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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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one Coupon cut from cerely Praises Former imilian, Harden in nis book, Mon- arehs and Men, which has just been published, A beautiful photogravure which is startlingly realistic in its reproduction of the lurid glow. and terror-of a big prairie fire. Late King Edward Pleased : to Confound the German Spies Monarchs and Men, Just Published in London, Sin- TO SECURE This Beautiful Picture DAILY NEWS READERS MAY HAVE THIS PICTURE FOR TEN CENTS AND.ONE COUPON CUT FROM THE FRONT PAGE OF THE NEWS. . Worthy 2 place in the This picture is a reproduction of a valuable paititing and in the ordinary way could not be secured for many times what we are asking. The terms they can be obtained for are Ten Cents the front: page of the Present at the business office of the News. will not be sent by mail. ay eee ee These will not last long, and be your last chance to secure this picture. First come first served as long as they last. Ruler. London. Oct, 24 The tate King great pleasure was to pardiyze Ger- Edward VII. is termed the Machia- an diplomancy as much fs: possible. yelli of anti-German policies by Max- 0sland had no better commercial traveller than what.Harden calls the new type of monarch. No. previous King had ever visited the sples lt; o1 England or hunted for the countiy s According to Harden the late King rival as did his Jate majesty. Nor was responsible for the Anglo-Japa- were more solid business. achieve- nese and Anglo-French treaties, while ments ever accomplished by an Eng- he assisted France in the Algecirasjlish ruler during any - diplomatic agreement. Journeys. apes: continues the author of Throughont Harden's book are re- Ship Captured in drehs and Men, King Edward's flected the opinion of th late king. War Century Ago Today is Now Tavern One bundred years ago today the British ship Macedonian, cruising off the Azores, and Decatur s frigate, the Gnitede States, came up with each other at a point on the'Atlantic about 800 miles northwest of Cape Verde on the west coast of Africa. The Uni- fed States immediately opened al raking fire, to which the Macedonian replied, vatiently with all its. thirty- six guns. After a number of the Bri- tish man-o'-war's: guns had been dis- mounted, and. most: of her guniers or. Wounded, the surrendered. Atthough he had achieved a brilliant Yietory, Decatur thought it necessary to/epologize for the length of time Spent ini-forcing a surrender by r a- son cf A-rough sea and the enemy's reluctance to come to closer quar- ters, 2 ie The Macedonian was, tie only British witn-o'-war brought in as a Prize to an American port. Great en- thusiasm) was manifested when she Wasitowed into Portsmouth, N. H. After remaining there a short time the United States Navy Department ordered the vessel taken to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. On the way she sprang a leak, for sie bad been Pretty well knocked to pieces in bat- te, and to save her from sinking she Was beached at City Island, near New York City, now favorite resort for yachtsmen. Inspection by naval experts showed that the Macedon- fan was unfit for sea service, and she was placed on the block to be Kndeked down to the highest bidder. Only one man, named Smith, appear- ed to have any desire to own a man- o -war, and secured title to the. fri- gate for the ridiculous sum of 25. Mr. Smith opened a bar in the ca- Bin of the picturesque old wreck, on the City Island beach, and the novel- ty of the thing attracted many pat- Tons, Upon the death of Smith he Was succeeded by his son Jacob, who dullt a three-storey addition to the frigate and called it the Macedonia Hotel. The tavern is the most pop-. lar resort on City Island, and is a Populer place for the Picnics of po- Hitica organizations. Jacob Smith ied this year, survived: by eighty- four children, grandchildren and Sreat-grandchildren, One of his daughters now runs the tavern. The centennial of Decktur's capture of the Macedonian will be fittingly obser- ed there today. The upper deck 6f the vessel Is now Used as a dancing floor, the lower deck contains u bar, whil the cab- ins are used as bedrooris for the Suests of the historic tavern. Th late Jacob Smith had a tremendous Sentimental attachment for the old ship, amd once refused ab offer of 50,000 Tor it. The offer was made by an Englishman, who ought to re- turn the frigate to the land from whose. shores it-had sailed a hundred years ago, Now that Jacob Sift fs. dead, itis understood that au Eng- lish historical society has renewed ite efforts to purchase the vessel, It 1 noteworthy that today Is also the centennial of the sailing of the Constitution, famed in American Raval: annals as Old Tronsides. on -setond cruise, With Bainbridge in command, and in company with the Hornet, the Constitution left Bos- ton on Oct 25, 1812. Leaving the Hornet at San