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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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“THE CALGARY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MAKCH 21, ror9 iz an ae DOUBLE HEADLINER AT | mc” |e | EMPRESS| : AMUSEMENTS =| sr vbr tex "HE BETIER OLE TODA¥—TOMORROW "NELL SHIPMAN AT han beet cant to decided advantage. |AR4 Charles Chaplin ate both to ap-| WELL RECEIVED HERE PI: | it Piaving dose much tor make the |PeaF on & special double headline | se ee ee eee cena it iss The | ill which ta to be shown at the New | SESSUE THE BIJOU TODAY |feiinco ‘of , the cast all do praise: | Regent next week. ; This Wartime Play Proves to marcy werk jamen oliver Garment, author of "Sy, NOU anow acenea are | Constance Talmadge will appear 18 et Y ne fon of wei teas Many Deaitiful snow | scenes are |, "ltt production “rhe Lesson.”| B@ Distinotly Different “The Son of will treaaure @ included in this film. W |book being created for him by Nell oor stuff has been’ very well done. | The Helen Drayton of “The Lesson" i HAYAKA A Shipman, who has tho leading fem-| ‘The sets, lighting and photography |reveals Constance ‘Talmadge in one and a Real Winner } . in— inine role in Vitagraph's screen | are of the best, ‘The: story has Deen = = tee ation of his book entitied “Da-|scansterred to the screen eo 48 tojOf th® most. Pleasing charsctoriss-| Two explosions ‘with seven spliy- | season of Kazan.” the blue ribbon | make even: a more interesting and | tions of her éntire garter, aince it 18 / cere which . scatter, Joy among tho| “THE BRAVEST feaiuren which, sil or the attraction effocive tale than was Possible with |Sust the (ype of romulae Armericad|gugience and win over the favor of | At the Bijou de Luxe theatre today | printer's ink " cc | printer's 4 Fit!” to which thie captivating screen |g people in a xhanner unprece- and tomorrow, Pietures of the ac his remarkable fea is show-| 1 tomor Pi f This remarkable feature is show-| tar naturally belong 9 |ton of. the story and of Miss Ship- | ing at the Bijou de Luxe theatre to-| *%.¢ story is one of the most “true dented. in the annals of theatrical.en- WAY Ln, Liat” ive tatamte Mts thet | ey and tomorrows n sure and wes | gg MG ada ne’ ateeeed ahd con: | ertalniente Here, sade XD the “The partéay the ene woit-dog Kazan tn it You cannot tina this one, Pow | rng) a young ®t ina amall tawn. [etter “Ole performance which whe: “gventant “Dave atuty, 12; [ern Mee tetera iseee On the] Usenet nnd & goed -ehew. "ring | Who, searcane egies, Many JoMe-Caets | opaiea: @ thie Gay Siangw@ent at) y which Seasue Hayakawa has || Truckee location. Pine needles are nildren tothe Saturday matt- |=, yous New Sane crite aown. in| ie Grand. theatre last night, Foc différ from ell other corsets, The tongue under yet appeared. Virile action, weaved into the pattern for Gulden te Te ao you are ad, | Visiting the small country town, In| genuine comedy, - introduced under} y lacing and the patented feature vivid thrills and hair-ratsing jration, and altogether the book A to come early if you wish tol-yet up house In the big city. Huoyed | uch trying clrcumatances ag-depict- | Oe Pe aaee conten i will page by page the # rea kood seat. Attend the mati- : 3 eyed jed in the play with, shell: bursting wales: With ‘this excellent picture the phen and shatght of the minor un|%f the front lins trenches, this latest management of the Bijou de Luxe Ces tg arhich & young wawe. | Production, which has attained such Also Second Enieode of — || theatre aupplien ste patrons with not | “THE STILL ALARM” | plcaaamtnoree ant endure: When, |Femarkablo wuccens In America, 1s & 4 pniy & wonderfully well produced and | earners Wee mtdtobe needs:repion: | Winner of the firat rani. WOLVES OF KULTUR™ | (00 ventura, but witha cepid= AT THE REGENT) [overs dS otartean® Scehn ToMings | ‘he Hairnsfather three rhuskateers, AND A BIG COMEDY. i novelty ax well. It is a great © Miya aolitary ten-dolar bil with | Old Bill, Bert and Alf, provide, the the Vitaxraph programme, de- : ant iw{wiich” 0. buy & hat, “shose ‘and | Dulk of the entertainment in “he ‘ 3 r Another stupendous achievement 4#| Toc\ings and gloves, while she re- | Better ‘Ole," ang their interpretation 2 Sold by leading cormtitres. R 2 AMATEUR |: ane see ee ee Eee ae en ae ee ee ee eae a eae ee ae Sie hans 5 vont theatre, for that playhouse has | sho realizes that her husband is not | brightest features In stage work neon maken af DEA and ure een Te oking for tour days, | “playing the game” squarely, Hero |in Calgary for many, years, -\They i CONTEST BEC EN o orca aorech | Mart a orien of incidents, whlch “ie |are tyiical British, ‘Temmies: with = = La Dia Come Og : e anding features: of ay ry hot end up before Heleh Drayton | tho original sayings and trench TONI HT ot the outstanding femurkabie | ‘iumph, “The Stil Alarm." a.g-|Res truly learned her ieaxon"—and | style and conversation coming quite G the picture-play, Js the | rem aakan | kantic, dramatic apoctacte taken from | which will teach everyone who sees | naturally as a result of thelr person- engaged by the board as far’ ae pos- ork done by tne oe kh the varie | the melodrama of the same ‘name|the picture a needy lesson. Con-/ al experiences at the war game. Sitles "The delegates further, Tecom- joux mcehes of the picture like & vete-| which hus ane ae the | Hance Talmadge has hever bad a) ate, and Mrs. Coburn in present- Inended that In the care of & storm in by an. a One fead of three days" notice, the secre TICE poe eetone Kt Muse have required Uh-{ soe ceot deommae the| Petter. opportunity than she has in| ing “Tho. fetter "Ole" in America, mi NOTIC. itrongest dramatic successes since) ti4 picture, and. needless to #1Y,| have discovered ‘something: entirely tary of the municipality in which the limited patience to get the results| pack in the elght Horm occurs should notify, the board by “All children attending |! shown on the screen, for which Davia! ae ae tnissimmortal stage play, | #86, bas taken full advantage of it. | new for the stage, and Paul Gilmore wire. Eee ee mtreateh, deagcves a great l ise etaee: versions: make. forth Ws 6g SORT UOpLE Coe tals meter cay | che Kole af Old) BUN 18 6 stay See Saturday's matinee will |/{@i'cr'praise, Mr. Smith. has also {tiling manner ail the Deauteous ro~ |S IAUEL-orovanNK to. reek came. | former, while his two pals. 1. Brad~ i andled “all his scenes In-fino style, i “a Night at the Show"—one of the | fo, , receive a free balloon, |) handled all his scenes in fine atste, man Hing situations, and soul- 1.14 AUD, ee ce mtating @ pres | oan and Horsce Sinclair, are registering hin dramatic situations | stirring fire scenes in a manner far} is |excellent characters, completing a "hk * jwith great effect, aie ecapiic than the limitationa of | eramme which is sure to be of 4h | strong trio, with enough stage talent t | "in tis feature: Nett Shipman dow stage could possibly permit. | to, withstand criticism from. any of the best work of her career astonishing, more angle. ‘Tonight at 8:15 and = [eMhe role of the haiforeed Indian | stupendous, more real has ever beet | CHAPLIN. IN “THE ‘The scenery. in this play goes un- argo i"0 Tomorrow girl, she manages to Ket acroms ajuchieved in the making of a photo- —su5 TRE INA LY rivalled in the history of stage life i y Efaracterisation that was not an easy | play: than has resulted in the fUMINE) SOY AREHEAD,” TOP LINER |etts 8s nt TeRoh, Villages along E. A. Malcolm, R, Gardiner) |Sneto portray, Alfred Whitman, in alot “The Stil Alarm.” It wets @ no\ 5 {thats ei ene tront ‘ime’ trenches| and AH, Tovell Get Three- | 5 small part, does good sts Al Gra-| standard in the-art of the BeGtopIas | where most of the comed yis unrav- . H. Tovell Ge! - | amall part. door Koed work, Al Graz) muandard ify ‘he a screen, productlon | With’ Chatlle Chaplin in “Tho| elied by the three musketeers, aro ——— - - — Promises to approach the familiar Tub [ova rhead" as. the top liner, the | Kell depleted by tho drop curtains Year Terms | Wich it enjoyed. when It was, pro | and clever. scene arrangement. Three | the stake. | Princess {s offering a diversified line | Shit, Cleve", Ooch eto the first ex.