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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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oe SN iaprn aes Se PUAN OF HEIRESS? mooie. Ane the F TO MARRY AGAIN js Sige s REVEALS DIVORCE SE feet, collects the iavisi spongy fi ibte of I y and Mosquito Dangerous? sae ll mz oO est veins malaria m sorry, but ICT stay I'm Mable to lose a thousand dollars on that, Miss Baker Fell in Love deat 1 toia you ot With Clerk Delivering . 0. pstaw, the dial can wait a ies We Two fe dave. Setcaries ed in 0 My manager has-written. me that my basiness n eds my attention. PARTED A YEAR LATER suze 2 tiie sonocalnns car ness will be all right, His Bxtravagance Caused i ry il a t a if a 7 Bil Oh, they'll get along ali right with: out you. ae You Know how much i'd like to t Stay. but the fact is my railroad the- a ket runs out tomorrow, Well, In that case, I suppose you FALL 1912. S4vetes A Bo 5 cn OMe wire mere 400 ond at pe TO- . Many a man thinks he is the whole TIUEE HUXDRRED SAMPLES 70 culoose hom, if You thing until he gets a better half. Ri Cl and Z Some married women want short- oon GOATS AIRED. The marriage of the heiress and Dr, de Van's Female Pills GEO. OPP. C. B, B, DEPOT the grocery clerk was the talk of, AraiablePrgch reruatr: neve fale, Then PS) NORTH RAILWAY, Connecticut. Moulton, . who called himself Profess without: further Batus? ee are sold at specification, had artived in Norwich Tusie, 1007. He earry- Sold at Pingle s Drag Store. ing baskets of coffee, and put- ter to the customers of big groc- ery store. He was then twenty- seven, with some powers as an ama- ; es : SPR eRe her bn ie ee UE : tour magician. He was good look- i j 2) 3 ae a fa ess HIS BEAUTIFUL ee fe s : (Miss Baker at that time was 3 : LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS: book-keeper, thirty-two years of age. Shortly thereafter an uncle died, f leaving her 100,000. She set up a eomfortable hothe in Norwich and took her place as one of the promin- ent women of the city. Given Away Absolutely Free GROCERY BASKET. In the middle of January, 1908, ee : : ire ; j a Moulton was ordered to deliver a The Hum 3 a . to swallow a last morsel Pate de/ basket at the Baker mansion. The r Gets. Rudely Sparked foie gras. E raid was out and Mine Baler set his Won Whil. Le: if Ou me f- i d Tit co en os eo ioe 2 C ved Reserved ; W . But the sentry was too frighten- eyes looked. into Moulton rv ile aning Uut o TAGOW oi to answer. wl oo date One oe pobvencnved THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO. and the DAILY NEWS have made arrangements whereby they will give away absolutely free a beautiful Upton 400 Piano. : i At this moment the Grand pais gotten and a flirtation began. Moul- : . appeared with Grand Duchess Mili- ton was invited to call. Young Adjutant Mistakes Autocrat-of All the Russias, cia, his daughter, By thredts and He did so, and made such progress - Watching His Daughters Play Tennis, for Comrade promises the story was wrung from in Bis se that on Jan. 31a fash- s : Practi oke. the miserable sentry. He and his ionable wedding was held in the Park sad Plaga: SENS ie comrades, finding an old black dotm- Congregational Church of Norwich at es ee ino and mask, -determined to have a moon, with festoons of roses, the . St. - Petersburg, Oct. 21. Czar that these two nations supply him Sood time and took it in turns to Lohengrin wedding. march, brides- Nicholas was looking out of a corri- with all hs body servants. dress up in it and run into the pal- maids and all the usual accessories. dor window of the palace ab Tsar- . The Czar's bag in his-hunting ex- ace. Each danced with-the phettiest A big wedding breakfast followed at skoye-Selo watching Mie danghters pedition oo far insIndes six bison and women and then had his full shareot the hotel, ani then te Moaten, play tennis. Growing absorbed -in 400 parteidges, fete - dainties befdre returning to. the went ona long wedding trip. the game, he leaned far out. Sud- BALL AT MOSCOW. guard room. Six tad enjoyed. then jen Pier same back they extab- denly he felt a tremendous blow ich ves when the Baron demanded the lished a home in Stoningvon, Conn. onthe lower part of Bis baok. Tursi- 055 tu cetgr ce ang ceceney vy) cand. All aro youths of goed tao Thee beget o ing sround, hie saw the frightened . Nanglemnic celabrations at Mos- 8 lave to serve year. in the Played a partiality for chorus girls face /of young Capt- Grlofi, his own oF by gobi. Though getting on * s.0nd were'as bored with the and atitomotiles and managed to jutant. in years, he enjoys life and said all Borodino celebrations as the Grand keep himself pretty well in the public his guests must. come in-dominoes, Duke himself. eye. He went in for yachting and as he have a good time: As HEROES OF EVENING. Was sued by his, skipper for wages. the Czar was not there, all enjoyed The Grand Duke quite saw their Finally, in 1909, his wife decided she ssid he thought be had hit bie. epwm- 5 ivea: thoroughly and. hone bet- Pot of View. He Iaiighel util Wa had made a, mlstelo and went to rade, Golovin. tae tan Oho dsl aries could laugh no longer and then sent New Haven, while the orstwhile gro- Wally retorted the Qzer,. youl. ta. servants in the sefcochment 20 the hoya comrades: Tey were cary.cler higd kira to New York eediu t hive hit 00 hard, ren f it) Soo wern eururieed ad the, appetite Ue Heroes of the evening and dlunsed became known that the was Golovia, . and he tumed away.) Of 6 isch domine,who kept couing till daylight. The Baron, a former Mrs. Moulton, who has re- smiling at his own joke. to the tables and cleated off all disciplimarian, protested, but the sumed: her maiden name, obtained a Prince. Golovin is as small as the ) things at intervals of half aq Ctand Duke cut him short with: divoree in Denver, early in March, Ozar, who was too far out of the ) oo ae had emptied a dozen de- My dear Baron, these boys under- 1911. f 3 ger to Maree et Se ae Os ar eee oe ne a nae ST ae ee ee ea Votes are given with all CASH PURCHASES made at when one of the waiters sent for a fs z ay: 4 x hy a the evesing Nicolas soked. an Baron Stahl von Goldstein, Master) or. be Tewarded fo teaching as al Ate. pokes kena either place, and the Contestant having the largest number of ; officer how Orloft felt after bis shock of the hold. Up came the : . 