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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Je ePhursday, August int, 1912. MEDICINE HaY DAILY NEWS tatrict No. 2517, with cond class certificate. wee Oot. 1 N. White, Schuler, Bg. twat - Mio sfoelecte-eg soe oe-efs NTE Sor aul: .s easeateeteerete ete ags Toronto Back to 3x Back to 3rd e-steako-elo-ee-ets AND ROOM. ae ROOM First casa Eeateateateateatpateatestestectecteateatpateateates panbasdnessuawbeoees a. ply to 308 18-6 lt; ren July 26th from . the , T. 12, R. 5, one bay , branded C7 on right hite hind teat, -fot- weighing about 1050 halter and shank. delivery to owner: 1 SW. 1-4 8, 24, T. fred. )UNDED. . re, branded a Everybody is doing it now What? Picking out a Fall 150, ling, blotched brand rmed on: front foot, i i 7 Smith, Poundkeeper, ait at Turpin Bros. 19-6 he new 20th Century The above will be Brand samples are formation that will ory of one brown te stripe on nose, 6 ight about 1300 Ibs. ram on left should- ling welghing about marked off and its nev- er been our privilege to show such a splendid array of suitings in our ) left thigh, ) Jast seen at nine years business in 13th of May. R. BL Medicine Hat, Pick out Tats isatt yours now. bay geldings, white in the hands of the printers, Co, The programme and prize list are as follows: 1,80 Heats of 100 Yards Dash (Open). 1.40 Heats of 100 Yards.Dash (Union). 1.50 Final of 100 Yards Dash (Open) First Prize, Cup, Value 25.00 . Second Prize, Flask, value 7,00. 2,00 Final of 100 Yards Dash (Unton) First Prize, Cup, Value 25.00. Second Prize, Field Glasses value 7.00 2,05 50 Yards Dash for Roys under 14 Years First Prize, Telescope, Value 6.00. Second Prize, Bedroom Clock, Value 3.50. 2.10 First Pull of Tug-o-f-War (Open). 2.15 High Jump (Open) First Prize, Smoker's Set, Value 7.50. Second Prize, Butter Knife and Sugar Shell, Value 4.00, 215 5 Mile Bicycle Race (Open) First Prige, Cup, Value 50.00. Second Prize, Set of Smoker's Pipes. .20 Tossing the Caber (Open) First Prize, Carving Set, Value 15.00. Second Prize, Meerchaum Pipe, Value 10.00. The Labor Day sports committee have now completed their programme and the officia Entry blanks can now be had from any of the following: W. F. Graves, Box 832, .; George Riley, News office, or Jas. Thomson, Box 272, Medicine Hat, THE LABOR DAY SPanise programme ts now 2.20 Wheelbarrow Race, 25 Yards First Prize, 2 Sets Cuff Links, value 4.00. Second Prize, 2 Sets Stick Pins, value 3.00. 8.40 Three-Legged Race, 50 Yards (Union) First Prize, Watch obs, value 10.00. Second Prize, Gloves, value 5,00. 845 Third Pull of Tug-of-Wai 8.55440 Yards Race (Open) First Prize, Cup, value 27.50. Second Prize, Gold Clock, value, 4,00 Throwing the Baseball (Open) First Prize, Baseball Mitt, value 3.00. Second Prize, Baseball Mitt, value 1. 4.05 Race for Men in Uniform, 50 Yards First Prize, Cream and Sugar Set-in Wedgewood. Second Prize, Flower Vese, value 3.00 4,10 Baby Show, for bables under 12 months First Prize, Baby Cup, value 7.00. Second-Prize, Baby Cup, value 2.75. 4.15 Fourth Pull of Tug-of-War, 4.20 Race for Men over 50 (Open) First Prize, Pipe, value 8.00. Second Prize, Pipe, value 5.00, of the Medicine Hat Electric 0.00. on left thigh, ) for return to 2oodte. lucts Co. LANEOUS ES' AND GENTS: ng, shoes, watches, olvers, valises, sult sical instruments, rat Waggous, bug- nicycles. carpenter des and furs, horse ithers, bought and gt; Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite 2. P.O. box 358, jest Prices Paid for 2sDtt ee es HAT HIDE, FUR 0. The abpve have selection of Second ie city. We carry and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re Buggies, Harness, ne of winter goods. g mertioned above prices. Call at 504 or Phone 687. tf ACCOUNTANTS IN CO., chartered d auditors, (estab- rs, clty of Medicine edicine Hat, Leth- con, C.A., resident 98, Burns Block. 275att NEERS CO., Live Stock ictioneers, 619 Tor- les every Friday at 1 o'clock. Raneb es conducted any rniture sales con- Consult us, our ex: sposal free. Phone Co, 519 To rs2ate CARDS, (RIGHT Broker. rarding agent, as- ter of papers for into the United er in B. R, Real 1 General Agent. BE HAT. it, B.A.Sc Engineer, ta Land Surveyor ar Railways, wage, Irrigation, Ete, Bank Building. Phone 420 ll be recelved ad- signed up to 6 urday, August 10, yn of ten room bile school build- edicine Hat, Alta, cations may be f W. T, Williams, Hat, . . be accompanied k for an amount cent of tender as faith. tender not neces- M, NAPIER, Sec.