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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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/ LARGE BED-SITT- nodern convelifences, Toronto St. 8T-3 Rar ARES itt MAR ST. 3--ROOMS, ousekeeping or foom- r month, 88-8 ISHED FRONT rooms. uitable for lght bouse- month, Box 1388, : 88-3 MS, ALSO. SITTING n a fully modern, new from depot. Would ree gentlemen, Apply office, ee S WANTED. WISHES ROOM, TO turday and Sunday. th, Give terms. Ad ces, terms, ete., to P. ners only tieed-apply, AN COTTON RAGS. nade, 20 RENT, a T APPLY TO 184 w 87-8 RAYED 3 SY Salsas aia STOLEN, scoToH rn to Western Canada yard. * 88-8 THD ABOVE WiILb mation that will lead of one gr y gelding, 1300, branded either on left shoulder, or high. Thig horse is 8 old and has trim- Starks, Medicine Hat, sett DICAL YDERSON Physician fice-above Assinibola. ftice hours A. M. 10 O 4,7 to. 8.30, Resi- St. Residence. phone 02 19-1m IONEERS 2 t CO., Live Stock Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Sales every: Friday... eat 1 o'clock. Ranch ales conducted. -any furniture sales con Conduit us, our ex- disposal free. Phone me Co, 519 To 1s2ate oTIERRE SETS MADE . TO eed for. one year and rusting; very se No. 7, School Ay- past side of high for appointment or 2, Mrs. Matthews. ACCOUNTANTS ON CO.; charterea nd auditors, (estab ors, city of Medicine fedicine Hat, Leth- bron, C.A, resident 198. Burns Block. sat LANEOUS Hat HIDE, - FUR O. The above have selection. of Second TIMO Block, We guar- m vith every ry all the new- ate styles and fal order -is- alt 25 6.50. WS BLOCK -tf aa r The Daily News. somebody say such and such and he) News: fight, as he es pons to put over one me : 1 ? B thei famous 67: vasetion of ome Show Me Biss sthemes on Johnson: AS very That s the very type of man body ee pare ted foc we are after the one the te bie Se eae a and Evans who says Show me, when gt; from the rican, we claim to offer the finest men s garment in town the 20th Century Brand make. We can show you if you bit give us the oppor- tunity. Fall styles now ready. TURPIN BROS. THE MEN'S STORE Where you get the Big Dollar's Worth COUNGIL ROASTS NEWS (Continued from page one) nto the political side of the question, dealing with heresay. He had heard then went on at some length to ex- plain that he was a good Liberal. He had heard it said that the News con- sidered the council a bunch of Con- sServatives: and:wished:. to discredit them. He Was as good a Liberal as any of-them.' Politics were not min- led: With the council's business. Ald, McClellan agreed with the oth- er aldermen. He thought that it was snunicipal politics that was wrong with the paper. Ald. Johnston, sald they were not getting a square deal. If other cit- ies were getting along like Medicine Hat, their papers would haye room for nothing else but tales about the city. He met a gent Saturday who wanted Ao know what they did Friday night, and he told the alderman that he thought that they acted like a bunch of school kids, If the paper dia not do what was right they should eep it out, in his opinion. Ald, Ansley again took the floor, pointing out how he had been held up to ridicule by the paper all year, put he had never said a word about at Aid, Doty and Ald. Robertson fol- Jowed in. succession. In general they agreed with what the previous speak- ers had said, 5 The Mayor in his. temarks went Dack few years, He didn t think that the paper had much against the council, but against the mayor it had. There was always a warm feeling between the former editor of the pa per.and the mayor, and it must be lived down. If the paper only cir- culated in the city he wouldn't mind, put it went to many of the big cen- tres, Im the three years he was on the council there were some Wi times, and also at the first of this year, when no member of the pres- ent council was connected, but he had never seen. it'mentioned. He had treated th matter with contempt, al- though he had never spoken a sen- tence that had been reported right in that paper: Year before last, while mayoralty candidate he had made a speech, and after the