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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT FOR SUFFRAGETTE For Attempting Arson, the Daughter of Sir John; Croggs Will Do Hard Labor... (C. A. P. Cable.) rd, England, Oct. 19 Helen . a militant. suffragette, was sentenced to nine months at) labor on the charge of attempt- to set fire to the residence ot V. Harcotirt, Secretary of the Colonies. Miss Craggs, ig daughter of Sir John Craggs, discovered by a watchman, with Smother woman in the grounds, of Nunsham Park. When searched she Was found to be carrying quantity of inflammable material and spirits. ROOSEVELT IMPROVES Progress So. Satisfactory His Physicians Did Not Issue Usual Bulletins: (WAP. Dispatch) Chicago, Oct. 19 Col, Roosexelt's condition was 0 satisfactory last night that-it was announced that the usual night buileting of. the doctors Would not be issued. Dr. W. B. Mc- Cauley ysid a brief visit to the Col- onel and found that he was resting easily, The clinical no change. I think It now is safe to say Col. Roosevelt. to ail practical purposes is Out of danger, announced Dr. Lam- bert, and Dr. W. B. McCawley, who has charge of dressing and caring tor the wound, agreed with him. Col.. Theodore Roosevelt will leave Mercy Hospital for Oyster Bay Mon- day forenoan at 10.25 over the Penn- sylvania Road. This was the -an- nown ement made today: by Dr. Alex- arder Lambert, the Colonel's family physician. report showed HONORS FOR RABBI KRAUSKOPF Philadelphia, Oct. 19. -Spectal ser- vices were held at the Broad Street Temple today in celebration. of the Rev, Dr. Joseph KrauskopFs: tweniy- fifth anniversary as rabbi of Kene- oth Israel Congregation. Rabbi Kra- uskopi is one of the foremost Jewish, scholars, of America Born in Prus- sia in 1858, he came to America at the age of 14 and for a time was em- ployed in the mills at Fall River. He graduated from Hebrew Union Col-' Jege in 1883 and. held a pastorate in Kansas City befor coming to Phila- delphia in 1887. He is. widely known as the founder of the National Farm School, in which Jewish boys are trained in practical and scientific ag- riculture. f Wg, have been in business, in this town for some time, and we are look- ing to build up trade by always ad- Yising our patrons right. So when we tell you that we Wave found the effective eczema remedy, you Gan depend upon it that we give Our advice, not in order-to sell a few bottles of medicine to skin sufferers, well known skin remedies. But*we will say this: If you are suff ring from any Kind of-skin trouble, ecze- ma, psoriasis; rash or tetter, we want you to try a full size bottle of D. D. D. Prescription. . Our Personal Advice to all Skin Sufferers CHAS. S. PINGLE, DRUGGIST. Again and again we have seen how few drops of this simple mash, ap- plied to the. skin, takes away. the itch instantly. And the. cures all seem to be permanent. D. D. D. Prescription: made by the D. D, D. Laboratories of Toronto is composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wintergreen and other healing, sooth- ing, cooling, ingredients. And if you Dut because we know how it will help Sre just crazy with itch, you will feel our business if we help our patrons. soothed and cooled, the itch absolute- gerald was talking to the ratepayers. Wg keer in-stock and sell all the Iy washed away the moment you sp- ply this D. D.-D, We have made fast friends of more than one famfly. by recommending this remedy to a skin sufferer here and there and we want you to try it now. 131 Opera Reserved Seats, 1.00. IN AID OF ST. BARNABA THREE NIGHTS, COMMENCING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 CORBIN The Human Dynamo, the Electrical Hypnotist, in his Wonderful Mystifying, Scientific Productions. Plan at Pingle s Drug Store. A GRAND EVENING 0 if Will be held in the OPERA HOUSE da) ly selected company of services, House General Admission, 50c. 8 CHURCH OnGAs a LAWYERS JOKED IN ELECTION CASE W. He Truman and . J. Murray Given Sentences ; on Charges of Theft. FEELING RUNS VERY AIGH Strange Outcome of Prose- eutions Arising From the MacDonald Bye-Election. QW. A. P. Despatch) Winnipes, Oct. 19. Provincial Police) Magistrate MoMichen this morning sentenced: two Winnipeg