-Treas. shool Dist. No. 76, cE Turpin Bros. The Man s Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth Benches Hitters, Wants Speeders Mgr. Clark of Pirates Gives 300 Markers. Preference Over 400 s. Pittsburg, Pa, July 31 Fred Clarke made his proposed changes in the Pirate team. 1 want speed; that's what wins games, said Clarke before starting east. Alex McCarthy, who until re- cently was hitting about 400 is benched, McCarthy is slow. Bdding- ton, who has been clouting near .400 was released to Wheeling, and Ona Dodds, Wheeling second baseman, comes to Pittsburg. He hag, been hit- ting better than 200 and Is fleet footed. Mensor, the recruit, went east as the regular right fielder. Clarke says Mike Donlin and Ham Hyatt, although good stickers, are too slow on the paths, and will warm the bench, except as pinch hitters. PLAY FOR GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP (Special to the News) Buffalo, N. Y., Aug, 1 Once a year the professional and amateur golfers meet on equal terms for the national title of open champion. This year s tournament for the open champion- ship was inaugurated auspiciously at the Buffalo Country Club today and. will continue over tomorrow. The en- try list is one of the largest arid most representative of any tournament of the kind held since the organization of the United States Golf Association seventeen years ago. The contestants include many of the best players from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lakes to the gulf. Canada also is prepared to make a strong bid for the honors of the tournament, having sent some of the foremost amateurs and professionals from the clubs in Mon- treal, Toronto and Ottawa. ees FOUR-YEAR-OLD WON. (C A P. Cable) London, Aug. 1- Cup 760, two miles and five. far - longs, was won today by J. Bu- chan s four-year-old cold, ine by St. Prasquin-Floors, 2 to.1- Lord Darby's King William, 2 tol, was second, and Captain Forester s Tootles, 13 to 8, third. Prince of Wales Stakes, a0 (000, for two-year-olds, six fur- igngs, was won by the.odds on favorite, Leopole De Rothechild s chestnut colt Day Comet by St. Fruoqnin-Catget, 8 to 1. J.B. Friel Doris, Ally, 20 to 1, was 200- nd,'and the Duke of Westminster's Hornbeam, 8 to 1, third. Hamilton, Bermuda, Aug. 1 The renues of Canada continue to ex- motor boat, Dream, owned by L. pand at rapid rate. The customs re- Lagen, pdeiphia, and about which anxiety Not only is this a record for one fas felt, crossed the line last evening month but the inci over the cor- at 8.45 o'clock in the ocean race from responding month year ago, Philadelphia for the Bermuda Chal- lenge Cu RUBBER SOLES the the Yachtmen s Club, Phil- Second Prize, 2.45 Second Pull of 10.00. First Prize, Field Glasse: value 3.00. 2.50. 5.50. Second Prize, Hat, value 3.05 Married Ladies Race First Prize, Fruit Dish, Second Prize, Bon Bon 4.50. 8.00. 35.00. alue 20. NAVAL DEFENSE TALKS ARE 10 BE RESUMED TODAY May Come to Ottawa Next Month To Resume Them, Says Post. (C. A. P. Cable) London, July 31. The naval de- fence negotiations. will be resumed tomorrow and this will be pro- bably the last meeting until after a Parliamentary recess on Tuesday. It is mot improbable, said the Morning Post, that the negotia tions may be continued at Ottawa next, month, Unofficial representa- tions have been made by Premier Asquith and Winston Churchill, to this effect, and if Borden, it adds, assures the proposal will be viewed with favor, an official. invitation will be made in a day or two The Canailian Ministers attemled today the mbeting of the Imperial Defence Committee, when the gen- eral naval situation was again dis - cased. DOMINION CUSTOMS SET NEW RECORD Revenues Continue to Ex- pand at a Rapid Rate Three Million Increase. Ottawa, Ont., July 31. The re- ceipts for July totalled 9,715,208. 