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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Wednesday, May 8th 1912 SOCIALIST TO Poeraeerareerparigeiead Sepdrgepeegerareapaped ST. BARNABAS BRANCH ; LECTURE TONIGHT o Listen i aa co Real Estate Present Daily Our shoes wear wel OF WOMANS AUXILIARY 2:2 coon ome G oo d B y rarlnceat ia and make tie look i pee oak eet eee Investments di Ss nae look neat-and trim. HOLD-ANNUAL MEETING tunday-tineain- Dusing bie ais : ana a r TOWNSITE 3 er i e th lect They are comfort a Satna acs ease Hat me een, (NORTE YUL, Mrs. W. Ireland Elected Thursday and Frias The meetings Lat Hie aHE a0. Lot 11, Block 18, Bridge Street VOL. 2, NO President Mrs. Fos. aes SeaNatientan eee ll 50 ft block 62 2000.00, x 50 feet ..... 550.00 SS ter s Report oie Of peopte have a wide and varied opin Eee Ae MnO Sa eat Oe Te lll ge oe , Braemar Street, 50 0000 ing Condit- f, so this opportunity of hear CENTRAL PARK POL Spieislctiinjen woreeuiesen See ee . Flousiahing ondi sng aw Cotuprityiariehttwell betanes Bots 20 3h kB 870 at Lot 2, Block 4, Balmoral Street, 3s dmissi to th 18, bik. 27, pr. 50 fe eta gi ie oN atta the ae Lots 29 and 80, bik 9, 825, pr. 50 feet ......... 22.0. 850.00 ; PRESENTATION MADE TQ tes aestion: sna aiseussion wii 248 21 and 22, ix 21, 790. pr. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX be called for. a Lots 3-36, bik. 20, 900 pr. 50 feet, corner. Lockwood and a COUSINS SISSONS. School Avenue .2. ..... ++. 1200.00 WRS.FATT, ALSG ADDRESS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 2 3 36, be 20, 735 pur. 50 feet, corner Alberta and In Leavinig the City to Talce moot. Katy is 12 town froma Radel Lote 4,039, be 38, Br. wok School Avenue... 2... 2... 1260.00 Will be i in Vic- Lote 21 and 22, bik 18, 735 pr. . CENTRAL PARK. up Her Residence in Vic. W, B, Code and wife of Bassano, Lots 7 and 8, bik. 2, 840 pr. 51 toria. arrived in town yesterday. : sours YunL 50 feet, corner Charles and Sar- . Tate ana 5. pas (festng al- Ai eae a Bee eae 1500.00 Pre: Th 1 tf f the St. Bi F. M. Stubd s visitor from Seven noe) ead ot 13, Block 3, arles St., 50 4 SHOES SHOES fubes branch of the Womas s Auzil- POTeous SoserTet My Se feet Eyre... cs 1100.00 Bynes New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and isc arnanes cnureh, was, wellat- , Movs: J. Red and.Gu A. Clark Fats 7 109,008, 97 ach Any of the above properties are a good spot to mate Oe ae i Rall alors si ee ee eel, Seas Maat Sel bulla your, home on, schools tea 8 . All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and The treasurer's report, presented by Messrs, J. and S, Whitehead of To- : and 5 for genera patents, in lace and button styles. Mrs. F. G. Fortter, showed that the Touto are visitors in town. : Teas for Sub-Division H The total a poe * acres close in 250 per acre. on which the tay Se ete ee LS C. Pettet Co? 222 GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sixes. lof 800 which will be called in this G?assy Lake. A. G. TROTMAN ees os Finanee Co gone. Come early before the nobby ones are all Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. Year, making a total of 2714. After the discussion of a number of questions the following officers were elected: President Mrs, Walter Ireland. Vice President Mrs. J. H. Soans. Secretary Mrs. Frederick W. Mills. Treasurer Mrs, F, G. Forster. Delegates to Convention at Regina Mrs, Walter Ireland and Miss Kellett. Rex Rose is in town from his ranch at Bowell. Messrs. George and Benj.