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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ery Special Samples mi-Ready for Fall 19524 Have Arrived No extra vertisers, ARE re MADE WHEN THE 50 f(t, Lots, Block 18, 700. Fa 7s DURING THE BATHRE, 1 lot, Block 9 WE HAVE SEVERAL SNAPS TO OFFER y THESE HOT D, ) ft. lots, Block 13, 7 oss YOU-DO NOLLNERD TO SEE THEM . SOUTH YUILL FOR THEM. BU ft. Jot, Block 8, 1050. 5 50 ft. lots, Block 6, 1050. WANTED SoveFht young mm ing proposition. Call and get particulars, RIVERSIDE 50 FEET in Block 11, Herald, 350, terms. 50 ft, 1ot8, Block 7, 600. 50 ft. lots, Block 14, 600. ci os 50 FEET in Block 29, Central Park ,3500. be level. lt; TOWNSITE look Pe eee 2 BLOCKS fn Grand View at 15 -per-lot, lots self at 200 now, tt. ft., Block 82. 1500. BLOCK 5. Cousins and Sissons. A B5sfoot corner, paly 850; Our Customers and anyone in- THAT TH il i ST mR terested in proper lat at P ae eS thes W. J. Christie, Now in the City, Had Interview With proper value, is invitedto look lt; Them On Thei*Way East Two Places Appealed , ot 7 ps 8 over the lt; lt; we to: Theih, Peg and Hat Left Money With Mr. 3 ; Christie to Purchase Real Estate for Them, THE PRICES SPEAK tS tnyest g400 Cash, Guaranteed to All other Grand View 50 Mr. W. Qhristic, Winnipeg real- were Medicine Hat ang Winnipeg. ot 50 ft., Block 99, 1050; ty man, whos stayingin town and who the two they preferred Medicine Hat PS A. s Ireland for sume tiie past has seen the won- Wertul Possibilities of Medicine Hat, jand has boosted it in Winnipeg, has most encoufaging story to tell of as a place to invest money. Of course they appreciated the fact that your city ts only fn its infancy, but they sald in thefr opinion this was going to be the greatest manufacturing cen- HERALD 50 ft, Block 18, 1050. 50 ft on Hsplauade, 2100. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 50 ft, corner, Block 28, 1200. terms, We have over-a thousand lots listed and many of them we vould guarantee to make you money. the Englix) manufacturers visit. tre in Western Canada, To.substan- ith elegates in attendance These are Mr. Christie s own words: /tiate this they instracted me to invest G.G. MacBean Co. . PHONE 237, IMPERIAL BANK BUILDINGL, Between town's prix the Cypre purpose of on his way entation: tc Js leaving permanent That Mr. amply dem mentary re ing the eve ers, and th voices the sively, of t FLOOR HOME RULE. Philad phia, Pa., July question of home rule for a is one of the matters that will before th bieanial convention of the to of Erin, which began inthis city H. Lee, Carlatad, is in the vity. Mr, and Mrs, F. Corby, Suffield, are in towh, * abs Lshing. -A. Mollerow, of the Irvine R. .N. W. M. P., is here on business. + At th police court this morning, J. Clarliiewho was caught riding a freight, fined 3.60 and costs, or in defmplt, one month iniprison ments * Weare giving ten coupons worth One Dollar each in return for which we simply ask you to B. Pupp r and . dear call and tell us what you 2s of our MA The chal . Hargray who after ject for wh took-had: many frien the evenini twelve year Hat and th ing cree had been. tion to Mr. ed that ther assuming 6t district as ence in th hastened t that the ne The apps read: J. L, Peac Dear Sir, this nature is in the NETT-EAGLES NUPTIALS, a SY On Monday afternoon, July 15, . Begg left this niSrning the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johe- Scott- rip. through the 1405 Seyenth Ave, New Westminster, - jeotin: Macy Gertrude Leslie Eagles, form- erly of Medicine Hat, was uhited-tp. Chis, Anderson, J. Bahnerman; C. marridge to Willlam James MeJannett Jonson, J. Hampton, nd E. Bater, cf Seattle, by Rev..S. Everton. After Kalser s Old Timer 10 Cigar. se twenty-eight states and three On thelr arrival at Winnipeg I asked a