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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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eR ITS, gripe Sg ee MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS rED ay weldinga, white Sere Peleebaie does Ra aa soto lease aio Rosie aseate stone ete esoeteeseage ese ae ete eie ete eeetoeseetee soeteetpsioete elo eloateeioateeheefeaseate dretesieass ofeeteateateatoeteteetesesioatectecteets Rosteroategoetests Pe ey on loft, thigh. for return to 3 cts Co. 299dtf. mare 6 years old, ding 3 years old, ht shoulder. Re- ormation to H, B, tloneers, Medicine SPORT NEWS * Srefofoatpateateetoctoatecteateatectecteatetoatpatacgeateetectecteateess soatpatectoctecectestesteatecte Seateateatestesteateateateateatected Soe nd 703, 1846 Poe Oey ANTED 7 os mast JULY 25 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS b oh +b bob I bo CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL od room with Dadie Archdale vars AERAIS ef ences. Apply to 1902 Jeffries and Bob Fitzsimmons BIG LEAGUE Ff Winnipeg ... 1-82 sds : i A i i Trots Record fought second time for the heavy. g 1G nee Grand Forks o 41 a Mile at Kazoo * cemvionship of tue world at , p Glass and Hasty. H ; man, room in * San Francisco, Jeffries knocking out te Carrot and Edmunds. a e full particulars, 1 9 12 ponies: the lanky Australian ia the eighth PEEP ERT EEE Duluth ... ... gt. Se x 11a3 Makes Fastest Mile Cover- rouna. NATIONAL LBAGUE Johnson and Harare. : * In thei Hous battle in 1899, Jef o ) Mat, Cummin; id Bell, NEOUS 2 ed This Year, Doing it in ;ic hat oe tee ee ne New York Ss fries had won by a knockout in the 8 12 6 First Shipment of 2.0514. eleventh round. The gate receipts of Cincinnati ... ... .,...- 7 16 2 Fall Suits Just aes the San Francisco bout were 81,800. Wiltze, Ames, Tecsdheau and Mey- CROP REPORTS ARE Kalamazoo, Mich., July 25 The 1999 Harry Lewis outpointed Tom 0 d fastest mile made by a trotter this Crawford in 6 rounds at Williamsport, * Hiaabhins 8, Fromme and McLean, FAY RABLE IN WEST pened up yeas was reeled off by Dundie Arch- PA gt; Hivauca duvet cee si Ss, 38 cus 0 4 i Joe Jeunette knocked out ci * . pele, ae ne ius ee trot Kubiak in third round at New York. Yingling and Erwin, (Continued from page one) Chney and Archer. ned The patterns are ex- who went the mile in 2.05). The 1911 Sammy Kellar, English, de. Paha and Archer. in Alberta. Oats in th three proy- ilo ig, f0ated Charlie Harvey in 10 rounds at Philadelphia ... thoes oocupy. bare ' jeers Mare went the second milo in SE Laut inces occupy 5,037,000 acres and bar- tra-special and the style 2.053. i Albany, N.Y. lg gh ies ley) 826,100 acres, as compared with is all that the 20th Cen- snd forced Archlas to eftend her ,28 -Knockout Brown tnocked out Alefandes and Kier 3 AND GENTS , shoes, watches, vers, valises, sult cal instruments, waggons, bug: yeles. carpenter and furs, horse hers, bought and jarvard Tailoring esaey opposite panier ST geen Bros gt; mae last Year's census figures-of 4,563,203 : x ing Jack Kelly in 4 rounds at jee and Wing, ac cain chat vei t Prices Paid for tury people can make ) lt sll the way, Nanoy Royee was Toronto. See tne penne 4 28DIt shieh mes third and Country Jay took fourth AMERICAN LEAGUE mi them, which means the money. Whilst not equal to the exception- q AT HIDD, FUR best that Canada pro- : Dorsh Medium, another horse ari ED Se eee cei io, oes, 72,9 ol Be Mae awren Secoreee of aaa The above have duees. ven by Geers won. the 224 trot AS' w York... pas 8 0 Se Rae Common at seta lection of Second which went the full five heats, AGAIN N LABOR pes Walsh and Sullivan highest figur a for spring o resta ate city. We cattr Also Slater and Walk- Wayside was second, Marion McCohneli and Sweeney, -recorded in Price Edward Island and Britim-Columbia, the per cent. eondi- tion ranging from 97 to 99 in the for- mer and,from 90 to 95 in the latter Province, the average for the Domin- ion being from 80 to 89. Fall wheat remaing low being only 7Q for Can- ada, 73 for Ontario and 