RA ace Rea | cya uTMEEE ROOM BOTT 7G lock PPROERRUNY “6 MARWHEL WOMPASS. | oe prince SAGER. CONTRACTORS JE Ma0se. 8. 2 ilerenth axenue cant. Ure of phous. | terms Par ulate firat letter, a8 ae root, wirriahed, Apely, Janitor, § EGE ena RN z ; reece Hone Mase Con | [ave Foner bce PSE Nats SE at 45, Uslon Bank bidg. Piioue M7600, LUMBER WANTS WORK, CITY On Bt Beenie ROMMEL Ea SS + FHONE Caects 15:06 ae cg a biurincnt mak-| PCy, new or Fepalr. ex 2000 Here couiveniencen West end.” Phone HOUSES WANTED Fp age, carn tow or tose, Hillhurst or Sunnynide preferred Water. Central. 3 " see gee gerne aes oeste Se oe remus, Bes 1 SEs | eats wenn AND TANNING CO Om : anu -WHRK al cms ed ca ie _DETECTIVE AGENCIES. PATON (AND “anny eLpMMING, co. a : * Became We want listings of Calgary fe mbing, steags snd bot water eating, a] ponent : 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES | | gases, Sith ciel a Fitth avenue seat 2050 property: Fak. 0. CAMMBELL fh "Recuta all pricelpel ci ALTE » =
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Image 366 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 366, (CU1847061). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.