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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Heavy all the year round but heaviest now Our shipments and our work There are arriving by import steam- ers from the factories within the next few weeks Many- Millions of England We have hundreds of orders at each of our branches to be shipped to stores this month. Better Than the Best makes the most delicious, A CUBE TO A CUPFUL quality and flavor. Beef Tea Comeile David Co., Sole, Extract of Meat Co., Ltd, Head Office : Toronto. for Uahice Branches at Montreal, St. John, N. B. Winnipeg, (Calgary, Edmonton. Ts GROWE OF THE WEST your grain to us and make Bills of Lading read: care of Gibbs . Commission Company, Winnipeg. Then you Will realize the advantages if employing thoroughly equipped, wide-awake and up-to-date Grain Commission Merchants; highest prices, liberal advances on Bills of Lad- ing, prompt notification of weight inspections, prompt settlements, claims for car shortages, Your-grain is sold by us PERSONALLY not by paid empioyees. Thirty-years experience in selling grain means TOP PRICE for your shipments. Send us your name for list.) We are in close touch with the grain markets of the world and wil keep you thoroughly posted; IT MEANS MONEY IN YOUR: , even if you don t ship to us, Gibbs Commission Co. ( gt; Buecessors to Gibps Robinson) Grain Commission Merchants Licensed. WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, Bonded. Members Winmipes Grain Produce Exchange; New York Produce change; Montreal Board of Trade; Calgary Grain Exchange. 422 Main St. Phone 261 -Ladies Silk Dresses,. Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete., Geuts Suits, Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid to travellers work, suits pressed up on-short-notice, - When the green feed 8 cut up into Subscribe now for the Dally News Se PPS teeaereree Pumping Engines TWO HORSE POWER either vertical or horizontal. - bore 4 inches, stroke 5 inches. FLY 48 inches in diameter. SPEED 500 revolutions per minute. This Engine is equipped with an accurate and sensitive hit and miss governor. Each engine furnished complete with oil eups,. wrenches, batteries, Spark coil, spark plugs, ete. PUMP JACK We can now supply a sti ENGINE PRICE IN MEMORY OF VIRDEN RIOT VIC- Tims - GREAT WASTE Material for Gardvoard and Packitig Paper Factorics Feed It te Live stock. The Agricultufal Department at Ot tawa ip its official Circular known ag) Census and tatictics Monthly, emya: Ta the Northwest provinces the waate- ful: practice of burning the craw ts reported as everywhere prevalent. 12 Manitoba, in moat te efther all burnt or partly used 4s) Litter und the rest burnt Farmers: near enough to Winnipeg and othe towns sell it for bedding purposei, Oat and barley straw s nearly all-uned) for fodder. Im Saskatchewan most fol) the oat and some of the barley straw te used as fdder, but wheat atraw sand flax bre are burnt, except mm portion that Ys used as litter, Tt is a Practice with many farmers Who cattle to let the animals feed at ithg straw piles all the winter, the stta Jett over being. burnt in the spring. ed oat that the keeping of live stock provides un Important additional source bf revenue to supplement the some- But from the nitional point of iview by no means the least it secures the maintenance or increase of fertility tirough the necessary introduction of aclentific rotations and the return to the land of manurial constituents by ihe Use of straw es fodder and litter. ee AN ALBERTA LESSON Simon Downie Sons Are Making, Great Progress in Mixed Farming The farm of Simon Downie Sons, past of Carstairs, Alberta, is an object jesson of the possibilities. in .-mixed farming in Western Canada. On their tract of Jand ot thousand acres there are. four hundrd hogs, big and little, ind ol hundred head of pure bred Ant fe Herefords,ait in fine shape ind doing remarkably weil. To raise sufficient feed tor this number, which Fepresents. the average quantity on hand the year round, some seven hund- Fed acres has been broken and 1s cropped to wheat, oats, barley and timothy. All grains are ground before being fed and in some cases are mixed with chopped green feed. The annual i crop is something around twep- thousand bushels end practically hil of t 4e fea on the place and at Present prices of live stock, good Frente result. To facilitate the easy of these imimense quantities (rain, a milling plant has been in- in one cornet of the hog house fwhich measures forty by one hundred fest, operated from an eight horse- power gasoline engine. A cutting box for green feed. has been put In, as st ie found that cattl do much better small lengths. Hogs have beet found great money producers and are kept fm eufficient numbers to absorb what frain is raised. The vory best of re- sults are obtained ffom feeding ground Sete and barley and but six to, olght Weeks of heavy fesding..are required to fit the hogs tor the market. --- - Travelling Steck School, Arrangements have been concluded. with the Grand Trank Pacific Railway by the Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture for Alberta, for a spe- lal live stock train to be run over the company s lines throughout the province. The train will be a travel- Ying stock achool, run upon the mont practical lines and dairying and hog raising will be the special subjects dealt with by lecturers of the provin- etal department of agriculture. a 2,500,000 University, ay There have been important confer ences in London on the subject of the vetablishment ot a South African teaching university. Aum of 2,500,000 was left by Mr. Alfred Belt and Sir Julfus Wernher for such. an Institution at Grocte Schuur, and towards carrying out Mr. Cecil Rodes ofiginal idea, which Mount Olive, tll, Oct. 12.The fourteenth: annual memorial demon- stration in honor ofsthe four Mount Oliveboss who Rave up thelr lives In the strike riot at Virden, October 22, 1898, wag-held here today. John White, president of the United Mine Workers of Am : delivered the Memorial address. Large delegations of miners from Belleville, Edwards- Ins few cases farmers use atraw burn 2 Seat sirvont oeabyatet tis H to downright freo trade. Qever materialized during his-ifetime. C . 