Salvador, Bainbridge Soon after fell in with the. Britieh frigate Jens, about the same size asthe Guerriere, which the Con- stitution had previously defeated, 4 Yeritable slaughter followed and 150 of the British eallors were killed or wounded before she was surrendered Among the dead was the captain of the Jena. The killed and wounded fn the Constitution numbered only thirty-four. - TO DESTROY POLITICAL PATRONAGE (C. A. P. Cable) Wellington, Oct. 25. The New Zea- Jand public service bill has passed both houses. The aim of the meas- ure 1s to free the public service from polticat interference and destroy: pos litteal patronage, When apples are ripe and ready for the storeroom, sufferegs from dyspep: sia and rheumatism good supply every di tonic in eflect,: and i some food... Subscribe now'for The Dj News, WAR NOT DESIRED BY GERMAN PEOPLE Opportunity wii cRear pana Naval Policy of the Father- land is to Preserve Her Relations With Other Nations, Says Commercial Financier. INTHE WEST 10 STUDY the Possibilities Great Prairie Provinces. Vanvouver, Oct. inmifient in a very serious nature lar policy of ernment stuffs, is the Co., one of the foremost private banks n Germfany, with headqhar- ters in Karlsruhe. The action increasing the naval armament is not, as many tion of war Mr. Straus, affording the chief source of supply for Germany,-and as our ports of manufactured articles are in heavy demand with Bnglish buyers, the declaration of hostilities between the two countries that have so much in common would be a.move suicidal to conmerce. * CANNOT EAT MEAT. On the other hand Mr. Straus points out that the lower classes in Germany are chafing under the law which practically prohibits them from eating meat. Under the Jaws which impose heavy duties om the imports of this food the price has been raised to such an alt tude as to place it beyond the reach of any save the rich, and as the home sup- bly is practically nil this presipitat- ed a very serious condition of affairs. At present the only force sus- taining Germany is hercommerce, said Mr. Straus. We camnot afford to suspend this for even a week or a month,)much Jess for the time suf- ficient to settle international dif ferences: that have very trivial causes and effects. We are too poor. . The heavy taxation for naval armament and for equipping the imperial army has been cheerfully met by the Ger- man taxpayers, but it has, neverthe- Jess, left the country in an impover- condition. This and the fiman- cial panic which has resulted from the Balkan campaign has made one thing clear: The commiercial tela- tions of our country must be pre- served at all costs. Aihile the Socialist faction wasi un- doubtedly steadily increasing in pow er in the German imperial govern- ment, Mr. Strans. wished to state that the same drastic measures ad- vocated by the American Socialists were noti entirely included in the pro- paganda of the German body, which was undoubtedly less radical. This has already been proved by the at- titude of representatives from the Grand Duchy of Baden, in the south of Germany. These men, though re- presenting the Socialist party, had forsaken the impracticabl ideas ad- vocated by the main body, and- were co-operating with labor powers in an earnest effort to abate many of the existing injustices which beset the lower classes. It was much to be hoped that de- Nelopment along this line would con- tinue, because it would bave'a ten dency to facilitate the work of the progressive labor party and to grad- ually reduce the power still exercised by reactionary conservative factions. In coming across the continent from the Altlantic coast Mr. Straus. was particularly impressed with the possibilities of the agricultural lands of the Canafian and American prair- ies. Such a cotimtry, if properly cul- tivated, could support the entire world with earth products, and after s eing Ht the could Feddily realize ti8 cause of immigration to the Domin- Yon which had taken place during re- TO STUDY BANKS. Mr. Sttaus stated that he had vis- ited North America prin ipally to study bankiog systems on this side of the water and to look after some large investments held by himself and clients. He was not particularly impressed with the American bank- ing methods, as in some cases (they savored too strongly of speculation. ;There-was-also-a surprising system of trading property prevalent im Can- ada which was almost entirely sup- ported by a credit system, This he thought might be the -nueleas of trouble in the event of stringency ia the money market. ae THE BANKING: BUSINESS GRatly Impressed. With of the 24 That civit rather than international trouble of Germany on account of the unpopu+ taxing imports, which o is being rigidly enforced by the gor on meat and. other food- 0f ail: assertion of Cail Straus, head of the firm of Straus) of the German gow ormment in spending huge sums for suppose, in anticipa- Satin Gow: Some Time Modele Suggesting the Apron Tunlg Satin nish crepe will