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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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i Page 4 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, Jiine 25th, 1912 Tuesday, June 2th, 1912 e mated at 15,000,000 as a result of for- - MS WANTED. Fr en ch S eakin tuuate sining speculations, Baltimore Leads as a Roo) cede tedutstn triers WANTED Two rooms, light house- Pree tetera sear For the first time In twelve years, P Cc : Ci keeping, furnished. Martin B. S Gathers cn BEY ES OR Gs UO 8 NtY eee ee eens es ongress a e York district will have contest on P Fur, Gale) Lost mound) ete; ae. ander gt; 29848 hig hands for the Republican .nomt- Today's Democratic national, con-)between North and South were al- ee - natign this year, yentio nin Baltimore will not find the teady in cIrculation and found free oe MISCELLANEOUS : Leading Frenchmen of Canada as Well as States Are people fthe Monumental City inex- *PF ssion on the floor of the conven- e100 TNG.we wish 3 Gathered at QO for Weeks Meeting Many After seventeen years in political pegienced in the handlug of a great tion in the Front Street Theatre. 00h ABN) e wish to inform the 8 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cen public that we have no ticket agents canvassing for photos for us and mation to/convict any parties tlaim- 2 2 South Dakota, intends to retire from politics at the end of his present term. of-office and will engage In mercan- There were two would-be occupants Prominent Speakers. i 8 lng soon resulted in the use of lang- uage decidedly unparliamentary and semblage 18 the seventeenth conven- tion of major league party to be Phone your ad to No. 13 rin Quebec, June 24. The pe aie reek. im Areonsult, Princo mae, tl business, tn the) Hast ue aa toate Te i He crohns of Ulawee Cualteageale cee Senne pista oe us. The aetio . mn a lential year 0 duels were juent, the oa s aring for the Great French Speaking Ward Bee casera. Libacte Thomas Sterling, who has been cho- the three leading parties, Democrats, ond ballot Reerbaa, A Bessie ene SRLS SAEED: Congress which begins this evening) F- E. Lessard. MAA. Atere Vsen by the Republicans of South Da- Republicans and Anti-Masons, allinols received 481 1-8 votes, In an eo Cea AND ONES: and lasts the remalider of the week, A Portier pretest 2 kota as-thelr candidate for United met in the old city on the Chesa-lattempt to placate the Southerners, WANTED at once good general ser- cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, is now complete. The delegates in- ical Society of Loulstana, Se a ee eee mata Hae Pears patina cata: echres- ot aecguaiie Pagee icky ced tame aa Te ea ae I et feweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult ot clude representatives of the French On Tuesday afternoon statute t Gamble, isa broth r of Representa- years, from 1832 to 1852, all of the isan re we eee Beane eee fortwo months: Apply Mrs. J. Mf 88e8,- stoves, musical inatruments, See rer era at GQuabec, the Nef thy late Mongre Mecla, ans Uae 'Dte- re goua A. Bearltag o6 the. Seveda Demeneatieieenticnsl soavenbloak bation, Wakawiined al. ond. the Matte coe ae North Railway St. 295tt England States, the Maratime Prov- migr of Quebec, will be unvelled. tconth Ilinols district. bos ret it, and the nation bicycles, carpenter were held In Baltimore. Chicago, be ginning its convention career with the Republican gathering that nomi- al committee nominated Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, The bolters and those who had ben refused seats In inces, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskat- chewan. ( The city itself-wears a kala appear- while on Wednesday evening an excur- sion to the famous church of Ste. Anne de Beaupre will take place. WANTED at once young woman to do lUght house keeping, near to town, Apply to Mrs. D. B, Brown, tools, etc, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring McMillan, who has been im- Benton ance today, bunting of every -descrip- tion decorating the streets and houses. Outside the drill hall where many of the sessions will be held, a great tri- umphal arch has been erected. This arch is approached through an avenue On Friday and Saturday there will be luncheon at the