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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Howse: and such other. 8 are necessary for the t the Company oper- Plant, and to maintain te as busineis ware period of twenty m the commencement ne of said Mill, Ble Power House, with lings, the sald build- constructed as far as permanenty material, nerete, brick, tile, and t with the Corporation One Thousand Dollars of good faith, such eturned to the parties ons, or at once, in the Agreement not being Burgesses, - ORATION OF THE ICINE HAT HEREBY AND AGREES: make over, and con- rtles of the Second d title and free and cunbrances asa site Il and other buildings, eceasary buildings for of such. other pro- be desirable all that nd situated and being lal site purchased by Matthews, Murray the South West Quar- 0, Township 12, Range y being of sufficient aying of one thousand Trackage in a direct to the plan attached A , after the plant ly described has been should the parties: of t require title before n shall have com- Mill and other build- obtain same by secur- h a Bond to the value Twenty-five Thousand uld the land at that re value. than said ousand dollars, the fifty per cent more he said land. le and instal such s may be required to drains of the Com- yperty line, to extend 's Water System to ty lime of the said nish hydrants for use such hydrants to be its to be mutually tween the Corporation of the Second Part e the Parties of the th all such Water as ire at a rate not to ts per thousand pal- d of ten years, and at Xceed seven cents for eriod of. stion of the said plant cement of operations, ie the Parties of the h all Gas required by. use during construc- al charge dol- and as soon as the been constructed to convey to the Parties Part with good title rom all encumbrances d dry Gas Well, sunk ta, commonly known sand foot level, the Second Part to use to- prevent waste of ald Well, ,the pipes, fixtures to be at all inspection by the ue the present Main iiway to the property Hes of the Second ave the right to take rom the- said Spur as shall not be affected and if properly as 8 such bylaws an ry to carry out this: to take such steps red to make same 8 of the Second Part to assign this Con- aiid Manitoba Flour Limited, or any other ctory to. the Parties t, and the Parties of t, shall not be per- nder this. Contract. it shall enure to the binding upon the their successors and WHEREOF the Cor- City of Medicine Hat affixed ts Corporate nds of the Mayor and 1d the parties of the ve hereunto affixea : the day and year en. and delfvered in the Hat. SPENCER, Mayor. ER, City Clerk. ODGES. AW. FRASER, JAS. R. NESS. BROWN. ten years, the Northern Canadian district are of * Gnteresting parallel - Palsk. Grips - rand Duchess Burope's pretty her ugly ones have joy in thelr Ahoarts. The rococo age has returned. The merits af rococo, which decked 90 quaintly the frivolous. eighteenth century, are its sentiment and it Clothes, It was the age of Strephons Abd Chioes, of Cupid's darts and long- ing hearts; it was alvo the age of queen- Jy shepherdeasses with crocks and princely spinsters at spinning wheels, who neither tolled nor spun. It was the ake of the artificially simple. Pretty princesses liked it because they looked adorable as shepherdess- es, and ugly women liked it because) with patches and powdered hair they Jooked not half so bad. And now that it has come back, everyone Is trying to be slmply-arti- ficial again. The princesses of thirty eae Courts are trying to look Uke Bhepherdesses, or fish-girls, or plow-women, and they adorably suc- ceed, From all corners come tales of elghteenth century fetes. Also the early ninteenth century is not cluded, and Berlin intely has had a wonderful exhibition of silhouettes, of which Prince August Wilhelm is an ardent collector. Crown Princess as Shepherdess. August Wilhetm s wite, who hails from Schleswig-Holstein, is a lead- Ang, rococolte. Lately she gave an Princesses also entertainment at which everyone ap- eared ag a Watteau or Lancret char- acter. Crown Princess Cecille, usually, a modern person given to weedy petti- conts and cabbagey hats, this time turned up as a shepherdess, and flap- ped a 3,000 fan painted by Monsieur Watteau himeelf. National costumes play a great role in this new rococo. Sometimes they are eighteenth century and some- times modern. Germany is the para- dise of types. She has no single na- tional costume, but a