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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Vici Kid lasts in winter welght. cut. Regular 8.75; heel and winter . - All sizes, Regu- 10 MAIN STREET 8. eet the Turkish plenipo ere. AL ACCIDENT tal to the News.) upert, Nov. 22. Alfred her of Seth Thomas, of an. was killed today on an duto hose wagon, ned, crushing him. Mrs. Hips, of Brandon, is DAILY EDITION AP, AND . AP. Great Unrest Among European Powers Germany - Gerisorshi London, Nov, 23. The calling of the reservists of five German army orps to their colors immediately, the Issuance of a strict censorehip of l telegraph and telephone from Austria-Hungary, continued military Activities in Russia and Austria-Hun- ary, great unrest throughout. the continent of Europe, more than the Balkan states and Turkey are among the slgnificant indicatfons today that conflict among the great powers of Burope is not considered mprobabic. Strenuous efforts are being made in ALBERTA BONDS SOLD 10 GREAT ADVANTAGE Price Secured b by Govern- ment Very High Corsid- ering the State of ae Market. PROMINENT BANKER SURPRISED AT PRICE Details of Offers Received for Bonds Seeurities of Other Provinces Begging. (Special to the News) Edmonton, Nov. 28 Thmt the re- Sent ale of Alberts: bonds in-Londop iF of -the- best and most advanr tageows financial deals for this fice that has ever been: smtite- since * berta sale inion of bahkers and ''cipitalists: gen- -erally inthis city aid' all over the Province, according to one of the Jeading bank managers of Edmonton: In all 6,000,000 of 10 year 4 per cent: debentures were sold at 27 for immediate: issuc, while ie highest American bid on the ame securities was 88.8. This offer Was not con- sidered by Premler Sifton and his colleagues, and the bonds were sold In London. Pho deat fs such a good one that it is extremely hard to make com- parisons, said ons bank manager-in discussing the matter this morning. So few of the Canadian provinces have been able to. any loans at) sil during the past fow months that it ts difficult to find a comparison with even a month ago. In the past two months the Balkan trouble has had a decided: effect on the money markets of the world, and it speaks volumes for the credit of Alberta that the government was able to float a Joan of such magnitude on such terms. : x By way of showing what a good bargain had been made for the pro- vince this authority pointed ont. that in September. last, the city of Ottawa whose credit is considered to be very high indeed, had offered for sa 4 1,041,929 of 4 per cent bonds. These bonds were placed on the market in two blocks, one block of 991,929.99 fand.the other of 50,000. .In both cases the highest tenders received were from the Bank of Ottawa, which secured the bonds at 94. Oth- offers from English and American Calling in Reserves Russia ria at Odds With Servia and Enforced Denials of Troubles. Het. ween Nations Not Believed The Cholera Situa- tion Dead General Found. the inauguration of Alberta 1s the op : financial houses ranged trom 92.598) to 90.265, Agother instance showing the good bargain that had been made by the Province was brought to light when the same authority showed whefe the bonds of the Edmonton, Dunve- gan British Columbia rallroad Were recently sold at 94 1-2, although the bonds were bearing interest at the rate of 41-2 per cent against the A per gent of the bonds just sold by the government. This road is one of the roads guaranteed by the gov- ernment, and 3,500,000 of its bonds were sold at the above rate, and at the time this was considered a re- markably. good sale, According to the bankers then are many instances of how high Al- berta stands fm the financial markets to be found in the pages of the fin- ancial journals. every week. At the pr sent time 4 per cent tel- ephone bonds issued by this prov- ince in 1908 are held at 101, while 99 is offered. This means that th bonds. have reached par, which is Femarkable when it - is considered Active Aust- Strict diplomatic circles to avert a war, which might change the map of Bur. ope from. Moscow to the Atlantic. Cholera Situation. Cbnatantinople, Nov, 23 The Turk- eh government reports a great de- crease in the number of deaths trom cholera during the past week. Some attempt is being made to house the soldiers suffering from the disease, Wooten huts are being erected at the San Stefano cholera camp on the open plain, which few days ago (Continued on page 9.) nr minion have dropped many points in the past few months, British Columbia 4 1-2 per cent Donds are now quoted on the Lon- don Exchange at 100, and in finan- ial circles British Columbia is gen- erally regarded as having a very high standing. The bonds now quoted at 100 however, will fall off two points s coon as the half yearly interest on them has been paid, which will be in a short time, so that the Alberta bonds held at a steady 101 are in reality better than the B. C.