lawyers, W. H. Truman and E. J, Murray to ten days each in jail on Ja charge of stealing a court docu: ment. This was the outcome of a general mixup in which the magistrate, the two lawyers and the police were en- gaged. The trouble (arted over the J. J. Sullivan case in cannection with the MacDonald bye-olection. McMurray, counsel for Sullivan, ask- ed MeMichen to let him see the in- formation paper and when he had it in his hands said he would make a copy. The magistrate refused and attempted to take the paper away, In the ensuing scuffle McMichen called on the Provincial Police to arrest the two lawyers and then handed out the above sentence. Hugh McKenzie, another lawyer engaged by Truman on the spot, de- clares the magistrate threatened to hit him over the head with a chair if he did not get right out of the court room. Feeling is running high on: both sides in connection with. the: various cases arising out of the re- cent bye-election. WILD SCENES MARKED CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Continued trom page one) Just then Mr. Fitzgerald remarked that he had the floor. The Mayor allowed Mr. Brown to speak on a Point of order. Mr. Brown remarked that Fitegerald should put his pro- Position im writing and then submit it. Words started to fly, and. during the turmoil the Mayor was heard to announce: This Couneil stands ad- As there was no chairman, Mr. Fitzgerald had full sway. He went on to remark about the dynamite Part of the clause he was discussing. The Mayor suddenly halted him, however, with the remark, If, any- thing happens to. you, Mr. Fiteger- ald, I ll.ask you to will me your gall. To which Fitzgerald retort- ed: Any man who. says. he s repre- senting the ratepayers and protect - ing Max Aitken sinterests-at the same time don t need my gall. Mr. Fitzgerald then made a long Statement, with frequent interrup- tions, to the effect that he wanted to Bet into the field. He spoke of his Investments, and in answer to the Mayor's query, said that he made them Just yesterday. He said that he wasn t Tepresenting himself, bit pro- duced a statement from: the ratepay- ers asking him to act during the con- sideration of this agreement for them. The names read off the list hy City Clerk. Baker were, J. F. Bending, J. J. Costello, W. R. Babbington, W. B: ker, and N. R. Fletcher. A Voice The Pittsburg bunch Then Mr. Mahaffy took part. Fitz- Well, go ahead, said Mabaffy, I'm foing to talk to the Mayor, but he talked louder than Fitzgerald. The Aldermen yelled and the Mayor Taughed loudly, with the result that, Mr, Fitzgerald was drowned ovt: When he got an opportunity Mr. Fitzgerald Said some: pleasing things about the City Solicitor, and also mentioned the fact that he thought that the counct was trying to brow- beat the people. Mr. Maliafty; They'll never brow- beat you. Mayor: He's chairman and the Whole cheese. : Ald. Ansley Was noticed to wave his arms. It was Impossible In the din to hear what he was saying. Mr, Mahaffy suggested that the counell should hire this man to han- die the agreement for them. Fitzgerald: I'm serying the rate- payers. + Mayor: You can depend on it, as far as the Mayor is eoneerned you'll hever serve the council The Mayor here went. into a long explanation of the council's stand on the matter. Fitzgerald came to me, He was a stranger; I did'nt know where he eamie from, ft might have been heaven; ft might have been the other place. Here Fitzgerald interposed with: NL not enroach on your special do- main Your Worship. , The Mayor then-went on to. say how this. man came to him and asked for a copy of the Aitkin agreement. T refused it. He sald that he would Bet it If he had to raise hei to get it, He said that te would force -pub- Ne sentinient so that 1 would have to give it, He would: stop. the: growth of/ our tbx, Stir itp the ratepayers, 1 shink ie Behr time thats , man Whe thal waa ht of our'ityaWe're g Rew C14) we're working hardsand on't Want to be in the chair. I re- deat this forgigued oming in here; yiig we must do this and we niust o that. No ono this side of the line of the other will make me do any- Mithg that is sot square. Plato. that -he-eould not-comply with: Mr, Fitzgerald's. request to see. the Aitkin