Chateau Fronten- ac. On Sunday there will be a meet: ing of the association of the Catholic Young French Men in conjunction Thongred With-nearly all of the portant public offices within the gift again in the field. for the Democratic nom- of the people of Tennessee, is ination for governor of that State. nated Lincoln, in 1860, ranks second to Baltimore, with a tions to its credit. tion of the conyention method of no- minating Presidential candidates, Philadelphia has had half a dozen big acneel Feoe sees arene Institute and adop- John 6 Breckinridge, of Kentucky, the regular convention met in the nominated for President. The denunciations of Douglas the little giant were couch- ed in terms that left nothing to the P. O, box 889, Medicine Hat. mopolitan, 294a6t ANTED A general porter. Cos- 2gdatt Go. 812 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. -P, 0. box 701, Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 28DKt. i stuff at Turpin Bros. Panama Hats, Simm Suits, B, V. D. and ot JWWANTED Gooa wash woman to do washing at home or go out. 635 North Railway st. 7 294ast PHE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second with the Independent French Cana- j ig an interesting coincidence that dian Guard of Canada-and the Uni- yotn Harry S. New, late acting chair ted States and the French Canadian iman of the Republican National Com- national ,partizan gatherings, and St. Louis one less. Indianapolis has of festooned columns. In addition to these in the drill hall, sessions will imagination. er lines of light u also be held in Lavalle University and the legislative assembly build- ings. How representative the con- gress will be of French-Canadiians of Canada may be gathered from the fol- lowing list of the congress officials. President Mgr. Begin, Archbishop National Societies. During the parade wreaths will be laid on the monument of Des Braves which commemorate the victory of Levis over Murray. At this point patriotic speeches are. to be delivered. Among the distin- of Quebec. air Langevin Archbishop of St. sulshed visitors from outside Can Boniface. da to be present ts Mgr. Bruchesi, Archbishop of Mon- treal. Mer. Gauthier, Archbishop of Otta- wa. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Sir Francois Langelier, Lieut. Gov. of Quebec. Sir Lomer Gouin, Premier of Que- bee. Senator Landidge, President of the Senate. Mayor Brouin of Quebec. Abbe Gosselin, Rector of Lavalle University. a Lamy, the representative of the coi gress of the French Academy; Gov- ernor Pothier of Rhode Island bas sent his regrets at being unable to attend owing to political business at Chicago. One of the subjects to be discussed is the immigration of French Cana- dians to Saskatchewan and the an- nouncement will be made that a bu- reau will be opened in the province to encourage this movement. Henry Bourassa speaks on Friday night on the future of the French mittee, and Victor Rosewater, er members of the Republican Ni tional Committee. The only ex-Confederate who ev presided over a national political co e convention was th: the Sound Money Democrats who nom: inated Palmer and Buckner in Indian- apolis in 1896. Representative A. P. Pujo of Seventh Louisiana district, name will long be remembered investigation, of his term next March. THRONGS OF TEACHERS who succeeded him, are the sons of form- vention was Donelson Caffrey of Lou- the whose connection with the Money Trust is to retire yoluntar- ily from Congress at the expiration been the choice on three occasions, and Cincinnatti has had the. same number, the Democratic convention held in: the Ohio city in 1856 having ben the first important meeting of its kind west of the Alleghanies. Cin- cinnatti was also the scene of the memorable Republican gathering of 1876, when Robert G. Ingersoll mad er n of knight speech for James C. Blaine. Buffalo has had two big conventions. Other cities that have had one con- vention each in their history include Charleston, Cleveland, Denver, Har- risburg, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New York, Omaha and Pittsburgh. Baltimore was the sc ne of the most riotous national convention in in Today is the sixth anniversary of the tragedy on the Madison. Square Garden roof, in which ford White, the eminent architect, was