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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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it, and ev- r Feqitires, LUMBER, R FINISH, LE, BIRCH G8. wey for the Doors, uTivUL SRE, LATH TS, WIL- 8 ES r CO- *EOPLE PHONE 57 antes, ry Toronto, Can:, July 7. Pasto sell addressed two audiences hi eo bout a thousand of th the week and adjourned. 3 day, decided to remain and hy discourses by Pastor Russell to-day rt one of his addresses : G toward God, said in part: is the day of wealth. Nothing to Compare with it has ever mself and is not rich (Luke xii, 21.) He PU DECLINE OF FAITH AND .GODLINESS Blight of Financial Greed. r Rus. ere tos in the Royal Alexandra Theatre before. several thousand 1 Pealing tothe world, and Sppeal would be uscless, apirit of avarice, ter. .uarefore is allowing the ir bot aa le to n great that selfishness is an in from fof sin, as love and ne cannot doubt that lesson of sel shall have been ful world it will be red heen Divi 7 known in the world s history, and the tye wealth is increasing. ave we discovered ric'y de gold-and-silver-and precious. Bot merely are these being min. rovident and -successfal ma. wi ; nner. trast aharply with the present s with which nothing in the past could citi leased ft fuse Ur gompare, but additionally the world perces ys, ma wl fe liken growing rich in every conccivathe Our cities are growing ind beauty, in sanitary convenieiees, good. paved Not merely sistance for the the- peace, joy, love size abl; t streets, and boulevards all t -world Gate is ane tie os Ohare over, not for th Fe 1al;-whioh Furthermore, machinery perfected for the church nomin: within the Inst 1a but vast librarie: 8re being Hox ux hens Because of tho: fpcility ey can be wealth not morris In pein eles, sich as clot a a :. Public produced, these however, constitute riches. one elanes which would amaze our But ary we-asin race gro toward God, a8 cur, ould .be the promer. the very Fevers rm faith and godliness line?. Ts it not true that, with) last fifty yoargs the Jove of. money. which the Apostl declares 4s,4 9 root of all evil. hn intensified? ts Rot-true that fnereial erred has come so strung and jed Pure-food Lay lof the lives at life and health w rein: fall better honsed, better fod and1 ter clothed than ia here iz a gener: unrest, ithe trast tithes? Ts in every ni: Warning to Mankind to Beware of S lfishness ree the one Dart hold and on the other the hard-heartedness fAtiondance attra gusscdl of those in. pai acquire? But God is not ap- Exinely be dissolved: Satan will International. Bible Students Associa: ton, which was in sossion here dur- iethe And by that-time, too, .God s as- ts of ready. The Meashante Terrace wht ee the stony heart out of thei + of ready, The Mosslantc awa: stones: e inangurated-and a. reign of love fesh, way wee any heart out, of their Hwittbe-established. which will con- A and good will e amongst men. And we may- reason- from amongst. the people in Gsaume that there is no better the Second D es way than this for teaching the world ih hate merely. , more civilised section a 5 ity: yeara is being i but 4 rc . J call vmultiplied aud turning-out articles of for God's saintly pene na od for God's sainth; ople in and aut .. sonvetiience and wala whicir aid eels an of the various sects and parties, and the Apostle Wegree impoverishi of time and money and Influence, and nuke tix a-test-for-them, wbich determi whether or not th shall attain to the Kingdom at aud Hf they attain at all, whether they shall bo amongst the greatest of amongst the least in the K What is the philosophy of i The philosophy is this: Man as priginally created, in the Divine i tender-her syr pathete Teatetaembenrted sr: al the world and the strife for a living began that selfishness gradually b same the -pradorifmant---influenc: producing hard-heartedness carelees- ness of the interesta of others self- ve. God propoves that thotisan at during the years of Messiah's reign of our shall bound and his allurements will be ended. Tho curse will be lifted. the earth will yield its increase, the find thistles will give place, and 80. will the pests, Tho streas be. ing lifted from mankind it will be easier for him