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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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You were more than pleased with the BIG VALUES you secured at our MID-SUMMER SALE. Now We have a)few odd lines to clear this week. Blouses Dresses - Children's Wear MUST GO Embroidery to clear at HALF-PRICE, The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers C. PR. PASSENGER SERVICE. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Meiicine Hat. time at Duni Medicine Hat New 4. JN, TERBILL, E ttor, PQONE: 8 months, delivere: 8 months, by mab. 1 month, delivered....85 Old ad ressee st be given, WEERLY NEWS, OF CANADA. (Incorporated 1869.) Total Assets... 25255... 3.5. 115,000,000 . Special Attention Given to SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue: :.C. H. McDunnough, Manager SHH elpete ste doeteeteaateateeteeeete ate contains a eummary of the news of the week. local and district. 6 months, i: advance 75 3. months, in advance..50e. lyear. tn advance.... 1.50 Saturday, August rd, 1912 resigned. Th is at the present time Without. a conimissioner, other than Secre- tary White, who is looking after that end of the work along with his other work. Will the Industrial Bureau appoint another com- missioner in Mr. Brown s plage? Will they conti to carry on the good work of the Ne R lt; past six months. To a certain extent the Sees SHS SEPA rege pathway of the Bureau has not been one of . , ToSes on account of the matter of funds. A mperia anko ANAGA F jtot of money was subscribed for this work and a lot was collected and spent; and there Capital and Rest .. -. 11,993,800 3 is a lot that was promised that they hare 3 Potal Assets - 72,000,006 - not as yet received. The work of the Industrial Bureau has eached such a stage now that the city can- not afford to dispense with it. We honestly believe that for every cent that has been ex: pended that the city has received good ligt THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864. 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000. otal Ansels (Nor. 0th. 1911) over 81,000,000 A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts, : W. 0. JOX, Manager + Medicine Hat Branch nowright in Tullswing. It w would almost be. a criminal offense to our city to drop. it. Keep up the good work. THE NEWS was the victim of a childish attack in a letter published in yester- jday s Times, and written by H. Hassard, because we did not see fit to using Mr. Hassard s own words square him with the people of. Medicine Hat. anent the Mono-raii line. Mr. Hassard did not offer us a letter, he asked us to write an article. GEOR NOTICE TO BUILDERS We have opened-an office in Suite I1., in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J, H.-PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork S Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. a te a ee tt le ee te ts ns Prairie Pride Patent Flour; Bas no superior and seldom an equal. Your dealer has it be sure you get it the next time - you order FLOUR. Sr : 4 : Re RY The Medicine Hat Milling Co'y., Limited *PHONE 666 Tasker Transfer Co. 1-dread-not (dreadnought) his visit. Taxi i 2 Piano Moving A Speciaity LBERTA TAXI COMPANY apid LIGHT and HEAVY Renan DRAYING liable 864 Toronto Street. Taxi Taxi Promptly Attended to. New Cars, Carefal Drivers, This we positively declined to do. We are not in the business of apologizing for oth- er s actions, or forthe Mono-rail people either. We hold no stock in the latter Co., and are therefore under no obligation to ex- plain why they did not bi ir line to the fair grounds,..Were .we- the writer of the letter, we would, with the best possible grace, forget the matter. mage eee Spee THAT was indeed a wild rumor at Winni- peg yesterday re war between England and Germany. Some one bulling the market evidently. Satie oe ae FIVE men shot at an Alabama church so- cial. Nice pleasant time was had. Sg : FEW CITIES of the size of Medicine Hat -ean boast, of such a band of the standard of the local Hussars. Every concert is just alittle better than the last . fear egg THE First Lord of the Admiralty may come to. Canada aboard a dreadnought. ee THE Sxffragists at Edinburg cut the phone wires; in other words, they cut off one means of talking. How unlike the wo- men, SS a THE Toronto News, the Conservative chief organ says, quite candidly: Alberta and Saskatchewan have grievances which must be met. Murder will out. Se ees MEDICINE HAT is truly getting to be an awful city. We had the fight pictures here and enjoyed them too. Calgary, the good, forbid them. po IN Dodge City: Kansas, dancing is licensed 1.00 per year, and now comes the sug- gestion that they license drinking. It might put a check on drunkenness at that. We will now eagerly await the building sta- Passing Published by Medicine Hat Nows Co, btd,, every lay Talug at ity ofice, Main Streey Wedicine Hat, Alta. Peat HONE: ae e paces ee ip Advertising And all thy chance of blessed service Rowe Dept nt SEH treatin and Winl soon be gone. 1g RING ihe a Thomas J. Cross. : ord SUBSCRIPTION Rates So a ar aS NTR Year, delivered....34.90 2 by mall... .9s. months, d-livered.