dozen different Prussia alone bas cos- local garbs. land, tumes, for Silesia, for East Fri fomes for siete for Bast Sie Dawn of Greater For. Northla Development of Immense Resources and Settlement of Fertile Prairies Will B Tron Horse, Six Lines f: Prominent among the resources eontriblite to the prosperity ot Attisbasca Landing is its fur trade, of which it is an important centre. Five large companies are engaged in th industry and have trading posts all along the Athabasca, Slave, Peace and McKensle rivers. T6 these posts come some of the finest furs with which the markets of the world are supplied. White trappers and Indian hunters vie with each other in their wily efforts to catch the fine furry denizens of the northern forests. Wheat Growing. addition to the fur trade, wheat growing is also coming into promin- ence upon the wide-spreading, fertile of the district. Around Fort Soe this has been profitably a on for over forty years. To those who regard the climate -as too: * Severe for profitable wheat culture an can be drawn with the-Russian Province of To- This iies in the same latitude as that between Athabasca Landing and the Arctic circle. This province in one year grew twelve million bushels -of wheat, five million bushels of rye and fourteen million bushels of oats. Tobaisk further exported in one year to England alone nineteen million pounds of butter. When it is remembered that the imate of Athabasca Landing s con- siderably less rigorous than that of the Russian territory referred to, it rill be seen that the possibilities of considerable magnitude. Here the Stiinook. winds sweep along the and Spirit rivers, and do much to modify the rigors of the colder, seasons. Forty-Pound Cabbages. Away at Fort Vermillion, three hundred miles north of Athabasca, it is no unuenal thing to harvest cab-' bages that weigh forty pounds, squashes that turn the scale at twen- ty-tive pounds, and fine, large toma- toes that have ripened in the open during July, As far back as: 1893 wheat grown sat Fort Vermillion was awarded first Drize at the great Chicago exposition, E. Bartlett. Municipal Sngineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo: Industrial Spar Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Ete. Room 14; Imperial Bank Bullding, Medicine Hat Phone 49 Craze For Simple Garb Delights Mecklenburgers by Donning Peasant Costume Princepesia Maria, of Rou- mania, as a Water-Carrier. - Pretty Princesses for Pomerania, in fact, for every sec- ton, To look like a Friesland peas- ant girl in chemisette and twenty petticoats is tho mew ideal of the rococo princesses. The most national-costumey of all is Grand Duchess Alexandra Mecklonburg-Sehwerin, second daugh- ter of crusty old Duke of Cumber- Jand, pretender to the throne of Han- over, Hanover ceased to have throne In 1866, and the Duke now spends his vacant days trying to avoid Kaiser Wilhelm. But the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg s sister is, Crown Princess Cecilie, and this makes complications. The Cumber- lan children were all carefully train- ed to hate Prussia and the Hohenzol- lerns, and Grand Duchess Alexandra is expected by. her papa zealously to hate the Crown Prince. This fact is connected with the Grand Duchess craze for dressing as a Mecklenburg peasant. Mecklenburgers hate Prussians. They expect their Grand Duke to hold Prussia at a distance and to bring out when possible the difference between the two peoples. One differ- ence is that Mecklenburg has a very effective national dress. Grand Du- chess Alexandra wears t almost dal- ly. The Mecklenburg peasants call ordinary European garb Prussian clothes, and now the the Princess forswears Prussian clothes, they are delighted. Outside Germany, the new rococo, craze is strongest in Roumania. The creator there is the heirs wife, principesa Maria. Principesa Ma- ria and-her still prettler daughters, Wlisaveta and Maria, and her pretty son, Printal Carol, all walk about) the Roumanian earth in weirdly prim- itive robes, Crown Principesa ap- pears in a robe, carrying a pitcher of water, and Printul Carol appears as a potato-digger, while Principesa Maria Junior appears sometimes as an angel. Prosperity nd of Athabasca Stimulated By Arrival of or Which are Now Planned. while farther back still, in 1876, a first award was secured at Philaacl phia for wheat grown at Fort Chype- wan. The Hudson's Bay Company. maintains 4 flour. mill at Fort