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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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STRAYED ONE DARK BROWN star in forebead. Weight, 3. Brand on hip. Aiso colt, follows murs. Re- B. J, Fowings,, Medicine 81-6 rs Po tocteates Sreoaionse soto ase eloateeseefoasoaseatoatoay FOR SALE . IMPROVED. FARM, 480 eres in cultivation, 320 ix od hetise, granary, te, rnish an adjoining qudr- in cultivation. Prige rea 1 terms. Stock and: fm- y be had St reasonable reain if You want one. J. 8. Wide, G11-6, 78-7 ON ONE HEAVY BLACK rs old;. Gne heavy bay * old; one bay mare colt a. Ry W, Marshall, 719 ce. Box 376. S18 ee ENGINEER S 15 INCH level, only had one sea Cheap for cash. P.O. Here s Your Chance. gin IT ONLY TAKES FROM 38 TO 40 TO HANDLE A LOT, and pay us monthly from 8.50 to 12.50 per lot on the balance. ; YOU CAN HANDLE THIS BASY i. a. Why hesitate now when this is your opportunity to make aN money. Take your pick of 700 lots. They are all good, they are close in and they are all bound to increase in value rapidly. 813 apply at News office. FOR SALB, EVERETT ng car. Nickle trimmed, a. in pertest running or 3 only four months, Cheap one-half down and dal- ed. Box 1374 News of- 176 y; Herald or Central prices, terms, ete., to P. gt; Owners only need apply. e Fe 8 albal a Hl sill ocloateteteteetetpeete reese Coe oe : THERE IS WATER THERE NOW gt; smRirED and we are endeavoring to lay gas there ourselves ; : - ONE BAY GELDING 2 : : : sac RIGHT NEXT TO CG N. RY. PROPERT s G. G. MacBean Co. OPEN EVENINGS SEE IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING * on hip, white-blaze on face, 3 white ost snip tip of each ear. tful about the stockings Reward for information. Browne Co., Auction- le Hat. Phone 703 81-3 seater Soetoafeoatedtocte toes eo D THE ABOVE WILL nformation that will lead sry of one grey gelding. ut 1300, esuded atte : nt ee SESS OO SOSESSSESS ESSA OSIOLODOO SOOO LIS SIRES HOSP IL IIT HOGS OOP OSTIEL ISSO SOOO OSLO T OOOH E. Starks, Medicine Hat. : 2. oot 3 ise ans retired list today- on his on appli- E cation. Col. Fitch, Is from Illinois Washington, D. ., Oct, 11. After and was graduated from West Point RETIREMENT OF COL. FITCH. ture Senator: Smith suctdstor wl Realty Federation. Tho-sessions will' the, presiding. officer of the conven- be Alfred Lucking of Detroit Kiufp iast three days and will be devoted t9 ton,,.,The. federation proposes to un- Nelson of Minnesota has be n renom- theneon ideration of: taxation, publi; rtake a vigorous campaign to pro- fnated by the Republicans, If the cityrmiethods and needed :legisiation tect the investing public from fraud- more than thirty-four years service in 1882. Revently he has been in fegislatur goes Demottatic his suc- Mabry McMahon of San Franeisco'is ulent and dishonest real estate. pro- Lteut. Col. Graham D, Fitch, Corps of/charge or river and harbor works ine cessor will be Daniel Lawler of St.jthe president of the feGerdtion: and moters and dealers. f Engineers. was placed on the army the vicinity of Montgomery, Ala. United States Election Day is Not Far Away ee oe Fhree Weeks Tuesday, November 5th, the Subjects of Pau. SRE POSS oes ees Leth- Uncle Sam Will Name-the Next Occupant of the adv hes siven way to former ; os . Gibsen, CA, e es 7 ve rdaman. 