large sum of money in Medicine Hl PETTET (0 . . e a resolution will be adopted Were impressed by the different cities Mr. Christle added that he never ggq toronto St. -Fhone 481- the support of the onder 8nd which of them appealed most to met these Biglishmen before, and Trish parliamentary party. them. They answered that there were they came to.his office unsolicited. tw6 places that appealed to them, and They Votuntecred the statement, and SOCIAL AND PERSONAL uvagribe now for The Daily News. they were the only two they would were enthusiastic with regard to Med- S MARKETS. we ie TODAY'S Teel aA Base Ie Wile toon tal . Chicago, IL, July 28. Wheat Halifax, N.S. D. W. Clopperton, x ) Did you save Coupon No, 1? y- an. war developments and an expect- Bee's practigh in his sbsence. If not, call at our store and get one. ed Wecrease in the European wheat a Pea 5 Mr. R. Agnew left for) Clinton, Jne Hat Under the Big Fiddle. supply.. There were also less favor- r ee wees ie Jlmbte; ccop reports from Russia and Ont-, last, night. Roumania. Liverpool sent word that 7 t . Hot humid weather in the Northwest, Banflon the north . last evening. G. Rychman, Brooks, is spending a or a ie rations likely to spread black rust inflate aan tow ; rc J grown fields, also counts against the J bears. The opening was 8-8 to-I-2 A P . cent higher . September started, at Over 1,000 to be Here From Lethbridge Big Entries for eso sisi: an anvonee ot ks Night. Unsettled weather interfered with harvest work and a si : effort on the market: tor oats ro Jima Thompson and William Graveg entries for the ive mile race, (or chasing of the July. delivery as representing the local Trades and which four. medals are to be award- Specially tee ae Seat bet: LeMarsh, of Suffield, are atthe St. Barnabas Church Sunday Labor Council, have been up to ed), tugof-war and hammer throw- Stitting + to and cex jan, Anierican. Schosf are holding their annuat in connection with the coming La- After. the sports an. open air winnipeg, july 23 July wheat 107 . Mr. and Mrs. H. HiFoster. nnd 2dth at Second Coules, near exhibi- bor Day celebrations in the city. dance will be given on a 5o-loot ; 5 497; Oct. 95 3-8, 96 8-8; Dec. 94 M ahd Mrs, M. lt;1... MeDonald, tion gral Members of the con That they were gueeessful beyond platform in the ball park ey ss : - Sulield, are stayingsat the Cosmo- gregation ail friends are cordially even their expectations has been A deputation of the Council willl July oats 38 1-238; Oct. 36 3-4, 36) Politan. re inviged. made evident by the fact that over wait on Mr, McNeillie, C.P-R-Pas- 3-4, . aa cs y 4 their intention of eomibg to the spociat rates from Lethbridge to Wheat No. 1 Nor. 106 34, 2 Nor. sity on business. Go urla Pianos Hat for that day. They had to Medicftie Hat for the occasion. 1103 8-4, -3-Nor.-98- 8-4, 4-Nor.-83 1-2; te work hard, however, to arouse the Here is what the Lethbridge pa- 5 Nor. 69, 6 Nor. 58; feed 55. Me. We necessary interest, and it was only ipers say: - Oats No.2 CW 28: No. CW. 37; for an extended after a special meeting of the Leth- Herald The members ct the Leth- No.1 feed 97. States and Nova r lasting four hours that the local will attend the big Libor Day cele- 54, yboys impressed on them theneces / bration to be teld in Medicine Hat Flax No.1 NW Bf sity and advantages acruing by theit on September 2nd. This was decid- AMERICAN MARKETS ail of Seven Persons, are registered at spending a few days in New Westmi South Rallway Stiect. Under the Big Fiddle, fj Visit. They have also been succoss-/ed at a meeting of the council teld Minneapolis, July 23 July wheat Royal. ster and Vanconver, Mr, and Mrs. M ; si ful in getting 500 Taber people to yeaterday afternoon and it was esti- 104 5,8, 105; Sept: 96 7-8, 96 1-2; Dec. Jannett will return to take up tes