2 4 x *, eg dead tiet ta tad ot Soe e ae Jeonid Andrejef has made another divores. T do not know whether votes on MARCH 17th NEXT willl receive the piano. covered from the blow. corations. hit in Sasaka Zegulef, a tale of has ever heard that I got Thete qell him that haven't either. fould you mind showing me your Russia's recent revolution. The hero, were five counts against. him, but Was the prompt reply of the Czar, invitation card? he asked the, 982K, is the embodiment of the te- the Judge a decreo twenty who is in better spirits now than he domino, who took to his hecls.. volution s history. He is the som.of minutes after evidence of non-sup- has been for months. He went) to SENTRY EATS LUXURIBS. general, reared in cultured sur- port was given. lt;shibot over his Polish domains after Stop that mask and take him in- ? Udings, but: becomes a simple ban- eS Ee the Napoleonic festivities and will to the crystal boudoir, . was the tit thanks to the influenesof revo- ign Served Double Purpose. stay there till the end of October. Baron's orders. What was his as- /Utionaries on his young mind. The New York Press Oue of the shop- He has great faith in the good sense tonishment, on having the domino 0le book is one long accusation of Ping district's deaf, dumb, blind and of the Polish peopleiand feels as safe stripped of his cloak and mask, to eee ee a oat eee Pepi: Toy With thom as with the Cossacks, 20 see a trembling sentry; wildly trying im revelation elites Sealine ae his coat is pinned a printed sign lives for the cause, He persuades Which says: O05 OTOL OL 8-10 LOT et Tet Saszka to take up the mystic mis- In case of rain carry me into Tony A featute of this contest is that numbers are. given Con- testants, and their names are not published nor known to the general public. Those who want to get into the game should call on MARSHALL-MITCHELL and get a number. Ask for votes on every purchase at either place. i : 3 3 + : + : : 5 ; sion of saving Russia; Esshes. eae ; i : ew of 1B to we . ik ES) f eee eee) ee Z Scatteri ft thi e 1 ii i . Ge viene came ee re eT eee Dita. cee. ae ae t 2. Name of Contestant will not be published. 7 an atpaabk oat fat Ee FI te the enormity of the crimes. they 17, 1s an Americanized Italian, We carry in stock a full tine 3. Every Contestant is credited with 2,000 Votes to start commit under bis orders and kills W2O runs a bootblack stand in a side ith, : himiself, leaving the world w little strest. Did you give him permis- with, worse than he found it. sion to. wear. that algun? some one The terrible day: oughts of 8ked. 1905-6. are Neate a ae Sure, sald Tony. Why not? It jefl s cunning, bub the hopelessness 2't taht to let the poor devil sit out of Russia's position is painted dn the teTe na pelting rain and g t soaked Taarkest colors. The book baz al. t2'e skin. Folk used to let bim do resdy. WalE-an enor aes. that, but It ain t right, Nobody wants Andrejell: was 20 besieged by aa- 10 i e him shelter, but 1 don t mind. mirers some time ago that tie pub- 78 Is good place for him, He can ished a false report of is ineanity Dict Po Tomy extra nickies nes oe Ocoee and besides, Tony, shrewdly, the only means of living in peace. what's the matter with that sign as NAVY YARD HEADS CONFER 92 dVertisement for-my-own-busi- 4 ness? 2 of Building Material Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, zc., : Fir Finish and Flooring -a Specialty. Yard, North Railway Street. : + Phone 59 4, Every Contestant gets a number. 5. Standing of Contestants numbers published weekly. 6. All votes must be brought in for record on Wednesday. 7. 8. Votes must not be written upon. Tie Votes in packages with Contestant s number and the amount on top slip only. 9. Color of Votes will change and must be recorded weekly. 10, Votes are transferable only before recording, . 11. Contestant having the largest number of Votes on March FO OO g LO OHO Oh Od mob eboy, sa hehobepenenereperese. (Special to the News) Washingtoy, D. C., Oct. 21--In ac- Poets write about love inn. cot- ty ance With a new policy adgpted tage but their typewriters break 17th next, wins the Piano. y Secret tem tra . . lt;. i 7, * 4 1 ants of all ner tue commitnd. down when they attempt to portray 12. Candidates-not bringing in personal Votes will be 4 t przer s of all the naval stations and love im flat, : + ) navy yards in the dropped. of the station assembled at this city todas considering Nov. 17. Nov. 25. Davy department fi wo comets GOOM and True ethods of administra ee and reliable for regula- tive Improvement. 1 * th . . . ther particulars : : future to. Bold such content Hives toe ee ne the . For further particulars and all information call on ee -Marshalf-Mitchell Hardware Co: s BStHeE - world s most famous and. most: On every track -a-favorite . a- approved family remedy is WHITE HORSE whiskey, Ask : TORONTO STREET For SI on or writ E.G, MeN) for it inthe Dining Gar. BEECHAMS ec) PILLS . i: fs + Wa bones, 20,
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Image 736 (1912-10-22), from microfilm reel 736, (CU1744398). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.