News report- a who Tad satett was going to vote against lim, came to him and stated that he was going to Vote for him after such a report of the speech. The people, after the report in the think that the council Were: oither Idiots or drunken fools. The coiinci were all Med- icine Hat, and there was a lot of praise coming to them. But have you this year seen an editorial in the ing the counell for. any- thing done. He had heard men ask . if the News had gone to Redcliff, and this was the paper that was started here in its infancy and had besa Practically speaking, given a bonus bythe city. A: little ad had been earried for six months and never changed, Last. year the paper was full of Mayor Milne, saying that. he Would make good, that he a factory every day. In the end, he y the ' opening of this year's series, have become known kere. Mr. Johnson won his UMPIRE SCHEME CAUSED A CLASH Lynch. and McGraw Want- ed Klem Behind Plate at Every Big Game. JORNSON . WAKED WROTH sident of Am American hody ed Down Suggest- ions of Big Leaguers. Johnson of the American league and President t Tom Lynch of the Nation- al, which for a time threatened to T have a suggestion to. make, said Lynch. Umpire Kiem shoald work behind the plate in every JOHNSON UP IN AIR. President Johnson was astonished and Yooked it. Why sot ? he demanded. Because he is just the man for the job. He knows more about balls and strikes than any umpire in the busi- ness. Johnson nearly hit. the ceiling. Me, Klem may know more about balls and strikes. than the man who invented them, ho roared, but 20 such preposterous: scheme will be en- tertained for a moment by the Bos- tom team. The umpires will rotate behind the plate. I have no objoc- tion to Klem starting the first game on balls and strikes, but he won't) work there again until O Longhlin, Ringler and, Evans have ta their tum. COMPROMISE OFFER REFUSED. Lynch and MoGraw: were insistent, finally compromising on the. sugges- tion that Klem work behind the plate fn all played in New York. Impossible, replied Johnson: Bither the umpires will follow the established system of alternating in these games or there will be no world's series. The Boston team will not submit to any proposition of this kind, COBB WANTS MORE MONEY THAN EVER Famous Tiger Player Fig- ures His Ability is at High Tide. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 21 Ty Cobb will ask for a salary on his next con- tract that will eclipse anything ever Handed ont in baseball. His 3-year contract expires this year and he will hit the Tiger management for some- thing between 313,000 and 15,000 a year on his next 3-year paper: The Georgian figures he: is now at the top of his speed. He realizes that now fs the time to get more money, for during the next three years he will be at his best. After that he may slow up, and cannot ex- pect to be pald more money. Great Drawing Card. No one appreciates better than Cobb the fact that he Is a gr at draw- ing card. On the testimony of the gal ie is the greatest fn t Everywhere the Tigers go they draw better than many clubs well up in the race. The reason is Cobb. Connie Mack said last year: We are drawing two-thirds the number of people Detroit is drawing. I have figured. out the season; is the young fellow in Detroit's. centre field. Always Delivers the Goods po Bvery-oluy in--thre the value of Cobb as a drawing card, He means extra dividends for seven olubs besides the one he plays for, People who care little for baseball, and many who have no particular in- terest In any team, go to the park when Detroit plays, for no other rea- son than to s e Tyrus perform. He is the greatest press agent in the game. There is no one engaged in entertaining the public xs. widely advel as hi And Cobb a delivers the goods. A Helping Hand. Mistress (hurrying frantically) Mary, what time is it now? Maid Halfspast two. Mistress Oh, I thought it was lat- er. I still -haye twenty minutes to catch the steamer. Maid Yes, mum, I knew ye'd be rushed, so I set the clock back thirty Sald, they would have their own sten- oBrapher there and if the paper mi Siuoted them they would keep it out. minutes