shot and killed by Harry Kendall Thaw, who is now seeking his free- dom after. having been confined over four years in the Asylum for the Criminal Insane at Matteawan, N. Y. ts burgh millionaire, the last, of which resulted in his acquittal on the ground of insanity, were the most sensational in American criminal re- cords. Lately it has ben aserted that Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw, the beautiful child wife who was the cause of the tragedy, 18 the mother of a twenty- months old babe, born to her in the political history of the United States. Fifty-two years and two days ago today, June 23, 1860, the Demo- crats convened in the Maryland city. Hamburg, Germany, and of which it fg alleged Thaw is tht father. Ac- cording to other published statements Thaw has denied the paternity of the Holt, Renfrew Co., Winnipeg. onrad, Assiniboia. Hotel. Ave. WANTED Two St. planade. WANTED Bwelady wanted to look after Manufacturing Fur Depstt- ment. Good salary to capable person 294a6t ANTED Pantry boy: Apply. Mr. 29343 house and store. English or Ger- man preferred. Apply to 312 Fourth 29satt good smart men. Apply at once Room 1, 386 Main 29006 S (MAD WaANTED Apply to 422 Bs- 2 2goatt ANTED Small team outfits for ditch work. Have 2000 miles to Hand Tools in the city. We carrr Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns. Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harnes and a nice new line of wihter goods, We buy everything mentioned abovel and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Railway St. or Phone 687. tfH W: 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab-j Mshed 1882), auditers, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth-j bridge. A. E. Gibson,.C.A, resident partner. Phone 198. Burns - Block. 275 attll AUCTIONEERS HH. 3. BROWNE CO., Live and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor4 derwear, silk Hose a i fancy lisle thread Hos and the greatest line summer Shirts and. sc collars you ev r sa Tog out for the first July at Turpin Bro The Man's Stone Where: 3 Get the Big Dollar's Wort President Aram Brother, Governor Canadian race, while his Nationalist (Special to the News) Threats of the impending struggle child, if it exists. let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8/145 s+ stock Sales every Frid PPP beh bk tet of Rhode Island. aily, Armand Lavergne, will speak on Louisyille, Ky.,; June 25. From ev- toot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co.) - saset Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch Sir A. B. Routhier, Quebec. Saturday. lery direction in Kentucky, and from Basen ale 267dtC) and farm stock sales conducted any- BIG LEAGUE Manabe : ve seat during the na i 221 N Mack, Canuck b Sr Seep Date, unease snags vie ent doing eins ws vat os caer Sats oo Norman Nlack, Uanuck by ANTED aon ad women io ear oer Hou fears sae con SCORES Hon, D- Landry, New Brunswick. the United States and the President throngs of teachers poured two bou- zm PS puboak cuaranciol rate now perience at your disposal possigetcy : as Hon, A. Turgeon, Saskatchewan. of the French Republic. isville today to attend the forty-first. rth, older by TAGE rates to indies, Particulars sa ae 703, H, B. Browne Co. 5I9 To FEEEEEE ETE ES suatal convenient me Eat logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- Tonto St. 182d NATIONAL LEAGUE ROOSEVELT WIKR GAGED ION st cee sesame ct Rm es ere tendance records will be broken, and , mae ae ; Brooklyn 4 cor Ye : 5 r Sie Suave La ee ratica will be the iacst TU at every: ettanttea-assoois- the Democratic: Neflonal Comm tee eee ee GINGER SEWING MAUBINES an Hoss and Pariden. But, Unlike the Beast, He Can and Has Ap- peal, Writes W. J. Bryan. (By W. J. Bryan.) Fort Wayne, Ind, June 25. The break has come, and the progressives were happy in their selection of the time. They waited until the creden- tials committee had made its late re- port, until the committee majority had voted itself into the convention, until it was demonstrated that no amount ticlan and Mr. Roosevelt has made his appeal, He brings against the con- vention itself an indictment such as no party has ever had to meet before. He appeals from leaders inebriated by prolonged power, to. the voters who can dispassionately