-bonds at 100, although only 99 is offered for the Alberta. bonds. Taken all tound the receit Al- one of the best finan- cial deals of the year, many issues of bonds went begging and were left onthe hands of the underwriters at heavy loss. When it is taken into consideration that in selling bonds there is the underwrit- ters commission to be pafd, it will be seen that in getting 97 after all expenses, Premier Sifton and Hon. Malcolm Mackenzie got very close to the present B.-6.-quotation-price-for the Alberta bonds, whidh are oulst of ten years duration. CATCHING SHARKS Special to the News) ; by the OEE more stringent the legislation at present in foree regarding. the advertising of new financial issues. - Fregh obliga- tions will be imposed on those re- sponsible for new issues other than French state securities. The purport' ; of the new regulations is to. enable subscribers the better to judge of the financial position and strc of the issuing parties. PUBLIC TRUSTEE Hobart, Tasmania, Nov. 22. Among the bills introduced by. the government this session is a lengthy one fer the appointment, of a public trustee, who will also be curator of interstate estates. There are throe divisions in the bill, public trust, unclaimed lands and unclaimed pro- erty. KILLED A DETECTIVE Special to the News) Erie, Pa., Nov. 23 Henry Visber, Qi years old, last night shot and In- stantly killed Detective Sergeant John 'T. Grant, who was trying to arrest him for an assault. upon-an old woman. Grant entered -Visber's home and tried door. Visber shot through the door the bullet strik- ing Grant's heart. CHAS. LEONARD DEAD London, Ont., Nov. 23. Charles Leonard, member of the firm of EH. Leonard and Sons, manufacturers of engines and boilers, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. He was in his sixtieth year and was a son of.the late Senator Leonard. LAST SESSION OF THE RANCHING COMMISSION (Special to the News) Calgary, Nov. 23. Twenty-one year leases and ten section areas for grazing purposes were recommended fo the Dominion Ranching-and-Geaz- ing Commission by the ranchers of Alberta who assembled here toda: A proposition to limit the individual tracts to two townships was voted down and the ten-section clause adopted instead. This is practically the last meeting that will be hela by the Ranching when 80 * ing. dependent BOWMAN S EVIDENCE (Special to the News) + Fort Worth, Nov. 8- J. Henry Bowman, Jr., ee ae of oe B, Sneed, Amarijia. Box. used of having gp re ai , Boyce, aged Fait Jury today of an. Incident inthe Sneed home after Mra. Sneed had eloped With the Boyce, Jr, and the pleading of the two Sneed obildren Each night, sald Bowman, the children kissed their mother picture, Other witnesses regarding remarks, alleged to have beet made by the elder Boyce, of Mrs. Sneed, described them genrally as defam- atory. It is one of the -contentions of the defense that Sneed, because of the elopement of his wife with the Young Boyce, and of remarks accred- ited to Boyce, Sr., was incapable of calculation when he shot the Fanch- man in the lobby of a local hotel. Bowman had not cdneluded his tes- timony when the court adjourned, Sneed will probably testify tomor Tow. FAST DESTROYER London, Nov. 28 The torpedo boat destroyer Lurcher, built by Messrs; Yarrow and Compaty, Scotstoun, has been handed over to the British ad- miralty authorities. During her, t rials the Lurcher attained a record) uous run of hours, under full ser vice condition: TAFT Will Not Take Pension Of fered by Carnegie Found- ation. (Special to the News) Washington, D. C., Nov. 23. While yo announcement on the subject: 13 forthcoming from the White Houws3, ft appears to be settled in President Taft's mind that he will decline to be beneficiary of the Carnegie Foundation s pension fund for ex- Presidents. a His rejection of the proposal is x: pected to be announced ti advance, of formal tender of the pensigh which presumably will not/be made his retirement from officd on Mareli-fourth next. From:the little that can. be learned of the President's att tude,; he doed not-wish to pinte himself im. m.posi- tion where he might be accused of a bit of demagogy on the one hand or of disctourtesy of trustees of the atnegie Foundation on thevother in declining the pension. For that rea- Son he probabiy will express his views in a statement that will show appreciation of the m of the Car- negie