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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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VIEW umendation in sup- allright. Imagine da, where so many ug. We wonder if in force, Does it at It does not Jook is It does from the tion: From whom By the way this lvertising all sum- * uld appreciate the en to own autos. ING. . PARK TURNS success, EAN OF DURHAM . A. P, Cable) ct. 30. The Rev. Herbert son, Canon of Westmin- who recently visited Can the most popular Angli- jen, has been appointed ham. Assasinated port Says Moham- ., Oct. 30. Cable des the. Chicago Daily News China, say the Moham- assassinated Li Ching dent of the Kanaw Pro- ably, because he propos aan Liang governor of . The despatch adds rnors of Maan Lang con- Ince and that the unrest Shanghat is growing. A, T, PUAXTON uurity Co. OK. 5 JBE. i ef i stir until ruse as a ge. ON OF of the Dest vhich tone igestion as ids which Init tea forks eink Phone -54- ee toiainimiololnietek detain Crops cog Present Dally Avernce 2075 as: tm Dally get the oft the sountry circulation. No oxtra chats. Books open to ad- vartisers. * VOL 3.NO. 95 lt;u, ving Freely To East ators over the Canadian Puc- bs Peet et, Thirteen j2 1.000 cars of grain were shipped dred. ra: sin, i Paracot Gl tie. Phe other roads are also taking Are Pouring Into minals Every Day. FEW COMPLAINTS HEARD Ter- care of the ctop withott apparent trouble. In the immense Canadian Pacific terminals here there is no sign of congestion and trains are moving regularly.) The prospects are that grain crop will be securely hous- 3 Indieations Are That Sea- ' before-the ad fone Yield Will He Wafe Scag eee ly Housed Before Com- ing of Winter. W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Oct. 31. With an almost complete absence of congestion and blockade, the great grain crop of the prairie provinces is being moved eastward at the rate of approximately thirtden hundred cars per day. The Canadian Pacific alone 1s hand- ling 800 cars of grain daily, exclus- ive of all shipments of coal, lumber and nilscellaneous good: On one FEV MINSTERS SING CHARGE * lt; Hon. Robert Rogers Control of Public Works Department, ; RULES ENORMOUS OUTLAY Hon..L. Codere and Hon. Dr. Roche Also Enter on Their New Duties: Ss an Coders Ottawa, Oct. 31 begins his duties as Secretary of the direction of. the, printing bureau and the issuing of Jetters patent and passports and Ke is. responsible for the Great Seal of Canada. Hon. Dr. Roche yesterday took orer-the Department of the Interior and now has the custody of Domin- jon Lands and of the admission of immigrants: Hon. Robert Rogers took over the Public Works Department and has supervising authority over the ex- penditure of forty million dollars which, Parliament has voted for dredging, wharves and public build - ings. LIBERALS FIGHT CODERRE S RETURN Will Put English-Speaking Candidate in Field in Hoechelaga County. (W. A: P. Dispatch) Montreal, Oct. 31 At a meeting held by the leading Liberals of Hochelaga-County it was decided to contest the Hochelaga bye-election rendered necessary by the elevation of Hori. Louis Coderre to the Borden Cabinet as Secretary of State. It Was decided thatan Hnglish-epeak- The great improvement over tho conditions of last year is explained by the fact that the transportation lines have been improved and ex- tended and equipment increased to a great extent. Only from a very few points have complaints of the non-delivery of cars come and this is due to the fact that orders for cars from lake terminals are coming in more slowly than the grain is be- ing received, which means that in some cases loading of cars is delay- ed. ing candidate should be chosen, it possible, to split the Conservative yote in the Westmount portion of the division. . Sy Mayor Rutherford, of Westmount City, and Major Stephens, resigning chairman of the Harbor Board, were nominated. It was announced that Sir Wilfrid Laurier strongly support- ed Major Stephens. The reason for running an English-speaking c idate is that the Liberal leaders are counting upon a strong opposition among the French-Canadian voters to the Borden naval programme. ON