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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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COBI 2 . ND OLD MAN: OF MEDICINE Young Despite the Fact That Every Hour of the Day with : Birthday MEN Dr. Abraham Jacob was lutroduced as the Nestor of, American medicine by Dr. Jobu B. Murphy, whom be succeeded the poor walt on equal terms. One has Tas presic American Pee asic art te wonder howe iaauy get to the tiny: doc ft Convention held in Atlantic City, the for there ean't be hours nough in P the day for him to see them and to meet, five thousand physicians and surgeons as- country the other demands upon him. His desk emunbied. from all parts Tsbed bis address the applause was tPching his various interests. The tele: touiler and more prolonged than before. Phone rings to call his attention to other At the age of four score and two years mands upon his time and thought. His This indefatigable little man is a active *8*istant comes In with a report. He: * and as interested in bis profession and in eods message to the Russell Sage) the health and general welfare of the Foundation, which bas helped the Milk community as any-of his confreres who Committee furnish nurses to look after afe-in What ie tefned the prime of life. thousand women who are to become) His address at the convention was full of Othem to help then through thelh or vigor dnd useful suggestion, and shot with eals and to provide. for thent im case the rare gleams of Humor that are 20 char-/ y te overworked, Which ne of the acteristic of this quaint, picturesque and P00F is not overworked? asks: Dr. Jacobi, useful old man, To see him and hear him *Propos.of this eituation. ds to realixe that he is eighty-two years A package is brought in with a mes- Foung, not old. Enthusiasm, acarcely st- The doctor's face softens, How, itsmed, burns in the deep'eyes under the s she? be acks, and then explains: Wiagsy brows, and the spare, compact These are fresh eggs she has brought) figure betokens energy. and endurance. me. and this, taking up an old fashioned There in nothing that indicates the weak- Bosegay, is from her. garden. They Bess that 96 often enforves retirement were from a gratefu patient. The frib- ppon wen of his age after a long and busy utes, especially from. mothers, are many. life He is more then upto date. He in Sometimes they do not cost much. These, Jooking. ahead to see how the gathering who have money pay the good doctor, but perpl xities o to-day are to be sdlved, those who have not get just as good how the future generations. are. to be treatment: He gives his time, : far as hettered and safeguarded by the intelli- it will 0, rezardless of the social or finan- gent and conscientious 2fforts of the peo- cial condition of bis patient. ple of today. He can be delightfally ; At this season Dr. Jacobi is Anishing Feminiscent,-but his face ie set toward in a whirl the cumulative work of the the future, busy year. Although elected a year'ago As Dis hexrt ls young be resenta the at Los Angeles president of the Americas Words that suggest old age being applied Medical Association, he was onty the 10, him even in a splz't of respect. He crown prince, as he put it, until this year, Was opening his mail y-hen-the. repregeh- When he became monarch. He not only tativ of this newspe7-t called npor him. madt a remarkable address on the-oc- Out of an ex-alope fell some clippings, caxiow of his accession, but he prosided Recently Celebrated His Eighty-Second lisered him lustily, and wher be bad tig- lavers deep, with letters and papers) gain. under the folds-of fag inscribed He Crowds Work uonestly held, be went to jail for it, suf- fering his martyrdom with that inflexible jand. at the same time, modest fortitude which is the tonebstone of true manhood. Phos to have served a term in prison -was with bima mark of fidelity to his concep- on of his duty ax a citizen. And- that jhias been the type of his citizenship ever since. After his release from prison the young doctor sought home in the United States, Where he hoped to find the r alization of his Ideals In speaking of his experfence in getting here he once said: One of jmy old text books was of special value fand proved of more than local service that is what every apecialistie work should be for, strapped over iy Yevolting ab- domen, 1 protected ne against sensickbedd when, in forty-three days crossed. the AUantic ob the good: Boston three master ( Trimountain, Captain Rea. in September jand October, 1853. That trip closed. my jButopean life, the Jast two years of whl jafter my graduation bad teen an entire joss to me. When Oster praised ie pit gt; publication in the seven: yeats follow my- graduation he didnot know that tii nearly two of those seven years, I never saw a square inch of paper or more than, an infipitesimatly small pencil, which I concealed in my hal But medicine had, meanwhile, con- trived to evolve the new methods in which I was raised and I found myself at home with the gospel;of biological research. Thus I had.something to live for. 1 rejoiced that there would never again be the victim of a