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Medicine Hat News 1911-03-02 - 1912-03-28
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ary 29th, 1918 Invention Pipes Thawed p. Orders will promptly. Apply the Clty Bieo- al Meoting of the tation will be held of the City Hall sharp. Important ig7ai eacted, - BOOK nd Household rable Etiquette, gentions, Pacts HUNDRED. ousekeeping ie Fish, Poultry, tables, Catsups, se, Sandwiches, Cakes, Pastry, Tees, Puddings, eautifully ius andie; made of nd durable and ike and natio- a ich fully estab- - Menus ara ccasion. It is Bh. on the market a Sale 1.98, 394-396 ONTO ST. ii i . yr Thursday, MEDICINE LAL NEWS Page 1 HISTORIC SESSION Nevin Fire Truck OF THE LEGISLATURE Hon. C.R. Mitchell in the City for a Rest- view the Immense Volume of Legislation of Recent Reviews in Inter- : s i ae Geen he wee Decided at Council Meeting Last Night to Submit By- Law W. Baker City Assessor and Secretary, A. K Pointer, Treasurer. chief of the r Wer Fire Dep. recommending the y view Truck, also was. read, oof the apparatus 9 13,008 Wo uk Ahoy is Mr Morrow on bebalt of the School be Sitting of the Alberta House---Railway Policy writing. letter - Ata ener ep pare wetter yt aver red Ib the be get th try, Jk, Miers ant f wr for the betterment of Tite sav ter before the and ir we ive at A was triad xa by apparatus, (Prom Saturday's Daily) the re hawt not a Seen rica Board Aldermen Doty and Brown both The Hon, C. R. Mitchell arrived in the City this morning having come down Wiint te met ee crea Paeunorouie iGen Day ad) Bere toe from Edmonton to spend several days in his constituency preparatory to a holiday Hrow Ket h ni f Koon Str ) Truck, and rest which he is looking forward to, Speaking to a representative of the De ee eee ee aa ceteris seu De eumerwor Hing Refers) rhe Mayor stated that the whol Mr. Mitchell stated that the session just closed has been a record one both from the ee ee etiee IMiee aabacted TR GhOl. GaNCTEE Some : Rrineluvicrean ier sa apaati MAtee WasTep to the citizens and that point of view of its duration as well as the large volume and importance to the country to ine people or m ; aga 5 to be test RaW GG CHO UTER WABI ete eee teens of the legislation enacted, Of course, the outstanding feature of the legislation is that) Maror Spene nid that ex- relieved of the 1 shoreline Saar gt Binveeyial HeaKtihors Mercele ce Sure ee ee which provides for an immense railway construction programme made possible by Maver Mi t the n tere the church: and cone uid be anointed: ant recommend nya contract was practically award Provincial guarantee of bonds. While necessarily a large proportion of the rail- ) )s (vim rom Eatlon thought the octasion enor od A ny atemn, an Aublet to the apreova of the bur- way work provided for will be carried on in the Northern portion of the Province in (7 ee Rt ucOne. Ske ees ved with that hamberier tik-tocaly Riwer he es motion) was: passed. by order to develop and render accessible a great country as yet without railway facilit- jt. not ; 4 handsome ilver ant Union of Electriva See ee Oar ieiess Dye es, it must also be noted that ample provision has been made for the Southern and) 4 foots) motion Vor hoon mats abo w ten dollar Mins /solhted a SR eee eer ae Eastern sections of the Province. A glance at the railway map of the Province which that the council should pat recep he ee eee eA Nan work om bullding the truck and sald will shortly come to an issue will show that due attention has been paid to districts or that they wishel Sg pee iano rs ve tie Hoard. af Ele y examiners tat they would promise delivery at present without railway communication and while at the same time, competing lines 0 fore the neonle, Thr connnt Min congregation a beautiful gold wateh. tow being Clty Electr within 90 days. are being assisted in territory now well settled and which at present enjoy railway oor i. tis vest Interests. of the eity Suitably engraved, cxpreenon Sesirs, Brewer ana A letter was read or rather a pet facilities. and it was In fact a ridicntous mo- PerRonal este and as a token letter from the Bresdent of the tlon Aixned by large number, Aik: Referring more particularly to the proposed line running along the Eastern tion to put urfore the cov nalie for oo pet ANEERE BtioM OF her a suit Tapers mueel eles mating cat a the eats ane eee re boundary of the Province, Southerly through this City, Mr. Mitchell stated that of this mstter what Nad boy sald ov Se ee oe ae lot a loat of beend, that a by-law be outside the city limits, Referred to inileage, 200 miles had received a guarantee. Construction would be