agreement. Mr. Mulr, of gary, had Just. xot through amem ing it, and Winnipeg lawyer Was to take it now for urther scrutiny, The agreement therefore was not completed. When it was returned from Winnipeg another imass meet- ing. WOW. be called to discuss It, clause by Glauge, and this would be the time te offer changes in the jelauses, The Mayor left the chatr and the evening's Enjoyment was at an, end. Edmonton Has its First. Snow Half a kb Jay. on Gr und) at Daybreak This Morn ing. CW. A. P. Dispateh) Edmonton, et. 19. Edmonton Woke up this morning to her firet real snow storm of the season. There Was a balf-inch on the ground at day- break, and with the snow still fall- ing this forenoon, the prospects were that the shipping would be impeded by the weather, CONFERENCE OF TRUCK GROWERS (Special to the News) Dallas, Texas, Oct. 19. A mass con- vention of fruit and truck growere of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas was Held at the State Fair here today to discuss matters relating to the profitable marketing of perish- able products of the South, Address: es were delivered by B. F. Yoakum, head of the Frisco system of rall- roads, and others SOLDIERS MONUMENT UNVEILED (Special to the News.) Dover, N. H, Oct. 19 A hand- Some monument presented to the city of Dover by Col: Daniel Hall in memory of the soldiers from this city and vicinity who fought in- the civil War was unvelled today with simple but impressive ceremonies. Corporal James Tanser, former Commissioner of Pensions of the United States, de- livered the principle address. The Ladies of Medicine Hat May Now Have Beauti- ful Hair All First-class 8 Sell SALVIA and Guarantee it to Grow Hair, or Refund /Your Money. Your druggist is backed up bythe manufacturers of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grower. It is guaranteed to grow hair. ; SAZVIA destroys dandruff in ten days. The roots ot the hair are so nour- ished-and fed that a new crop of hair springs up, to the amazement and delight of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Like all American preparations SALVIA is daintily per- fumed. It is hard to find an actress who does not use SALVIA continual- ly. Ladies of society and influence use no other. SALVIA is a non-stick preparation and 5 the ladies favorite, A large generous bottle 50 . Hin Worahip then went on to x- Pingle, Wales. Bell Notary Public, Real Estate, Etc, 4th Avenue, 1 Minute Past Post Office. ToDay s 4 each. Block 8, ten Jots, 400- eat . GENTRAL PARK Block 17, * hree lots, 500 each? Block 18, four lots, 450 each: Block 17, two lots, 437 . each: gt;: BENDING Whole blocks of lots at - 450-pair and 500 pair. RIVERDALE - Whole blocks 520 pair. BROADWAY (RIV- ERSIDE) Ten lots at 850- pair. HERALD Block 21, ten lots, 500 each. Our Service Call upon us. car is at your largest list in the city. Listings wanted. Kind- ly drop post card. * Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited. THEROYAL LINE MONTREAL QUEBEC fb Summer. Halifax in Winter. 0 BRISTOL, ENGLAND Shortest route to London and Continent on Magnificent Floating Palaces. RMS. Royal Edward Oct. 30th. RAMS. Royal George Noy. 13th, Xmas Sailings From Halifax, R. M.S. Royal Edward Nov. 27 R. M. S. Royal George Dec. 11 . Rates of Passage. ist class, 92.50 summer; 85 winter, and upwards. 2nd: class 53.75 and upwards. 8rd class, Bristol or 32.50, + London, Ask any Railway or Steam- CLASSIFIED ADS. Situtions Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ad under these headings, 28 words; one day 2... 26 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, atx daya ,, .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 35 cents. Cash. must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 18 ring 2, and it will regelve attention. ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRACT- ing, elther carpentering, painting, : doring, plumbing, engineering, Will be undertaken by the undersign- ed, Estimates given. Patrick Mac- Court, 72 Third:Ave., or general de- Uvery, city postottice. 