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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Sold by grocers. lin tins 10e to 50c sizes: Lowney 's is made from the finest cocoa beans tb tistics prodghhOd Mouial Kony sc model of neatness. and up-to-dateness. -q 20d fifth annual convention of thel days. : x Rue jeineers, which will assemble in this S* Ve. Chicago, IIL, Oct . 18 Blectrical city next week. The gathering will . More trouble engineers employed by all of the lead- be opened with a feception at the ing: rallroads of the United States Auditorium Hotel Monday evening. and Canada are expected to attend The business sessions will last four Class : ae i A thing you only buy once in a long time * werth using care in selecting. Distinction in . Men s Dress Suits Fashion-Craft never shows to better a than in the reduction of the i ef The many fine points so Recessaty to form perfection in style and fit are never overlooked. Priced 30.00 te 40.00: a Ty ber - pali e. it to mis straight. right The would jan. the lay Didn know titled 2 0 Latter Says Baily Rot steekjacketed bullet whiszed gleton, came from England to Western Can- Ponies, carrying supplies on pack horses. the return trip to Fitzhugh, where he headquarters. The. policeman, booted and-spurred Snd-Mounted on a wiry hors , kindly You'll have to come along, sit But I'm Lord Congleton, a. mem: the nobleman, and Jorkins titted 8 ebtows and modded his head, ax if - to emiphasize tis master's declara - tion. Now slipp dt cat of the corner of the of ficer's mouth. Take tip from me the law. But I didn't shoot any nionkeys, protested his lordship. T. only kilt ed two sheep, pon my word Jolly business. /*AUl bally rot, ventured the tunt- et, and then he rattied off the whole family tree, which rad been tacked on to his signatuge when the vener- a Prelate enquired the name that been decided ypom for the son and heir to the Congleton estates, ease -with which this slipped off was Tigeman, also the park Keeper, who had come up in the meantime, that the-prisone who had bagged fine specimens of mountain: Lape was indeed a lord. They held x confer- enoe, did the policeman and the park uardian. Conviction on the change barracks at Fort Saskatchewan. Byerybody busy e The: aa t on telegraph between Fitzhu; Edmonton despatehes, the burden of which was: What stiall we do with a member of the House of Lords No one what to do. Lord Congleton s gested that everybody was a bally-tnss about well, nothing at and see, Ys made of prime beef and the choicest Iie Agnes fla ring, it is Stier soup oe nae dish. E WARDS no SOUPS: Gc. per- packet. Efwards Desiccated Soup tr mi Brown, Tomato, The Brown variety is thick. nourishing soup prepared from bee and fresh vegetables, The ther two ace purely vegetable ous, Boil fer halfain howr. Lots of dainty new dishes in ovr new Sook, for x copy post free. W; what, ch? Hadn't he co England to shoot Western Canada? Sheep. 4 saw? Ball nd soda; what, eh? Finally. the guardians sthe minions of the decision that the only thing that Police Oia. tes and Jolly Cley: Killing Mouitain Sheep: Oct. .18. Ping Edmonton, the air; before the echoes of the public playground gt; he the- Canning Rockies, a sheep, .with horng that would dotighted the soul of a nature and: warmed the cockles of tke ibeart, of the most blase collecter, htoppled over. 3S Ping 4 Great day's work, what? RODE INDIAN PONIES. Back of the rifle was Lord. Con- an ardent Unionist, who stot Pia Claire. be addressed 0. P. Cary, Another bullet cut its waj-through Pogree ot the atmosphere and the second slipped down the mountain: side. Wi ERS. Wis. planned by Komine s IGNORANCE NO BXCUSE. explained that taw is no exeise, * ignorance of the Hobse of Lords, putin after. cut that, Young fellox, t monkey with the mounted Say, what your game? Give Ie save time JOELY CLEVER. lever, don t (A aed What, ht? Cut that, undered the officer. Cat it, squickh-Your name; the one, I mean, Now, mo. funny cient to convince the po- . two mean aterm in the. police on the government Put in a lively hour with shoots WHAT, EH? sppeared to know just He didn't know it was aguinst ft le Trish ve me all the way from Song t I shoot ly tommy rot, you Constable, have brandy of the park law reached dotio with thy hunter. en- to: wane the erniine aint sport Was to White, to liquidate, sugoro will bec ii baking Well, just try a bn three varie Book. Wei and English Lord 4 Have Dialogue in Jasper -Park : ISCONSIN--TEAGH. irs Of wide reputation. MURDER REVEALED 10 KEEP CONVICT i spendthrift -Fe- son, who, in order to pay his debts Which his father had refused again Went to one of his Sreditors, and with the latter s as- All the accomplices in the old adding: orime ave mow been arrested, Hat lose his amnesty, and Sada will perhaps live happily ever NOT GUILTY OF MURDER Jury Aecquits P; Shields at Was Defending (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Quebec, Oct. 17 Patrick Shields, Sand Hog, was acquitted this morn- ing on a charge of murder. killed a fellow idborer named Bebe Jonas, in a fight. The jury acquitted him on the grounils of self-defence and extreme provocation. Seventy schools in horseai if id Oity shall whe jtaken, ease exceed thirty thousand cubi with courses rangitig: from ome,to six * fost han pach months, are maintained at publ: pense in Germany * S AR We oe She s on the. warpath again She's always most active wheny' the nipping winds set others nountain sheep in Jasper park and Shivering. They bring her out brings them to, Fitzhugh, earrying bustli g about to get ready an unsealed gun? i that basin of warm, satisfyin; soup. which oe gi smells so good, and tastes basin yourself W PRISON He bad ic ex- ment bearing date the Second day of OMTY OF MEDICINE HAT hereinafter called the Corporation. fer8 j willing to agree, subject to the appro- Yal. of the Bur; of the said City of Medicine Hat, that it will Brant the concessions. asked for. