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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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WE WOULD CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR LINE OF CLOSED-CROTCH COMBINATION UNDGRWEAR in the most popular weights. Waison s Closed Crotch is the best, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.50 per Garment. FIVE: MILLION: IS SHORTAGE: IN BRUSSELS RAILROAD False Issue of Certificates the financial disaster in which involved twenty-four banks, as themselves possessed of valuable. to 200,000. Wilmart, who lived Show That Immense oscnaia tyle, owned a racing stable and was a director In several banks, Thefts Have Went On. (C. A. P. Cable) Brussels, Oct. 17. Defalcations already aggregating the huge sum of five million dollars, and constantly increasing, have been unearthed In the offices of the Grand Torneuson Railroad here through the accidental discovery of falsc' issue of certifi- cates. Nester. Willart, the manager of the company, has disappeared, and ply to Hotson and Leader. A warrant for his arrest has been sued. Broadway, Riverside, 60 ft. 850. All around sold at 1000 ft. Do it quick. Pinele, Wales Bell. nderclothing Which Will Take Some sate. 3 doz. ladies flannelette night gowns marked down to 85 each. All good patterns, nicely trimmed. : 2 doz. flamnelette night gowns, lace trimmed, a reg- ular 1.75 line, marked down to 1.25. We have about 12 sults remaining of that special we had-on sale on Saturday. These will co today at . G5 per sult i + Ladies all wool combinations are selling today at 92.75 per sult THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN HIGH GRADE GROCERS AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. e PHONE. 81. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND BED AVE. We have a full range and complete line of sizes 71. S. Ireland, Cc. Me it will probably take a considerable time to determine the full extent of as scores of investors who thought curities, Even the State Savings Bank is understood to be a victim to the extent of 80,000, while the losses of the other banks range from 40,000 He is said to have been seen in Paris. Sati Houses for sale on easy payments or will exthange for real estate. Ap- 4-tf when his business increased he mov- FINLAY LUMBER C0 1S lay has now disposed of his business to the Crown Lumber Co, Mr, Fintay is about the oldest bu: ness man in Medicine Hat. Before che: railroad was really here he had opened his lumber yard and ever, since then he has continued to sup- ply the wants of:the people of the city and the incoming homesteaders. It might be- right to say there are more monuments of Mr. Finlay business in Medicine Hat and in the district surrounding than any other business. For years Mr. Finlay s was the only local lumber yard and when he arrived here what is the Medicine Hat-of 11,086-people today was then a tented settlement. He brought in the lumber and sold it to the homestead- ers and this marked the first real permanent signs of the locating of Medicine Hat. Dunmore at that time was) the end of the C, P. R.- The construction trains Were couting into Medicine Hat but that was all. All the trains from the East stopped at Dunniore, turn ed and went back again. -Mr. Finlay first opened his lumber Yard on the Esplanade where the elty park now stands. Later he mov- d across the track opposite the Mounted Police Barracks. and then the advancement of had chosen as/his home, and also he eoty, are at in it lt; the clty. For several years he was and was a sitting member at the tim: 3 appol fs tec river at 4th Avenue. 