| At the closing session of the Munt~ See an sr ecic Manley’s aweet-| of entertainment that contalne’a lt- | Stosion and they are Usted as “Phe | cipal Hail Inmurance District convention nour eget! afire im the dead ot te ot-everything, and all of ttegood. | Gate" “Outside the, Cage Des |Neld im the Sandstone Hall Wednesday i hight after=the signal wires DAV | pegidea the Chaplin feature there tx | Olseuux” and "nillels”” "The geo. | afterncon, the following iret Tce | A Comedy with Music been=icut. a he Ture of the Circus” Unteorsal| ond explosion is featured with. five| elected by tho meeting to hold: office || oe ——___- By Capt, Bruce insfather and knows nothing of the girl's danger | Comedy, News Weekly and the musi- | splinters, and. thess scenes deal with|on the new insurance board for the | WIS AND RICH—Fr apt Arthur ellet until there comes “the still alarm’ JN . + | cat comedy, “Wedding Bells.” with | the trench life and later, the return) province of yerta. inst ere nn with then, ‘the. eail- of the firemen: the| y provinse: (ot Aerts oe ee Dave—OENARO AND GOLA PAUL GILMORE AS OLD BILL en [of the firemen; the | ranje Morton and Gladys Vaughan, [on leave, forve for three-year terms, the next ee ( HAR IE HAPI IN uddening race for fe by the THES | Supported. by the Princess compans.| Probably the inost striking scene | tivo veers and the last three for one |] PAUL LE VARRE & BROTHER H. Radtord Allen nnd: walls of flame; ‘rescue cu ‘At the matines tomorrow all children | of the play in which tho three mui aia “ on One ee L C rae eat eres sine rd SS hs ip ap ln Coa a ee ea oy ered ba ane er ast Deatoni i “THE MIRACLE ” ar as : IN ONE OF HIS FUNNIEST, Be ne eee onienes Cle] 5 oe era ee ieee fede Ben wu Dalawas: Seen eon oliowing chimax. until love pe Way In: . e Dale | KB giawiey, Killa 4 gaiowing eli ML\FE’S MYSTERIES? |cttset’Soutor srhaareasses Pu | Se aictnniog, Mlb Aree nea || CONCERT, ORR wera sc THE S UAREHE D ” of | Rirathmore: 1D. Pearson, Carstalrs; F EXCLUSIVE PICTURES A fuction’ that; will (the night, and their apparent uncon-| Hinckley, Toncka; Jamon Sage; . La- ORPHEUM'S POPULAR PRICES ||] Eves —$2.00,.81.50, 81.00, Tac & Soc cally ‘big things | UNUSUAL PICTURE} cern in ine taco of bursting shells | combe, Matinee—81.50, 1.00, 7c, 0c e place with the really big things hth aTeay. A TesolutionN@as put through at the LAUGHS. of the sereen, Jt is staged in tho when comedy galore 1s potired: out, | je eae ee ee aro nat ihe 1,000 Inanner, embracing ill “Life's Mysteries shure | 8 A reeulue teeat, and, the algnal for | Services rendered by. the municipal dis- _ {much laughter. triets be pald for b = of the incl ‘of the original story. | Gie"-whieh comes. to eutiseadl aaa arses eee oe voxceptional| Gif” ‘which comes, to the Princess“ Aithough the dainty chorus in this | Board: that, the pay THE NEW MUSICAL | LURE OF THE CIRCUS ace ey cies auch Wollenown | for the first three days OF next week, | play scores a big hit with the audl- |B sim the money. bel COMEDY Rrtists as ‘Thomas Santechl, Frital| contains many thrills, being a story|ence, the young ladies, are not | Beton’ ansthe counclLes Teo was: ot Bete ee pone i ton and a score | of love and adventure in the romantic Sa ade weer ene fo wih ee that oe ae PASS cot WEDDING BELLS : ‘Seu gnn ane cing ra oe nates Witte "oe | memes ance et || es EATS MONDAY has been Kept in ignorance’ of gthe | Clair, Mare WITH UNIVERSAL COMEDY (iy MARGUERITE CLARK IS | meaning of litex greatest mystelieh tome oe ts feature work for tie fe-| — Thurs.