be ible for some th fact, is growing in favor again, though st has never been for the. dfaped gowns without trim: simpiiclty and their artistic handling. Heliotrope and Mauve wonderfully becoming, and these ir raped gowns are f have always a double skirt, but ac draped that it the lower lt;and which ts the 35 f: Straight lines than ever and the more slender; the together with a soft at ON6 aide, low down on i 2 18 E Ps carried Out unless there is a Tartan Plaid Frook Handsome satins showing one-half or two-thirds of the width in black and the rest in bold plaid of akiifully coloring afford opportunity for borderiike use of the plaid, while the border is also wide enough to be aki waterian a oe cnataiag ase one ol rte tan plaid frock, the big black satin cuits and girdle left but ttle tin where the over lapping right side of the front rounds away at the bot- tom from the left side, and in the nar row puff band of green silk which bor ders this curse, narrowing to the point of disappearance as the curve ends, Small jet buttons were used along the whole line of the skirt opening and on the collar and cuffs. Tallored Skirts A majority of the tailored skirts shown so far, open down the middle or left front, the sides being often rounded away toward the bottom, either in tunic Ine, showing an under skirt, or merely disclosing an inverted of contrasting material filling in a amall space left by the cut away lines, It this under piece is plaited the skirt retains its straigi:t narrow lines, yet sives comfortable walking widths. Side Opening Skirts There are numerous side opening skirts with panel or underskirt ar Fangements, and a sort of apron tunic, which has been developed on sonie of the smart summer frocks, appears with variations in new models. A simple clinging robe of satin has an apron with square cornered bibs in fine cloth, front and back, the under Tobe showing for its full length at the sides. The cloth in one godel of this type was cleverly braided, and a gir le passing unde: the apron which fell gamparatively straight, was drawn snugly on the sides to define the natural waiste curves; A New Tunto Another model suggesting the aprou tunic had what might be called a triple apron, one section dropping over the other and each edged with a narrow fringe. The tunic was in black clo:h Gnd fell over an underskirt of black satin which buttoned for its full length on each side With white peat buttons. Over a-bodice of black satin fell nat Separate: panels of the cloth, tringed at the bottom, where they met a girdle Of the satin. White pearl buttons were upon the calfs and upon the little sa- tin yoke showing above the cloth over- louse. POCKET WATER HEATER Heretofore it has always 2een sup- posed that some kind of a stove was req to heat water, even t only a stove the size Of your band. An Ohio gentus, however, tas demon strated that this is not so by devising Su electric: water heater chat can be carried in the pocket, A little meta cylinder has a cord attached which can be fastened to an ordinary elec- trictight socket. -The current is then turned on and the cylinder e placed dn the water. The receptacle contain. Does Not Charge the Water ing the liquid must be brought to the heater, as the latter cannot be moved farther than the-length-of-the-cord, The heater will produce hot water in two minutes and bofling water in four: minutes. It is useful to heat water for shaving, and asa sterilizer Is just what 8 required. At the sam etime it does not charge the water and may. be handled without fear of contact with the current. Teja bulletin issued recently by the The State of Illinois recently. op, ened to the public ite mew school for the study and prevention ot oon tional diseases and industria: dents. The schoor new h adqualtart Gt the -sighas Hides. New J State bureau of statistics it is that the increase in the toast o1 in the State since 1898 been 436 per cent., while in the Fsame period wages have advanced 45.4 per cent British sailors are agitating for an crease ot pay. They are sald to riage Dut one raise in more Mitty years, and they think their. Will be Fistionable for Chine is tne eluded in the Mat of satin gowns, And ; or ak relegated. entirely to the backaround. It is used wean soc ines ee 1609 BECENTLY LEFT and mauve in crepe de Chine that are cinating. They fm ditficult to tell which upper. Ig high walsted tn effect. is one of the models that ippearence most caraleeniy together id without lining or Tn reality it can never be well ity BY the Dominion Government. Orig- tpron Pther Doukhobors had left the com- ii DLUMDIN-fHe 5000 DOUKHOBORS More of These Russians the Prairies. SASKATCHEWAN FOR B.C. Mr. William Blakemore, Provincial Commissioner, , Returns. from Settle- ments, Victoria, B. , Oct 25 Mr. Wil- liam Blakemore of Vi toria, who was recently appointed a commissioner by the Provincial Government for the Durpose of reporting on Question of Doukhobor settlements in British Columbia, has returned