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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Glove Sensation MEDICINE HAT Medicine Mat Neu Published by the Medicine Hat News Co. Lid, ' lawful evening at its office, Main St.rot, Medicine Hat, Alta. tke Re ERR by BAMon -- . HONE: Advertising Cireulation and Job Depts, LQ BING RING 2 1Q DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 ym, delivered.... 4,00 1 year by mail, 3.00 HIGH GRADE QUALITY KID EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. At only S 12 Net This line we have been fortunate in securing direct from Europe, which puts-us-in-a position to-make-a leader of this glove at 1.00 a pair nett. Absolutely guaranteed. WHITE, TAN, AND BLACK. The House of Fashionable Dressers Pere rergny Perec: AS THE CIRCUS MAN WOULD SAY or Your Approval On Yuill St., between Washington and Nitta Ave. it you, see us ADOLPH SM MEDICINE HAT. ; PHONE 411. TH MQOSE JAW 3) Lecosescooese SOOKE OH 3 meee ueeed get 6-monthe, by months, delivered..100 3 months, by mall. 1 month, delivered...,850 Addresses changed as often as desired, but boti mw and old ad resser at be given. WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and contains eurtina-y of the cews of the week. geal and district. months, in advance 76e 1 year fn advance.... 1.50 Saturday, May 18, 1912 BRITISH CAPITAL COMING. HILE the Canadian West has always looked to Great Britain, more than to any other portion of the world, for the sale of debentures and bonds, yet it has always been a-matter of regret that Old Country capital could not be interested in our industrial propositions to.a greater ex- tent. It-has been left largely to American eapital to secure the cream in the manntgc turing opening in the Wvst.As iivestors the Ameriean3 have been made welcome, ihut-the advantage which would have been reaped had capital flowed in from Great Britain at the same time, would have been : cotumms of this issue reveals the fact that the old order of things is about to undergo x a change. Mr. W. Leonard Palmer, repre- gt; 4 senting the Financial News of London, who ited Medicine Hat last summer, is about . to a large party of English manufacturers. They will visit Canada to investigate in- dustrial conditions with-a-view to placing investments with us. In the itinerary, it is set forth that the party will reach Medicine Hat on July 10th. We-will have something gt; : 4 So 2, open their eyes as to the advantages which cheap power can confer. This visit w ee OF. CAWARA, CAPITAL AND RESERVES. Many a man owes his succes to * tact that he had the right mean much to Medicine Hat and it -will al so mean much to the British manufacturers. Senora) eens one : EAN S the managerie, which Mr. James Fleming hag-maintained in the C. P. R. gardens, has dwindled down to one solitary red deer, it has been thought wise to revert again to the former order of hings and once more the g: vill bi the City Council has apparently declined accept the suggestion of the News, to tl: Capital and Pst Total Ass2te ... consider the propos: name Medicine Hat in flowers on tlic lawn of the gardens. Besides being a gov advertisement for the city, a floral design vf 3 months, mm advance. .S0e great indeed. Reference to the news to show them when they arrive which will DAILY NEWS. entitled to the 100 grant to Fenian raid veterans, and are demanding the money. Evidently the Canadian climate ig as heal- thy for old soldiers as that of the United Btatess aonceneme Aylmer (Ont.) Express: Swat the now, every one you see. Chase her ar a block if necessary, but swat her. is nothing unmanly about killing a lady fly. lf you are in doubt as to whether it is a lady or gentleman fly, swat it anyway and take chances. Don t be a coward and pick on the ladies only. Everyone you kill now ans millions less during the summer. That's what scientists tell us, but we gt; do not know how they found out. At any rate, at the fly whenever you Chicago Tribune Mr, Bryan, says a prominent politician, is always a possibil- ity. Yet Mr. Bryan has been tried thre times and found impossible. ee amarante THIS DATE IN HISTORY. May 18. 1675 The explorer Marquette died near the-present' site of Ludington, Mich. Born in France in 1637. Se 1765 One-fourth. of .sheo-city of Montreal destrayed-by Tire. poleon Bonaparte proclaimed em- peror of the French. 1843 Sir Charles Bagot, governor-general of Canada, died at Kingston, Ont. Born in England,.Sept. 23, 1781. 1855 John W. Gates, noted fimancier and speculator, born in D: ty, Ill. Died in Paris, Aug. 8, 1911. 