to learn the lessons of lovenand-brothernesd; and to rise Up out of his present condition of Meanness and hard-heartedness, self. -fishness back to the glorious image of God in which man-was-areated This will mean the dissolving of the stony-heartedness of our race; or, a: the Scriptures put-it, the Lord wil give them a heart of flesh 8 heart of sympathy. All under my with Gad, . and to likeness. of God, will bea: eath, Acts lil, 19-25. But while such a restitution under favorable conditions of the M. Sianic Kingdom is God s provision q has a different vision for the Church, now being 5 . proven. By nature our hearts are hard and selfish; and, as says, We were children a. h. even as other that God has called Himslt, why, then, should He desire His children. who sre far fram Heh in the world s Satimantion, tov usa their Tittle taleate BEST SCOTCH Yeu are just as safe As is the case in all in buying from us by mail as if you were buy- ing in person. All or- ders are promptiy and intelligently attended to. Our mail order de- partment is thoroughly equipped and our facil- ities for the executing of out of town orders cannot be surpassed: We invite patronage through this depart- ment. Seasoned. following qualities quoted-: 7 Best quality per E Second quality green . THE NEILSON FURNITU ALBERTA S MAIL ORDER Cork Carpets house, we pay special attention tc ihe buy- ing of our Cork Carpets Only best makers supply us with this class of goods and we have their assurance that every piece we receive is thoroughly ee OE TT Is As a result-of-the most favorable pur- chasing arrangements we can supply RE CO. Li MANUFACTURE lines throughout our same careful Cork Carpets. Special quality -h Jaid, per square 2nd qualit; d the No: 3 special 1 inlaid, ce SLA CENTRE private. such as the world fe not prepared. ta ith. whieh These; anaes io: kaw and do. the will of God receive special instruction Kingdom that is shortly to b ntly footsten world followers of J sus, the Lord says, not your riches. your treasures be of nll, Jan earthly kind. Rather, go to. the opposite extreme and spend and be Spent in the interes if others. in the service of God, in.the sefvice: of Bis message of love; and thus, alone the lines of the Divine promises, seek fora si th the great Redeemer be 1 priests and judges world, The fact ship- with His-Son inthe glorious 8 not signify that He will hard-heartedness and. selfishness On the contrary, it we are to be association with our Lord and Head, the great King, we can Teadily see that we ourselves must get tid of this condition before we could ious iss the per-square-yard- of the IF NOT SATISFIED * SAMPLES OF MONEY REFUNDED * Household ai Serene es : We do not carry lower qualities. * QUALITY ON REQUEST. + not. trve in the su nd tho present life, and in th gt; gin nor and immortality of the that is to come. bre neither for the body what ye sha. put on The-sewtis-morertiin th and the body more than: raiment Your Father knoweth what jeopnrd y? T ve have Is it-not true Giat althonel, wears ave teed of. fehie Kingdom and the yt- righteousness which it demands: anil + attae ings lied according to your Father's wisdom. Fear not, litile flock, for it-is your that even with all the modern. safe Pathere gy elven guards of police and detective. .sys. tems, and the telograp etc.. still human is a portion of one of our ables. In it Ho: pictures mani whese Ithes. sere: fullen-in pleas. ant places. Phe. amili re suh and wnder. piol showers proape: taking ant hi opportunity 2athe to hin ae eager ms ives less -ifevore: opportuni for turningsliis-tmitertalgwentin to good account jn the cul generous trattsiof his, Wy thus to develop more api e character (for God sentte: blessings. therein and the su for helping Tothy and relu- good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Sell that ye ha give almz, provide yourselves which wax not old, a treasure in heavens which faded not awn corrupteth; for where your reas is, there will* your heart. be also. Luke xii, 32-34, We are not for a moment to sup. Pose that the Apostle referred to th grldly rich when he wrote to Tint: 9 that are rich in this world tuat they -be aot igh: ty minded. nor trust in uncertain riche: 8 but:in the living God who giveth a