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREE- MENT. WITNESSETH that the par- tes hereto do mutually agree as fol- lows: 1, The Corporation. in considera- tion of the sum of One Dollar paid to It I the Company, the receipt whereof Is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part of the Company hereby. agrees that the Corporation will convey or cause to be conveyed to the Company in fee simple, free from all incumbrances, all that piece and parcel of land situ- ate in the City fedicine Hat fn the Industrial Property, containing three acres more or less as shown on blue print hereto annexed after the plant hereinafter specifically described has been completed and in aperation for sixty days, and on compliance with all the: requirements of this agree- ment, it being distinctly. understood and agreed that the said tract of land shal be used for industrial purposes only in connection with the safd inan- ufacturing plant, 2. The Corporation covenants and agrees with the Company that the as- IT shall be lawful for the City to supply to the said Company: for-a, Period of five years from the date on which the said plant gommenees to manufacture the said iron beds, bed springs, mattresses, etc.. sufficient natural gas to operate the said plant provided that the quantity of gas supplied shall in) no case exceed thirty-thousand cubic feet in any one ay and after such period of five years will supply all gas to tlie Com- pany required by. the Company for its use in said plant at the then pre- valent manufacturers rate, provided, however, that the City shall in no ase be liable for damages. through one thonth from the the City that they will erect lay of October 1012, thet being to. be erected and operated manufacture of row bads, two-story building. Nitty feat by oue hundred foot with one-story addition, fifty foot by Atty t et dnd: alto a two story bullding forty fect by. one. hun dred feet for the manufacture of bed Springs and mattresses and alsd, Sne-story bullding thirty feet by sey- ; ARG to equip the above named build- ogo with modern machinery. 7 Tho total cost of erection; con struction and equipment of the sald five thousand doliars, the: pulld nae fo be constructed of Taber and The Company shalt datiouous- y employ. at comigencement of ual. plant at least fittegn a continuously on each ery Working day thereattor, Com, Firat, Ninetoen Hundred and Thir teen; provided, however, that if sald Dlant be incomplete. by date: and the Company shows ie cause for delay the City agrees tb ex- tend the time for completion of sald. plant further agrees.- to deposit with the Corporation on the execution hereof a check for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars as guarantee of good faith, sald check to be :returned to -the-said Company when the sum of Five Thousand Dol- lars has been expended by them in the construction of said plant or forthwith in the event of this agree- ment not-being approved as afore sald M1, THIS AGREEMENT and every thing herein Contained shall respec tively enure to; the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and thelr respective heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, successors and assigns. 12. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat has hereto affixed its. corporate Seal.andthe,hands of the Mayor and Clerk thereof and the Company has Set their hand and seal hereunto on. the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Clty of Medicine Hat. 8gd. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. Sed. H. BAKER, Re 7 City Clerk Witness: -V. B. HODGES, The Wetaskiwin Tent and Mattress Company, Ltd... Per WILLIAM J. norton ce tor. sessment of the said plant shall be failure of the supply of gas. fixed at.Two Thousand Five Hundied 4- lt;IP shall be lawful for the City t Dollars per acre for a period of five to fix the assessment of the said/ years trom tho final passing of ths Plant at the rate of Two. thonsand bylaw confirming this agreement five hundred Dollars ( 2500.00) per This: clause, however, shall refer to rere for a period of five years from the clause for general municipal pur- the date of the final passing af this poses only. The Corporation also By-Law. Said assessment to relate agrees that it will far period of five only to the assessment for general years from the date on which the said municipal purposes and shall not re- plant commences to: manufacture the late to school and. local improve- 'said tron beds, bed springs, mattress. ment: taxes which shall not be af- es, etc, supply the sald Company fected thereby. with as many feet of natural gas on 5. THIS By-Law shall come into each and every day of twenty-four pree on the date of the final pasving hours as may. be necded to operate thereof. Dbrovided that the THE votes of the Uurgeases quantity of gas supplied shall not in on this By-Law on the 12th day of November 1912 commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five O'clock in the afternoon of the same day at the following places by the following Deputy Returning Officers that is to say for Wards One and Two at the City Hall by T. C. Blatehford, Deputy Returning Officer andfor Wards Three and Four at the Court House by John Benson, Deputy Returning Officer. 