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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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P THREE NE of ite excellence. 1 write to West ee 100 CTRO reproduces the voices of the world s natural and lifelike a manner that 4 ers ought to be very. mie explanatery two selections. Ask fora Free Encyclop dia listing over 5000 Christmas Gifts Master s Voice : Master s Voice Victor Records. Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., MONTREAL Needles with We handle the Victor Machines Extlusively . Medicine Hat Music Co. Under the Big Fiddie. FAMOUS TAWYERS Over Forty in Dickens Novels Not Counting In- numerable Clerks. MANY TYPES PORTRAYED Tulkinghorn--and Jaggers Offset by Sydney Garton gt; and Tommy Traddles. (From the Green Bag.') When we consider Dicken s short Cc lawyer employers. There is Tom Pinch, who tries to draw out Mr. Fips as to the identity of his employer, but gets for. his pains only the equivocal answer, Be careful how you go; it's rather dark. There is John Wemmick, who must be first seen before his employer, Jaggers, will talk with a client and who never permits a hint or mention of the Aged Parent or the castle while in the. office. land. Jaw student Percy Noakes. And there orn of Anxiety, a tragedy which, his limited experience as a law re- come out. Dickens himselt was frank 9708 Rotoriot Porter, it 1s astonishing, with what to conf s that he exaggerated these familiarity he uses legal phraseolo- types. e Sy und describes legal customs. His There is Uriah Heep in David Cop- Gelineations of lawyers too, though perfield, the sly, olly villain, always betraying the satirist, bave the touch humble aud: deprecatory, but weaving of a master. e How many lawyers have not ap- preciated what a difficult witn Sam Weller is in his cross-examina- tion by Sergt. Bustuz? Dickens: has fatroduced almost forty men of law. into his different romances, every one. a distinct type of the lega fraterni- fy. It is remarkable, too, that-they are all sharply individualized, trom the law shyster type of Sampson Brass to the blahd and dignified Tord Chancellor himself. Besides thete-there are innumer- able lawyers clerks, some of whom, fare Sampson Brass and Mr. Sally Brass, in Old Curiosity Shop, Rugg fn Little Dorrit, whose Without is blushes had been drawn out long ago. William Stryver in the Tale of Two the elbowing windbag and demago- ters aside from their esters singers in so you actually FEEL the of the living Artist.: Double-sided Records are 90c copy of our 300 page i Records. Call at of His Master s Voice dealers everywhere and hear - favorite music on a genuine Victrola. When thinking remember the Victrola and the famous * trade mark. Use only genuine His is the law he lacked had of the Sydney Carton type to look it Up for him. Among these assistants of Thurlow were John Scott, who af: teribecame the Tamous Lord Chancel- loa Eldon, and. the. Welsh lawyer, whe f became eminent as tice Kenyon, their abilities): a sublimity of expression, while com- forting inquiring stockholders with the vague assurance that all will be right im the end. all things fo his own purpose. There Mr. Tulkinghorn, another lawyer In Fleak House, is one of the mal:g- the Snt types of the Dickens lawyer, yet Towest type of shysters who in the ique im its malignancy. Too pas- end meet. with the retribution they Bitnless to be elther friend, or an deserve. There is the yellow haired enemy, he fs mechanically faithful, attachment, to itis. cllen white visage looked as. if: all Ever vigilant of their interests, he absolutely devoid of pity, compunc- tion or any of the softer emotions. His one passion in life, if such a Cities is sharply drawn asa type of mam can be said to bave a passion, 1g the acquisition of aristocratic sec- gue. stout, loud; Ted, bluff and free rets and the holding possession of from any drawback of delicacy. It is such power as they give him, with no afe famous to us as quaint eharac-; said that Stryyer-is patterned after sharer or opponent in ft. The familly ofessional as- Lord Thurlow, who when he needed skeletous, difficulties, mortgages and The Greatest Values Ever Offered , in the Greatest of all. Musical Instruments. sociation. There Is our old triena Mt: Kenge of the firm of Kenge and Dick Swiveller, always g tting those Carboy in Bleak House, stands. for inscrutable and unmitigated stagger- charalatan and pettifosger. He is at the snysterious epnduct of his t7e Conversation Kenge, because he'/enjoys beyond Sound of his rich meliow voice, He is a portly, important looking gentle- man, dressed all tn black, with white cravat, gold watch seals, gold eye- Basses and a large seal ring. He al- ways istens to himself -with obvious satisfaction. and somethimes beats time to his own music with hin head or rounds sentence with his Mr. Vholes,, also