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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SPENCER TODD PHONE 40. A Reduction of 20 per cent. off the Following Lines in our Men s Wear Department. A chance to buy high-grade Shoes at PATENT OXFORDS ..... nam . 4.50 Regular 5.75 for .. Regular 5.75 for... 4.75 These are all the very latest styles. The Hartt Shoe Regular 5.25 for re SAS eae GO, EAL LUCE 647 Spencer Todd B.C. Granulated Sugat,-20-1b -sacks;-resuiar- 1.60- int t-t0- Blue Ribbon Tea, regular 40c., special, 3 Ib. Packets, 1.00. Royal Houselield Pea, Regular 1.25, special, 3 1b. Packets 1.00. Coff e, regular 0c per Ib., special 35c. i, 1b. cans, regular 20c, speciai-2-for 5c, or 6 for 1.00, Peas, 2 Ib. cans, regular 15c., special 3 for 40c. Corn, 2 Ib. tins, regular 12 c., special 3 for 35c. Beans, wax, 2 Ib. tins, recular 12 c., special 8 for 35c. Greengage Plums, 2 1b; cans, regular 20c., special 15c. or 7 for 1.00. Gallon Apples, regular 50c., special 40c. per gallon. pp. b- tine, regular-20 .--s1 be; or-7-for 3.00 * St. Charles Evaporated Milk, regular 1244 ., special 1.35 per doz. cans, lasses, Barbadoes, (in bulk) regular 90 . per gal., special 75c. Raisins, finest selected, regular 12 c. per Ib., special 5 Ib. for 55 . Currants, finest cleaned, regular 12 c. per Ib, special 5 1b, for 55c. Marmalade, C. B., 7 1b. tins, regular 1.00, special 90c- per tin. Marmalade, Keillers, 7 Ib. tins, regular 1.25, special 1.00 per tin. Marmalade, Cairn s, 7 1b. tins, regular. 1.00, special 85 . per tin. Molasses (Kitchen brand) Ib. tins, regular 25c., special 20 . Molasses (Kitchen brand) gallon tins, regular 90c., special 76c. Castile Soap (White La Vierge) regular 6 for 25c.. 35c. per doz. Corn Starch, regular 10c. packet, special or 25c. Canada Laundry Starch; regular 12 ., special 10 or 3 for 25c. Kippered Herrings in Tomato Sauce (imported) regular '20c., spec- fal 8 for 50 . Sardines, crossed fish, regular 2 for 35c,, special 8 for 35 ,, Sardines (domestic) regular 10c., special 5 for 25c . Chicken, 1 Ib. tins, regular 45c,, special 35 each or 3 for 1.00. Pickles; C. B, large bottles, Walnut Chow, Mixed and Gherkins, a regular 45c.. special 2 for 5c. aie Marmalade, 1 Tb. Jars, regular 25c., special 20 per Jat. Macaroni, 5 1b. boxes, regular 65c., special 45c per box. Macaroni, 8 Ib. boxes, r gular 85c., special 65 per box. Rice (finest) regular 8c per Ib., special 4 Ibs for-25e: Pork and Beans, pla and tomato sauce, regular 2 for 25c., special 4 tor 25c. 2 Efme Juice, large quart bottle, regular 50c., special 40c. Raspberry Vin gar, large quart bottle, regular 50e., special 40c. Stephen's Pickles, mixed, large bottle, r Baking Powder (Morrow's) regular 25 , special 2 for 35u or 6 for 1 Baking Powder, Alberta's Best, reg. 26 ., special '2 for 35c. or 6 for 1. Baking Powder, Alberta's best, 5 1b. tins, regular 1.00; special 85c. tin an PARSE TET Tee Ee he tee ee , These prices are for cash only. Nodis- + * count, Cut this out and keep for reference. + lt; Prices hold good until Wednesday, July 31st. +. * FREE EE EEE EEE EE EE Ree Olives (Club House Queen) stufed-and plain, regular 60c., special 45 . New Potatoes, 6 Ib . for 25c. New Beets and Carrots, 5 Ibs. for 25: Mushrooms, cans,-regular 80c., special 20c per can. Prepared Mustard, regular 26c. bottles, special 20c.,, or 2 for 36c. Scotch Marmalade, Aylmer brand, regular 25c, special 20 per bt. Castile Soap, 2 Ib. bars, regular 40c., special 25 per bar. Sticky Fly Paper, special 4 double sheets for 10c. Tollet Paper, flat, oval or roll, 4 pack ts for 25c. Rubber Rings for Sealers, best quality of rubber, 10c doz, or 3 for 26 . Fels Naptha Soap, 3 bars for 25c., or 10 bars for 70c. Boot Backing, Velvet Gloss, regular 25c. per bottle, special 2 for 35 , Corn Flakes, regular 10c, special 3 for 25c. Jelly Powders, Monk Glass, regular 10c., special 3 for 25 or 85 doz. Sunlight and Lifebuoy Soap, 22 bars for 1.00. Royal Crown Soap, regular 25c., special 2 for 45c. Sodas, regular 25c., special 2 pkts for 45c. tsparagus-in bo egular 60c., special 45c. Mushrooms in botles, regular 60c., special 45 . Polly Prim Cleanser, regular 10c, special 3 for 26c, Evaporated Apricots, regular 26 , special 2 Ibs. for 45c. Evaporated Peaches, regular 20c., special 2 Ibs, for 35c. Chief Laundry Soap, regular 25c. cartoon, ,special 5 for 1.00. Heintz Dili Pickles, in tins, 25c per tin, Bracknell s Club Sauce, :regular 25c., special 2 for 45c. GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CIT c. NEws at A CHEAP HEART * * 6 i wera eee Chicago Girl in Breach of OW. A. P. Dispaten) Promise Suit Values Bro-; Winnives, July 26. 