4,108,223, is a record one. The revenue of the Dominion Cus- toms promises to- run over 100,- 000,000 as for the four months of the fiscal year ending today the re- turns are 36,250,028, an increase of 10,332,000 over 1811 Washington, Aug. 1. President Tait was formally notified today of his nomination by the National Re- publica convention at Chicago, by Senator Hlihu Root, chairman of 2.45 Girls Race, under 14 Years, 50 Yards First Prize, Coral Necklace. value 6.50 racelet, value 5.00. -of-War, 2.50 2.20 Yards Dash (Open) First Prize, Silver Fruit Bowl, value Second Prize, Bon Bon Dish, value 5. 2.55 Running Broad Jump (Union) First Prize, Safety Razor, value 5.00. Second Prize, Gloves, value 2.50. 2.55 Running Hop, Step and Jump (Unlon) Second Prize, Military Brushes in case, 3.00 Putting 16 Ib. Shot (Open) First Prize, Marmalade Jar, value 5,00 to the- puaitinst taidy sesident of Medicine Second Prize, Razor, in case, value Hat seen on the grounds in the afternoon. 3.00 Fat Men s Race, 50 Yards (Open) First Prize, Set of Larter Studs,. value .10 Relay Race, 4-Men Teams (Union) First Priz , 4 Sets Stick Pins, Second Prize, 4 Sets Cuff Links, value 8.15 Exhibition of Seottish Dancing. 8.20 Throwing the Hammer (Open) First Prize, Set of Brushes, value 7. Second Prize, Tobacco Jar, value 5.00. 25 Relay Race (Open) 4 Men Teams First Prize 4 Cupsfwvalue 48.00. Second Prize, Solid Gold Stick. Pins, eT 4,80 1 Mile Race (Open) First Prize, Cup, value 30. Second Prize, Egg Set; value 15.00. w 4.35 Finals of Tug-of-War Mine a 2 First Prize, 8 8-Day Mission Clocks, Ot var value 56.00. Second Prize, value 40.00. 8 Watch Chains, First Prize, Telescope, value 7.50. Second Prize, Bedroom Clock, value 3.50. A prize of a Gold Bracelet will be given to the prettiest lady from outside of 3ed- icine Hat seen on the grounds in the after- noon. A prize of-a Gold Bracelet will be given s, value 7.00. AT BASEBALL PARK New York 5,00 Children s Pony Race, Half Mile c Boston . St. Louis. BIG LEAGUE SCORES Cincinnati .. pRew York 20. ce. eee Moore and MacLean. Ames and Meyers, Chicago, ... Brooklyn . Lefleld and Arener. Kent, Knober, Curtis, Miller, Pittsburg dew, ses: Sent 8 du B Boston . vr 6 18-3, Camnitz, Robertsop O'Toole and Kelley. Hess and Rariden. Ist game St. Louls Philadelphia Steele and Wingo. Seaton, Moore and Killifer. 2nd game Alden and St. Louis ... 0 Philadelphia lt; ee 6 Granes and Bresnahan. Moore and Dooin. AMERICAN LEAQU Cashion and Ainsmith. Lake and Stanage. cago... - Stat S Ford and Sweeney. Peters, Scott and Kuhn. Bedient and Carrigan, Brown, Adams, Snell and Krichell. . INTERNATIONAL 6.80 Football Mateh Eat Bane Lethbridge vs. Medicine Hat. Eleven Provitience . e 8 4 3.00. Medals will begixen the winning Rochester 8 ute Heo. team, . Latitte and Schmidt. ; 7.80 Presentation of Prizes by the Mayor- Hughes and Blair. erp od e88, assisted by Mayor Spencer. 2nd game 8,80 Open-Air Dancing on the large plat- Providence . 6 Sere Rochester 712 9.00 Prize Waltz Lady's Prize, Plated Cottee Percolator. Gent s Prize, Hanging Lamp. RULES AND CONDITIONS All competitors taking part in union events must show fully paid-up union card 0 or honorable withdrawal card. Teams for Tug-of-War will consist of value allowed. State convention that re-riominated Governor Hooper last spring. As Ten- nessee is said to be naturaly a Pro- hibition state, the followers of Hoop- er are hopeful that their favorite will win again, no matter who is selected TENNESSEE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY (Special to the News) Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 1 The cam- paign for the Democratic gubernator- Hooper, the first Republican governor Tennessee has had in thirty years. The Democratic candidates for the GUARDING DOCKS ville, W. R. Crabtree, of Chattanooga, Attorney, General W. 8. Faulkner, of Lebanon, T. R. Preston, of Chattanoo- ga, and Thos. J. Tyne, one of the lead- ing young members of the Nashville bar. The Democratic candidate who is successful in today's primary is ex- pected to have a great advantage ov- er conditions two years ago, when the late Robt. L. Taylor went-own to de- men entering the docks were searched feat before the alliance findepend- ror weapons before they were allowed ent Democrats and Republicans, with s5 proceed. Hooper as the standard bearer. At geyeral unliaportant fights took that time the election machinery OF lige between unionist and non-un- the State was in the hands of the en- ionist laborers and a few arrests were