single theory or the work of an individual man, but the result of ever so many thousands laboring in all methods for a common aim. Expert on Children s Diseases. thusiasm of the forlorn young refugee ' who, in October, 185 sbadow of Bunker Hill, though there was wobody there to receive him, and but the fetisp autumn air of w free country, and thoagh the shore was not crowded with Bewspaper afticles, in s:veral of whjch over the meetings of the Honse of Dele- be was referred gt; the venerable Dy. gates, turned out much business and met, Wee hie See EA iccesias Whe were canetDhinwy bein Veil rable? be repeated with Infinite respects to him. Yet he was by no means scorn; Venerable ; worn out. On the contrary, he went di- SDhat ia: s good word; doa t you like Tectly from Atlantic City to Philadelphia ar 4 Known as The Professor. ence, and then stopped off only a day in He shook his head slowly. Dlike it s0 New York on his way to convention lil igter in the College of Physicians and Uitte that When T see it, ir inakts me Hartford, Comm, I can't get a room in Surgeons, where he remained until well, lek at my stomach A. whimsicall he complhined, Sxpression crossed hie face ux he spoke. to sleep on s train. It did not occur 2 don t like to talk about myself nor to to this tian, at elgbty-two years of age, ead about myself, I talk qbout babies pometimes, bat you know it s a long time eince 1 was a baby. 3 fealmost a residential inland, The pri- Vite Rouses across the atreet haye already ght and the loft are meeting the same alibost any ma Ih the profession. No fate. It annoys Dr. Jacobi, bat be re See tae by lapis lt;a conventions that mark the close of the year aa east side fork simply as Theland keep Dr. Jacobi even busier than to listen to temptinig otters to get She usual, comes bis birthday in May and Professor. out of his bonse- Where aheit I s0? Tis life of tireless activity was begun He received his Be asks. Only seven years ago moved in Germany. Ih 1851 he rece doctor had begun to practise in. New York where he took part in a medical confers) matters pertaining to ihe medical so Lmay have Whe he became professor emeritus, fiery young doctor, turned to him in his, riper experience and paid him the great, fo cancel his engagement because be could compliment of offering him the chair of Rot get, the proper mccommodations. Heypediatrica in the University of Berlin. was, willing to aleepon train and the With that simplicity that has always Dr, Jacob's. home, York city, Bext day christen s brary in Providence, characterized him, he refused the offer, : po lt;i saymg that America had given to him commencement speaker and he has had profited and he desired to make to made way for business, and those at the more degrees conferred upon him thaa America what return he could. which be is connected usually give-dinners Ee eae Sp town to this hones, and now they phyaician s degree at Bonn, having pre- or otherwise show their respect for this aured them, that without them many want to drive me out But where can Viously studied the gymnasium of Min- soung old man. fsick people that waited for bis arrival of looked forward to his ministrations, Seveil years atter We young Germac he was cilled to thp cliaif of children 3 diseases in the New York Medical Co Micly-for not having written daythive tor developed. New York. ity - countries and languages with the same commodated in it? he was asked. They toods from thirty to thirty-five will die iscy fifty, but-I think I can squeeze in sixty, he replied happily. What, the world wants iy healthy babies. said Dr. Jacobi at Atlantic City. jeanes anuuid ve, reputed, watched and cured. Nor is this all Hereditary influ- Jences propagate epilepsy, idiocy, cretinism. Such persons aust not be permijted to propagate their ailments. Now we build asylums for the diseased, neurvpathics add drunkards ; nurseries and schools for epileptics, c:etins and idiots ;-sanatorin for. incipient tuderct Josis and refuger stll 100. few for the dying consumptives, withal conscious o the fact that our only hope of finally ex- H suitors of w maiden, sou: terininatiog cuberculdsis ties In the per) Dumber, appear Io a theld. alt usu, feet but- comfortable isolation of hope- PUt miouuted on the best bursex (ws si Ce elt the simple principles in an urgent cass of artificial feeding and the diaguusis: of abnormalities, ao a6 to advise tig call- ing in of medical skill. a After his hard work Dr. Jacobi has a real holiday. He goes at the end of Juz to his place on Lake George, where he runs his own moter launch, takes fand at farming and tramps about theeoun: try roads. To this break-in bis work anit ithe daily cold baths that he takes throuxh- out the year he attributes his general good health. RACING FOR A WIFE. MONG some of tne rnder tribev of men, where physical -excetitiice counts for tile wilet Werti, Yom of running rces for a true dus always been w. favorite one. Among-the Huzareliy. w people of Ana. y, Messe There x no page of melliciue In this What the baby waute That ix what kindled the hope und en-/City on which the mame of Dr. Jacobi weight; that means a competent gther, hot