weigh to Philip sober. Platform Is Unimportant, The platform of issues is such Taft. policies, measure methods. From Philip drunk platform as might be expected for Mr. It points with pride to what he has done and views with alarm all successful in the fation, The prominent speakers and Dr. sity. MANITOBA'S CRY of fact or argument availed to reverse the decisions based upon the exigen- cies of the case, rather than upon the merits of contests, and then Delegate Allen of Kansas read Mr. Roosevelt's statement and enforced its pngent par- agraphs with pointed remarks of his own, Mr, Roosevelt's statement will be published in full. I need only to refer to it here. It will prove an historic document. Never before has an Amer- ican political convention witnessed such a scene, A man, one of the most that Mr. Roosevett stamth threatens to do. The curious ing between them. The republican party is through the same convulsions 16 years ago, when progressi democracy was born. In the case for and may read it, but it will play a very small part in the campaign. In the repub- ican mind Mr: Taft has come to stand for standpatism and Mr. Roosevelt for progressivism and the voters will not make any nice caiculations in decid- passing which the. democratic party passed through Present Time. (W. A. P. Dispatch) out almost the entire province ve Sr fF the crops. The last two weeks of the assoc- be heard during the three days ses- sion include Dr. Hewell Dwight Hill- is of Brooklyn, Dr. P. P. Claxton, Un- ited States Commissioner of Educa- tion, Dr. Charles F. Thwing, presi- dent of Western Reserve University, David Starr Jordan, presi- dent of Leland Stanford, Jr., Univer- . ponsibility for making the Baltimore Crops in-Eastern Province Are in Bad Shape at the Winnipeg, Man., June 24. Through- Manitoba comes the cry-for more rain tion of human beings -has to have an executive heaw. Even Gal con- vention is no exception to that rule. Looking for the real directing force back f the great gathering of Demo- crats convened today in Baltimore, you will find him in the person ofa quiet, neatly ad, intellectual and pleasing man who answers to the name of Norman Edward Mack. Pos- stbly he may look a bit harassed and ad today, too, for the job of 1o0k- g after the thousand and one dei ofa mational political convention is mot-quite the yastest Job in the world, to began a dozen years ago. Four years fago Mr. W. F. J. Fingy Connors, who-owns-the Buffalo Enquirer, a rival evening paper, assisted, it is sald, by Mr. Murphy, of Tammany Hall, cooked up a plot to oust Mr. Mack fromi the committee, on the ground:that he had held the job long, enough. Things did not turn out in quite that way, for instead of being fired Mr. Mack was elevated to the chairmanship and leadership of the body: SITUATION requir d as housekeeper by English girl. Apply A. G. K. Box 95. 29343 FOR SALE *OR SALE Leather colonial rocker, Morris chair, Haviland china din- ner set, mahogany parlor stand and Oriental seamless velvet rug. Owner leaving city. Will sell cheap. Apply 201 Main St. a94aat Sherlock, Manning Pianos Organs for sale and to rent. classes of insurance. W. J. Flem Office 381-Main Street. E. Bartlett, B.A.Sch Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo Industrial Spur Raflways,, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigat AUTOMOBILE FoR SALE CHEAP 6 passenger, touring, in first-class ; condition,a herse power, fully l quippea. Apply P. 0. box 697. tf Plans, Etc. Room 14, Imperial Bank Build Medicine Hat convention a pneumatic-tired, ball bearing, rubber-heeled and easy run ning affair by reason of being the chairman of the Democratic national Committee, an honor, carrie with it not a little hard labor, not much credit, and a great deal of blame if everything don't go off to suit everybody. And it is as certain as death and taxes that the Balti- more convention, in its final results, of of SEEEEEEE EEE EEE ie yee + 101 RANCH bc + SHOWS HERE + ie JULY ist. + + Jefe oe fe be oe ole oe ode ode oe te oe he ob Of the many tented aggregations ring the country this year there is not one that has brought in- to prominence truthful western depic- tions as has the 101 Ranch Real Wild West Show which s to be here on July 1. There is that something about