emy-of the regular organized Democ- -oa0, racy. In ninety of theeountles of the) Tne, unionist laborers were rapidly State, the Democratic nominee, Sen- taving the places of the free labor- ator Taylor, did not receive a single a 2 rs who worked through the ten election officer. This year there 18) Vo uue strike, one regular Democdat on the State AGAINAXEFALL Election Board, and a second, an in- dependent, who favors harnionizing Douglas: Head of Dominion Parks, is Fired. the factions of the dominant party,s0 that the single Republican left cannot. Ottawa, Aug. 1. Howard Douglass, supt. of Dominion Parks since April do for Governor Hooper what was done for him two years ago, when the 1st, 1908, has been dismissed on the grounds of uffensive partisanship. His tide was against Democracy. The fly in the Demoer:tie. ointment headquarters were in Edmonton. No successor has as yet been appointed. London. London, Aug. 1 Blaborate prepar- ations and precautions were taken terday's rioting in the neighborhood of the London docks. Large forces tailed early today to occupy strategic points near the dock gates and all s to be found in the semntorial candi- dacy of former Governor Malcolm R, Patterson, the stormy petrel of Dem- ocratic politics. On- account. of the prominence that Governor Patterson had in connection with the Carmack- Cooper case and the defeat of local option so strongly urged by him, there were many: Democrats who did not think t in the best interests of party harmony for him to get into politics so early again, But as the senatorlal pfimary is to be a separate affair, to be held at the time of the regular elec- tion in November, the hope is expres- sed by leading Democrats that the contests for governor and senator may be kept separate, WRECKED EXPLORERS HONORED. Copenhagen, Aug. 1. Captain En- nar Mikklesen, the Danish Arctic ex- plorer, and Engineer Iverson, who accompanied him, both of whom were rescued July 17th last on the coast of Greenland by a Norwegian fishing vessel, arrived here today an enormous Kleson and Engineer Iverson were Governor Hoper still r bis favor-l1ate this afternoon received by King ite prohibition plank with hich to) Frederick at the palace, when his go before the divided Democrats. His majesty conferred a gold medal on the nomination committee. party played this feature strong in the each of them. Newark. Toronto . seven ten abdigne coach. Hach coach is 2nd game answerable for his, team. Newark 5 No Spikes in shoes. Only heel holes Porotto Jersey City... ce. ee ee 8 Montreal ... of mounted, and: foot police were de- winnipeg . Covington and Schmidt, Wilhelm, Klepfer and Jacklitsch. ist game MeGinnity and Higsin Rudolphe and Graham. MeGinnity and Higgins. Drucke, Lush and Graham. ist game Doescher and Curtis. Trigue and Madden. 2nd game ial nomination closed last night in altoday as the Democtatic standard- Jersey City .. 5 11 0 whirlwind finish, and today the prim- bearer. Montreal . 1 84 ary Is being held throughout the Manser and Rondeau, State. Five Democrats aspire to head Taylor and Burns, the party ticket this year in oposition LARGE POLICE FORCE Ist game to the re-election of Governor Ben W. Baltimore . 12 13 3 Butfalo ... 5 8 3 Danforth and Haynes, Stroud and Schwelm. nomination for governor are former Every Precaution Taken to ,, 702 5 m Governor Benton McMillin, of Nash- pees ent er Riots in eer . . e . z Furth onus Martin and Haynes, Beebe, Walker, Hightower and Mc- Allister. CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL. Duluth oe 2 66 Starkes and Hargraves. Hirsch and Hasty. Grand Forks . ..... 2.88 Superior ... 1 72 Harrigan and Wagds. Rhodes and Ben y. BASEBALL NOTES Charlie (Gabby) Street, the veteran catcher acquired by the New York Americans from Washington last spring, has been sold to the Provi- dence team of the International Teague. Charles J, Hemphill, last year with the Yankees, and this season maus- ger of the Atlanta club, of the South- ern League, has lost his job. Whitey Alperman, formerly of Brooklyn, is in temporary charge of the team. Pennant hopes of the Chicago fans are 18 carats fine one day and not worth a jitney the next. The Cubs beat the Giants and the pennant. is won; then the Quakers wallop the Cubs and the pennant is lost only to Wilbur on