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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Wasiep, T ONCE Ground floor Usineas part of town on+ Toronto Street. Ap- 2 City. 1ase, urn ticket to point in or 48 near as se write box 1331, News ase buy second hand pho- ood condition, Apply ews office. at ee ee rl sunburst, lost be- W. T, Finlay's and city will be given when de- to W. T. Finlay, 12te )M WANTED urnished room nvenlences, Apply with i to 1343 ELLANEOUS DIES' AND GENTS. thing, shoes, watch s, revolvers, valises, sult musical Instruments, ocrat waggons, bug. bloycles. carpenter hides and furs, horse f ithers, bought and the Harvard Talloring th avenue, opposite stre- P.O. box 388. Best Prices Pald tor 2eDe. pina B HAT HIDE, FUR CO. The above have st selection of Second the clty.. We carry e6 and Bedding, new d Clothing, Clocks, ry, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, line of winter goods, i prices. Call at 508 St. or Phone 587. tf ele D. ACCOUNTANTS SON CO., chartered and auditors, (estab- itors, city of Medicine Medicine Hat, Leth- Ubson, C.A., resident 198. Burns Block. 275att IONEERS B- -CO,, Live Stock Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Sales every Friday at 1 o'clock. Ranch ales conducted any- furniture sales con- , Consult us, our ex- disposal free. Phope re Co, 519 To- 88 CARDS, ts VRIGHT j rwarding agent, as- cuter of papers for into the United loner in'B. R., Real nd General Agent. INE HAT. tt, B.A.Sc 1 Engineer, erta Land Surveyor pur Railways, Sewage, Irrigation, 8, Ete. Estimates cheer- nm cost of Papering me 156. DERS s for the erection of of five strand wo- near Chin, one on top, seven foot inches in ground, properly braced at iy between corners. price per mile for terial will be furn- sary apparatus for digging post holes. tender not neces- Write C. F. Lunan Building, Calgary, toate ht to have his pic- sn't had a photo- runny looking one at that he was noon wedding, twas a good one d then, but reai) sfamlly, there im as he looks yher In your town, TT STUDIO, AVENUE. defunct William - Mountain. States n only eight dol- s work with the 3 yer is in jail for x board bill, and sted for eloping belonging to the r the Daily News, oe , Saturday, July 27th, 1912. Seats rats eapetoateeee os fe Se oe es os . rates , . U : z oe soatecfeeecoes Soafoateatoateateate-ate-ste-ete- ete eZoetesteaiealeareate ere ase ase-ereeseareate sealife sfeateateateite aoateetectoetedodte-atet oe PORT NEWS es Soate So he Setteatoatetecloatendoetedtp to atecteatectoatecfeateateateeateetestpafeateareateatoatseeatpefoatretieteateetes Excuse These Tears FACL 1912 First Shipment of Fall Suits Just Opened up The patterns are ex- tra special and the style is all that the 20th Cen- tury people can make them, which means the best that Canada pro- duces, Also Slater and Walk- over Shoes for Fall, all marked off and in stock ready for business, Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth Hardwood Flooring in your house will give you a floor that will last a life- time. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Bireh Mooring at very Uttle more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- brated. + BEAVER BOARD For inside finish, Ask -for samples. (The Gas Gity Gas Gity Lumber coe Phone 282. BIG WELCOME FOR ATHLETES (Special to the News) New York, July 27. A truly nation- al welcome awaits the American yic- tors in the Olymipic athletic games in Stockholm, when they arrive here next Monday on the steamship Vader- land, About two-score of the Ameri- can team, including the majority: of the star performers, will arrive on the Vaderland. The remainder of the team are sight-seeing in Hurope and 3. will not.return home until-later. The Metropolitan A. A. U., aided by numerous other organizations and in- dividuals, is preparing to welcome the arrivals Monday. I fthe present plans are carried out the little group of men who are bringing such high honors back with thein from across the seas will be given an ovation that will almost surprise the metropolis. The chief feature of the demonstra- tion