in Bleak House, There is the smart and spoffish' e chancery lawyer, Is, we are told, type of the placid treasurers and Se Demand. whe tion Phe Presidents of minixg, agricultural, wiet, COMMmercial and railroad companies, clerkship in an attorney's office and iike a thorn in the fi sh, will not 20 Preserve, on the strength of eal- ly disproportioned to calm, . mysterious) is really comfortable and contentment. Closed-Crotch COMBINATIONS The part that was always 80 troublesome in the old kind now sets as snug as can be doesn t gap doesn't strain. Truly it s an improvement you will appreciate. Some trustworthy store you p day has an erray-of these combinations in 4. Tonopah, Nev., on plants use them. frour. the size of an's fist. They are fount Lowe squirrel Here, at Last, You who: have only half-liked the union suits of the past slip into a suit of the new, better kind the Kind a man can wear with genuitie comfort Just ask for it he knew he shouldn t have time be- Aid He. many jackals: rd Chist Jus- everything the; gently, ali treastired up within his old black Satin Waistcoat, He s, therefore, Jealous of the profit. privilege and reputation of being master of the mysteries of great houses, He is ap. oyster of the old school whom no body can open. A good type of the criminal, lawyer, 4s Dickens saw him. '8 Mr. Jaggers tm Great Expectations. He had a manner expressive of knowing some- thing secretly disparaging about ey- ery one, if he only chose to mention it, Ho had the habit of biting the side of hls great forefinger as, he Hed and cross-examined: witnesses, and he always ingisted upon the cats forical answer Yes cr No to his questions. He cross-examined every- thing, everybody bis clients, bis food, his. wine, Isa, his books; and Ris entire conversation was ever. guided dy the strictest rules of eyi- dence, He never laughed. But he wore t, bright, creaking boots, and in polsing himself on these boots, with his large head bent down and his eyebrows joined together, awaiting an answer to one of his cross-questions, he sometimes caused the boots to creak, as if they Inughed In a dry and-suspiclous manner. To his clerk, Wemmick, he always seemed as if he had set a man trap and was watch- ing it Suddenly, click, you're caught To others he gave the idea that they must have committed a fel- ony and somehow forgotten the de- talls of it. : In trying a case. if anybody of whatsoever degree, sald a word that Taggers didn't approve of, he instant- ly required to have it taken down. If anybody wouldn't make am admis sion, he sald, I'll have It out of you and if anybody made an admission he said, Now I've got you. .The magis- trate shivered under a single bite of his finger, and thieves and thief tak- ers hung in dread rapture on his words, and shrank when a hair of his eyebrows turned in their direction. He always carried an expressive pocket hindkerchlef of rich and im- posing: proportions, which was of great value to him in his profession. He would terrify a client or a wit- ness by ceremoniously unfolding it as if he were immediately going to blow jis nose, and then pausing as fore such client or witness committ- ed himself. Often this self-commit- tal immediately followed, such was the power of suggestion. In the firm of Speniow and. Jork- ins in David Copperfield we have a genteel pair of piratical protors. At the suggestion of his aunt, and on th payment by her of a sum of mon- ey to them, Dayid is articled ot this firm. Jorkins place in the. business was to keep himself in. the back- ground and be constantly exhibited. by name as the most obdurate dnd ruthless of men. If a clerk wanted his salary raised Mr. Jorkins would not listen, to. such a proposition. if a client wore slow to, settle his bill of Costs, Mr. Jorkins was resolved to Bave it paid And however painful these things might be (and always Were) to the feelings of Mr. Spentow, Mr. Jorkins fvould have his bond. The heart and hand of the good: angel Spenlow would have been always open but for the restraining demon Jorkins. As T have grown older David comments, think I have had experience ./of some oth r Houses doing. business on the principle of Spenlow and. Jorkins.. Dickens enjoys a taste of irony in making Spenlow, who had been an expert in testamentary dispositions, die leaving his affairs in disorder, and without making a will. But if lawyers are apt to resent these types of the profession through which Dickens seems to show an al- most universal ridicule and contempt for their kind, they may be. consoled in the remembrance that itis a law- yer whom the author presents to the World as one of his noblest charact- era, This is Sydney Carton in the Tale of Two Cities. And again we may forgive Dickens all his other lawyers because of the delightful creation of Tommy Traddiep in Day- id Copperfield, who becomes a staid and respectable judge at the