undertaken to Be Cas aaa ttn tt Hiatlong Were Rind xo that the buzer Blane Ue ire: the. Hoard of Meath the extent mentioned over such portions of the whole route as the Governmnt and , great deal of time had heen wasted, Dunham ers an tected and know what he was getting The report of the fire Comaniitise Company should subsequently agree upon. The terms and. conditions under which) in aveussing mats which gas ah: lied briefly feast tmonoesese eres ae See a athe oel cate: the proposed railway will be constructed ant other details consequent upon the guar- ready settled. wy odentlin ae: vrouentl filoy In woting financial mate Buchanan 80, and Metecd 75, and antee legislation are now under consideration and when finally arranged should en- ,, ter tie mre SOR Paci della Geed EINE Of) cera would prevent him completing the au additional member to be added at able an early start to be made with the preliminary work and to be followed up bY jerea a oe eenern chen raudo that Both Mrs, Mlersand Mise Sinctatr New bulldings at the date stated in his 60 actual construction as early asypracticable. Officers of the Canadian Northern Rail- the meeting adjourned tilt next have tendered excellent service and SFreem re e city, was a 19) i Sa ee ee Sea was moved that an extension of time ed the appointment of er, city way have already visited Medicine Hat and it i: ate attention paid to this end of the proposed line. is Mr. Mitchell s desire to have immedi- Wednestay It should be noted in connection with the railway guarantee legislation that the respective Companies will be required to commence construction within two yea: enforced by the Government. Among the many matters dealt with by the Legistiture the Rural Munict- pality and Town Acts both of which are now law snd In force. Amend- ments also were made to the Village Act so that with the exception of a few cities which poxses special char- ters to which the general municipal Jaws of the Province are not appli- cable. The system of taxation Iand- taxes only (exclusive of improvements) and known as Single Tax is In force now throughout the whole Province and In this respect Alberta has led the way In progressive legislation. Another matter affecting muntctpalities Is a change whereby It is now necessary that a village must have a population of at least 700 in stead of 400 before attaining the sta- tas of a town. It Is the Intention of the Government to Introduce next session a new Village Act providing for more ext ded powers and giving jority to borrow larger sums by debentures that at present possible, A new Early Closing of Shops Act Is now In foree and hereafter on petlt- fon to the Mayor and Council of a certain proportion of the persons en- gaged In specific classes of trde or business the mayor hax authority to order early closing In the case of the trade or business on whose bebalf petitions have been fled. Certain traders are exempt from the oper- ation of the Act The jurisdiction of the District Court in civil cases has been ralsed m 100.00 to 600.00. This will it 2 much larger num- ber of cases to be dispoxed of by the trict court and ax frequent sittings of the court are held at numerous jolts the change means Increased mmodation and lowering of ex- Pense to a large number of litigants. In the case of villages an appeal fs now allowed from an assessment by the Village Assessor Court Judge. to a District Heretofore, this right did not exis and considerable hard- ship has at times lack of this right of appeal. been created for A most important change at the instance of the Government fs to be found In an amendment to the Master and Ser- vant Ordinance whereby an employer upon dismissol of an employee, whet- her for cause or not, must immedt- ately upon dismissal pay suck wages as may be due and failure to do so renders the employer Hable. In cases where wages are due. to a payment by way of damages recoverable before fa Justice of the Peace in an amount equal to the number of days such wages f due, have been withheld af the rate per day at which the em- ployee had een engaged. This means has heen adopted to correct as far as possible the practice hereto- fore adepted hy some employers of withhalding wages due for some con- siderable time after dismissal. The new Act extends to corporations as well as to labor. individuals who employ Insurance Companies whet- her Provincial or Foreign will no longer be entitled to exrry on busl- ness or register without having first obtained aHconse under the provis- fons of the Dominion Insurance Act. The ablect of this legislation fs to protect the public from the operations ander