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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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EDITION: auardic SERVIC E, FIVE CENTg, unk sevelt n a apectal ca e- sale lt; ze Glasgow House YOU WILL NEED A WARM COAT THIS FALL. For four days only, 15th to 19th, we will put on Coats, Heavy Tweed, and Beavers. prices from 15.00 to 25,00 SALE STARTS ON THE 16th GET FIRST Regular I C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. N fluence upon many, ) Effective Jung nd, 2912, teachers. d To. the West the surplus of nen js no quite a laughing matter, Arrive, 1 ao20 3 A.05 8.30 15 11.86 20.00 20.85 21.50 4.00 Imp. 144... Montreal 16. Yanvourar t Imp. Ltd., Vancotiver to Montreat. it Sub, Vancouver Exp. Toroute t6 Van./it might oronto Lxp., Vancouver to Tor, tiate a s St. Paul-Seattle xpress, equalit Seattle-St. Paul Express, lishing Is 1s 618 6.30 Local for Calgary. time at Dunmore shown, ee Alberta .. 2. . 23,989 150,67: en seen by Dry J. B. n was vetoed and he y in an ambulance. ad declared that he the ambulanee but an automobile and nd from the vehi le. xamination,. the phy- y-Ten Days. ais. informed the As- hat Colonel Roosevelt to the hospital for at A staff physician at Thallont, who looks i- e interests, believe in me industry. Jomber. arriving daily ern. Canada Litmber ars. of steel and bricks ir track pretty busy interest to visitors rant. ne Stewart Co. fot been very Incky it d class of mechanics in Medicine Hat and i that account they tebring four or five snstithat were familiar ae CHOICE. YOUR CHOICE FOR - 5.00 See Window ie fHouse *PHONE 433 TOWNSITE SPECIALS Block 87, 50 ft, 1,600, terms. Block 85, 50 ft, 1,500, terms. 4 HERALD Blook 4, 75 ft, 2,650, terms: Block 105 ft, 3,000, terms, 49, 50 ft. 1,990, terms. 8, 80 it, 750, terms. Balance arranged. SNAP. ty. 5,50.00, Easy terms.) as Block 12, 50 ft, 1,200, terms. a BOLLINGER AGENCY WE ARE SELLING SO FAST IT KEEPS US BUSY CHANGING ADS, BUT WE ARE SATISEIEDR IF YOU ARE. The Glasgow tiouse British-Cohunbia Manitoba... .. New. Brunswick .. Nova Seotia .. Ontario .- P. E. sland edicine Mat Dews Published by the Medicine Hut Yews Co, Lid, every lawful evening at Its oitice, Main Stree, Wediclue Baty Alta. : 4. 4. N. TERRILL, B ttor. PLONE: i Bat-ortal, Roeportorhe, and News-Dept 4? RING 's, 250,058 205,558 179,867 172,092 .. 251,019 241,319 1,299 290 1,223/984 46,659 47,069 - 1,011,247. 991,456 291,730 200,702 6,508 2,002 tes 8673 8593 ee of the sexes makes ife and for the lowering of good in any se or man 1 month, delivered. 850 . bi CENTRAL PARK Block 27, 50 ft, 700, terms. Block 6, 50 ft, 1,350, forms. Biock 17, 1-4 block, 700 pair, Block 2,-50 ft), 1,000, terms: 2 SPECIALS IN HOUSES WORTH SEEING S-roomed Cottage, near High. School, 2,450.00. 7 WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. COUSINS SISSONS terms, 500.00 cash 7-roomed House on Ottawa Street, close-in, fully modern, a beau 4 384 MAIN ST b The women of England Addresses changed ay ottea as destred, but bota niw 3 ee there is an excess of over ten per Old ad romsee et ba given. WEEuLY NEWS Publisher every Thuzeday tn sixteen or mote pages, and contains eymma y of the news of the week local and district? months, i: advance 76 3 months, in advancy. se Year in advance... . 1.50 Tuesday, October 15th A912, 2 wher aged to come to Canada in larger numbers, jand our own Eastern girls should be com- West. with the half-admitted idea of secur- ing that handsome hushand who, despite woman s new found place in business life, is still not altogether banished from the feminine imagination Globe. a 2 THE STREET RAILWAY AYOR SPENCE: s i : x ae EEENC ae fa a Gate ee STATISTIOS show that one out of every tion in Medicine Hat that there is no 367 people in Ontario is insane. We doubt but that Sir Max Aitken and his thought it was much worse than that when friends will make money out of if, Eyery. the returns were announced after the last one who lias confidence in the future of the genetal election. city must agree with the Mayor. Granting, t. 5. e then, that fits are to be expected, the THE Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. show a profit News would Jike to see the city garner the for the year of 521,441.22. results of these profits for itself, and we F have yet to hear one sound reason advanced THE news that the Duke of Connaught s to show why the project cafinot be handled short term,-as Governor-General, is to aa municipal ownership proposition, along be extended by one year, will be received at with the gas, electricity and water. no place in Canada with greater pleasure , it has been said that the city s resources than in Medicine Hat. We would like to would be strained to the utt rmost limit in sce an invitation extended to the Duke to WE ONE DOLLAR will 3 and your necount will be w Capital Paid Up . Reserve Fund