end of the book and who we are told stands for the portrait of the author's in timate and dear friend, Sergt. Tale fourd. Eugene Wrayburn in Our Mutual Friend is another lawyer who de- serves well of at whom we must sinile during his cynicisms tut who comes through the plot unicathed and finally lands right side up. Many a young attorney will. apprec- fate that delicious piece of 68, which well hits off the inertia with) which the ethics of the legal profes- sion hedge in uring his first years as a briefless barris- ter. Idiot's talk, saya Eugene to his friend Mortimer Lightwood, of ener- gy. If there is word in the dic- tionary, under any letter from A. to Z., that I abominate, it is energy. It fs-such a conventional superstition feuch parrot. gabble What the euce am I to rush out into the atreet, collar the first man of weal- thySppearance I meet, shake him and Go to the Iaw upon the spot, You dog, and retain me or I'll beitie death of you? Yet that would be oi 1 whom We all hold in loving memory. Ss is one of the most felicitous of ckens*-crestions as well ag one of delicate affair of the beau pionde are ef Edwin Drood. jDearance, whimsical, near rey. Hiram Grewlous, Esquire, agent nd collector of rents, is another of Dickens' quaint tawyer characters . Awkward and hesitating in manver, ungainly in ap- sighted, wooden aiid impasaive yet shrewd withal he still had :some strange Capacity in him of making on the whole an agreoable impression. The tajority of Dickeus' lawyers . really contemptible characters Katers and pettifoggers, echemers and charlatans and at best he Quthor shows but a grudging tolera- tlon of those high up in the profes- sion. ' Bven the Lord High Chancel- lor himself has not escaped his ex- coriating lash. He seems to have delieved in the old story which makes the devil the lawyers patron saint ; 4nd he makes ase n one of his tales of. the inscription over the door of the old queer house of Rochester in Togues in the same class: Richard Watts, Haq. dy bis Will, dated 23 Aug. 1759, founded this Charity for six Poor Travellers, Who, not belng Rogues or Proctors, May receive gratis for one night... Lodging, Fatertainment and Four- The reason for this antipathy to- wards lawyers lay perhaps in Dick- ene dislike for the law itself for its delays, its interminable red tape and ita senseless Jargon and forms as it was administered in England in his day. He had been an attorney's clerk for eighteen months and had seen when 8 young man many in- stances of individual hardship whic Jaw had worked. Information Wanted As most of our customers are aware, we deliver a large amount of lumber and building material. We are contemplating increasing our hauling power and would welcome expert advice, ag to whether, in Medicine Hat, it is cheaper to use horses or motor power. Secs ae erga ee Beaver Lumber Co., Limited Sheds and Yards on Factory and South Railway. Phone 166, E. W. STACEY, Local Mgr. k EEE certain particular applications of the yers themsclves as a species of ara- chnidan accomplices, whose function At best he seems to have consider- it Is to furthen entangle those: who ed the science of jurisprudence as a/are unfortunate enough to get caught Yast mesh of artful contrivance a by the great spider, Authority. labyrinthine spider web and law- er THIS Given Aw either place, and the general public. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO. and the DAILY NEWS have made arrangements whereby they will give away absolutely free a beautifal Upton 400 Piano. . Votes are given with all CASH PURCHASES made at with. Standing of Votes must dropped. the last appearing in the Mystery Every Contestant is eredited with 2,000 Votes Candidates not bringing in personal Votes will be For further particulars and all information call on Mitchell Hardware Co. FORONTO STREET BEAUTIFUL 400 PIANO: ay Absolutely Free Contestant having the largest number of votes on MARCH 17th NEXT wiill receive the piano. A feature of this contest is that numbers are testants, and their names are not published nor known to the Those who Want to get into the game should call on MARSHALL-MITCHELL and get a number. given Con- Ask for votes on every parchase at either place. Name of Contestant will not be known. Name of Contestant will not be published. to start Every Contestant gets a number. Contestants numbers published weekly. All votes must be brought in for record on Wednesday. not be written upon. Tie Votes in packages with Contestant s number and the: amount on top slip only. Color of Votes will change snd must be recorded weekly. Votes are transferable only before recording. Contestant having the largest number of Votes on March 17th next, wins the Piano. LY
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Image 743 (1912-10-23), from microfilm reel 743, (CU1744417). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.