TRIAL FOR DOUBLE MURDER (Special to the News.) Shreveport, La., Oct. 31 The de- tails of: one of the most diabolical murder plots ever executed 1n this section of the country are expected to be unravelled in the trial.of Al- bert is Watson, which has commenc- -ed-here. Watson and Mrs. Eva Walls: Bailey are charged jointly with suc- cessfully plotting to murder the Wife of the man and the husband of the woman in order. that thelr own fllic- it love affair might end in marriage. C. C, Bailey, a wealthy lumber mill owner and husband of the woman de- fendant, was hacked to death with an ax on hls home on the night of Sep- tember 2 last: Watson, whose inti- macy with Mrs. Balley had already attracted attention, was immediately taken into custody. The next day he is-eaid to have made a detailed con- fession of the crime to the authorities, According to the alleged confession, Watson came to Louisiana in the ear- ly summer after having poisoned his wife in a Texas town. Some months previously, according to the confes- sion, Watson and Mrs. Bailey had entered into a compact by which Watson was to poison his wife and Mrs, Bailey her husband. Watson did away with his wife without arousing suspicion, but repeated efforts by Mrs. Bailey, it is sald, fafled because) she did not know how to administer the Polson. Watson came to Louisiana and ob-' tained work in Bailey's mill. Bailey became suspicious and quarreled with his wife. This resulted in hurrying along the plot. Mrs. Bailey having again tried unsuccessfully to poison her husband, Watson crept into the house at night and, according to bis statement, Killed Bafley with an ax. TOOPER CENT, 1S THE INCREASE. IN OCTOBER BUILDING PERMITS Total for Month Just End- ing Over 150,000 Ahead of October, 1911. 2 TEN MONTH'S PERMITS TWO AND HALF MILLION New Theatre and Bank Ad- dition Sent October s Total Soaring. Medicine Hat s building permits for -the month of October total 253,520, or 152,740 ahead of the same month Jast year, This Is an inerease of about 150 per cent, This. sends the total for: the year dar abore what even the most sanguine booster hoped for. Total for ten months of the year .. .. .. ... 89,671,874.00 Total for ten months of ME eve e +5 748,882.00 Imerease 1912 over 1911 1,028,042.00 The total for November, 1911, was 928,425, The addition of 80,000 in permits which were bronght in this morning by Inspector Daly is the reason: for the high total for the month closing, sterday it was:Just 170,- 000, but the Bank of Commerce ad- dition for 80,000, and the W. R, Pen- land and Babb Theatre for 50,000, made tho big incren e. The new theatre Is to be a threo- story building, 32 feet by 180 feet, and will be 48 feet high. The ground floor will be a theatre and the upper: floors will be used as be ments, The building fs, to he 1 ted next to the firm s new hotel, which they are building on Ottawa Street, just below North Raflway Street. .. Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchnage for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson' Leader, , 54-tt Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory: + pgouTH NOqABLE WEDDING IX mang (Special to the Nows) Swillington, N.C, Bishop, of North Carols At the wedding of. Jones, daughter of Mr. and brokb, Jones, and John Rt of New-Xork City. The et was pepfofmed in the old ville ChagaF at Airlie, the home Bride's parents, GBo numbei ae the sooint sJead of Now u ttre exeputive Counc Silom ton liice before the war and maintains a country home here. WILL ASK FOR 300,000 that theyPresbyterian Foreign Bgard will ask the church for a grant of) The sumis considerably greater than last year estimate. SOKELEY 18 FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER Lethbridge. Jury Spends Two Hours and Twenty Minutes Deciding. COUNSEL WISHES. APPEAL Verdict Declares Accused Shot . Brother Down in Cold Blood. CW. A. P. Dispatch) Lethbridge, Alta., Oct. 31. We: find the accused, Edwin Sokeley, guilty of murder in shooting his brother Fr d down in cold blood. This was the verdict brought in. to- day at the Sokeley murder trial. The jury was out two hours and twenty minutes. As soon as the verdict was: pro- nounced, A. G. MacKay, K.C., who