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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Pr: MEDICINE HA T DAILY NEWB. Cloths, Towels, Cushion Tops, etc. THE NEW PUNCH WORK IS SHOWN IN ALL COTTONS. The Glasgow coe fOLLNGER AGE Glasgow House Stamped Linens We have just received another lot of new de- signs in stamped Centrepieces, Doylies, Lunch FULL RANGE OF EMBROIDERY SILK AND House The House of Fashionable Dressers NCY semua ) HAVE THE CLOSEST, BEST AND CHEAP- EST ACREAGE PROPOSITION ON THE MARKET. acres of the south-west Quarter of 35, Township Range 6, at 700.00 per acre. Easy terms. This right next to Riverdale, which is selling at from 20 0.00 to 250.00 per lot. See us if you want to make a big pile quickly. We want your Listings. THE ROYAL OF CANADA BANK This Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- oughly up-to-date Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH FOURTH AVENUE. . H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. Imperial Bank of Ganada ? Capital Paid Up ... . 6,460,000 . 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. 2. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Established 1866, * Capital: Paid Cp, A general Banking Business Transacted. F Savings Accounts. W. 0. JOY, Manager; st CANADIAN PACIFIC SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST FROM MEDICINE HAT. on or write B. G. MeNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta, *PHONE 66 apid Piano Moving sashankle A Speciaity able , THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN-CANADA, 180 Branches in Canada. 6,000,060. * Total Assets (Nov, S0th. 1911) over 91,000,000. Tasker Transfer Co, LIGHT and HEAVY: - 844 Toronto Street, Medicine Hat Branch. a errreetetostnnt Special attention to + Medicine Hat Braneh FRAILWAY CARS IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SAILINGS. Date. Train. Time. Destination. Steamer. Sailing. Oct.'28. No. 4. 2025k. Quebec. Empress of Ireland. Nov, 1. Noy. 3. No. 4. .20:25k.. Montreal. Victorian. Nov. 6, Empress of Britain. Nov. 11. No. 4. 20.25k. Quebec. Empress of Britain. Nov. 15. : Tunisian. Nov. 17, No. 14. 4.20. Montreal. Virginian. Nov. 21. Nov. 25. No. 14... 4.20, St. John. Empress of Ireland. Nov. 29. Corsican. For Sleeping Car and Steamship Reservations, and Tickets, call L, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent. Medicine Hat, Alta, K.Nov.20 i DRAYING hid t the last leaves for a love-rosary. Canada to the brisk days that make the . P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. WINTER 1012-13. FEFECTIVE OCT. 27, 1912, as 630 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS, 518-511 512-519 19.25 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. Local from Cranbrook, 520-513 23.13 Express for Kootenay Landing, 514517 4.30 Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, 8 miles east, shown, Medicine Hat News lawful evening ai Its office. Main Stree, Wedieine Hat, Alta, A. J. N. TERRILL, E ttor, DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y.u:, delivered,... 4.00 1 year by mall... .33.00 months, d-livered. . 2.00 months, ty mail.... 1.50 3 months, delivered.. 1.00 months, by maf). ..76 1 month, delivered....35 Addreases changed as often as destred. bu: bots usw and old ad resses st bo given. WEEnLY NEWS. Publishec avery Thursday tn Aixteen or more pages, and contains a exmme-y of the news of the week. local and djstiic. months, fr: advance To 3 months, in advancu. .50e Year In advauce.... 1.50. Frid November 1st, 1912. HOW TO RAISE THE MONEY THE News has been asked to explain how Medicine 'Hat would finance a munici- pal street railway, in view of Mayor Spen- cer s statement that the city, in order to tax its borr in the next wing powers to the limit with- ear or two. is to apply to the Legislature for permis- sion to increase our borrowing powers. Such permission could be obtained for penditure on a revenue-producing utility, sent under any other conditiotis. The Ed- monton Capital, however, in-commenting on the situation, later, pointed out that the value of the property benefitted by the street railway would be so greatly enhanced that the consequent rise in the assessment would be more than sufficient to raise the money for the installation of the plant. Se ig ee GLAD AUTUMN DAYS. AS long as the ripe fruits are seen in the markets and stores, as long as the rail- ways, as in our land, are laden down with their wheaten treasures, our minds cannot but hark back to their sources-in the har- yest field and orchard and back still fur- ther to the divine source of all things. Some- times there is a sense of sadness in the time of the fall of the leaf, and of dull and short- ening days. This is more perceptible in the Old Country where some of the glories of our autumn are lacking. pensive note that Tom Hood gives us: Amongst the sunless shadows of the plain above, alone upon a mossy stone she sits and reckons up the dead and gone. With It is a different chord that responds in eager blood tingle with a desire for the wild orto the