strict supervision. of fini panes. The business of will hereafter be undertaken hy pri- yate companies selected and approv- ed by the Provincial Government and Provision clally Weak and unsound Com- has also been made for Rural Munt- cipalities to unite (at Warm Session of is Og passengers within the city for other e f ounct points within the city. Alderman Howson said that in his Electric Railway Matter the Cause of Rather Heated hetner tney should give a franchise Discussion at Adjourn ed Sitting of Council. (From Saturday Daily) The city council at thelr adjourned meting last night had a most stren- uous time over the Electric Railway matter. It was brought up by two letters to the council re the matter and quite a number were present. In the discussion on the matter which followed, personalities few thick and fast. The main bone of contention was whether a yote of the burgesses should be taken or not, but t seems that this matter was decided by the legislature when they considered the bill in the House, and thserted the clause that the Charter was granted subject to a vote of the ratepayers of the city, A by-law is now being prepared and it la Hkely that it will be introduced at the next council meeting and then submitted to the ratepayers at the same time as the McIntyre by-law and the Aerial Truck by-law, early in March A letter from the Trades and Labor Counctl was read objecting to the Railway Bill, and stating that In their opinion the Street Railway should be owned and run by the Muntelpality tind that in any case the matter, of giving a charter to a company should be submitted to the citizens. A letter from the Board of Trade calling attention to the Winnipes Street Railway controversy and the result, wd so on, to the finding of joint of protecting municipal rights. the Privy Council against the ty stg cr ost was read, the purport being a warn- i tq go on record that the council) Ing to the council against running in- to a similar noose. Clty Solicitor Mahafty stated that a clause in the Railway by-law would matter had to go before the people state that the granting of the Charter in an to the company Would have to be car- ried by at least two-thirds vote of the citizens, Ex-Mayor Milne, main Ine of the Railway, and the people would only have the chance to to see a man show his hand, to put vote on the branch tony his cards on the table the belleved Mayor Spencer said t that the company were as keen as fe the by-lnw submitted anyone to b to the neople as soon as possible. The city solicitor sald that all the from the first he (the alderman) had company wanted was running rights advised his brother to play with his ver the main line in the clty In the cards on the table and to let the peo- event of the city taking over the line ple who were interested in the mat- for which they ter see where he and they stood, and would pay a proportionate share of this bad been done, from the company the upkeep, and, further, that the; rs and that this Hail Insurance Teast 20) for for several days, f President of the) counci had, and never had any inten- Board of Trade, after getting per- tion of granting this franchise without) mission to speak stated that the first first submitting It to the people. part of the Charter gave an absolute ked on certain s:reet , false representations to many people Where it was proposed to run the anq trying to make trouble both with- condition will be rigidly the purpose of conducting Hail Insur- unce. This method of handling the vexed question of Hail Insu to be conducted by expert teachers in into Medicine Hat of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Mr. Mitebell stated raflway competition to the greatest extent possible, If this district is to successfully compete In the race for Industries -and the secaring of com- petitive freight rates. there ix at present this possibility with reference to the Grand Trank Pacific, A line from Medicine Hat to connect with the Calzary-Lethbridge branch, a comparatively short distance and its extension North-Easterly to connect with a proposed branch of the GT. P. main line In Saskatehe- wan, Mr, Mitchell gave the assur- ance that as soon as construction Westerly through Saskatchewan was arranged for that the Alberta Goy granting the necestary assistance to secure the desired construction West- rly through Medicine Hat, Mr. Mitchell conld give the News no furth- er details on raltmay matters and In concluding seemed enthusiastic over railway development for Medicine Hat. Mr, Mitchell Is stopping at the As- siniboia and will remain In the city (the company) would only have the right to