71.6 for Al- Ist game berta, Last year the condition was al- nd Bedding, new lothing, Clocks. ifles, Guns, Re- x: uggies, Harness, of winter goods. mertioned above ices, Call at 504 r Phone 587. tt rook thirh and Baron Todd finished Will End the . Dispute of Cleveland fourth. Recent Bout Go On New York... In tho free-for-all pace, Vernon Labor Dat By Oe reas, Stine ian Calioian McKinney won with Don Densmore Wr Bedient and Carrigan. second and Eivelyn W., third. Di Sr Los Angeles, Cal., July 24. Joo in straight bates Bah Mets eek Levy, manager of Joe Rivers, signed AMERICAN ASSOCIATION was second; Mike Again, third; and rticles yesterday afternoon to fight Mac Cassidy fourth. George W. New- 4 Wolgast for the lightweight over Shoes for Fall, all marked off and in stock ready for business. Turpin Bros, Louisville . 1 O so-low, viz, 75 for Canada; tkhe aver- : bere ior rena, so eewity 18: COUNTANTS The Man's Store Where You fen moe which requir Labor Day. pat, Vernon A: Minneapolis ... 7 1 4lage of the four yeats 1908-11 was Get the Big Dollar's Wortt ive heats. ie Bell ran sec - Kroh and Schmie. 1.5, heat Is 89. tS nd, Lakin Leo. hicd ad. Meteora Woleetteow ts in Gouteteace with Ee al 815, Spring wheat Is 89.73 per cent, artered: 2 te i third Manager McCarey, of the club, and rd and rens. compared with 94.78 last year and 88. auditor , (estab- fourth. indications -are that he, too, will . 224 same 25 the.four years, average, oats 86.43 elty.ot Medicine MINNESOTA AUTOMOBILE TOUR sign the articles pane: j Louisville 2... + 1 8 Tagainst 9446 in 1911 and 90.42 aver- rs r I Moustman and Peteris.. age, barley 88.58 against 93 in 1911 and miiGha xeailant COLERIDGE SOCIAL St, Paul, Minn., July 25 The fifth BASEBALL NOTES Weadell, px -Smitth: 0.28 average, Hye te 87.84, Des are Burns . ssanvat Mileeitt sae cea Columbus . +f 3 8/0008 and mized grains 84.98. Hay and 7 oe Milwaukee... 24 cent cee ee eer eran ec Wy CC TSAAE el AEE caeok rn nee S Onl linc uadgmee 7a cap Ene Seep rom. lay, wi Vinni- irriec teams of e erican ant 5 i ERS Church and Proved Big Deg as the objective point. The tour- National Leagues can be increased ape and Schallc: gio 2/8258 sgainsa 82.31 and pasture 95.56 OD) Live eeeck Success, ists will leave Winnipeg n xt Monday from twenty-five to thirty-five, ana Oity oy 2 10 4 ne epi tog whee me eden 8 spr oa - ek Sth hee ; on their return trip, which. will be Taltfaien aaa zi s every Friday The snmoal social in comestion made by way of Grand Forks and Far- tt took Ray Collins a couple of Peysames md Land. ites vue ary Glows to etaeaey 1 o'dlock. Rancb with the Coleridge Presbyterian go, N. D. + months to get into condition; but since rnaianapoll Ss Gueke ; ureh, held lt; rsd: ao Polis... of the four years 1908-11 and which conducted any- ehurch, held on Thursday was an Th Mtting his stride he has done wonder- st pau) , 4 1 Blaze below last year s exceptional. rec- ture males Gog: unqualified success. The church was ST? GEORGE'S STAKES. ful work for the Boston Red Sox. . x . Kimball and Casey. - ords by from about 10 to 15 per cent: nsult us, our ex- crowded to excess, the whole sur- 4 Gardn r and Bloy. The estimated numbers of live stock osal free. Phone rounding district having representa -, Liverpool, July 24 The St. Pitcher Turner, of the Evansville show furth tdecreases except as re- e8. The- chair was taken et cate Con ig To- ive bythe 2,080 for team; won uine of-his first ten gamer INTERNATIONAL garde horses and dairy cattle, the for- 1s2att deservedly popular missionary, Rev. three-year-olds, one mile and three in the Kitty League. es - soe John Turner. With the ice eream furiongs, was won at the summec mer being 70,400 and the latter 14, lprevidencs 6 12.1 more than last year s estimates. The ARDS. dished of, the balance of. the many meet . . C i f meeting here today by J. L. Dug- Pitching must-be-the middle name e ae as a. subd Gooding iburectkcicus arerbae eee Sirused fakes were offered for. sale. aaie's Hestor, 5 to 12. Red Walk of- the Brown family. The Chicago Traget, Bailey and rae available. The eupdition of all live 1 The bachelors present had evidently ors Jackdaw, 9 to 2, was second Cub: the St. Louis Browns, the Bos- prucke and Bemis, stock in Canada is uniformly excel- RIGHT Teamned the Quality of the lndiee and J. B. Noels White Star, 9 to ton Braves and the Athletics all have piv cnn Past, lis putiner cor peala hele we pastry cooking, for there was con- 2 third. x vitehar Saoad brown. le 2 the : nee ent, as- siderable competition for, the results e pen eagance yts0. ve ane a3 7 Ramtec abbey, and 96 Pat poe ee oftheir efors. 