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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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GN ng (-mabee 25th, 1012, November 14th, 1012, 9 ene NINE LARGH FLOURISHING ees: soon to be in operation with a monthly pay roll of 85 Investors everywhere now recognize the fact that REDCLIFF REAL ESTATE offers a safe, sound and profitable investment. TWO MORE FACTORIES soon to be announced, which will cause REDCLIFF RHAL HSTATE to again take a big jump. ie le ORDERS ARE POURING Even the most conservative investors from the Hastern Provinces and ENTERPRISES IN frcm the Uniteci States are: ordering large blocks of RHDCLIFF REAL HSTATE BY MAIL. er, the English actor, try vaudeville with the n Julius Caesar. ris to play a leading Indiscretion of Trath ells FemalePills ears the Standard. and r commended for nents, a scientifically edy of proven worth. om thelr use is quick t. For sale at all drug MEDICINE Sofoetestrieefoatrateetocteatieeetoateated pet he Stoner Agency, MAT gars Fierce Work aused Rodosto Fall Fiondent Who Was Eyewitness Polls of the Fight Fay attie Started at Lunch Hour At Critical Mom- p gt; urks Discovered They Were Short of Ammun- a Foreign Residents Thrown Into Panic. AVGM SI LUGE, - STATETHM AVIONOAI (Special to the News) Be Nov. 15. From Constant-) lu nnd Rodosto lines of communica- Bitin Monotue, corvespond- tion, ee a. Daily Chronicle, with the he enemy's cavalry daily crept ing, telegre she: Rearer. Last Fridsy: the mounted hte en. I am sow/ mounted troops made a daring raid ive fi coroart of this and surprised and captured the Tur- - wp Turk sh military pres- Kish cavalry barracks on the hill HW allies have now a secure northwest of Rodosto, driving, the Fi ttie Sea of Marmora, which Turkish outposts out. The defenders. FH is to be continued, will of the town were infantry, chiefly lortant strategic position. composed of the remnants of the fy (at the Lines, third and other remnants which were Hii cy finally evacuated Chor- so terribly cut up at Lule Burgas. os PU rks left a small cavalry Disturbed His Meal. ons ajeh the enemy's main The Turkish Government eent a idntrating around Lule warship and a torpedo boat with re- ome days ago, the Bul- inforcements to the ill-armed and , iiforced by the Serbs, half-starved soldiers to drive off the fo show signs of activi- invaders, The opening fight came, cccupied Choriu and the with startling suddenness in the the country north of middle of the lunch hour. When the: ANFA CLAUS EADQUARTERS busy place these days getting ready for his i; opediing, when he will be at home to the WATCH FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT. it pays. SYFHLO TIV NVHL YTLLES And come early , small deposit reserves anything he has. OH YOU BEAUTIFUL DOLL wnight s Baz CHINA SPECIALISTS. FORMERLY THE EMPORIUM. 394-396 5 Toro imately seizing the vill- first shot was fired with little cere pift and cutting the Cho: con:lusion. Broadside after broad- sid) belched from the sid a-of the wa yessels, their shots causing mad Aer or among the population. Driven by panic.the foreign residents rush- ed desperately to their consular of- fies, where their clamoring was a ba vel. Bulldings Trembled. Meanwhile the roar of cannonad- im: almost unceasingly. Every build- ins im the town trembled. Tue fire of the warships gunners was ludi- crously wild. Shells from the eight- ich guns directed at the enemy, hit the Iurkish soldiers. As the Bulgar- isag crept over the top of the slope they poured hot demoralizing rifle fire into the exposed flanks of the durkish infantry. In the town there, ere tumuitous scenes. among the hyncicANatants, many of whom rush- 4. to the beach 2d tnrted. them- aives into the sea, Chased Down HiL Mounting to the roof of a Greek house, I was able to see the battle- leld. Away up among the green patches, the figures of Turkish blue- ciad soldiers and Bulgarian brown- Se ehoeeaioste dost eteese toate eoaio siete clad men were discernable, swaying, and struggling. Suddenly the blue ine went tumbling down the bill. Little knots of brown-cld soldiers) showed ciear at the'edge of the mul- berry trees and took pot shots at the, sunning blue men, Shells from the warships continued to sweep the hills, AN around lay many dead, and the mangled forms of still liy- ing Turkish men, wnom the misdi- rected tire of the Turkish naval gunners had struck. Short of Ammunition. it was murderous work and the Turkish soidiers could not stand be- fore-tt long. At the critical moment they found themselves short of am- munition. and when night fell the battie ceased. - A smail French steamship, which fad arrived before dark, was sur- rounded by boatioads of refugees, demanaing passage. Scantily clad Women and children were handled like bales of merchandise, hauled up by ropes, dumped om the decks any- how and lett there, shivering and afraid of all kinds of disaster. I fought my way to the steamer, having to kick a Turk: who tried to Prev nt me by pushing me into the fea. As I left the doomed town, the Scene recalled the ninth cycle of Dante's Inferno. The Daily News delivered in city 36e a month the Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol :oz3.coay tcaslon foster Fimand vitality, Premature decay and all sexual ooay averted ope ie ma new man sSences pelat make, ines, One, Mie oan aidceea Sold at Pingle s Drag Store. L gt; ts. Buy yours now while the prices are low and the picking good. Come ana see the five new factories now under construction and several large business b.ocks now being built on Broadway. Inquire about our wonderful offer-of shares in the Redcliff Motors Com- pany Limited with each 2200.00 purchase : Redcliff Realty Co., Ltd. Unionists Will Wage Renewed War on Biil Huge Concourse Fills Albert Hall to the Doors to Hear Leaders Speak Bonar Law Says Opposition Will Insist that Irish Measure Be Submitted to Elector- -ate Lord Lansdowne Cheered by the Big Audience: (Special to London, Nov, 15. The riots in the House of Commons during the past two days are only an instance of the fight between the Liberals and the Unionists over the Home Ruie Bill. For fear of another outbreak, like ynne-on Wednesday, the House was adjourned -y lt;6:2e a the King, it'is sald, Premes a giving bis consent. 