- Johnson of Whitin made a business trip to town yesterday. Gen. Man. McLeod and Dr, . A. Reid of the Canadian Northern R. R. Imperial Bank Bldg, Prone 695. TODAY'S MARKETS Winnipeg, May 8 May wheat, old, Opened 104 5-8, closed 104 1-8; May Rew, Opened 104 5-8, closed 104 1-; July opened 105 8-4, closed 105 3. F. B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends Tax. arrears ... Local improv. ta Water front tax Gas revenue ... Water Revenue Hlectric Ught ... Parks. and Mark License and Pol Building permits Poll thx left town last evening: A most enjoyable motor party was ac hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed to the retiring President, Mrs. G. Westwood, for the faithfulness and ef- Oct closed 100, May Oats opened 49 3-8, closed 49 -8; July opened 49 1-2, closed 49 1. trons for thelr generous nage during the past seven years 2 which he has conducted bakery business, and. begs to state i that on and after April 15th the business will be on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company Total Finance Comm A PECULIAR SUIT ficleney with which she had perform- given Monday evening in honor of Debentures, prin Extra No. 1 feed, May, opened 43 3-4. a continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurance of a ed the duties of her office. Dick Taylor who is leaving for May flax closed 195; July opened continuation of that -service and quality which ha: been F rae te is Daniel Gill of Irvine was the defen A presentation of a pearl and dia) Phoenix, B.C, The greater part - of 195 1-2, closea 196 1-3. assoclated. with this store. Local Improveme Gent. tn the civil: court belore Judge Pan ea en eo pa the evening was spent in motoring, Cash Prices r: JINON eee so FOF: taking in the surrounding 1 . Wheat No. 1 Nor. 104; 2 Nor. 102; . 5 c Benjamin Kinsell on a charge pre- who ts leaving Medicine Hat to live i Our efficient and most Chliging Akad Watch for further Announcements 235-d:tf Blectric Ught ... ferred by John Kinsell, his father. at Victoria. The following address, Murphy of the Palm Cafe provided a 3 Tea Bi is Kinsell to which Mrs, Fatt made an appro-/ + - vee through his father to work for him Driate reply, was read by Mra. West- a: er Among: those present in, the extra No. 1 feed 43 1-2; No. 1 Paces exp. for eight aati 150, a 8 ee me pa party were the Misses J. Robertson, Pee: seid ee Pardee drgotratotoatectoagete Qoegeasecgoateeteefeatecteagecteageete Auditor fees... . part pay for the boy's held he wor 3 . give a certain quantity of seed tion will be held in the Court Room wheat at 1.25 per. bushel delivered Dear Friend and Co-Worker: W have learned, with great regret, of jyour approaching departure from V. E. Fountaine, M. McKenzie, E. Draudson, M. Lussier and J. Milne Messrs. D. American Markets Minneapolis, May . May wheat p- ened 115 1-8, closed 114 5-8; July. op- ee posteege Printing and adv Interest and exc ee Hat onta xt-00, cents ee SaaS Medicine Hat, and we cannot permit Godtrey, Disk nea 118 4, closed 116: e 2 Kinsell worked for Gill until. ist of Ly soae without, expressing our ap- Taylor,,Geo. Buell, W. Sprinkle, A. 19g euner nie eee F T lt; September when he left for hots be- Preciation of your services, our sor- Sandersqn and B. McKenzie. Ohisago, May; ares neat Go- 1S WS paper * oO cause another man employed by Gill row over your departure and our good; : oH ened 117, closed 112; July opened 114 t o tol him he would be better at home: wishes for your futire. For a num- GETS 3 MONTHS gt;: 1-8, closed 113; Sept. opened 109 1-2, P ee Ddecause ofslistlessness in his actions, ber of years you have been one ofthe ar -/ jelosed 408 3-4, . ee Gr Kinsell then went to Gill and asked most zealous and active methbets'of Albert Playfair, who was given alyc . a o him if be could go home, Gili said he this branch of the Woman's Auzil- remand until 2 o'clock yesterday by gt; ENGINEER SAVED WRECK n our ore ae / could stay or go as he saw fit. iary. To every work we have und r- Magistrate Kealy, to enable him to a a z The boy left for home and worked taken for the good of the church, you secure bonds for good conduct, fail- (WAP: Diapatiay 7 * Remains of for his father, Kinsell, sr., then bill- have cheerfully devoted your time;/ed in his attempt amd-hmd-to.go to Appleton, Wis, May 8JThe north- .