open an account in our Savings Depa A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAOTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL -BRANCHES. -- ROYAL BAN? rtment ugh, Manager Soni to etoae eet: MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue: : 0. H. 4 Soedeesestoaioets - ImperialBankof Canada : 000 : esoto00 meeting other demands created by our Trapid be present in Medicine Hat, next fall, to development, thaf the demand upon thejwelcome the first train over the . N. R. exchequer. for the extending of Pementa-ystem into Medicine Hat. Sewers, water and ga systems; te., would : be so gr at as to rin us up to the limit of our borrowing powers, and that these were matters: which, would. of necessity call for the first attention, leaving the city in no pontrion to finance a street railway prob- jien. : This argument is one which, under ordin- ary circumstances, is entitled to considera- tion very careful consideration, but. un- der the conditions which now present them- selves to us, with the ownership of our treets at stake, we must rise to the-oecas- on, and our plans must be governed by cir- cumstanees which are on a plane quite out of the ordinary. children without their guidance. Then its What extraordinary method of procedure sinister adjunet, the Sunday School, draws must then be followed to meet the emer- the children, even of tender age, from the gency? must have more money and atjhome circle. Thus-it tends powerfully to the same time we are told that the limit of destroy the fireside. It leads directly to our resources will be exhausted in meeting vain ostentation in dress on the Sabbath, ordinary expenditure. If our present re- of all'days. The iembers of the eae Sources are not equal to the demand, which tion quarrel. The edifice may be drafty is being made upon them, we must -seek to and the cushions full of germs. 0 HOW would you like to own a street rail- way franchise in a western city of 25,000 population? That s what Max Aitken wilt have within two years, if the voters of Med- icine Hat don t get down to cases and fig- ure out this proposition along logical lines. SSS 0- PUBLIC OUINION. oS Tt would heveasy, sarcastically remarks the Barrie (Ont.) Advance, for-some peo- ne-that the church is a-seandalous institution. It takes father and mother from Jhome in the forenoon, leaving the Established 1964, A general Banking -D. wine 2Capltal, Pala U; Total Assets (Nov. im) over 51,000,000. Transacted. Savings Accounts, 86,000,000: THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANAD lt;. FALL 1912- COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP. SUIT AND DRRED SAMPLES J , Cleaning 5. COATS REF. 180 Branches In Canada. Special attention to 4 Medlelng Hat Branch SAMPLES ARRIVED VERCOAT. CHOOSE FROM. increase these resources, and the most feas- , oo THIS DATE IN HISTORY. ible manner in which to accomplish this re- ' sult is to apply to the Legislature for per- so mission to increase our borrowing power. 1612 Champlain atriyed in Canada to take * up his work as Governor of the coun- Ti will be time enough to enter into nego tiations with a privatecompany if the Leg- try. : 1812 U. S. frigate President captured the 5 -richly laden British packet Swallow. islature refuses to ane ission. imagin: jowever, that respect 1856 Osear Wilde, noted author and play- wright, born in Dublin. Died in Tt ean hardly be i Medicine Hat s. application in this respect Paris, Nov. 30, 1900. would be turned down. Such permission has been obtained previously by Medicine Hat, and as the Legislature is strong on 1890 International Brotherhood of Loco- this municipal ownership policy, the mem- motive Engineers was organized at bers would think twice before negativing Pittsburgh: : 5 1911 Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore cele- brated his golden jubilee as a -priest. sos oy Sere eed the request. Again; debentures of this nature, i. e., de- THIS IS MY 54th BIRTHDAY Martin Burrell. bentures to-raise money for investment in Martin Burrell, the Canadian Minister of OPP. C. P, R. DEPOT a revenue producing utility, are not regard- land, October 15, 1858, and received his ed- ed as a debt against a muni ity in fin- ueation there. He came to Canada in 1883 ancial cireles, and they are the most sale- we so little faith in the future of te engage in fruit farming in the Niagara y that we will allow this valuable franchise to slip away from us without first LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 304 Toronte. Streets able paper whieh can be placed upon the Ei our peninsula, He r mained there until 1889, ina then went out to British Columbia, tak- ing up his residence in the: town of Grand Forks.. He drifted into polities ze mew home and. began his publie career. by being elected Mayor of Grand Forks in 1903. The following year he was named as the Oon- servative candidate