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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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A DOUBLE ROOM SUIT- oe T x H FE, PAS MANIToBA s NEW GATEWAY TO HUDSON BAY Iadied. Apply P.O. Box a Ghe MAP TELLS Ohe STORY . cunmenclss THE PAS ANNEX sorccevian gt; possession. For price and Jand seekers and the rom depot. Apply 207 Bal gt; gt 91-3 Bevery Important Western City and Town has a Railway Line to The Pas, either in. operation or projected, to connect Diane: of the ais Bay Reiltge now being rushed to completion yas p THE PAS town is just on the eve of a remarkable expan- AT ONCE, TWO. FURN- 4, with all conveniences, walk from clty, hall, With) board, Gentlemen pre : a. sae We ANNEX 8751 placed. on the lot, re , tchen range and one gaa j ty J. J. Laity 116 Mon yi is a Good Buy. because ply phone 559. 0-3 FOR SALE Tt oeeupies the ONLY quarter into which the own GAN develop. DERN HOUSE FOR SALM Eyery train into the Pas brings crowds of 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Mo- 8, Sask. 81-80. sion. bs PRICES: Lots 33x132 ft from 50-to 350 each. TERMS: One fifth cash, balance in four equal payments every six months. One tenth cash, balance in nineteen equal con- secutive monthly pay- ments. Five per cent. discount for all cash, Special diseount for blocks. In- terest on deferred pay- ments 5 per cent. No taxes till 1914. ly P.O. box 298. 92-1 ST AND FOUND WEEN TASSIE BROS. purse containing sum nd keys. Box 1292 News 92-6 . UT SIX WEEKS AGO with monogram W. J, H. gt; returned to News office. 91-3 RD AND ROOM. D. ROOM FOR LADY IN ily. Apply 408. 1-2 Main 91-3. TO EXCHANGE commer Ni. T. MACMILLAN COMPANY. ccc rd Floor, McArthur Building, Winnipeg, Man. id. floor used as pool hall Ree a pool tables upstairs. Has z 8. Everything goes for X. Stevenson, 6518, 20th janitor of their apartment house tice Hendick, in which both parties the most charming models Imported blouse matching the costume is still save perhaps some fur. afternoon woe Blind as a memorial to her family. Bere eee more than two years ago. The de- Were Chinese. . The,,flivorce was from Paris. very popular. In ft best form this and informal at home frocks of * The building is a fine structure, com- igary, Alta. 91-6 a STRAY TOPICS FROM plete in ali its arrangements from the fendant in the suit was not the jani- eraited trom. the belie os statutory There are very smart three-quar- 'tall it is 1iMely to heye long sleeves crepe in some one of the poppy oF + LITTLE OLD YEW YORK + root garden, which faces the water on tor who had done the dousing, but.the grounds and no defence was made. ter Wraps designed. .. for afternoon and some sort of full length front fruit reds are immensely popular. LE IN GOOD ORDER TO one side and St. Gabriel s recreation owner of the apartment house. who This is the second Chinese couple di- Wear tn taxi or tim theso trimming or, a ittle walstcoat ar- A new feature fm the autuian oF Medicine Hat lots, or ae EELE EEE ESE a park in the front, to the shower baths employed the janitor, The com- vorced in this clty. x whips Being built of cole rangement inletead of the, transparent modes is the alliance of the long red- house. Address full par- fiicthe basemient. 1 ts the Aret-mod- platnants tn: the: Cade were enjoying cloth. or silken, fabric guimpe and crose-trimm d front, but ingote of soft satin with the under- box E., Carlstadt, Alber- x New York, October 26 A censu8lern factory * building for the blind the cool evening air, sitting on the SPEEL ET EE EES TS of braid, cord or shirred puffings. A there are plenty models of the latter gown of gauze or velvet. These ae Dulletin recently published has caus-lever puilt in this country, and al- steps. in front of their a ent cape of this Kind, made of gold-col- type too. lovely materials are ofa large flor- - SAicoosidersble surprine aid spscuslccecy has. fly. yeousmsuste end aines cue tot aiGhE ia Adgrer voi0, ?, FADS AND FAGRIONS z ored bengaline, with bands of box- Blouses with the upper part in al design carried out in threads of OMS WANTED. : Z Jation throughout the city, The bul- nar caners, and. will accomm date when the janitor rudely ordered them pleated chiffon: yer cording, was broche crepe and the lower part of gold or allver. The exquisite bro- worn last week over a smart bridge the suit material and with a little cades in tones of mauve or blue dre costume of to