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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ity since two of the related to the service, An important factor in is the habit of regularity. As and serenity go together. The portioned day, with its definite Sigmaents of tasks, of jand of rest, amount of worry: It is by such system into the domestic day is salvation of tired women. Domestic service is one, of the tails. One of the troubles with it present ism. lack a more definite prescription of du problem. hands of 3 ERAL A ANCE MPER- * i meetings, messages of en- epee ant nb gacens evtte : interest it the work and or By personal inspection eo Ae it bas of. that important the elaim. of the x A man ho has spent of his life im sosial he work, working with men by the thousands, reggntly one of the chief- characteristic ferences between men aril) women was that men s watches were more apt t to be correct than women s watehes.. Now, of course, every woman reading women. They may not be con- Ystitutionally so, perhaps, but they: have to Be. enjoyed in the summer of 1882, so. strenuously employed in mi duties amid the heat and trying cl should be found to tack in pamecual ,6 most pressing problems of theit world are directly, ion to himself, and he believed to. keeping of accurate time. One is the problem of nerves; ;, the other, the problem of domestic py his own observation during Ikis solution of each of these difficulties pots, and by ingnities as to the lis- for bits of the men, . he vo eeu nerves, we all know that regularity iat a real and consi recreations combines the langest apportiobment that men make their Blisiness possible. To: bring some of clear under- wtanding: of time. What is needed is and ofhours.. Of coyrse the thing is is more o elock, But And the solution isa well- ,, by explaining. the circumstances. OUR ROYAL GOVERNOR-GEV- Par a Yong period the Duke of Con- a the Tbuted to his B stinence oe In May, 1906, while presiding a lange assembly of Bpldiers . with i tives and Itfends, the Duke Jof Connaught expressed the deep pleasure he had iat thus giving tis countenance and eordial support to the temperance pringiples and aims: ing sought to promote. He declared it a source of great satistac- Il the country, to note the steady: aso of sobriety among the mop; the) tour of inspection of the various de- SP- provement bad taken. place recently. 88- Whatever position was held, especial- ly such as nyiny of his audience held, A man was all the better for be- ing temperate. Many incidents show tk? Duke's popularity. which-has- assisted-im. creasing the temperaneesinfluence he exerts. While in command at Malta, at the time of the Messing earth quake, for hours consecutively, he personally supervised; the despateh- ing of necessaries and medical com- forts for the sufferers. Later he visited-a hospital-eame on the is- jand. Only one officer was then in the camp, a surgeon performing an operation. Informed of the Duke's presence, he proceeded to finish the operation before receiving his royal superior, He apologized for the de- an 1 the de- at the Oh, that s all right, replicd the; Duke; I forgive you gladly tor that. Tf you had left some poor fellow in pain to come to touch your hat to me, you would have been the kind of fool that I do not forgive. Shake hands. . Tt has been stated that the young jer daughter of the Duke of Con naught, Princess Patricia, is a per sonal abstainer; and that bis older daughter, Princess Margaret, who by her marriage on June 16, 1905, became the Crown Princess of Swed- en, 18 a strict teetotaler. The Crown Princess is a member of the white ribbon union of her adopted land, and displays deep interest in its work and success. THE WEAVER. Weaving threads of many dyes, Back and forth his shuttle flies, Dipped in hues caught from the skies. Complicated patterns grow, - Thread by thread exact and slow, And the colors richly glow. Patiently weaver sits, Ask not whom he benefits, As his ceaseless shuttle flitsr So we sit at life's vast loom, Mingling: strands of light and gloom, ZjpWeaving webs of joy or doom, Weay? such patterns fair and bright, As will gleam and glow with light, Till the day fades into nightvo sae Beverke) ins OBITUARY. There died on Friday, Oct. 19th, at General Hospital of typhoid fever, Inez, beloyed danghter of Mr. -and Mrs. George Satterlee, aged 15. ry, Have Enquiries for the Following: Blocks in Bending for an Eastern client. a 2 Blocks in Harrisville for Winnipeg client. 