-4200 worthe, ty malt Canada s Yankee Premier. Addresser changed as often as desired, but bota niw and Publishet every Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and INDUSTRIAT Commissioner Brown has timate advertising in return. The work is fo: Bifective June 2nd, 1919. Be awitt, dear kea: For time is brief, No. Artive. Leave. gt; lifetathiohwaw 2 2020 2045 Imp, Ltd, Montreal to Vanvotver And thou may st-sdon along lite s highway 2 8.05 8.80 Imp. Ltd., Vancouver to Montreal, Keep step with grief. 3 1L15 M85 -Vancouver Exp..Toronto to Van. - 2u00 20.25 Toronto Exp. Vancouver to Tor. sagt eathaark in-singing 21.50 2215 St, Paul-Seattle Express, Be Th dene heart, in singing 4.00. 4.20. Seattle-St. Paul Express, ers sey : 125 21,60 Pratri Exp. Winnipeg. to Calgary. Which ears are sealed, thy passionate plead- 5.25 6.50 Pratrio Exp., Calgary to. Winnii ing GEO st 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landi Will not be heard. 19.00 Local from Critibrook 23.00 Local from Calgaxy, : . . 10,30 Local for Cranbrook. Be swift: dear heart, in doing 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. The gracious deed, ae ee ta ey an Lest soon they whom thou holdest dearest 2. Kt 5 -. St. Paul-Port, hh a 9.40 9.60 Soo, Ltd., PortSt. Paul. Be past thy need. Be swift, dear heart, in giving The rare, sweet flower, In some sad hour. Dear heart, be swift in loving Just at presenf the Canadians have a Yankee for their Premier. Prime Minister Borden has gone to England to confer with the British Admiralty on Canada s new nav- al policy, which involves a direct contribu- tion of money or ships to the British navy, instead of building up a distinctiveCanad- ian navy as Sir Wilfred Laurier his prede- essor, planned. During the months of Borden s absence the acting Prime Minister will be George H. Perley, a member of his Ministry. Per- ley was born in New Hampshire and was graduated from Harvard in 1878. In his youth he went to Ottawa, where he has ac- umulated a fortune in lumbering and bat jing. He is the first Prime Minister, acting or otherwise, Canada ever had of non-Bri- tish birth, The United States has furnish- jed Canada with several of men and has orthwest, bi a ruler Minneapolis Journal. The most meritorious railroad ron in England is undoubtedly that made twice idaily front Paddington to Bristol. The dis- tance is 118 1-2 miles: which is covered in xactly 120 minutes, or at a rate exceeding 59 miles an hour. In Scotland the best per-' rmance is that of the Caledonian line, which runs an express from Forfar'to Perth a distance of 32 1-2 miles, in 32 minutes, or at a speed of more than 60 miles an hour. In freland, where one does not look for great speeds, the Great Southern and West- jern lines runs a train the 77 3-4 miles from Ballybrophy to Mallow in 88 minutes, or at the rate of 53 miles an hour. i PUBLI OPINION The revenues of Canada are increasing the rate of 2,000,000 a month. This should keep the wolf from the door London Free Nor-await to heap with blossonis the casket helped. as never before g 3 Best Buys CENTRAL PARK, Bik. Lota. Price and terms, 28, 22-83, 800, 1-3, 6 and 12, 23, 1-2-8; 1500. 1-2, 6 and 12, 8, 1-2, 1275, 1-2, 6 and 12. COUSINS SISSONS. Bik, Lots, Price and terms. 26, 16-24, 250 cach, 1-3, 6 12, 2, 8-0, 828 pair, 1-3, 6 and 12, 20, 36-40, 400 each, 1-3, 6 12. ALTAWANA. Block , all, 600. each Biock 32,-alt,- 000- eae, Block 14, all, 450 each, ROSEDALE TRACKAGE. Bik. Lots, Price and terms. * 5, 6 2600, 900 cash, 6 and 12. 