Ver- million, where the grist runs to large proportions. Eighteen hours of bright sunshine during th growing season, accounts for these phenomenal results. Splen- did irrigation during spring from the snows of winter also has its share in the -resuljs obtained, Other natural resources Included in the toll of the district's wealth are oil, coal, Iumber, pulp wood, iron ore, ashphalt, gypsum, natural gas, salt and other clay products. Six Rafiways Planned. Within three years it is anticip: ed that the country will have no less than six railways, three of them guaranteed by the Alberta Govern- ment. These will open up the coun- try from end to end, access to all parts of it becoming avaliable. With this the inrushing tide of settlement will be a matter of sure and natural sequence, Wide spreading plains of brown buffalo grass and pea vine will then give place to fertile fields of wheat and oats, while the wild ant- mals which now roam practically un- molested will b replaced by the do- mestic bovine. lt; lt; gt; As an instance of the growing tide of- settlement. which is already pu ing back the northern bounds of civilization, the announcement of the Hudson's Bay Company's intentions) to run steamboat excursions next Season to the Arctic Circle may be cited. For a distance of more than four thousand miles these boats will go down the Arthabasca river, on by the Great Slsve and McKenzie streams, returning by way of the Peate to Peace River Landing, from whence a stage route will be main- tained to Grouard, from which point the round trip will be concluded by way of the Athabasca to the Landing. Another factor which will assist in the development of the country is the wagon road which the Govern- ment contemplates constructing from Athabasca Landing to Fort Vermil- lion, Immense stores of freight, which transportation companies were unable to carry in this scason,- will be carried during the winter by sleigh routes. As a tourist centre, its attractions are unique and becoming more gen- erally appreciated each year. Mr. J. Francis Thompson, a well-known London, England financier; during recent tour of Canada, was so. much impressed with the district tliat he made large and successful purchases Blectric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the bode Phos phonol jie 07 Faas es nnd, Fossa gc sealeread Shi sieeansy Fie getesetae er a ees EVs iene Bets GSEs ted by Saskatchewan parties, in Athabasca, and intends erecting a summer home there for himeelf and family. The erection of a large saw- mill, the. fourth in the city, is plan- ned by Coast capitalists, and a new sixty-room brick hotel will be financ- BY-LAW NO, ...:.. A BY-LAW to grant certain con- cessions and exemptions and to ratily and. onfirm a certain - agreement bearing date the second day of Octo- ber 1912 made between The Munici- pal Corporation of the ity of Medi- cine Hat ofthe one part and the Wetaskiwin Tent and Mattress Com- pany Limited of the other part. WHEREAS The Wetaskiwin Tent and Mattress Company. Limited have applied to the Council of the Cor- poration of the City of Medicine Hat for certain concessions ia respect of a factory to be erected im the said City of Medicine Hat for the purpose of the manufacture of iron beds, bed springs, mattresses, ete. AND WHEREAS in the of The Municipal Council of the said City it will be greatly in the inter- ests of the said City to procure establishment of the said factory and the said Council deem it advisable and expedient to grant the eqnces - sions and exenptions more ly eet forth in the agreement dated the second day of October 1912. a copy of which is hereto annexed and marked A. THEREFORE: THE) MUNICIPAL, CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT hereby enacts as follows: ; 1 IT shall and. may be lawful for the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Medicine Hat and - they are herdby authorized and empowered for and on bebalt of the Corporation of the said City to execute all such transfers and agreements as may he necessary and requisite for the due carrying out of the said agreement dated the second day of October 1912 on be- half of the said City and to do all such further acts and assurances as may be necessary to fully carry out the terms of the said agreement and to convey in accordance therewith the tract of land comprising three acres more or less more particularly described in said agreement. 