2 Blocks in Hughes for Chicago client. gt; 5 Blocks-in Grandview for English client. Give us your listings of Acreage and Blocks. The Medcne Hal Red -fsole ehange Phone 813. 87-2 Room 8, Imperial Bank Bldg. years, 4 months and 16 days. The at 2.30 p.m., from the home 102, Main Street, . interment at Hillside cemetery. Rev. Mr. McDonald of the Methodist chnzch officiated. The de- ceased leaves a father, mother, two sisters and three brothers to mourn her Joss. The family have the sym- pathy of the community in their sud- den bereavement. ci The floral offerings were: Beauti- ful heart, At Rest, Mr. F. H. Beaman; large beautiful wreath, Mr: and Mrs. Townsend and Mr. Wet mon; spray, Ruth Rebekah Lodge No. 5 1. O. 0. F.; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McConnell; spray, .Mr. and Mrs: Angus A. Baker and family; spray,-Margaret Dobbin. MISS SHANNON DEAD. Miss Kathleen Shannon of South Railway Street, . died yesterday morning at her home of typhoid fev of age. 4s. Typhoid fever was the cause of death and a sad feature of the case is that her. father is seriously ill in As most of our customers are aware, yesterday at the residence of her we deliver a large amount of lumber and daughter, Mrs, Dutton, near Red- the Hospital at the: pr semt time with it, while her mother and cousin are Hl st home with the same dis- case. : The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock to St. Bat- rick s Charch and thence to the Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Ellen Louden, aged 93, one of the pioneers of Medicine Hat, died . We are contemplating increasing our hauling power and would welcome expert advice, as to whether, in Medicine Hat, it is cheaper to use horses or motor power. Beaver Lumber Co., Limited es For the past 18 months the de- ceased hak been confined to ter bet) as a result of: paralysis. She was well known and highly re- spected by all who knew her: Besides her daughter, Mrs. Dutton, another daughter, Mrs. Alexander; of McLeod, and James Louden, of this city-servive. Phe funeral was held this aftetyoom to Hillside. cometery, -where imnter- ment was (made. Rev. J. W. Mor row. conducted the services 4 paca Na ei Broadway, Riverside, - 60/tt. for 850. AM around sold at 1000 50 . Do ittquick. Pingle, Wales. / Bell. ply to Hgtion Leader, A Brows, Houses: for sale on easy payments face or -will exchange forpr al estate. Ap- 5 -tt about something SCAR GOES. AFTER THENR 200 A WEEK Hammerstein Seeks to Void Made act He Wife Divorced Him. os DAUGHTERS BALKED HIM Wheti He Wanted to Sell the Vietoria They Would- n t Let Him. N w York, Oct. 21. Oscar Ham- merstein, through his attorney, Bd.) Ward Lauterbach, has informed the Equitable Trust Company that he no) longer will pay 200 a week to his in-Fdaushters;-Rose and Stella At same time he has demanded that se curities held by the Equitable, from which this bum has been pald, turned over to him, giving notice he will sue unless the order fs. obeys ea 3 he Tn seeking to cut off his daughters and falling. to keep the agreement with his wife prior to thelr divorce, Mr, Hammerstein s pushing the fight that began when his children refuse d to l t him s l the Victoria Thea- tre, the glils-asserting It suppifed: tie only. security that their father would, keep his agreement. This agreement provided that Mrs. Hammerstein should recelve the 200 week for life and after her death it should go to her daughters. She died and Stella and Rose began to Feceive the money. Children Objected to His Selling the Victoria Recently it was announced that Mr. Hammerstein would sell the Victoria. The announcement brought forth ob- Jections from the daughters and from his son William, who had been man- ager of the theatre. Stella asserted her father wanted to sell the Victoria get the money to sink in his dis- astrous operatic ventures. On Friday last Stella, then living at the Hotel. Astor, phoned to her fath- er: I'm going to be married