3 J x M .. ae Presidential Chair And Also a Vice-President, r pison ot Montana depende. upon *Qeagesgeeestestestenteatesteteetertosteetoete teeter tose gretr er eesarer eam sede resets ease Hehe Ges the success of the third party in his 5 State, which party has indorsed him. Washington;-D. C., Oct. 11 Three; Briggs (R), New Jersey; F.. McL, : : RSETIERRH weeks from. next Tuesday the voters Simmons (D), North Carolina; Rob- The tegular Republicans have put Se Eee Of the entire country will go to the ert L. Owen. (D), Oklahoma; Jonath- mother candidate In the fleld. Sena- Cas b ii ee : r tor Norris: Brown of Nebraska was Ps - . : 2 CORSETS MADE TO Dolls to. express their preferences for an Bourne, Jr,(RJ,Oregon; George bs ranteed for one year President and Vice President of the p. Wetmore (R), Rhode Island; Ben- defeated in the Republican primaries , United States. The States of the Un- jamin R. Tillman (D), South Caroli- bY Congressman George W. Norris. fon, with the exception of Maine.and na; Robert J. Gamble (R), South Da- 1 the event of Democratic success in Vermont, will vote on the same-day kota; Newell Saunders (R),. Tennes- Nebraska the next senat Hil b Yor members of the house of repre- ee; Joseph W. Bailey (D), Texas; former Governor Shallenbarger. Sen- seniatives of the Sixty-third Con- Thomas . Martin (D) Virginia; C. tor B the choice of New Jer- Sress, The two States excepted have W. Watson (D), West sey Republicans for re-election. In 4r elections rrancts B Warren tRy, Wyoming. the- event of Democratic. sucesss the Briggs toga will fall upon the should-' erg of former Congressman Hughes. Senator Simmons of North Carolina Qn November 5; State officers will Of the senators named in the fore- e.clected in all of the States except- going list only five are assured of the ing Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, fact that they will sit-in the upper Tor Friday Youlsiana, Maine, Mississippi, .Ver- branch. of. Congress after March 4 Will have to win out in a hot three- s + ware at 1 o'clock. Ranch mont and ,Virginia, Earlier in-the next, They are Davis of Arkansas, CO'wered tient Senator Bourne 0 a 7 * es. sk sales conducted asp. present your Stato officers were elec- Bacon of Georela, Owen of Oklahoms, Oregon was defeated In the primar. E Is the lowest priced property within : se furniture sales: con ted. in Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Tillman of. South Carolina and Mar- es but may seek re-election as an - Ba 3 om 5 5 ere, Consult us, our ex- Maine and Vermont. ./Bhe election in tin of Virginia. All five come from independent. Thomas Sterling is the 1 1-2 miles of the Post Office. our disposal free. Phone .Virginja.willbe:held next year, while States that are solidly Democratic choice of South Dakota Republicans: i Ff srowne Co, 519 To. tn Kentucky and. Missisatpp the pre- .and as the Democrats in each of the sot eleeeat seers Cente ac s re teat sent State officers hold over until States have voted for the return of tivity of the Progressives, however, : Si acs - ees A SS * 1916. th senator his re-election in each has badly muddled the South Dako- y This will be a First-Class RESIDENTIAL District AL MINING The States that will elect gover- case 1s: assured, ta situation and it is doubtful who Se more. at the election next-month are Insmany of the other States t-te Will control the Jesislatare Tennes 2 F MINERS PETRIFIED Colorado; Connecticut, Delaware, Flo- equally. certain that the incumbent ee will take a preference vote on the - i x to sub-l t for the win- tda, Tdaho,- Tilinois, Tndlana, Tows, will not be returned to the senate *esular election day, November ae di vw use and all necessary Kansas Massachusetts, Michigan, Senators Guggenheim of Colorado, decide who shall succeed Newell, 4 i e a a the ground. Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Ne- Crane of Massachusetts, Bailey of ae the eae oa ee p 4 lon for two good men. braska, New Hampshire, New York, Texas and Wetmore of Rhode Island vernor oie enate. 