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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Flannel KING OF FLANNELS el isya beautiful soft flannel rs in beautiful stripes, is Shirt Waists, Child. in s Fine Shirts. all thoroughly shrunk. Viyella THE If is 31. It retails a dow for a 60c per yard. See East Win. FT. CORNER ON BROADWAY, GHT iN LINE FROM DEPOT. THIS is THE BEST CORNER BUSINESS SITE. Only 3000.00. Lee Pearce Realty Go. REDCLIFF. IN TOWN FOR Persons from) whom he. obtained ad- AUDGE ARRAIGNED Oh. FRAUD CHARGE SOCIAL STANDING PLEA. His defence was the that his social placed him in a position to clear off all - his obligations. In support of his contention, he mentioned-that at a time when he was in the diploma- tic service and acting ag vice-consul at Chicago he introduced the Prus- sian ex-finanee minister, Baron von Rheinbaben, into the houses of sever- ai millionaires. He declared that he Thought He Could Easily Marry Rich Woman and Pay off Debts. SOCIAL-STANB SPLENDID SECURITY Contracted Loans To: 15,000 by never had any intention of marrying anyone but-a lady with money. But do you think you would Have got such a lady? inquired the MARRIAGE QUITE EASY. On, yes, replied the defendant. That isn t diffienlt. One of Judge Snell's actress crowded the rink for an overflow friends testified in his favor that his relationship to her had been purely one of friendship, and that the ques- tion of matrimony had never entered fred and his colleagues had the great- into it. She mentioned incidentally est demonstration probably ever held for in any of the Ontario cities. No less talling Frauduleni judge standing in the of dock instead of being seated on the that he once gave her a check 50, but i turned out that he mio fonds in the bank on which could be met. The president of the court here ob- held in the market place. Not less Served that the accused had an ac- than twenty thousand people crowd- count at another bank, and that at Present it showed a balance in favor of just one cent. x The hearing was adjourned. it) ed for the afternoon and evening, and other source of in - tiveted the aequai: actresses, it is not surprising into debt, but it was: be had no. apparent Prospect of repaying the loans. which he hed contracted, amounting alto- to about 15,000, that he now ee Xaver Scharwanka is bringing his own Concert Grand New Scale-Wil- lams piano for Oct. 23, The. Daily News delivered in the and Dece: ress of Ireland, Quebec to Liverpool Lake Champlain, Montreal to Liverpool ... Empress of Britain, Quebec fo Liverpool ... Mount Temple, Montresl to Loudon ..... MANITOBA, Montreal ta Liverpool Lake Michigan, Montreal to London ... ... Empress of Ireland, St.John to Liverpool Empress of BritainSt. John to Liverpool .. Enipress of Ireland, St. John to Liverpool... . SAILINGS LOWEST RATES. Unequalled Accommodation Saloon, Second, Third Class, Aefails on application, Berth reservations can now be, mai Railway or Steamship Agent for Christmas, ships, or jwelte 4, 8, CARTER, Gen Agt, 210; Portag November WEEKLY Complete with any ie Winnipeg. RETURN TO-LAH RETURN TO REASMI Liberal Chieftain Address- es Most Enthusiastic Ontario. DIFFERENT VERDICT Inactivity. man in ada. During a tour which lasted almost ten days, in the very heart of the province, which went so strongly against his government at the last election, he was greeted with ap enthusiasm and evident loyalty which proclaimed the fact that the People of Ontario realize the manner im which they were deceived at the; Just election. Throughout the whole tour it was shown in a marked map- her that the people of Ontario were determined to make amends, not only when the next test comes at the polis, but now by showing thelr affection to the Liberal chief and their loyal) confidence in his policy. We are returning to Laurier, was; the slogan everywhere and on all sides was ample evidence that the people believed what, their banners, apnow i A return to Laurier fs a) return ww reason. Coming Vietory, And there was no beating about the bush at any of the meetings. At each and every one of them the Liberal chieftain and his colleagues advanc- ed the main planks of their platform without the slightest hesitation. They were not flefending a lost cause. They Were arguing for coming victory. Nor id Sir Wilfrid hesitate equally shar- ply to criticize the Conservative pos tion today aud to show up the ab- solute lack of cohesion in the Borden Cabinet, which had led year of squibbling and tnaction, It