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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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LOT NO. 1 50 PAIRS OF. CHILDREN S BLACK AND ,TAN KIL BLUCHBERS AND OXFORDS to clear at8 .00 a pair re. sardless GE theatact that they are worth-balt as more, 48 Sse LOT NO. 2 AND. OXFORDS in tan Opportunity, 1.75 a pair, 7 LOT NO. 3 to 2.50. Prices cut to 1.25 pair to clear the 388 Toronto St. Pepartment all this week. ea thusiastic. i Speclal to the News) Atiantic City, No Jy the nomination of candidates Platform opened today in the audi- tofium ca the 2el Pier, with nearly 5,000. delegates, alternates and visi- evenings for public rallies. tors present. * The anditorjam was decorated with ed- until Friday. the national colors, cause, by National, Chairman Charles - hing adfresses' and the calling of didate: the FoH the convention appointed the Teaas, Arizona and several LePAGE -BROS. Bo ine a 5 eg THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Get Your Eye On these Shoe Ba rgains much: 3 PAIRS MISSES FINE KID BLUCHER BALS. PUMPS gnd black kid. Speciai July Sale 49 PAIRS WOMEN S KID BLUCHER BALS AND SLIP- PERS in black only; sizes 2 .to 5 . Regular price 1.75 LePAGE BROS. Phone 28. Fine demoustration of Postum andPost Toasties in our Grocery D ON PARTY TO NOMINATE CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENCY National Gathering of.U. S. Prohibitionists at Atlantic : City Have Had Many Defeats But Are Still En- July 10 The customary committees on credentials, Rational Prohibition jonvention for resolutions, ete., and then took an ad. for Journment until tomorrow morning. President and Vice President of the It has been decided that all the ses United States and th adoption of a siona of the convention sha:l be held in the morning, leaving the afternoons solely Zor coihmittee work and. the The nominations will not be reach- More than half a Over.the plat- dozen. active candidates are engaged ferm bung pictures of Frances Wil- in friendly rivalry for.the honor of lard, Neal Dow, Clinton B. Fiske and heading the national ticket. The Ohio other noted leaders of the prohibition delegation has arrived with a strong : boom for Rey. Aaron-8. Watkins. of The convention was called to order that State, who was the candidate for R. Vice President four years ago. New Jones of; Illinois. Following the op- England is in the field with two can- while Pennsylvania; Illinois, other * ileo have favorite sons whom pushing forward for the amas sre NPilawtie In spite of past fe iy e wi Sssemble in national font and, Vice-President and. Abarty platform. TBe tn- fork doi? aur. Geolara even more radical than four years ago. or sale of Ulcoho ts always, th , main. tion, of United States Senators, abd telephones, corporation tion, war on the social evil, uniform marriage and divore the States, an employer national prodibition of equal suffrag for men and women, conservation, and other radical and humanitarian doctrines the party to defeat. Onward, Christian Soldiers and opening of the session. . n.1812 ,although dry sentiment did pot: fing organized expression in a political party tintil 19 9. -Malne had in the five Years followirig anti-liquor tont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Michigan and Towa. Majne alone has remained true to the cause through all the interven- ing years, and that State narrowly caped going wet in recent elec- tjon, Probibition is mow most pow- erful in the Southern States, although the Prohibition party, as a political organization, has had' little to do with the spread of dry sentiment in the black belt. The first-natfonal tgpvention of the Prohibitionists was held in Chicago in 1869, wien, as the result of agita- tion by the Good Templars, the N formally ldunched not, however, by the breaking of .a bottle of wine over The first nominating convention of the Prohibition party was held in Co- lumbus, O.. forty