richly all things to enjoy. ' (1. Tim. fethy vi, 17.) Most. evidently the Apostle. refers to-some of the cons Ts Jorated. people of God as having in- wealth ; they are to. consider it a -ceniale af it ) Wherefore, take no thought for your life soul what ye shall eat, ne thief approseheth neither mati roperly. capable of helping the world up out of the hard-heartedness, In-varion he-Lord s ings with His called Ohurch at the present tine: dre different from what is dealings will be with the world by..and by. This is because ours is so high an honor; and, correspond: ingly, it is appropriate that we should Tiantiest the jmore love, the ge zeal than will be expected of the world We-must-+walk by faith and not by sight, and. volun- isrily accept the Lord's providences, Volunturity-undertake to co-op. erate in putting away the stom heart, accepting instead, the Spirit uf the Lord. and. the Spirit of the Father a spirit of love. kindness, gentle. ness, meekness, paiience and long suffering toward all. Moreover, dur. jing the-thousang-years-of the world s recovery frem sin and selfishness and hard-heartedness, doubtless each in- dividual will have several centuries for his gradual development, but. th, Father seeks in the Church class such as will manifest so. much-zeal for-Him, and such as will give sach such earnestness-to. copy His char. acter, that: they will succeed in at- taining a heart condition of tender. ness, sympathy and love like unto the Heavenly Father's, in the pres. ent years of their Christian experi. BED SPREADS AT 1.45 EACH Strong wearing puality honeycomb bedspreads hemmed, size 70x90 in., Neilson s spee- ial value i? oe 1.45 LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, 150 RACH ee ie en Te and gentre. Cloths, hemmed ready for use; size 60x86 in. Neilson s spe iat eatne P 1.50 jal value .. . 1.35 WALL: BURLAPS AT 30 CENTS A YARD Heavy make, 36 inches wide, in pale green, dull crimson and natural, rae ..N ilson s special value 30 cents a ya Write for samples. SPECIAL (QUALITY TURKISH TOWELS AT 1.25 A PAIR Brown linen Turkish Towels, red and white Stripes down * Ble such the members of the National Commit- tee. The conference will discuss the of the National Progressive Party. It 4s planned to hold the convention shine, upon the evil and upon the a as But instend of selfishness to dominate. He accumulated instead of dispens. provi- his which D dence permitted to. flow into hls Jay Are there not many. today who are ontoh the Anse a Patterning after the character which the Lord portrayed in this parables . Siven to the brethren iany who are taying to themselves: .. I wilt accumulate wealth and the, soy to my soul, You hi * feat. drink and be merry? Think not particularly of your. tess favored with others of the brethven es men brethren or n miserably poor;*liye for yoursell 301 whom are really doing these thing. jand others only longing for the op: portunity? If the Lord declared that the man in Hs parable was fool, what may Iinasses of the world Gye a PY constitutes the foundation or basis for a8 men never before were blessed, privileged as men never before were privileged. and. therefore. responsible as men never before were responsible in the use-of money? Alas we fear that the Lord is not well pleased with the world in its scramble for wealth, witnessed to-day on every hand. In our text God s people of to-day have the reminder that the masses have the opportunity of hecoming rich tw ward God because they have the o portunity to cultivate the Christlike spirit through generosity, helpful- hess and brother Not to world,-however, does the Lord address - His reproot and admonition, but merely to His Ohurch the consecrated few. The world is about to learn a lesson slong this very line of self , Having sown tothe wind the seed of selfish: ness. it is about to reap a whirlwind Of trouble, the fruitage of selfishness, in which the interests of the rich and poor will clash in the great conflict tween, capital and labor, between those who have. secured: wealth and those who will strive to take the Yrealth from them a time of trou. ach a8 never wag since there was nation. Are any so blinded as not to the awful: geowilr of anarchy, which is gradually. settling down upon the