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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The Glasgow House EARLY ARRIVALS. We Have Received Some Advance Shipments of FALL NOVELTIES, CHIFFON VELVETS, CORDUROY VELVETS COSTUME CLOTHS TWEED SUITINGS. See the New Ratine Collar and Cuff Sets The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers : : Fourth Avenue: : 3, H. at ROYAL BANK : SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Deo oeetoeteete eteatoateg 3 Pree ocectoctentereeteate eSeedoatoececgeete Imperial Bank of Canada. Capital and Rest . -Total Assets -- . 72,000,000 .. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. RG, WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Braneh. POPOL Cotetreatrpegeteeteseaecteas OVCT S82in- - 11,993,800 4 GC. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. + Bttectiv June Ind, 1912. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Hat News Published by the Modlehie Hat News Con Ltd, every tarrful evonlag at Its ofice, Main Stet. Wedicine Hat, Alta, A. J..N. TERRILL, E ttor, gt; A HONE: Advertising Cireulation and Noms Dept Job Depts. 13 RiIne BING 2 1 DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 1 Y-as, delivered....84.90 f months, 4 -livered.. 300 1 srouths, by mall. 8 months, delivered. . 1-00 3 months, by maf. 1 moth, delivered. ...350 Ad resse chauged as often as desired, bur dota now and old ad resser t b3 given. WEEaLY NEWS, wery Thursday tn Alxteen or more pages, and Coutatus a eummany of the aews of the week. local and district. mouths, tr. advance Zoe 2 months, in advance. .s0e V year tm advance.... 1.50 Tuesday, August 13, 1912. FURTHER DELAY. THE work on the new city water system will likely be delayed for another jcouple of weeks, through no fault of the Council, however. The bylaw was adver- tised as soon as the Provincial health re- port on the water and the plans were . re- ceived. However, in the advertisement, the complete report of the Provincial health officer was not included. Tt Was not nec- essary, said Mr. Mahaffy. However, when a copy of the advertisement-reached Mr. Clark, the solicitor for the city s fis- cal agents, he objected, and said that the whole analysis of the water would have to be included in the alvertisement, and so the whole thing will have to be advertised The vote of the citizens can- not be taken until the ad. has appeared Established 1864. : A general Banking Business Transacted. W. 0, JOY, Manager: 2 2: RRR Hee eee eee ebitiieetet THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN i 180 Branches In Canada. , Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. Special attention to Sayings Accounts. + Medicine Hat Branch ALBERTA NOTICE TO BUILDERS perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- *eive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF At -J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork BALE No order too small, or none too big. Get our prices 'S at our up Town Off Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. Berdeeneentenind denteetensnaesneeed WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR on car lots. The Medicine Hat Milling Piano Moving A Speciaity Limited Co y., Tasker Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY. easonable DRAYING liable 264 Toronto Street, fended to, Phone 666 Day. 2 New Cars, Careful Drivers, 11 Night. (street was secured for the erection of such : a short time would elapse before the work jon the building would be started. To date ae women of the city know this but the girls PSESOSl Cs) again three times. The city solicitor says that it is not necessary to advertise them again, but the fiscal agents insist, and, as they sell the bonds, it s up to the city. With the present state of the market beggers can- not be choosers, say the council. The mayor. says that he will therefore postpone the calling of a public meeting to discuss the bylaw. pL ep THE Y. W C. A. WHAT is the matter with the Hat s Y. W. C. A.? Some time early in June the lot on the corner of Fifth Ave. and Ottawa a building and it was then thought that only we are unaware of any steps that have been taken to even organize an association. British in the w this is an urgent matter The need-of efigig Wir Peregrine Maitland appointed TY. W.C. A. her ; ir Peregrine Maitland appointe necessity.. The who come into the city and look for room and board know it better and the situation is becoming more acute daily. There is through this year. the initiative. pee NES ee SN SIR THOMAS SHAUGHNESSY when on his last visit here just previous to the announeement of the location of the sheps, -and-again -pas call, remarked jokingly that he might not dare come again. Evidently the inference was that the Hat would not welcome him unless we secured the