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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Come and Inspect the range of Caps and Gloves, of which you are in immediate need. : Our stock. is selected from the most competent makers thoroughly adapted to your needs. You will find quality at fair prices and some. thing to fit and please. , * C. P. R. Men s nd, Store CAMERON-GREGG Mr, Harry Duncan Cameron, of Medicine Hat, and Miss Jessie La- mont Gregg, of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, were united in marriage at St. Barnabas church today by the Rev. BE. A, Davis, B.A. LOCAL, GREEKS OFF 10 WAR 25 Left Last Night and 35 More are Ready Will go in Day or So. BISHOP-RUSSELL In St. Barnabas church, Medicine Hat, Mr. Frank Bishop, of Carlstadt, Alta, and Miss Mary Eleanor Rus- sell, of Grafton, England, were unit- ed in the bonds of holy matrimony, Oct. 25th, 1912, by the Rev. B A. Davis, the rectoi MARRIED At 212 Braewhar St, on Oct. 26th, Rev. RG. Blundell, Mr. George ley Hapey, of Medicine Hat, to Miss Helen Sharp Weldon, of Monc- ton, N. B. Twenty-five Greeks from Medicine Hat and the district lett last night for New York from where they will sail to the Iand of thelr birth to help fight if the war against the Turks, Some thirty-five more are mobilized here and are awaiting money. They will Teaye in a-day or so. Each was with a large Greck flag, blue EW GOODS are arriving every day at The Fair store. The store where you get service, quality and keen. prices. See us before you buy your winter Blankets. We have an extra good buy. THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN. HIGH GRADE GROCERS AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, PHONE 1. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SED AVE. o1 Woodenware Specials Pails, Rolling Pins, Drying Racks, Towel Rollers, Bakeboards, ete. S Buttermakers supplies at extra special prices: BOWLS, E i PRINTS, : SPADES, gt LADLES, Etc. See our Window for Prices. J. J. Moore Son -Phone 515 North Railway Street McKinnon 's Ltd. Butternut Bread SWEET AS 4 NUT. Avoid Imitations. Look for the Label. thi tan Don t be content to read about it. be convinced. *Mother s Bread ? 100K FoR THE Try a loaf and BEL. PHONE 256. TASSIE BROS. be He called ex-C, P. R. policeman Jos Reynolds to help. him take the pris- oner in and while they were trying to do so several civilians interfered and pulled them off, kicked Reynolds and he was stunned so badly that he had to take the pri- Boner to the Statin alone. a oner to make his defence, and when he had none, the Magistrate remark- ed his surprise, saying-that he did not think that the prisoner realized the seriousness of his crime, and he would remand him till Tuesday. who the officer saidobstructed him while in the discharge of his duties and who was later arrested, was the MeQueca all gave evidence and the case was then adjourned O'clock this afternoon. The Anglican Position The Rev. B. A. Davis Will The services at St: Barnabas church tomorrow, lows: Celebration of Holy Commun- fon, 8.30 a. m.; Mornifig Prayer, 11 At the morning service, 11 a.m, the Rector will preach on, Is the Church of England Protestant? FT, WILLIAM OFFICER HERE TO TAKE FREEDMAN BAC William police, arrived in the city: back to that city to face a charg of fraud. The ofticer presented bis warrant to Magistrate Kealy and swore to It. The prisoner was the: tonight on th 8 o'clock trai SSrheNog:Commissioned Officers of teiiring. the Veterangijii the Armory cal programmeris Being prepared for the o test0n ahd refreshments Mayor Has Declared War on Hucksters With Police He Visited Market This Morning and Drove Them All Off Will Frame New Bylaws Regulating Market. Mayor Spencer has declared war on market bucksters. Hoe and the police visited the market this morn- ing. and shooed away all hucksters elling goods, telling them uot to return, Thess people are acting as a go- between the farmer and the