trom. Saskatchewan where he secured im- Portant evidence from the parent col- onies at Yorkton, Buchman, Swan River, Veregin and Prince Albert. His investigations showed that the major portion of these Russians are now ea- tablished ti Britian Columbia. The colonies in Saskatchewan lie between Yorkton and Prince Albert sald Mr. Blakemore to a representa- tive of The Province at the Hotel, Vancouver yesterday. The lands on which these people settled thirteen years ago were placed under reserve Inally each settler got a homestead repested disagreements with the gov- ernm nt and on the adyent of Hon. Frank Oliver to the interior depart- ment and bis demand that they should become British subjects and ed. Each adult was then allowed fifteen acres with the privilege of selecting it. They naturally selected) the portions they had previously cul- tivated. Then they resided on the small holdings, but were only tenants at will, no titles ever having been issued and their condition ultimately) became so distasteful that on the ad- Nice of Peter Veregin, their leader, they decided to move elsewhere. This Was the genesis of the exodus to Bri- tish Columbia, I ascertained that the former Liberal Government bad: pass- ed an order-in-council exempting them from military service. Others Coming Westward. Meanwhile the community had acquired by. purchase 120,000 acres, chiefly in adjacent Hudson's Bay Co, land reserves and this tended to keep these people together. Only the early Payments on this land were made and large sum is still due the vendor. It is on this land that the Doukho- bors remaining on the prairies are, settled. I further ascertained that during the past thirteen years 1000 munity to become independent, farm- ers. They have made homestead en- tries and bought additional land and their condition generally. is a pros- perous one, many of them having amassed considerable wealth. They have become British subjects and comply with registration and school Jaws as well as all other Canadian laws: During my visit to the settlement two trainloads of Doukhodors living inthe community left for British Co- lumbia, their number being over 1500. This brings the total Doukho- bor population in British Columbia to 5000 and leaves in Saskatchewan less. than 3000 of these people, exclusive of independent farmers. The new arrivals have joined the communities at Brilliant, Glade and Grand Forks, all in the Kootenays. Sittings in Vancouyer. found general prosperity pre- vailing in Saskatchewan, The crops are excellent, the weather fine and it ts hardly possible that the whole crop will not be satisfactorily garn- ered, The reason these foreigners are coming. out here 1s owing to the inil- der climate which enables them: to work all winter clearing unimproved timbered afeas. On reaching Nelson a few days ago, I found awaiting me a letter from Hon. Thomas Taylor, Minister of Works, stating that a dis- pute between the Government and the colony at Brilliant had been settled. It was in relation to a bridge there actos the Kootenay River. The Gov- ernment has agreed to grant 320,000 towards the construction of the bridge, provided the community con- tributed the rest of the cost, smount- ing to about 50,000. The bridge will be a st el and concrete atfair and Will be built under the direction of, Mr, Thurston, engineer of the worke department. Mr. Blakemore. will hold sittings here and in Victoria next week, the date to be announced later. When the flesh is bruised it should be bathed and at once with very hot water. This will prevent congestion and the ugly discolora- tion. The next time one of the children has hiccoughs remember that a lump of shgar dipped in vinegar and then sucked will be found an excellent remedy. A little eommon salt not only con- stitutes a good tooth powder, but a preservation of the teeth and gums, Keeping. the former white and the Jatter rosy and healthy. There Than There are on : e Wo about to be placed on her of. 160 acres, but in consequence of comply withthe laws and they re- fusing, the homesteads were cancell- cee seem tougt and there ix a tendency tiring. Soon you will seo marked NEW WEDDING-GLOVE No More Anxious Walting for the Bride'to Remove Her Giove A happy era bas dawned for the bride at the fateful moment. when. the finger. Intend of the usual strugsie to remove her left-hand glove, abe will muow be able to uncover the third finger without effort and without low ing her composure. This delightful re- ult is to be obtained by an ingenious wedding glove . device. The inside geam on the third fliger of tho left ove is unstitobed, so that all that the bride need do is to slip her finger through the ulft to recetye the ring, The fingor can just as easily de slip: ped back into the glove after the cere- Mony. The device will be greatly appreciated, not only by the bride, but lao by the nervous- bridegroom. The story of the origin of the wed ding glove has come to light. Some time ago a girl who had lost her