SPANIELS Brown curley retriev- ers; pedigreed, ten weeks old; from best trained stock; just right age to train for fall shooting. Ken nels getting over stocked... Will sell atthe following low: prices: Dogs 8.00; bitches, 500. Write R. W. Al- len, Hillside Kennels, Piapot, Sask. s a7gazit ROOMS TO RENT. aS ee PIANO VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken consistent wit) the lowest charge best workmanship Expert Work Guarautced. CHAS. A. aps Telephone 68. W. E. WRIGHT: Customs Broker. Phone 48 505 Main Yingling and Miller. a AMERICAN LEAGUE oston 1... fashington . seks fe Bedienf and Cartigan? Pelty, Musser, Engle and Ait iNew York .. . 1 Philadelphia . . Word and Sweeney. Bender ahd Thomas, re AMERICAN ASSOCIATIO fMinneapolis . 2 Kangas City . 4 Powell and O'Connor, uisville . 7 oledo : ae oney, Richterand-Madden. nd Kand, olumbus as ndianapolls F Cooper and Rapp. Kimball and Casey. St. Paul lt;.. (Milwaukee . dry growing weather has caused the this show that is absent in all others Gardner and Murray. won't please everybody: forceful figures of his time, president, once by the death and once by the largest major- ity ever given to a president, contend- ing against an administration which he created, for the honor of a repub- lican nomination. In spite of patron- age, in spite of the powerful organi- zation of the dominant party and in spite of great commercial influences he actually secured an undisputed y of the Like Caged Lion, Contrary to all precedent he goes to the convention city-and conducts his own fight. He finds himself hedged about by forces with which he can not cope. If he may be likened to a caged lion, confined in a cage con- structed of regularity, formality and orderly procedure, it must be admit- ted that he was unable with all his Samsonlike strength to bend a single bar. But hefe the simile ends. Man is more than an animal; he laughs at the limitations of the flesh. He can ap- peal to a power greater than the poll: twice aceident of our party the mother lived. At pres- ent both a physician and a surgeon are in attendance and it will be months before the fate of the patient will gone conclusion. Will Influence Baltimore. the Chica: republican party has been shown essary than before that form and with its nominations, sives of the nation, and thus make way It looks from a distance. timore, known, I was compelled to leave just before Vice President Fairbanks con- cluded reading the platform, but from what had taken place, the renomina- tion of the president seemed a fore- convention will exert a marked in- fluence upon the democratic conven- tion about to be begun at Baltimore. The fact that more than half of the be militantly progressive would seem to make even more imperatively nec- the demo- cratic convention should in its plat- re- spond to the demands of the progres- third party unnecessary, This is the T can make a better forecast after reaching be of the Canadian Northern agents rain falls. Of fifty points reported this ville, Miami, Dauphin, Hartney, gina and Rossburn di ie FAI: to ured on light lands by August 10. Seeding is all done and for ground. GRAIN RATE BUFFALO (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Bae See ectara + POLITICS AND POLITICIANS -+ Leseeeeeaeeeed Texas Republicans will meet in Dallas, August 13, to nominate a state ticket, Dr, N. D. Hatfield, the Republican candidate for governor of West Vir- ginia, is a nephew of Cap Hatfield, The real opening of the Social national campaign will take place St, Louis on June 29, with Eugene chief speaker. con as the only candidates to fight out in the coming primaries. Theodore F. Armstrong, who served Debs, candidate for President, as the The withdrawal of Thomas G. Hud- son from the contest for the Georgia governorship has left John M. Slaton of Atlanta and Joe Hill Hall of Ma- ist in Vv. a bushel on July 1st. 30,000,000 and 40,000,000 bushels rate to go Into effect. it (Special to the News) gt; a term In the national house of repre- Columbus, 0 June 20, consumption of large amounts of soil moisture and the weekly crop report Manitoba show, that while no actual damage has-been reported, the crops will soon begin to go back unless day thirty report rain needed. The Ridge- Re- icts all need In many