Inscribed. suid. a fellow practi- sufliciently fed to havea. quiet. night. the wrong end? landed under the tiover in speaking of the work done by tree from excessive lnbor through the Dr. Jacobi. In 1892..when there. was lexempt from a local. curable disease tl cholera scare. and clevem cases actually miay-interfere with the development oftecitimately and illegitimately, * the ehild withio her or undermine her soci the country would Quarantine axsinst wellbeing. her nursing qualities and. fu In the mergency Dr. Ji cobl' was asked to rend a paper before the mother wants is what she has a right the Academy of Medicine oo the serious-itg expect ns a reward for the service she ness of the situation. a result a committe, was, appointed te co-operate with the, Board of Health, lege aud Huw since been an authority otf treatment of children. He beld sunilar position inthe. New. York University and 2902, * Along with tis the hospitals and various associations with Burope, sent by the the Grst time that the Health Department ily, had worked with the medica profession family, the crude temchings. of lof the city. Saving th Babies. At tue time that tuberculosis beeame being taven to a hospital unless desperate. ational menuce-Dr, J.D. Bryaitt need compela ber to xo. Total wooras, erote to twesty-Ove of the ieadiue phy- abe muy die unlts ae goes isa crel se of the city om the seriousness tence. Society is beginning to appreciate SEE PACES maprleti toe ee, eaeookl aad, cal akoes: spuuctes Duck Gyaakanap Wines Mason agell fone Veing Dr. Jacobl, who, although in ing place, with.alr enough to breathe io, mail the*9ut- If you build houses unt to breathe in, line of 2 campaign to stamp out the dis-lyow ateal air which is common property. ease by preventive measures, When Dr, Jacobi is invited to apeak he citizens. But in order to be able to rely In neve bapeced byte fear of ofeng on thls co-operative funetionn it mowt Dz. Jacobi is in great demand as a the opportunities of life by which ea Saeed ones ee eeeatar ee Sm, Sr aeha ae aae F other things he Wt was iam of communiem. It sencenehin ind the ESES cate. put, aie shone andi (Sin/ Ge ayers. vaision kad opiay. Samael bat philosophy. I Uke to avoid the term so- women who ought not to have children.) cialiem and its alleged dangers, but only Phin soled shoes and thin stockings are by abolishing the social causes engender stockings on their little childre Tt is then that these throat specialists and Soutbern hotel keep- has had ten children, but only three or T-Gnd a piace like this? And he makes * S84 the Universities of Grietswaid interesting reminiscences are brought for- ers would be bankrupt. oom And, be adds confidentially, there are five babies in this house, and hls work-since he came to America were Mount Sinai Hospital he (ech one has a separate room. Where Fepressible. Carl Schurz, who met him the Board of Directors had subscribed aBotit (the doctors in convention assem-jcommunity at large they bad better net ie and GGttingen. Already, in his student ward and announcements gesture which takes in the spadiour days, the idealism and the independence things that are being done are made of Te most Importaut thing in all the/fore the dead ones succumbed they were a in bis bonor. world to Dr. Jacobi ts saving: the bables. source, of expense, poverty and mori- jrhich have shown themselves in all of/ When be bad been Atty years with the) That ia the one subject on which be likes bundity to the few survivors, For the n- was told that to be interviewed. It is the one be talked terest of the latter and the health of the ool Fad anotuer it fike *t Bost the year before he graduated, funds for the erection of n library to el bled wt Atlantic City. thar? Mr. and Mra George McAneny, Jacobi'a seventieth birthday: Ais son-in-law and daughter, live with the Doctor. Th the hall and the reception room WAny patients wait to eee the beloved. * jor Inrger experience, or to the frowns or favors of power, A. whetlier he will have it of nor ven- ay nothing cond induce: bim to re ie physician. The well-to do aud or even to equivetate sald at dinner given to celebrate Dr- named for him asa textimon service. His convictions might have been hon- news that the new hospt jestig. modified or changed by super-study aowed by t they would notiGerman Hospi yieid-wn-tneb-to-the-reductions-of torrumeatx brahim the faith bes tos The same di 1 baila tig, enh rac Anna Woetlehotler f Gol 10 be fe Division for C1 5 haildine ( aw cet Avattbte, atid ooking YORI A O: 10 ity poet Midow ainny Ghtldten ae at he received the: han the hat today haa w better chamee ae eee ee a few years ago, be said son of unhealthy, sickly. sick and cop- tter milk. Nothing fg'tagious childr n ts a misfortune to the jofant as breast nursing, pare niilk from the Therefore a clean bill of health shonld Of one hundred children fed from precede matrimony, The clergymen who of the anme fefuse to marry. couples withogs ft a cow's milk seventeen good citizens, and the health departments women, the conduct of normal labor, the 1,6 bound 19 see to ft that contagious dis- care of bables Immediately after birth, use We food for