benign Indian summer of which one sings, Here is the ghost of a summer that lived for us; here is a promise of sum- mers to be. We do not spend the late after- noon of the year thinking of the days that are no more, and piously aceepting the in- evitable without regret; but, with a pulse that bounds like the stag, we look forward with joy to the still greater activities of the sparkling crystal winter. With us every on of the year brings its own glory and Early autumn with its ripening fruit, ason flaunting its banners of crimson and gold, and now these later s when the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder s in the shock come to us with no dying message of finality and coni- pletion, but one of aspiration and endeavor, not of death or. r pignation, but: of victory. fe al Se iT has been hinted that the Whicligre appeaitiy. press in reference railway are allwy Say, friend, ju editorials ne Hat s street the one, hand. ry tu of por bein hia who ould way te. the others. Th uilroff a stunt df. that nat d t work v d make i No, Arriy and Terminal, 2 3.00 Imp. Ltd., Vancouver to Mon.eal, 4 20.05 2030 Toronto Exp, Vancouver to Toronto M4 (15 440 Seattle-St. Paul Exp, Seattle to St.P. BIG 23.00 Local from Calgary. Westbound. No Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. 1-20.20 20.40 Imp, Ltd., Montreal to Vancouver, 3 12.00 1225 Van. Exp, Toronto to Vancouver. 13 22.40 23.10 St. Paul-Seattle Exp, St. P. to Seattle. keep pace with-pressing requirements, will : One solution of the problem, and the one which the News advanced as the simplest, where it would be impossible to obtain con- ality ? and one of the chief provocatives It is autumn s , OTTAWA Citizen: As a matter of fact there is great need to constantly re- estimate the real needs of modern life, from the sandpoint of the worker If civilization bri: dditional cost without bringing a proportionate increase of the workers wealth dif the doors of opportunity and pleusu re open to people who cannot go through, then civilization is but a mock to many. The standards of living problem will never be settled until it is realized that there can be nothing too geod for a human being, whether he is a merchant prince, a eaptain of industry or a man laying bricks No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal, ses E 11 240 2.55 Soo-Spokane-Portiand Lid, St. Pam) OD the newly-rising-walls of Regina. Portland. SS ey aa ae bar op chekane Portiand Ig, Portland) A clean-shaven Frenchman, after wander- ing about the streets of Paris, kissed a young Woman and, according to the careful count of an eminent scientist, left 8,000,000 erms on her lips.- An unsha en man, who ad dohe the same amount of wandering, kissed the same young woman and left 80,- 000,000 germs. In view of this profound discovery something will have tabs done. Yes, fair reader, haying regarded: the mat- ter from all angles, we quite agree with you as to the means to be taken to remove danger. Some other form of salutation ought to be found. PUONE: HONE: Batt ortal, Advertising Sa ee ee Riperterka, and eae nee THE Associated Press makes it a hard and News Dept ol ubli: i aa ze 2 42 fast rule to publish no items of news which haye already appeared in. public print. It must go to the Associated Press first hand. Herein lies the reason for the inability of the Medicine Hat correspond- ent of the A. P. to place on the wires the item in eonnecti n with the selection of a site here by the Canada Cement Co. 0 . . THE News regrets that the Council felt. that it would be the wisest. course to let the public lavatory matter lie over for another year. However, there are so many demands upon the civic exchequer that, of necessity, some of them have to be turned down. -Let us hope that the question can be taken up in 1913: PUBLIC OPINION. Vancouver Province: Any other nations desiring to participate in the eastern war are requested to make their , declaration early as the list is nearly filled and entries must be closed. Toronto Mail and Empire: A judicial- minded expert on the subject of tobacco has announced that it is a br eder of immor- of the white slave evil. It is a, good thing to know this before the smoking habit has becorre in any degree common. ee THIS DATE IN HISTORY. November 1. 1755 Nearly 60,000 persons perished in an earthquake at Lisbon, Portugal. 1793 Lord George Gordon, leader of the No Popery riots, died in Newgate prison. 1858 British East India Company. abol- . ished. 1861 Gen. George B. McClellan apponited commander-in-chief of the United States army. s 1876 Canal between Amsterdam and the North Sea inaugurated by the King of Holland. : 1881 First complete train passed through the St. Gethard Tunnel. A statue of Queen Victoria, by Prin- cess Louise, was unveiled in Mon- treal. 