to contest Yale-Cari- boo in the general parliamentary election, but did not succeed in his first-campaign. He was successful, however, in the general election four years later. He -has large ag- ricultural interests in the West. When Mr. making every endeayor: to finance it our- selves? Ot ee THE WESTERN MATRIMONIAL MARKET : WP are prone to lau: gh at the girl who goes out, West t0 inerease her Matrimonial chances. Stories of the Ontario school teachers who average something less than id whose matrimonial ventures force the Western School Boards regularly YY. young Jadies other than stead of making ct of jocular comment-in the East very well-be- worth awhile to. ini- us national effort to restore the n numbers of the sexes by pub- widely in Burope the facts as tour lorhood because there are not enough wives u 230 24 Sov, Ltd, St. Paul-Port, to. go around, The ensus figures are . ap 4 108 1 Block 2, 860 per pate. 12 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd, Port-St. Paul. follows: ' oer ROSEDALE Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat Passing Males. Females. cent. of women over men, should be encour- mended instead of laughed at when they go J.J. LAIT / Good Buys s Re EE 76 ft. corner, Block 23, 1600, Terms, G0-ft. corner om Highland St. 6 21.85 Prairie Exp. Winalj ignry. . Pi : near School, 1650, 535 GED Praia me. Calpaee te Winans. ess of male population, especially in the MERAtE 514-517 5.05 Express fi Kootetiay Landing. WV Canadaas a whol has 000 men to Sand 51 saindk. 16, bb00 512-519 19.00 Loeal trom Cranbrdok 'y886 women. The Mh. Tae em e hie 33.08 Leeal from Calgary. -vyovinees-shows-that-in 4 prac 10-lotsin Block 21, gab 1088 teal ter Cranbrook: ly one man if dhtoe is condemned: e- Terma, a 520-513 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. v4 50 ft. im Block 14, 1200. Terms, 100'tt. in Block 3, 4000, Terms 100 ft In Block 8, 8200. Terms. or OrasHEE 51 ft near station, 25,000. I have 160) acres of nico level Iand near Redelift at a bar- gain, this. ; Call and see me about the city. BRING ME YOUR LISTINGS, Donald Currie ecided whetheX to give a suit of old clotaes away or have it re hoyated, decide on the renovat- ing and bring It to us Fou'l be mighty glad you did, be- cause we will probably save You the cost of new clothing. Our methods of cleansing are scientific and right up to date. Give us your work. THE GLOBE. CLEAN- ING PRESSING Co. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. oe Seren nae ee oe ; GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AND C.P. RY. ARIR AGEAC See Harris Olson if you Tequire help or Sf you are look- ing Yor work. Real Estate and soeees ': 386 TORONTO ST. : Over Mitchell's Butcher Shop. Insurance. Laundry Modern and sanitary in every Feapect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed, PHONE No. 8, Your patronage solicited. And ou? drivers. will call, foF and return the goods. a ouse Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. 116 MONTERAL STREET Phone 260. Other property in all parts of When you build, consider QUALITY first Don't be per- buy CHEAP DUM BER because it s cheap-une the very best. We have It, and ev- ersthing the Butlder requires, A select stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, PIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. i We have the ageney for the eelebrated Morgan Doors, CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR PosTs, WIL- Low Posts ae OARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0, BOX 29, PHONE 67 FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c.... Quart 25c.... Pint DON'T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : H. B. CURTIS CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT. AND HEAYY DRAYING. Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR Phone 569. Box 304, CROSSLEY BROS, Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. - Houses for Sale. s OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHOXR NO, 368, 402 728 THE J, S. FOLLIS ; Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO sr. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graves Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale-nt a All Times, FE. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street. Phone No. 416. P. 0. Box 31. SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, Machines for Sale and Rent. nish the supply;are told at mai arig tea table, and undoubtedly have in- three years of spinsterhood in the West, ; ne Borden became Premier last year, he select- ed Mr. Burrell for Minister-of Agrieulture. T.F. Reynolds INTE ETc, 81 North Rallway Street. P.O, Box i, tt * Phone 436, I Latest samples in Wall Paper, 12 Eighth Ave,
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Image 680 (1912-10-15), from microfilm reel 680, (CU1744386). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.