years ago, when James Black of Pennsylvania is mamed for President. A total of 5,608. votes were polled by the party that year. In 1876 there were 9,552. votes cast for Green Clay Smith for. Pr s- ident, and in 1880 the famous temper- 305 voted. In 1884 the party, recog- nizing that its staunchest supporters were to be found among the women, declared for equal suffrage. John P. St. John, of Kansas, who will be bon- ored as the oldest Prohibitionist by Sheth oe ole oh de ee ob be oe oe ob ose eee . the convention opening today, was + 5 the party s candidate and the vote + CANADA'S AREA 4. Jumped to 150,369. Every State of + iat . lt; a a a the Union, with the exception of Do yoo know how big Canada is ? , wp South Carolina, telped to foll up a f That Canada contains one-third of flig area of the British Em- .f. tetel of 260,290 tor oie eet + pire, and is larger in area than the United States, Including Alaska, 2 ida as ae ih it al ir +h by 111,992 square miles Canada 3,729,665; United States and al. e? J0 brads aes gt; aska 3,617,673.) . 279,191 votes. Free sllv r and other That Cana sack * aoctrines caused a split in 1896, but * That Canads is as large as 30 United Kingdoms and 18 Ger- HOTIDA Hall, chAka Sou around was *, oa .manys; twice the sizeof British India; almost as large as Europe; -f regained, In the last election, Eugene PAF times the. size of France; 32 f-ttaly. +b. 4chatin, of Illinois, was the Presiden- +t That: Canada s prcportion of Population is 1.90 square miles; + tial. standard-bearer, and received United States, 21; England and Wales, 568; British Empire (out- F 252,511 votes. side India), 4. * : h lt; That Canada is 3,500 miles: by 1,400 In area, and that the dis- 1 oe F tance from Halifax to Vancouver is gr ater than from London to -t-' ENGLISH-MANUFAGTURERS b Halifax, - : i . TAME THE HAT BY STORM PEPE bhp et eee ee se SPENCER TODD The Exclusive i * Shoe for Women 6.00 high Button Tans for... 5.00 z 5.50 high Button Tans for ..:. .... 4.50 4.75 Tan Button Oxfords for 3.75 - 4.25 Patent Button Oxfords for . 3.25 Kid Button Oxfords for ... - 3.25 - 2.75 These are all Made-in-Canada Shoes Some lower grades in Women s Shoes Slippers at 1.75, regular 2.25 These are real bargains and will be snapped up quickly,. Specials all through the store. cer Todd Spen and (Continued from page one) then adjourn to the Alberta where a banquet will. be held. The blowing off of a gas well will bring the even- ing to a close. Following Is the complete lst of the manufacturers with the party: W. Leonard Palmer, organizing di- rector, lt; Jas, E. Vickers, representing Vick- yers, Ltd: Sheffield and Barrow-1 Furness. Capital 39,760,000, employ 25,000 people. Geo. T. Neflson, steel works man- ager, Wm. Beardmore Co., Ltd, Glazgow: and Dalmuir, Dumbarton- sire. Capital 12,500,000; 15,000 men. Frederick Dowson, director Mather Platt, Ltd, Manchester and Sal- ford; 5,000,000. ; A. Bickerton Balmford, B. A.,,engi- neer National Gas Engine Co., Ash- ton-under-Lyne; 5,00,000. D. McLagan, assistant manager; re- presenting General Electric Co., Ltd., Wilton and Birmingham, 35,000,000, and other industries. Rowland Rank, manager Jos, Rank; Ltd., Millers, Hull; 5,500,000, Alfred Moorehouse, F. I. A., actuary for Friends Provident Institution, Bradford, Yorks; 17,000,000. Jas. K. Annandale, chairman -and managing director Annandale Sons, Paper makers, Polton, Midlothian; 850,000, . Thomas Davidson, manager India Gatia Percha and Telegraph Lta., London, 4,060,000. Geo. Mansfield, export manager Blundell Spence Co,, Lt, Paints, Hull; 2,500,000, G . Hethey, managing director Bri- tish Mannesmann Tube Co, London, 2,200,000. J. H. Stead, director Car Co., London. J. C. Burlington, chairman; John Brinsmead Sons, Ltd. Pianoforte manufacturers, London; 500,000. Chas. Pocock Lidbetter, director the Drewry de ( Probibition Party of the Un- atabantic City, today, for u + eof pominativg candidates arg. apparently in