82-6 HELP WANTED, 'WANTED Laborers by the Canad fan Stewart Co, 800 per hour Apply Ogilvie Mili site tt of house. Wages 25. Apply at once, 108 Montreal St. 85-3 WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Highest wages patd. Apply Mra. Dr. Slack, 2-4 WANTED AT ONCE DAILY GIRL for general house work. Apply Mrs, G. W. H. Simpson, Central Park, 82-6 WANTED A NIGHT PORTER. AP- PLY Redcliff. Hotel. 84-5) WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A. Dickinson, Bennett House, 6th Aye- nue. Rett WANTED PORTER. APPLY UOs- mopolitan Hotel. 83-tf pee WANTED + FOUR . FIRST CLASS carpenters, 50c an hour. Winter's work guaranteed. McLaughlin McLean, Redclift, 82-4 WANTED GIRL FOR BOOK-BIND- ery. Steady work. D. A. Printing Engraving Co. 36-8 WANTED A SMART GIRL, CAPA- ble of taking care of baby in the al ternoons, Apply 711 Esplanade, 81-tt WANTED SOLICITOR TO SELL shirts. Apply room 3, News block. Sitt WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A, Dickinson, Hotel Cecil. S6tf TWO GORDON PRESS FEEDERS wanted at once. Apply to foreman News Job Department. tt SERVANT WANTED APPLY TO Mrs. E. B. Lively, at Sugar Bowl, Main St. ast YERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday morning. Telephone 787, Job Office, or Assiniboia Hotel evenings, Can- adian Stewart Co, Limited. 75-tf. WANTED AT ONCE A GENERAL Servant. Apply 132 Montreal St Mrs. James Cain, Tb-tt. WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teamisters. Apply A. P, Burns Contracting Co. Tit )WANTED AT ONCE 50' carpenters jon Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp ship -agent-for-tisetrated book- lets, rates, etc., or write A. H. DAVIS General agent, Scott Block, 272 Main Street, Winnipeg. Sold at Pingle's Drag Store, Medi- cine Hat, Alta, Broadway, Riverside, 60 ft. for 9850. All around sold at 1000 50 ft. Do it quick. Pimgle, Wales Bell. S4tt NOTICE In the Distriet Court of the Jud- icial District of Calgary, Between . Magdalena Johnson, Plaintiti, and 2 Lewls Cummings, Defendant, TAKE NOTICE that a writ of sum- mons has b en -fssued herein where- by the Plaintiff claims against the defendant the sum of 62.05, togeth- er with interest on 59.10 at 5 per cent. per annum from the 14th May, 1912, to date of jii gment, for board Supplied by the plaintiff to the de- and-that if a Dispute note-is not filed with the Clerk of the Court on of before the 16th November, 1912, judg- tment will be entered against'the De- fendant for the amount of the plain- tiffs claim and costs. Dated at Calgary, Alberta, the 17th day of. October, A.D. 1912. (Sgd.) AL A gt; CARPENTER, + oe IDC. Laidlaw Blanchard, Plaintiff's Solieltors. 0-19-26, MEDICINE HAT GENERAL HOSPITAL TENDERS I) ITED. Tenders are invited by the Med - cine. Hat General Hospital for the purchase of land for a Hospital site, amount required not less than one Diock., Tenders to be in, the hands) fa hardito*have man like this one ficome h re, I want to/do the square thing by every Ong, and where the sUuare thitg is net being done, I Of the Secretary by hoon of the 28th nt, R.M. NAPIER, Secy.-Treas. Oct 17h, i9i2, ei aes fendant, and the costs of this action, - SALESMAN. WANTED TO HANDLE HIGH. - LUBRICATING OILS on, site. Canadian Stewart Cox n MAID WANTED APPLY, GENERAL Hospital. 67tt a WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co, 60-tf SUERTE TREY Aaa WANTED HALL GIRL. APPLY Civil Engineer and Landgesipe Archi. tect. Municipal Enginer. Indusctrial Spur. Retiways. (Sewage, Water and Gas Supplies. Street Grading, Irrigation: Subdivisions. Layout of Parks. Steel Constructions, Motto: First-class Responsible Service for Reasonable Prices. OFFICE: REDCLIFF, ALTA, Bal CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. A HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants-and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth bridge. A. E, Gibson, C.A,, resident partner, Phone 198, Burne Block 4 housekeeper, Assinibia Hotel. 81-6 ROOMS TO REN lt; TWO BEDROOMS, .ALSO SITTING roome to rent in a fully modern, new: house, minutes from depot. Would suit two or three gentlemen. Apply box 1885, News office, 85-3 BOARD WANTED ROOMS AND GIRL OR WOMAN TO TAKE charge WANTED fo RENT WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE Desk room in a central ofti ea, Ap- gt; ply A. Dickinson, box 233. 