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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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~ Will Undertake to Report on ‘MINER DEMANDS 2 ARE GRANTED BY BRITISH GOVT. Writish Government Accepts || Report of Special Coal Commission SECOMMENDATIONS TO COST £43,000,000 Question of Nationaliza- tion LONDON, March “Andrew Sonar Law, the government spokes man. in @ statement in the house of commons this evening, said that the government accepted the report of the special commission, - of which Sustige Sir John Sankey’ in chairman, including its undertaking to report on the question of nationalisation — by ‘May 2 and to issue interim reports from time to time on’ the problem of bmprovements in the coa} industry. Proposals of this nature would be put into immediate operation, de~ Riared Mr. Bonar Law, ‘This involved the continuance of coal control for two years. With weference to the Sankey re~ which he explained was signed y three representatives of the em- ployers not directly concerned in the 2ogi industry, and xranted the miners fwo-thirds "of. thelr. demands, in Wraces, Mr. Bonar Law said that the Signers of the report recommended a further reduction in hours in 1921, Decause they asaumed that by then the output of 1813, namely 287,000, 00 tons, would be resumed. Estimated Cost 3 The estimated cost of what was recommended was for the current Fear, £ 43,000,000. | Ti was proposed that the profits of the coal owners abould be limited to {iopence per ton. Taking all things inte consideration, the estimated cost tothe taxpayers’ would . be.nearly | £30,000,000 | *ponar Law announced that the employers had made what he himself Gnd the labor minister considered Feasonable proposals to the transport Workers, and he bad reason to be- Move that these would prove accept- ble to the men. ‘The negotiations with the railroad sen had Hot been concluded. A de- Tailed statement of's de- juands and the sum involved, together | with the government's offer would be jpublished. ‘ Very Serious Thing Meanwhile, sald the speaker, the government ‘bad. definitely, proposed that wages, including the war bonus, Should be retained at, the present fevel uneh the end of the current ~ “ithe men had, tn addition, co inc however, pressed further — de- instas, involving an estimated addi- felonal ezpendiutre. of , more than 0,000,900, which in “the present foolllon of the railroads was a. very Serious thing. "The interim report of the coal com- mission recommends seven hours of Work underground. inatead of elght, fin guly 16 and six hours from July $6, 1921, subject to the economic posi Hon of the industry.” ‘The report rec- Sarmends an increase in wages of two Shillings per shift for colliery work- tra now under sliding scales and an Sivance of one shilling for workers Under sixteen years. Shall Have Voice In the interest of the country the colliery workers, {t is recommended thal Buve an effective voice th the Glrection of the mines, ‘The present system of ownership and system of working is. condemned Bhd a mubstitute must be found either PPenationalization or unification, by.| tational purchase. or joint control. | ‘The Sankey report points out that | the recommendations mean the distri- bution annually of £30,000000 addi- (onal in wages, and that it should be considered whether a penny should | {er collected at once on coal brought fo the surtace to improve the housing Sn the colliery districts. This would be equal to 21,000,000 yearly. Signed by Baifour | ‘The Sankey report is also signed by i) ‘Arthur Balfour, who Was master cut: ter of Sheffield "in 1911-12, and hai Neen connected with various advisory Commissions, Sir Arthur’ Duckham | Girector-general of aireratt produc: tion, and Sir ‘Thomas, Royden, mem: fervof the shipping control commis sion. ‘Another’report of the mine owners | on the commission recommends an | Jnorease of 18 pence a day in wages | {nd a reduction of working hours to | fd report by: the miners’ rep= tives, signed by Robert Smillie, Iners’ leader; Frank Hodges. Sir ‘hiozza Money. Sidney Webb, recommends acceptance | full of the miners’ demands, includ- ig nationalization Great Opportunity { Mr. Honar Law said the govern-| ment was prepared