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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ou build, consider first. Don t be per buy -OHBAP. LUM- v6 it's Chedp use the We haye it, and ev- Builder requires. stock ot LUMBER, SH, FIR FINISH, K, MAPLE, BIRCH FLOORINGS. the agency for the Morgan Doors, OR BEAUTIFUL yOUD FIBRE, LATH DAR POSTS, WIL- Ww POSTS 29, PHONE 57 SMUT . Quart . Pint AY MORE s Drug and tore ss ft erent nie CURTIS ile Stables 8; Drivers, Saddle es for Sale. HEAVY DBA ING. ' for Sale, McCLAIN PROPRIETOR Box 804. EY BROS. Contractors. STABLE PHOND 402 788 S. FOLLIS ting Co. RONTOST. Sand, Coal Graved 1s a Specialty. y Horses for sal le af ( D EXCAVATING Sand for Sale, Phone Ni Bor 81. Sones Da TCC eee Cea immediately Geeeeonoeegneoeseseenees PEEPLES POSE GOOG OGL I ODP AIIM Serre rercoeteatesreetes GDR en hoy ooe ager ILL ANOTHER FACTORY x for REDC THE WALLOFF MOTOR co. of Minneapolis, will start build: Building to be completed in six weeks. The Rede plant will be known as the Redelift Motor Co,, Limited and starts off with '75 men, which will be largely increased in a short space of time. This means money to the wide-awake investor. Three Factories Secured in One Week and More to Follow. REDCLIFF IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION IS POURING IN, IMPORTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT SOON TO BE 70; Pay Redcliff now has industries and their pay roll is as follows: Redcliff Brickand Coal Co. 150: Pay Redcliff Clay Products Co. Alberta Ornamental TronCo. 65; Pay Redcliff Mull Elevator Co. 9; Pay Roll FACTORIES TO BE BUILT ATF ONCE ARE: ve THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO. OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY INTHE WEST. H. MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CANADA. WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. : THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. * Roll 12,500 Roll 5,000 Roll 5,000 Redcliff Realty Co. 6; Pay Redcliff Hotel Company 10; Py Stores, Bank, Lumberyard etc. 12; Pay MeLean McLachlan 15; By Roll (CONTRACTORS) Roll Roll . Roll 1, 000 800 1,200 City. Gives Gas Well, Free Companies to Build 3,000 Barrel Mill Ald. Brown Recipient of Vote of Thanks and Congratulations. At a tecting of the City Council held last evening the agreement with the Maple Leaf Milling Co. and the Ontario and Manitoba Milling Co and the Wetaskiwin Bedding Co. were presented and dealt with. The former two were recently concluded by Alderman Brown while on fils wedding tour to the east. The agreement with the bedding com- pany Was concluded in the city and NO RHEUMATISM THIS. WINTER Thanks to GIN PILLS ON'T want to WINTER free of Rheumatism? Don t you want to enjoy fife as other mien enjoy it? Don t want toeatandsleepand work as healthy, norm: men do, instead of being iL crippled ap wits Rheumatism oF Then take GIN PILLS and conquer old enemy for . Mr. Beauds with the help of the GIN PIL, 597 Panet St., Montreal, P.Q. March 29th, 1912 Ttaffords me great pleasure to inform you that T have wed GIN PILLS for abont six months, snd that they have done mea great deal of good. T have had Rheumatism fora couple of years, and this winter I saved myself trom it by using GIN PILLS. highly re- Cammend GIN PILLS to the public. A. BEAUDRY, Thousands of boxes of GIN PILLS are sold every year through the influence of those who have been cured. 2d who recommend GIN PILLS to their friends and neighbors. If you are subject to Rheunaiem, Kidney of Diadder Trouble, start in right now on GIN for If you want abor, 6 so. If you to tey them frst, This fora free sample to National and Chemical Co. of Canada, Toronto, 148 Now IS THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR, BEFORE PRICES BEGIN TO SOAR. THINK WHAT THESE NEW FACOTRIES WILL TO REDCLIFF'S FUTURE AND THEN BUY ALI-THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. PPE Soars n ar Nees Soro MILLING C0. AGRECMENTS PRESENTED 10 COUNCIL Site, Fixed Assessment then sent to the company at Wetas- kiwin for acceptance. It was re- ceived back yesterday signed and a cheque for 500 as evidence of good faith of the company to carry out their part of-the agreement accom- panied it. After Alderman Brown presented the Milling Company agreements, he was the recipient of a