1 18 reported that Dr. Dell, who has been directing ken Heart at 10. manager of thi local oxbibition for the past five years, coming here from To- Chicago, July 24. The modest stmy ronto, where hv Was assistant mate 10-wee-att timt Miss Konda+,0: of that fnir, 1s likely to retire Gowacka asked as balm for a brok- shortly, 111 health being assigned as cu heart when she tiled suit f0F/the cause, In such a contingency the h of promise here against Adamiexpibition boast Would like to secure Chas, F. Rolunl. Winnipeg's hustling who was to have been jadustrial commissioner. her husband failed to appbar ox tao day set for the wedding, Miss a G eka had spend v ider- site sum, as wel as aovoting pen ZROught Lost on of her time to courting previous to) ** T fanic -- Turns - Up Safe and Well the wedding, so she presented a bill, The amount 10, asked for one broken heart on the bill, which in Ri tmounted to 751.50. was, the) Qhanged His Mind About The other items included 92 ays on Her and Went of courting at 5 each, a wedding) to South Africa Instead. supper which had been ordered, 100, and a trousseau, 175, She Grass Valley, Cal, July 24 A let- brought suit for 1,000, tit the ter from James E. MeGuire in South tury only awarded her the amount of Africa ,the young man who was re- the itemized bill. ported lost as 4 cabin passenger on the Titanic, brings the news that he may ja for home during the present year. He intended visiting this city this Scheme to Cut spring and wrote his mother that he : Middleman Out outa provaviy vook passage on the es new st amahip Titanic. v When the list of Cabin passengers Cotton Growers Plan to 02 published it was seen that JE. Divide Their Profits, With acGuire was named. He was reported the Spinners, to have been lost and the family - mourned him as dead until word could Washington, July 24. A plan for be sent to Africa as a forlorn hope the scientific. marketing of the Am-jand the news was flashed back that erican cotton crop was outlined last he Was safe and had changed his mind might by P.C. Wadsworth, of At- about starting. flanta, Georgia, president of the Cot- ion Growers Co-operative Society, jin an address before a gathering which included many of the repre - sentatives in Congress from eotton- growing states. Mr. Wadsworth advocated direct sane dealing between the society and the Eighteen Had Been in Camp spimer-so that the grower may In Front of Land - Office get a fair profit and the spimer a) at North Yakima Since staple price. These prices, he said, Dec. 26. would be based upon the law sounly' ail dettend fel not as 80w, scien Yakima, Waab, July 24-8 upon market fluctuations. He stat- fed that it costs 20 a Bale to mar- land office here since Dec. 26, ket cotton, this being the middle- soreat dle the vigil of eighteen men and women saad cee ES ees Society seeking homesteads under the Tieton woe ae climibate, Irrigation project has proved futile. Lack of the few hundred dollars ne- 4 cessary to be posted before the draw- Railway Act To ing for lands was an insuperable bar- i rier to six of the would-be homestead- Be Consolidatea fs, and none of the others was suc- i Cessful in the drawings. The drawing Many Recent -Amendments or tne numbers was done by nine- To Be Incorporated. y ar old Katherine Guthrie. of North ale Yakima. Ottawa, July 24. The revision andy) Applications for the lands poured in consolidation of the Railway Act /fromr All-neetions-of the United States promised by Premier Borden last for the 1,400 acres thrown open, Hach session, is to be made duting the pPlication bad to be accompanied by present summer. The work is- a certified check for 422;being 10.80 very important one in view of the for each acre of land applied for un- fact that, since-the act was last der the project. As a result over 80,- Gonsolidated, a great many amend- 000 was tied uptortwo weeks re ments Have been passed by Parlia- ceding the drawing. ment. The tamd under the project lies The government has appointed Mr. bout twelve miles west of this city Samuel Prince, K.C., of St. Thom- and is valued at 200 an acre in the as, a commissioner to have charge Taw state. of the consolidation. It is expected that Mr. Price will start hi dete a comioner nite TITANIC. VICTIM Spetaly halite for the works STILL FLOATS Body Lashed to Spar Seen Suggests Issue of Near Fatal Spot. Philadelphia, July 25. The body of International Notes man. lashed to a spar, with the fin- New York Man s Plan to rs stasping the ropes, was sighted : floating in the ocean about 17 miles Aid International Travel. from the scene of the Titanic disaster Washington, July 25 Representa- the British steamship Hudson, which just arrived here. ve Levy of New York, who has been) 710 soay was unrecognizable. In th ost be - alate ist titer oe hae addition the Hudson Yeported the pres- Bir v7 eg. CnCe Of great quantity of floe ice day introduced a bill which would es- tablish an international note system Mamie thors ie eipees in the United States. His idea is to By was sighted two large bergs were experiate interdational travel and tol cating nearby Bive additional convenience to travel- ers. Under the proposed bill the sec- + retary of the treasury would engrave 4 international notes endorsed witn SNE Las 10 Children their monetary value in the United States; Austria-Hungary, Belgium, He the Father of 12 Denmark, Finland, France, German x Empire, Great Britain, Greece, Frankiin, W. Va., July 24 