to adopt the S: key report in spirit and letter. The miners’ leaders had never. had such fn opportunity and never would again. ‘There had never been such oppor-| tunity for making real progress in connection with the problems of the coal industry and in rejecting it, the miners’ leaders would be making: the Kreatest maetike ever made by the leaders of & xreat industry. if they were willing to wait, con- tinued. the government. spokesman they could have a report on national- fzation and everything else. The mat- | ter must, hownver, be settled by par-) Hament. If a strike came, it would not Ye an ordinary strike, against employ | ers but against the state and, in such . the government. must use the! Nehole of Its resources without the hitest hesitation to win victory and win it _anickly. | ‘At this statement, a great nproar| arose from the Labor benches, and | erties of “we cam talk as big:” Tyou fire threatening.” ‘There were counter cheers, and Mr. Bonar Law resumed: Not a Threat “This ix not a threat; no govern- tment could do otherwise. In such a struggle there could be but one end- ing, or there is an end to government inthis country” d view of t Hy } Large ¢ Georgett Hats = $3.95 Smart tailored models, in Milan and liserie braid; “large colored sailors and pokes. Values to. $6.50. Women’s Gloves Chamois, pr. whee eT ats DRED double draw, self embroidery; two button fusteners. Capeskin, pr. Peat seams on SD OO dome fastener..---- Kid Gloves, pr. Tan, white «and $1.75 black; oversewn fin- gers, Paris points. Sizes to-6%. Chamoisette, pr. ‘Washable, in white 1 25 or grey or black, With contrasting points. Two dome fastene Silk Gloves, pr. Double tipped fingered, 85c fn shades ‘of pongee, grey, tan, mode, black and white. Fine self points; two dome fast- eners. They come Family Grocery grade Table Fruits, Choice of TEN eraae California sticed oF halt See ete Cney RG. pears OF Bir. Beuea' gure sugar e970 30 - 8 Fancy B tices: ; June, ean, and. tende ue he etn Gog, ean woens 20 Sire dams, St, Wiliams’ Rampberts ie Black Currant, pail « ~ $1.00 penrut Butter, Squirrel brand. best Peamit Butter, Sat Dent Shade, Now d tin vesvvnnssecnnss 384 olive Oil Napollan, finest. import IY Gere ecrusicese, doe lend .tiad Dreesing, Sra. Hempseed make, Sietae en Boe and 186 White Vinewar, HBG, Seal ity, Inewe bo Maple Syma gunrantecd pure, irge bot.” eiyoe aid BBE Bost, Tomato s new pack, ‘F tor rer Tape Standard 7 iraded ack, 2 can. ive Noo? Tea, 1LB.G. superior Tae blend Tb. eer 3 1b Boe Imperial Coffee, combines #irenstit Wied flavor, fib. BS¢, Ibe «+. BOE Crown Syrup, best for all household. ‘purposes, No. 6 paila « Be Ivory Soap, the original floating, 5 bars + abe BAKERY BULLETIN Hest Bread, home made tenna Yoat -- 10 hye Bread, large loaves fresh daily 8¢ Ginger Snaps, XXX quality, fresh Gally, Ib. setennerene nea BE Provisions Choice Breakfast Bacon, reg. 50c, for 456 Finest Canad aes sees ae, Diba. for 1 OBE ypinest Smoked’ Haims, regular 6c. Boiler ae - 506 Chivice Creamery Butter, reg. Soe, 2 Ibs for $1.05 Because we have select take this opportunity. S Best ‘The mine owners report states that the miners received wage increaney ‘of 196 per cent during the war, while) Yhe cost of living rose 116 ps ‘he majority of the miners received free coal and houses, The miners’ de- mand is for a 30 per cent increase on) the war wages. ‘The workers report deals largely with social conditions. 3t says that one-tenth of all the na- tions’ children are'born and raised’ in mining villages, & large proportion in Scotland. lying under the soul de-| @troying conditions of single room houses. The majority have no more than two rooms. There are between 180-000 and 17009 casualties yearly | ‘of which from 1,600 to 1,700 are Catal. | HUNGARIANS REFUSE PARIS, March-20.