producer. The market is to bring the producer yor. shall be the case. He intends to see that At the market, and consum r together. says the ma this present time they, are taking steps to draft up new laws and regulations for the market, and in the meantime th po Hoe have been instructed to arrest ny hucksters who put in an appears aQce and try to sell goods on the AssaultedPoliceman, Others Obstructed Him Donald Mathewson Pleads Guilty to Serious Charge H. J. Guenther Charged With Interference With Police. Donald Mathieson pleaded guilty this morning to assaulting P. C. Mc- Queen. H. J. Gunther appeared on a charge of obstructing the police. Three or four warrants will be issued if the police can recog nize them and get their names. The latter are Wanted on the same charge as Gunther s being tried on. It I were to sentence you now, I church after Vespers. would send you to Edmonton, were the words used by Magisttate Kealy gary for the Thanksgiving holidays. to Mathieson in remanding him to Jail till Tuesday for sentence. pleaded guilty to a charge of assault- ing Policeman McQueen. He When asked if he had any expla- nation to make for his act Mathie- day Oct. 27. son said that he had none whateyo , 14 preached by Rev. R. G. Blundell. nor had he any evidence to give. Chief Bruce said that In fairness rit. o Christ. to the prisoner he ought to state that Voicg in the Garden. en occasions the prisoner had be?) welcome is extended to all, of valuable assistance to the police. The ofly explanation he could give for the prisoner's act was that he was drunk, and for some time past has not been drinking. The Chief said that he was much surprised and shocked when he heard of the charge against the prisoner. Constable McQueen stated that he was on duty on Toronto St. last night when Matiileson yelled cross street. at him, calling him anything but a nice name: He, went over to the prisoner and before he could do anything the prisoner again at him and threw him to the ground. Mathieson then ran away. The offi- cer caught up to him at the rear of the Medicine Hat Music Store and here the officer stated he was badly han- died. He was kicked and butted and when he tried to put the handcuffs the swore struggle ensued, during which nh Mathieson bit him on the thumb. The prisoner The Magistrate here asked the pris- H. J. Gunther, one of. the citizens pleaded not guilty and Constables Bruce, Reynolds and Mrs. Lynch to Winnipeg for others tient, J. M. Sivan, State Deputy of the for Alberta, will viaft the city tomorrow and meet St Patrick's Knights of Colymbus the local Knights at Miss Tina Milne is home from Cal- ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Anniversary services will be held in the First Baptist church on Sun- Special services will Morning 11 o cloc Evening 7.30: EVENING CLASSES are being held in Alexandra School for foreign born, each night'of-the week from'7.30 to 9.80-- At Toronst Str et School for English-speaking students on. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7.30 to 9.30. Technical Training Classes will be opened at Toronto Street School October 29th, and will be held thereafter on Tues- ays and Thursdays of cach week from 7.30 to 9.30. These classed will be in charge of Mr. Bailey, director of Manual Training in the city schools. : 89-3 Modern Homes If you want something good and up-to-date, I can supply your needs. T have 23 houses of var- ious sizes. Attractive In appearance and special attention given to the till two Deliver Sermon Treating of the Church, Past and Present. the twenty-first nday after Trinity, will be as fol- m.; Even Song, 7.30 p. m. Officer William Stringer, of the Ft. is morning to take J. J. Freedman med. overto him. He will le: NON COMS. AND VETS. - je 21st Alberta Hussars Gre enter- i the eveniig of Noy. 6th: A musi- * will served. . layout inside. Almost half of these hotiies are sold already. See me personally and get first-hand. informa- tion. W. H. ROSEWARNE Montreal Street. Phone 800, A FEW SNAPS SOUTH YUHL Three 50 ft. lots near Ogilvie Mills, 600 each. 100 ft. corner, Columbia Ave. 4,000. NORTH YUILL 5e ft, Block 18, (Bridge St.) Fe canrnais PARK 50 ft, Block 7, 1,009. k 9, 945. r, Block 15, 1400. Park, 600. SCHOOL ANNEX Block 24, 1100. i a Jot adjoining Pat) i RIVERSIDE 80 ft. on Broadway, 900. 