1898 Battleship Alabama launched Chester, Pa. + + 184 at THIS IS MY 74th BIRTHDAY. Watson C. Squire. Watson . Squire, former United States tor from Washington, was born in ape Vineent, N. ., May 18, 1838, and re- ed his education at Wesleyan Univer- From his graduation- until the out - k of the civil war he taught school. I: he enlisted as a private in a New Yor a r he raised a mipany of Ohio Skarpshooters, afterward known as Gen. Sherman s Body Guard. At the close of the war Mr, Squire returned to New York and remained. there unt'l 1579. . He then removed 1o Seattle, where inaugurated many extensive business enterprises. He was governor of Washi ton Territozy fox three years and in 1889 was elected United States senator, serving an, president of the State University of Iowa gt;85 years old today. ee LONDON:S-SOCIAL WHIRL REGAINING Season is Now-in Full Swing Many Things on Pro- gramme for Royalty. (W. AP, Dispatob) London, May 18. For the first time in three years London is really it- self, and everyone is looking forward to an interesting social and sporting season. In 1910 the death of King Edward restricted the usual galety and Inst year the Coronation over- shadowed the ordinary spring and summer season. The: season was formally opened the last day of April, when the king motored to Newmarket for the in- auguration of tho real flat raceing season. For Ascot the King and the Queen will entertain at Windsor, Besides the (latin-Britiah exhibi- tion, the annual horse show will on ts old-time prestige. The Naval See es Show nas been or gazscc1 017 soate to eclipse any - thing Of its kind ever given here, For the first time in the modern history of social London there will be two opera houses giving grand opera. The greatest sporting event of the season will We the triangular battle for cricket honors betweer South African and Austr ens, There will be nine test matches. and after their showing in Australia last winter the English players are champlorship will remain at home. In the purely social realms. any number of great hostesses will sig- nalize the rgt foris by ging balls. Devonshire will entertain the King and Queen on Derby night, and the Duchess ot Norfolk, Portland and Wellington will entertam .at balls. One v: the events of the Season Will be the One Hundred Years Age Ball, which will be given for the benefit of the Soldiers and Sailors Help Soc- lety. All oftending the bali must ap- Spear in rostumes of 1812, and it is xpected that the result will. yrove striking. The Empire, another char- ity ball, 15 also-expected to bu a great social success. DUKE OF SUTHERLAND . INTERESTING BRITISH ARIS AN OF BUYING IN CANADA So Says London Cable If We Don t Do This Can- Britisu Empire He s Al- leged to Have Said. (W. A. P. Special Cable) London, May 18. The + 44,993;800 - 72,000,000 A GENEEAL /RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANE DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, R. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Roetesivchoteege oeteateate sheets init tok THE Established 186 and 2a Fund , We gin ecin attention to 5 delay in withdraw: . can withdraw money. limye Increased from 19,426,091 SATIS21ED CUSTOMERS Are the Bust Assets that any Company Can Have, Prairic Pride Patent Flour Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Be Had. - The Medicine Hat Milling Co'y., Limited POPS Sa Paste stestn teste foseazecgecfocgecfocfeete SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Two or more persons may open a Joint Medicine Hat Branch. Se WERCHANTS BANK : OF CANADA 3 11.458,878 this nature could be made very attractiv. T is a matter of regret that Medicine Hat s industrial quarter was. not lo- cated across the river at - the incep- jtion of our manufacturing boom. Not ouly would a long string of factories between the ee 2, Bd Sos river and the railway have been a splen- ldid advertisement, but the growth of the Sehr RRR EERE PEER EEE city would have been directed towards Red- cliff and eventually the two municipalities would have been linket together. Again the need of a town-planning commission e- jeomes apparent. 0 THIS DATE IN HISTORY. May 19. 1643 Colonies-of Massachusetts Bay, Ply- mouth, Connecticut and New Haven eonfed rated under the-name of the United Colonies of New England. 1795 James Boswell, the biographer of Dr. Johnson, died. Born in 1740. 1822 General Iturbide proclaimed emper- or of Mexico. 1834 Marquis deLafayette died in Paris. Born in Auvergne, Sept, 6, 1757. 1898 William E. Gladstone, famous Eng - Sutherland, who is now in Canada, claims to have interested other mem- bers of the British aristocracy in his favorite plan of buying and subdivid- ing Canadian farm land for settle- ment by British farmers. In this connection he recently said, We want to. keep Canada for Bri- tain by sending tish emigrants. fo this Canat f the British Eaipire withl or six year. We cannot shut our eyes. to the consequences of Canada being flooded with American settl- OLD-TIME FORM entertaining high hopes that the 6 normal condit- . The Duchess of 4 Devonshire will entertain the King ada Will Be Lost to the Duke of Saturday, May 18, 1912 When you build, , consider QUALITY first, Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the Very best. We-tave-tt,-and-ev- erything the Bullder requires, A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOUD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- LOW Posts a BOARD WD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE FOR SMUT Oe... Quart 25 ....