4 To cap the climax, a meeting of the Unionists last night was converted into an immense and siginificant par- ty demonstration. The downfall of the Government was urged by noted speakers. Albert Hall was jammed and the word enthusiasm hardly described the determined fighting spirit which was manifested, Platform Crowded. The Marquis of Lansdowne, the Unionist leader in the House of Commons, were the chief speakers, but the platform was crowded with 1 - bout 100 prominent Uaionists, in) 1 yg puavens, (3 Curzon, Lord. Selborne, Lord. Salis- eluding the Duke of Devonshire, Lord bury, Austen Chamberlain, Sir Ed- win Carson and the Rt, Hom Walter, Long. After the prell ing of God Save the outburst of cheering: wt the unfurling of hi ist clubs of Ulster. Believes Unionists The Marquis of cheered when he arose to address. He sald: The first the jonist policy is tariff rerori If the.Unionists win in the fext elec- tloasas I helieve they, will, they must be free to raise taxition and. meet the enormous and 1 Underestl. Bonar Law concurigd downe s proposals, buts the present duty. of. to oust meht of gamb to headlong ruin. Mr. Law's speech was mainly de- voted to Irish home rule, and abtise of the Government fOr-trampling on the minority, and the privileges of the m aibera of the House of Com- the News) f mons. He said that ke did not try to queil the disturbance in the House yesterday and never would try to quell an outbreak under similar cir- cumstances. Would Have Ruined House. If the Government's motion had been carried, ho declared, the House would have been destroyed and the QOppomi outdwhay shared id the responsibility, The said, would continue in its efforts to: wreck the Home Rule Bill. The Un- fonists, Mr. Law said, intended to in- st that the Home Rule Bill be sub- mitted to the electorate of the United Kingdom and thus prevent the degra- dation of the House of Commons and what was worse, civil war, ible, asserted never submi ae ge eee 7 fe SBaiebe be fe whe obs ole oho fei shesehs fe fs oho Blanche Walsh has a new playlet fealled The Countess Nadin Hale. Hamilton - is to appear in London in *Get-Rieh-Quick Walling- ford. Catherine Calhoun has been engag- ed to play the wie Ary in Lite into vandeville win wite, Ki a erine Florencg, will be seen in a repertoire of clas sic plays. 5 Stelix Mayhew is to star in a Be Poor Little Rich Girl. REDCELIFF musical play under the direction of Lew Felds. The piece is called The Singing Teacher. The New Sin, a remarkable new vlay with no women in the cast, is to be withdrawn in New York. The play was a London success. Joseph M. Gaites has acdepted a new play by Frank Mandel called The Other Hand. Mr. Mandel is so-author with Helen Kraft in Our Wives. And They Lived Happy Ever At ter was dramatized by Philip Bar- tholome from a German one-act one-act sketch. From the same source he obtained Over Night. Paul Armstrong's new play,. The Escape, made a favorable -impres - sion on its. nitial presentation in Los Angeles. The piece will be taken to New York goon. Mabel Teliefereg has quit yaude- ville once more, and is ta head: her own company about the holidays. She will appear in a pieee by Rich- ard Walton Tully, eutitled The im - The Drems-of Oude, which David Belasco is persue troduo- ing in vaudeville, the characters are English and Hindu, and for the for- mer only English players hgve been engaged, while native Hindus fill the other roles. Charles Klein is now at work ona new play, the title of which has not yet been chosen, but which deals with social conditions of today. It will be ready by March or April, and may see light under the auspices of the Authors Producing Com- accepted from ples Frohman for eventual prodiistion in this country is the newest Mt Davies comedy, entitled Doormats. Mr. Daffies is Cousin Kate and Doormats are sim- in Ife who take a others walk over them their feet on them. leott is singing several own composition Among: the plays abroad by 4 New York engage- has Handyside has beed en- support Laurette Taylor in ge My Heart. thy Clark has been engaged prominent rol in The Mil * and it is declared thig is her iF Why is iz that so few people seem nxioug,to talk to Mr. Carpington? : well informed. st the difficulty, answer- Dimpleton. He's one of Ireadful men who-know enough. ot your mistakes when you, quote the classics, and who don t know enough not to do it. Sense estahesioateste cto soateate estes dosteeto ete rete aie entree ote Sear ae ietir SP CT e aAP I eat I Loose Leaf System The New S Department has ev, y facility for Sap- plying the most satisfactory. Subscribe now for the Datiy News. Block 20, 50 feet, 475. COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 19, 50 feet, 1,008. Block 24, 50 feet, 800. Block 8, 500 feet, 10,100. Block 17, 50 feet, 900. Block 4, 50 feet, 900. Block 4, 250 feet, 5000. Block 4, 50 fact, 70.1 CENTRAL met 4 yy Black 7, 50 fee BlOoKITy ace DEM Block 21, 50 feet, Block 24, 50 feat, * Block A, 50 feet 2000. Block D, 50 feet, 2000. Lots are 250 to 00 feet deep, Block 15, 50 feet, 800. We are Headquarters for TRACKAGE AND NEAR eee One of out aitents: ill trade for olty propery one-quarter Han 100 acres back- is Year. We have two good acreage pro- / ere LOOK INTO THESE. Medicine Hat i Co. p wheal ar
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Image 907 (1912-11-15), from microfilm reel 907, (CU1744587). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.