1912 The Italians repulsed two Turkish ' attacks at Tripoli. ee at THIS I8 MY 45th BIRTHDAY. Newton Wesley Rowell, the leader of the Liberal opposition in Ontario, was born in Middlesex County, Ontario, November 1, 1867. .He obtained his early education, at London, Ont., studied law and was called to the bar as barrister and solicitor in 1891. He has been King s Counsel since 1902. Mr. Rowell has for some years been recognized as a prominent corporation lawyer, and played an important part in the reorganiza- tion of the Lake Superior Corporation in 1903. He opposed the introduction of Sun- day street cars in Toronto in 1893 and 1897, and has since that time taken part in a number of religious movements. He. is at present a member of the International Committee of the Laymen s: Missionary Movement. so IE pene CONGRATULATIONS TO: Mme. Albani-Gye, famous singer, 60 the Canadian year May Robson, noted actress, 44 years old phe Lemicux,. former Postmaster- al for Canada, 46 years old today. : rohibition nominee ident of the United States, 60 years old today. Grand Duchess Serge of Russia, 48 years old today. gene: Friday, November Ist, 1012. FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c.... Quart 25e.... Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : : ee on. your, friends to have them figuring out how you can be so well dressd, but it's not hard to figure if you'll consider us in making your appearance pre- sentable, Our cleaning and pressing work adds dollars to your savings and days to the wear of your garments. Isn't it worth considering on those grounds, THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Wear Made To- Order Shirts MADE BY F. SASTIMO Room 8 News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction vith every Shirt. We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and patterns. A trial order is all we ask. Prices 1.25 6,50. ROOM 8, NEWS BLOCK 88-tt Rebbe R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Plano Moving with Plano Van feoweewn ote, P i t - rane Bek oin arcels Dellverea. e MM ONE NN, 349. With pride to all work done at the elebninlnfnlninfnlniniefnialnfafecfote? Medicine Hat Steam Laundry, every ieilieas time for we are Johnny on the spot, always on time. . We will not prom: ise work that we cannot make good, for we keep our word and always make good. This helps us to earn a better livlihood. H. B. CURTIS Fall is Here AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO- CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE LD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS, CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRBAYING. Gas Gity Vacuum Cleaning Co. Hay for Sale. Phone 707 - Oatim J. LARSON, Manager, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. -Druggist pee tad stock of Toilet Articles dries, Proprietary Medi- cines, ete. aes of Physicians Pre- a specialty. Phone 75. Phone 569, Box S04. CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. 204 South Rv. St. 729 Lockwood St, Houses for Sale. - SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 881 North Railway Street. P.O. Box 184, tt Phone 486, OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONB NO. 368, 42 728 THE J. S.. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO BT. Eee Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Graveb Excavating a Specialty. Aight and Heavy Horses for sale ab All Times, O. E. LANGE CEBU. Givi Engineer and Archi- tect. Municipal Engineer. Sewerage, Water and Gas Supplies Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Rall- F S L y 0 N ways, Irrigation; ete. 2 Subdivisions CONTRACTS FOR Layout of Parks. Steel Constructions HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Designs and Specifi fi Hera eases chee) et Gavel aad Bend Bie Gane Motto: First-Class Responsible Ser- Yuill Street. Phone No, 416. vice for Reasonable Prices. P. 0. Box 81. Office: Opposite Redcliff Hotel, Red- liffe, Alberta. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY. TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear v2, 7 Eourth ae sooner couele and double, outfits ofall descriptions for sale ps or-hire. 1J,.J.-L ATT Horse or Automobile De- 116 MONTREAL STREET livery at all times, *Phone 260. ' PHONE 703. Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for aup- plying the most satisfactory. A small want ad in The Daily News Classified Column will bring results, T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper, 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 690, 1, e i eo If Peers POL NOOO OE IO LAID ie eorteostetoatens co-f teetostacteatect 5 Roman tic Fi Berlin, Prussia, the Grea weakness claimed torious fc example ly, one of to. follow. Among fn Europ much pr delicacies His table with mor ho said, eight: wil ty; but as huma two of his own Bald, of 1 tent to shifts, ol + he squan costly ar as many Mon and his: craze ways ke weight 1 Tord Ma approach As cro mania fc Brotesque shrieking strange ferred hi hounds, s panions journeys, battle. his beloy came to ite, Alon ders for coffin in turn he look at grief, w But, p was for theatrica the Itali the entir ets. At tency, h thing, ai The op
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Image 803 (1912-11-01), from microfilm reel 803, (CU1744397). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.