1.26 a cake seems rong... Pi rather expensive batching The: Covington- ant Wilsor., later. Edna Goodrich, one of the/her meet 0 the United fadios ure to: be coneratuleied: as Anniversary of Great Maxwell and Bravem, fie Cubs and the Pirates nave been original Florodora Sextet, rin B. R., Real ; Baltimore .... 4 6 1 showing considerable speed of iste, Mrs, Goddwin No. 4. Evelyn Nesbit was General Agent. ee Beans sSeoese: ol Chats pat of T tt H Fe 4) Montreal... ++ 212 8 and may be able yet to give battle to Thaw, during. the first trial of het Nt HAT. . ee c' eoms tiie : Bia ro ing orse eat Shawkey and Bergen. the Giants for the National league fa- husband for the-slaying of Stanford we teeight shels rendered mimiy good Mickee and Madden. brie. White; declared that it was Miss , musical items, both as solos and Eleven years ago today, on July bobtail hoss dooday, dooday. eee tte , a : ane Gt Ries Gua wauatloee Goodrich who was responsible for eer aiamee Ci a el the ak sige Cleveland track TTwo-ten amd, tworfive became the sissies Dent and Higgins. ' his Hunteville Southeastern League their entertainment with a chorus the great Buckeye State stallion cuccessive steps by which the har- f and. Fligsisi Where is the Master, and closed Cresocus, accomplished what th ness game advanced. Then in 11s94 M Arty, Hughes and Blair. team to Talladega, Ala. with a pleasing rendation of an trotting surf sharps had declared a little Iowa mare, Alix, set up al old-time plantation song. The fol- was impossible he covered 2 mil record of 2. 033, and again the wise) T d Towing are the gentlempn of the in less than 2.03. The exact time men assorted that the Eanit bad Nat Goodwin, 55 O- ay, bt pause Glee party: Messrs. Scilly, Shar- was 2.022 and a few days later at een reached. Ali land, Poole, Rassilies, Morris andj Columbus, O., the great Crosceus til 1900, when the pee taal Fagus cae Tuiner. shaved a half-second off that record. 'The Abbott. made 2.03: at Terre - Is to Be Married Again A number of the boys who. have The history -of harness racing in Haute, Ind.,. lowering Alix s time aperhanging.. een very loyal to the services dur- America has been one of steady im- The demand. now became thvo- 7 z : i stewart s fing their stay ab Dunmore were provement. and so-called impossi- three, and. in. 1001 Cresceus, aa) Much Married, Much Divorced Man is Celebrating To. ite Binnings) wished God speed on their depart - bilities. resceus, considered ax al stated before, went three-quarters of day Well Known to the Stage. ure from the valley. steady: performer on all sorts of a second better than that, Tn : ee ae The members of the Church wish tracks, was one of. the greatest couple of. years Lou Dillon beat: the ost of Papering to express thanks to the friends injtrotters that ever cirdled a two minute mark, doing the. mile (By O. Terrance. the village; the Het, Felmani's) track, although the great record in 1.584, at Memphis, Tenn., paced Nat Goodwin is soon to be mar- the bidding of hie mind, and he Lake, Woolchester, for helping to/ he mada has since been lowered by by runner to sulky carrying a -wind ried again. Or divorced again. toppled-over in dead faint. He i i ps, d to be carried to his dressing iS make the social so great a success. Lou Dillon, Uhlan, The Harveste or dust shield. In August of 1910, Tis one or the other, because to- 2 . *, snd others. There are men still) Uhlan at Oleveland bung uP 2 te- day is Nat's birthday his fity: TCM) While the unsympathetic