Control of th ca,vembion machinery, )..and the aot Principles wit Besides th inevitable demand for the Tederal prohibition f the manufacture heysuges. which WIRE oF the Pro- hibition paFly, the comvention witt - probably declare for the direct elec- Go., a In- come and gherttance taxes, parcels post, punlic ownership of telegraphs a regula- statutes for all Y liability law, child labor, A Humber of candidates are in-the tor,,Fardon s Vinegar Co., Ltd., Bir. field for the empty honor of teading The singing of ther militant hymns, will mark the The temperance movement In Am- John Fison, director Jas erica had its beginning a century 880; Son: emical manure manufac- passed a*prohibition law in 1851, while Statutes had been enacted in Ver- tonal Prohibition Reform Party was) the bows of the new political eratt- Wwerwrex sepemis Wa: anee orator,-Neal Dow, received 10 Gp. Barnacte, Jand Sons, Ltd., jams, etc., Cambridge, /-MEDIOINE HAT DATLY NEWS. ete., London, 900, Geo, W. Goodchild, GW child machine lock, Clerke H miachiner: BJ. Good. Haybridge, Hatdon, ark, manuxing director Har T A Rayll ing s Norton mingham, 1,500,0 0. B. Stanion, representing. Stanion, yarn merchant and- hos mantfacturers, Leicester managing Co., Ltd, Bir ea ,ete., Lon 8,000 men. . Redfern, Armstrong S Sor, Ltd. + Drop forgings stampings, Birmingham, Thomas Brown, chairman and ma. aging director, Brown, don, Kawin FP, Pbeon maging Ulree: mingham., Edward, Andrews, manager, Fes- sociation, .Hortmadoc, 4,000,000... turets, Thetford, Norfoll, Major G. F, T. Leather, Co,, Ltd., and other industries. Products, Ltd. Fisheries, Ltd, and British Columbia, B. J. Redman, director, Bros., Lt Leeds, 1,500,000. Geo: Mason, educational advieer, Reeves and Sons, Lid., artists colors, brushes, etc., Dalston, N.B. engines, Shipley, York. Bros., wool combing and Weighley. .A. M, Thompson ,director, B. and S. H. Thompson, Ltd. e . om. Streatham, FRIB.A, Norwich. spinning, R.LB.A., Grays Inn, W.C. Capt. L, Webber, M.ILMM. the Transvaal. . Frank Shackle, Sons, Ltd. brush manufacturers. 34,000,000. : razion, Cornwall. wood, Notts, - Belfast, mounting to 2,500,000. J.8. Locke, newspaper proptietor, Leytonstone; A.C, Rice, fut mer- chant, London: Major B. J, Savage,Wenstead, rep- John Stirling, London, representing financial interests, John Davies, Cwmfelin Steel and jTin Plate Company, Swansea, 1,000,- 000. . R. C. Lawton; Albion Clay Co,, Ltd., Stonew re, Woodville, A. Sellers, director Darling and Sel- lets, Ltd., tools, ete, . Edward J. Caley, J. P., chairman Norwich Chamber of Commerce, Nor- wich... - Pi A. J. Caley and Son, Ltd., mineral waters, etc., Norwich, 1,200,000. F. J. Hook, representing Chivers 1,250,000. y+ Nevill H. Everitt, director Thos, Piggott and Co., Ltd. Birmingham, fron founders and engineers. Chas. W. Outram, managing direc+ tor Geo. Jennings, Ltd., sanitary and hydraulic engineers, London: Mr. John Boyd, of Montreal, accom- Panles the party as special Canadian Tepresentative of the Financial News. With the party are ' three ladies, Mrs W. Leonard Palmer, Mrs, (Ma- Jor) G. F. T. Leather, and Mrs. Heth- ey. No order too large or too small for the News Job-Department. Give us a trial. i AUCTION SALE H B: BROWNE CO. Have been fav red with instructions from a large Rancher to sell by * Auction on th Market Square on Wednesday, July 17th, 1912 at 1 o'clock sharp. 