3 85-2 a ROOMS WANTED. lt; WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, ROOM and. board: in private family, SApply P. 0, box 913, + 868 as Sa WANTED sMALL FURNISHED house for five months, or 2 house- keeping room. No children. State terms. Address box 1879, News of- i fice, 81-6 x o a ts WANTED TO BUY ee WANTED TO BUY HORSE AND bugeY, and harness, complete outfit. Apply box 1386 News office. 85-3 oS WANTED MILOH GOW. APPLY ie AP. Burns, Esplanade. 78-tt a WANTED TO BUY Bullding lois mn Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete, to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. nn WANTED CLEAN COTTON. RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade. 62-th eee eee BARN TO RENT. ee FOR SALE A FINE LOT-OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Me- Goo, R dvers, Sask. 880, . FOR SALE COCKS, HENS, COCK- erels and pullets, in R, C, Brown Leghorns. Will sell cheap if taken in large numbers, P. Riches, 99 Toron- to St. 81-6 eee Sus STORAGE WANTED. ggSnSeeEe ee WANTED STORAGE FOR COAL. Shed or any kind on ground floor, P- 0. box 818, city, 81-tf STRAYED STRAYED ONTO THE PREMISES of the undersigned, on or about Oct. 15, a team of horses, one black with saddle, branded 76 on left thigh, and the other gray, branded N on right thigh. Owner may have same on Proving property and paying expen- ses, R. J. Reynen, Sec. 1-4, 27-13-14, Medicine Hat P, 0. 86-6 STRAYED ONE SAY GSLDING branded on shoulder; white star on forehead, white stock- ings behind. One sorrel mare branded and on hip, white blaze i on face, 3 white stockings. Frost snip tip of each ear. We are doubtful about the stockings in each(case. Reward for information. Apply H. B. Browne Co., Auction- cers, Medicine Hat. Phone 703 81-2 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, welghing about 1300, branded either H.-F. monogram on left shoulder, or ) ft let Selah Tle Horne ts / tour years old and has trim- med tall. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat Sept. 30, 1912, eS STRAYED +- ONE DARK BROWN mare, white star in forshead. Weight about 900 Ibs, Brand'S on tip. Aleo one yearling colt, follows mare. Re- ward. Apply E. J. Fewings, Medicine Hat. 81-6 z MEDICAL DR. W. M. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon. Office above Assiniboia Music Store. Office hours A. M. 10 Jem, for it is to 12; P.M, 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30. Resi- police f fence 512 Roy St. piace ae enforee 708. 0. 19-1m fz ven Na AUCTIONEERS uf i FI: 8. BROWNE GO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb eee H i and farm stock sales conducted any- See. L whore, .House furnituee sales con- ai eke ducted anywhere., our ex- lt;Hlo fiad. tn perience at your disposal free. Phone ze 70s, H. B, Browne Co, 619. To oe ronto St. : seat , CORSETIERRE Bes school. Phone 699 for appointment or WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN private family. Apply box 1980 News ftice. 82-6 FOR SALE a a FOR SALE THE ENTIRE HOUSE: hold furniture and furnishing of a) S00d-sized house, will be sold, rea- sonable for quick gale. Apply 118 Toronto. Street. 86-3 BOARD AND ROOM. write P.O. box 72, Mrs, Matthews, MISCELLANEOUS : MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and s ulce new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above photo inside, Owner may obtain same at News office. 85-3 LOST GOLD WRIST WATCH. RE- TURN to News office, Medicine Hat. 5 reward. 84-6 BOARD AND ROOM APPLY 432 and pay the best prices. Call at 604 grace Roy St. or Phone 04. 86-3 South Rallway St. or Phone 587. i Toe ike ooRD WANTED LADIES AND GENTS: : cast-off clothing, shoes, watches Get FOUND SOME TIME AGO, LOCKET Jewelry, guns, revolve ete with monogram on outside and a 8e8, stoves, musical instruments if: furniture, Democrat waggona, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, ete,, raw hides and furs, horse heir, wool and f ithers, bought ana sold. Apply to the Harvard Tatloring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P.O. box 68, The Daily News dblivered in the Peas 85-6 city 36 a month. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above.
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Image 714 (1912-10-19), from microfilm reel 714, (CU1744374). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.