was a bold experiment, this in- vasion by a defeated leader of the) very people who had done most feat him. Its very,boldness added to Its success, and the way In which the people showed their appreciation of fhis declaration, I have one abiding desir and.that is for aaother tussle, with the Tories, was greeteil every- where with thunderous applause. Even in the heyday of his power, when there was everything to induce Hicios he advocated never evok- ed such spontaticous response: Throughout the country; With iW Baio ular I ader of a government in an election campaign itis not often that) overflow meetings have to be held in the smaller towns. Yet during the whole of his tour, meetings had to be doubled and trebled. At Cornwall the big rink proved insufficient for the crowds that gathered in spite of bad weather, At Peterboro, although two meetings Hida becn announced, the rink in the ev ning again praved. small, while the town fail could not accommodate th overflow. At Chat- ham again the immense armory, with Its accommodation for 5,000 peopte,, was tog small, and nearly 3,000 meeting. Woodstock s Greeting. But it was at Woodstock Sir Wil- than four meetings had to be arrang- even then an overflow meeting was ed the city to welcome Sir Wilfrid jook more like ministerial triumph than the yisit/of the leader of the Opposition, fol culmination of a wonderful tour, From far, and wide the people of the district flocked in, some driving as much as twenty miles to attend the meeting, while special trains within a radius of fifty miles came, 15,006 people were gathered in the 4.00 Solo. Kittle town, more than it had ever at- 4.10 District Association Work; tempted to accommodate before. It had been thought that with a rink holding 4,000 people two meetings would be ample, but long before the 5.00 Closing song. i mber Sailings ee) cee FRE, NOV, 1 ... ., SAT, NOV .. PRL, NOV. 15 we... SUN. NOV. 17 ... .. WED. NOY. 20 ..: SUN. NOY, YR, NOY, 29 FHL, DEG. 13 PRL, DEG at fet sinste mer time for the evening gathering had arrived the rink was crowded to suf- requisttoned, and another couple of thousand people gathered there, but within sound of the speakers. These: formed processions with torches, and their battle cry was We are returns Ing to Laurie: Addressed 50,000, It is estimated + during this brief tour of old Ontario Sir Wile ffid and his colleagues address d not Yess than 50,000 with anything like ojposition On his tottr the Liberal chiottaty SLOGAN IN THE EAST Gathering Ever Held in AT NEXT ELECTION People are Tired of Tory Promises Unfulfilied and Present Government s Ottawa, Oct, 21. Sir Wilfrid Laur- ler has returned to the capital. trom the most remarkable sories of tri- wmphs throughout Ontario that have ever fallen. to the lot of any public by the Borden government. Was evidence of agrowing tide of In. tario at. the lart election. his cabinet the very men who tad been Mudest in denouncing apy nay- al policy. This, Sir Wilfrid pointed Quebec Nationalists, utterly opposed to any Sort of naval programme, either a centralized imperial policy,) or naval defence of Canada s shores, and on the other hand the jingoes who clainored for direct contribution: to the Imperial defence. Everywhere I Ontario this unholy alliance was denounced and its nat- Passion snd: prejudice. einctene tee ftata-aad count upon Ofitario.. There. 1s every difter ht erdict to that-Of Sept 21, responded in noble fashion to the ringing words of Tiiurler: fearlessly and courageously to our duty, without any appeal to passion or seen the failure ofthe present goy- ernment to deal with the navy, or with any other of the great questions, efter a whole year in office, they have the remedy in their own hands and will appiy it Ont have 'done I did because it was for the Good of Canatla and my duty as a Joyal Canadian and British subject, ahd I would do it over again. PROGRAM PROVINCIAL to be held in St. John s Presbyter-' and his colleagues, and the scenes of ian Church Wednesday, October 23. w lcome which greeted him made it 2.30 Devotional service led by Rev. 2.45 Appointment of Nominating Finally at Mount Forest, a town of 2.50 Address, The Unfolding Life, a 85-3 about 3,000 people, came the wonder- still hundreds wer unable to get 8.15 The Sunday School, the Dyna- 8.40 The report of Nominating Com- ural effect in preventing the govern- ment from doing anything at all was pointed out, Mr. Borden's Insistence upon the speedy construction of a navy: Am 1908, while he, was in opposition, Was