Foundation and Will point out why he feels he cannot take advan- tage of it. Following the president's decision pot to discuss. -the. matter for publication, members of the cab- inet declined to. give interviews, A few of them, however, dropped hints that they were opposed to recognition of the idea that private corporation should provide for the future ease and comfort of the persons who had served as presidents, The cabinet view is that any such provision for ex-presidentss hould come from con- gress. The idea of ex-presidents be- on private corpora- tions is distasteful to many of Mr. Taft's assistants and friends. PRESBYTERINS TO: BUILD UNWERSITY (Special to the News) Regina, Nov. 22. A deputation rep- resenting the Presbyterian church waited on the finance committee of the city council to outline a scheme for a reat university to be built here and for which the council's as- sistance is sought. With the dona- tion of 300 acres and close on 500,- 090 the deputation stated that.a short time would see them with the de- sired neucleus of the scheme in hand with nearly a million of money and five hundred acres of land. The gov ernment is to be asked for assistance fm the way of a land grant and some assistance is also desired from the city. NEW GCP.R. STEAMER (Special to the News.) London, Nov. .23 Mrs. G, M. Bos- worth launches today at the govern- ment yards a new C. P. R. liner Em- press of Agia, for the Pacifi trade. The vessel was built with her sister ship, Empress of Russia, to replace th - boats used for twenty years past. It is significant at the present time that both vessels have been construc-' ted with crulser sterns and-will car- Commission on its present tour. The report will be delivered at Ottawa within a few weeks. The recom mendations of ranchers in the var ious sections visited by the commis- sioners will be formulated into a re- that the bonds -of other provinces and of the large citi s of the Do- port and submitted to the Govern- ment authorities for consideration. ry eleven hundred passengers and a Crew: of 500. We have a client with 800.00. to pay on first payment on house, north of teack. What have you to offer? A, om Co. fon hands cl Speed of over 35 knots in a contin . g towaras GREEK SEGTION HAND MILLED AT F DUNMORE truck Him at Work BTANTANEQUS tht to Medi- roner s In- ely be Held Greck section Killed in Dun- Remains Bro cine Hat quest Will Metro Deinmik, hand, was more yards this The body was B on the noon notified. It ig Will be neta. The deceased, learned, was wo ght to the city id the coronbr that an inquest fae as can be with other sec- up the yards. The yard engine was running up and down the yards ing cars, As far As can be learned: the unfortunate man stepped in front of the fast) moving engine. It struck him with great force and hurled him for some distance. Death instantoneous.. GOT D. Montreal, Noy: Dame P. Dube, receives 400 from fie courts because her son, Ernest, fell down a stairway in a local police station, after being taken in charge by a patrolman for being drunk. ane eS Schools. Regina, Nov. 23 As a first step the consolidation of rurai schools in Saska Inture. this oat the cominittee of amendment to the present School Grant: Act, whereby the government Will-defray on third of the-cost of pupilg:to school imithe ru- of the province. In an- question by Messre;:Will- cuesbyt an :Cunningham, attorney- general Furgeon. announced'theyere- ation of new judicial districts; the centers. of which are a8 follows: Arcola, Moosimin, Regina, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Prines Albert, Bat- tleford, Scott, Kerrobent, Kindersley, Swift Current, Bstevan, Melville, Wy- nard, Weyburn and Humboldt. The appointment of the necessary. judges of the new judicial districts which bring the total for the province up to seventeen, Mr. Turgeon pointed out was a matter within the juris- diction of the federal government. WOMAN Sued by Hired Man for Breach of Promise to Marry. (Special to the News) Moose Jaw, Nov. 23. Papers were served today by O. R. Regan ont Mrs. Maud Greenman, of Eyebrow, for breach of promise and Pat Kelly, her former hired man, is the complain- ant. He states in the writ that 10,000 would be balm for his wound- ed feelings. Mrs. Greenman is weal- thy, farming a section and a quarter. Many letters which haye passed the two will be put in as evidence. Incidentally there was a row in Eyebrow this morning over the threatened suit and a farmer friend of Mrs. Greenman, named Bert Kirk, beat up Kelly: Kirk was immed- fat ly hauled before the local jus- tie, of the peace and was fined 4 breach of promise papers were serv- ed throueh the ofice