7 HERBERT BAKER shall be the Returning Officer. 8. ON the eleventh day of Novem- ber 1912 at ten o'clock in the fore- noon the Mayor shall attend at his Office for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various feet in any one day, and after such period of five years will supply all 825 to the. Company required by the Company or its use im said plant at the then prevailing manufacturers Yates provided, however;-that it shall not be considered a breach of this clatise if the City fails to supply the whole or part of such gag. through failure of supply or any other cause beyond its control, sald gas to be used in the way of heat, light and Power only for manufacturing pur- oxes by the Company on the lan therein above desaribed; provided in the-event of the diminution of aup- ply at any time during the currency of this agreement domestic users Shall be supplied before supplying any of the gas as hereinbefore pro- vided, It ts further agreed that the ga8 supplied by the Corporation shall be used without in any way wasting the anid supply and shal) be oben for inspection by. the Corporation officials at any time, 4, The Corporation. also. agrees that it will furnish the-Company for use in the said plant electric power and water at the usual manufactur- ers rates prescribed by bylaw of the sald city from tim to time and.will ? Pipe water and bring the electric line to the property Iine at the expense of the Corporation, 5. It i agreed that shall Goustruct thelr own spur line of railway form the City s main spur Ag line to the plant and shall, together Signed. NELSON SPENCER, with other manufacturers benefitted Mayor, by sald spur. bear their proportion of H. BAKER, th share of the cost of keaping the Clerk, sald spur line in good state of re- pair; Provided thet it the Company shall desire to construct om the pro- Perty to be transferred to them by: the Corporation another spur line to they shall do vo at their-own expense. agree- The Corporation agrees that it will submit for the approval of the Bur- seeses of the said City ali necessary bylaws authorizing he carrying out Of the matters herein provided for at Ws early a date as possibie, 6. In congideration of the forego- ing covenants on the part of the Cor- poration the Company covenants, un- NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. H. BAKER, e Gterk- READ (second time this fourteen- th day of October 1912. K PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby sven st, the foregoing is a true copy of as cecigouad By-law to grant certain concessions and. exemptions and ratify and confirm a certai October, 1912, midde between the Corporation of the: City ot Medicine Hat of the one part and the Wetaski- win Tent-Mattress Company, Lim- ited, of- the other part, which . has been introduced and which may, be finally-passed (in the event of the assent of the Burgesses being obtain dertakes, promises and agrece with House Mover P r HARRIS OfUM, Director Witness: R. W. MANLEY, CANADIAN PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL DRY FARMING CONGRESS LETHBRIDGE, ALTA, October 19-26, 1912, SINGLE FARE For the Round Trip. Going dates, Oct. 19-25, Return limit, Oct. 28, 1912, For tickets, apply to local Ticket Agent. R, G. McNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, . Calgary, Alta. K. Oc, 22. CANADIAN PACIFIC THANKSGIVING. DAY Oct. 28; 1912 FARE AND) ONE-THIRY For the Round Trip. Between alt stations, Port Arthur Vancouver, including. branches, Going dates, Oct. 25-28, Return limit, Oct, 30, i912, Bor tickets, apply to Local Ticket reatt. ig R. G, MeNelliic, Dist. Passenger Agent, 0. 25. Calgary, Alta. SAND FOR SALE RXCAVATING EAVY TEAMING lt; SONCRETE WORK J.J. LAIT U6 MONTREAL SrREeer * Phone 260 oF cause for the enty feet to be used as apaint house, operations. provi shall-not be - re failure of the sai to causes beyond 3.IT SHALI LAWFUL for the nish the said Co required by it construction of 3 inal rate or ehan annum and as: s shall have been over and convey with-good title scumbrances a 00 * well sunk'to the monly known a: foot level, such lt;w Size-as.the one re the Ogilvie Millir ve practically 4 IP SHALI LAWFUL for the vide and instal s may be required rains of the Con ty.line, to extem water system + Hine of the said hydrants for the such hydrants to to be mutually a the Corporation Provided, howey in no case ages through fail ter. 5 IT - SHALL LAWFUL for the the said: peoperty at a fixed axsessi thousand Dollars first ten years 2 ment of operation and at Thirty-fiv ( 35000.00)' for The said assesem to school and. taxes which skal -Athereby. By-Law. 0. THIS BY-L: force on the date thereof. 7. THE votes the said City sha By-Law. on the vember 1912 comm of nine o'clock in 9. On the oleves ber 1912 at ten) o' noon the Mayor s Office for the pur Persons to atten Polling Places at up of the votes by ficer-on behalf of ested in the prom of this By-Law re 10. The Clerk, Baker shall attend the City Hall at forenoon on the November 1912 to ber of votes for :
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Image 708 (1912-10-18), from microfilm reel 708, (CU1744384). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.