to give ye more time. American Role ; Sir Thomas J Lipton will American n Cup, aa c JOHNSON RACED AT. Pugilist Threatened to Kill ing the place, Is All He Wants Race, for Cup Under Tait Condit (W. A. P. Despatch) 2 Toronto, Oct: 22. If they will only Ieb me race under their Own y) rules, that is all I want, said Sir Thomas Lipton, the English yachts man when interviewed on his arrival, here yesterday. T do not want to race under the International rules which govern) yachting in Great Britain and throughout Europe. All I ask is chance to race under the Universal Rules, which govern yacht-rading of all kinds inthe United States, with the exception of the rave for the: VISITING. LAWYERS Atiorneys Who Werei: Getting Witnesses again- st Him. (W. A. P. Dispateh) Chicago, Oct. When Attorney Charles E. Erbstern, representing the mother of Lucille Cameron, visited Jack Johnson's saloon yesterday in company with United States Deputy Marshals to setve subpoenas on Wit- nesses who are required bythe Fed+ eral grand jury, the negro pugilist became excited and threatened the lawyer with personal injury. Throw them lawyers out of the place or I will kill them, shouted Johnson to one of hie boydguards, The federal officers protected the at- torney andiserved the pugilist s aged mother and nine employees of the saloon with subpoenas before leav- Several: important wit- nesses against Johnson have disap- peared and could not be aed terday, but the federal) offi om tinued thelr search, BRESHNAHAN LET G0 BY ST, LOUIS Baseball. Manager Had a Four-Year. Contract, Too - A- Wild Meeting. (CW. A. P, Dispatoh.) lt; owners, president and attorney of the St. Louis National Basebsll Club yesterday and discharged-as -manag- er of the team in so far as those in authority could discharge him, according to friend of Bresnahan today. Although he holds-a four- year contract with the club, one year of which he tias sorved, Brema- han was ee that his. services He 8 determine what vourse shall be pursued. Jack Johnson Cannot Now Get a Match on in th . Antipodes. z i z Sydney, AustralieOct 22. Jack: Johnson will not fight in Australia. Hugh MacIntosh, who offered. John- son 50,000 for a fight with- Sam Langford and Sam McVey or Joe Jeanette, cabled today io W. W. Kel- ly, his representative in Chicago, to cancel all negotiations, MacIntosh explained that Johnson's part in the alleged abduction of the white girl in Chicago, tad so angered the spori- Ping mnen-andpiitstte nt avetentia;that the matter of mat hes was no longer, desirable. At recent birthday party ayoung lady began a song: The. autumn days have come; thousand leaves are falling. She began too high. ..Then thous- nd she screamed, and then stop- ped. Starting her at five thousand, cried an auctioneer who was present. ten Subscribe now for the Daily News. Subscribe now for The Dally News. titles have been of these two divisions. But. as matter of favt, most of those who seek to fill the Ketchel are not all. more confusion exists. With tically every boxer sbove the pre- liminary class who scales anything near the weight loiidly ar himself champion, s imy to. single ont one abovechis fellows of chaos existed. Fopmerly, with de over the eas aeite BORE CNET the champion Victoria hockey team, to . marked inereaie in the movement of become 80 only Of the three to be tot- Kilbane is The welterweight market for shoes of Stanley middleweights at In the welterweight class even prac- Never before has su h a condition cisions given in every bout, the dead- wood was soon eliminated It a box- er had real/merit he soon elimbed to the top? f resent: eondi- tions a d dided chlinge bad come situation, Only e' emall restitae of bouts nowadays ars) owing to their shorttess knockouts are scarce SHORTER BOUTS'ARE LURE. What further compleates matters is the fact that the number of boxers in the joountry. has vastly increased in yecent,-years. With the, elimina, tion -of the: poe nina ants hag f the purs gac - creased and the number of athletical- ly inclided youths. who seein boxing under present Conditions a chance to acquire the nucleus. qf a fortune without much risk hag