tomor- jtow to Mr. Keating. Oscar fumed,-then hung up the re- celver. He did not answer tis daugh- ter as she had expected. ae Next day Stella and Frederick L: C. Keating, a lawyer, who was Commis- Sioner- of Licenses under Mayor Me- Clellan, went to New Jersey and were: Holt: Mrs. Keating Was-too busy watthing developments in her father s )atfairs to go on a wedding trip. She and her husband took up their) home at No: 829. West Fifty-fitth Street. After Mr. Hammerstein learned that bis daughter was married he an- nounced: te wanted the money agree- ment broken. And ft can be broken, too, said Mr. Lauterbach today. . The agree ment is vold because itis the, congen- tition, of a divorce and against pub- tig-polley. ig Beck Won't Get the Pheatre After all. Mi.F ammerstein has reconsidered Lis Ceterminati n te sell the Victoria, which his, son, Wiliam has called the goose whieh laid the golden eggs. This sudden change of front funeral took plece Sunday, Oct. 20, means-that-startn Beck will not be able to open his new Palace Theatre, because of anjagreemient between him, Keith, Hammerstein and the United Booking Company. This agreement prevents either Beck or Keith entering the Hammerstein ter ritory for a term of years. It is gen- erally believed that Beck's desire to buy the Vigtoria was to do away with this. agreement, Why should: -relinquish control of a gold: mine? demanded Oscar Hammerstein. The reporter has ask- ed him if he had heard that Beck Keith were to renew their efforts to buy him out. Mr, Hammerstein. had not heard and promptly announced he had no intention of selling the Victoria. ti Six weeks ago Mr. Beck approach- ed m on this subject, Oscar contin- ued. He came here to this office, Itoid him No. What for, I demand- er. She was 18 years-and 6 months ed, shoul I sell out to oblige him? Why should I relinquish my control of this exclusive territory that he may open a vaudeville theatre up the street? It 1s too absurd. I am not philanthropist. A WESTERN FAVORITE. -, The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have: announced eee ee ee Pingle, Wales Bell Notary Public, Real Estate, Etc. 4th Avenue, 1 Minute Past Post Offite. ToDay Specials. Block 12, ton loter 300 each. Block 8, ten lots, 400 3 CENTRAL PARK Block 17, three lots, EB each, Block 18, four lots, 450 each. Block 17, two lots, 437. each. BENDING Whole blocks of lots at 450 pair and 500 pair. RIVERDALE Whole blocks 520 pair. BROADWAY (RIV- : ERSIDE) Ten lots at 850 pair. HERALD Bloek 21, ten lots, 500 each. Call upon us. Our car js at your service at all times. Subdivisions and Farm Lands. We hold the largest list in the city. Listings wanted. Kind- ly drop post card. Ship Drifted A Whole Day Alberta, of Canadian Pac- ifie Lake Line, Carried Away Steering Gear. (W. AP. Dispatch. Fort William, Ont., Oct, 21. While bucking northwest gales Friday the . P. R. steamer Alberta, disabled her steering gear and was at the merey of the heavy seas for*twenty- four hours. The boat was given a severe-shaking and few passengers believed they would ever see tao W. again. The Alberta was one day late when she docked. A Wintry Wave tn the North Situations. Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sase, Loat, Found, etc,, ads under these headings. S6 Words, one day lt;- a6 25 words, thr e daya .. 50 26 worda, ax days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cents Cash must accompany the order. your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and Fecetve attention. LL JOBS OF CONTRACT- carpentering, painting, ed. Estimates given. Patrick Mac- Court, 728*Third Ave., or general de- Uvery, city poatotfice, 82-6 HELP WANTED. WANTED Laborers by the Canad- lan Stewart Co, 800 per hour Apply Ogilvie Mil site ett APPLY 87-1, WANTED CARPENTERS. for Job-425 MIN St. GOOD GENERAL HOUSEMAID wanted. Apply James Hargravt Phone 302 or P. 0. Box 26. * 8T-tf GIRL OR WOMAN TO TAKE charge of house. Wages 25. Apply at once, 108 Montreal St, 85-3 WANTED AT ONCE-DAILY GIRL for general house work. Apply Mrs. , W. H. Simpson, Central Park. 82-6 WANTED CARPENTERS, APPLY) A. Dickinson, Bennett House, 6th Ave- nue, . 86tt WANTED PORTER. APPLY COS- mopolitan Hotel. 