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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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nstitution to be erected as fully explained by the of- marge -of the local corps e institution is to be erec mito, suitable young: people arts of this great country * to Fecelve efficient train ir life's work, and to car- Work which was so dear General's heart. We must nothing would be more of his heart than an insti- this kind, that will con- row out blessings to all ur great dominion, our eelving some of the bene NELSON SPENCER, tion waited on Premier Saskatchewan, asking for lation. r James G. Harvey and mm Were nominated for the: Mayoralty. (BERRIES lass bottles gland. / with ample accommodation: Present Daily Average 2225 Copies. Advertisers in Dally get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertiners. VOL. 3 NO. 127 lt;a... ee Mi. MAY Laurier Will Move Amendment to Second Reading English Speaking Ministerialists Unanimous in Favor French Members in a Quandary Claim Urged That No Emergency Has Been Proved. Ottawa, Ont. Dec. 6. An air of comparative quiet prevailed around the-House of Commons today, due ey ae fact Laartsxsis o'clock a arty seaatora now in tho capltal went Lite caucus ih the railway committee rooma of. the House 6 couidas what line ot alll t6 pay will adopt in regard to the govern- ment's. naval policy as announced In the Commons yesterday. - Meanwhile the ministerial support- ers, either in groups or in the privacy of thelr own rooms are talking the situation over. Apart from small votes for the Mondou amendment the PREPARATIONS FOR THE BALKAN PEACE CONFERENCE, HAD other night and afew others there is a unanimity of f eling.on the Govern, ment side that the polley proposed in Mr. Borden's, r solution, is one which will commend itself to the majority Canaaiar A small group of French Canadian i ata, -entimated-attrour to eight, are inclined to be uncertain us to the mind they will take on the bin, At the pr sent mioment there are four. or five who say that they wilt not be able to the bill because memorandum of jthe admiralty does not show that an * emergency (Continued on Page 9) BROKER SRESIGN London, Dec. 7 Helbert Wess and Russell, the influential and sristocra- ie stock xchange firm, have resign- ed membership. They Will continue as bankers and general financiers, The firm is intimately connected with the. Rothschilds, and the retirement ' 49. much regretted on the exchange. It is undoubtedly due to the so-called reforms which tend to restrict oper- Hawley, Probibition party candidate for Governor of Penrisylvania in 1894) Was killed today bys fall from the Porch -of his home. He was a prom- oe eee on the eon- ferenc will not be hel in a govera- ment office but in a building of 4 character appropriate to the dccasion, for .the) delegates and. their entourages. Thete 8 still doubt regarding the personel of the delegates, but ac- cording to-the latest information Tur- key will be represented by Tewfkt Pasha. Turkish ambassad r liere; O8- mish Nazim Pasha; Ambassador at Berlin; Relchid Pasha, min ster ot war, and Reichaid Bey, the legal ad- viser of the Porte. The Balkan allies: probably will be represented as foltows: Bulgaria Mr. Guechoff, prime minister; Mr Daneff, president of. the Sobranjes, and Mr. Danderoff, min- ister at London. a Servia Mr. Novakoviteh, at one time minister to lon; Mr, Nikol- yiteh, president of the Skupshtina, and Mr. MilenKor WemiIUSRS abet star e uskovitoh, Montentegro Mr. Mtf Poporitch and Mr, Voynovitch, psi- Yate secretary to King Nicholas. Greece Mr. Stephanos, Mr, Gen- hadius, prtnister at London; Generat Danglis, chief of sfatf and Colonel . There is some doubt that owing to coffin. obstacles -Mr. Guschott will takepart in the peace negotiations. It was stated In a, despateh froin Sofia last night that Roumania in- sists. on being represented in the: con- ference which is to define the future there is. tat: the slightest doubt that Greece will be represented and an. emphatic denial is telegraphed, from Athens of Turkish and Austrian Fumors that the Hellentc Kingdom contemplates withdrawing from. the Balkan confederation. Greece will remain faithfuleto the alles even though the ultimate ter- ritorial -partition fails to satisfy the Hellento demands arid: aspirations. Austria Agrees. Austria yesterday gave her adhe- sion to-the proposal for an smbassa- Mlorial conference to settle all al putes affecting -urope, which are an outgrowth of the war and so; with all six powers unanimous, the spectre of an European war conjured up by r,hasd eared it f hoped forever, + The ambassadorial conferende prob- ably will be held here so that the treaty of London between the ' Bal- Kans and Turkey will be ratified ny (C ntinued on Page '9) Seone