parts the grain is 16 inches high and just coming into the blade. Tt ts-expected the crops wilt be-mat the most parf grains are well above the TO NEW YORK CUT DOWN Toronto, Ont., June 24 A spec- fal from Buffalo says the rate on ex- port grain from Buttalo to New York City will be marked down one cent It is sald that there will be between grain in store at the Canadian head of the lakes and waiting for the new OHIO MUSIC TEACHERS MEET Originally the boss of the Demo- in fa. He will be fifty-seven years old thirty days hence, having been born at West Williams, Ontario, Canada, on July 24, 1855. He was educated at schools nesr his home, and started his business career as a newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railroad. All the time he had ambitions toward becom- ing a molder of public op his first venture in that line was made as the editor and publisher of ja newspaper, issued during the sum- mer months, at Chautauqua Lake. With a sum said to have been less than 500 in his pocket, he landed in Buffalo, and by hard work and pre- severence and despite many hard knocks, he achieved his ambition. To- ayas owner of the Buffalo Evening and Sunday Times, he has one of the most prosperous newspaper proper- ties in the city. He 1s also the editor of the National Monthly, a literary publication, and of a syndicate maga- zine that Is used as a supplement by newspapers all over America. Mr. Mack started the Buffalo Sun- day Times on a shoestring when he was about twenty-four, For many months he was never mor than one jump ahead of failure. He published bright and newsy sheet, and des- pite lack of capital, and stiff compet- tfon, he was able to establish an evening edition in 1882, From that time on success has dogged his foot- steps. Mack and his paper gave ataunch ot cratic national committee was a world that was vacant up to the time adian and a subject of Queen Victor- e lt; the organization of the 101 Ranch and it fills a niche in the amusement Show. There have been many so- called wild west shows sent out on the road during the past few years but when compared -to. the exhibition coming here they are not wild west shows in any one way. Shows whose owners effect the long hair and whose performance consists of pistol shots ries of yells do not makeup real Wild west show. The 101 Ranch show is of. purely western origin and carries with it an unmistable western atmosphere. It comes direct from the Bliss, Oklahoma and therc is not the first thing about it that can be cred- ited to the east. 0 DISCUSS POLICY OF EMPIRE (Special to the News) Montreal, June 25 Much public Interest is manifested in the mission of Premier Bordon and his colleagues who are sailing for Engiend tomor- row on the steamship Royal George. Among those accompanying the Pre- m ef are Hon. John D. Hazen, minis- marines and naval service; Hon; Chgrles J. Doherty, minister of justice; Hon. L. P. Pelletier, post- masterigeneral; Admiral Kirigsmill and A, B, Blount, the Premier s secro- tary, It is the general belief. that the chief purpose of the Premier's visit to England at this time is to cousult the imperial authorities concerning the naval policy to be determined be the Canadian Government. The be- famous Miller Brothers 101 Ranch at I News. 29503 0 RENT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Phone 529. 294a3t Fem e. ee ROOM TO RENT with bath, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Apply 14 3rd Ave. 29343 eS ad or two gentlemen. Apply 634 South Railway Street or phone 529. 394d Se rt ig eee eens 0 RENT Furnished rooms to rent, parlor, bed and sitting room, mod- ern conveniences, suitable for two gentlemen, Apply 426 Toronto Street. 