bring In frelght or passen- gers from outside points and would not be able to pick up freight and opinion the citizens should have the right to vote on the question as to to the company or not Alderman Doty stated that Solicitor Muir claimed that the rights of the citizens of Medicine Hat were not vio- lated and that he was strong on the Alderman Pratt said he would like wished the whole thing put before the people, The clty solicitor stated that the case, Alderman Brown stated that in re- gard to Alderman Howson s state- ment that he (Howson) knew that the) He went on further to state that jex-Mayor Milne bad been making right to the company to do practically what they e in and without the council. He liked and not go around quietly talking behind peo- ples backs. It had been sald that he 1 had Interests in that company. Weil. he had not, but his brother had, and turned from the East ce was de-/of the Cosmopolitan at that most miod- of age, but already had won distin cided upon only after the most eare-/ern and beautifully fal consideration on the part of the last night, was attended b; Government and the Legislature. Pro- which speaks volumes for the manage- extend sympathy to the bereaved rel- iston bas also been made for the es- ment. The guests were rechived by atives, Mrs, Sissons and Mrs. Rox tablishment of special Agricultural Mrs, 1. Basset, Mrs, E, M. Cawker, borough were with bim at the tme Wich Schools at a number of points Mrs. E, S. Hodges, Mrs. H. Stewart, of his death. that for some time he hax realized the devoted to dancing, the full Leonard importance to this elty of securing orchestra of eight pieces being in at- In hls opinion sion of card pla ermment reallz the neeessity 0f + thelr fri nds think Uh of good Will served. expressions thoroughly d were LOCAL BREVITIES. ec tos Word was received in the city morning of the death at Winnipeg of Walter Garland, whose serious illn was noted in the News a helors ago, The deceased was only The evening given by the equipped hotel tion as a member of the Winnipeg bar. ccess His friends in Medicine Hat will Keohane. avcomodate the gues's. tables were removed and several hours Lee bee New York, Feb. 24 Although the dictators of feashion In Paris by no means agree upon the subject, there Gavles, Deliciouscretreshments were is reason) to believe thatthe com/ae served from a buffet at the conclu- Season will bring a slightly greater The Bactiolor Width in the skirt line and with It TT. A. Baseett, J, trifling change in the silhouette. The various designers in Paris and tendance. The prizes at cards were won by Mrs, RD. Smith and Mr. hosts were Messrs, Elliott, 1., F. Keller, A. W. Gleaves, , S. Crutkchanks, J, D. Snowden, Dr. elsewhere are sul experimenting F. Gershaw, Dr. W. M. Thomas, , A. With the new dea and the models so Holbrook and M, E, Lazerte, s ere- far produced do not represent any tary. definite conclusion. However, change may be expected. It will not Mrs. Morden of Bassano, president of the Rebecen Asseinbly of the I. 0 0. F. will visit the city om Tuesday night and will be present at tihe meet- ag uf the local Rebecca lodge, Ruth No. 5. All members are asked to at gt; be startling, but clearly preceptible. The tallored costume is not ilkely to call for very much more mateyial thaa was put into it last year, and though there is more room at the Toot, this is usually accomplished th some manner that does not detract materially from the straight skirt line. In the popular, one piece simple z frock of serge, linen and similar day night: Should we not have noterials one finds the same state of YMCA. in Medicine Hat?) hinge as to the akirt, but with more Votes for Church Union will be Te Acem and supple materials, whether turned on Sunday or by mail. of cotton or sil Mrs. Pearson will recelve on Mon- gecidedly increasin the amount of day next at 6 Esplanade. Mrs. material required for dres lengths, Joba Trimble will receive with Mrs. qng the manufacturers of such fab- Pearson. rics are undoubtedly thankful for the change: A local woman was charged in some of the leading French desis- the police court yementay by Lena ners are experimenting with god Weiss for balance of wages due, 818.) 