50 taking over the active- management Partners in the firm. Besides the yard at Medicine Hat they conducted yards and ed to where his yards are now loc; ated; Balmoral and North Railway, Street. the firm name. TAKER OVER BY GROWN CO, Business Was First Started by Hon. W. T. Finlay in money, wag riotas abundant ag itis now, Mr. Finlay always found time to devote a great-deal of attention*ta the settlemiont, village, town and then clty which ha For Several years he was mayor of member of tbe Territorial Assembly, on the forming of he Alberta Proyin- cial Cabinet he was honored with the it aS Minister of Agricul- ture, which office he filled for seven Years. Medicine Hat always plaimed his best Interests and while in office he secured: fon the city the large traffic bridge which now svans the For the past few years Mr. Finlay has been practically retired, his sons of the lumber business and being at Carlstadt S en Persons, but these two they Will continue to conduct under a Thursday, October 17th, 1012: Loans - 3,000, 000 1882, When Medicine Hat Was But a Tented Set- aj) Me Lena en: tlem nt Still Conducts Two Yards. City: Property. and Farm Lands. After conducting lumber busi-) During all the bu: : ness in Medicine Hat continuousty if, and the merry fight to. keep) Interest 8 poe cent, since June tnd, 1882, Hon. W. T, Fin- a RRR can tal whea Prompt, Attention, INSURANGE C. A. KRAUSS country at large and though today hel is practically: retired, ho continues to exhibit a Keen interest 1n everything that tends to promote and advance No public meeting today s held but what he is present to lis- ton to the discussion and take part OVER THE RIVER ALTAWANA ) 87 149 ft, bik. 10, 2nd Avenue, 1,500. Res. RIVERSIDE Bik. 12, 100 ft, cor., 1,000 pr. Res. Mit Bik. 18; 100 ft, cor, 900 pr. Reg. Bik. 6, 100 ft, cor, 900 pr. Reg. i Bik. 7, 100 ft, cor, 900 pr, Reg. Bik. 7, 50 ft, cor., 950 pr. Reg: We have inside lots on Broad- way that will bring guick re- turns, Come in before they are all picked up, it it (Medicine Hat With 340 Per Cent. Gain Leads All BE House Proud Tasteful hangings and drap- exiles contribute towards re- Etamates of your. home. Nets im Ivory, Ecru and Arab Shades, In Exclusive Designs. New Watered Effects in Dainty Bedreom Curtains. A Beantifal Assortment of Screens and Muslinz, Drapery Department Upstairs, J. J. Moore Son North Railway Street McKinnon s Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. ASE FOR GENUINE Buttemut Bread ; SWEET AS A NUT, Avoid Imitations. Look for the Label. emer nae FLAVOR, LOOK FOR THE LABEL, PHONE 266. a GAS CITY REALTY Co. 410 MAIN STREET MEDICINE HAT Phone 695 Fire, Life, Accident, Mall and Plate lass Insurance. Houses 24 of various kinds under construction; Some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to 21 WH ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. CAN YOU Toth Pp OFFERS. Let Us , FIRE, LIFE Ocean MITCHELL f PERRY, SEWELL PeRey REALTY REVIEW WESTOVER IF YOU HAVE NEVER EMBRACED ANYTHING BEFORE, EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITY Wamevre PARK A Chance for the Small Investor, Few Good Building eae Cousins and: Sissons Show Them to You. We are City Agents for all lines of Steamships. New. 4s the time to book for Xmas Sailings, PERRY, wo AND FINANCIAL BROKERS, Offices Toronto Street. Montreal St. Bakery REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE, WILL CONYINCE YOU, . ARK EWELL PERRY AND. ACCEDEN INSURANCE. Steamship Tekets, Medicine Hat, Canada, 'S HOME-MADE BREAD ONE TRIAL PHONE 560. ations, Bennett of Bradley Polytechnic In- stitute, and Dr. Luther Halsey Gu- Nek, head o tthe Russell Sage Found- clamation, to, rr . In it-he Teco TEACHERS MEBTING AT GALES. ae eee BURG. eee eee Galesgurg, Mit, Oct. 17 The mem- We Have a: bette: bers of the Milltare Tract Teachers : : ee va Association, which embraces a large + oy ee Section of central and northern Tlin- eo i a ne ols, rounded Up In this city. today: for , SEE aati: thelr annual meeting. The sessions ee will Continue over Friday and Satur- to 25 cae ay. The programme provides for MEDICINE HA ee Addresses by many well known edu- f , ig - ae cators and: others, among them Su- PROPERTY a Derintendent Edwin G. Gooley of Chi- fago, Prof. Edward A. Rose of the What Have You University of Wisconsin, Charles A. to Offer? H.C. PETTET CO. 368 Toronto Si Phone 431. Kalser s Old-Timer 10e Cigar. LiFe Canada in Bldg. Increase ae a re (Continued from page 1) Approximate Value of Permits Issued First Nine Montiis. 1912. 1913 Ine PLO. 387,918 329,318 s 58,600 17.8 916,020 498,805 416,215 83.4 260,520 91,432) 78,088 85.4 508,707 341,908 127,335 37.2 460,235 214,240 94407 44.1 4,628,400 3,549,630 1,078,770 30.4 410,479 230,086 190,393 76.4 906,188 739,851 106,337 22.5 2,182,728 1,062,020 1,120,708 . 