contrasted with his utter failure to do anything during the twelve months in which he has held office as prime minister and this, notwith- Standing an ample policy had been olitlined and entered upon by the out- going government. No Approval Expense. Bverywhere, also, the question was asked if there was a Conservative who approved ofthe inclusion in the Borden cabinet of the Quebec anti- Imperialist Nationalists, Messrs. Monk, Nantel and Pelletier. This chal- lenge was made at every meeting, and throughout the length and breadth of old Ontario not a Conservative could. be found to express approval. By. their silence they showed their in- dignation at the deception that had been practiced apon them. By the grace which had teen fastened upon the Province of Ozitario at the last election, when. so many yoters had Deen stampeded by the appeals to The: series-of meetings-has had two marked:effests, They have shown that othe, Liberals, in the; words of Laurier, begin the fight the day, ef defeat, and they have simply, uhded th Tories, who had been ar giling. that no matter how Liberal the western provinces or the province of Quebec might b ,) they still: could indication that the Tory government's inattention and incompetency and the Wider outlook of the people have beet producing a different feeling thtotl Ont /thie province, and that when the time Com s Ontario will gH'N very 1911, No App al taPasision. Throughout the Witole province: it We went the people have Heaven is my witness that what I SUADAY SCHOOL: N.. McDonald. Committee. study in child nature and na- Speaker Supt: W. HE. 's work between Sun- days. Speaker Mrs: i ion. What it is and what it does. Speaker F. 1. Werry, Provin- cial General Secretary. EVENING SESSION. aa by Sunday School Orchestra of Chureh. mie of Religious Edu.ation. Speaker, Curtis Hollinger. . Solo Miss Sinclair. mittee, election of officers and announcements, conducted by Bitile Class, What it iat, it Does. Speak- hare there. waa ample ev G nee, mot only that those liberia) Who-ut the last election bad been led astray by appeals to passat and pre- Judics, now -fealized th lr mistake, but that the Conservatives. themeat- Yes were becoming restless at the In. creased cyidetice, of incapaelty shown Pingle, Wales Bell Notary Public, Real Estate, Ete. , 4th Avenue, 1 Minute Past Post Office. ToDay s Cials eee COUSINS SISSONS Block 17, ten lots, 350 0, five lots, 500 More than that, on every aide there Wiguation at th campalcn of whisper- ed. calumnies and secret appeals to racial and religious prejudices which had been carried pn (hroughout On- Coupled with thin was Proof of ev en greater indignation at the man- ner In, which Mr. Borden had misled the pedple by his compromise with the Nationalists, whereby immediately, after his electiofi he had included ty Out everywhere, wa a coalition of two absolutely hostile groups The Block 2 CENTRAL PARK Block 17, 500 each. Block ee four lots, 450 each. Hee 4 two lots, 437 three BENDING Whole blocks of lots at 450 pair and Whole blocks 520 pair. BROADWAY ERSIDE) Ten lots at 850 pair. HERALD Block 21, ten lots, 500 (RIV- Call upon us. ear is at your servi at all times. cheers for Lauridrithey showed their determination to wipe ont the dis-) Subdivisions and Farm We litld the largest list in the city. Listings wanted. Kind- ly drop post card. Lands. DOMINIONS ARE PATIENT Lord Ampthill Tells League Colonies. Realize Need of Imperial Policy. at ai QUINCE A. P. Cable) London, Oet. Foster attended last night's League banquet. . The speakers eluded Lord Ampthill, who said the Overseas Dominions redlized better than the Mother Country the neces sity of an Imperial policy for poses of commerce and defence, He concluded by saying that the Do- minions treated with patience the in- sular prejudice and narrow views of the Motherland. PRISONER 1S SHOT Barnegraff Was Trying -to Escape From Columbus Prison, Ohio. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 22, Wil Barnegrafl, who was-arreeted a week ago after escaping from the peniten- e tisry by crawling through a sewer, Convention Medicine Hat District, was shot and killed early today while trying to escape over the wall. serving a Jife-sentence . for Navy 22. Hon. Geo. E. He was murder, ROBERTS DENIES RUMOR Says He Has Made No Ar- rangements to Visit- Can- ada, As Reported. ( . A. P: Cable) London, Oct. 22, Regarding the re- Port from Ottawa published through- out Canada, Lord Roberts has. told the Canadign Associated Press that he has.made no arrangements to via- it Canada. Foster s Shoe Repairing 7.46 Consecration Services, conduct- focation, The town hall was Hasty law, assist- not you T Ls to.Sunday-sehoot-every Sunday, atid an automobile that has tobe cranked up in front before they can start it. had a good deal of difleulty in re- thoes buadings. 