2. IT shall be lawful for the City to furnish the said.Company for use in the said plant electric power. and water at the usual manufacturers rate. 3. IT shall be lawful/for the City to supply to the said Company for a period of five years from the date on which the said plant commences to manufacture the said iron beds, bed springs, mattresses, eto. sufficient natural gas to operate the said plant Provided that the quantity of gas supplied shall in no case exceed thirty-thousand cubis feet in any one day and after such period of five years will supply all gas to the Com- pany required by the Company. for its use in said plant at the then pre- valent manufacturers rate, provided, however, that the City. shall in no case be liable for damages through failure of the supply of gas. 4 -IT stall be lawfal for the City to fix the assessment of the said plant at the rate of Two thousahd five hundred Dollars ( 2500.00) per acre for a period of five years from) the date of the final passing of this By-Law. Said assessment to relate only to the assessment: for general municipal purposes and shall not re- late to school . and-local improve- ment: taxes which shall not be af- fected thereby. 5. THIS By-Law. shall eqme into force on the date of the final passing thereo . 6. THE votes of the uigesses of the said City shall be jtaken on this By-Law on the 12th day of November 1912 commencing at the hour of nine o lock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day at the following places by the following Deputy Returning Officers that is to say for Wards One and Two at the City Hall by T. C. Blatebford, Deputy Returning Officer and for Wards Three and Four at the Court House by John Benson, Deputy Returning Officer. 7. HERBERT. BAKER shall be the Returning Officer. 8. ON the eleventh day of Novem- per 1912 at tem o'clock in the fore- moon the Mayor shall attend at his Office for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various polling places at, the final summing up of the votes by the Returning Of ficer on behalf of the persons inter- ested in the promoting or opposing: of this By-Law respectively. 9, THE Clerk, the said Herbert Baker, shall attend in his office in the City Hall at ten o'clock in the forenoon on the thirteenth day of November 1912 to sum up the num- ber of votes for and against this By-Law. READ a first time day of October 1912. Signed. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. H. BAKER, Clerk. RBAD a(seoond time this fourteen- th day of October 1912. Signed, NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. this fourteenth H, BAKER, Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the foreroing is a true copy of the proposed By-law to grant certain concessions and exemptions and to ratify and confirm a certain agree- ment bearing date the second day of October, 1912, made between the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat of the one part and the Wetaski- win Tent-Mattress. Company, Lim- ited, of the other part, which has been introduced and which may be fine t, passed (in the event of . the. the Botween: 18th day the day upon which this notice is first published. in the Medicine Hat News, Modi ing Hat, and upon the 12th day of Novemiber, 1912, the vot- ing thereon will be held between the hours of time o'eldek a.m, and five o'clock p.m. at the following places fixed for taking the vote of the burge-ses: For Wards 1 and 2 at the Council Chamber in the City Hall; for voters in Warl S and 4 at the Court House, H, BAKER, City Clerk. Medicine Hat; Oetob r 15th, 1912. a oo 9 EXBIBEP A THIS NTS made in second day of October in th year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY GF MEDICINE HAT hereinafter called the Corporation. ofthe FIRST PART And : THE WETASKIWIN TENT AND) MATRESS COMPANY. OF WETAS- KIWIN in the Province of Alberta, hereinafter exiled. the Company of the SECOND PART WHEREAS the Company has made application to the Corporation for certain concessions and fixed taxa- tion In respect. tom factory which they propose eradting in the said City for the manufacture of iron beds, bed springs, mattresses, etc. AND WHEREAS the Corporation is willing to agree, m to the appro- yal of-the Burgesses of the said City of Medicine Hat, that it will Brant the concessions asked for. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREE- /MENT WITNESSETH thatthe par- ties hereto do mutually agree as fol- lows: 1, The Corporation in considera- tion of the sum of One Dollar paid to it by the Company, the receipt whereof is hereby: aeknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part of the Company hereby agrees that the Corporation will onlvey or cause to be conveyed to the Company in. fee simple; free from all incumbrances, ani that plece and parcel of land situ- ate in the City of Medicine Hat in the Industrial Property, containing three acres more or less as shown on blue print hereto annexed after the plant hereinafter specifically desctibed has been completed and in operation for, sixty days, and om compliance with all the requirements of this agree- ment, it being distinctly understood and agreed that the said tract of Iand shall-be used for industrial purpos: only in. conn ction with the sald man- ufacturing plant. 2. The Corporation covenants and agrees with the Cor y that the as- sessment of the said plant shall be fixed at Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars)per acre for a period of five years. fromthe final passing of the bylaw confirming this, agreement. This clause, however, shall refer. to the, clause for general municipal pur- poses only, The Corporation also agrees that it will for a period of five years from the date on which the said plant commeno s to manufacture the said iron beds, bed springs, mattress- es, etc, supply the said Company with as many feet of natural gas on each and very. dey of twenty-four hours as may be needed to operate the said plant provided that the quantity of gas supplied shall not in any case exceed thirty thousand cubic fect in any one day, and after such as to the Company required by the Company. or its use fn said plant at the then prevailing gt;manufacturers rates provided, however, that it shall not be considered avbreach of this clause if the City fails to supply the whole or part of such gas. through failure of supply or any other cause beyond its Coritrol, said gas to be used in the way of heat, light and power only for manufacturing pur- poses by the Company on the land therein above described; provided that In the event of the diminution of sup- ply at any time during the currency of this. agreement. dortiestic users rahall be supplied before supplying any of the gas as. hereinbefore pro- vided. 8, It te further agreed. that the gas supplied by the Corporation shall be used without in any way wasting the sald supply and shall be open for, imspection by the Corporation officials at any time. 4. The Corporation also agrees that it will furnish the Company for use In the sald plant electric power and water at the usual manufactur ers rates prescribed by bylaw of the) said city from time to time and will pipe water and bring the electric line to the property line at the expense of the Corporation. 5. It i agreed that the. Company shali construct thelr own spur line of railway form the City s main spur) line to the plant atid shall. together with other manufacturers benefitted by said spur, bear thelr proportion ot the share of the cost of keeping the sald spur ne in a good statelof re- pair; provided that if the Company Witness; V. B, HODG period of five yeard will suppiy all - Uertakes, promises and agrees lt;with the City that they Will erect or cauge to be erected and operated for the manufacture of tron beds, a two-story building fifty feet by one - hundred fect with a one-story addition, afty feet by fifty feet and also a two- story. building forty feet by one hun- dred feet for the manufacture of bed Springs and mattresses and also, a one-story building thirty feet by sev- enty feet to be used as a paint house, and to equip the above named build- ings with modern machinery, 7. The total cost of erection, on- struction and. equipment of the said plant stall not be less than twenty- five thousand dollars, the sald bulld- ngs to be constructed pf lumber and iron, The Company shal continuous- ly employ at commencement of said plant at feast fifteen men each and every working day during the first) six months after the commencement; of manufacturing operations and at least forty men continuously on each and every working day thereafter. 