7 Set The decline of sheep. raising ana Gediine of woot manufacturing in Da have naturally and: tnevitably jhe on hand in band. Tho 2,645 wool- Wooms of 1899 have fallen to a fall the woolen mills in. Canada is not far trom 12,000,000 a year. Imports ot foreign goods of a foreign price of 21,400,000 supply about. two-thirds of the clothing of the Canadian people. years ago, says the Canadian Textile Journal, tie very reverse was the cake as regards both the wool er and the manufacturer, and the Feverse is also the. case in the United States to-day, where over three-fifths of the raw wool manufactured in the pountry is grown on the backs of Am- rican sheep, and where out of 400- 000,000 -worth of woolen goods anni. ally consumed, according to the cenzus 1905, 380,934,000 worth were mace) the country. The protection given be Woolen cloths and dress goods In the Whnited Staies, above the duty compen- PB Wool, is 50 and 65 per cent. ad Walorem. This is the rate of the Payne tariff law. It was the of the Dingley law preteding Protection given to cloths and goods in Canada is nominally 35 rate. But the Imperial preter to similar British goods has re- this rate in practice to 30. per Bent. This s the protection which Wanadian mills. receive: against the ot Yorkshire. It has proved to- pally inadequate. The Canadian wool ire is breaking down, al- hough, to quote again the Canadian Journal, the ayerage Canadian de-as well:equipped:as the averazo mill, except ror its adapta. bility for the production * of shoddy A 80 psr-cent. protection doe: Re tee the difference in the cost pf production between Canada and the Waited Kingdom and because tt does , DEMAND. FOR POULTRY reat Possibilities n the West for the Expansion of This Industry , When we consider the great waste Grain on our Manitoba farms, says M. C. Hemier, of the Manitoba College, the opportunity farmer fas to contert the grain poultry-and-eggs, an the uniimit- qmarket demand for these poultry -at his very door, tasn we be- in to Fedlico the imshense poss bili- of the Industry for developing Inta 'B distinct and profitable branch of 4 western farming. In some of the coun- Gries where the thdustry has reacted Ita highest state of development the PiMoultics were at first rar greater and more extreme than those precent- ba by the conditions in the Province pt Manitoba: need only refer to th markets Bare, where the demand for poultry ges 1s unllmited, compared to Of the markets of other countries Which had-to be developed first. Our Biarkets are at the present time sup- with poultry and cegs, a large 4 itage of which are produced out: fide of the province. Were this pro- uction tufmed over to the Manitoba farmers we can readily see what t would have on the industry and tmportance as distinct branch of western agricaltare. HER ViIfW OF IT. Landiady (showing rooms) And such a cheerful view,, sir. Gentleman (looking out.) Why, it's cometery ( a2 Landlady-Yes, sir. How cheering and comfortin it will be, when you gaze out to think that you're not there gating manufacturers for the duty on LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS cent; that is, this is the general 4 Poor quality in food is as much responsible for Sickly children as too It tle 004, If mothers paid closer attention to the quality of their grocer- jes, their children would be better in health and thelr homes would be brighter and happier. The coming American generation would be better in brain, brawn and muscle and race suicide would cease to exist. Mother, start with your own childr n Buy your groceries at this store, where pure goods of the finest quality are sold because we know that it Is the only way to get and retain the custom of people worth while your kind, who know the value of good groceries. Some Special Offers: Milk and Cream, fresh, put up in bottles and gnaranteed to keep month. ++ Milly 1-2 pts. 58; pts, 10 3 qts, 206 Cream .. +++ 12 pty Les pts, 50; gts, 50c. Fresh Coast Sealed Oysters, per pt. 00 Valencia Oranges, per doz n Cranberries, 2 Ibs. for .. Honey, absolutely pure, in bottles Sweet Potatoes, 8 lbs for . Jelly Powders, 3 for 25c, or See our window for choice apples at Onions, fine quality, 6 Ibs, for . Onions, Spanish, per Ib. .. 100 Wateh cur window for a special in Ontario Grapes, to arrive soon, Hewitt Armstrong i ) THE. QUALITY GROCERS. 2 Phone 258 - - Main Street We can supply you with. the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern Prices. : Keep the money at home. Get our prices before sending out of the city for these goods, We carry a nif stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Aceount Forms, ete: for this Work. : We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass te., and ean thake them any size to erder. Job Department fiedicine Hat News, Ltd. A small want ad in The Dally News Ville and itisr, pints were present, Classified Colupm will bring resnits ZB te Loebocdetostontesdecteetostontectetanteaeatectrdtestestedtee fede doate Sel ge Cm 7 teedecdendert i NER, S Bord Teronto W P. Gra icle Toronto Wor Liberals sprung Borden Gover; with the constr Transcontinents arid Laurer, in Ville, Que, thr charged that t road was bein; ochrane and. thas been repea towr by Hon, G Hon. Charles tions have bee: effect that a big Pood
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Image 700 (1912-10-17), from microfilm reel 700, (CU1744420). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.