88-tt WANTED GIRL FOR BOOK-BIND- ery. Steady work. D. A. Printing Engraving Co, 86-3 WANTED A SMART GIRL, CAPA- ble of taking care of baby in the af- ternoons. Apply 711 Esplanade. 81-tf WANTED SOLICITOR TO SELL shirts. Apply room 3,.News block, Site WANTED CARPENTERS, APPLY A. Dickirson, Hotel Cecil. sett TRAVELLER WISHBA ROOM, TO be occupied Saturday and Sunday each Week. Bath, Give terms. Ad dress E. R. Hassan, cate: Cosmopoll-) tan Hotel, 7-6 WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, ROOM and board in. pztvate family, Apply PO. box 917, 86-3 . ee WANTED TO BUY ee WANTED TO -BUY HORSH AND DUBEY, and harness, completo outfit. Apply. box 1386: News office, 85-3. per Pi ieee WANTED MILCH GOW. APPLY: A. P, Burns, Esplanade, 18-18 a nee Cee WANTED To BUY Bullding lots ip Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete,,-to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. . Se an WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 877 Esplanade, Batt BARN TO RENT. BARN TO RENT APPLY TO 124 Mast Braemar st. 87-8 i STRAYED STRAYED ONTO THE PREMISES of the undersigned, on or about Oct. 18. a team of horses, one black with saddle, branded 76 on left thigh, and the other gray, branded N on right thigh. Owner may have same on i Pfoving property ana paying expen- See. R. J. Reynen, Sec, 1-4, 27-18-1: Medicine Hat P. 0. ee te ay 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded elther H. F. monogram on left shoulder, or ) 0 Jett thigh. This horse 1s / four years old and has trim- med tail. R, EB. Starke, Medicine Hat, Sept 30, 1912, MEDICAL DR. W. M, ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon. Office above Assinibola Musie Store. Office hours A. M. 10 to 12; P.M. 2 to 4, 7 to 880. Resi- dence 512 Roy St. Residence phone 708. 0. 19-1m AUCTIONEERS. TWO GORDON PRESS FEEDERS) wanted at once. Apply tc foreman News Job Department. tt si 'T WANTED APPLY TO Mrs. E. B. Lively, at Sugar Bowl, Main St 7st BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday morning. Telephone 1787, Job Office, or Assinibola Hotel ovenings. -Can- adian Stewart Co, Limited. 75-tt. a Sere WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teamBters. Apply A. P. Burns Contracting Co. Tt WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. - Boarding camp on. site. Canadian Stewart Co., ot 3 -ANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate. now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tated to ladies, -Particulars and cata- logue tree. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 294ate MAID WANTED APPLY GENERAL Hospital. itt 38-tt 7 FI. 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St, Stock Sales every Friday on. Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm conducted any- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phone 208. 1H. B. Browne Co, 519 To- Fonto St sate CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for one year against breaking and rusting; very light weight. House No. 7, School Ay- enue, opposite east side of high school. Phone 699 for appointment or write P, 0, box 72, Mrs, Matthews, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W- 4 HENDERSON 00., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnfpeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. AE. Gibren, C.A, resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 276att MISCELLANEOUS Heavy Frosts Occurred in Upper Portions of Al- berta and Saskatchewan. (W. A. P, Dispatch.) Winnipeg, Oct. 21 The weather has taken on wintry aspect in nor- thern - Alberta and Saskatchewan. There was as much as 2 degrees of frost last night and heavy snows ip some districts, whil lighter snow- falls have been general all over Sas-* katchewan. Clear bright weather has been maintained in Manitoba. Special Sale of Trimmed Hats on Sucurday, at Miss Buzza s, Toronto Street. 85-1 No order too large or too seatlece a SPECIAL Tourist Sleepers their programme for 1913, and snb- scribers are to receive greater value than ever before, and this ie: saying a whole lot. In this western coun- try, such a paper is a great bless- ing. It, interests everybody. The and information it gives are we News without such a paper, no other Mt the bill for the West. like The Fam- ily Hearld and Weekly Star.