of Row. WA. PL Cable). London;' Dec, 7. For half an hour John-Redmond, the Irish leade-, Watched the fo1 dble: viction from che hall of suffragettes whose interup- Hons ahd disturbances caused a rapid succession of rough and tumble scenes of the inost'rowdy description. The occassion was a Home Rule emonstration xt Dalston, in north- Men as well as women were thrown bodily out of: the hall. Among the men were some clergymen who had protested against the rough handling of the women. During the half hour Mr. Redmond was able to utter only a single. sent- ence, which was to the effect that it seemed to him almost tragic thar women s cause, which In the minds and hearts of so many Were so great, should be turned into a; comic inter Iude. FOREIGN DECORATIONS WERE FORGED AND SOLD Brussels, Dec, 7k great scandal in connection with foreign decora- tions was brought to light, here to- day. Numerous demands for yau- thorization to wear the grand cor- don of the double dragon of China aroused the suspicions of the Belgian foreign office from which Belgian subjects must) obtain permission be- fore they may decorate their but- tontioles or breasts with the insignia of'a foreign order of chivalry. Enquiry showed that the Chinese legation here had no knowledge of and it developed, that they stolen from the Chinese London, Further investiga Yealed that a widespread business decorations was being carried on by . mah named Lazard, whose erest: was at-onco ordered. The concern has branches in many different. coun- tries. The orders: usually dealt: in were the lion and: sun of Persia, the ; liberator of Venezuela and the dom ed diplomas of these ordera alry were found in one of the branich offices. Lot 1 and 2, Block 59, Old Townsite, 4x130 foot corner Braemar and 6th Ave, Good till 9 Dim. at 38,900, Niblock Tulf, Limited, Room 8, Im- perial Bank Bldg., Phoie 920, lof them seemed. to be experiencing MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 7; PBILE SHOT MeMICKEN UPHELD. Winnipeg; -Mans-Dec..0. -While ex- prenuing disapproval of his course of tn the-matter, the-court-of-ap- reals this morning banded down fudgment refuring to make the ordor Sought by W. H. Trueman, local barrister, granting authority for lay- fmg criminal information against Provincial Police Magistrate MoKen- sie. The action arose over the Ma- gistrifte s course with two imperson- +fation cases which resulted from the Ago, and argument was Heard on a former sitting of the court. Mr. Jus- tice Cameron dissented from the Fuling of the majority, SERIOUS CHARGES WADE IN BRITISH Said to Have Knowledge of Dublin Castle Robbery London, Dec. 7A curious incident took place in the House of Commons yesterday, wheh a Nationalist member, Laurence Ginuell, caiied attention to the circumstances attending the theft of the crown jewels at Dublin cas- tie ta 1367, He said that his theory Was that: the police, charged with collecting evidence collected other evidence of criminal debauchery commftted jin the castle by Gfficials. army officers and others of stich a position that their expostire would lead up- heaval from which the chief secre- tary shrank. That, said Mr. Ginnell, was a p r- fous proposition, and te proposed to Take it good, so far as he was all has been candid enough to claim the Fight to stiield crimfnals or suspend the operation of the criminal Ia Pbutethat was what the chief secretary nd the attorney general (Sir, /Ratus Isaacs), had done and were dalle: Crime in Dublin castle was no ni thing. It-had not begun with the fice and Was not: likely to-end with it, Most of what he has tosay would Be new to mibst of the members pre- sent, not so tiew to: th vuttorney-gen ) eral, but stale and abominable;to:th chief secretary amd: all connected: with official life in Dublin at. that time. They had often heard ana read: ta platitudes bout the purity of pubic life. He was going to teat whet e: anything practical could be done.tow- ard securing that purity b? grappling with a. concrete case of, impurity, tearing the mask from jt-and afford- fag the persons-4ngpublic life who might find tWemselves implicated, an opportunity of vindicating themselves if they: could, or.take the consequen- ces... Tt had p sn sald that it would: be unfair to avail himself of the privil- eges of a membeF of parliament to make charges in the House against persons not entitled to answer and defend themseiyes there and. made at all the charges should be made outside tte range of privilege. He agreed that if there were a leg- itimate vehicle outisde, through whieh charges,-and had such a vehicle ex- MN AUTO Macdonald by-election of one week a To be d. No meinber of the governm nt ? ent lord lieutenant s term of sicfear mas semana member could properly make his Occupants 61 . low F vhwikened by a estonia o have the plaster