274att LOST AND FOUND Se ee LOST Between Medicine Hat P, 0., Redcliffe and section 10, . town- ship 15, range 7, registered packet ad- dressed T. B, Hinselwood, C. N, R. Survey, Medicine Hat P. O., containing notes and private letters. Finder please return to postmaster, Medicine Hat. 29546 LLOST A sid filled open case watch with leather watch fob attached. Finder please leave same at R. F. Col- Ins butcher shop, South Raflway St. 293dtt 08T Gold watch around Dunmore or Medicine Hat, case engraved in full name of Berthe Lecieux. Re- ward. Apply+to News or Coleridge Hotel, Dunmore, : FOR Rentz unfurnished rooms lor light housekeeping. Box 1204, Consignes and forwarding agent, a( sembler and executor of papers fq shipments going States. Estate Broker MEDICINE HAT. into the Unit Commissioner in B. B.. Re: and General Age n See Painting and Paperhangins Reynolds Stewart. i (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) q New Wall Paper Estimates chee fully ufrnis your rooms. Phone 156, th eb heb beh ob bbb MAKING ONE DOLLAR DO THE WORK OF TWO Your dollars vary in-value according as they vary in purchasing power. The man or woman who studies advertising is able, frequently, to make one dol- The experienced reader of advertisements will always make a dollar command a premium, that s, make it buy more than the dollar of a non-reader of advertise- ments. How much above par are the doHeys in your pocket worth? It will depend on how close- lar do the usual work of two. om cost of Paperir ly you study the buying op- portunities outlined tr the Nicholson. and Schalk. CRICKET (W. A. P. Cable.) London, June 25 The thi Imatch of England vs. Australi lstarted today is delayed ow rain. England is at bat anc has compiled 112 runs for th lone wicket. Rhodes of Yorks first to go, having batted wel H innit Rhodes, is still at the wicke eleventh man chosen by the committee to represent Engl 'W. Harne of Middlesex who given the preference over . Jessup of Gloucestershire, SCULLERS AT HENLI ha open d the (W. AP. Cable.) Henley, Eng'and, June 26- to delay in the arrival of ti Doat, the Argonauts eight di float until last night. They do anything but it is stated t Dlade work is very clean. 1 Toronto who is competing in mond sculls, was also out. SAD NEWS FOR GOUL (C. A. P. Cable.) London, June 25. Geo. Go Toronto, who left Canada Olympic team to compete In mettes walk, on his arriv found a telegram announ lt; mother s death. FOOTBALL THe Untr support to Cheveland: When Dryan tet thatthe naval policy s-to-be te) discussion 1 Representative E. C. Candler, Jr., of EEE EEE EEE SPEER EEE EET Eb te Sentatives some years ago, has an- teth annual meeting of the Ohio Mus- appeared in the political arena, back principal subject of 2 stare ads: Mississippi ts the only member of the nounced his candidacy for the Demo- i Teachers Association began in Co- n 1896, the Times did not strengthened by the fact that Messrs. To RENT A football match Ts to bs House from that State who is, not alcratic nomination for governor of lumbus today with a large number of show any wild enthusiasm in sup- Hacen and Doherty are. particularly . THE night between C. P. R. fr native Mississippian. Delaware this fall. prominent musicians and instructors porting the Nebraskan, Practically well versed on that subject. Mr. )R RENT One 7 room house, clean DAILY. NEWS and ee when a precent from various parts of the all of the big advertisers favored Mc- Pelletier, it is understood, Is going and ip good repair, and modern. is anticipat The voters of Kansas this tall will George Wingfield, the new United State. Charles E. Davis, of Colum- Kinley, and it seemed a risky thing Jover to consult with the British au- Possession given immediately, 105 ofs feels ofe of ofe fe ole fe ols fe of ote: oss, spo the scoaptnnee ob (con- tate senator from Nevada, was born bus, fs presiding over the sessions. to whoop it up for Bryan and free thorities on postal and cable rates. Montreal St. N. Apply to D, V. Jack- , See ee ea a a ee on tree pee Pe pearsyan) Fort Smitb, The gathering will continue three silver. After thinking It over, how- gon 608 First Ave. 29046 a) Gai maa wanii Sempeisn in behalf of acceptance i (e was a cow puncher in days and will include several concerts ever, Mack took the risk, and came Loose Leaf System The News Jo No teo large or too small 1) , being Waged by the women is Oregon before he landed in Nevada, and recital; lar ee ee ee alg In addition to the regul out flat-footed for the Democratic Department has every facility for sup- T lying the most satisfactory, 1304, News. + RENT Office on Main St. Box the NeW, Job Department. Give us 29643 erial, fi second, England third fourth, f
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Image 1095 (1912-06-25), from microfilm reel 1095, (CU1743537). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.