brown, draped line) of fur defining the union of the especially admired. over with a tinic of embroidered two-are good Jooking, and there are The shot effect that is admired 0 Ietin referred to stated ag ae one hundred more: The cost of the away. They paid no attention to the tegsaceceesest men And girls in Greater New York/ rant was 10,000. Janitor s command, whereupon the Saturday and Sunday d New York, Oct. 26 The season of Ree tale oe Bee ane: as ane The eagerness of his wife to seejantocrat.of the building fetched 4). cia) functions hax begun and even- crepe de Chine, also in the brown numerous pretty simple blouses en- much in the fashionable silks is to ns rms. mearty four thousand. An analy: some jewelry which he had bought in/buoket of water and poured its con- ;, wraps Costuibl have attains Brown fati tigets ik ty of bi 5 die ti be es etn the Bassa, care Commopoll- . the figures: shows that in four of the filet hao ba: aningeind: thy 1a hie: ete ing and tone. Brown bronze tirely of broch Grepe or satin. noted at present newest, eryne Sea smngsied tents over the couple. Ake ait: was lt;a the time: of. their jt import- by 4 Louls heels accompan- There is much red used this millinery, the Iridescent effect of: th five boroughs of Greater New York Se a Now YORE ee elr greatest import- buttons an eel ere is much red u season, millinery, the : of the AP Wd ertumibore the tecielieitiea te recaea eae Aa eee ne ance. Every evening entertainment fed the costime, which was made more than in any recent year, and it feather plumage of the now hate stig- co brought Fenton G- Gilbert, an ac-jseems, however, that the verdict Is) sives an opportunity to study the complete by hat of brown benga- ranges through many lovely shadings, xesting the. changeant, tones: of tat R' WISHES ROOM, TO ulation and that in the borough of countant in this city in conflict with highly unsatisfactory to both sides of : i . styles of the deason and it cannot bel line trimmed With shaded plumes. the old. reds, the reds, the fetas. i TO BUY Bullding tow Brooklyn alone the e eae the customs authorities and, eventu- the controversy. The owner of the geniea that they are unusually at- a high collar and the Directoire Am rican Beauty and fuchsia tones, Scarfs of ostrich feathers are the rey, Herald or Central ye ee The figures for uu? Cost Mim 826 in cold cash. apartment house intends to appeal, tractive. At least half of the winter coljar are particularly notic able in the terra cottas, the mighoganies and correct thing, and they are-very much: prices, terms, ete., to P. Se aie sew a ieee Upon the arrival.of the steamer at the) because he ts of the opinion that he) evening wraps are of brocaded ma- connection ith the new costume frank crimsons, flame and geranim worn im Paris. They are either very: the whole city show a proportionste pier Mr. Gilbert, was met by his wife/coul not be held responsible for the tertal. Some of the velvets with rais- ceed otal of lines, short or of medium length. . The long. Increase in the male population over/andia party of friends. After having acts of the janitor. The complain- eq brocade patterns are superb, and os aarti models iene Vaita . GoeieGed toreaing AUB are: biail ones kee weaniS 00 evenlagtap Sym the proportional rate ten years )his baggage examined by the customs ants in the suit also intend to appeal, such a wrap; bordered with sable, type of collar in place of the more/up im red veivet or sic or chiffon Double maline and tulle ruffs are and this is attributed to imtilgration. inspectors, Mr. Gilbert proceeded to because they consider the damages) skunk or ermine, is almost a8 x- am tiar flat collar and revers, shaw and fur and gold, and look lees thea- worn in black and white, tler around Why the borough of Brooklyn should jeaye the pler with his wife and fol- awarded to them ehtirely inadequate. pensive as one made entirely of fur. eojiar, ote: The mew coat is very trical than one Would imagine from the meck with velvet ribboos. show fo great a preponderance of tiowed by his friends. So anxious The only one who remained perfectly Quantities of material are used, al- ixely to fasten snygiy across the thelr description... Stunning street Florence Fairbanks. - males is difficult to explain and many was his wife to see the jewels he undisturbed and satisfied was the so, in these new wraps. The straight, chest, though it may Be eo cut that costumes are fashioned of the