7 ripple arrangements, widening the Accused stated that the prosceator skirt very gradually and slightly to- had bean in her employ for several) ward the bottom Instead of leaving months and as she gained in know- the bottom line narrow, whatever ledge of the English language the/the fulness above. This, In the op- wages increased rom 12 to 20 per inion of many, gives the mostigrace- month. In January last the wages ful and sensible of skirt lines and due were 20 but one day a young docs not of necessity mean buffancy man came who she believed had never yor wide spread at the skirt bottom. wen Sine Weiss txfore proposed mar- The triple and double scant tunte riage and was accepted. Her employee arrangements frequently seen in the stopped work and never sefiirned to it new taffetas and in many other mat- again. The women says she warned rials as well offer good opportunity see cea eg leaving that she for expernment with this ripple line ter at iret ae geo week's work of aiid Some of the designers have tmp- Wages in Liew thereof as per ogree-/Foved the opportunity, but vers dis- ay erectly and unobtrusively, giving 10 eats gintrate gljoumed the case fiare to the broadening, width, In antil Monnay to allow accoged to Iarge number of cases the increas- ie ed skirt fulness has to do chiefly roduce witness to prove the agree: E 3 Fwlth the upper part of the skirt and ment Mr. J. L. Peacock has retumed from New York. Subject in St. John s church Sun- the designers are ig held into comparative narrawness sy 7 lat the bottom, an effect especially Byron W. Bellamy of the TPOET ugiy it bungled, as many models fcal onion was elected pres Prical tion Ot coor Com HaYe proved within inst year, but Ee charming enough if skilfully handled cil at the anneal mecting eld 6M in appropriate material ea aiee tionieee wen ais ee nominated for presideney bat tney all), retired in favor of Mr, Bellamy The other officers elected were as Cotlows Vice President Typographical union. and with There is nothing actually new in among the tub frocks of the sim- pler sort. The skirt has a trifle) more fulness. but the skirt of the) sheer summer frock always did 5 james Thomson, nave a little fulness, and the addit- 5 Si ; fonal fulness in linens, and other Financial Secretary: J. Murray, thin materials Is not over conspicu- Maintenance-of-Way Employees. jous, though it may be there in a Recording Secretary: G. W. Grave) godet seam or an inverted plait or a Electrical Workers. flounce sean yet shped to a hint of Treasurer: R. Collier, Typo. rippling. One finds a good many of y Mayor Spencer said that he had Statistician: J. Porter, Brotherhood these flounces, if flounces they may of Carpenters. be called, sometimes Joined to seve- Warden: J. Balfour, Carpenters. rely straight and plain upper skirts Letters were received from various of Tiner or other firm material, some- was read recommending the of a Motor Aerial Truck. collars and is attractive only when perfectly fresh, but there are many be granted, but that the buildings be a-sessor to the position of Secretary completed by August Ist, 1912. Mo- and Assessor combined at 135 per tion carried, month, and Treasurer A. R. Pointer A letter from Fire Chief Hatcher at 125 per month, and an increase renase for J. J. Crissal to 100 a month. This as that was Introduced as a by-law and car- was the best apparatus In his opinion ried. that could be obtained. A notice to introduce a by-law for Mr. R. Bickle of the Webb Motor raising money by debentures for the Fire Apparatus Co. of Winnipeg, de- lay of new walks, etc. was given by scribed two kinds of apparatus, and Ald. Howson. said that In his opinion t would be The matter for cheap gas for the retrogression to put in any form of laundry was left over. horse drawn apparatus in a growing The council then town like the Hat. Wednesday next. adjourned ti rs. 8, Hayes and Mrs. J this branch work. Daas Oe ay weed for Reb k bebe ee eh times added below softly full upper wear. Ancther materiat which is Questioned by the News as to the cards in the early part of the even- F sections whose fuiness is eased into favorably regarded is agaric cloth, prospects for securing the entrance ing, thirty tablea being necessary to FADS) AND FASHIONS. the waistband with the tinlest of which Is very much on the order of ratee the lee 3- tucks, tapering down to nothingness fine Turkish toweling. This mater- half way between the hip and the ial will be used to considerable ex- knee, Sometimes, too, these little tent in the making of summer dres- tucks run all the way down to the ses, as it is really attractive and no- flounce or other skirt trimming, so vel of shaping the upper part of the skirt hat it is left with no real fulness, ceptionaly attractive designs in dres- yet hag not the strained, plain alr it sces, which are usualy in black. Many would litre without the tucks. of these dresses button in the front, Long lines of trimming are liked and lace collars, with sometimes a upon the Hnens, ginghams, and for band of lace running fro mthe