shops. The visit in question will be paid to the Hat in a week or go, and its up to the Hatters td prove to Sir Thomas that he is just as wel- come now as he was a year ago when we were looking for favors; and this year we are looking for none. The Hat owes it to him, as the sending of the shops to Calgary and turning down the Hat seems to have been the turning point in the Hat s history. She has gone ahead With leaps and bounds ever since and is still going. ig rT THE Calgary News-Telegram says that Calgary is facing a house famine. Medicine Hat at the present time is the scene of more building operations in resi- dences than ever before in-its history, yet by the way the houses are being taken u there is a possibility that many of the home- steaders who c me into the city in the Fall OS i ildren to Winter will have a hard houses. In other. wor Some one should take time finding , the Hat s house Xo. Arrives Leave. z i Fitzpatrick of the Supreme Court of ate 1 3020 20.45 (mp. 14. Montreat to. Yanvouver is G; 4 ranresentative on the 2 8.05. 8.30-.1mp. 1Ad. Vancouver to Montreal. (22a is Canada s rep lever ait 3 W415 1145 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. Council... He could not, however, sit on a 20.00 20,35 Toronto Mxpa Vancoliver to Tor, C8S that-he had bed h fromethe. Supreme 21.50, 23.15 St. Paul-Seuttle Express. Court bench. Phe niarriage case was-an 4.00 420 Seattle-St. Paul Express, example, 2125 21.60 Prairle Exp. Winnipeg to Calgary e 5.25. 6.80 Prairie Exp. Calgary to Winniper ) Sh 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landing. THE New York cleric who has been ex- 19.00 Local from Cranbrook. pressing his opinion of old maids is not aaa Local trom Oalgit, satisfied with the terrible wrath he has akon ye Midees ieee nas iw pulled down upon his head, but he-has now j Bub aie Bete cor Calgary. taken to describing the various kinds of a 2.30 2.40 Soo, Ltd., St. PaukPort je 1d maids. What he says, however, is of no B 940 9,50 Soo, Ltd., Port.-8t, Paul, interest to Hatters, as it is the eity s proud yet time to get to work and get the matter jaqq minister to Greece, Roumania and Servia, Switzerland and Spain. the diplomatic service in 1905 and kas since devoted himself to literary pursuits. THE latest ery is (Canada wants a re- presentative on the Privy Council. jIt has j been learned that Sir Charles boast that we have no-old maids here. They die young -or go to Lethbridge. t 0 ANOTHER. of the Hat s new industries is now. in full swing, turning out all kinds of machine work. Just as it gets go- ing, another, the glass factory, starts build- ing. Two mills, Ogilvie s and the Medicine plants, the Poreelain factory and Glass fac- tory, are in the course of erection. The steel plant is soon to follow. Elta a WHAT. will England do to get back as the U.S. for their action on the Panama Canal? the Tory press is crying. ,What will Canada do is of more vital importance to us. As their action in regard to Canada seems to bea result of the September 21st, 1911, decision, about the best thing that Mr. Borden can do is to let the matter slide /with as good a grace as possible. i aa pect GIRLS are losing their slenderness, says a Ney York photographer, and he blames it on the joy rides and money. Fore- warned is forearmed. Hat girls take your INVEST WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTRAL PARK Corner, bik 23, lots 1-2-8, 1500 Terms. Corner, bik) 24, lots 37 to 40, 1650. Terms, Blk 29, loti , 900. Terms, Bik 25, lots 7-8, , 850. Terms, ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, bik 8, 4000. Terms; 188 ft, DIK -6, 4200. Terms, 50 feet on Main Bt. two blocks trom. raihoad, 7500. Terms, 50 feet with shack on South Ratlway, 1800 cash. We have a few new houses in High School Annex and Nor, Yulll for sale on easy terms. We are still selling Altawana and have good buys in all parts of the clty. Ss Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776, J. A. LANDRY When you build, Goasider QUALITY first: Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because It cheap use the very best. We Bav it; and ev- erything the Bullder requires. A welect stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOOBINGS. Wo have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WiL- Low Posts i B GARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE . PHONE 57 Carpenter F. 0. BOX 29. Builder 711 Ottawa St. San ie Phone 626. Box 831, choice and govern yourselves accordingly. Choose between being skinny and poor, or being fat and having money. teens Ue ean) Se: THE tall girt is correctly gowned and ., Shod, starts off Lillian Russell, in her advice to six-footer females. How would you like to be the blacksmith? eee eee THERE are 57 varieties of love, says .a Philadelphia woman. Doesn t she mean pickles? Mixing with the former will bring the latter anyway. 