sxt-to hive com N breaat seven will die ber fed an fr dof a Like number fed on vt there wna apprehension lest He did-so, ana a ful) health and ture pelvic and general health, What renders to mankind in, the xhape of a healthy child u place as bealthy ax the best hospital without uisrupting the fam- Modern, society) ip builf upon the archival and a few early socialistic doctrines nox- withstanding No.womap. will consent 0 What society wants is men and women often learn that an American family four survived, Dr. Jacobi continued. Be have heen bora. Theoretically and practicahy the addi- newcomer, to his parents and to society. vented, We hav come to. this, that hall should never have beea born. ind in qioney toe degenerate are an ex: pefsive detriment. lain wre required xo accomplish that Qualifications of Midwives. Jrime at it, not only after birch. Herediy caused by social intluences. temptations and necessity make women se- future of the American population has to tury will not be much influenced by those Whose ancestors canie on the Mayflower. Dr. Jacobi believes that midwives have sn important piace to fill and urges upon the medical profession that steps be taken to provide them. A star: has been made within the year at Bellevue, but it mnounts-to tition at i Scations for a midwife be saya Tn my.opinion, ahe must haye as moral 8 character as you expect in a male or female student of medicine or man gener- ally and, for that matter, of aly Amer- fean outside a penitentiary; good com- mon schoo education without Latin and Greek; a fair health, 90 as to endure the hard work she means to undergo in foture; a reps conscfentiousness, and such knowledge of programme of our future midwife snrely teach, like the English schools. are four topice the care of expectant lesaly advanced cases, Surely we try to/Procure. The bride berses jcare and to prevent. Do.we mot begin at ftl Turkouun hors Consumptives and epilep- elitives, wuxsousiy asury ties and senii-idiots ate permltted to prop- jaxate thejr own curse, both what is called Human *trt, which she ayats beseif oie society sbould have pity-om tiselfandtis d sulhceut distur buyer ue oe future. The propagation of the degenerate enable h r to unthuge her steed) ou and imbecile and. criminal should be pre- fof us are oviiged to watch and nurse and support the other haif. many of whom uri tn morals) The only protection Yor the nation, for mankind, in-to aasure the eager luvets thiren lose jn /healthy, uncontaminated progeny. Strict liuwk Aaugciner, bayies have w sireuuous degeneracy or Inconipetency is often Financial tion for love of work and lovers. The girl has the advantage oy a ver dom, 80 as fo uss Las pucod sue Hover vehuus ale peeters. succeuds ub eueNeLux Wer Wiel Wha) 4 Us eititied Co cusiud Wer an Wud wack. When watsied Wit . Uuris rou Ly. Cie stretehes wut her ars ve ares, e surely uf i tie a Vunbaltl ta genet. e Jou anu three in width, wad Juseu speed accra clue pleas il Iver vecumesiappyarent jug ale oeburis jof the maiden: tu ayoid ali yuiers iv wu approach bes On a certain occasion, after two husrs , Jeet not-the strong-and healthy men bug TACins: the numb r of pursuers w the old and rich. Their children are bav- ing less and leas vigorous offspring. The; re duced to four, who were altogether and. gradually gaining on the pursued. With them was th favorite, but bis horse sud- denly fell and the girl turned anxiously, rely on the offspring of the imm rants, be ive with dismay the hapless posi- jand the American type of the next cen- tion of her lorer: Each of the more fortunate Jeaders, jeager with anticipated triumph, bending his head on bis horse's mane, shouted at of bis yoice, She, making a sud- lahing her horse almost to Popular physlology and anatomy as the/prixe, but sbe, bedding her head to her horse's neck, eluded his grasp and wheeled schools will designate. What they must off again. Ere the dismounted. horseman. could again approtch her, Wer lover's arm was around her waiat, and amid the shouts of the spectators, they tuned towan th . jsturting point. e / Shi That s the we are who says we claim t men s gar the 20th make. W you but g tunity. ready, TURP THE Where you ge cw. a Winnipeg, opened a little day's close bu ing the cour trade. The v and -fTuctuatic were rapid. at the openin October oats Flax had a f Heavy receipt cash and exp prices to keep + than generally conditions con livery and tra tion. made ani cars as a tota Cables closed: Paris 1-4 to 1 lower; Budap 3-8 lower. Grain Winnipeg, opened 90 3-4, Dec. 86, 86 1 Oats 383-4, 3 MA, 35 7-8. 184, 182; Des. G No. iNor. Nor. 87 1-4; 3 Nor, 82 3-4; N 58, Winter No. 2, 87 1-2; 1-2. No.2 C . W. oats 36. No, 1 feed, 36 ty, No. 3,56 Chicago, Oc eral world shi preas the wi Bearish sentin mand rather selling. Cont west cated dulls, The of er to a like Started at 93 1 a Sixteenth 92 5-8. Oats showe account of re December. wh 32 1-2, a sha held tater at Minneapolis, opened 88 1-2, 9.5-8d; Mar., APPRECIATION
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Image 762 (1912-10-25), from microfilm reel 762, (CU1744379). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.