40, Head of Mares and Colts from 3 to 4 years old. Also a large quantity of Single and Double Har- ness, and every description of -* FARMING IMPLEMENTS Note The wish to draw the attention of buyers to this sale, the horses being an exception- ally good bunch, tioneers: TERMS CASH TERMS CASH For further particulars apply H B. BROWNE co. Live Steck and General Auctioneers, 812 Fourth Avenue, Medicine Hat, Phones 703 apa 295, i Burroughs Watts, Billiard tables, well Dentall Co, Ltd, Engines and Yxsex, feo, sts, Contgn cal Clive E. ell, director, Howell : E Co, bed Steel boiler tubes, eye, ) 420 Main Street Sheffield, 1 director, evens and Hopwood Gitvert, Ltd, Provisions,. Firmingham. J. B. Duffug, representing Duftus. Brothers Klein, art painters, Lon- j Secured tiniog District Slate Quarry Prop. As- North Waled director representing Alnwick Bewick Motor J. Stark Browne, director, Marvis British Columbian 0,000, England Redman . Mfr. clothiers, Swingate, Walter Bartholomew, director, John Robson (Shipley) Ltd. gas and oil Lancelot Lupton, Swire Smith and n, Edw. Boardman, wick, Al late government inspector of mines in Gc. B, K it ana Jas. Deuchar, James Deuchar Ltd, brewers, wholesale spirit, merchants, Barnacie, Ma- 8, A. Hudston, managing director, Wilkins Wire Rope Co,, Ltd., East- Chas. Robb, director Robb Co., representing interests . a- McGreevy We have opened a eal estate office at 420 Main street. We intend to-do a legitimate, ton the square ? busin in handling Medicine Hat City property and sur- rounding abdivision acreage and farm lands. We have spent several days in securing. some of the newest and bes? listings; have* already some of the best buys in inside pro- perty and hold exclus: ive listings on large tracts of subdivision acreage. We earnestly solicit your listings and patronage. OLD TOWNSITE 50 fet, Block 5, on Main Streef, 100 feet from City Hall, 40,000. 76 feet with large modern House facing Ottawa, between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, 10,000. HARLOW-FULLER . Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 8. Each Yot 200x330 feet. . 900 each. Terms. CENTRAL PARK Corner close in: 2 lots. cash, 1050 terms. HERALD South half Block 20, 300 per lot. SOUTH YUILL Lots 11 and 18, Block 3, : Terms. YUILL Lot 5; Block 7, 1000. Let us show you some good buys in Main street property. . Let us show you some good buys in sub- division acreage. 950 700. Terms. Patterson. Benner 894 Toronto St- - Phone 178. WeCan Do Anything WE CAN Sell you: a house cheaper; Sell your house quicker; Insure your property more. safe- Tesenting financhil Iiterests -aggre Ty; gating- 2,600,600 gt; Toan you money in larger am- ounts; Rent your house; Rent you a house; Sell your farm; Sell you 2 farm; . Or anything else and guarantee satisfaction. . Insurance--all kinds The old Hartford Fire; Law, Union and Rock ,the' strongest; safest and largest companies in the world. * Prompt payment of losses and full value. We refer you to the following citizens, Who have had .vsses: Peter Robertson. S. McLaughlin. Huckyale and Hooper. Mrs. J, Parsons. Mrs. H. Love. P. McKinnon, . Insure with us and you are - safe. REAL ESTATE The best in Old Surveys Block 88, cortier, 50 ft., 1600. Block 86, corner 50 ft., 1500. Block 89, corner, 66 ft., 2100. Block 89, corner, 66 ft., 2500. Block 93, corner, 100 ft., 3000. Snap House, 8 rooms, 2700, Allowance and Esplanade. House, 7 rooms, and 6 ft: lot, 3700. This is lose to North Ry. St, and one of the best buys in Medicine Hat. 800 cash, 40 per month for the balance, Information cheerfully given, Patterson Benner Hello Yes, We'll fix that Type- writer, Gas Jet, or anything else that is out of order. - Phone 561 . A. TILLEY. House. Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. *Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET TEACHER WANTED D. No, 1912, holding Ist or 2nd Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, Class certificate, Protestant, Good For Sale, Lost, Found, ete., ads under looking. Apply, stating salary re- these headings, quired to A. HB. Pentland, Bowell, Alta. 25 words, one day 28 3 30546 25 words, three days 50 25 words, eix days .. .. 