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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ou butt, vonstder first, Don't be per- buy CHEAP LUM- se It's cheap use the, We have it, and ev- 1 Bullder requires, stock o: LUMBER, SH, FIR PENISH, (K, MAPLE, BIRCH FLOORINGS, the agency for the OR BEAUTIFUL YOUD FIBRE, LATH DAR POSTS, Wii OW Posts Ban Dp AY CO. MBER PEOPLE 29, PHONE 67 IALING , SMUT . Quart --Pint gt;AY MORE : Drug and wore ss 3 CURTIS Baturiy, Avgiist 37a, 19200. MEDIOINE 1 HAT FIVE TICKETS IN MISSOURI PRIMARY (Special to the News) Jefferson City, Mo.,- Aug. 3. A State-wide primary will be held in Missouri next Tuesday to determine whom the respective parties will put Upon the November ballots for State, Judicial, congressional and-county of- tices, Five parties have filed nom - nations for che primary ballot, 'The Democrats and Republicans-have full, tickets, but the Socialists, Socialist Laborites and Prohibitionists have ome vacancies. Contrary to the situation existing in many States this year, national po ties is not expected to play a very important part in the State campaign im Missourl. Some attempt has been made to inject the Clark-Wilso test into the fight for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination;. but. with- Out success, On the Republican side, the rivalry between the Taft and Roosevelt followers. 1s manifesting it- self in a fight for control of the State organization, but the Indications are that the rank and file of the par- ty will pay little attention to the presidential contest in making up the State tleket. The Roosevelt people are focusing thelr efforts on the elec- tion of county chairmen with a view to capturing control of the State com- mittee and the State organization Sat- er on, Five aspirants are contesting for Wie Democratic nomination for goy- ernor, William 8, Cowherd of Kan- Sas City, former congressman and the Democratic nominee for governor 4 Years ago, and Elifott W. Major of Bowling Green ,at present attorney Keneral, are conceded to be the lead- ers in the race, Cowherd ts general- ly JOoked upon as the favorite, since he hae the backing of Senators Stone and Reed and other members of the organization which has long, con- trolled the Democratic party in Mis- sour, The other three who seek to head the Democratic State ticket are Dav- fd A Ball of Louisiana, who claims and James A, Houchin, a millionaire MICHIE SHOWS LOVES PRESENCE Strapped on Wrist, Wilt Tell Whether Emotion Is Real. he was counted out in Cowberd s ta- vor in 1908; August H. Bolte of St, Touls, Yormer Weutenant governor, TAROB ot HE ART contractor of Jefferson City. The race for the Republican gub- ernatorial nomination. started with five entries, but within a week or two the field has been narrowed by the withdrawal of two of the candi- dates. Those remaining in the run- ville, former Ueutenant governor: Leon W, Quick, clty treasurer of St. Louis, and Arthur P. Murphy of Rol- la ja former. representative in Con- Bress. Spirited contests are on ror some of the congressional nominations. The Democrats who announced in the Ninth district when it appeared Vikely that Speaker Champ Clark might go from the Capitol to the White House have since withdrawn, leaving Clark unopposed for renom - nation. The other representatives who will receive renomination with- out opposition In their Own party are Lloyd of. the First, Alexander of the Third, Dickinson of the Sixth, Shac- kleford. of the Eighth, Catlin of the Bleventh, Hensley of the Thirteenth, Russell, of the Fourteenth and Rubey of the Sixteenth. For Sal 10 Teams Heavy Work Horses Weight 1400 to 1900 each. 12 Sets of Harness, Sand and Gravel Boxes, 14 Coal Boxes, I Heavy Dray, 20 Wagon Gears, Brick Boxes, 2 Ice Racks, 18- bar Wate: inte ane ee Gear, 4 Plows, 8 Wheel Scrapers: 1 Filling-in Scraper, 7 Slip Scrapers: 1 Wagon Loader for excavations, 2pair Sleighs, 1 Hay Rack, . a 1 new 5-ton Derrick, complete-(made by American Hoist and Derrick Co.) Winches, Assorted Blocks and Ropes, 1 Capsole for removing buildings, 1 150-yard Concrete Mixer, complete with vertical boiler and engine; 1 50-yard Concrete Mixer, complete with gasoline engine. Tar Boilers, Shovels, Picks and Hops EY BROS. a id Contractors. 7e., Phone 434 Box 304. tes Free. Prepared. STABLE PHONE 402 728 S. FOLLIS fing Co. RONTO ST, Sand, Coal Gravel g a Specialty. Horses for sale at Times, TEAMING D EXCAVATING Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415, Box 81. mrmonds wp CONTRACTOR tly attended to. No. 335- Barrows, Medicine Hat, MONDAY. Here sw UGUST Free Narcan Street Parade 10:30 a.m. : lens of wil als, 9 bands, 256 horses, en fensof wild animals People of all climes im ative costumes will be shown in parade. Two shows daily afternoon at 2, night at , doors open at I and 7 p.m, Waserproof tents. Admission 25 cents to see it all. Inventor Describes Bracelet For Help of Distressed Maidens. New York, Aug. 3 D. , Auld, author and President of th man Velfare League, thinks his newly in- vented: ecrometer will solve the vexing problem