aud- Jusive privilege - BANK OF ENGLAND living who can remember when cord of 1.58 without a dirt shield. Bs rs ally Gelabraton tine mer Booted. anid Seared. pe i: ; pshitienite at-ox- London, July 25. The- weekly *two-forty or bust was the slogan A dozen years ago ithe best record *th and oe erat Back in Boston, Nat held his right) While ordering the daily groceries cus- ring Fair time, fstat ment of the Bank of England of the farness horse fraternity. of a trotter in-t race was that 0miversary by being off-with the; hand aloft and uttered those sad tomers often send us a message like this : 1 shows:the following chang With that accomplished, the 2.30 of Alix, 2.053, but in 1909, at old or om with the new soul-mate. words, Never again A shod enn, ie reserve, increase, 2214.00 mark was set aa the gobl and Nosti Randall o., Hacibatip Belle Why do women marry Nat Good- store clerkship was to be hed in You are always so prompt and under- 1 be understood fon decreased 13,000; bullion in- passed. The experts declared then travelled two heats against Ublan Win? has become as common a Boston, and he, determined to re stand my needs so well that itis a pleasure 1 tender, and jereased 21,385; Other securities in- that to expect 2.20 was to hopefor in 2.011 and 2.013. The death of vestion to Why do men marry main-thdre the rest of his life, to deal with you. wvide hot meals lereased 939,000; other deposits in- a miracle. but it was forthcoming Hamburg Bello was 2 great logs to Lillian Russell? and never, never go near a theatre. and during the lcreased 342,000; public deposits in- b k im the late '50 s when Flora the the trotting turf. Experts are Nathaniel Carl Goodwin, Jr., is a But, as has been observed, absence ars on applica- creased 791,000; notes reserve in- Temple, a small mare with swift again declaring that the limit has Dative of the City of Beans and makes the heart grow fonder. From comp 1 iment--y s--but tha at: S creased 249,000; government se- feet, lowered-the record to 2.193. been reached, and it looks very Culture, where he was born July thp safe refuge of tire shoe sliop, SSARD, Reuss unchiaaget: Flora, while long on speed, was much like it, but the probpbilities 25, 1657. His ability as a mimio Nat soon emenged again and gave i, t they all sa We Secretary. Proportion of the banks reserve to short on Se and ce fact gave are that several seconds will yet be fee ee fe most popular boy at sito of walt sera wha y- is ity 6 cent.; rise to tl ie, onte popt ditty, which shaved off the present trotting re- cademy, ir Farmington je Athienaeum 5 a * - a i a fv ese ei an sores. eee oe hotly ten the sonds: Me. Graduating. from that institu- ary of five dollars per week. In Specialize not only in the quality of our i ion, he went to Boston to facethe 1875 he made his first New York 9 - hard and cruel world, and got appearance in a speaking part at ; Two aeroplanes w used at a wed- 4s h ne ; heerection ot ding in-Munetiola, Tons Tana, ror Lavinder, Rube s Conqueror, - lob as cle in diy goots store. Tony Pastor's Theatro, vo strand wo- he purpose of showering rice and Two months of counter . jemping Since those early struggles Mr. near Chin, one i 4 iy r0t tisfied Nat thut he was not out Goodwin has gained a wide reputa- z , top, Boren foot ett on the newly-weilded couple. Proved Star in Virginia League * sieeve eines, wad hel Gee neck tg Cauned ide cepute' and desire to please you it s part of our business hes in ground, decided to become an upholsterer. ious drama. Some of his most fam- System, just as much as is our prompt delivery and erly braced at He remained in that shop for near- ous parts have been in The Hunch- painstaking attention to your every order, no mat- etween corners, One day here during August, 1907,/ly 3 month. While his employers back, Lend Me Five Shillings, ter how small. ice per mile for Has It Goes Good. the players on the local team Joaded/did not highly eppreciate his ser- The Merchant of Venice, 1 will be furn- their hip pockets with powdered ros- vies, Nat-learned a lot: about