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drag and Book Store : HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. CROSSLEY ROS. in 1901 to PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Poultry which meets every requirement. ualities, ckerels for laying ting. The utility bird of the century e, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in Kegs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- () PERATIONS are to-begin immediately on the erection of the new building fo: ; the Medicine Hat Milling Company. The timber is all on order and besides th: two earloads-of-machine i ave ar- ehinerywhich h: rived two more are ready for shipment. TP HE rent ay on- e other side of the river, p etween the Finlay bridge and the corporation limits, is in a-very poor state of repair. As the travel) over it is very heavy, the public -vorks committee should spen little money there and a little would go a long way. 5 aes ae area PUBLIC OPINION Vancouver Sun: It is estimated that 00,000 immigrants will enter Canada dur- ing the next fiscal year. This will be un- precedented in Canada, and not far below the highest figures in the United States. As Canada is only one-thirteenth the size of the United States in point of population it will be evident that we are receiving a lar- ger proportionate accession every year than that country ever did, or probably than any other country in the history of the world This influx brings with it problems that ' the older generation of Canadians will have to grapple with, and that before very long. 3 Ottawa Citizen The Canadian militia department now realizes what it is to be up against a pension system. Some seventeen thousand applicants imagine that they are 1809. 1911 Federal Government filed . New York against the tum: ests, alleging acer on D straint-of : ge THIS IS MY 49th BIRTHDAY. i John A. Mathieson. John A. Mathieson, premier of Prince Edwara-isiand, was born in Hartington, P. E. 1, May 19, 1863. His education was re- ceived principally in Prince of. Wales Col- Jege at Charlottetown, where he qualified las a teacher. ror-severat years -he-was em- ployed as a teacher, a part of the time in Manitoba. In 1892 he quit teaching to study law and in 1894 was admitted to the bar. He-began-the practice of his profes- sion in Georgetown, removing a few years later to Charlottetown, which city has since been his home. Mr, Mathieson began his public career in 1900, in which year he was elected to the provincial parliament. suit in arte te in re- Philander C, Boosts Taft and Roosevelt But Re- turns to Taft, (W.-A. P. Dispatch.) Toledo, 9, May 18 Secretary of jState Philander C. Knox, last night gave his reasons for speaking in the interest of President Taft's renom- ination before a large crowd in the alentine Theatre He declared his friendship for both President Taft and Colonel Roosevelt was cordial, but he reserved the right to speak in favor of President Taft at this time, de- claring. that if the fpeople denied him the renomination t would be construed as denouncing the Repub- Mean party as Pres dent. Taft has kept the pledges of that party. It the people esire to accept the dictates of one :nan without regard to the conditions of the country let it be so. Fut I will be glad to raise my voice against It, hec ontinued. Three years later-he was appointed leader of the Goposition and last December he was selected to head the new Conservative cab- inet. ae CONGRATULATIONS TO: Lewis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern Railway, 40 years old today. Waldorf Astor, son and heir of William Waldorf Astor, 33 years old today. E Bishop F. D. Mouzon, o fthe M. B. churghi South, 43 years old-today. Secretary Knox reviewed his jation with President Taft, an wtih former President Roosevelt,-pay- ing compliments to the personality of each. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tab Dr ita rats fails to cure. E. W. GROVES signa- ture Js on box. 25c. a At na PRINTER WANTED Two-thirder, Good chance for advancemont. Apply personally or write Foreman, Dally News, Medicine Hat, Alta, ee SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally News. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. 0, Box 304. iH Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO, 368, 402 728 THE J: S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Speclalty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times, F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, uill Street. Phone No, 416, W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER any CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 435.
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Image 840 (1912-05-18), from microfilm reel 840, (CU1743478). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.