Will be a big parade to the City Hall, where the victors will be offi- cially received and congratulated by reptesentatives of the City and State ot New York. CRICKET : (C. A. P, Cable) London, July 27 South Africa beat All-Ireland by an innings and 169 runs. Warwickshire beat 168, Northampshire beat by 263. Middlesex by Somersetshire Donft overlook Ea Konetehy, of the Cardinals, when you spout about star first basemen. Big Ed's record of playing 52 without an error places him the best in the business. Hugh Jennings is oredited with the remark that the Boston Speed Boys are handicapped in their fight for the pennant because they are a hand-shaking team; meaning thst) they -don t put over the rough stuff often enough. You can buy 1 inch Pine Mentlia Rope for 12 1-2c per Ib. at McKenzie s Harness Shop, 14a6t (FLD SLIPPED IT OVER OW THE HAT LAST NIGHT Score Was Ten to One at the End of Five Sessions Seven Runs Piled Up By Visitors in the 5th Hat Team Scored Only One Eddington and Dombrosky Hit Three Baggers. Suy Lita, was yer at de ball park Ins nite? Not Well, hully gee, you missed de time of yer loife. A bunch of ginks callen demselves Suffield was dere and de way dey slipped it over de local bunch of pill slingers was suthin awful, 10 to 1, mind yer; honest to Gawd, dat was de tally at de end of five rouns wid de locals takin de count in de Inst, 1 suttinly felt kinda sad when I started to take a sneak hum down de back alley, cus? dose Suffleld guys got away wid de bacon so easy. Youse kno it reminded muh of bein at a camp meetin wid all de old hens tryin to beef at one time and nohody doin nuttin. Dat wus de way wid de Hatters. Dey was all playin , but dat was all; dey didn t do nuttin, Golly tho, dem loud guys can hit de dust; dat Longboat guy ain't in it wid dem for a sec... Wy, in de lust round when de locals bit de dust: after, d0 nvekant, while do visitors hit de dust, dey Jee ran bugs hones /to goodness, Liz, seben of dem ginks moseyed aroun dat four cornered kow path like a muskiter skater on a solid ivory dome, He It was awful, Mable. Dat Dombrosky guy is de kid wid de gum shoes fer me, tho. Yep, he kin pack his kickers in muh hand bag. Gee, he got a dandy beat at de pill in de fort roun right after d -eateher-gny had did-de-same one was de life saver; de odder cum to a suddin expir ashun on de second las stage of de circle. Dose visitors had a long lanky guy. 0, well, dey had two of em for dat matter but de one I mean smilled like a guy used to flirtin and wanted to schow his gold tet? In de back of his trap. Dey called him O TooL No, he s no relation of our old pal Marty, but he did de shootin what put de kibosh on our guys, all right, all right. Yep, dey had holes in der bats and swung like a gate wid rusty hinges every time he trun de hean widin a mile of dem. Der was lots 0 fun all tru de bong, but Tse felt-sorry for our guys. Well, tra In la, kiddo. Janey. P, S Gosh, yu ought to hey seen Dan Currie havin de time of his life in de tater pateh in right. He s sum kid, all right, all right. Joe Tinker,Cub Shortstop, - arNe 32 Years Old. Today) (By Gravy ) - fob ecb debt BIG LEAGUE SCORES 4 sagacenaat NATIONAL LEAGUE - as Reulbach and Archer. gt;a Mathewson and Meyers, Cineinnatt Ton, roy A Brooklyn... on le Davis, Keefe, Benton and Clarke. Curtis, Ragon and Miller, Funk and Clarke, Reader and O'Connor. Toronto . Doescher and Curtis, Lash and Ber Newark . Buffalo ... . Dent and Higgin Providence Montreal . oe 8 Laffitte and Schmidt Smith, Carroll, Mattern, den, +f and Mad- oe - +2 Kansas City o g Milwaukee a7 uy i x to all three. B Beck, Hightower, Fullenweutder and Groceries McAlister. 2 ems : MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS genes a FREE 3 Ms Seeley Pittsburg... vo ees 16 OL Fine Phitadelphia .. 