- st oe Piekedt 2 Gi 50 for wages and also your talents and your means. Lethbridge for 3 months hard labor. bound passenger train on the Wis- for aol an at home. : Pe shall miss not only your neta, He gave a Chinaman a cheque* but consim division of the Chicago and E + ed Muck Tsdgment was given to. plaintift bdt also your presence. ee there .were no funds. Northwestern, due in Appleton about Would you consider that this News paper wae well nm aaa: for 112.50 for time served, allowing ey ae er eke midnight, had a narrow escape from managed if It issued according to the- mood of its pub- 2 a counter claim of defendant for seed) and your sine Three young. men, Charley May- .bad wreck when two of the drive, Mshers instead of at regular, stated and invariable in- o Halitax, N.S., and cash, 91.65, being 20.87 and a gt; ines in FORE pai sept this token or DetFY gt; Albert Massard and HE. G. Wheels of the locomotive left the tervals? Would you think t.a geod nm gt; NS. small item of costs. wi Cairns. of Irvine, who were arrested tiack two miles this aide of Little at the morgue be A meeting of the Clerks associa- of the City Hall on Wednesday even- ing at 8 o'clock. The retail. clerks im the city are requested to attend to discuss the half holiday. Parties intending to build a house will find it to their advantage to write THE WHITE SQUAW COMPANY. At the Opera House Thursday Eve- ning, May 9th. For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. , Don't forget In Wyoming at the Opera House tonight, guaranteed by to Box 1266, News office. tf. the management. tA lt;Prisoner of-Mexico is a. dra- our love and esteem, and hoping that God may spare you to bejwith us again, we remain, yours affectionate-. yy, (Signed on behalf of the Auxiliary) Mary Westwood, Pres.,: Mary Soans, Vice Pres.; Flo, Ireland, Sec; Eva Forster, Treas, AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT for killing a heifer and taking parts of the carcas, are being given a pre- lithinary trial before E. R. Benwell, J.P. It is expected that the trial will be concluded this evening. IOWA MANUFACTURERS IN (Special to the News) Sioux City, Ia, May 8 Sioux City is entertaining for three day3 the tenth annua convention of the Iowa Chute. The enginer of the train real- izing that the locality was dangerous continued along on the ties for a dig- jtance.of three miles, w..en in some un- accountable manner the wheels jump- ed back on the track. Great credit is. given the engineer for his presence of mind in not attempting to stop the train. Had ho done-so a bad wreck would have resulted, STEAMER STRANDED Printed 12-page issue at one time with handbill size, issue at another time? Would you feel that it was serving its constituency eflectnally if, now. and then, it suspended fssue entirely to be resumed at some thne when the publishers felt inclined? jour store serves your patrons with store-news through its advertising. They assume that there Is al- ways store news worth telling store news that is: im- portant to them, f It Is not-as poor policy for a store, as it woald be fora POPs entified the two-y only-child- victim aster picked up steamers. From ceived here yester of the victims wa of Mrs. Paulson , to be the mother boy. There was a x between the wom sum of unusual merit. To Save Manufacturers newspaper, to serve its patrons in a spasmodic, undepen- -even before the 3 : Ftex Brother is one of Wisow lac sea: Greiee e (W. A. P. Dispatch) able way If your stere fe important to'the people of ceived it was tho men prominent in industrial . affairs May) 8 Th Dreamland T heatre Pany s best and will make you lad/are in attendance The prominent , Vaso, D.C, 8. The the elty, your advertising is important to them all of the . . (The 01d Reliable) TO-NIGHT. you came, ending with a comedy .as you see only at Dreamland. A new sign was placed in position; speakers and their topics include the