-In ad- dition to the paper for whole year, cach subscriber reoeives.a most beau- tiful picture entitled Mother s Trea- sures. It is 23 by. 29 inches, all ready for framing. The picture alone would soll at-a- two dolar bil in any art store in the big cities. Any home not now getting The Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star should give it a trial for 1913, They will hever regret it. Dan Sergeant (after worrying for two hours) Right about Brown Thank goodness, I'm right Sent 2 November-December Sailings - WINTER : 7 EXCURSION RATES: On Sale Daily, Nov. 7 to Dec. 31 Reserve Berths Now for CHRISTMAS SHIPS See Local Agent for Details, or Write J, 8. CARTER, Gen Agent. au Ave, Winniper WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest wages pald. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tt EXCEEDINGLY LARGE BED-SITT- ING room, modern conveniences, close in. 426 Toronto St. 87-3 ALSO SITTING TWO. BEDROOMS, rooms to rent in a fully modern, new house, 5 minutes from depot. Would suit two or three gentlemen. box 138i Apply News-offiee -- YONG MAN WANTS ROOM AND board with private family. News Box 1887. 2 81-8 WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, ROOM and board in private family. - Apply to box 1380, News office. 86-3) FOR SALE HOTEL FOR SALE IN THRIVING town near Medicine Hat. Newly furnished and everything up-to-date- - Apply to Lewis A. Trotter, Alta. Walsh, 87-6 FOR SALE THE ENTIRE HOUSE- hold furniture and furnishing of a Bood-sized house, will be sold, Ten sonable for quick sale. Apply 118 Toronto Street. 36-3) OR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on breaking: 2.00 per bushel, Gee, Redvers,: Sask. new LOST AND FOUND FOUND SOME. TIME AGO, LOCKET with monogram*on outside and a photoinside. Owner may obtain same at News office. 85-3 ea . DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, ae Oeedlciae Hat. MoWeFr LOST GOLD WRIST WATCH. RE- TURN to News office, Medicine Hat, 35 reward. 84-6 85 8)- (1H MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocke, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guna, Re volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness and a nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mertioned above - and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Railway St. or Phone 587. a WANTED LADInS AND GENTS * cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments furniture, Democrat waggong, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, eto., raw hides and furs, horas hatr, wool and f thers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring: Co. 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 358. Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid for i the above MEDICINE HAT 6 HOSPITAL TENDERS INVITED, Tenders are invited by the Medi- cine Hat General Hospital for. the purchase of land for a Hospital xite, ot the Secretary by noon of the 28th ing. R. M: NAPIER, Seoy Treas. Oct-17th, 1912, 85-6 ABLE WORK. (Sndge.) Filkins Thonght. you intended to sell your-suburban-homet Wilkins T did, until I-read the alluring story my advertising man wrote; then I decided to keep it my- welt ae Buy experience if yon want a per- manent investment, the where, House furniture sales ton- FL Sh That s th Wwe ar owho says we claim men s ga 20th make. -V syou but tunity. ready. TURI THE Where you g GALLOWS IND Long Lif tion Lawbre By Rel INCIDE In BI Man Saw But W to Cut London, when lawbr on a gibbet oner at an They used, by thelr 1 drought bac These in the inquest nine, a mar Street, Wes Tespect of v commented of, Thomas same house hanging. fr house. oe N Thinking Usher, I st Jim. The was too unt body down, and cry, h The coror the body a have been duction of t whole rows lt;after hangi half an ho Jury recalle laborer fou instead of three miles DABRO - Los Ange case of Cla: cago attorn sel for the dynamiting trial, in the fore Judge County, wh lace assign Tow is to t charging hi Robert Bait try James dictment ch offense Dar: ted: several
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Image 726 (1912-10-21), from microfilm reel 726, (CU1744354). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.