wn upon you as a ae he the exciting experience of the families of two of Et was facing Avaric. Right at this f the hill down 191 ACTRESS WON -SUIT New York, Dec. 7, Hdith St. Clair, actress, won bor. 22,500.ault szningt Kiaw and Erlanger today, when a Jary dectared her eontrastfor that amount with the theatrical firm va- Nd. The verdict came after a trial in the course of which Abrahafi Ia Er- langer charged lawyer with black- mail and declared the contract was made under duress to save anno; ance to his wife, who was it at the Ume, and who later divorced him. Miss St. Clair under the arp was to -haverecelved 20,500 a, y. for ton yeert, sha contract wea tive 2 ed up to for one yeur only, the tes- . mony showed. oo se to the consideration of a goverament bills, the mont important, is a very) Hirst Session Next Friday mies ana igs, appeared to, of the car, nob ev enough to turd the: wheel and run the hill it was er it went. Living in two Tow the bili at the Hat's guardians of the law. Their houses dre built close together. The landed with s mighty thump just in a foot of being square on the Foofs of the hotises. The- result) would no doubt . eon for th oe the hotses had easy, to discerst hi Regina, Dec. 7-Forahe present, at leas' th Mauiry into-the wan electi a charges: is Mr, Bradshaw, one of the Consorva- tive members ot. the investigation commaittee, withdrawingvotf the trib- una and fhe other member ini that he would not care to go on as the ole Conservative on the commit- tee. No, other. Conservative member will be appointed for the leader of the opposition definitely stated. that none were willing to undertake the task, SQUADRON Of Greek Warships Appear Off Dardanelle Straits - isted he would have availed himself of it long before now. None existed. The charges hnd to be made in the House of Commons or not at all, Those im power who created that state of things must not complain ff he used the only avenue they had jeft open to him. STEAMER ARRIVED COVERED WITH ICE, Sault Ste Marie, Mich, Dec. The oil steamer Imp rial, covered by an almost unbroken sheet of ice, arrived today from Port Arthur, Ont. bringing tales of a terrific battle with heavy seas on Lake Superior yester- day, The vessel, however, was at no time in serfous danger. Pilot Mor rison reported several Iurge. steaniers unbound in shelter behind Whitefish Point, where they have been held p for three days. He also sald he Passed six other boats: on his way across the Lake Superior but none trouble of serious nature. The i A imeeting: of the board of manago- meniggt the YW. C. A. will be held 5 ity Hall on Monday, the 9th Felock. * days and unless the, government is Turks Ready for Them. Sedil, Baher, Dardanelles, Dec. 7. A Greek squadron composed of six Warships was sighted off the fen- trance to the straits at half-past three this afternoon. A number of Vessel of the Turkish fleet are con- centrated in Dardanelles ready for action. The intentions of the Greeks are unknown, The straits are . be- Meved to be thickly. strewn with mines. A report was current a few days ago,-that forty Greek transports were. on the way to the Gulf of Sar- os with Bulgarian and Greek troops on board. Wether the Greek squad- ron formed the escort fo these trans- ports or is acting inflependently has not been asc rtained, It-is believed the Turks have concentrated, two di- visions of troops with considerable force of artillery fromi Asia Minor on the Callipol Peninsula, and it is ex- pected that these will Fesist any at- tempt to land. THE STANDARD OIL Co. WINS OUT IN GERMANY New York, Dec. 7 JPhe proposition e rom. he Standerd Oil Company by the estab- lishment of a government petroleum monopoly, appears to he doomed to failure. The government's bill cores up in the Reichstag within the next few Bole to give positive misurance that sufficient off can be btained--from its companies to av ld famine prices, the Cathoiic Center and Soclalist Democratic parties, which combined, have 200 votes, will vote against the sfiubedtibe now for the Daily News. measure, insuring its defeat. Hope That Permanent reaolution providing James palace at the disposal of the crease of pay for th RN. W. MP. peace plenipotentiaries - to all vessels carrying Hone J, D. Hazen, for ai tn Ottawa, Dec. tee this cable to Premier. F day: England andthe wonderful offer of Uttte aan walked: with whee for quarter of an hour 1 royal park could not be: discussed. CANADIAN NAVY ss) DISCUSSED IN BRITAIN (C. A. P, Cable) don, Dec. 7A. 8. Leas, Union- ist member for Shfopshire, will ask in the House of. Commons on Monday when it fs propos d:to place the ord- ers for the building of the Caviadian ships and when they will be -com- pleted. Lord Charles: Beresford. will ask for asurance that the gift will be. regarded as aver and above the number considered