highest civilirntion to. which the NEWS FORECAST FOR THE COMING WEEK (Special to the News) Washington, D.C. July 18. Gover- nor Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic nominee for President, will go to Chi- day, when the Roosevelt supporters in ago Monday for a conference with becaming rich veh the cultivation of the noble qualities of his character, he allowed He pulled -down his barns and built greater. Stewardship, and not their own not tobe disposed of according to their own worldly caprices, and surely not to be disposed of according to the dictum of their friends and neigh- bors. and relatives. ence. And if we shall ultimately demon- strate this fixity of our hearts, the Lord will own us as His children in the Firc: Resurrection and grant us perfect bodies on the spirit plane. when it will be possible for us to b: PEELE EEE EE EE EEE ee VITRIFIED WE PREPAY FREIGHT ON ORDERS AMOU COLOR AND + YOU MAY BE -Would you like something better? eae 1.00 We would-like to- Pe to you about Our Hotel W: Are-you-satisfied-with-the-ware you are now Us Something with a longer life ware that will giv better service looks better and easier to handle count of its welded edge. Then use a Very strong, retaining its britttancy under-severe handling. sorbent weaves, suze 22 Maddogk 's ' Vitrified Hotel W x54 inches. A WORD FROM ONE WHO HAS USED IT a I have used Maddock s ware for years and have always a centage of breakage has been lower than others of heavier ti SUIl has that light delicate appearance that I desire on th tabl otewortliy that is not found in other makes of hotel will coffee stain the broken part. Write us for a sample plate sent free for the eature. If this ware gets chi still retains that milky. whiteness, which is a 3 ave plenty; Jackson to complete the organization If they are the-Lord s, all they have must have been consecrated to Him Ise they were not accepted as Hie me The ch the Apostle directed to be poss ssing weulth i8 stated,- thet. they do good. that they be rich in goad work ready to distribute (for the nece: ties of others), willing: to commun: cate (liberally: willing to share absolutely like Him. That is glorious, condition for which we waiting, is within our reach, for ord- has not called us help we rich toward God. us think less and less of eait riches, and more and more prize f ad community, somewhat wlonz the lines ol ised to His faithfal ones. . All The effect of so doing, the Apostle shall attgin to o tich i states, would be laying up in store highest sense, rich toward God. for themselves--n good foundation only wili they against the time to-come. The word sion of the highest prize that foundation here is used in the same has to give His very best but sense as when We say that a wenlthy- lowing the process and, lessons of man gave a foundation of a million eat Teacher we shall be rich dollars for s college. His present His character e carrying out of the college plans and arrangements. Thus, a uses in the Lord s service his fina ial stewardship is laying a: tounda: tion for the future a foundation for his. spiritual wealth, and the more of time and influence and wealth axy of us can lay up thus in doing good: in forwarding the interests of the brethren and the Lord s work, ihe more are we piling up our treasures in heaven and lessening those on earth. And the advantage of this , w what w-o-mean spells procedure is that pete Promptly the man. replied Our hearts on things above, and to yj. moh cals si wean them irom the things of the earth, for where our treasures are there witl our hearts be alco. And thus, says the Apostle, we willbe able to. lay hold. on eternal life, now proffered to us, i It helps God's intelligent children fo follow in the narrow way and f 4 learn the lessons of the present life, if they can see the prinieples in- volved, and how the lessons in the School of Christ are advantageous. For instance many at first are in- clined to say, do not see how it great, however poor w may be Not So Stupid. ceeded Lord gt; particularly. stuz much wiser than he appeared. Niger eee Australia s Navy. itizen tims of peace, Empire's Gold- Supply. what I do with my money, my tal- ents, my influonce. He is rich, He needs nothings. Moreover, if any are