105.5 13/827,108 11,419,210 1 16.7 2,958,760 2,197,650 34.6 349,300 314,320 4 8.3 242,750 225,875 16875 64 700,285. 237,360 472,925 . 199.2 465,750 823,200 182,560 44.1 823,758 98,032 225,726 230.2 2 637,061 459,912 77,149 16.7 22,240,383 18,508,655. 3,731,728 1,499,298 1,142,471 856,827 i 880,718 565,795 114,923 . 801,877 960,129 178,252 18.2 15,871,226 20,860,978 + 5,000,248 46.0 120,675 32,855 87,820 267.3 12,274,149 3,588,203 8,735,939 246.0 2,781,950 1,283,160. 1,498,790. 116.8 3,113,993 863,346 250,648 29.0 2,419,317 549,687 1,969,690 . 340.1 4,108,555, 2,276,429. 2,882,126 80.5 146,772 147,861 98,911 66.9. 250,765 1stos0 107,685 75.2 1,414,113 911,477 502,636 55.1 790,046. 224,950 565,095 251.2 + Oak Bay .. 868,008 389,252 628,756 155.9 Port Arthur 800,179 547,196 313,044 57.2 is 882; 3045 988,055 113.3 310,680 210,920 99,760 47.3 5,154,689 4,268,370 886,319. 20.7 ; 1,000,407. 941,475 58,982 6.2 Saskatoon - 7,059,350 4,048,641 3,010,709 74.3 Vancouver + 12,722,007 13,569,270. 837,173 8.1 Victoria .. 6,158,705 2,604,215 3,554,580 1365 Winnipeg , 18,026,850 16,500,500 1,526,350 9.2 Total 20 Bastern cities. 63,704)532 42,549,762 1,164,770 20.2 Total 22 Western cities. 96,108,385 - 05,080,877 90,481,508 46.4 Total Bast and West... 149,672,917 108,236,639 41,636,278 Weston (5. mos.) 81,000 Kamloops 418,343 Welland * thie Hast shows an increase. They 230-per-eent. to 6 per cont. In the West there are two de- creases, one by Brandon-of 178,000, and one by Vancouver of 837,000, The largest percettage increase is made by Medicine Hat, with an vance of 340 per cent. Nineteen Cities Already Exceed it Totals. Ninetesn of the cities whose figures imve been given above have already, holds fret plaon i fotal Winnipeg is second, followed by Calgary, Ednionton, Montreal, Vanconver, Saskatoon, Victoria, Regins, Hamil- mite over four-million dollars. Twelve Increases Over x Million Dollars. There ate twelve increas e over one A SMP? CENTRAL PARK 800 for 50x186, bik. 23. Level view Iot. 900 pr., blk, 22. gas. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1100 pr., 6-6, bik. 20. Fi 1000 pr., 1-9, bik, 29, 2 corners. + COUSINS SISSONS 700 pr., 21-80, blk. 17, 950 pr, 1-2, bik. 34, (8. YUILL, 4,000 for 100 ft. corner, Tumbla, Ave, 8,500 for 80 ft. corner, lumbia Ave. 1,500, lot 20, bik: 2,700-for 650x130, with 5-room house worth 3,500. MAIN STREET 5,000 for lot 7, bik. 52, south, * 100 for lot 2,000 for lot 9, dik. 11, north. 25,000 for 100 ft, bik. 22, . Montreal St, 85,000 for 130x120, cor) Mon- treal and 6th Ave, Water and Co- Co- - B.F.SOUCH;Phm.B. . DEVE STORE, ToRONTO ST. surpassed the total permits of 1044-71 This: face, coupled with the substan- tial, increases made in almost every other city. denotes that the increased ttreal estate activity that has been prevalent in) Canadian cities during ithe year ix to a very considdrable ex- tetit eatised and warranted by the fapid and permanent growth that these figures indicate. , Azoiable fnetis that every city in city 26c a month. TEXAS DOG SHOW AT DALLAS. (Special to the News.) Dallas, Texas, Octe.17- The annual bench show of the. Texas Kennel Club I opened at the State Fair here today, to continue through the remainder of the week, All of the poplar breeds ot dogs are well represented at the rhe Dally News delivered in the show, which is the most, notable of, ite kind ever held In the Southwest. Rebbe beer H.W. IRELAND, The Medicin INSURANCE WE ARE CITY AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING : FIRE COMPANIES ROOM 4, BECKER BLOCK. PHONE 305. ; ANGLO-AMERICAN. SOVEREIGN. LONDON MUTUAL. CALUMET, Chist Br CONTINENTAL. jans- AETNA, + Becor PHOENIX. LONDON LANCASHIRE. ROCHESTER GERMAN: COMPANIES LONDON GUARANTEE ACCIDENT. GUARDIAN. a A. 8, ELLIS. AST. CLAXTON e Hat Security Co. SUNFLOWER, ; COFFEE, per ib We Are iagierterd oe Tetley s Teas and Coffees ORANGE PEKOE TIPS, per Ib. ORANGE PEKOE, BROKEN, per It SUCHONG, 3 Ibs, 1.00; per Ib... . . GOLDEN TIPS, per Ib - 60c perlb..... H.W. Ir *Main Street. eiand Co. Phone 54, Taight eit ing the Shee Eee s fe ae + *-
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Image 702 (1912-10-17), from microfilm reel 702, (CU1744413). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.