Not only are the Lethbridge spec- bers would make the trip. Chicago, July 23 July wheat 99 2-8, Hd Ashe, of Redeliff, are staying. at tators coming, but they have -pro- News At a- special meeting of 98; Sept. 94 7-8, 94 5-8;-Dec. 97 1-4, the local. hotels, : send a Y.M.C/A; athletic the members .of the Lethbridge /97 This Coupon, If. not detached from the above advertise- team, and their football team, who Trades and Labor Council held yes- ment, is good for One Dollar s worth of Sheet Music for Were runners up for the champion - terday afternoon it was the unani- The neighbors and friends of Go- every Dollar's worth of Music you purchas from us dur- ship of the Dominion, and-they will) mous vote that the members attend /vernor Thomas R. Marshall at Co- ing the next ten days. Or n fall set of ten coupons Is no doubt give a classy exhibition the big Labor Day celebration that jumbia City, .Ind., are to celebrate Thalprovinces of Canada, It is expected the English manufacturers how they Hat real estate for them, care to invest money in. These places icine Hat's great resources, prices today reflected uneasiness in barrister, will be in charge of Mr. Ttaly was actively bidding for catgaes. Mis. J. L. Peacock returned from ** He Aigeripan. Athletic Rrents Oper Air Dance to Be Held At and rose to 93 5-8 - Lethbridge working up interest there ing. 338 to 933 and g cent, 33g and 340. pictiie to-motrow, Wednesday, the 1000 Lethbridge people have signified senger Agent, Calgary, to ask for CASH PRICES G..L. Smith, Tabs bridge Trades and Labor Council bridge. Trades aid Labor Council: 0. 4, 48; rejected come along. mated that about sit hundred mem- 97 1-3, 97 1.8. Dayidson, Willlam A. Kermark, denc in Seattle. KEEP THIS CUT OUT THE WHOLE ADVT. ocd for 10 om the purchase price of any Piano or Player of here on. that day. will be held at Medicine Hat on the Governor s nomination for Vice Hollinger Agency 384 Main Street + Plano in our store, Not good after August 10th, 1912. Athletic teams are also to be here September 2 and it was guaranteed (President . next month. Governor 3 fa the pas . trom Maple Creek, Calgary and Mc- that at least 600 members from Marshall will return-to his home FULLY MODERN 6 ROOMED. HOUSE been atten Leod- Already there are numerous here would be present. town to deliver an address at the gt; ton Ross Street for sale on easy terms. cum of Jey OPEN EVENINGS. 4,000. daapontens 1000 Cash balance 85 per mogth: sn, 2,100. ou easy terms, 500 Cash; balance 25 per month 6 ROOMED HOUSE, NEW Will be completed in 7 days: Shs Bs, snap Enquire. by the ann ure to tak inthe far It isa di you our fe leave-takins You-have b to be rega Medicine H Auto Runstnto Bridge... Ifyou are looking for Real Good Buys i) Read This List Doctor Cameron of the Experimen- up he was unconscious, and was taken Doctor Cameron of the Experimental Farm Badly Injur- ed, But Will Recover. CLEARANCE powers of wane. The to the heart ns are Altawana Being able : any. dark Tast night. It appehrs he was driving O Ins the information was elelted Lots 3-4, Block 10, 1050 Cash. + aisat ha auto home to the tarm and when tat sitheush, the doctor was badly Taig 13, Block b 1150, termi Notice of Removal arantelnal ody, he ee aes on LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, GRASS nearing the bridge he lost control, s not dangerously hurt, and will re Riverside Park. GEO.:: lt;C A MPBELL, SJE iL look of yor Lots. 31-88, Block. 