4 -o . WE ought to hear the final verdict of the Canada Cement Co. this week. es See gS FAVORABLE and optimistic is the crop report. Not so the railroad report. Te eg ee PUBLIC OPINION The Wall Street Journal suggests that Moose Jaw would make appropriate head- quarters for Colonel Roosevelt s party half moose, half jaw. Yes, and looking westward to Alberta s natural gas city, he would have another splendid opportunity to talk through the Hat. Monetary. Times. Bee ee ee THIS DATE IN HISTORY August 13. ce 1775 A British naval force made an un- successful attack on Gloucester, Mass. 1812 U. S. frigate Essex captured the Alert, the first vessel taken from the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Can- ada. : 1346 Americans: under Commodore Stock- ton and Major Fremont captured Los Angeles, 1863 The city of Arequipa, Peru, almost destroyed by an earthquake. 1898 Manili surrendered to the American forces after a short land fight and a bombardment by the fleet. Sag a se eat THIS IS MY 65th BIRTHDAY el Arthur Sherburne Hardy. Arthur Sherburne Hardy, who was pro- Mminent in the diplomatic service of the United States for many years. was born in Andover, Mass. August 13, 1874.- He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1869 and for some time there- after served as a lieutenant of artillery. In 1873 he went abroad to study engineering and upon his return he beeame profesor of civil engineering and mathemetics at Dart- mouth College. From 1893 to-1895 Mr. Hardy was editor of the Cosmopolitan Magazine. He entered the diplomatic ser- ice in 1897 as United States minister to Persia. Later he served sucessiv ly as He retired from CONGRATULATIONS TO: Duke of Teck, brother of Queen Mary, See me if you want a home, Special attention given to the building of Modern Houses, Designs and preliminury plans supplied. HOUSES FOR SALE. R. B. Tayior s Transfer t and He Dra: z Broupt Adestion ot Store Piano Moving with Piano Vi a Speciality. Parcels Delirerea. HONE NO. 349. E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist stock of Toilet Articles Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi, cines, ete, ing of Phy icians Pre- scriptus Specialy. 204SouthRy.8t. Phone 75. eee Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every the best that momey can buy. All white help employed. PHONE No. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will: cali for and return the goods. Horses for Sale. AIGHT AND Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. See Us for Screen Doors and Windows, BOX 353. 183-1me. PHONE 712 SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. PEER EEEEEEE Reels CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle House Mover FORMAL Ix FOR SMUT 50c... .Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : CURTIS : setblniaces , Ti ie en sooty ed es e Roetoatectedteateetonleateet m BUILD) LET US FIGURE WITH you BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILSE ESTIMATES FREE. AND CROSSLEY. BROs. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave.; Phone 434 OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 402 723 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST, Heary Teaming. Sand, Coal Grave Exeayating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale at F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel-and-Sand for Sale, Yall Street. Phone No, P. 0; Box a1. X 1b x lt; W.R.Simmonds Count Herman Wrangel, who represents J.J Phone 260, old to weden at the Court of St. James, 55 years . LAIT CARPENTER Axp CONTRACTOR; CARPENTER ix CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335, Internations Swings ing the Commit ing Rep Cleveland, Oh fifty-eight annual International Ty as opened here magnificent armo Cleveland Greys, dorhood of four t attendance. repres bership of about the United States Saturady was z many entertain yesterday being Point, the -objecti cursion of the ste delegates and the tained by Toledo The convention ternoon, but will trolley ride aro which the delega honor at the Ch erioan League-ba gue park. Mr. H. B. Gibs 449, is Canada s 1 Committee on Li Mr. Ben. F, V Hat, Alberta, is attendance from fon-451, of the gr In presenting Lynch, among ot The Union Pri improved and bea nificent condition cation commistor success with the its charge; the tuberculosis and ing rooms has health of our me er conserved; has been presse Tesults have add of the union offi vided additional bers; the publicit pushed earnest Stands higher tod: Yon than it did it was thought o have been incre dollars, hours
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Image 268 (1912-08-13), from microfilm reel 268, (CU1743919). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.