4 10 1) Adams, O'Toole and Gibson Se Porcelain Monroe and Killifer. ate Dinner AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 3 Bets a4 Free to Louisville... a Indianapolis Our Laudermilk and Shaw. oo Customers sof e *s en with gold tracing. saiieting and Hughes. ous ported from the famous Staffordshire Potteries. Columbus . - 0 1), We givea number One Coupon with every 25 purchase, Falkenberg and Land. a McQuillen and Rapp. 2 You can get them piece by piece at any- time according to the number of: TeEieora Coupons you have and finally you will be able to get the whole set, a 7 iH ie We-want-you-to-come and-get-a Dinner Set free of charge. Whether you ek 10 12 2 f bave beena regular customer in the past or not, start now. We will give Vickers sud Berson Coupons on all cash sales. .It pays you to save these coupons; it pays you to Holmes and Blair. trade with ys. We handle a full assortment of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Jersey City S10 2/4 also Boots and Shoes. Phone orders carefully taken and del ee Se THIRD AVE. So etpdteatoate soe ctectoateetecteteeteatpatesteateateatoatpatatoateteagedt Saturday Special, 50c Porcelain Tea Pot with every 3.00 Cash Purchase. s The pattern is a flower and scroll design of rare beauty, richly interwov- - In fact it is one of the most beautiful Patterns ever im- gt; part of the City. . Our Motto is: Quality, Value and Service E.E. TRIDER PHONE 366. Soooeosooereesoegggorees bi Soste-eto-sgesteags Suffield 1 Licked Hat ets alee aesteoquetecpageefeceatee SohHog FREE FREE livered to any and we live up Foot wear MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, soeteeteeieateet CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL. Superior ... Lampman and Deney. Forman and Hargrave. WORLD'S SCULCING CHAMPS, MONDAY Opinions differ as to who Is the Sreatest shortstop of the last decade, but if a ballot should be taken there is not doubt that Joe Tinker, the great shortstop of the Chicago Cubs, would get no.small proportion of the votes. Tinker fs one of the veterans of the great aggregation that for several years kept the Chicago club up among the leaders in the National League. For ten years he has-been shortstop- ping for the Windy City team. There are those who say that he has yet a good way back to go before the bushes get him. Joseph Bert-Tinker, to give him his Complete legal monaker, is a native of the Sunflower State comnienced his basebalt-career in the Jayhawker State. He js. thirty-two Years old today, according to the dope sh et, which gives Muskoda, Kan., as the place and July 27, 1880,-as the date of his arrival in the world. He was only eighteen when he began playing with a eemi-professional team in Kan- City. In 1899 he played with ee eee See SS x BASEBALL NOTES z PREP EEE PPE EEE + Larry Lejeune, of the Grand Rap- ids team, has made sixteen home runs this season, He was tried out by Brooklyn last season and sent back to the Central League. The chances are a number of ma- Jor-league clubs-would like to have Harry Krause now that the former Philadelphia star is pitching cham- pionship ball for Toledo. The Sherman Club, of the Texas- Oklahoma League, has signed a big Indian by the name-of Tincup who is. said to be a wonderful pitcher. Tin- enp and pitcher is a soothing combi- nation, A number of big leaguers have in- dulged in a /999 haircut this season. The '999 makes the knob resemble an onion. If Bill Sweeney and Hub Perdue should start on a summer tour of Bu- rope the Boston Braves would drop out of the sporting page. Within a few weeks the Winston- b salem ceam climbed-ozt-of-the cellar and is now making a great fight for the pennant in the Caroling Assocla- tion, Kaylor, of the Danville team, leads the batters, and Hearne, of Spring- field, is the leading pitcher in the Three-I League. The Columbus Club, of the Amer- jean /Association, has released Rudy Hulswitt to the Louisville Club. ss mont 2, Houston 0 ;Sam Antonion 7, sons ard Coffeyville, Kan., in a small league-compoxed of Kansas towns, In, 1900 he played with Great Falls, Mont. and in the Denver Western League team, covering second base and sliort- stop positions for the Grizzlies. was sold to Helena, Mont., but the in- Junction to Go to Helena did not make a-hit with Jo , and he got a berth with Portland, Ore, Northwestern league aggregation. In 1901 he ap- peared in over a hundred games in) the uniform