3, 18-19, 4000,.1-8, 6 and 12, 6, 188 ft, 4200, 1-3, 6 and 12, List with us, we hare buyers for your property, Denald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626, See me if you want a home. Special attention given to the building of Modern Houses. Designs and preliminary plans. supplied. HOUSES FOR SALE, R. B. Taylor s it and H Prompt Auettion to Sl Srders Plano Moving with Piane Van a Speciality. Parcels Delirerea. Z GONE NO. 349, A. few of our J. A. LANDRY Box 831. eelnbeimink Transfer: When you buid, vonwtder QUALITY first, Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- very best, We have it, and ev- erything the Bullder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the re DOOR BEAUTIFUL SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WiL- LOW posts ree BEAVER BO. FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE PHONE 57 P. 0. BOX 29, rial 50c....Quart 5c... Pint DON T PAY MORE H. B. CURTIS BER because it's cheap use the. CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH FIVE TICKETS 1 ww (Special to Jefferson City, State-wide primar Missouri next Tu whom the respect upon the Novembe Judicial, congressic tices. Five partie nations for che p Democrate-and Re tickets, but the Laborites and Pi some vacancies, Contrary to the Many States this ; tea ts not expect important part in im Missouri. Sotne made to inject the test Into the fight gubernatorial nom out success, On tl the rivalry betw Roosevelt follower: self in a tight State organization, are that the rank ty will pay little Presidential contest State ticket. The are focusing thelr tion ofs county cha to capturing contro mittee and the Stat er on, Five aspirants 1 the Democratic nc ernor. William 8. sas City, former co Democratic nomin years ago, and 2) Bowling Green at Press. As excuses for burglaries: hold-ups and embezzlements we have had: Wanted to raise the money for a college education. Needed money to pay off a mortgage. Had to meet the demands of a courtship. Longed to shine in society. Ran behind on the rent. Couldn t get along without a vacation. To these may be added the explanation of a nineteen-year-old boy in New York. who went in for housebreaking to obtain the en- trance fee for a pool tournament. Toledo Blade. SEEEEEEEEET EEE THIS DATE IN HISTORY August 3. 1797 Sir Jeffrey Amherst, who led the British campaign against the French in Canada, died. Born Jan. 29, 1717. 1858 The Victoria Nyanza discovered by Captain Speke. 1862 Gen. Halleck ordered Gen. McClel- lan to evacuate the-peninsula of Vir- ginia. 1864 Gen. Hood attacked Gen. Logan s lines at Atlanta. Sa IER ees ey aes THIS IS MY 72nd BIRTHDAY Lord Mersey Sir John C. Bingham, Lord Mersey, who headed the recent British court of inquiry on the Titanic disaster, was born August 3, 1840, the son of a merchant of Liverpool. He was educated at the Liverpool Institute, la- ter studying in Berlin and Paris, Admitted to the bar in 1870, he became a bencher of the Middle Temple in 1886. From 1895 to 1897-he served in Parliament as a Union- ist. He was first a judge of the King s bench division of the High Court of Justice, serv- ing twelve years. Then he became president Modern and sanitary in every Tespect and the machinery is the best thai money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return the goods. Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sule, LIGHT AND HEAV DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. See Us for Screen Doors and Windows, BOX 353. 183-1me. PHONE. m2 HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. tistics of the Dominion for the past Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. month to see how far ahead of the other cit- ies of the Dominion-the Hat-is 'He-was-created Baron Mersey in 1910. of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty di- vision of the High Court, serving one year. J.J. LAIT fT US FIGURE WITH YOU RE. -PLAGING CROSSLEY. BROS. Se Builders and Contractors: 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304; THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST, Beary Teaming, Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating 2 Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times, ae House Mover) cxsoive ixo axcavarma SAND FOR Grayel and Sand for Sale, EXCAVATING Yulll Street, os pox game No 1 -R.Simmonds CARPENTER awp CONTRACTOR STABLE PHONE E.M. CA WKER, 1 Capsole f Phm. B. 1 150-yard rugsi: boile: D st 1 50-yard C ae stock of Foilet Articles ae Y Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- ; , gir t Dicpenciug of Paysciane Pre: Tar Boilers, ic Soar) Shovels, Pic ve HOTSON y aadstieesidnccoceds LEADER Mortar Box Lanterns, Blacksmith Oak Rollers ontx Also a fulls and J Builders S Felt, LPB people of all cli Two shows and 7 p.m, W.
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Image 207 (1912-08-03), from microfilm reel 207, (CU1743923). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.