—The Hungarian Come DINNER DE LUXE Saturday Night .will complete government has refused to obsy the Eniente's demand for the surrender Erimerchant shipping, according to a Yudapest dispatch to the Journal des Bats, "The Munxariana take the Bioand that acaulescence would mean | {he end of the Danube traffic. the Spring ‘Celebration, 6:30 p.m. Elizabethan Rooms ition T Saturday, in our Millinery Parlors, economy. | At $6.95 and $7.95 ily trimmed, One.of a style. i A splendid selection, We calm Nese to be the beat Dd a DO values in high grade shoes we have shown. mahogany brown. Choose from English pointed toe lasts and recede toe lasts or round toe lasts. Parents! Hasten Bloomer parits, cut full, with patent Governor fastener. Better Suits, with two pairs of pants, TABLE NO. 2—Suits from regular stocks Comprising suits from our regular Iines in fancy mixed tweeds and cheviots, patterned in stripe and checked éffects. Latest designs, and overy sult on the:table thoroughly ependable. Full range of sizes. TABLE NO. 3—SUITS In brown, blue, grey shades: nicely. put together, strongly ewn seams; all round belt and buckle. Hioomer pants-with Governor fasteners. All sizes. A TABLE OF BLOOMERS Blue cheviot and grey tweed, double stitched seams; re- inforced throughout. Lined, and & good school pant, All sizes. o The Fashion M ‘Offer: an. Army of Featuring The More Moderately Priced Spring Millinery ill be “Surprise Day,” he wonderful hats you'll find at prices the very essence of We mention briefly a few that impressed us the most. At $10.50 ‘The smartest model hats we have ‘ever shown at this price. All mide by Gethe, New York, and are copies of French Hats. in and Small Sailors, faced ¢; pokes and turbans, daint- Wonder Styles at $2.95 and $5.95 Hundreds of pretty hats, just one of a style; small and large shapes, practically all colors. The New Laces, Ribbons, etc. Val Laces and Headings, Bolt 4% to 1%% {nches wide, some in the fine mesh, which is most suitable for baby’s wear; also the coarse mesh for the children’s or grown-up's use. Comes in 12-yard bolts only. Filet Laces and Semi Made Camisoles Bandings, yd. Hand emoriteet, BD Most suitable for cam- 4] Qgq in- white, pink or soles, 3 to 5 inchea wide; very strong and durable for blue, which makes very dainty Regular $2.95. every day wear. gifts. The New Dresden Ribbons, yd. In light and dark shades, also stripes and plaids, in a feed ne Nalin § nthes Wier Need Spscatnn.. 2 ODE Children’s Hand 4Aair Bow Taffeta, yd. | Embroidered nual. 39¢ Lawn Aprons $2.19 59c Regular Very dainty for the little maids’ tea par- ties, Regular $2.95. Men’s Black Boots at Well made boot, $4.85 with uppers of sel- ected box Kip: choose either a modium or wide toe shape. The soles are full: weight and will make a dandy serviceable boot for men: or big boys. All sizes, 5% ‘to 11; E and EB fitting. Men’s Brown Boots . All-over ‘stuffed. design; Solid quarter cut oak, Covered in heavy values $16.50. Four-piece. Very fine quality in fine calf uppérs, in Zulu and Zimmerknit new width in Wallpaper ti Directoire design, Price from .----- oa Bloomers Ladies’ Silk Top Malge Baste 1 DLS Combinations alee an oops coon anes Mae Cit tee SOO strap shoulder. In GARMENT a ae! pink or white. Sizes 34 to 44, Women’s New Spring Hosiery Pair $2.50 Women's pure thread silk hose. with smart clox; lisle top, toes and heels 15in. silt leg, seamless; grey, with white, brown with white; black with white, All sizes, 8% to 10 inches. Fine Thread Silk Hose, pr. $1.65 | With lisle top and feet. 18in. sill leg, fashioned. They are seconds, meaning a slight defect in weave. Black only. All sizes. Reg. $2.59. Infants’ Mercerised Lisle Hose, pr. Ixl ribbed, extra fine. 50c weave, double heels and toca, White only. Sizes 4 to 6% inches. E To ed practically our entire stock of Boys’ Clothing and placed and white, Sizes small, medium Outsize Women’s Mercerised Lisle Ri top, strongly re- 52 ae as OC wear comes; ¢arefully selected Black and white. Sizes 3% to 10 inches, CHILDREN'S MEDIUM WEIGHT COTTON HOSE, PAIR 4x1 ribbed, double-heels: and toes; elastic leg. Black only. Sizes 7 to 9. Inches. them on tables for a quick sale Saturday. Points—For your information. we would point out that clothing prices cannot come down for: me time to come, therefore SUIT TABLE NO. 1—Vahies to $21.50 sell mprising French designs, Norfolks and Pinch-backs. Fo ere ee veslar mass represented: DL Sa O ‘These are the Wear- $10.50 $6.99 Pleated vertical pockets, $1.55 early. at with shaded high lights. Dressers, chiffoniers, dressing tables, double bed. Regular $2: A Saturday Special in Wallpaper Room Lot for $3.23 Room lot—wall and ceiling only, sufficient for wall and ceiling for any room to 12x12x The New Wallpapers —in 30 inch Tapestry and plain effects just arrived TheBoys’ Store Saturday \ inee and General Manager 1 sill yuarantee you a big saving in Millinery next week, The grand week sale of exclusive models will be 0 wonder, Each day a new line and a new low pi have seen them, they are splendid. You ail be onthus- ed, New Neckwear ‘All smart styles_in new neck- wear, some satin and georgette ves~ tees, are the big feature for the new Spring suits. We have also amart collars in satin georgette, piques, in all shapes and slzes: from.