soft, theories have been advanced to AC-/had purchased for her in Paris,:that janitor. narrow garment is no more, and when open the front rolls gtacefully fleecy woollens, such as velours de Loose Leaf System The News Job sount for it: The probable reason hefore they had erossed the. gateof tow easy it is to get in conflict modern wrap, off the figure, resem- yack Often it not only fastens quite laine, peau de chamois or rating, in Department has every facility for sup- may li in the fact that Brooklyn 18 the pier, Mr. Gilbert took trom bis with the authorities by violiting the bles nothing eo much as a huge bal- 4) to the base of the throat but has Warm yet soft shades of rouge an- plying the most satisfactory, what might be called a City of) pocket box containing a fine din- law is demonstrated by loon-like bag with slashes cut at the), nigh collar of fur clasping- the/Clen snd quite without trimmins Subscribe new for The Dally News. Owners only need apply. information that will lead -- very of one grey out 1300, branded either Homes to.a. greater-extent than any /mond and pearl ritig, which he show- the case of Hdwatd Tannenbaum, a sides for the arms. When the wrap s throat tightly. Other models have ; gram on left photlder, or of the other. borou; It has Jed to his admiring spouse. She 8 respected business man and Repabli- om, the. yards and yards of rich fa-l the high, close straight or rolling Di- Sotcdennncscacuiikescie bascealts 4048deseten eft thigh, This horseyis large foreign population , including the ring but so did a customs detec- can candidate for State Senator in bric fall in lines of elegance: and rectoire collar ending on each side pets ; 2 years old and hes trim- many unusually large families 1 )tive in plain clothes who was standing the Twelfth Senatorial District. Some SFace, but the cut of these-wraps is ortho chin in front. Still others i B. Starks, Medicine Hat. Which the feminine element predom- near the gate. Politely he asked Mr. time ago he purchased two tickets for hopelessly beyond the ken of the or- nave fronts crossing to leave a slight 12, ste nates. as it usually does in large Gilbert whether he had paid duty on one of the New York theatres, but at inary dr ssmaker, for despite its Soint below the chin and having flat i Be i ES MEDICAL or low rolling collars beginning a little in front of the shoulders on) each side of the fromt. Or, perhaps, the coat Is quite collariess, though still high cut and a little fur cravat) or other fur is to be worn with it Tamilies, A comparison with the the ring and whether Mr. Gilbert had the Jest moment ome matter of Dassiness and Its fullness the wrap Agures of ten years ago shows, how- any more jewslry concealed on bis pusiness interfered and made it im- Ust take on certain prescribed lines, ever, that even in Brooklyn the num- perion, The would-be smugsler, oseible for him to attend the per- And these lines, in combination with ber ot mates 16 increasing at a pro- finding that the game was up, Pfo- formance. He took the tickets to the tHe voluminous folds, require skill- portionately greater rate than the duced another box, containing dla- ticket agent of the theatre requesting fu hand in the cutting. number of females. mond and pearl, pin and some other nim to take them back, but the agent No matter how full it may be at The Bourne Workshop for the jewelry and was taken to the office of /tuntly refused. .A man who-came-to the front, the back of the wrap must) The exceeding thinness and filmi- Blind, a new large, thoroughly modern the Deputy Surveyor, where he bad thg ticket office at the time and heard fall straight as a plumb lime from ness of the upper portions of the ahd well equipped structure on East to pay 328 to get possession of the the conversation between Mr Tan- tte neck to heels, and the folds must) blouses or bodices belonging to We carry in stock a full line of Building Material Ludi Laie Cement, Biase Stes . ANDERSON Physician n. Office above Assiniboia Office hours A.M. 10 . 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30. Resi- Roy St. Residence phone 0. 11m thbopubeberovebeiopan POE OPAL O LOLOL OPO LOT a Thirty-Fitth Street, was formally e- smugeled Jewels. 