25 words, one day...) 136 26 words, throe daye ., 50 25 words, ox daya .. .. 1.00 Cash must accompany the order. it will receive attention. a Bi BBLY WAXTED. ternoons. Apply 711 Hsplanad A. Dickinson; Hot adian Stewart Co, Limited. On Ogilvie MIN job... Boarding camp on-site. Canadian Stewart Co,, Ltd. 83-46 -batber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 29satt ged WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tf SITUATIONS WANTED; EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER desires position immediately. Apply P.O. box 841 . 88-3 ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED board with private famfly. News Box 188 87-8, /WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, ROOM and board in private family, Apply FOR SALE HOTEL FOR SALE IN THRIVING town near Medicine Hat. Newly furnished and everything up-to-date. Apply to Lewis A. Trotter, Walsh, Alta. 87-6 FOR SALE THE ENTIRE HOUSE- hold furniture and furnishing of . a good-sized house, will be sold, rea- sonable for quick sale. Apply 118 Toronto Street. 86-3 FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat; grown on new breaking, 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Mc- Gee, Redvers, Sask. 30 LOST GOLD WRIST WATCH. RE- TURN to News office, Medicine Hat. 5 reward. 84-6 ee LOST A LADY'S DIAMOND DRESS: ed ring. Finder return to No. 5, 3rd) Ave., and receive reward, 88-8 ee The Curse of Caste. Willie, come right into the house, I don t want you to play with that Woppsley boy any more. What's the matter, ma? He's the nicest boy I know. He never swears hor Says natighty words and he goes. he always lifts his cap when he speaks to old gentlemen. That doesn t make any-difference. I don t want you to have anything more to do with him. His folks have lt;8. B, Kiser ee ALPHANETICAL ANALOGIES. (The Argonaut.) Bishop Roots, of Hankow, says that when he first went to Chitia-he saoribartsy Pubes. 44 : aGovingaated: hy a romans seein Xinaat There are no more appron- ae armentis seen alee, re Sy ang Seinen Gort be ae oe ee a SD a PHOTOGRAPH, +, g mandarin, but in the be- chains rosy ea bans F noeeet for-sate-on easy payments and none more appreciated. ginning here in Hankow you aif look- rio. Kiitg, while at every point visited ply to Hee? 207 Teal eatate, Ap- Photographer in your town. OPEN oq as like as two peas. two ; Metged ty. :Liketel. 1acdere Oe 0 Hotson Leader. 54-tt THANKSGIVING DAY. Arrange for peas? said tho English-speaking Roving. spy. blufl man bas a wife who a sitting. mandatia, smiling, Why not vay Sar. 8 * is able to call theblan. The Bartlett Stadio, 213 Fourth Ave two anenes EXOBEDINGLY LARGE BED-SITT- inodern convetttences,: 426 Toronto St ST. ROOMS, 7 SSE ING room, Situations Wanted, Help wanted, close in. For Sale, Lost, Found, ote. ads under 138 2-2. By furnished for housekeeping oF ers. 18.00 per month, Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for lose than 25 cents TWO UNFURN, Best locality, 5) keeping. 16.00--moneh: News office. ISHED FRONT rooms, uitable for light house Phone your ad to No, 12 ring 2, and TWO BEDROOMS, ALSO SITTING rooms to rent in fully modern, new 5 minutes from depot. Would Kentlemen. Apply SS WANTED Laborers by the Canad- fan Stewart Co, 30 per hour Apply Ogilvie Mi site ect WO OF three ox 1885, News offi wt ROOMS WANTED, TRAVELLER wisi be occupied - Satu; each week. dress EL R, tan Hotel. HES ROOM, TO: rday and Sunday. Bath. Give terms. Ad Hassan, care Cosmopoli- GOOD GENERAL . HOUSEMAID wanted. Apply James Hargrave, Phong 802 or P. 0. Box 26. 8i-tt WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY) A. Dickinson, Bennett House, 6th Ave- nue, Seth) WANTED PORTER. APPLY COS- mopolitan Hotel, 83-tf WANTED GIRL FOR BOOK-BIND- ery. Steady work. D: A. Printing Engraving Co. 86-3 ED TO BUY Building Jota Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete., to P. 0. Box 10. Own ie aie, WANT WANTED A SMART GIRL, CAPA- bie of taking care of baby in the af- Si-tt need: apply, + 38th, ers only WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY Cecil. S6tf BARN TO RENT, eee BARN TO RENT APPLY TO East Braemar st. vs TWO GORDON PRESS FEEDERS Wanted at once, Apply tc foreman News Job Department. eve SERVANT WANTED APPLY TO Mrs. B. B. Lively, at Sugar Bowl, Main st. ste STRAYED lS STRAYED OR STOLEN, scoTCH Collie pub. Return to Western Canada Lumber o. Reward, 25 REWARD TH ABOVE Wikis be pald for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, welghing about 1300, branded. elther H. F. monogram on left shoulder, or Thi horse is four years old and has trim- med tail. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept. 30, 1912. Se a er MEDICAL hE oa en DR. W:. M. ANDERSON Physiclan and Surgeon, Office above Assinibola Musle Store. Office hours A. M. 10 to 12; P.M. 2 to 4,-7.t5 890; Resi- dence 512 Roy St. Residence. phone 0: 19-1im BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday morning. Telephone 787, Job Office, or Assiniboia Hotel evenings. Can- 75-tf. WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teamsters. Apply A. P. Burns n on left thigh. Contrhcting Co. Titt WANTED AT ONCE S0 carpenters. WARTED aen and women to learn AUCTIONEERS Hi 8. BROWNE O., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- - on Starkst Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any 3 House furniture sales con- ducted anywhers. Consuit us, our ex- rience at your disposal free. Phone 3. H. B, Browne Co, 619 To- Tonto St. YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM AND . CORSETIERRE Fa ee SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for. against. breaking and rusting; very light weigh a to box 1380, News office, 86:3 aes ee. ae ee ae School. Phone 699 for appointment or Write P. 0. box 72, Mrs, Matthews. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO.; charteree accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, CA, resident artner. Phone 198. Burns Block. MISCELLANEOUS ee HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, -FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection. of Second Hand Tools in the city. We. carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new Lost ak Fouxn jand second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, -Re- Volyers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, ind a nice new line of v:inter goods. We. buy everything mertioned aborn, and pay: the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587, W NTED LADIES AND GENTS: cast-off clothing, shoes, watches. Jewviry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical tnetruments furniture, Democrat waggons, bng- Dicycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hatr, wool and f tthers, bought sold, Appty-to th Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above harness, P. O. box 368. Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE B F. SASTIMO Room 3 News Block. We guar- amtee- satisfaction with We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and A trial order is-alt- patterns. we ask, Prices 1.25 6.50, ROOM 3, NEWS BLOCK Subscribe now for The Daily News. That s the v we are who says S we claim to men s garm the 20th make. We you but. giv tunity. Fa ready. TURPI THE ME Whore you gett COUNCIL - (Continued Ante the political dealing with he: somebody say 61 then went ona Plain that he w: had heard it eai sidered the cou Servatives gt; and - them. He was any of them. F Zled with the c Ald. McClellan er aldermen. snunicipal politi with the paper. Ald. Johnston. getting a squar des Were getting Hat, their pape for nothing els city. He met : wanted 4o know night, and he t he thought tha bunch of school not do what we Keep it out, in Ald. Ansley pointing out ho up to ridicule t Dut he had nev ait. Aid. Doty an lowed in succes: agreed with whi ers had said, The Mayor it back few Ye that the paper council, but aga There was alv Ddetween the for per.and the m lived down. If culated in the lt; Dat it went to tres, In the the council the times, nd als year, when no ent council w: had never seen treated th mat though he had tence that had in that paper. a mayoralty speech, and : was going to v to him and sta to Vote for hir of the speech. The people, paper, would t were cither Id The council we icine Hat, and praise coming you this year * News praising thing done, 1 . it the News ha this was the 1 here in ita in practically spe bythe city. carried for a changed. Last full of Mayor would make gc a factory ever: Said, they woul ographer there * Quoted them ti
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Image 734 (1912-10-22), from microfilm reel 734, (CU1744348). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.