1.00 LOST AND FOUND Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for tess than 25 cents. sh must accompany theorder. Phowe your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. LOST 0n Sunday between City Park and Toronto St. on north side of track an extension bracelet. A reward will be given. Apply 217 To- Tonto St. 30748 en HELY WANTED, L ST on or about 29th June small Ted note book. Sultatle reward it. returned to Nows office, Sid Hoop- or, 306as we JFOUND A bunch of keys, Owner can-have same by calling at News tice and paying for this ad. sordtr cE ei Sea STRAYED SSTRAYED Two bay geldings, white WVANTED Man and wife to live in house on Demonstration Farm, Or woman housekeeper would also suit, To board the working men. The man will be engaged to work ou farm, woman to prepare board for men. Free house and coal. Farm produce will be supplied at cost, sich as milk, cream, eggs and potatoes, turnips, etc, An acre vf ground is allowed) for vegetables. Men's board is pald Redeliff Clay Products Co. aggdte, charge Aug. ist, inst. bell, manage: A. B. Camp- * sosate MISCELLANEOUS SSALESMAN WANTED In this J0- cality to sell townsite properties in growing western towns where Populations and valu s are increas- ing. Company thoroughly reputable and properties of highest class. Good remuneration to right man. Great Northwest Investmgnts Ltd, Donalda Building, Winnipeg, Man. 307310 WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, Yalises, suit cases, stoves, musical Instrumenta, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, woo and f-ithers, bobght and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co.,. 312 Fourth avenue, oppovite Dreazland theatre. P. 0. box 958. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for tite atlove. 2eDit. MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR -AND JUNK CO. The above have WANTED Capable general ser- vant, Good wagts paid. Apply at 801 Toronto St-before noon any day. s07att WANTED A girl for general house work and capable of cooking. Ap. ply W. T. Finlay, 603 Bsplanade. . S06d6t/ Furniture, Stoves and and second hand Glothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns,: Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness; and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mertioned abo and pay the best prices. - Call at 504 South Ratiway St. or. Phono 587. tf WANTED a few smart young men wanted at once. Big money as- sured. Apply room 1, 386 Main St. 3056 WAN: ED Youth, high school edu- cation, for Redcliff, to assist in office and drafting room. Splendid op- portunity to learn ornamental iron business. Salary 10 per week. Board reasonable. Apply with sample of heudwriting to. City Editor of News. 30406 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W.: 4 HENDERSON CO,, chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, 'C.A., resident ANTED A maid for general house work. None but experienced need P Ftner.: Phone 198. Burns Block. apply. The best of wages paid. Mrs. 276att R. R. Stoner, Redcliff. 30406 a : AUCTIONEERS WANTED Two first class , exper- - - fenced waitresses. 35.00. per FI: 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stock arid General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- month, Apply to W. B. Routledge, Brooks, Alta, 302a8 AID WANTED Apply to 422 Es- * planade, 2sgate perfence at your disposal free. Phone 703. H. B, Browne Co,, 519 To- ronto St, iszatt i, BUSINESS canna RS. ae SINGER SEWING MACHINES . an Sherlock, Manning. Pianos an Organs for sale and to rent. AD classes of-tasurance. W. X. Plemigg, Offce 381 Main Street. WANTED- Small outfits for itch work, Have 2000 miles to let. Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 toot bottom:- Jense, McDonnell Co., foeeeenes Alta, 267dtt WANTED Men and women to leartt barber trade, Summer rate now Situations guarante d. Special to ladies. ' Particulars and cata- logue free, Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 2odatt na - TENDERS SEALED tenders will be received ad- drekeed to.the undersigned up to 12 O'clock noon of Mpnday, the 16th day of July, 1912, for the erection of a 5-room brick school building for the Medicine Hat School District No. 76. Certified check for an anjount equiv- alent to 5 percent. of tender to accom- Daby each tender. * Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the-arehitectrin the - Porter Block, Medicine Hat, Alta. The lowest or any t nder not neces- sarily accepted, be R. M. NAPIER, Secretary, Medicine Hat School District No. 76. 