-Fri-Sat., Mar. 27-28-29; Mat. Sat. : inher innocents has bee FRANK MORTON AT THE ALLEN” TODAY |Sntipbeato'tace nna meet the’ dane | mato parts and they all acquit them- Sars Satna AND are | gers of her position. "This feature-ia | selves admirably. Miss Murdoch in CONCERT | Ono of the fest photoniays : ser porltrome and treatment.| leading tie Women War Workers CO-STAR CAST GLADYS VAUGHAN ORCHESTRA guerite Clark's repertoire is Presents &. well finished sectGn See WILLIAM MAXINE |the entertainment. «ind being a clever | Miss Hoover,” in which that popular) ¢;: ” | o i TODAY AT 3 AND 8:15 fee Hoovar tn wien that ponva"| “THE BRAVEST WAY | site actress heratit. dlpiaye. the ra BREE CANDY STOR (pe TO Monnons aturday, alsa Clark bas AT THE EMPRESS "Sever oeal renditions are. ziven i COLINI'S FAVERSHAM = ELLIOTT Hirt who becomes 4 tarmerette, and | 2) throughout the play, and all’ of these VARIETY DANCERS Taises chickens to help Hoover’ sup- . cs a‘ fumbers were well recelved at the | i : Fe ote tO Hick, Mise aclane| Aft Unusually sttong cast of CARS initial performance. ‘That “The Bets And a Brilliant Company in “LORD AND LADY ALGY.” ply, food for the lltes. Mise Cuan | aéter mctors supports Seasue HAMAR) (er foie" tn the play success of, the] — Enalish Comedy by R. C. Carton, For CERI RSe: OLB TTEn, WE. 8 nee eee Creel and Calgary. will receive. tif mares star {this own right. Throughout ppreciation, 19 a waranted ORDERS. He Japanese f west coas' Za Dok —— ———— J 5 ae the: sory there, an excelent ove | fica" cae are Jant Gell: | fact for 10 lk an upciosaate preven; Dane f theme, and many situations.of excep-| Winter Hull, Josephine Crowoll, | tation | with thattuetly zi FLAG Niohte, to 75c, “Saturd i . on as toil Bu mia ADOT | Giarence Geldart ‘and Guy Oliver, 4] | characters and-a Iine of hemor which ore ee Saturday MM aUbeer tao ee Zee: these players, who will be seen at-the |is always taking. |ismpress theatre today and tomor- ‘Alwaya'n Good Show TODAY —~ 5 [oP atatasiten by cutie seaeerient mazes] poMonow eH |e JOHN MACDONALD { feturess | ‘'NELL SHIPMAN || “as STS coy 1S NEW MILITARY CALGARY'S FIRST MOTION PICTURE ACTRESS. | “dis Buitless Day," a comedy of a! I A thousand laughs, will be the vehicle rowtnich: Patty #Arbuckle will be Sune prevented at thé Princess for three [Gays commencing Monday, amt in| John Macdonald, of Halifax, has [athe well “known and’ popular | bos caller he staff of the Cal- Fatty. comedies, there has probably been: called to the SA’ I | RDA Y Fatty, comedies, Oieruat titic Sint. | gary Y. M. C. A aa military: work Ines Dave" Built for laughing ple-| secretary, to succeed H. A. Maclean, poses only, 1 1s ure to Ect results. | who hay been promoted to transport APOLDH ZUMOR lotticer and is now on the ocean a WITH THE PRESS AGENTS | crowing: back and forth on the troop ‘ Wey bun TT 3 WI he. boys. i} A > ARGUERITE [Marne enESS (08 eee Sie donald enuleted seth the DY YAU AEH|||| “LORD AND LADY ALGY”” | rshoy fh feta in rang ; a COMING TO THE GRAND err tind dincharnea fe was used ran — [By'the Y. MC. A. and for the past + production of “Lord and |ii months has been serving in Hall~ ‘comedy in throe ucts by (fax, menting the troopships and as- see ee oa cton, will be ween at the sisting in the disembarkation of the FOUR DAYS ONLY COMMENCING Foe eet ee a caeatday, |men and the entraining of them for heir hom March 27, 28 and 20, with William | * : ee During that service Mr. Macdonald ¥avershan and Maxine Hillott in the | yep track of the numerous questions | ttle roles, aupnorted by. a company, af | Which the-boys asked in regard to unusual, interest, 01 h com= “federiek | Conditions at home and he has com Heo St ese Agron vaklp, piled chown ola tepweriien | erm y. j | Hares, Heya, Robert Agron «tron | comprising about 150 questions and : | AUR shane, Herbert Belmore, Frank: | thelr anawern in regard to pensions, The Greatest Melo-Drama of all Times \iyn Fox ang Frederick Raymond. war service gratuity, department of ‘ “Lord and Lady Algy” deli the | soldiers’ civil re-establishment, ser- | rit aii raneeeteteeet toed. Al: | Sao badger men