obj0. Regan, of this citys leesedee cakes os + CLOUSTON TAKEN + + SUDD) LL b + + Montreal, Que, No. 23 + Sir Edward Clouston was ov- + ercome by weakness shortly + st 'before noon tuday, while in f+ ++ the office of the Royal Secur- + f ities Company and removed +f to the Royal Victoria Hos- 4 pital, He had gust entered + *f the office when he was seen +f +f to totter, and fel to the. . floor, Pete No statement hawaii, yet) pe +f been given out ag to his' on- of +f altion, + * + Bb he bE bob et F costs forsassault- Then the) CUBAN ELECTION DISPUTED (Special) to the News) Havana, Nov. 28. A Natlonal Lib- eral Assembly convened in Havana today to take steps to dispute the legality of the Pecent election in which Gen. Mario Menocal wan elect- ed president of the republic. The assembly is composed of followers of Alfredo Zayas, who Was leading op- ponent of Gen. Menocal in the latter's contest for tho presidency. CONSUL MURDERED (Sp cial to the News) London, Nov, 23. It s,said that the foreign office shares the general belief that there is foul play in the affair of Consul Prochaska, at Pris- rend, and that if the Sorvian author- ities could produce him they would have done so long ago. Yesterday's telegram from Pris- rend, dated Nov. 17, and signed Prochaska, answered the press ingtiry addressed to him and stated vaguely that he leaves for. Uskub. The foreign having received no news, this message is considered spurions and merely prelude to the announcement of ag subse- quent disappearance, though he was probably made away) with-when the Servians occupied Prisrend a fort- night ago. Consul Edel, sent by the foreign office to make inquiries, was attend- ed from Belgrade by Servian gend- armes and should clear up the mys- tery by Gunday. ROSS Former Ontatio-Premier is Liberal Leader in the Sen- ate. Ottawa, Noy. 23 At a caucus of the Liberal members of the Senate today, Sir George W. Ross, former Liberal Premier of Ontario, was cho- en leader in the upper house to suc- cee? the late Sir Richard Cartwright. His chief rival for the post was Sen- twenty-five cast for Sir George. The Will Soon. be a Thing of Men Have Tendered maneiit eeeeenect past. The passing of this brigade Hat s vee Medicine Hat's volunteer fire de- ee Ae evOUaE NY Jonette pe partment will goon be a thing of the firemen. AI Brown lof young citizens who have worked come when it was 80 conscientiously and bard in the-in-Jeity to have by Ald. Doty. He stated that some ten or twelve . terests of the city, was announced at There are the city council meeting last night the present cn ha i of the best of the volunteers had en d dered their resignaions to Chigt give Hatcher to take effect in December, come They are going south to spend the in leaving. winter in California. He) explained that it would be impossible to get LADY EVELYN GREY A BRIDE, (Special to the News) London, Nov. 23 Tho America ambassador, Mr. Whitelaw Reid, lent Dorchester House today for the wed- ding reception of Lady Evelyn Grey jand Mr, Lawrence Jones. Lady Evelyn 6 well known socially in New York-and Newport as weil as in Can- ada. Lawrence Jones, the lt;bride- groom, ig well known London bar- rister and the eldest son of Sir Law- rence J. Jones. Archdeacon Wilber- force officiated at the marriage cere- jmony, which took place in St. Mar Baret's Church, Westminster, in the presence of a Jarge and fashionable assemblage. SHERIFP ARRESTED * (Special to the News) Detroit,. Nov. 23. Albert B. Seh- County, from: Brrested bere up ab central i ae a ation of perjury. gue a: Fire others, and therefore it, was up to the (Chief ean Se oer Hi French P Attempted Suicide. Times But Thwarted; L Story of Justification Re- yivede 0S (Bpeciat to the News.) Paris, Nov. 28 The question whe- eipectation was that tel Tt is. said Sheriff Beamclegiiea ee ther a husband is justified in ending leadership, Would go to Senator Bos- une caucus... Senator Dandurand,, ex speaker of the upper house, has been Tegutded by,many a8 a-possible suc- c ssor to Sir, Richard Cartwright, Plt he retired in. favor of. Senator Bostock. Senator Dandurand will act, as assistant leader. The election of the former Ontario premier came ag) a surprise more particularly as his health has not been good in recent years, and he was unable to attend session, He is now somewhat im- proved in health. BANQUETTED WETMORE (Special to the News.) Regina, Noy. 23 The members of . the Saskatchewan bar last night ten- dered a grand bahquet in honor of former,.Chiet Justice Ludlow Wet more, The gathering was attended by all the foremost lawyers of the province, while Chief Justice Haul- tain and other occupants of the Su- preme court bench were also