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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Zhe Glasgow H Our Thiree-Days Sale o Goods at ress D saved a lot of people a lot of money. A All this week we have elearing prices on these lines, Coats and Dresses to go. The Glasgow House of Fashionable. Dressers a HOLLINGER AGENCY WORTH BUYING COUSINS and SISSONS Block 5, 60 ft, 900, Terms, Block 22, 50 ft,, 1050. Terms. 43, 60 ft, 1500. Terms, - Block 34, 100: ft, corner, 1159. k 17, 50 ft, 1000. Terms. Terms. 3 Block 10, 50 ft., 1200. Terms. NORTH YUILL re Blotk 9, 50 ft, 1050. Terms. Latham Block 1, 60 ft., 1260. Terms. teres Geir a esther 4008 2 Acres of Trackage, 1800. Terms. Terms. snap. BUSIN 1500. Terms. eheapost on Toronto Street, 200 per foot. This will be Braemar St, 7500... Terms. worth 500 per foot in the Lot is worth halt the price. - spring. GET IN QUICKLY Ir YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME EASY MONEY, OTHERS ARE DOING IT EVERY DAY, New 6 room brick house, fully on a 50 ft. lot on THE QUEBEC BAN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Letters of Credit and Money Orders sold,-payable in all parts of the world. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH TEMPORARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. ee ouse HALF PRICE Block st, 260 ft,-corner-- The- fH . P. RAPASSENGER SERVICE. WINTER 1912-13, FEFECTIVE OCT, 27, 1912, Eastbound. Train and Terminal. Imp, Lid. Vancouver to Mom.eal. Arrive Lane No, ay 4 Seaitle-St. Paul Exp. Seattle to SP. Local; trom ; Calgary. Westbound, ; Arrive Leave Train ang Terminal. 2020 20.40 Imp, Lrd, Montreal to Vancouver. 12.00 1225 Van. Exp. Toronto to Vancouver. -8:40 - 3,10 St PaulSeattle Exp. St P, to Seattle. 6.80 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS, Train 'and Terminal. INo. a 3 616 Arrive Leave No. ne we Portland. 3.55. Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd. Portland to St. Paul. 11.15 Loeal for Cranbrook. Local from Cranbrook, 23.18 Express for hootenay Landing. Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Traing-1-and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Wwhinfpeg and Revelstoke. No, 11 and 12 do not come int. Medicine Hat passing time at, Dunmore, miles shown, Medicine Hat Dews Published by the Medicine. Hat News Con Ltd, every lawful evening x: its office, Main Stree, Wedielne Hat, Alia. A. J, N. TERRILL, Eftttor, 9,45 8-siL se pi-o19 1035 620-513 Y 814-517 *. 4.30 REONE: -WOne: has learned his lesson. pad swallowed his Baltorial, Advertising ious decision. Reportorhd, and iD Cireelation and eee ye ee N Job Depts. Tj, i tf i So one t aed 12 IT is not likely that anyone will dispute J DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-ai, delivered. .. 4.00 3 year by wiall.. months, -livered.. 2.00 6 months, by mall. months; deliverod.. 1.00 8 months, by maf. 1 month, delivered. ...350 old ad resser st ba given WEESLY NEWS. Publishec avery Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and contains a eumma-y of the news of the week. 2 local and district. months, t: advance 7s 3 months, in advance..50e Fear tn adyance.:.. 1.60 Tuesday, November 26th, 1912. WE DEMAND PROTECTION. THE PROPOSAL to pipe natural gas from the Medicine Hat field to Winnipeg is being actively taken up by Messrs George- Son and Schumm. If Alberta owned. her natural resourees, the matter could be dealt the scheme killed off in its infaney. How- ever, as Mr. Borden has apparently repud- iated his pre-election promise to hand over their resources to the Prairie Provinces, we will have to. look to him for protection. Ty acting as our trustee the Federal Govern: ment will be held responsible by Medicine Hat, and if our interests suffer the present administration will have to answer for it. EXTENSION COURSE-LECTURES GENERAL satisfaction will be felt that this city is to be included in the tours of the professors of Alberta University, who will deliver lectures in different Alberta centres in the university extension lecture course.. When the course was carried on here before the lectures were greatly en- joyed by those who attended and the hope xpressed that they might -be renewed. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA This Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- - oughly up-to-date Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH , FOURTH AVENUE. C, H, MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. The professors are men well-versed in their respective subjects and being generally en- tertaining speakers, their. discourses are not only profitable but pleasing and easy to follow. Any person who has a desire for greater knowledge or culture should not to take advantage of the travelling iversity brought to their doors. Dr. ory, the presidentot a iversity;4 has the right idea of the duty of an institu- tion such as that of which he is the head. He is trying to make it really province-wid Capital Paid Up ... Reserve i se + +,1.2586,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BAXE DEPARTMYNT AT ALL BRANCHES. K. WILKINSON, Manager. : Medicine Hat-Branch: Cette Conteshosteaiedtedesioaiesie ct .. + 8,460,000 PTwe MERCHANTS BANK PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. 