of the Oregon metropolis, playing third base. Frank Seelee bought him for the Cubs in 1902 and turned him. into a shortstop, a posi- tion he has since held regularly with the Chicago Cubs. Few players in the lineup have been more popular with the Windy City fans, and a book would be required to tell of the sensational fielding stunts in which he has par- ticipated. Chance at first base, Evers at second and Tinker playing short- stop were long an infield trinity that had no equal in the league. July 7 every game played in the Tex- as League was a shut-out. The results were: Austin 4, Fort Worth 0; Beau- Galveston 0; Dallas 2, Waco 0. The South Bend Club, of the Central League, has released Jesse Tannehill, the former big league pitcher, and signed Frankie Dopohue, a brother of Jiggs Donohue. Hal Chase has regained his old- time form and is playing real ball for the New York Highlanders. Manager Frank Chance, of the Cubs, used 18. men in a game against Philadelphia recently, but the Quakers copped 9 to 8. The Washington team did great work on its home lot and will now try fdr another. clean-up on the Westetn end of the circuit. The International League teams are rumning a corking good race this season, with Rochester, Balti- more and Toronto showing the way. aa From all accounts Manager Doo- in, of the Quakers amnexed 2 genuine pitcher when he signed Eppa Rixey, the former University of Vinginia star. Frank Fogarty, the. Dublin Min - who is travelling with the White Sox, has written a new song entitled Stop Your Kidding, Glea- gon. Charley Faust, champion perform- er in the ant league, claims he has been reinstated by the National iRace Between Two Great in New South Wales. Between 1885 and 1887 Beach held his title against Clifford, Hanian,-Matterson, Jake Gau- daur, of Canada, and Wallace Ross, lof St. John's, N.B. P. Kemp, another Australian, was the next world s cham- pion, and in 1888 was succeeded by H. Arnst at Zambesi, Rhodesia , South Africa, two years ago, and it will be just a year ago Monday since Arnst- defer Harry Pearce, in New South Wales WOL AST-RIVERS MOTION New York. You can buy-a Heavy Dray Harness, full brash; for 62.00, at McKenzie s Harness shop: : dace He -JULY 27 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS 1854 Bill Pool defeated John Mor - rissey in a heavyweight battle staged in New York. The fight was one of the roughest in ring history, the men fighting with bare hands under rough and tumble rales, 1889 Frankie Conley, the little Ital- jan-American boxer who has defeated Patsy Kline, Joe Mandot, and other classy boys, and who has fought draws with Joe Rivers, Ad Wolgast and Abe Attell, was born at Kenosha, Wis. His real name is Francesoo Conte. 1908 Billy Paphe Saflor Burke battle, scheduled for New York, was pr vented by police. The men met 1911 Gov. Dix of New York signed the bil creating the State boxing com- mission, 1911 Harry Forbes stopped Joe Homeland in 5 rounds at Aurora, Ill. 1911 Cyclone Johny Thompson out pointed Willie Lewis in 10 rounds at JULY 28 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS 1905 Tommy Burns, the Cahadian fighter who for a time was heavy- weight champion, and Hugo Kelly fought a 20-round draw at Los Ange- les. A short time before they had fought a 10-round draw in Detroit. 1908 Cyelone Johnny Thompson knocked out Kid Dalton in 5 rounds at Hot Springs, Ark. 1908 Tommy Murphy defeated Ru- dolf Unbolz, the Boer, in 12 rounds at Boston. t 1911 Sandy Ferguson quit in the fiftk tourd of his bout with Tony Ross at New: York, 1911 Matt Wells outpointed Willie Moody in 6 rounds at Philadelphia, 1911 Tommy Murphy outpointed Battling Hurley in 10 rounds at Al- bany, N.Y. WITH THE BOXERS. Blink MeClosvey and K. O. Brennan are the headliners in boxing show scheduled for Buffalo, taly-20, Tommy Murphy is to get 4,000 win, lose or draw, for his end in his bout with Abe Attel in San Francisco, August 3. Promoter Coffroth, cisco, is trying Burns and Len of San Fran- 3 vy 11-2 in. Commission and is now the , complete * breechings mascot of the Giants. Looks as if/and rs, for 