299at2t W.-E. WRIGHT . Customs Broker, 4 Consignee and forwarding agent, ag- sembler and executor of papers for shipments going into the. United States, Commissioner in B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. E MEDICINE BAT. 2 E. Bartlett, . Muntefpal Engineer, - Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor. Industrial Spur Railways, i Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION WANTED Experienced ; stenographer, customs, clerk and g ee eral Office man. Commence work once. Apply to P. 0. box 479. 30246 FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for horses, 1-4 section 2 miles from Irma-station. For particulars apply to A. A. Dickson, Irma, Alta, B0se4 ee aaa a AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring,/in first-class - condition, 30 horse power, fully equipped. Apply P. O. box 597. tt TO RENE TO RENT a five roomed house, Dossession on the 15th inst. Ap- ply 634 Montreal St. BOOMS TO RENT, 0 RENT Nicely: turnishea front bedroom AlL modern conventen- ces. 642 Montreal St. s07att TO RENT Furnished rooms fo rent, Parlor, bed-sitting Toom, modern conventencts, suitable for two gentle- nen. Apply 426 Toronto St. 274tt BOARD AND ROOM, Room 14, Imperial Bauk Building. Medicine Hat Photie 490 ee BOARD AND ROOM Five rooms, ali Bewly furnished. Terms moderate. 103 Montreal. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue: opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Hstimates fully ufraished on cost of your rooms, Phone 156. Fa WANTED Position as housekeeper. Apply-Mrs-Hughes, toam 22, Ray- al Hotel?) so7an ANTED House work by the day, . office cleaning included. Apply to Salvation Army. 30643 WANTED From owners only, two lots in Central Park or H. 8. An- nex. Substantial cash payment. Ap- ply to box 1311 News. . NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned having purchased The Med- felne Hat Blectric Co, as a going concern, all accounts outstanding are Payable to them. All bills owing, by the old company are payable by us. sosas H, P.-OLAND W. F. GRAVES. Loose beat Syatem The News Job Department hac every facility for: sup plying the most satisfactory. OUSE WANTED To purchase At from owner, 7 or 8 roomed fully modern house, State best price and terms. Address box 210 Medicine Hat. 30446 ducted anywhere, Consult-us, our ex- ; Painting and Paperhanging. s STC CHER WANTED for Bowell 8. on hand the best: selection of Hand Tools in the: city, ng, Rew - See py a 7 faces eanded. y on Tete a by-Governmept, Salary and-tate-for Reward 25. board to be agreed upon. To take oi Pee ee HAT RB Scores at Tange on S third league petition. W. R. Simi W. B: Finla: . A. Kraus: L. C. Brew J. L, Peara M. Fulton . J. Plumiley -T, Hitchin J.N. Willian J. Proby T. Ready E. H. Selhor HH. MecDonal A. McArter J. Patterson : F. Depew Geo. MeDons D.-8. Di A: Frei The last son, will be ast coferaper Atithe thi Coleridge ra scores weer F. A. Wrigh J. Saliows .. Geo. Jenkins J , Salmona, H. N, Caven G. 0. Sallow R. Shaw .. T. Woods ... R. Blair .. P. Newman J. Spears .. + Joe Minar GeTurner Geo. Harper Ast spoon. + 2nd spoon Bi 2 Leeds, July vtriangular tes this season England dism for 159 in th which Tanere score of 39. Y by 174 runs, fi ne they ha e score Dy ' igland Fire Ings 238; t t innings, otal 366. The .standit ap to date is ee - England Australia. gt; South Africa c. gt; London, Jul cricket match Cambridge U were beaten standing of cluding this ; lows: Cambri drawn 8. Kent beat Li and 20 runs. cester by 247 shire beat Sur No order toc the News Job
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Image 47 (1912-07-10), from microfilm reel 47, (CU1743778). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.