acted for the accused, asked leave fot the court to appeal fora mew trial on the ground that the weight of evidence did not show that the accused had sed more force than was necessary for bis own self de fence. Mr. Justice Walsh: decided to reserve judgment on the appeal and until that time he also reserved sen- tence. at HICHWAYMAN DIES TN PENITENTIARY Herman Wilson Succumbs to Blood-Poisoning in New Westminster Prison HE TRIED TO BREAK JAIL Death is Due to Shot Re- eeived in Neck During Recent Riot. (W. A P. Dispatch) New Westminster, B.C., Oct.. 31. The second death as a result of the attempt on October 5 to effect a jail delivery at the penitentiary, occurred yesterday morning when Herman Wil- son highway robber, sentenced from Vancouver, passed away. He was shot through the neck by Guard Elson at the time of the attempt but he seemed to recover within a few days. Later he was taken with Blood poisoning and Tuesday night when Warden Parrott was on his rounds the desperado was found to be delirious. The warden stayed with him until his death. MIXED FARMING SPECIAL The Provincial Government's Mixed Farming Special of nine cars was in the city last evening for a short time, and a number of Hatters took an:op- portunity of visiting it. The exhibits re excellent ones. GALE ON LAKE SUPERIOR Canadian Pacific Steamer Was Only One That Wea- * thered the Smother. (CW, A. P. Dispatch) Fort William, Oct. 31 The heavy northwest wind which has been blow- ing over Lake Superior for the past 48 hours, has practically tied up na Tgation. Many vessels can be seen seeking shelter behind Welcome Is- lands in Thunder Bay.. The Canadian Pacific steamer Athabasca, was the only craft that Weathered the storm Sho arrived late Inst night after a 29-hour trip from the Soo. The Ath- abasca, although heavily loaded, was given severe buffeting by the huge waves that washed over the upper docks. Several boats are overdue. Toronfo, Oct. 30. It is expected) 300,000 to,carry. on next year's work.) since the attadkem Milwaukee on Ost The Colonel evidence of the shosk hour and twenty ifnutes. For forty-two minutes after his en trance into crowded Madison Square Garden, Colonel Roosevelt stood at the edge of the platform: unable to. make himself above the din of cheers, songs amd band music. His gestures to the crowd for silence served only to intensify the noises and when, after twenty minutes of cheering, Col. Roosevelt made a de- terntined effort to: begin his speech, audience the immense audience was sent off into another of chbering. by the beginning of the chant, We v teddy. P.R. 1O PAY CLAIMS Will Not Contest Cases of Soldiers Injured:in, the Streetsyille Wreck. Ow. P. Dispatch.) Toronto, Oef 31 AH those who were injured im the Canadian Pacific wreck at Streetsville on Thanksgiving night, are progressing favorably. W. B. Sheard, who was not expected to live,.is somewhat better today and is resting easier. Outside injuries to rolling stock and to uniforms and equipment, there may be heavy damage claims from the thirty-elght victims of the Streets- ville wreck, whose injuries were re- ported ag well as from those whose injuries were slight. It is likely that, these clajms for damages for person- al injuries will not fall short of 20,- 000. It'is understood that the claims will be paid without any contest as to Mability. GARLAND NEW MEMBER Elected By Acclamation in Carleton County Liber- als Did Not Run Candid- ate. : (QW. A. P. Despatch) Ottawa, Oct. 31 W. F. Garland, of this city, choice of the Conserva- tives in Carleton County, in succes- sion to the late Edward Kidd, M-P., becams member of Parliament yes- terday. The Liberal party decided that it would not put up a candi- date and the election of Mr. Garland by acclamation was declared yester - day afternoon. : pe het eee ee SHERMAN IS DEAD + of) (W. A. P; Despatch) Utica, N. Y., Oct. 81 After a long iliness, Vice-President James Schoolcraft Sherman died at his home in this city at 9.42 o'clock last night of uremie poiconing caused, sby Bright's ciseass, compl by heart discase. . AB, AND OFA. By : DAILY EDITION YELEORAPHIC SERVICE (ADA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1912 (0. A. P. Cable.) London, Oct. 31 General Baden Powell was married quietly yester- day to Miss Holmes at Parkstone, Dorset. There w re only about a, dozen persons in the church. The marriage had seen set to take placo early in December, . Sir Baden Pow- ell and Lady Baden Powell left im- mediately after the ceremony by automobile on their honeymoon. SUFFRAGETTES AT NEW HAVEN (Special to. the News.) New Haven, Conn.,, Oct. 31. Tho annual convention Woman SntfragerAsgodiation began in this City today with large and rep- resentativ yoo, Rabbi Steph- en 8 Wise of NeW York speaks be- fore the delseatensgoupht. The con- vention will, conclude: tomorrow with the election of 1 for the year. ARE BURIED WITH MILITARY: HOR Militia Men, Killed in the Streetsville Wreck, Laid to Rest. AN IMPRESSIVE. SERVICE Comrades of Three Toronto Regiments Fire Volleys Over Graves of Dead. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Oct. 31. Privates Mac- Murdoch and John Bannotyne, who were killed. in the Canadian Pacific wreck at Streetsville, were buried today with military honors. The funeral service began at two o'clock when the full regiment of the 48th Highlanders and several companies from the Queen s Own Rifles and tho. Royal Grenadiers paraded. i The casket containing the bodies was onveyed' to the arnfories and a very impressive service was condict- ed by the Rev, T. Crawford Brown, chaplain of the 48th, Highlanders, As the: ot the two soldiers was ina hae et lig nen the firing party and the sounding of taps by ithe regimental buglets Wrought the ceremony to a close. Members of the City Council, Board of Trade and various other public bodies were present. HOG CHOLERA HOW IN SASKATCHEWAN Farmers Disliked Killing gt; Animals and whole Herds Have Died Off. RAGES ABOUT MOOSE JAW Inspector Was Sent Out but Epidemie Had Serious Start. (W. A. P. Dispatey) Moose Jaw, Oct, 1 An outbreak of hog cholera would appear to have broken out in the Province, especial- ty in this district, Although it has been given other names, it seems cor- tain that in many parts the sickness, which has ravaged the herds, ts none other than the decimating cholera it- self. The authorities at Regina have been acquainted from s veral places. An Inspector was sent out, but before his arrival In the affected territory ft was too late to do anything. It seems that the farmers have grudged killing sickened animals with the re sult that whole herd have died off; today entered upon the fiftieth year BADEN POWELL 1S MARRIED, Great Powers x To TakeH arian armies inthe easterm part of London, Oct, 31. Whatever the re- sult of the engagements now tsing fought between the Turkish and Bul- the Balkan peninsula, the conclusion probably will give occasion for the intervention of the European powers. In despatches from Vienna it is a8- serted that the foreign ministers (of the European governments have reached a tentative agreement in this matter, and in any event. the entry of the Bulgarian troops jimto Constantinople will not be tolerated by the powers. Even Russia is dis- inclined to permit such an occur Tence. Balkan States Are Ready. tic quarters in the Austrian capital that the Balkan nations already have made known in an unofficial manner that they are Prepared to accept in tervention by the moment now. Special despatches from Constanti- BEGINS 50TH YEAR OF RULERSHIP vig (Special to the News.) Athens, Oct, 31- King George - of Greece, who again looms large in the public eye by reason of the fldme of. war that appears to be rapidly Spreading over southeastern Burope, of his reign. Next to the yenerable Emperor of Austria he is the oldest of the sovereigns of Europe. Born al prince of Denmark, he was proclaim- ed King of the Hellenes by the na- tional. assembly of Greece on March 20, 1863. He was then seveentecn years old. On Ostober 30 of the same ear he arrived in Athens, and on. the mounted the: throne. Athens, forty-nine yeurs ggo, he. was welcomed by little nota wll lon people, progressed: very- ereditably under his overtaken -by severe political storms fduring the past lt;talf century the throne of, King George has never Honce been sariously threatened--No one doubts that the King