--------- $1.25 to $5.50 Crepe de Chine Ties Regular $1.25, $1.07 for In a new and wanted “iors in erepe de chine tles for Spring dresses. Smart med Big Easy Arm Chairs and Arm Rockers. $32.50 ea. deep- seat, shaped back and arms. - Covered with genuine leather, Living Room Arm Chairs, ea. fumed scat Spanish leatherette: and: back. Regular $11.90 Old Ivory Bedroom Suite rubbed enamel, $ 169.00 6.00, 9. ONE DAY ONLY. The fakes dll-the difference inthe _.. $1.25 to $4.00 the roll The: Paint Store READY MIXED PAINT _ Benjamin’ Moore Gon Rady aise Da sO Paint tcauurt Ur and broahy otro in all shades, including. white. This is one of the best of paints and absolutely guaranteed. Reg. $1.60. WHITE ENAMEL, 1 qt. tin Berry "ross for All Gale ites, or DL DS amel is needed. Regular $2.50. HOUSEHOLD VARNISH i-pint tin, Re-vaesish 49c your ull looking wood- work with a can of this glossy fin- ish varnish. Regular 60c. Te : yeah Cooked “ibe tea” fect iteariy “Re i oe ae Vegetables ceaistea te sar sianer dle poitoee ec tee outa Shee Sete Peat ta Dacia vee as anioma oe eeiette BARGAIN TAG 500 Yards of All Wool English Homespun Tweed! + S4in. shades. wide: natural grey Toduy’s value $4.50. OUR PRICE $6.25 Yd. Fine and Dainty Voile Blouses Sell Each simple tions of fine voile in a variety of styles, effectively trim- slip-over or button front styles. When the time comes to’ make a choice if you have been promising yourself a new Spring blouse, add to your own good judgment one of these special blouses. ‘The suits portray many fascinating distinctly new. dat, and demi-tatlored types. and panel vests. Materials used include frills, silk, wool Jersey, tricotine, pontette, divet-de-laine, Navy blue is certainly the fuvorite color, and pronounced and fine French serges. correct, although such dainty colors as sand, reindeer evidence. A Stunning Model Faille Silk In @ lovely shade of henna, trimmed with navy angora, styles, Interesting Yariations are to bes Many clever innovations are shown in waistooats of $159 Coat is on loose cape lines, with roll back collar and revers, Simply cut skirt. Reoutifally Musical Programmes Saturday We Values That Will Delight You | Observations By The | Still More New Spring Suits To Be Admired that gre delightfully different and n in the-Ruasian blouse, box and henna are very much in wisite Suit of Gabardine Coat is fashioned ‘on fl wose bos tinse, SDL 2S smartly flared. Skirt is cut on nar~ cow long lines, An E- "sand Tailored Model Suit of Fine rench Serge, $145.00 Coat has wide panel In back, roll back revers and deep pockets, trimmed with black silk braid. ‘Walst-coat of beige colored: satin with Dresden buttons. Skirt cut on new silhouette, wide panels back and front, trimmed with fine black silk braid. Price « crea- $5.00 with lace or embroidery, in SPECIALS Corn Brooms A foursirne, boom BOE made from select straw, extra well bound, Regular $1.00. H.B. Floor Wax 49c English Wax, in a one- pound tin, good for floors, lnoleums, furniture and automobiles. Polish FRENCH POLISH FOR FURNITURE Smail bottle . -25e Large bottle --50e Made by 2n expert, and will not harm.the most delicate article; will take stains off table and furniture. Ask to see it. Imperial B Sewing Machine A. sevenarnver 3.50 drophead mach- ine, with vibrating. shuttle; alto- matic bobbin winder, screw ten- sion; guaranteed for 10. years. Cabinet made of veneer oak. Com- plefe with attachments. Can be bought on easy terms. Come in and let us demonstrate to you and explain our payment plan. Boys’ Bicycles (Classic) 22203 $49.50 | frames, in all colors, Frames madé of the best steel, extension handle bars, large rubbed pedals; double spring sad- dle. © Tires guaranteed for twelve