180 Branches ja Canada. 86,000,000. fox. 80th. 1911) over 31,000,000. ne Transacted. Special attention to Medicine Hat Branch *PHONES OFFIE . 666 ENCE 211 Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING Mae St, next Clty Hall, ASIII ONS FHM oe he eeate aoa ee ImperialBank of Canada in its kcope and since all the people cannot go to the university he is endeavoring to take the university to as many of the people as possible. In this he should be encour- aged as the people of this city should help along: the effort and make Medicine Hat Umown asa city of culture as well as of money; f : 0: A HINT FOR US. DOWN in Buenos : Scarce as they are in Medicine Hat, but the men of means there were loath to buil either private or apartment houses for ren on aceount of trouble with tenants and uncertainty of colle ting their rents. difficulty cs. in a unique mn ny way, howe: zentina It will insure 4 owners of ind other property will ree their out regularly and without trouble in col- cting. By the payment of a small fee, the jobre Arren- company, th has been ort ganized. adininistratig the prope is taken Eidver by the a Itt means of knowing the ch, and responsibility of tenan If, how the tenant. does not pay his rent, the company undertakes legal Proceedings, without expense or trouble to the proprietor who, meanwhile, will receive his rent regularly and in full from the in- Toronto: Exp., Vancouver to Toronto 240 266 Soo-Sporahe-Porttang Ltd; -St-Pawh Addresses changed as otten aa desired, but dota ow aid with by the local Legislative Assembly and IION, Thomas W, Crothers, Minister of or in the Borden Government, has crawled out of the position he took in re- sing to grant a board of conciliation in the case-of-the-O POR, employees who tly Went gut ompstrike: The Hon, as evidently ihe best thing he could ddowould be to he wishes of the company as they are Government's hest support. lt;As the company did not want a board, the minister said-there-should-be none. But here is where he made his mis- take. His chief told him that was too course a way to hand favorsto the C. P.R., or any other of the Government s corpora- tion friends. -Rumors became prevalent that Crothers was quitting his job, the word having gone out that the MinfSter of Labor, who has little coneeption of the duties of his office, must be taught a lesson. He got-it and now it is reported that he has changed his mind and has granted a board to inves- igate the trouble between the C. P. Rand employees. He appointed a Mr. McDon- ald as the Government s representative, the employees have named their man, but the C. P-R. has refused to fall in. The main fact for the people to observe is that the minister the opinion of the Indian Department that the proper place for the Indians of the Canadian West is on their reserves. There s no place in this country for the Indian he was years ago and the government for y years has been ing to qualify him for the new conditions in which he finds himself: Schools have been established under good management. Farm directors have been teaching the Indians on the reserves to make use of the land that has been allotted to them and with excellent results. They lave been taught to care for themselves properly and every effort has been put forth to keep the aborigines from the banefut influence of fire water. ? But unless the Indian is kept on the reserve it is impossible to have him or his family: derive the benefits accruing from these efforts of the government on their behalf. By.submitting themselves to the care of the government, the Indians can become useful nd profitable citizens, if not in this gener- tion, in the next. So re a a ae ea MEDICINE Hat is becoming a great in- dustrial ntre,. yet, strange to say, our manuf enterprises are not presented City Council. The News would like to see our captains of industry, take an interest in municipal polities. The presence of one or two manufacturers at the deliberations of the Couicil should certainly be of great advantagg to the city. A number of influential izens- have spoken to. the News regard: the matter and Mr. J. E. Davies, mangger of the Al- berta Foundry and Machin 'Shop, is freely mentioned as a candidate who would be most acceptable to the ratepayers. WOULD the city polite kindly take a tip from the News with regard te the way in'which drunks and other arrested people are taken to the police station? The spec- tacle seen Saturday of a policeman taking a disorderly drunk along the. sidewalk of Main Street when the street was thronged with people was not elevating, to say the Jeast. The usual order with city police forces is to take arrested persons to the stations through lanes or back streets. It is better for the respectability of the city, for the feelings of the arrested parties and their fri ot bring such mat BUILDING LOTS At Bargain Prices ws 50x150 ft., Dominion St . . 