right arm in the huhting field asked for 0 single wedding glove, She t marked On.the awkwardness of having to re move her glove with the help of her teeth. and it was then seen that mat. ters would be greatly facilitated for bride if she only had to uccover the ring finger. The exporiment was 80 successful that it aroused: the in- terest of other prospective brides, who saw in It a boon which would save them from the usual difficulties of re- Moving a wnole glove at the moment when'the ring was about to be put on. BLAMES THE HOBBLE SKIRT The hobble skirt 1s stated to have ners considerable reduction in the turns of the dress manufacturing roughout England, The con- m of ladies dress s has done cent, less material was used dresses than for 4 making ladies ws * BEATING WHITES OF EGGS Difficulty is often met with in beat- whites of eggs, when they abso- but for every whit of pure glycerine, then they quickly to a froth, ight ie glycerine is harmless and a drying effect, causing the eva ition of moisture from the egg. anexcess of moisture which the air from the cellsot albu- SASH CURTAIN. HINT When laundering sash - curtains, starch them only part way up, aa the rod can be more quickly inserted with Jess danger of tearing the curtains. This is a great improvement on the fully starched curtains. PATTY SHELLS When baking patty shells for cream- ef fish, vegetables, or tarts, line bak- ing tins with puff paste, and before the oven fill with corn meal, Packing it down. When baked shake ut the meal, which can be used over again, and the ehells will be found in perfect shape. Apple. Butter, Hint 5 To-avold the long, tiresome stirring of apple butter, set the pan in the oven of the range with a slow fire. It will cook evenly without burning or splashing walls,and floors, LATE-FRENCH MODEL This suit bears all-the earmarks of Wrench design with its short skirt, striped cloth and fur trims Note anion Se areas e The is ree pieces with seam down centre and the top part is trimmed with three buttons on each side. The material in model suit was a.dark green cloth with black shadow stripe, and the collar, oulfs and muff were of sable. If the cuticule about rour mail to hand nails; try using vaseline or ool cream every night before re improvement in the condition of the nails. Massage the fact, neck and arms every might, bathe at least once a day, use powder judiciously and give Loose Leaf System The News Job) turn hag greater pemiggot Detter pay and Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. atcenbivn to the hair and you will soon have removed all the ill-effects of the summer sun. The Dally News delivered in city 35 month. Pictures Pictures Pictures SOLD AND FRAMED Mave you any pretty pletures. Tf s0 havo thom franted before they got torn or soiled. if Rot, come and see the biggest suap ever offered in pictures, Prices from 5ceach up to 10 A. E. Marshall Room 8, Imperial Bank Bldg. Also agent for the Snider Rubber Stamps, All work guaranteed. 90-6 SPECIAL Tourist Sleepers. To usin 1c John Wud. Gat Basie On Sale Daily, Nov. Tto Dec. 31 Reserve Berths Now, for CHRISTMAS SHIPS See Local neta ie Details, or W J. 8. CARTER, Gen Agent. 1 4. DOBEI Tieket Aves, * Medtein ie Hat. MoWeFr OPERA HOUSE One Night Only, OCT. 28th Farewell Visit of Constance Crawley The famous English Actress, in DIVORCOUS A SPARKLING COMEDY BY SARDON. Prices 1.50, 1.00 and Ze. Do you remember your friends at Xmas? riate gifts and none more appreciated. There's a Photographer in your town. OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY. sitting. The Bartlett Studio, 218 Fourth Ave. Ther are no more approp- than a PHOTOGRAPH, Arrange for Civil Engineer and Landsrape Archi- tect. Municipal Enginer. Indusctrial Spur Railways, Sewage, Water and Gas. Supplios. Street Grading, Irrigation, Subdivisions. Layout of Parks. Steel Constructions. Motto: First-class Responsible Service for- Reasonable Prices. OFFICE: REDCLIFF, ALTA, 86-6 the GAUNCHING YORK, Authorized 1910 Big Tons He Other. Weehington, Unlted States t to be launched next wee Beoretary of sernor Dix, Ma; other notables hand to wat vessel in the U her firet plung The New Yor the Texas, are jer than any o ever been laun The New. York than the battle Swarship.constri navy yard and ship of ita clas: ther completion The battlesh ; vorized by. Cong Vids were aske were: rejected build the vess yara at Prookly The keel was 9M, and a be Bite where the B. New York, Tength 578 fect Ynches; displa + Mean draught, Since then the steadily and wh er she will de completed. E to be complete ther place as or the first divist fleet, of which the flagship. Not only in of the guns of were the New signed to be Dattleships eyei present. time th has not been newer ships of Umit in calibre New York and each carry t n ed two to a tui that all of the
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Image 764 (1912-10-25), from microfilm reel 764, (CU1744321). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.