Forty- Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Our Years ago Silas Seiver, aged sey- Spain, Norway, Sweden and Switzer- C tY, rode on horseback to town from land. The international notes would s farm, forty miles out in the coun- be redeemable in gold and gold coin 'T , and procured a license to marry or gold bullion would be retained in Mary Ann Kester, who died two years the treasury for that purpose. se atter bearing him twelve chil.) ren. t He rode into town again last week in quest of another license. His bride- Cost of ee tebe nts gen il beh Goe. Sarah Tusing, hged thirty-five, his Ss Up Next Year neighbor, whose husband dled five Shortage of Wool and High yeats ag6, Ieaving her with ten chil: Wages Given as Reason. the clerk who issued the first Ii- jeens died years ago. Clerk W. W. New York, July 24 The price- of Harper issued the license. 1 clothing is to be advanced next year. This ts indicated clearly, merchants TELEPHONE RATE INCREASE Say, but the prices named by leading Producers of cloth, who have lifted (W. A. P. Dispatch) the figures for the spring of 1913 from Winnipeg, July 26. As the time aa) erove ants Yard above 1912. limit has closed with no serious ob- Me important cause of the/ fection offered to the new govern- wool, the vist shortage of domestic ment telephone rates, as applied: to fi million ouuee ae is about thir- cfties and towns, it is probable the sntilipgs Siler than a year provincial public utilitles commissfon- e ufacturers, er will approve the Tate. The price of wool has gone wp abroad, too. Mill owners say the high seals of Wages and shorter working hours also will have an effect, Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- In effect the rates will provide tive stag Agnval, increase, ter camping in front of the United : plying the most satiafactory. Only 20 Left i Your Last Chance to Secure. One of the Greatest Paintings Of the Modern French School , La Cigale ( The Grasshopper ) byEdouard Biss n, the first of The Daily News series of the world s greatest pictures, was honorably placed in fe Balu exhibition at Paris. a beautiful painting, one of the best of its La Cigale is a story picture, Nearly everybody rethembers La Fon- taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the Ant. Done into American rhyme it runs this way: A grasshopper gay the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter's first roar. Of meat or of bread, Not a morsel she had; So a-begging she went, To her neighbor the ant, For the loan of some-wheat, Which would serve her to eat Till the season came round I will pay you, she saith, On an animal's faith, Double weight on the pound Ere the harvest is, bound. The ant is a friend, xe (And here she might mend) Little iven to lend. How spent you tne summer? Quoth she, looking shame At the borrowing dame. Night and day to each comer I sang, if you please. sang I'm at ease; For it's plain at a glance, Now, madam, you must dance. La Cigale is Bisson s idealization of ihe: imag Ponnterpart of the the grasshopper of the fable.:The summery figure shivering in the wind im- presses the story of the nobility and necessity of labor. A Photogravure 22x28 inches, This Picture Never Sold Less Than 2.50 Before To Daily News Readers THE COST Is : 10c. and Six Coupons from the front page of The Daily News. mail. These pictures cannot be sent by would be sufficient ships. of nations: energy expended by would more than a every electric light : rallronds, all motive Men burry along, rush that they are amount of physical + Mr. T. BL Brigg. world s greatest ex mechanfcal and pl eaysi T always bo mechanics, thelr app and to the results t by the simple Introd chanical principles. might or might not for me to say. Sufl as nearly as I cas energy, not only in concerned, but with and draught animals . The normal man i - -vertiee -position 2 ing he relaxes the muscles of his forwa other so that it sha alight on the ground man s body from fall Were it not for energy by the rear body again over the. act of walking is to intercepted fal the ground Is the px -which the body rota Now, then, the w where for the reaso the people of the wor than are necessary. Mr. Brigg, carry id that a man wa four miles an hour energy of double hi ratio being: variable of the man In Figure 1 the ti tines A-B, B-C and C- stride; but the instar Causes T would. east affections called s the swelling, tends Meds of the back of tonsils which occ winter time woul cold. Ordinarily it- impact of cold air u hrout when breathin bout these symptos Ve know now, howey Mf bacteria of variou han anything else i been found that t po esas. athe in mach sew Bes ae a with the disposal o eee the community. jes of Londun, 1a one hoaiws jeries, and the se can wae mera a ns. of artitical long and every 4: ee nS Test of the popula closely associated ace ae oe : he problem as it lt; en more intere ital is an absolut
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Image 153 (1912-07-26), from microfilm reel 153, (CU1743755). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.