increased al- ae probaiiility Wai seecpions will be still's arcer inthe future. In fact; if anything should happen to the three remaining titlebolders to prevent them from entering the ring SEARCHES FOR PLAYERS Lester Patrick Goes Fast For Men For His Coast Hockey Team. * Winnipeg, Oct. 22. Lester Patrick thas lett for the east In an endeavor to scare up some hockey players for coast team. After making special trip to Winnipeg in an ef- fort to secure the services of Ham- my Baker, the star wing-man of the iecessful offer worth 100 a whom he made an w of 2500 and a positiol afield, e Sea THE MARKET REPORTS Winnipeg, Ost. 22. Somewkhat sen- setional r ports of the closing of the Dardanelles stiffened a market, which opened stronger. Trade was active, exporters being accredited with heavy buying, There isa fair cash demand for all grades. No, 2 Northern being in demand. Weather conditions are now very favorable to delivery and. transportation. Re- ceipts are very heavy, showing a coarse grains, Cars inspected were 1280, in sight 1280. Cables. closed: Liverpool, uneliinged to up; Paris, 4to 1 cent up; Berlin, Wh at Oct, opened 90, closed 908; Nov, 808, 898; Dec. 86 , 803; May 91g, OLE. 3 Pats Oct, SBE, 384; Nov. 958, 353; Deo. 334, 838. Flax Oct. (ame 1972; . Nov. 136, 133; Des. 190, 120. CASH PRICES. No. 2 Nor., 81; No. 3 Nor., 86; No. ., 83; No. 6 Nor. No. 6 Nor., 63; feed 58. Winter wheat No, 1, 90; No. 2, 8T; No. 3, 88;-No. 4, 82. Oats No. 2 G.W., 38) No. 3 C.W., ar. Feed No. 1 3f; No. 2, 86. Barley No. 3, 55; rejected, 474; feed, 47. Fiax No. 1 N.Wi, 183. ee AMERICAN MARKETS. Chicago, Oct..22. Stopless buying brought about a sharp advance today in wheat. The Balkan situation had made offerings scarce. Favorable crop reports from Burope, Argentine, and India, with a good sized increase, in the Buropean visible supply, served, only as a temporary check to the up- turn, The opening prices were a shade to 1-2 higher. December star- Tose to 98 1-4. Oats, although slow, became. firm er with other grains. December, whieh, started 1-8 to 1-8 and 1-4 higher at 32 1-4 and 8, climbed to 32 3-8 and 1-2. Minneapolis, Ost. 2 -Wheat Dee. 982, '88 ; May, 934, 04. Oot: 22. Deo. 928, May; 972) 97 Tulgyelosed 943. Chicaho, Ost. 22. Reports . that been with- drawn from. the Black newed firmness after a reaction. The close.was steady with December 4 et. igher, ab 9Pe and 93. Liverpool, Oct. '22 Wheat spot, Je 1 Ol-dd; March 7s 8 3-44. MISS NANTEL MARRIED L(W. A. P. Dispateh.) St. Jerome, Oct. 22. This morning Charles A. Pequin,-of-Otta e,son of F, 0, Pequin, of St. Jerome. WILL NOT Ra RETIRE SOON (W. A. P. Diapatahy Portage Ia Prairie, Oct. 22 The local newspaper demies that Hon. Hugh Armstrong intends retiring from public life at the end of his in penitentiaries or . jails State. His reputation as a Was in jail What's be in for? ted at 921-4 to 92 3-8 and 1-2, and / 92 : portant question, has been answered led tore 5 Sst0-6 Miss Germai ughter of He lt; B, Nantel, was. married to When Senator Taylor was governor of Tennessee he issued- great many pardons to men and women confined) in that pardon- ing governor resulted in his being besieged by. every)hody who had al relative incarcerated, One morning an old negro woman made her way Into the executive: offices and asked Taylor to pardon. her husband, who asked the gov-) Romance of Idaho Couple is Shattered When They Are Apprehended. MAN 1S 28 YEARS OF AGE Father of Maiden is on the Way to Spokane From Sandpoint. Spokane, Oct, 22. The romance L, 1, Hoealer; 28, and Mary Kilby, 16, both living near Sandpoint, was rudely shattered yesterday, and ine stead of now being in the Jand of the Joyous honeymoon Hoesler has of- fice cell No. 2 in the county Jail, Miss Kilby has an apartment in the juven- Ne detention home, and her father is on, bis way to this city. According to the story that Hoesler tells the fact that his girl bride-to be Kept her money in her. stocking caused the unexpected arrest before. they vere married and could start CASH TT GIRL ELOPER S STOCK CNUSES DELAY LEADS back to surprise the home folks. Man Tells of Elopement, Hoesler tells of the