504250 on river, 2,000. H.C. PETTET CO. 868 Toronto St. Phone 481. 50. ft: new SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Wilkinson went to Broadview last he Unwritten God's A very hearty DREAMLAND THEATRE MEETING Happy Jim Miller, the great trophy of grace, who conducts the meetings St the Salvation Army Hall tonight t 8 p,m, and tomorrow afternoon at PR m,, arrived in the city this morn- ing. Mr F. Cummer, ah old time Rewspaper man of Calgary, for many years on the staff of Calgary Daily Herald, and the News-Tele- gram, who is almost as great a tro- phy as Jim himself, accompanies him. The meeting tomorrow. evening willbe, conducted in the Dreamland Theatre at 7,30 80. asto give as many a8 Possible a hance to hear them, WHEN BABY 18 ILL When baby ts ill when he is trou- bled. with constipation, colic, -worme or cold; when his teeth are bothering Aim or when he is restless and cross nd docs not sleep well, give him Baby's Own Tablets. They are the mother s greatest aid in keeping her Uttle ones well thousands of moth- era give thelr bables no other med- eine because they know the Tablets ta be absolutely afe. They are guar- anteed by a government analyst to be free tromopiates and other harm- fol drags found tn so-called sooth- ing mixtures. The Tablets are sold yy medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Will- Yams Medicine Co., Brockyiile, Ont. Kalser s Old Timer 0c Cigar. Sun. nies COUSENS AND SISSONS Block 2, Lots 28-29, 1050. , Terms. Block 82, Lots 17-20, 640 a pr. Block 4, Lots 25-26, 900 a pr. CENTRAL PARK z Block 29, Lots 1-2, 800 a pr. Block 29, Lots 25-26, 800 a pr. Block 27, Lots 34-38, 700 a pr. HERALD Block 3, Lots 8,4 and halt of 5, 1100. Terms. Block 5, Lots half.48, 49, 50, 5000. Terms. Block 7 : Lot 16, 760. Terms. TOWNSITE Block 82, Lot 20, 1500. Terms. Block 82, Lot 19, 1600. Terms. Block 84, Lot 24, 1876, Terms. PERRY, SEWE REALTY There is no man whom window. 200 per lot now. Get wise, we touch turns into Money. is the time to book for Xmas Offices Toronto Street. Success is Readiness for Occasion in his fe, but when she does not find him ready to re- celve her, she walks In at the door and flies out of the WESTOVER PARK values will rise It is the only inside Subdivision on the market.and today s investors can get in on the ground floor, Think of Westover Park; thh Put your own value on them next summer, Do you need a house to fall. on you? Everything we touch turns into money. We are City Agents for all lines of Steamships.. Now PERRY, SEWELL PERRY REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL BROKERS, LL PERRY S REVIEW Fortune does not vistt once rapidly. of street cars to Redeliff, Sailings. Medicine Hat, Canada, Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL S HOME-MADE BREAD i REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. : 25 PHONE 560. AMBASSADOR CELEBRATES U. 8, Ambassador to Great Snes as Now 75 Years New York, Oct. 26. Whitlaw Reld, the American ambassador to Great Britain, will celebrate his seventy- GAS CITY REALTY Co. 410 Main: St. Phone 695. MEDICINE HAT Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and Plate Blass Insurance. Athabasca Landing 160 Acres -First-Class Land Adjoining property selling 150 and 200 per 25 ft. lot Will sacrifice for quick sale, 150 PER ACRE. 6,000 CASH, BALANCE ONE AND TWO YEARS. A GENUINE SNAP. OWNER 922 24th Ave, East, VANCOUVER. 9t-3 Selected Snaps CENTRAL PARK 500 for 50x186, Block 33. 700 pr., Block 28. 900 pr.; Block 9. 