1250-00 Festora i 50150 ft, Yuill St... 1150.00 end 50x130 ft., Queen St. . 50x130 ft:, Eh Stevs gt; 1000.00 50x150 ft., Balmoral St. 1800.00 100x130 ft. corner, Btaemar St... 4000.00 ,50x145 ft-in Altawana 1250.00 25x120 ft., in Altawana, ... ... 475.00 50 ft, Block 29, Central Park... 700.00. See us for bargains in City View. All these lots are money makers for you. EOWARD J. PEWINGS AGENCY PHONE 90. NEWS BLOCK, Opp. POST OFFICE. Xmas Cards The Finest Assortment Ever Show in the City : - 1000.00 Eastern Avi with band Sie Pingle s Drug and Book Store Why It cannot. be the expense, for our charges for cleaning are ab- surdly small, - considering the character of the work we do. Perbaps you don't think that we could help you out this way. Be- sides doing the cleaning, we sew on missing buttons,, mend ars Wear Made To Order Shirts Tickets i and press garments. Come / and i MADE BY 2 S vsee us, F. LASTIMo ae eee THE GLOBE CLEAN- tone a aoe eee guar- etic ING PRESSING CO. i Shin. we cary al tio ee Finest e est and up-to-date styles and ing Cars, D patterns. A trial order is all partment-L ress ial Limited Prices 1.25 6.50. SPECIAL ROOM 3, NEWS. BLOCK ICE in cor et dates of de agent. Ti Lines. t For full : R. B.. Taylor s apply to L ss Medicine H Trans Light and Heavy Draying. Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. Parcels Delirerea. PHONE NO, 349. In trying to save a few cents of Wealth. Many a large doctor's bill has been the result. For cheap fam- ily washing the Medicine Hat Steam Laundry will give you the best re- sults, Some husbands place penny before each eye, preventing wives i meso foreibly to chidren and of tender and impressionable sen- sibilities. at ee ree MUNICIPAL ownership means good ger- vice. Corporation ownership signifies from having good health thereby. MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 6. Le Pn CLOL TELS 7 7 ovembe Empress of Irela Lake Champlain, Empress of Brita Mount Temple, M Fall is Here AND 80 IS HOUSE CLEANING that the question of profit, not service, receives the -first consideration. Voters should keep these facts firmly in their minds when casting their ballots on the street railway bylaw. * THIS DATE IN HISTORY. November 26. 1731 William Cowper, the English poet, i born. Died April 25, 1800, ph Black, who has been called founder of modern chemistry, died in Edinburgh, Seotland: Born in Bordeaux, France, in 1728- . 1822 Karl August Hardenberg , Prussian statesman -who-conducted a success- ful resistanceto Napoleon, died. Born May 31, 1750. 1899 British defeated the Boers in the sanguinary battle of Modder River. 1911 Chinese rebels began-a bombardment g of Nanking. 3 Se ep CONGRATULATIONS TO: candidate for president of the United State in 1908, 54 years old today. Major Sir; Bryan Baldwin Hawdd Leighton, an English baronet who fought with the Americans in the Spanish-Ame ri- can war, 44 years old today. * * Thomas L. Hisgren, Independence Party : uk - * Lake MANITOBA, HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE Gis mihi BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO- Lake Michigan, M CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE OLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Empress of Irelat Empress of Britai Empress of Irelai CitySaleStables ; Heavy . Teams, Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. i WEEKL Gas City Vacuum Gleaning Go. Hay for Sale. aendia'ss copii Ph 107 Osim. J. 0, LARSON, Manager. FRED McCLAIN moe ats PHONE 8. PROPRIETOR L.A O-+0-+0-+-0--04-0- oO. F. LANGE C.E.B.U. Civil Engineer and Archi- tect. Municipal Engineer. Sewerage, Water and Gas Supplies Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Rail- ways, Irrigation, ete. Subdivisions Layout of Parks. , Steel Constructions and Specifleations Houses, ote, First-Class Respoasible Ser- for Reasonable Prices. Office: Cpposite Redeuft Kotel, Red- eliffe, Alberta, Phen B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drug Sundries, Proprictary Med caesiete ispensing of Physicians Pre. scriptions specialty, 204 South Rv. St. We car of Lumber, Fir Finis Yard, Nortt heto-j-e+0t0-+04 Phone 73. for T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper, 120 Bighth Ave Phone 699, LeheheLevehe-beteteceipet
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Image 992 (1912-11-26), from microfilm reel 992, (CU1744684). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.