present to honor Saskatchewan's veteran jur- Ist. MICHAEL FRASER HAS LEFT LAWSUIT SCENES Toronto, Ont, ov. 23. Michael Fraser, the retired Midland farmer, whose marriage to Miss Hannah O. Robertson has caused a succ ssi of lawsuits ever since, died yester afternoon at his home in Midlan his 83rd year, Michael Fraser came into prominence in 1910 he mafried Miss Hannah M. ertson, daughter of Rey. My ertson, of Barrie, Ont. A of September 30th, 1909, wi vented by persons who 0 fore that date had armed c0 er the defondant and his hoagie Mr. Fraser was a man Woi 80,000, Miss Cathorine M his: niece, on behalf of his took imm llate g tion to Tinve the marriage on the grounds: that he wa ot.sane at the time of; its performin e. Much litigation followed, A new rial is at present pending. AFTER, McMICKEN Winnipeg, Nov been entered McMicken, Marshalk as Stgdman ind Hctous: congpltacy: asd mn: Test of Captain hhection with the:recent Ma flection, Dathages are piaced. at 10,099. An attempt is being made today to float the Royal George. dex Neither -of the when the sittings of the upper houso taaty- Win.;Sifton, Ink bn- as one: thi ae Yearly rush of grain to the market. rested in some time Ago on ip. eabieteneey sts let or children to, stat ions, he charged his county railroad fare and. other expenses fof-a Matron but feiied to take a matron with him on these trips. county, came to Detroit for the pur pose of bribing a womian to swear she-had accompanied hint as matron on-one of these occasions. A woman, who is also held at the Police station, confessed, the officials say, that Schwitty paid her 100 to make an affidavit today to this ef- fect. JEW-BAITING (Special to the News) London, Noy. 23. In Saloniki Je baiting hag - begun on the pretext that a Jewish brandy shop had sold poisoned cognac to the soldiers, some of whome-died. They had cooked sour food in copper im which verdi gris had formed.The owner of the brandy shop was arrested, and the population was-extited against all Jews, During the night they forced pen shops and robbed private partments and business houses. Sey- jeral soldiers brokeinto a Jewish banker's villa, forced open his safe and stole the contents. Others de- seerated temples and stopped a Jew- ish fineral, dispersing the mourners. pes AUSTRAGIAN. TIMBER (Special te the the News) Nov. 28. There is a Antreas d demand tor crown ers in Queensland. The revenue this Source has increased six- in seven years. ; ALLOW BANKS' TO Special to the News) Ottawa, Nov. 23The proposal which Kas been advocated by wentern reaches the tlevators, is supported by J.-A. M, Atkins, who has given notices of a bill, amending the Bank Act, to this effect. Mr. Alkins hag not included oattle in i as he feels that-th y can hardly fregarded ins stable, a security a wheat stored in) the farmers wands) houses, *The itiever regards the plan will help to solve. the eer n ver thirty Portage Ia Prairle far- Red are retiring this fall. Each has from 75,000 to 250,000 a8 a result of tarming operations, the sufferings ofa wife affected with an incurable disease has again been raised by a case at the village of) Sanners, in- the department of the Seine and Oise. oo ee poe neriy. trate, sixty bis stster refused. I Mme, Breggery teproached, her ie ter and, ealled her 2 coward; then she tured again to her husband and made him swear if he id not) ec- cede: to her r quest he would not ywn life afterward. Duriag the next four days she con- tinued to appeal fo her husband to reli e her of her pain. in the only possible way gt; He still refused, but the pain grew worse and worse; re peated. doses of narcotics brought nib relief and Iast night the tragedy ended. Driven wellnigh mad by the sight of his wife s sufferings, M. LOAN MONEY ON. WHEAT; Joxisese Mr. Darrow is to be tried on Bregery took a revolver and shot her three times in the head. Death Was instantaneous. For twol ihours husband sat 4 ed. by the Body of his dead ; then he went to the police station and confessed What he had done, : i I have killed my wife paid. She suffered so mich pain; and the doctors said they eouja not save her. / I am at your dispowal. + + When M. Breggery returned him in custody of two policenien,- he found there his wife's sister sho fell into his arms, exclafmin; Emile, you are a gbod man. For year you Bodh. . eitiened terribly. fan indictment charging bim with the bribery of Robert E-Bain, a juror in the McNamira trial. S m 6 months ago he was tried/on an Indictment a similiar offence amd acquitted.
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Image 971 (1912-11-23), from microfilm reel 971, (CU1744487). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.