4 offered to sweep forward and upward, giving al smart three-plece Gontumes doubtless z e iy ; CTIONEERS dicated the other day with appropri- A jury, before Justice Pendleton, in fer an desea easte for 1 long. sloping, flowing effect from the hag much to do with the raising of Fir Finish and Flooring a Specialty. ate ceremonies. The building was the Supreme Court the other day, and Mr. Tannenbaum was glad to bust to the back of the knees. Viewed) the coat protection across the chest. 3 IWNE CO., Live Stock erected by order of Miss Emily How- awarded verdict of 75 damages to aispose of the tickets at that price. TM sny angle, also, the wrap must There are many frocks. built up al- eral Auctioncers, 519 Tor: land. Bourne and donated by her to a man and his wife, who had boon ly arrested on. tho 8PP ar marrow and tapering at the most entirely of thick, soft, flesey Yard, North Railway Street. :. Phone 59. tock Sales every: Friday T - the New York Association for of water by the charge of being a ticket speculator, hat-th b frocks that seem Ta ThSa quare at 1 o'clock. Rancb the little booted foot are just visible- altogether too warm for any indoor Petebeteteteretetereserstereborete ote-Poteteze was taken-to the night court and eS a fined 6. Accompanied by his lawyer There s'm decided fancy for Red Sal 7 Cur ; ree tae acter to Tudge Riding Hood evening wraps just at ives e ema Swann'fm General Sessions the other he moment, and a good proportion: f the Paris models are in geranium, day, with a request that the sentence : lof the night court magistrate be re- flame. or a new deep-toned red call- ock sales conducted any- use furniture siles con- here. Consult us, our ex- your disposal free, Phone Browne Co, 619 To- seat SRED ACCOUNTANTS wear, but the frock of the three- piece costume is usually of exceed- ing thinness in. the upper part of chestyaieMe Slsid v tice fe thin FALL 19 1 SAMRIVED ed dahlia, which is enormously tash- and the sheer stuff runs down into ald rapa pears COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP- fonable. These brilliant wrape are, the skirt, but more often the skirt Judge Swann declined to do 0, al- 3 though he sald he would have done Course, exceedingly ai et ee Funs up Into. the bodice in TODA s gt; COAT. but) been the magistrate before 0 OF two of them in Soaps Separate blouses are: In regard to skin- diseases, medical D. Prescription. This penetrates to authorities are now agreed on this: the disease germs and destroys them, 7 then soothes and henls the skin as the dit o Don't imprison the disease germs tn ee ese ae over doen Saad Ses aur skin by the use of greasy. iy heara. of fainter tints are very pleast dors moat of the French Ree ain Gleanin, 7 ark Eexeonuig nts atid auditors, (estab- and thus encourage them to multiply. than one family: by recommending 0 the case was originally heard.) 16 one can afford ity-far Is ale Sairsiraliet laa x epairing, ig cs auditors, city of Medicine A true cure of all Sczematous diseases this D. D. D. Prescription to a skin Whatever may oe the opinion of trimming to be selected for the even h ya few delighttal white: FUR COATS REPAIRED. eg, Medicine Hat, Leth- can be brought about only by using sufferer here and there, and we want the world concerning the great mass ing wrap. Nothing is so alluringly G EO Cc A M. P B E L L E. Gibnon; C.A, resident the healing gents in the form of al you to try it now. We ean tell youlof the inhabitants of China, it can- becoming as a soft far collar against fact that the Deacon contame Uae 3 DEPOT hone 198. Burns Blook, liquid. All about D: D. D. Preseription atid mot be dented that te Chinese t the bare neck and shoulders, and for wilh be: worm by majority of We- LS81 NORTH RAILWAY. ORR RemeM y 275att i WASH THE GERMS OUT. how it cures ezema, or you can get America are progressive and ahow) lends decided snggestion of ele- manitind. . A simplh sh: A compound of/a free trial botth News delivered in ti became le by writing D.'D. D. f 'D. D.Jconsiderable power of adaptation.) gance even to a simple wrap. Chits Thete ate ae Pretty-plouseg in old ; Olt of Wintergreen, Thymol, and other 49 Colborne St, Tor- The other day a divorce sult was fon is, however, modern substitu e crepe -and soft eflk Xian there have airs AD TISE IN THE NEW. i ingredients as combined, in the D. D. onto. Chas. 8. Pingle, Druggist: heard In the Supreme Court by: Jns- and ig extensively used in many of been in resent year, dnt te chitton LIVE ven THE BEWS. : ashe ioe z g 14i
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Image 771 (1912-10-26), from microfilm reel 771, (CU1744359). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.