400 pr, Block 27, BIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1100 pr., 5-6, Block 20. View lots, worth 1800, COUSINS AND SISSONS 650 pr., south half of 28. OLD TOWNSITE 4400, 1-2, Block 6, Braemar St, 100 ft. corner. 35500, Lots 16 and 17, Block 84, with house. 25,000 for 100 ft, Block 22, 35,000 for 180x120 corner Montreal and Sth Ave. 1450, Lot 14, Block 82. 3,500, Lot 8, Block 11, St North. 5,000, Lot 7, Block 52, Main St. South, worth 10,000. COTTAGES 2700, Cottage, 5 rooms, 50x130, South Yulll. Snap. 8000, House and barn, lot 50x 180, corner Montreal and 6th Ave. B.F.SOUCH, Phm.B. DRVG STORE, TORONTO ST. Main lot Afth birthday anniversary tomorrow. He ts now at his home ir this city on leave of absence. Rumors are in cir- culation that he may soon retire from the ambassadorship, owing to his age nd a desire to give closer attention to his interests at home. Mr, Rel has had a career filled with many successes and honors. He is a native of Ohio and a graduate of Miami University. He joined the Re- publican Party at its birth, made political speeches for Freemont in 1856, and advocated th nomination of Lincoln in 1860. He was a civil war correspondent for a Cincinnati pa- Der and after the war accepted an in- MONEY inside property. WE have Eastern customers who desire to purchase IF you have any to sell come in and Hear the Conversation vitation: from. Horace Greeley to joln the staff of the Tribune. The follow- ing year he became its managing ed itor, and upon the death of Mr, Gree- ley in 1872 Mr, Reid became chief proprietor of the paper. Mr. Reid has held the position of ambassador to the Court of St. James for more than seven years, a record without parallel in the history of the American diplomatic service. Pre- vious to his appointment in 1905, h had represented his country at Queen Victoria's jubilee in 1897, as one of the commissioners who negotiated the peace treaty with Spain in. 1893, and as the representative of the Pre sident at the coronation of King - Edward in 1902. In 1892 he was the candidate of the Republican party for- Vice-President of the United States. Houses for sale on easy payments. or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson Leader. Sat Foster's Shoe Repairing Depart ment is saving others money. Why not you? tf TALKS H. W. IRELAND. H. 8. ELLIS, The Medicine Hat Security Co. ROOM 4, BECKER BLOOK. PHONE 305, A. T, (LAXTON THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY, OCT., 28TH STORE CLOSED ALL DAY ET EE EE EES ae LEE ERTIES H.W. Iretand- Co. Main Street. Iefeiineiielnininlnintetnfetitetetnfotetetefntntninioieiobeteluletntaten Phone 54, Present Daily Advertisers tn pt the. Weekly No extra chars vertisers, VOL. 3 NC Turl the whereabout of which notizit The news that taken by tho parently with that Navin where it is sup the lime betw Lite Burgaz. west in the but it is gener bas retired fro Turkish army The victoriou stil advancin; Bunarhissar an Kulelt Burgah. Uniess the T the offensive indication is th out of Europe terference by ti TWC T Chicago F rying Many Toronto, Oct, the Toronto Ga thirty-nine inju result of at Streetsville. Jur about 5.30 las Fryer, which p five o'clock, ct yection of a tr froops engagec / from Milton to on the wreckec fans, The wr Milton shorti; With six coach diers connecte tia, the Queen Highlanders, R issauga Hotse, ice Corps and t Ta Codere of Said . to. Several 4 THE SECRE That s the Take C Held o ow. A, Ottawa, Oct suggested of Fangement dy K.C., will gt; member of the ot Hon. F. D. veloped inro and unexpected ablout in. the it now looks a all will not be inet. Followin day night betw Sir Rodolphe 1 bert Rogers, announced that to be vested w tary of State, gers will beco: Works and Ho ister of the Int Tt was wi Marechal was in on Monda lengthy sessior Premier Borde Catvinet, Mr. C chelaga; Dr. J let; Deputy Sp eral other Qu
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Image 776 (1912-10-26), from microfilm reel 776, (CU1744400). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.