by the admiralty as necesary for Buropeasn waters. Hon: Joseph: Martin will ask why: the, British admiraity wish to hand over the obsgation for strongthening . the navy to Canada. ALS. Leas, M. P., has always heck- Jed the admiralty, declaring that, the preseat British programme s most meagte and: unless-it-is-strengtioned Canada s patriotic offer will have lit- tle effect except relieving the British taxpayers, BARGE SANK Sandusky, Ohio, Dec, 6 The barge F, N. Knapp, in tow of the steamer William A. Hazzard, bound up the lakes with a cargo of coal sank here today. A fierce gale is biowing and. heavy seas are. running. The Hazzard and the barge were sighted off Put-in-Bay making heavy weather of it. The steamer Tourist went to their assistance and succeed- ed in bringing them into port before the barge sank. The crew managed to- get. aboard the Tourist which is standing by to render assistance to the Hazzard if needed. The storm is the: worst of the sea- som and renders navigation extremely dangerous. Daan ODES Paris, Dec, 7. Declaring themselves to be descendants of M. Dauphin, son of Lovis XVI, the king who was ex- eouted in 1793, two middle-aged: wo- men, suppos diy sisters, shot them- slmuliangousiy om the fashiou- able Champ Elysees, near the pres- fdent's residence, yesterday. Tt was learned Inter that they were Insane, Women who formerly had a modiste shop at Ndutua, where they brought financial ruin on themselves by demolishing the premises in- a search for supposed buried treasure. In the report of the lospital con- cert, the loan of the two new Gourlay pianos by the Medicine Hat Music Company was left out, gt; -, Subscrive now for The Daily News. ig the first time that the heir oe Russian jess ports, was the small Direct, But Tendered fi Just the Same. Quebeo, Dec. 7 replying to atestion put by Mr, Lemieux the other day, Premier Borden answered that he himself had;-not offered/ a portfolio to. Armand, Lavergne, it was, the truth, stated Mr, Laverene to- day. But Mr. Borden aid not deny. that Mr. Monk who: had the mission to choose the three Quebec ministers, offered me inducement to enter the cabinet, Moreover, it was after ..I Wrote to him that Mr, Borden chose the third minister andut was he, him- self, who told mo ths phone. the night b fore his cabinet was sworn in. * ACID EXPLOSION KILLS ONE Chiengo, Dec. phen Nemie yas Instantly killed and his brother, working beside him, protably fatally injured today Whem a carbonic acid tank they. were charging exploded. The former's body a in two. DUNCAN - MARSHALL BUYING SHORTHORNS Toronto, Dean 7. Hon. Duncan /Marshall, Minister of Agriculture for Alberta, is in Toronto on his way to Visit the winter -fairat Guelph. Mr. Marshall has just come from the In- ternational Livestock Exhibition at py Chicago and ig greatly pleased at the excellent showing made there by the Canadian exhifiitors. Mr, Marshall intends to take a car) load of plir bred milking shortho: from Ontatio for the governnient farm in Alberta. Referring to the shortage in cattle in Canada and to the fact that there has been mo increase in their nutal bers corresponding to the increase in population, Mr: Marshall sald that the government farm has given great stimulus to the cattle industry in the west and that it Is very instrument- al in-improving the grade of cattle raised. ANOTHER TEXAS 7UED Holiand, Tex., Dee, Sampson Williams was shot and killed and his son, Ree Williams was seriously wounded here today by Mat Arm strong, who then Wit himself. Arm- strong was a son-in-law of Simpson Williams. A family dispute is sald to have: precipitated the tragedy. some time. tended a meeting in Mayor thelr reports for thelr show news dy tele- ol gh couple abou work Bie mentioned in the reports. Rc. boptignb-fire station aa , Hopper aid a take ose ie re really four plans under ration: Subway for traffic at I and Main St; foot subway at. ronto St, with provision for utl traffic subway is ethead bridge at Ottawa would prove such a bard place these schemes before the, allow them to yote intelligently: were plebiscite taken. He was of mands were made up the the ratepayers and the pi he thought that the, council would take the bull by the horns and build what, in the councils honest judgment was the West for the city. H. Morrow asked about house num The city has, ivis of them, At the close a motion by R. C. Becker, seconded by H. Morrow, ac- cepting the reports and extending a Yote of thanks to the council for their efficient perviee, was unanimously carried. The complete reports of the differ- nt departments will be found in an- other part of the issue. ceive thelr reporta.
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Image 1068 (1912-12-07), from microfilm reel 1068, (CU1744680). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.