months. Can be bought on our payment plan. . Regular $65.00. Floor Three Linen Papeteries 2 sheets paneer and 4 Be envelopes, regular 25c. A Sale of Books at Foral saitin of 8 BOE Poets, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Lady of the Lake, Evange- line, Familiar Quotations, Hiawa~ tha, Courtship of Miles Standish, Lucile, Milton, Scott, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Regular 7c Spring The Springlike Neck- wear, $1.00 each Novelty designs, in floral and block patterns. Ties that are cross-stitched in the back, and do not go out -of shape. New Arrow Collars 25c and 50c each Whether starched or soft, the A. is the collar for excel Arrow de Luxe soft collars, new starched one, called Okih. sizes, And ‘Bee the’ the All Stetsons in Staple Shapes $7.00 Greystone brown, fawn and black. AD sizes. fringe. old gold. CAPE DOLMAN OF REINDEER SERGE— A Stylish Cope Dolman, trimmed with rows of buttons... DOLMAN CAPE OF VELOUR— In a lovely shade of sand, full with large sleeve effect, cross-over style in front with trimming and collar of fancy striped silk. Blossoms Introducing the Coat has bolero style of blue, and between same, and the long basque {s hepna moire slashed; wide silk, and under sleeves of the same: color. lines. Fashion Points To The Dolman Spring Styles in Children’s Dainty Dresses ~ ++ $145.00 Elegant Model of Navy Blue Tricotine new Russian pouch effect. ‘Sicirt or Cape Coat as the correct: mode for Spring: We display @ colle take form in fabrics of luxury and elegance, new colorings. A MODEL CAPE— of diagonal cushmere, lined all through heavy satin in a wonderful shude of concord purple..- WRAP CAPE OF SILK DUVETYNE— An elegant wrap, henna, lined all through with fancy stripe satin: CAPE WRAP OF FAILLE SILK— A Magnificent Cape, trimmed with wide silk ‘Two contrasting shades of Pekin blue and ction of the latest designs. in a gorgeous shade of full Smart New Spring Oxfords Black Kid, Patent Le: ther, Dark Brown Kid, models, and made on smar' Sizes and fittings 2 $167.50 and are shown in alt the $159.00 $147.50 Cavalier style, Dress French heels, revers of the same on smartly tallored The various models $87.50 $67.50 $59.00 $6.95 t pointed toe last. % to.8. OXFORDS at $6.50 shown in Have: medium brown heels and are calf patent leather and viel kid.” Nice dressy shoes: vor heels. Sizes and fittings 2% to 8. fi New Dresses at $3.50 Souettes, repp and chambray; have bloomers to match, trimmed white repp, collar and cuffs. med cuffs, blue; pink and maize. | colors: sizes 2 to 6. Children’s Shirt Waist Frocks ‘Made in rose, pink, blue and green with white dimity waists, round collars and cuffs. trasting colors; buttoned large pearl buttons, fancy pockets. trimmed. Special Value in Shirt Waist Dress lawn’ with silk to match. pearl buttons. Colors pink, green Orchestra on Second Floo New designs, of the common. satisfaction in wear and washing. AIL sizes and And Silk Half Hose The and Brey, sock The New Hats--Well, Just New Stetsons See the new Stetson’s for spring, that outw other Champion, smart shapes. in See The Soft Double Cuff Shirts at toes: With good appearance. ‘at $5.00 Kirts made of: solid colors, material Tailored belt, fastened at # Open front waist, and Copenhagen. The Men’s whic tare out PeaOO Guaranteed to give sleeve lengths, spliced “heel in brown, black and white. $1.00 Aili Ail sizes: fawn. $8.00 1919, ‘The hat ars two of any Arlington, some real All sizes. BUY . Z All sizes, All leather ‘sweats. thers make. are yn Sty) és SY rrean. White repp, trim- Smocked in contrasting Embroidered in. con- r and cuffs, and belt same material ax skirt. stened at neck with fancy cord. Sizes 6 to 14. -4 to 5.30 p.m. Store, Hats at $6.00 each steel grey also good shades of green. new shapes that will sult most men. In grey, brown, for the those who serviceable $3.95 Button with wlite checked mbroidered, ide with three large Too with black band, Smart sill ined with’ real are $5.00 and $5.50 each fight and fawn, Qiaark green and ght grey. Real new shapes and stock new and All sizes. é
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Image 392 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 392, (CU1847450). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.