provecding to Ur Bc | gemnom. Chetland and his wife, They | victory. bonds, Iand settlement and | Rave agreed to separate because of Inck | Many other tinportant questions the values of race seiene cigars | which the men just arriving back in ettes. Algy's brother, Quarmby, is. ii- | Canada will want to ask. fatunted. with Mra, ‘tudway. the wife |" Mr. Macdonald will have his desk © fan old friend of Algy's. Taking ad-| in the main lobby of the’ association | Yantnge of Algy'# “buchslor®’ pom.tion: | building on Ninth avenue and he or Qbarmby arranges to meet Mrs. Tudwas | Putt Spareey, Se methout Alay'a knowing | ty o8 ce) mien! Oo. | the secretarial - ate 2 NtuAigy’a fiat wthout Algy's Lnominx |Mivee°tnere gill be pleased 10 uneiat Little Miss Hoover J tc estes cf te aa a2 nitha | the returned men or arrange to send ' ga Lady Algy. however, gras) them to the proper authorities for fae Srgk teed ee aaa attice. | Praiamount Ste dn Catena Gr htagid was aveeiae : EEO RLS OUTS RE Re LA Dall weciee gnd_ act of the comedy. taker place Wt | family lost in the terrible Halifax where Aley appear, alightly- ie, worns, -llsaater, Tor‘yaving dined too well. Faversiarn a Playing ot this ‘scone, fs one of the finest piecen of delloate Hight comedy Acting to be seen on the stage today. Maxine Eillott, radiantly beautiful, has never appeared to such advantage JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD’S beeen racesg eer eatla eee eee THEATRE coherences ose MANY RETURNED MEN) tain good seats they should not walt . *BAREE, TWO DAYS feet Monday. tue wite out thei or | yrarcPax, Maren 20—The White enclosing remittance and stamped ad- Star liner Baltic, bringing, the Fitth Cressed envelope. for return of ticket alion of Toronto, the 43rd battal- 99 Sete bap ee ares Son of Kazan STARTS TODAY PROMISING BILL AT sreeitmita eee the Tents Field Ame ONE OF THE BIGGEST HITS | bulk if Winnii pulance of Winnipeg, arrived In port OF THE SEASON. | NEXT WEEK’S ORPHEUM 2. eee cnter the Harbor at an ‘ , NELL SHIPMAN, the Star, as Nepoese, the Indian Girl, does rly hour, but was delayed off the he most finished and convincing wort In her seretn career ‘“ ret ha Ue pears” af preecmrg [OoMe pot excepting her remarkable portrayal of the woran in "God" Pemeciven in this or that written. by Country and The Woman.” Not less remarkable and beautitul themselves, but not “so with Harriet Hempel, who will be at the Orpneum | SPECIAL PERMISSIONS in the extreme are the mnow ‘scenes. It ls a stirring, swift ext week in “Tarrytown.” Kner oving drama of the big woods, lakes and re focceamtall write: raudeviile, i B jit i Babviie ireens of the Wie vote, Hikes, an rivers of the Great ‘ tretthea:" haying” tp Fee on eerie | TO TRAVEL IN GERMANY Reaching the pinnacle of dramatic effort, dwarfing the stage-craft of all > , uristic t Lynne, "You i a again. Come early. Ali Calgary picture fans will be here to which her sister, Beasie, starred on z, 2 times. s AFAIP ig ise. Shipmian's greatest and best production, and the, Grphioum, circus nd many oho" | preat nitaber of miltary and civ and James Oliver Curwood's mort famous story. Bring the ebildren sho. han appeared, were written for her |Entente missions whieh have visited te our Saturday Matinee,--they'll enjoy It, too. ” | the.tas appeared, ware written for Net | Germany since November, the Ger- Bur” jast engon's succean and “Tarry-|man cabinet has decided, according town. , Thit Integr pinviet deals with |to the Kreus Zeltung, that no person American suburban life in, ‘« humor trom an Allied country will henceforth ———_. jeclient vehicle to present Mime Rams (D6 permitted to travel in Germany yel's charms and Vervatitity at their (Without special permission from the bes armistice commission. & SPECIAL MUSIC CONCERT ORCHESTR:
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Image 378 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 378, (CU1847644). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.