of when are we in love, * By the uge of this machine, Mr. Auld says, the doubting young maiden may decide for herself the vital question simply by dining with or talking to the mien who she thinks is her ideal. AULD EXPLAINS HIS MACHINE The. name is derived from Eros, love, and meter, measure, Mr. Auld says in explaining his machine. It is literally a Jove -tester: It-is--made-in'the form of a bracelet, smooth and hollow, like a tube bent into a ring. It may be adjusted to fit tightly over the wrist of-any man or woman. Inside the hollow tube is a /tiny Slip of pay and an electric needle which responds to every deviation of the pulse, whether above or below normal. Now it is known that a fearess, a compliment, or even the mere presence Of a beloved Object sends the pulse leaping upward. Therefore, if a girl is dountful whether a certain young man really affects her emotionally, all she has to-do is to put on the: bracelet and go out to lunch with him. On her return she draws off the Dracelet, extracts from its Hollow epths the small slip of paper, scor- ed with the minute record of the needle, and places it under a micro- scope- Then she cam literally meas- ure the height and depth of ber af- fection, BELIEVES AFFINITY THEORY Tt was suggested to Mr. Auld that he had made his test purely a phy ssuredly, he replied. The poets and romanticists, with their theories of spiritual. affinity, are re peating a world old truth. Love is a-psychio-matter, 2 concern-of the soul. But as our souls dwell in our bodies on this earth, so psychic af- fection must manifest itself through physical attributes, Tt is perfectly true that love has definite physical symptoms. There isthe one on which my humorous idea of the erometer is based, the inerease in the number of - pulse i beats when the beloved makes his Presence manifest. Associated with this, but of less - invariable occur- rence, is the phenomenon of blush - ing, the quick rush of blood to the face and neck. OTHER SYMPTOMS OF LOVE. eH a young person ii Tove 10s es his appetite. Food seems 2 gross and material thing; he literal-- continues in Liveli st fashion among tester. It is made in the form of a in ly lives on. dreams. He is absent minded aa prone to frequent pauses Eat he Ho-grows pals sud loses wight, Bai is not consciously weakened: He alternates fits of nervous, restless energy with spasms of dreamy idle- He is not likely to suffer serious harm unless he is separated from his beloved for a long period. 'Then he may. either pine away and die or, in a fit-of insanity, take his own life. : Tt is not merely 2 poetic con- vention that people die of broken hearts. They continue to do-so, even if the cause is seldom listed in. the death certificate. And one - has only to read the newspapers to wale that suicide for sake not go out of fashion with fies and Juliet. rs CSE TO LIFES HISTORY, aun Only Chemical Difficulties Prevent Creation of Be- ings, D clar s Savant. PROFESSOR CARREL PROTESAgR GARREL Some Freneh Scientists In- dorse Theories of Rocke- feller Institute. Paris, Aug. 3. The discussion French savants ag ficance of the Leob and Carrelat the Rockefeller Institute, which these two medical scientists are mow making known here im person. A widespread samsation has been eaused here among the pablic by Dr. Jacques Leob's detlaration that on- ly the technical - difficulties due to the immaturity of biological science hinder the artificial preparation of living beings, ignorance of the chemical nature of ferments and catalysers being the chief obstacle. It is felt that series of extra- ordinary discoveriss recently made New York came Very near to the mystery of life, aid Drs. Leob and Carrel's worldwide repiitetions give their utterances great weight here. SUCCESS IN SIGHT? tia:xeat sigat: The day. whem the creation of a protoplasm shall be achieved, said the latter in an-interview-this-week is not far distamt. Tn order to study more minutely the mysterious mechanism of if we have been busy in our-Idboratories, elaborai ing new processes and using new i struments of research. Thus, after having succeeded im conserving tis - sues permanently in.a manifestly living state, Iam now about to try to. discover the m chanism of the growth of the cellular tissue, why these tissues develop, why they cease growing, and what salts and other chemical agents influence their existence. As these problems are solved, others will arise, but the day will come, very probable, when science will force into the light of day the here, declares himself a copetan of Dr. Carrel s theories, which, he says, have opened new iorizons of science. -What-renders the: problem specially difficult, he thinks, is that up to the present only the chemistry of dead matter-has been studied with any thoroughness. The ehemistry of life has yet- ti be investigated. flows incessantly, he goes on. In the present state of science it ean only be observed by arrest - for an instant. But, checked ever short a time, it is-no longer life which is studied and tested. Once we know how a seed is transformed