has a gen- wine Jove for his adopted country and, at the present moment, shares to the utmost degree the dream of ev- ery Greek of making the Aegean Sea a Grecian lake, as it was in the.palmy days of ancient; Athens, and of see- ing her flag float trom the minarets of Constantinople on that day, which may not be far distant, when the Ot- toman shall be expelled from Eur. ope. INQUEST AT PILOT MOUNT (W. AP. Dispaten.) Pilot Mount, Oct. 31 An inquest is being held here today regarding the death of Mrs. Willfam McLend,,-a well-known resident, which occurrid it is alleged the attending physiciin, Dr, Erskine, of Sarnes, N. D., jin no, eondition to partorm tho oper ton TO INCREASE OCEAN SERYI E (CG. ADP. Capley e London, Oct, 30. Herr Balkan, di- rector, of the Hamburg-American ine; is visiting Canada to discda in- creasing the steamship service be- tween Canada and Germany. An ex- tension of the service at present is barred owing to agreements with oth- ert companies which Herr Balkin will endeavor to remedy. It is also understood in diploma- powers at any following day he took the oath and When the future King arrived in He has more than .two Vie million subjects now) and Greece Has rulership. Though Greete bas been yesterday after child birth, at which PRICE, FIVE CENTS: imously:. Be it resolved that, this i of the opinion that it is the dni interest and wish of Canada to: the present Imperial emergency 9 prompt, adequate and unconditional sift-to the Empire of battleships oF their equivalent, to be followed as soon as may be possible by a perma- neat policy which will assure to our Dominion representation in the de- fence of the Empire. : Among the speakers, were-St-Rich- Wolley and the Bishop of Columbia The Premier gave it as his opin- fon that Mr, Borden would bring down such. a naval policy as would pass the: House of Commons without a-diasenting yote. TO FIFTEEN YEARS Guilty of Manslaughter was Verdiet Bradshaw Gets Three Years for Arson. Nelson, B: ,, Oct. 31. Jokn Brad- shaw, against whom a jury: Tuestiy with a strong recommendation to mercy on a -charge of arson, was yesterday sembeneed to three years in the penitentiary. Albert B. Palson, found guilty of manslaughter in comneetion with: the death of Caleb A. Barton, proprietor of the Manhattan saloon, was sen Subscribe tow for The Daily News tenced to 15 years: POULTRY ASS'N. MEETING. Members of the Medicine Hat Poul- try and Pet Stock Association held in the News office (reporter's) this evening, to discuss the details jof the Winter Show. AIR PRIZE GOES TO FRANCE German Balloon in Great International Race Not Teqnested to attend a meeting to be Bodies Charred When (We A. P. Hallbright, Sask., eclerosis, Feb eeete Be The funeral of the tate V eal dent will be held 7 a2 p. thy at heey ae Chuven -0r whieh *Shermin was ,parishien- President Toft and several ot. the Cabinet, not yak deptenath, will atten the funeral, hee bbb beh ebb oe Co Le? polite ob toh hbk three little children of Mr, and Mrs, rts of Hallbright, Mrs. Gerrish been helping her n arest neigh- yr, whose child was sick, during the ght: In the morning Mra, Gerrish pnfjen a fire In her own house and Aigencross to see how the slex-cbild The tire started from some. angie caus ained great, ie ae pre ia eck n Oct. -31. The Frank Gerrish met death yesterday Morning in a burning house on the Three Little Ones Consumed in Flames Mrs. Frank Gerrish, Hallbright, Sask. Left Her Home to Gall on Neighbor s Sick Child Fire, From Unknown Cause, Starting Gained Great Headway Recovered. + Dispateh.) headway before her attention was called to it: The-aiarm was given and chemical: engines from town were soon om the, scene and the fire was got undef: control to enable the firemen to ree move the bodies, which were badif charred. Mr,afid Mrs, Gerrish were both hard-working, Industriows (people who came from New Brunkwick,.- They lost, nearly everything. they poasess- ed. a lt; ard MeBride, Captain Clive, Philips PHLSOM SENTENCED - night brought ina verdict of guilty - 5
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Image 793 (1912-10-31), from microfilm reel 793, (CU1744330). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.