7, 800. pair. alior when the steering gear went wrong. cover, although he will be confined to He could not-get control over ils mo- bed for. long period. eugh-to-escape running His car is badly smai SHEARS, NOZZLES: WATERING CANS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, 2S, HAMMOCKS AND : has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto Block 13, 600 pair. St. to 331 North Railway St. ,. two. of the Int othe bridge, and he was thrown Wheels being wrecked, and an axle 751 indeed an 2 : heavily to-the: ground. When pieked broken. : echo ati Suits made to order as usual, proud, and ; ; At specially REDUCED PRICES 7 ob eat gece ree oe cae : ; i aay here if his broth de: that ia ae 8, - - For the n xt TEN: DAYS. BAL CONFISCATED tek Herald Survey IES here tonteh al The ease was adjourned untiltwo Lots 8-9, Block , 1500 patr. wvitrmest 1 x eros Terms. o'clock to ascertain if Mr. M. Lots 2 Garnishee Issued Against Brown made the statement with Canhe Oldscroft Case is Again t raN to serving a summons on Waurnntts Laid Over. his brother. , Block 5, 1475 pair. THE MARSHALU-IITCHELL. HARDWARE CO., LTD. PHONE 26. TORONTO ST., - MEDICINE HAT. se ips hharph-word you have Isadore ten' Lot 36, Block 82, 1150, Terms, Lots 16-17, Block 52, 2000 each. Terms, INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS AT SPOKANE i hired eliiek The case against Oldscroft was again adjourned at the police court) this. morning. D. W. Brown has not Se nee Oneal ease Spokane, Wash, July. 23 dtany Giobka. istrate Kealy held that important problems connected with his mae ran cieaaeicy fire insurance expenses, State rate Mr. Davidson, on behalf of Olds- * lation, casualty. reserves, frater- croft, surtendered the bail; and ask- nals, workmen's compensation and ed that it be returned to the own- M tters of supervision will be consid- ered and thoroughly discussed at the Mr. Kealey held that the money National convention of the Insurance helonged te-Oldserott, and it could) Ommisstomers or the United States not be rettrned. He added that a ilch apgned hero today tor a session fy garnishee had been served against *Mdime over four days. The at Olaserott, but he could not say. as tendafive is unusually large and. the et how that matter would e P 8ramme of more than ordinary. In- settled. It might. be taken for teFest. The del gates from Oklahoma granted that the bail was just ae/C ' Okla, are working hard to cap- much Olderoft's, as the property Fe for their city the next annual'con- that was found on him when arrest- Vettlon which 1s to be held in Septem- ed. ber 1913. Mr. Davidson said he heard that ofS ee Mr. M. Brown has said it they No politic wanted his. brother for a witness which Mrs. they should summon him. The Magistrate said he was not GAS CITY. REALTY Co. Life, Fire, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P.O, Box 316 . Phone 695. Bs Wno Switt s Premuim Hams (Special to the News) 5, McKinnon desires to thank hls numerous friends and or thelr gen onage during the past seven Ee'wien hens cSuducted bis baery hesthese: mai best ty aes that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as n Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company continuance of thelt esteemed: patronage, with an assurance of continuation of that service and quality which has always pened with this store, ees tees er. . Edmonton longer to r turn to his Bacon ne half-breed 1 Mexican Pet the coal mi tiary about noon and h the penitent Mexican P eral other p mouth of th The same virtues characterize every lost of MOTHER'S BREAD TASSIE BROS. Always on sale. We receive a fresh ship- ment each week so that the quality is al- If you are looking - 8 ways up to-the standard. s the platiorm oni for a .Home, se . Helen filing Robinson, journalist, lecturer and sociolog cal gO to the m drink, The er the privil of the mine falled tq: re has to help in the admini toring of justice. We can find a way to bring Mr. Brown Main Street, TERE REP P EPP Peeper
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Image 135 (1912-07-23), from microfilm reel 135, (CU1743822). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.