following: Efficiency, Frederick W. Taylor of Philadelphia; Working- men s Compensation, James A. Em- British steamer Indore of Liverpool is stranded on a French reef. The Flor- ida and the Revenue Cutters Yama- craw and Offorward are going to her Ume aot merely now and then. The size of your advertising spave should not vary any more than the sizeof a newspaper varies, and the appear- ance vf your advertising should be as frequent and as Tegular as the appearance of this newspaper. assistance, according to wireless ad- vies received here today. , A Prisoner of Mexico overhanging the sidewalk before the/ery of Washington, D. C.;, Industrial main entrance to the Royal Hotet ducation, Louis E-Reber of Madison this morning, Wis.; Advertising, John Lee Mahin To Save Her Brother PEPE EO EEE error toerrd Soetoro . ES Sey of Chicago, and Transportation in Late for Lunch ...... Biograph Comedy Don't forget In Wyoming at the ONS -Georee T. Bell of Sloux City. MONEY jon yoming at the Our Peerless 4-piece Orchestra supplies the music ff/oe'* Hows tenistt eearanteed by or att xine of jo orm sy WE AIK ERS Strcrrermenctncte sreenapenercteceepee While Resid Matinee Prices 5c and 10c. .... Evening Performance 10c-and 15e. CENTRAL PARK Lives, a 1 Come Early. Come Early, e 400 Pr,,lots-14-15,-bik-St- cas Jots 29-20, bik. 29 Lote ten Valu lots 21-31, bik 27. Fe orced 1 lots 31-38, bik. 29. : OUR SLOGAN oP, lots 17-18, bik 3, ee lt; 4 ner. 186 ft. by 84 ft. A: smaller loaf but Better Bread. Snap. - New Roads, La. -Pr.. lots 27-28, blk 2: + Monarch Theatre ee aaa ene the floods, arrivec 850 Pr. lots 19-20, bik. 29, 3 from the country ., . ea Corner. . s junds The Man Under the Bed ....... Reliance Drama 0050 un, 3 soa. - Hawaiian aaa eines His Musical Soul...... ........ Solax Comedy 750 cach, 12-13, bik. F. 7 dinity and are in wi aah ee --- 600, lot 1, vlk 18,- 2 QQ the Wid West Circus... Bron Comedy Ha BE Pineapple * 1100, lot 9, bik. A. Keesville Falls ..... ... Solax Scenic oy ee ee nee 4 THE BABY. 1050, lot 18, bli. B. Music by the Monarch Orchestra. 1050 Pair, lots 1-4, bik. 2. Packed and Warranted by Libby, McNeill eee eee 1050, oe We es : ave eS : , 2 eS Libby, Honolulu, Hawaii. Do: r Afternoon 5c 10c. Evening 10c 15c + - 950, lot Z, ble 3, bby, Shot 1600, lot 11, bik. 86. North. - MATINEE 3.15- EVENING 8.00 1200, lot 15, bik. 86. 1050, 1ot 24, Dik. 80. 31206, lot 14, bik. 96, 4000 all, lots 16-17, pike, 84, 1250, 18, bik. 89. 1800 for ali, 1-2, bik. 89. Cor- ner. Snap, 6000, lots 7 and 8, blk 52. COUSINS SISSONS 475 Pr., lots 21-22, bik 5, Hong Kong, Chi ands of Chinese been stranded to 1 tow in the province are, returning to C We Also Have Ripe Pineapples in stock. and Quality Call and see our fine line of Barnet Hygenic Refrigerators, the best refrigerator, bas no oqual on the market: STAR THEATRE m : lots 7-8, bik. 2. ed labor trouble Es Father and Son... Vitagraph Drama Made in Ash, Birch and Oak, with snow white porcelain lining, lots 11-15, bik. 12: Sareea saere ee banding of these-t For His'Pal s Sake ............. Selig Western Also sine and galyonised tron Imm sy fot she; bik 28 H w governor of, Cant . . SCREEN DOORS AND SCREEN WINDOWS. 7 commander-in-chief WIRE CLOTH, POULTRY NETTING, ETC. joke on the Joker ... Biograph Comedy Who Got the Reward loty 19-20, bik 32. lots 1-20, blk, 24: Ireiand Co. forces and he is p Biograph Comedy eee x 7 8 1-2 blic 22. Main Street.. Phone 54. fainate pirates on (Ewo good comedies.) : I, A -tT b caught stealing ov i Donal to See Pather tn Sor THE MARSHALL-MUIGHENL HARDWARE C2. U'D. BF. SOUCH tv-srinsrieesieemeniecieciceees oc 1 hSibidiellt Seka ibe. Hessbie 106 ahd abs Deg Ste tS. (SSS SSS Wert iter. Fo A Want Ad in. the Daily News Will Bring D multe.
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Image 789 (1912-05-08), from microfilm reel 789, (CU1743504). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.