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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Buys iB PARK Wek 23, 1500. her Window displays Autumn Clothes. principles of quality, shape and on Highland st. are offerings you should study as they ba correct idea of what you should expect dies and Child dren's Ss Seegtets Winter flannelettes have arrivgd. A big range of patterns to , 19 per yard is tle price asked for some of these THE FAIR . BONARD FLANAGAN,-PROP 81. Cor. Ottawa St. and 3rd:Ave. Phone cla Groceries, Dry Goods and-Ladies ' Wear. SOURI STATE FAIR OPENS 2 (Sp cial to News.) 5 a Sedalia, M , Sept. 28 The enor the oreliards or northern, sthous fruit crop which Missourl Is. and. western Missouri. gathering this year is fliustrated play of horses and Mva stock this year as one of the most strik- so above the ing features of the annual State Fafr, . Which had its formal opening here The Daily News: delivered tn the today. The horticultural and agri- city 3Sc.2 month. cultural exhibits are the best on re- cord. The Ozarks, the home ot the ais- ays COCHRAN PRESENTED WITH SHER TROWEL Others Present on Occas- REV, A. E. DAVIS READ SUITABLE ADDRESS Mr. Cochran First Warden of St, Barnabas - When Organized in 1884, - , A pleasant event took place last evening at the residence of Mr. L. B. Cochran, who is leaving Medicine Hat to take up his residence at the coast. when the Restor, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Barnabas Church, (and Messrs, J. BE. Lassier and J. L. Dombrosky waited upon Mr. Coch- tan and made him a presenta .on, Club- bag, and. a beautiful silver trowel, The trowel bore this in- scription: St. Barnabas. Chureb. Corner Stone Laid By Mr. L. B. Cochran, August 12th, 1912. Trowel Presented by Lussier Construction Co.: * Limited. Contractors. he following address was read to Mr. Cochfan by the Restor: Parish of St. Barnabas. Medicine Hat, Alberta, September 20th, 1912. To Mr. L. B. Cochran, Me Medicine, Hat. Alta. Dear Frjend and Fellow-Churchman: Hav of your approaching departure from Medicine Hat, we esire to convey to you an. expression of our Very sincere regret at the severance of your connection with this Parish, with which you Have been iated from the beginning. , you were the first Warden - lRopinted when the Parish was or ganized on the 4th day of August, 1884. Since that time, during the many years that have passed, you ve proved yourself to be an un- Don t Wait: Until. Jack Prost Nips Secure one of these splendid Heaters. The prices are right and -we guarantee the quality. Tf you are busy during the week drop in Satur- day night. 5. J. Moore Son North Railway Street failing and generous helper of the church in all the offi es that you have so ably filled, bringing to bear upon Church work your energy and ability as a successful business man. Tt:was a great-pleasure to have you p rform the act of laying. the corner-stone of the new church, eo we greatly r gret that: yout wijl he with us to worship in the edifice. x Asking you to accept these fokens ae Look This: Lis Over Carefully It contains good B ness and Building Tots that we can Eaaies to deliver. TOWNSITE Lot , Block 21, Toronto St, 28,000. Lot 25, Block 82, Braemar St, 1500. Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block ' 68, The Piano ee new Standard in Piano Building SOLD ONLY BY at Music Co. Under the Big Fiddle. which has set (trackage) 8100 each. CENTRAL PARK Lots 9 and 10, Block 25, (tac- ing Park) 525 eacb, Lots 23 to 26, Block 7, (on sewer, water and gas) 750 each. Lots 3 to 36, Block 20, 525 each. Lots 29 and g0, Block 18, 400 each. ESPLANADE Lot 8, Block D (50x280 river) 3000. SOUTH YUILL - Lots 2 and 3, and part of 4, Block 14, (104 ft. trontags opposite new school) 2000. Lots 1 and-2, Block 17 (cor ner on Columbia Ave.) This a good business corner) 4000. - Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block P with house (205x208 fect on South Rallway and Factory Sts.) 7,000. NORTH YUILL Lots 4 to 8, Blocks 18, each. Lot 7, Block 9, 825. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 4 to 9, Block 24, 600 each Lots 29 to 5, Block 24, 575 each. Lots 10 to 13, Block 24, 650 each. : Lots 11 and 12, Block 26, 1260 pair. COUSINS AND SISSONS Lots 35 and 86, Block 11, 865, ROSEDALE Lot 13, Block 1, 3000 (track- age.) corner, Block 8 2600. H.C. Pettet Co. 868 Toronto St. Phone 481 on 735 HILL DIvisION LOTS FOR SALE 200 each. One-quarter cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. THE BRADSHAW AGENCIES Becker Bldg. Phong 817 of esteem and trusting that. Grd will spate you to onjoy the eventide of life. We. remain, Sincerely yours, E. A. Davis, Rector; H. W. Ireland, W. H. Turpin, Wardens; J. B. Col- lier, Oswald Beeton, T. G. Hol , L..M. Napier,A.K. Grimmer, C. 8, Pingle, C. E. Smyth, 0. W. Kealy, BH. J. Dewings, C. H. MeDunnough, Wm. Parker, . L. White, J. E. Lussier, J, L. Dombrosky. IM, Cochratfrate a very suitable reply, thanking all for their kind ness, exDiessing his regret at leaving Medicine Hat, and wishing the church every suocess. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. J. B. Davies, manager of the Alberta Foundry Co., returned yeater day from business trip to Winnipeg. Mis. W. A. Begg returned from the Maritime Provinces last evening. Mr. and Mra, Wm. Cousins home from Toronto. are night from 8 trip to Winnipeg. * Mr. Pollock, of the Alberta Iroa giving him a very handsome walrus po)ing Mills, is back from. bysiness: trip to Winnipeg. Mrs, Johnston and her mother lett today for Battleground, Ina. Mf. and Mrs, Pointer went to To- Tonto last night Mrs. and Miss Dudgeon went to To-. ronto today. Mr. Cross, of the New Seale ..Wil- Hams Piano Go., Toronto, i in town on business. Mr, and Mrs, A. Pointer left last night for Toronto. Mr. J. Daly leit last night Stanstead, Que. 3 C. B, Bryant of the Foster Realty Co., Calgary, has been appointed lo- cal manager to succetd D. Hillhouse, who is removed to Calgary. S. . Wyatt comes here as assistant. J.J. Gee, general mavagen of the com- pany, is here for a week. FATHER 1N HOSPITAL MOTHER AT HOME WITH SICK BABY IN WANT Sad Case Of Gerr German Family Residing N ar Canneries Second Case of Kind. Some time ago, the father and mo- ther of a German family residing on the ,river bank died im, the hospital. fever, presumably from fer.from the river. This morning, -a sad ease of another family living . in close proximity to where the above mentioned fnmily lived, was reported for to the police. They are in want of assistance. The father and one of the sons are in the hospital suffer- ing, it is said, from typhoid fever. An infant child at home is also very ill, The family when stricken were in Poor. circumstances and the sickness has deft the mother at home to at- tend the child with practically no means of support. DR. THORNTON RETIRES (C. A. P, Cable) London, Sept. 30. Rev. Dr. Thorn- ton, the well known Presbyterian di- vine, who was born in Canada, and entered the ministry at Montreal, and. who last year had the honor of be- ing elected moderator of the Presby- terian church in England, has re- tired, having concluded twenty-nine years active ministry. at Camben Road. Noi Don t Wait No alarm clock i going ae ring when time strikes the hour of your opportunity. Fate ever yet filled to turn down the man Who waited for some- fling to turn up. It'fs seldom, however, opportunity gets by the man who is ready. Be alive Be prepared. Be om the ground and working. Buy one of these lots, or if this does not sult you come in and Iet us show you around. Our cat is waiting for you. We have all of Block 5 in Altawana at 625 a. pair. Terms, TOWNSITE 9UTH Block 87, Lot 24, price 1680. Terms: Block 54, Lot 26, 1470. Terma. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 27, Lots:9 and 10. Price 1000, terms. Block 28, Lots 24, 25 and 26. Price 1260. Terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 22, Lots 24 and 25. Price 850, Terms. Block 6, Lots 21 and 22, ner, 1860. Terms. Block 5, Lots 27 to 30, corner. 3200. Terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 13, Lota 35 and 86, Price 840. Terms. Block 6, Lots 1 to 10, 750 pair. Terms, Block 28, Lots 21 to 40. Price 825 each. Terms, We want your Listings. TACBEAN CO. that cor. Price Mr; and Mrs. Cory returned) last Some New Listings RIVERSIDE PARK 5 lots (ineluding cor- ner) Block 4, 1575. Terms. One pair left, Block 13, 750. Terms, ALTAWANA 15, ft, Block 10. 2,500 Terms. Or will 371 feet. TOWNSITE 50 ft., Block 82, 1500. Terms: 50 ft., Block 80, 1250. Terms, CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, Block 3, 1500. Regular terms. Gs il). Realy bt Fire, Life, Accident, Halt and Plate Gass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 816, sell SUEING THE CITY F, G. Forster, of Edmonton, spent the week-end in the city. Mr. Forster informs the News that, as he waz un- able to negotiate with the city coun- ci in any way in connection with the damage to his property on Montreal Street, through the city s street work, he has placed his claim in the hands of Short, Ross, Selword and Shaw, barristers, of Calgary, to secure such eijustment of the differences as are provided for in the Medicine Hat city charter. CORRECTION. In our issue of Saturday last the advertisement of the Medicine Hat Choral Society was by mistake made to