collar that matter even upon the sheer cot- to the foot of the skirt, are poted in tons, buttons down the ful length of the trimming. Quaker collars. nar- the middle front or side front, inset TOW, round and dep pointed, will be panels of lace, ete, but there are in- fashionable during the coming sea numerable models, too. without this 00. ful lengtb line of trimming, the bodice Ruuics in joined to the-skirt at the natural tensively used in the waist line by a waist band of the mat- dresses of all materials. erial or of the inset lace or beading. them are short and give the effect of Sleeves are usually short, with a double skirt. Double and triple some kind of turned lace cull, al- skirts will also be largely used. though an occasional tub frock for The normal waist line-will be seen morning wear shows a long sl eve to quite an extent. Many of the and waistband. Round neck oF dresses which have a normal waist square neck, finished just bellw the jine show some fulnes ;-generally in throat base or a slight V shaped cut the form of double box pleats, which with collar or fichu finish is custom- are grranged in the back of the skirt ary. . and are shallow, especially, as they The fichu does not play an import- descend towards the foot of the skirt. ant part with this sort of frock be- The set-in sleve in the.kimono effect use t is easily crushed and Is at- continues to be the most popular mo- tractive only when perfectly fresh, del, but other, kinds are also seen. but there are many separate flat flebu FLORENCE FAIRBANKS LONDUN 1S CHANGING . Tame, Feb 24-'Tha wae ah eae tinentalizing London, especially in the matter of lighter forms of aniuse- The fine stripes and checqs in the ment, is proceeding apace, Modern yery sheer French lawns and linens life in London with its restaurants, make up most attractively and wear clubs and gay supper parties, is more astonishingly well for material so full and is far less narrow than the sheer, but are somewhat expensive life of London in the mid-Victorian or for morning frocks. and there arejeven the late Victorian period. many cheaper things equally attract- The prevailing atmosphere of the ive. White greunds with hairline or cigarette and cognac, of chanson and less narrow stripes f color afford dance, is mildly suggestive of Paris, excellent opportunity for making up Vienna, Berlin, or Manich and now smart Httle tub frocks without trim- the cabaret has arrived, It comes, not ming other than transverse treatment with the freedom of Montmartre, but of the stripe materia, and the hairline in a chastened form, with a certain checks are delightful when trimmed Bohemianism on the surface and no in sher white ematitched Jawn, or harm beneath it some other sheer material Tt his already, tne oncumeaaigel Belts of patent leather, or prefer- m American, Mian Flyd Ariston, will ably patent leather combined cleverly ry this continental experiment by are the Starting what Is to be called the The- Crepe metor js shown in some ex- various forms are ex- designing of Many of separate flat fichu collars of fine hand embroidery lingerie and lace or plain hemstitched mull or swiss, which are easily laundered and may he worn most effectively with a very plain tub frock with the frock material, smartest touches upon some gobd tfe cabaret at Cavalier Hall om Feb. looking none-plece models in Iinen 22 It now appears that a similar en- and the narraw black patent leather emtsinment, to be called the moon- belts are used even with sheer cre- Shine cabaret, will be opened on Tues- pona and marquisettes, Gay nest at the, Pope eee ee, the pleasure of artistic London. The managing director is Herr Richard Blondel, a widely-known poet and singer from Vienna, As a result of this action of the censor in banishing Eden, Philpott's play, Atre-golng public s manifesting the Black satin Is used to quite an ex- tent In the making of lingere dres- ses, and black velvet in the form of buttons and girdles Is frequently used as a trimming of lingere dresses, the trimming being confined as a rule, to the upper portion of the dress rather than the skirt. Sreatest interest In A eveat many lerepe of mistral that Slay st 0 Serag ad oombos Me cloth dresses are sen in white, some- the Kingsway theatre. No charge will what takidg the place of voiles in be made, aud-there has been an extra point of popularity. It is new and ordinary rush to obtain the free effective and Is very satisfactory as to seats, Py
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Image 781 (1912-02-29), from microfilm reel 781, (CU1854475). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.