3 MeLaggan, East Brae North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, declines to become candidates for an- The successor of Senator Watson of YOUR P ROFI Ts ARE ASSURED Box 278, Medicine Rhode Island, South Caroling, South other term. Bailey of Texas. will be Virginia is yet to be decided. - tio eee i - 78-6. a Dakota: Tennesses, Texas, Utah, succeeded by Congressman Morris Senator Warren of Wyoming has + : . T iz a 2 Washington, West. Virginia, Wiscon- Sheppard. Colorado voters of all par- ee aay Laon eee SR CELLANEOUS sin and Wyoming. In the oftier ties have expressed thelr prefer nces John B. Kendric een indorsed) 4 Ren Sa nen States in which elections are to be in the primary for the successor of by the Democrats, YW OUR PRICES ARE ROCK f TOM: OUR TERMS EASY held ont: fi to of Senator Guggenheim and also for iy minor officiels. are tO be) oe en cedar of th . late. Benxtor , SON OF SIR ARTHU-ELIOTT In many of the States legialatures Hughes. In Massachusetts and Rhode Webs will be elected November 6,. which Island the selections are yet to be New York, Oct. 10. A wedding of will choose successors to United made. not took place at Southampton, 1 States senators whose terms expire The fate of Senator Richardson of 1, today, when Miss Flourney Adams March 4, 1913, The s nators whose Delaware is in doubt, Borah of Id- rHopkins became the bride of Gilbert terms will end, next March and whose aho has been indorsed for re-election rijott, the only son of Sir Arthur and successors have already been selected by his own party. Cullom of Ilinols taay Hljott. The bride belongs to 25.00 PER LOT DOWN. BALANCE TO SUIT JUST THINK You can secure 20 lots eg ything mertioned above or will be named within the next few was defeated in the primaries, His ramiy that has long been socially 2 best prices. Call at 604 months are as follows: successor Will be L. Y. Sherman (R) prominent in New York. Sir Arthur + y St. or Phone 637, Jefferson Davis (D), Arkansas; Si- or J. Hamilton Lewis D), Senator filfott, who succeeded to the English ee an eet aes mon Guggenheim (R), Colorado; H. Kenyon has been named for re-elec- * * . ee oe ; ; title several years ago, has lived for) FR 3 sADIES' AND GENTS A, Richardson (R), Delaware; Augus- tion by the Republicans of Towa; Cur- ae yeni 7, and-both ay as, payr nent of 500. Socteateteet fs e lothing, vhoes, watetios, tus. 0. Bacon (D), Georgia; William tis of Kansas was-defeatedin they gave. businsaa titer revatvern-val - 8 Borat (R , Idakio; Shelby M. Cul- primaries, Ho will be succeeded by Be nd Mis ton Rate Wittens stock musteal instruments, Jom (R), Minis; William 8, Ken- Governor Stubbs (R) or Hugh Fat- ) 0 roay miott is a member of mocrat waggons, bug- yon (R),.Iowa; Charles. Curtis (R), rolly (D). Ollfe James has been nam- oy poston family. , bicycles. carpenter Kanssa; T. H. Paynter (D), Kentne- ed to sticceed Senator Paynter of s w hidesand furs, horse ky; Murphy J. Foster (D), Louisiana; Kentucky. Senator Foster of Louis- a f ithers, bought an Obadiah Gardner (D). Maine; Win- ana will be stioceeded by Congress- o the Harvard throp M. Crane (R), Massachusetts; man Joseph . Randell. Seuator Naas eth piven; ee William A. Smith (R), Michigan: Gardner (D), of Maine, will give way (Jos Angeles, Cal. or i aoe eatre. P. 0. box 358, Knute Neleon (R), Minnesota; Le to former Congressman Edwin C, 500 delegates, representhg it Pric Roy Percy (D), Mississippl; Burleigh (R). Senator William Alden boards of practically every important Dixon. (R),. 3 Smith has been indorsed for re-elec- eTy Brown. (R)jNebraska; H. E- Yon by Michigan Republicans: If the) Angeles today for the efehit shot ham (R), Hampshir Democrats controt the next legisla- convention of the Callfornia. State soato- cS Re SHE US ATSONCE AND HAVE YOUR CHOICE Ms co reeteateateetees CALIFORNIA REALTY CONGRESS. FINANCIAL VPA EE tee ne
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Image 664 (1912-10-12), from microfilm reel 664, (CU1744289). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.