needy, He is quite abl: to supply their needs without in the slightost for gold. se Off With the Queues. Tn a: singte week 35,000 Chit cut off their pir tails in Hong K Heutenants who will be given churge fin 1854, Jot the campaign headquarters both: in the Bast and West. The firat definite step towards the crystallization of the third party movement will b taken next Satur nate complete State ticket. Several thousand delegates will as- semble in Chicago Monday for the national convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Another impor- tant gathering of the week will be the annual convention of the American Forestry Association, which will be- gin its sessions Thursday at Bretton Michigan will hold a convention at preliminary arrangements for the na. tional campaign and will probably de- i cide upon the managers as Woods, N. H, in the same grove of oaks under which Prime Minister Asquith has fixed rt vab organized Thureday ag the day for his trium- in vain: Faithful is He who hath called us. So then, dear fellow-Bible student: let us.gird up the loins-of our mind: determining that with the Lord's Kingdom which the Lord has prom- rich in the posses- in Special -yal- 44. Special -val- perience, rich in ll: that is good and ee 10 MG SS 2.15 ss earthly goods, at the finish: of our Sir O Moore Creagh, V. ., who suc- tehener as Comman- der-in.Chief in India, tells a good story. ofan orderly whom he thought On one occasion the general got angry with the man, and. shouted: Why, you noodle, I don't believe Troi and left the gen- eral wondering whether he was not Divided: into two classes, the Aus- tralian aavy is manned by first, the permanent: naval forces and, second, 1 forces. The latter are volunteers, not entitled to pay in The British Empire supplies about will make any difference to the Lord three-fifths of the: world s demands The convention will nomi- the are hoping, praying, striving. the SPRING AHl sizes, - strong woven lace pe ee A fe ee eee renianned Let 7 i a + nS 1 thy dine titted: with tlG heayy triple - weave e in. corner posts, with bands, and supported by 5 straight wire cables on a strong maple vermin proof end. a ees who heavy castings, angle Not iron ross bars, , 3-3. fillings, heavy chills and brass knobs. ou in Freight prepaid. Freight prepaid. Set of Diners for 13.50 5 side chairs and CCC 1 arm chair, sad- dle shaped seats: shaped back, broad arms, built of solid 44 cut -oak in early Eng- lish finish; set of 6 chairs. ial rainegt3 50 per set Freight prepaid FILSON FURN le PT m2 at Green -festoon-border; TO 25.00 OR OVER. * There are three suitable patterns to choose 4 Greek key pattern with two light green Dark green band design, sa An idea of the prices dan be judged from the DINNER PLATES . tess eee... 195 a doz, Bi scale oon: 3 eR TEA PLATES, 1.65-a doz. PIN PLATES, WE: ASK YOU AGAIN: : Write for a sample and full range of JUDGE - CENTRE TABLE Fighteen inch square top, shaped undershelf 15. in, square, heavy fancy turned legs, in selected quarter cut oak or rich mah- y oe Freight prepaid.. ITUR phal visit to Dublin. The Irish peo-jorable Artillery Company of Boston ple, elated over the passage, of King George at Buckingham Pal. home rule measure, are making Abe, the celebration of the 250th an to giye the British premiera mag- lvereary of the foundation of the nificent welcome, Among other eve Teaders on this de are more or. lesi Interested the reception of tha Ancient Hon- The calendar for the week calls for Royal oci t7, and the first Imperial tear championship tow Yo whicn Conference of Teachers, which will W t the Atlantic eet in London under the auspices of the 1 be the League of the Empire. i GOlE Associati ver: peg. E CO., LIMITED IGHT H AVE. EAST CALGARY Numerous fixtures that will attract eration of American Motorcyclists, the attention of all followers of sport Columbus, 0; the Grand Circuit tre and athletics. Prominent among the ting meeting at Kolamiazoo, and events on the list are the annual ama- regatta of the Northwestern Intern: it of the tional Rowlig Assoctziion, at Winn
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Image 72 (1912-07-15), from microfilm reel 72, (CU1743739). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.