89.50 at McKenzie's McGraw is buflaloed, Harness Shop, 14dst. Oarsmen Will Be Held on Thames. E. Searle, a citizen of New South The latter was challenged in 1889 by W. O'Connor, a Canadian scul- ler, and defeated him; J. Stanbury.of. Australia, became champion in 1890, PICTURES COMING Mr, Nat. Darling, representative of the Wolgast-Rivers Motion Pictures, closed a deal today with Manager W, B, Finlay Saturday whereby the films 1 Block 13 1,000 pair, terms, BARRY HOPES T0 TAKE ARNST TITLE-AWAY Canada Once Held Name and held his own against all challeng: ers until 1896, when Jake Gaudaur won the honors for Canada. In i901 Gaudaur was defeated by G. Towns at Rat. Portage, Ont. Towns went to N ew South Wales and beat R. Tre- fof this Sensational boxing contest will be shown at the Monarch Theatre om July 31st. This contest has caused more dispute among sports When Hanlon of Toronto sidder, but in 1905 Stanbury came Won It. back and captured the title, Six years ago to-morrow, July 28, 1908, (By Gravy ) Towns again met Stanbury and: beat him, regaining the + ciinpionship, which he defended against E.Durnan, but which he afterwards resigned when challenged by his brother, C. Towns. The latter was defeated by W.-Webb, an Australian, and in 1908 According to reports from the other side, a match for the world s sculling title will be held Monday on the Thames near London between Richard Arnst, the crack professional oarsman of New-Zealand, who is the-present for ast Homer, N. Y. East: es won, 5 to 1, Johnny received 2 for Be eorvises and rode home in ar- riage. In 1912, when thirty-nine years Richard Arnst, the present-title hold-Jold, John J. McGraw is. serving low Burk champion, and Ernest Barry, who pI Boies earaeacrn see vee lhopes to regain the title for Bng. ? captured the honors. Barry, thelsecond year of sive-rear conta qranniged to stay the dis teanae Tisi - WitIe-New Zealand ig a Bei- PPesent challenger, was defeated by manager of the New York Glan tish colony, and the contest fs all in the family, Englishmen lave grown Jealous of the long supremacy of the colonials, The world s professional sculling championship was establish- ed in 1881, and from that time until 1876 the title remained in John Bull's Nght little island. In the latter year New South Wales, Australia, took the championship, and since then ng- land has never had a sculling cham- pion of the world. Canada got into the game in 1880, when B. Hanlan, of Toronto, defeated H. Trickett. In the following year Hanlan successfully de- fended his title in England against E. C. Laycock, an Australian. In- 1882 he again defeated Trickett and also beat R. W. Boyd, and in 1884 adminis- tered another defeat to Laycock, In Australia, In the same year, howey- er, he lost his title to W. Beach, an Australian, onthe Parametta River, We have issued a manuel explaining the a Advantages of a Trust Company Being appointed as executor under your will. We will mail it to you upon request. The Trust and Guarantee COMPANY, .LiMITED. Publie Administrator and Official Assignee of Lethbridge, Macleod, Calgary and Wetaskiwin Dis- triets. -. 220 Eighth Avenue West, Calgary. wtf. Phone 433. 384 Main St. fHiollinger Agency GOOD BUYS CENTRAL PARK Block 27 600 pair, terms. Biock 21 840 pair, terms. Block 22 850 pair, terms, Block 16 3300 pair, terms. Block 23, 900 pair terms, corner. jee 25 800 pair, ter lock 20 840 pair, term: HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 22 1100 pair, terms. Block 81 850 pair, terms, Block 21, 525 each, terms. ROSEDALE (Special) 2,100, terms, 50 ft, Block 6 (snap). RIVERSIDE Block 9, 750 pair, terms. Block 600 pair, terms. Block 7 600 pair, terms. TOWNSITE Block 82 1050, terms. Block 86 100 ft. corner, 3800, terms. Block 85 100 ft. corner, 3,100, terms. HERALD Block 12 1050 pair, terms. Block 5, 1,200 pair, terms. Block 3, 850 pair, terms, Block 87 50 ft., 1,500 ,terms. SEE US ABOUT YOUR INSUR- ANCE: :
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Image 160 (1912-07-27), from microfilm reel 160, (CU1743805). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.