Wednesday afternoon. be won again when the Cubs take a fall out of the Dodgers. WHY IS IT. Quebec, Que., Aug. 1. The Mayor of Quebeo has been receiving many neighbors on Thursday afternoon. Losey returned from and Sherbrooke Medicine Hat on Thursday where she had been spending a few days having and were greeted at the whart by forrow money in London at 3 per Some dental work done crowd. Captain Mik- cent. while it costs them 4, 44 and inquiries from other cities, notably Montreal, Toronto asking, how it even 43 per cent. is that Quebec can To be customers. ON this rock of honesty has built. four quarts to the peck, in you value of our groceries are as methods. are always Just arrived, a shipment of Carr's WESTON'S Fruit Cake WESTON S Cherry Cake WESTON S Genoa Cake . WESTON S Sultana Cake, MONK GLASS Crystal Jel: Blueberries, etc. OUR DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE Phone 258 QUALITY It is nice te know with whom you deal, i FRESH FRUITS DAILY Peaches, Cherries, Plums, Hewitt Armstron on the square is so essential in our life that only those who practice it can hope to win out. means friendship between a store and its. Squareness our growing business been You will find sixteen ounces to the pound or ir purchases the quality and sure as the rising sun. The high standard of our customers is a safe guide to our isn t it ? We the same. For weight, measure: value and quality the- following cannot be beaten in this town: The finest Braken Orange Pekoe Tea, regular 40c., per Ib., this week and McVittie and Price's Biscuits, + 00, per Th. Se. per dozen Raspberries, 9 A. ME, 11 AM, 2.20 and 5 P.M, ves GROCERS ong + * + - + Oh he teife fe ode oh ode ode oboe eteiete of) The Inspector was around visiting the ocious- weeds last . week and will soon be around again to seo if they have taken their departure. Quite 2 few from this vicinity at- teuded the picnic at Winnifred last Wednesday and all had a fine time. F. C. Paxour of the Kilburn Well Drilling Co., drilled.a well at the school house. He went down 108 ft. and there are 57 feet of fine soft water. HF. Lurvey, with the help of Fred Martinson, cleaned out his well on Thursday. W. H. Taylor and family visited at the F. Settle home on Sunday. Ruth Schagel has been on the sick list the past few days: Mrs. Leon Losey went to Medi- cine Hat on Monday to have some dental work dono. Dave Settle called on some of his neighbors on Sunday. F. Harris finished breaking prairie for W. H. Taylor on Saturday. Mr. Taylor has now 140 acres broke on taste eee ee + CHERRY COULEE his homestead. Mr. Harris went. from there o M. HB. Brown's place to break acres. T. Thorson is back breaking prairie for William Wilbur sinco the rain: D. M. Sullivan moved to the school house on Monday. He says he is going to try baching for a while. Mrs, T, Thorson called on Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster called at the L. B. Losey home on Thursday even- ing. Martin Martinson called on D. M. Sullivan on Wednesday evening. Mrs, Wm, Wilbur was calling on Mrs, Leon B. picnic at Bar U on Saturday. Mr..and Mrs. C, Foster attended the Tt was ing of Aug, 7th will be opened att o'clock by ball game. Byery be sure and bring a well filled box. Dave Settle is busy working for. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster attended. returning home on Sunday. CHAFIN NOTIFIED (Special to the News) Waukesha, Wis., Aug, 1 At : outdoor demonstration here this af ternoon Hngene W. Ghafin of Ariz ona was formally notified of his nomination for President pf the United States by the Prohibition Hardwood Flooring in your house will give you floor that, will Iast a life- time. We can supply. you with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at very little more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER * BOARD. Ask for lThe Gas Gi a Methodist Sunday Schoo piente and No order too large or too smalt.for there was a large crowd present. the News Job Department. trial. Give us There will be a shadow social held Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 233. in Fairlight school house on the even- :
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Image 192 (1912-08-01), from microfilm reel 192, (CU1743934). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.