9. The Company agrees to proceed with the construction of said plant forthwith and shall continue the er- ection and installation thereof with all reasonable diligence and have the; same completed on or before July First, Nineteen Hundred and Thir- teen; provided, however, that if said plant be incomplete by above date and the Company shows reasonable cause for delay the City agrees to ex- tend the time for completion of sald plant, 10. The Company further agrees to deposit: with the Corporation on the execution hereof: a check for the sum of Five Handred Dollars as 8 guarantee of good faith, sald check to be returned to the said Company when the sum of Five Thousand Dol- lars has been expended by them in the construction of sald plant or forthwith in the event of this agree- ment not being approved as afore- said. 11, THIS AGREEMENT and every thing herein contained shall respec- tively enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, ad- ministratot fuccessors and assigns 12, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat has hereto affixed its. corporate, Seal and the hands of the Mayor and Clerk thereof and the Company has. Set their hand and seal hereunto on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence o City of Medicine Hat. Sgd. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. Sed. H. BAKER, City Clerk The Wetaskiwin. Tent and Matt Company, Ltd.. : Per WILLIAM J. BOTTCHER, a Director. Per HARRIS OIUM, i Director Witness: R. W. MANLEY. Voters List. The attention of afiy person wish- ing to have his or her name sdded to or removed from the Voters List, as prepared, is called to the following agate ho has been, i Any. person Wl a Fest. dent in the city im the then cur rent year prior to the first day of Notices served upon the City Gierk under the above clause shall be sere ed on OF before the 25th day of Oc- ber. H. BAKER, K,, Oct, 25. City Clerk. CANADIAN PACIFIC THANKSGIVING DAY Oct. 28, 1912 FARE AND ONE-THIRY shall desire to the Dro- perty. to be transferred ito them: by. the Corporation another spur. ling they shall do so at their oWh expen; a cee ton agrees that It submit for the approval of the Bure bylaws authorizing the carrying out Of the matters herein provided for at as early a date as possible. 6. In consideration of the forego- ing covenants on the part of the Cor- poration the Comprtiy covenants, tun- Kenses of the said City all necesgary ions, Port Arthur OU rememb splendid things that mother used to make --- delicious flaky pies that almost melted in the mouth and all those other eatables that will live for ever in the memory. Fine, were they not Yes but they were made with good to-the- made nation. Now is the time to be mal 0 and Mince Pies, Don't fai to get the choicest fruits it results, Frosh Carrants, eleched; oe obate groceries the old fashioned, pure und groceries the rain, brawn and oP oes a those Seeded Raisins, 12 o2.,.10 cents; 18 oz, 2 for 36 cents. Peel, candied, Lemon: per Tb., 20 cents; Orange, per Citron, per Ib,, 26 dents. : ag Shelled Walnuts, choice, per Ib., 50 cents Shelled Almonds, cholte, per 1b., 60 cents Salmon, this year's pack, Clover Leaf, Victoria Lacross and Rainbow, 15 to 30 cents per cam Evaporated Peaches, new pack, per 1b., 15 cents. Garlic, 2 Ibs. for 86 cents. Onions, 6 Ibs, for 26 cents. Onions, Spanish, 3 Ibs. for 25 cents. Sweet Potatoes, 8 Ibs. for 25 cents. Cranberries, 2 Ibs. for 35 Hewitt Phone 258 In retiring from business, I wish to. express my thanks and appreciation to the citizens of Medicine Hat for the liberal patronage which has been accorded me for the past several years and would bespeak for my successor, Mr. A. B, Cook, its: for Purity Flour. Oy THE QUALITY GROCERS, a continuance of the same. Date. Train. - Time. Destination, 20.25. Quebec. Empress of Ireland. Nov. 1. Oct. 28. Nov. 8. Noy, 11. Nov. 17, No. 14. 420k. Montreal, 420k. St. John, Empress 6f Ireland. Nov. 25. For Bleeping Car and Steamship Reservations, and Tickets, call No. 4. No. 14, on or write No. 4. 20.25k. Quebec. Yours truly, SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CARS . FROM MEDICINE HAT. Steamer. 20.25k. Montreal vietorian, Tunisian. Virginian. tere Dally. -Armstre fmpress of Britain. Empress of Britain. Corsican. L, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent. You'll pick a winner every time you select WHITE HORSE whiskey. G. W, ELLIOTT, JEWELER. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SAILINGS, a Wedleine Hat, Alte, Re q j Dts Pasbeoeee Arent, Calgary, Alta, Plum Puddings, on Salling. Nor. 6. Nor. 16.
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Image 761 (1912-10-25), from microfilm reel 761, (CU1744306). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.