number of or- atorical bouquets. from the other members of the Council. The Mayor paid a fine tribute to the work of Mr. Brown and concluded by wishing him continued succ ss and happy mar- ried lMfe, Alderman Ansley also spoke. So enthusiastic did Alderman Evans become that he went so far as to suggest that Alderman Brown might take another wedding trip pro- vided he brought back some more agreements, The agreements are: Maple Leaf Company agrees to start the erection forthwith and com- plete by Noy. 1918 a 8,000 barrel flour mill, 2 300,000 bushel storehouse and power house. To carry on operations for 20 years, to erect a permanont building of brick, concrete and steel. Mr. Brown further stated that Mr D. C. Cameron, President of the com- pany, said that their mfll would be even larger than the Ogilvie MII. They are the biggest exporters of flour fn the country, having last year shipped out one third of the flour that was exported during 1911, The city agr es: To give them a 15 acre site, water at 5e for ten years, give them gas well, a spur line, Their assessment to be 25,000 for the first ten years and for the next ten 35,000; school and locel improvement not to be affected by the above, The Oniarlo and Manitoba Co., which agreement was made br Merrs. Fraser and Ness, the presi- thelr name, to Be turned over to the company 28 soon as they can hold a directors meeting, is the same in dent and general manager, wmder ttor of Newfoundland has increased See the Stoner Agency About Foronto Street, Medicine Hat They cre to build a 3,000 barrel mill, and power house, to operate 20 years, to begin building by June Ist, 1913. The city is to give them a ten-acre site, water for Se. for ten years, a gas well, spur track. Their assessment is to be 20,000 for first ten years and 30,000 for next ten years, with the same stipulation in regard to local improvement and school taxes as in the Maple Leaf agreement. The Bedding agreement: The city is to give them a. three acre site, with five years fixed ass- essment of 2500 per acre, to supply them with 30,000 feet of gas for five years. The company will erect four build- ings on the site at the value of 25,000 and will employ for the first six months 15 men and after that 40. men. They will have their plant completed and in operation by July Ist, 1918. Board of Trade Wants 500 Grant Deputation Waited on City Council Last Night Funds Are Depleted. A deputation from the Board of Trade, consisting of President D. Milne, and Mr. R. X: Becker waited on the city council at thelr meeting last evening and asked the city coun- cil for a grant of 500 to help them carry on their work for the balance of the year. Mr. Milne, the first speaker, pointed out that though that Body did not get on with much work the first of the year, that at the pres- ent time they had some yery import- ant work to carry out from now till the end of the year. Their funds were depleted and they needed money to carry on this work, which was greatly In the Interests of the city, and necessaty tliat the work should be dealg with. Mr. R. . Becker backed up Mr. Milne in bjs statements and hoped that the council would see its way clear to help them. Mayor Spencer said that the coun- cil was like the board, short of funds, but they would refer the matter to the finance committee and they would in all probability make the grant. In the last ten years the popula- about ten per cent. An expert's recent estimate placed the mileage of the world s telephone miiny clauses. wires at 29,566,000. on eS) DD DELLE ELA LOLA LLL LLL LLL PAIL - eestor eee eer Oe POI I 'HOUSE All New and Modern Conveniently Located Extia Good Value You intend to Buy a Home. Why Delay? Prices are Right. Terms are Hasy. Let us show You these BEAUTIFUL HOUSES. F.M.GINTHER LAND CO. PDO erines e Se Proeniots Saat oto Ms Seatoet Ms 2 soot, es e vo 2 , so-eioet oS . 390 TORONTO STREET W. A. SPRINKE F. M. GINTHER. Soke Soo eter N Soak Ss * Sotho ortectoetnatente cece atetostotiod LIVE. MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS a 7 Ki i Lo atoateatnstesteete-steaieatestengs A.B, COOPER. ae Pos Pee Sao Lao Belo Se Prete re
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Image 630 (1912-10-08), from microfilm reel 630, (CU1744293). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.