announce the first practice night for Wednesday next instead of Thurs- day. Members please 8 pm., Thursda: note City Hall, BORN, Cain, in Medicine Hat on the 29th 4 1912, to Mr. and Mrs, on. Part of Plans for Ansley Spur Here Work is Being Held Up By the Engineers, Whose Plans Are Not Ready: Ald. Ansley has received part of the plans for his spur line. The sur- veyors have submitted their complete plans and all that is now wanting ar the plans of the engineers before the matter will be submitted to the Railway Commission. This will take some time and by the time that the material is here and the grading started it will be winter. In all probability work on the line w Il not make much headway before spring. Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. Hl ROSEWARNE. Builder and-Owner. Phone 800. Jas. SNAPS CENTRAL, PARK 900 pair, 25 and 26, Block 21, water and gas, 840 pr. corner, Block 29. 650 for 50 ft, Blocks 33. Snap. OLD TOWNSITE 25,000 for 100 ft, Block 22. 1350, Lot 14, Block 80. 1450, Lot 14, Block 82, 1800 for lot in Block 82. 11,000, lot 12, Block 55, 8,000, 50 ft., Block D. Esplan- ade 1400, Lot 10, Block 82, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 3900 pair, 3-4, Block 31 600 pair, 81-32, Block 2, 1100. pair, 5-6, Block 20. 900 pair, 1-9, Block 29. 1000 pair, 9-10, Block 28. 526 for 30 1-2 ft, Block 27. BF.SOUGH, Phm.B. DRG STORE, TORONTO ST. REALTY rows. and the place is on something good. One good of labor. Offices Toronto Street. PERRY, SEWELL PERRY Given these two qualities thrift and meni bee a residence in id city.of. icine young man nothing else to ask for ae Yesterday s successes belong to. yester- day with all yesterday s The day is Here, the time is NOW, We are City Agents for all Hnes of Steamships. Now is the thme to book for Xmas Sailings. PERRY, SEWELL PERRY REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL BROKERS. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Ocean Steamship Tickets, REVIEW 's defeats and sor- MEDICINE HAT Don t waste your time and funds om petty deals, Get in investment Is worth a Ifetime We sold 179 lots in Medicine Hat Inst week. Come Jn with tho crowd, Be Optinustle Medicine Hat; Canada. Montreal St. Bakery THE BEST YET Try Mitchell s Home-made Bread-and be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS, PHONE 560, TAXE IN COLUISIGN Was Turning Around When it Struck R. G. Porter s Rig. A rather amusing incident occurred this morning at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Main Street, when W. Ireland's taxi collided with a rig, dri- Ven by, Mtr. Ri G. Porter. Mr. Porter was driving past the News office when Mr. Ireland started to turn his macbine. He was unable to make the tum quick enough or stop his machine, with the result that It collided with the rig andygarried it over against the curb, It took sdme work to extricate them, but when eticcessful it: was found that other than a. twisted steering gear neither outfit was very badly damaged. REAL ESTATE. H. T. W. Forster Co. report sale of S.E. 20-16-6 W. 4th M. to Winnipeg parties. Price not stated. Subscribe now for the Dally News KILLED A LARGE EAGI Constable Voelker Used Riding Crop on Bird. Mounted Police Constable V killed an eagle this morning on Street, using as a weapon his r crop. There were some three or of the immense birds loose. in vicinity, having evidently est from a man who brought ther Another man caught one of the anid tied it to the limb-of a tres LOAN ONLU HALF SUBSCRE (C. A. P..Cable) London, Sept. 30. The issue independent Chinese loan week was a failure as far ai public was concerted. Only abo per cent. of the 25,000,000 0 was subscribed for by the x public so that the underwriters to take up the remainder of 50,000,000. Loose Leaf System The New: Department has every /facilit supplying the mosf satisfactory. We Furnish You With Brea that equals any that Moth used to bake. It's so 0 that once you try it, you'll s the folly of bothering wi home baking any longer. Suppose you take a rest for week and have us supply t bread? We think you'll If our Butter Nut Bread as wi as. your own, perhaps bett Try it anyway. J. B. RICHARDSON, MGR. - McKINNON Ss LIMITEL eee Oe 1cS collar which can be around the neck. iety of colors. Main Street. z le deeh te lneln ile tnle le forteleeentntens See Our New Sweater Coats .. Made of best worsted yarns with lay-down buttoned up close Mens , Youths and Boys sizes in a var- Price 1.00 to 5.00 H.W. Ireiand Co. Phone 54. Infertatetntentnt
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Image 576 (1912-09-30), from microfilm reel 576, (CU1744285). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.