into a mighty oak we shall be able to fabricate blades of grass and even animals. On the other hand, several rere SentativEs Ol -CO thought here range. (Gusonelved against these theories. Prof. Armand Gautier, ot the Academy of Science, - regards Dr. eob's speculations as altogether too daring. That living matter may eventually be obtained by chemical means he. admits is possible, b-ut that human science will ever be able ke from ba eaksiiaaes organic cells, multi- plying according to a prearranged plan, to take the form of a living being, is, he declares, outside of all : reasonable belief. What are your. objections to mo as a Gandidate? asked the patriot. You're an all right andidate, replied Farmer Comtossel T don t think you a be near so enter- taining: as. an office-holder. Des Moines: Register. Subscribe iow for The Dally News. TWO DAYS FREE aT SCOTEL, aT Mr. Landry, the representative of the Pennsylvania Ear Masseur, who has been visiting the principal cities of the United States and Canada has. been unable to meet the demands of -those-who-are-seeking-2-cure for their: deafness. Hundreds of people have called on him, many sales have b made and the most remarkable r - sults have been achieved. -- The Pennsyivania Bar Massour En- gine Involves the principles of vibra- tory massage coming in contact with the drum membrane and the sound- producing organs of the ears makes tthe most reliable, most success fuland the best cure ever devi No ttiatter what you have done for your hearing, how many omen you have tried, nor how much money you have spent, this instrument will COMING TO MEDICINE HAT. The Representative of THE PENNSYLVANIA EAR MASSEUR ENGINE) The Scientific Cure for Deafness. DEMONSTRATION ASSINTBOIA. convince tlie most skeptical and stag- ger the unbellever. It cures and cures to stay cured. Mr; Landry wants only those people who are interested to consult him for free demonstration, Children und- erage must bring their parents or guardians and women are requested to be accompanied by thelr husbands, Mr. Landry's time is limited. He is busy from morning to night, and be hias-only-atimited amount of. time to - -was- not. Jost. Sight of. This Complete Dining Room Suite, S of 8 Pieces, Laid down in Medicine Hat for leeteetecgetrate- 2 rest So- ee oad atoage aa ATISFACTION WRITE TO OUR pee een FOR FOR SAMPLES OF New Jasper Cloths, New Radium Cloths, New Geneva Cloths, New Corona Cloths. New Sateens, Cretonnes and. Chintzes, All the latest scheme creations in: Bed Spreads, Bolster Rolls, Shirt Waist Boxes, And Curtains with Jam- brequin made to order and the prices are ra ae E ALBERTA'S HOUSEFURNISHING CENTRE OR DINNER SET Border design of Greek key design and green side decoration. Compositi pieces. Formerly 51.65; Sale Price... 2.6. 6... DINNER SET Cobalt blue hand de surmounted with leaf gold decorati 98 pieces. Formerly 65.00; Sale price . DINNER SET Greek key border desi; with inside decoration of amber. Oom- sition 98 pieces. Formerly 52 12,00. Sale price /. These sets are on sale from Aug: ee to Aug: 10th, inclusive, thus-giving-p living ut of Calgary the opportunity of scouring a apinngs Bet at sale prices: CARPET. DEAT LIVING ROOM CARPET SQUARES In building modern homes special attention is given to the living room ; in seleeting our Carpet Squares the demand for this eee use Department and ind Squares such as we are able to show you. - Large living rooms require a floor covering which combine useful- ness of coloring and design: with the serviceability of quality. WE HAV THEM ae VELVETS The English weamlens kind, size 10 ft. 6 in. n. by: 2 ft, at 28.00 : BRUSSELS In size-11 ft: 3 in. by 12 ft. aad ii ft. 3 in, by 13 ft. 6in.. From 27.50 to 45.00. WILTONS In size 11 ft. 3 in. by Bhs aud 11 ft. 3 in. by 13 ft. 6 in. .... From 45.00 to 16.00. 63.70 6 feet. Size of top 46 inches 1 in diam- eter; polished royal golden oak. The top is mounted on massive round pedestal and four sone shaped feet. SET OF DINERS Comprising 5 skle chairs andi armchair. Royal oak finish; full box seats, - Up- holstered on best grade of genuine leather. Nicely shaped backs, Small Chairs, 8.50 each. Arm Chair 4.60, SIDEBOARD Guiden fini two massive pi 31 itted with two serpantine shaped top drawers doub- Te cupboard and . mee full length linen drawer. in. The base is Price . 16.00 SET of 5 small and 1 arm chair laid down in Medicine Hat for 22 10 h, Massive design, canopy. top mounted on bevelled mirror plate, size 16 in. by 28 Price see each patient. a The Pennsylvania Har Masseur En- gine Is an instrument that you can use at home. The price is reasonable and you cannot afford to be without it. Mr, Latidry sili be at the Assini- bola Hotel from Monday noon, Aug- ust 12th, until Tuesd: night, August 43th Those. interested are invited to come as early as possible. Pe v 4 es So- ste oe . Me e The Neilson Furniture Co., Ltd. 18 EIGHTH peed eee CALGARY.
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Image 208 (1912-08-03), from microfilm reel 208, (CU1743905). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.