up- Nominee and When We Were You are respectfully invited to give ita trial, apparatus for Lynchburg, Va. July 25. Jimmy in and every man who handled: the holstering that served him in good Twenty-Ono EK: sing post holes. Tavjnder, tLe Georgia product, who pii during the game gave it a dose. stead im equipping chorus girls for Mr. Goodwin's first trip to the al- A FEW LEADERS FOR THIS WEEK: der not neces- had the honor.of putting a stop tol Jimmy used slippery elm to de- their mission, of entertaining the tar was made at tho age of twen- Cofteo that satisfies and invigor- Now Is the time goods but in the service we render you. Whether you order over the phone or call in atthe store, you will find the same courteous attention His Spitter is the Best Hejt d nothing to puzzle his opponent: mabe , Weathei lovel rhe enti tem Is our housewife buys her Seale eC, F, Lunan (Bube Marquard s long run of vic- velop bis supply of molsture and one tired business mam, ty with Bliza Weatherby, a lovely ates the entire system Is ou 'e Iding, Calgary. tories for the New York Giants, started ot the local players got his supply Mr. Goodwin's first theatrical ex) English burlesque actress. The pair bleng, sha none lot pune Java eto, gees Gem Sealers 10att hls way to the major leagues from the for the day for him. perience was as generst-utility man were devotedly attached to each Pur gon a ie Danville team, of the Virginia league The bark was very old and the more in Niblo's Garden, New York, and other, and Mr. Goodwin did not OF 8 Ibs. for Watch onr window ana * back In 1907. His pitching average Lavinder chewed the drlor his reser- later he went to the Boston Mus- become Fickle Nat until after thal Saturday for o have his pic- Peaghes M that season was .529 with a second po- votr got. He couldn't spit enough to/eum to fille slimiar position. His death of his first wife in 1887. Ig Olives from the largest packers and Apricots if quality and y hog ee ouse OV CP rion team. tn 1008 ho showed up overcome the rosin and the beating he first initial appearance in legitimato the following year Marrying Nat in Canada in plain, pomento price count, a3 hat was SAND FOR SALE in the Eastern league, where He re- got that day he probably still recalis. drama was at the Providence Opera was attracted by the charms of titted at osnes tee ibe a noonfwedding, EXCAVATING mained with fairly good success until Lavinder, on August 30, 1907, was House. His role was that of Sir Bella Baker Perse, the divorced 1.25 per bottle. as a good one HEAVY TEAMING 2, rounded up last winter atterton the short end of the longest game George Hounslow in a melodrama wife of a Buflalo physician, who en, but reaily, famiJy, there as he looks 2 big row by Chicago. ever played in the Virginia league, ealled The Bottle. The tatter was prominent in society, and the CONCRETE WORK. wren in the Virginia: league Lavin- whon Danville lost to Lynchbers by should have held smelling salts, for twain were made one. She. divorced OUR DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE 9 A, 3, 11 A.M, 50 and 5 P.M 'Ph, 260. der, which is the correct way to spell the score of 1 to 0 in 17 innings. when Nat rashed on the stage he him in 1891, and for about peven siyeattiea, Phone 260. NM name stopended almost whoMly on Red Kllne, who has been pitebing was overcome by fright. * His Ups years Nat was a member of the wi rms ron - STUDIO, J l A I T his spitball delivery. * Since in the Ohio and Blue Grass cir- moved, but* mo words issued trom Widower's Club. Then he married . When the spitter worked, tavinder Jcuits, beat Lavider, who held the win- them, He to stagger from the Maxine HI tt, the actress, in 1898, Phone QUALITY GROCERS Main tilee 16 MONTREAL STREET am was a winner, but when ft didn t he ning team to 10 hits in the 17 session. stage, but legs refused to do and they were divorced tem years ; pastes ee
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Image 148 (1912-07-25), from microfilm reel 148, (CU1743781). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.