elopement as follows, while the young woman has nothing to say: Her father, John Kby; gave hls cOnsent-to our marriage. but said wel f must watt a year, We didn t 3 to do that, and I Fecelved from her the other, day saying she and met her. We Went in to Sand. Should a girl Kissa etgan-shaven ora whiskered man, if any? This very delicate, yet vitally im- aclentifically and definitely, by a dis- tinguished Professor of the Paris Ac- jemy of Medicine. Professor Durand decided that this question, which has been much dis- cussed in 2 loose way, ought to be settled scientifically. He secured the) services of a young and healthy wo- mai, who was willing to submit to The vexp riment for the sake of ; science, and a couple of doctors of hig staff. The young woman was first thor- oughly Sterilized. Ail the, billions and billions of germs that lurked in her lips, ey s, hair, and other external parts of ber organism were complete-. ly destroyed. She, was then locked up na germ proof Foom, in the profes- sor's laboratory, used in bactericlo- gical experiments. Blaborate precau- tions were taken to guard the femin- ine culture-medium .agaitist con ination during the absence of the pro- fessor. Of the two doctors, one was clean shaven, while the other wore the round fuzzy beard and moustache, which have become tradition mal among, French medi al men. 5 Loaded the Doctors. He took them for a walk along the grand boulevards, the resort of the: gayest Parisian butterflies of both sexes. He led them through a great department store mear the Louvre, which was filled With women repre- senting every class of Parisian B0- ciety. Then he took them thromgh the Louvre itself, which happened to contain at the moment a fine assort- ment of artistas He steered them through the Haltes Centrales, the markets which feed practically the whole of Paris, He al- ernor. ee ee expluined the wife. You don't want me to him, argued the governor. for you again. man, WALKING AGROSS GANADA) 2: lt;2 seis e aa He Understood. 4 Young Man Arrives at At a supper party a certain young Winnipeg, having Tramp- ed From Vaneouver. Winnipeg, Oct. 22-4. S. Brown, a native of SootIand.and now a resident of Vancouver, arrived here early this morning on his walking tour across the Dominion. couver August 26 and to win wager of 500 that he would, erse the Dominion on foot. Tn dition to paying his expenses he to earn, 500... He thas ten wee tn which to complete his. trip, W.-A P. Dispateby He left Wan o Taylor patiently. Me an de chillis, dandy duchess, and in order to gain he: the Seottish tongue, declaring ther understand, Rax me Spraw 0 doek;replied the Auctiess, smbving a muscle Gf*her face. exquisite lunk away Tm confusion, whit Commission was executed by foolish. A simple minded man-isn 't always Department has every facility 'fo Locee Lent System The News pardon laden, to bis laboratory. First he or- If he dered the got out he would only make trouble fn and kiss the culture-medfam firm- Deed I does want him out ob dat Why do you need him? inquired she said, ser- was. sitting next a Scottish good gtaces affected knowledge of that bubbly-. aearcely, lowed them to a crowd of tac- tory gitls coming out for lunch. Finally, he Ted them back, microbe ven doctor to g0 been guilty of ish, We were ee would meet me, and I left my work for I am to go to work again day. ei gage Beware of the Bewniaceradl Man, the Fellow with the Face Fungus He Has Millions of Microbes: Claes the same manner for as the: other man. professor brushed medium s terial -harvest in.a In this: he foimd 000 microbe Hil Bee that the period was not exceeded. When the kissing Si ed, the prof : -culture-medit Anvisible flora, Into a Petrf' Jerobes. Then brushed Lipa: fin ale hung 0 Pe. Ups and clean-shaven man s Ist; be ; 80,000 inicrobes, nothing, when T was Not a Scottish phrase he did not jked appalled, and le aalesion 100i i JUST ACROSS THE BRIDGE - 10,00. t0 -12.00- Saturday morning aud afternoon ieee Sessions
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Image 735 (1912-10-22), from microfilm reel 735, (CU1744322). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.